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What causes occasional splotchy vision, headache and dizziness? What do my MRI scan test results indicate? What causes stiffness, tremor in middle finger and pinching in fingers of leg? Suggest an alternative medication for Nystan taken for oral thrush Are fever, chills, dry mouth and fatigue signs of HIV? Suggest remedies for excessive salivation in a pancreatic cancer patient What causes bad mood swings, sadness and high emotions? Suggest the ideal dosage for Indomethacin taken for sensitive headache What are the symptoms of jock itch? What causes internal bleeding in lungs after a surgery? What causes burning pain below the rib cage? What causes shaking of hands when I yawn? What causes yellowish shredded stools followed by diarrhea in a GERD patient? What causes ringing in ears, dizziness and memory problem? What causes frequent urination and burning sensation during urination? What does this x-ray report indicate? What causes missed period, lower abdominal cramps and constipation? What causes left sided abdominal pain above hip bone? What causes brown vaginal discharge after menstruation while on BC? Suggest remedy for addiction to Bisacodyl Is removal of appendix the right treatment for enlarged appendix? What causes white patch on upper lip after having Tetanus shot? What causes difficulty in walking and turning around? Suggest treatment for allergic reaction to flu vaccine Suggest medication to postpone period What are the chances of pregnancy through unprotected sex during fertile period? Suggest treatment for Klebsiella infection What does this ECG report indicate? What causes burning sensation on penis? Suggest remedy for painless and soft moveable lymph node in neck Can people with two different blood groups get married? Suggest treatment for arrhythmia other than medication What does this MRI report indicate? What causes brittle and thin hair, profuse armpit sweating and fatigue? What do my urinalysis test results indicate? Do acid reflux and post nasal drip cause bronchitis? What causes excessive sweating and low appetite in children? Are benign skin rashes contagious? What causes stomach pain and loose stool while on Lyrica? Do antibiotics help in treating tooth ache and post nasal drip? What do these nuclear stress test and Calcium score indicate? Does MX3 help in treating thyroid nodule? What causes mild monocytopenia? What causes itching sensation on abdominal area post intercourse? What causes severe itching in the genitals post intercourse? What causes scrotal hematoma post vasectomy? Suggest remedy for persistent sinus congestion Is NeuroStar TMS the right medicine for depression? What are the repercussions of overdosing on Cefdinir? What causes pain in tail bone area? Suggest remedy for heart arrhythmia What causes discomfort in testicle? What causes rashes on chest, neck and upper back? Suggest remedy for tail bone injury What causes tingling and numbness in left ear and occipital region? Suggest remedy for dizziness while suffering from depression Is it safe to switch from Protonix to Famotidine? What causes sudden sharp pain in vaginal area while on Susten during pregnancy? Is Prednisone safe to take for severe cold? What causes swollen testicle? Do diarrhea, cramps and loss of appetite need medical attention? Can a UTI cause sore throats or inflamed tonsils? What causes burping, choking and vomiting after food in a diabetic patient? What does my MRI scan test result indicate? What causes tingling sensation around the wrist after consuming alcohol? What causes tingling sensation in hands, wrist and discomfort in legs? What causes fluctuations in blood pressure during pregnancy? What causes stomach pain post intake of abortion pills? What causes sudden swelling and hardness in jaws near the cheekbone? What causes severe fatigue in a 51 year old woman while treating thyroid? Is intercourse advisable while on BC? How effective are BC in preventing pregnancy? Are sore and swollen lips signs of herpes? What causes breakthrough spotting in a patient with irregular menstrual cycle? What causes rapid heart rate while walking and headache? What do my ultrasound scan test results indicate? Will distant exposure to insecticides affect the fetus during pregnancy? What do my lab test results indicate? What causes numbness in lips after a dental injection? Suggest an alternative medication for Epitril What does my MRI scan test report indicate? Is a small cyst on the forehead a symptom of cancer? Suggest treatment for Adenoid What causes elevated C-peptide and insulin levels?m What causes severe chest pain with burning sensation in throat? What causes slow stream urination with a family history of prostate cancer? Suggest treatment for severe depression What are the symptoms of swallowing a piece of plastic spoon? What do my lab test results indicate? What causes a radiating pain in jaw, neck,ears, teeth and scalp? Suggest remedies for vertigo and nausea What causes vomiting post consumption of raw oysters? What do my lab test results indicate? Is RAM CPAP as effective as CPAP technology? What causes low BP post intake of Concor? What causes vomiting after consuming apple puree in a 6 months old infant? What causes watery secretion with blood and lower abdominal pain with irregular menstruation? What causes needle like pain in lower left abdomen in a diabetic patient? What causes an increase in thyroid profile during a blood test? What do my lab test results indicate? Is pregnancy possible despite taking oral contraceptive? Suggest