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What causes pain in the ankle? Suggest treatment for redness and burning sensation on the lips Suggest treatment for diarrhea and abdominal pain What do the following lipid profile results indicate? What causes the urge to urinate along with incomplete emptying of the bladder? How long should compression sock be worn after tummy tuck procedure? Suggest diet changes to be followed while suffering from typhoid What does this CT scan report indicate? Is HIV transmission possible through skin to skin contact? What does this CT scan report indicate? What causes swelling in the lips and tongue when having history of bee sting allergy? What causes purple discoloration of the fingers? Does itching sensation on the skin need medical attention? Suggest remedies for swelling in the feet and ankles Suggest treatment when diagnosed with spinal stenosis Is a bilirubin level of 22.2 a cause for concern? What causes frequent urination despite a negative urinalysis report? Suggest remedies for a cut at the base tendon in index finger How long can nebulizer medication be taken? What causes restriction in the throat and stomach pain? What causes itching at the penis tip with small paper cuts? Suggest treatment for voice hoarseness post recovery from laryngitis Suggest treatment for muscle cramps, weakness and fatigue Suggest treatment for fungal infection on the body How can an STD infection be contracted? Suggest treatment for severe pain when diagnosed with spinal stenosis Suggest treatment for breathing difficulty and wheezing Suggest the ideal dosage for Adderall taken for ADHD What causes vaginal soreness and increased vaginal discharge post period? Suggest treatment for fever, sore throat and chills Is a single dark line on the nail a symptom of syphilis? What do delayed periods, cramps and aversion to certain food indicate? Is Methotrexate the right medicine for psoriasis? What do these eosinophil and lymphocyte counts indicate? What causes difficulty in breathing, rapid heart rate, neck pain and weight loss? What causes persistent numbness on the toes? Suggest remedies for trichomycosis pubis What does my lab test report indicate? Suggest treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder What causes itching in private part, frequent urination and stomach pain? Suggest ways to manage Stilpane and Brazepam withdrawal symptoms What causes high heart rate after taking Betacap TR? Suggest remedies for frequent fever and chills What causes abdominal pain, burping and chest pain? Suggest treatment for persistent headaches in a obese person What causes severe nasal congestion? What does my thyroid test report indicate? What causes frequent urination at night? What do the following blood test reports indicate? What causes a hard lump at the bottom of the collarbone? Suggest treatment for delayed ejaculation How long does recovery take from candida bumps behind the tongue? Suggest treatment for inner ear infection Suggest treatment for persistent swelling and redness after being bitten by wasp What causes bowel movement after eating food and burning sensation in anal area? Is a red spot formed after a blister drainage normal? What causes recurring episodes of dizziness, lightheadedness and headache? What does this MRI report indicate? Can yeast infection be contracted through oral sex? Suggest treatment for severe joints pain after hip replacement surgery What causes severe itching on the scalp? What causes runny nose, headache and dizziness? Suggest remedies for swelling, pain and purple discoloration of left knee What causes persistent weakness, lethargy and excessive sleepiness while recovering from stomach flu? Is pregnancy possible despite taking Depo-Provera? Is a flesh colored bump on the back suggestive of Melanoma? Suggest treatment for dry cough, congestion and sneezing How is e-coli infection contracted? What causes chronic cough with persistent mucus in the throat? What causes severe pain in lower jaw and right side of the body? Suggest remedies for chronic constipation What causes fluctuations in BP after taking Amlodipine? What causes an infant to tilt his neck towards right while awake? Suggest treatment for swelling and pain in the calf area Suggest treatment for bruising on knee and difficulty walking Suggest medication for fever, cold and cough Is a BP reading of 128/82 a cause for concern? What causes oligohydramnios? Suggest treatment for high fever and body itching when diagnosed with Chikungunya Suggest treatment for a thyroid nodule Suggest remedies for excessive grunting in an infant Suggest treatment for jaw pain after taking Fosamax Suggest treatment for pimple on the left eye What causes yellow discoloration in palms, feet while on vitamin C supplements? What causes itchy rashes on the back, shoulders and legs? How long does hematoma caused by IV needle take to resolve? What causes severe abdominal pain, bloating and insomnia? What causes red spots on the penis head? What are the essential OTC medications to carry while traveling abroad? Suggest treatment for swelling in the groin area What does this LFT report indicate? Is stopping of Thyronorm advisable after thyroid levels are normalized? Suggest medication while traveling for cold and diarrhea for an infant Is delayed menstruation a symptom of pregnancy? Suggest treatment for cellulitis while