medical tests to be done for a diabetic and hypertensive patient What causes a painful hard stuff below the ribs on the left waist? Suggest treatment for colitis How to overcome anxiety and insecurity in initiating conversations for courtship? What are the symptoms of COPD? How long the withdrawal symptoms of Solian last? Suggest medical tests to rule out abdominal cancer Is exercising advisable for a pulmonary TB patient while on antibiotics? What does my ultrasound scan test report indicate? How healthy is I Can't Believe It's Not Butter spray? What causes vomiting in a 17 month old infant? Suggest remedies for muscle contraction around the head What does my ultrasound scan test report indicate? Suggest treatment for severe pain in legs in an elderly person with emphysema Suggest treatment for cold, sore throat and fever What are the side effects of frequent masturbation? What are the withdrawal symptoms of Norco? Suggest treatment for male breast What does my CT scan test result indicate? Suggest an alternative medication for Claritin taken for pollen allergies Is a CK-MB reading of 40 a cause for concern? What do my lab test results indicate? Can a patient with dilated fallopian tube conceive naturally? What causes patellofemoral pain and swelling in the right knee in arthritis patient? Is persistent cervical pain after an embryo transfer a cause for concern? What do my lab test reports indicate? Does intake of Risperidone liquid help in treating bipolar disorder? Is bleeding during a bowel movement a cause for concern? What causes dark spots on lower lip? What causes sores all over the mouth? Suggest treatment for severe anxiety and depression What causes redness and swelling in the right leg with fever? What causes swelling in buttocks and fever after a hormone shot? Suggest dosage for Metrogyl for amoebiasis Suggest treatment for itching and infection in the ear canal Suggest treatment for intermittent pop and pain in ribs What causes decreased urine flow while on Ofloxacin? What causes persistent cough in an elderly person on continuous use of tobacco? What causes a small painful lump on the left testicle? What causes strong urine odor? Suggest treatment for abscess on forehead while on Bactrim What are the repercussions of accidental ingestion of Clotrimazole and Betamethasone? Suggest treatment for massive tissue injury Is blood sugar level of 210 a cause for concern? Suggest ways to accelerate healing time of tissues after an ankle surgery Suggest treatment for headache post an injury Suggest treatment for severe lower abdominal pain What are the various ways to terminate pregnancy? What do my lab test reports indicate? Is Elica test done post 3 months of exposure conclusive? Is pregnancy possible despite taking oral contraceptive? Is lymphocyte count in blood of 2.9 a hindrance for conception? Is bladder incontinence a sign of cauda equina? What causes low blood sugar levels? Suggest treatment for premature ejaculation Suggest treatment for fatigue, shoulder pain and breathing trouble Suggest treatment for gardnerella infection after a Metronidazole shot What causes pain in back worsened by bowel movement? What are the signs and symptoms of type 2 diabetes? Suggest treatment for acid reflux and tingling sensation in leg after taking Omeprazole Suggest treatment for severe pain in the thigh and the groin area What does my urine analysis test report indicate? Suggest treatment for pressure in chest and palpitations while treating low testosterone levels Suggest treatment for bumps on penis Is Alprazolam safe to take along with Nyquil? What is the life expectancy of a person with mild aortic stenosis? Suggest treatment for severe acne while on Minoz What do my BP readings indicate? Suggest treatment for stress induced inflammation causing airway obstruction Suggest treatment for severe fever and cold in an infant Suggest treatment for dizziness and weakness while on Amlodipine Suggest treatment for persistent cough, bronchitis and pneumonia What causes delay in menstruation after taking Unwanted 72? What are the chances of herpes infection through skin contact? What causes stomach pain and loss of appetite while treating high ASO titre? What causes gurgling noises in stomach after every meal? What causes blood in urine? Is a HCG level of 233 after abortion a cause for concern? Suggest treatment for severe headache and pain above left eye What causes lack of appetite, weight loss and stress in an elderly person? What causes mucus in the throat while on inhaler for asthma? What causes recurring sharp pain on left-sided abdomen and nausea? What causes white bump on lower lip? Suggest treatment for erectile dysfunction What causes penile discharge and pain during urination? What causes small white blisters under foreskin? What causes pain in left breast radiating to armpit? Suggest remedy for watery stools Can excessive use of condoms cause foul smell in the head of penis? What are the chances of STD transmission through non penetrative sex? Suggest remedy for split nail despite having negative biopsy result What causes pain in the left calf muscle? Suggest remedy for gastritis Can HIV be contracted through non-penetrative sexual activity? What does this lab report for hepatitis indicate? Is D&C the right treatment for retained products of conception? What causes numbness in thumb post angioplasty procedure in left arm? What causes blurry vision after a miscarriage with a history of eye surgery? What causes pea sized lump on belly?
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