having lung cancer Suggest remedies for severe pain in lower back while sitting Can EPO levels in blood sample increase after a phlebotomy? What is the ideal height for a 13 year old girl child? Suggest remedies for skin irritation What causes shortness of breath while sleeping? Suggest treatment for viral fever and cough Is silver Sulfadiazine safe for the outer lips of the vulva? Suggest home remedies for sprained ankle What does this MRI report indicate? What do the following LFT test results indicate indicate? Can Doxycycline be taken for chlamydia infection? What causes constant fever with elevated WBC count? Suggest treatment for swelling in the knee What causes tingling sensations and sores on the side of tongue? What do the ultrasound scan reports indicate? What causes neck pain with severe headache? What are the side effects of multiple ultrasound procedure? Can Amoxik cause nausea? Suggest treatment for symptoms of gastritis Suggest treatment for lateral myocardial infarction Does intake of Mifepristone help in abortion? Suggest remedies for severe knee pain in an arthritis patient What causes swelling and bruise mark around injection site? What causes severe dizziness and blurred vision after taking Vesicare? Suggest treatment for intense rashes on the face Suggest treatment for pain in the upper back area Suggest remedies for fungal infection in the armpit and groin area Suggest treatment for pimples under the foreskin Suggest remedies for high heart rate despite taking Metoprolol What causes episodes of palpitations in a 60 year old? What causes scanty bleeding during menstruation? Can diverticulitis cause severe pain in lower abdomen? What causes severe lower abdominal pain, bloating and constipation? What causes pain in upper right arm and painful lumps in both arms? What causes numbness and pain in foot? Suggest remedies for constipation in an infant Does a clitoral orgasm break the hymen? What causes inability to move limbs? What does my EKG test report indicate? What does my EKG test report indicate? Is excessive gas in stomach a cause for concern? Suggest remedies for proteinuria What causes alternating constipation and diarrhea with upper right abdominal pain? What causes swollen testicle? What causes numbness in the arm? Suggest remedies for pneumonia with severe anemia What causes severe lower abdominal pain? Suggest remedies for weight gain What does this Torch test report indicate? What are the adverse effects of high doses of Prednisone? What causes a red rash on the neck? Suggest remedies for red inflammation on toe What causes blood in urine? Does intake of DSN cause shrinkage in testicles? Is pregnancy possible while breastfeeding a 7 month old? What causes seizure type spasms at night? What causes abdominal and back pain after eating food? Suggest treatment for appendicitis Suggest treatment for symptoms of OCD Does intake of sleeping pills cause elevation of BP levels? What causes mild pain in upper right bicep and right arm? What causes yellow coating on the tongue? Can Metoprolol and Hydrochlorothiazide cause tiredness? Suggest treatment for digestive issues while on diet low in fruits and vegetables Suggest treatment for red patches and scaly skin after contact with dry ice Suggest treatment for acne Suggest treatment for hair loss What does high TORCH IgG value in a 2 month old child indicate? Suggest treatment for premature ejaculation What causes blood in urine and burning sensation during urination? What does my ultrasound scan test result indicate? What causes swelling and pain in the ankle post injury despite a normal x-ray? Suggest precautions to be taken post TB treatment Suggest natural ways to cure migraine headache Is seborrhoeic dermatitis curable? Suggest medication for chest congestion and productive cough Suggest remedies for periorbital dark circles Suggest treatment for polycystic ovaries Suggest ways to improve immunity in a 3 year old What causes pain at the base of the skull? Suggest treatment for symptoms of frontal sinusitis Suggest treatment for accidental ingestion of cotton What does a faint line on the ovulation kit indicate? How safe are multi vitamin supplements taken on daily basis? Suggest remedies for low energy and panic attacks after stopping Venlor XR Is pain during defecation a symptom of genital herpes? Is pressure on left testis during masturbation a concern? What causes burning sensation in the upper part of the body? What causes intermittent pain in the scrotum? What do my lab test reports indicate? What causes extreme nausea and dark urine when diagnosed with gastroparesis? What causes a lump below the shoulder blade? What does my MRI scan test report indicate? Suggest treatment for rectocele How long can a sperm remain alive inside the vagina post intercourse? How long can a sperm remain alive inside the vagina post intercourse? How long can a sperm remain alive inside the vagina post intercourse? What causes double vision when having history of cataract surgery? What is Comneslone prescribed for? What causes bright yellowish urine? Suggest remedies for sprained ankle What do my ECG test results indicate? Can prolonged intake of Doxycycline cause edema in feet and ankles? What are the repercussions of accidental ingestion of 1mg of Xanax? What are the side effects of Remeron taken for dementia?
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