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Suggest treatment for chills, low grade fever and fatigue Suggest treatment for severe leg and foot pain Suggest treatment for a bump at the cervical region What causes numbness in the face and arms? Can alcohol be consumed while on Co-Codamol 30/500mg? What causes Wegener's disease? Can a stroke cause one-sided increased sensitivity to cold in the body? What does the following LFT test result indicate? Suggest treatment for meniscus injury resulting in arthritis Suggest treatment for severe hair loss What causes shooting pain in the head and behind the eyes? What does this ECG report indicate? What does this following lab report indicate? What causes severe shoulder and back pain? Can an STD be contracted through a cold sore on the lip? Does exercising help prevent stage-1 COPD levels from increasing? What causes overactive sympathetic nervous system? Suggest treatment for pain and difficulty during urination What does the following pelvic ultrasound report suggest? What do the following test reports indicate? Is compression hose effective in managing pain due to varicose veins? What do these following lab reports indicate? Suggest treatment for spider vein after taking Humira injections for Crohn's disease What do persistent muscle cramps while on Lisinopril hctz indicate? Suggest treatment for rashes on the legs, hands and face in a child Can anxiety cause nausea? What causes panic attacks, diarrhea, uncontrollable shivering, dry mouth and heart palpitations? What does this CT scan report indicate? Suggest ways to loose weight What does this CT scan report indicate? Suggest treatment for painful swelling in the gums Suggest treatment for grade-2 prostatomegaly Is urinating during a bowel movement a concern? Suggest treatment for throat pain causing difficulty in swallowing Are allopathy or homeopathy medication advisable to treat PCOD? Can sinuses and post nasal drip be controlled after salivary gland removal? Can worsening of spinal stenosis be avoided and treated? Is vaccination required after a dog bite if the dog is adequately vaccinated? What causes itching in the left foot after permanently removing a toenail? How to wean off Celexa after discontinuing Serzone for fear of renal damage? Is Lithium Orotate safe to take for involuntary movement of the limbs? Is additional dosage of Glucophage for type-2 diabetes a concern? Suggest treatment for fever, chills and sore throat with difficulty in swallowing Suggest remedies for pollen allergies Suggest treatment for severe unproductive cough What causes tingling sensation in the extremities and hair loss on the eyebrows? Suggest ways to remove foreign object stuck in the rectum What does this ultrasound report indicate? What causes frequent fever, chills and painful ear after using a Q-tip? Suggest treatment for sore and painful chest after injury Can a DNA test determine who a person had intercourse with previously? What causes neck stiffness and sinus infection after taking Levaquin? Does Methylprednisolone cause constipation? Can Septra lead to painful urination and sensitivity when allergic to sulfa drugs? Is taking increased dosage of Toprol with TriCor-50mg a concern? How can a painful canker sore on the tongue be treated? Suggest treatment for dermatitis on the penis after excessive masturbation What causes sudden itchy rashes throughout the body? Is vitiligo hereditary? What causes frequent heart palpitations during pregnancy? Suggest treatment for PCOD symptoms What causes intermittent fever, bitter taste and fatigue? Is an electrolyte supplement advisable while having CKD and high BP? What causes pain across the head, fever, ear ache and joints pain? Is excessive urination after a TURP surgery a concern? What causes sharp pain in the right testicle after taking Clindamycin-HCl? How long can Baidyanath Sunidra be taken for disturbed sleep? Will Folvite tablets taken during periods affect my prospects of pregnancy? Does Tylenol Cold cause diarrhea when taken for cold and flu? Suggest treatment for fever, chest soreness and slight cough Can prolonged Xarelto intake cause rashes behind my thighs? Are cold symptoms a concern when diagnosed with pneumonia? Can Marvelon be used as an emergency contraceptive pill? Does Lamictal cause blood thinning? What causes painful numbness in my limbs while treating PTSD and fibromyalgia? Can Meloxicam be taken for radiating pain in the chest and shoulders? What causes chest tightness and dry mucous membranes after taking Benadryl? What causes a lump on the vaginal lip? Can 5-HTP be taken instead of Citalopram Hydrobromide for depression? How can a clogged right ear causing hearing issues be treated? What does slight pain and bleeding from the urethra mean? What causes crawling and itching sensations in my pubic area? Is wheezing sound from my sinuses while treating cold a concern? How can pearly penile papules be treated? How can high BP of 110/170 be regulated? What causes daily RUQ discomfort, diarrhea and intermittent nausea? What causes yellow discharge from an eye while treating cold and nasal congestion? Can a lump behind my navel that hurts upon pressure be treated? What causes intermittent light-headedness and heart palpitations? How can a trabeculated bladder causing permanent discomfort be treated? How can bruised ribs be treated? What causes left elbow and forearm discomfort after lifting weights? Suggest treatment for severe coughing spells in an elderly asthma patient How is pneumonia contracted? Would withdrawal symptoms occur after tapering off Klonopin? Are sore throat and leg cramps normal after administering anesthetic injections? Is a lump below the sternum a concerned? Is breathing difficulty with exertion due to radiation treatments for lung cancer? When can pregnancy test be administered after intercourse while trying to conceive? Can Aleve causes drowsiness? Is Benadryl advisable for sudden itching all over the body? Can HSV-1 or 2 contracted through skin-to-skin contact? What causes urgency for urination with increased frequency after placing a stent? Does my sonography scan report show normal results? Are they any creams or gels to treat premature ejaculation? What causes anal bleeding? Is a cracking sound in the lower back while bending over a concern? Is traveling by flight safe after grommets are inserted? Will taking 14 units of NovoLog instead of Levemir have adverse effects? What causes a globus sensation in the throat? What causes a lump in the upper arm inside area above the elbow? How can a hemorrhagic cyst on the left kidney be treated? What causes abdominal pain, gastric distress, flatulence, reflux and diarrhea? Suggest treatment for iron deficiency anemia What causes a dry nipple with crust on it? What is the antidote for Pradaxa tablet? How long can Methamphetamine be detected in the urine after using it? What does my MRI report taken for short term headaches suggest? What causes burning of the limbs and back while on Ciprofloxacin? Can an antibiotic interact with Methamphetamine to cause adverse effects? Can an emergency contraceptive pill be taken while taking medication for jaundice? What causes burning hands, itchy legs and diarrhea while tests are normal? What causes persistent right-sided abdominal pain that eases after vomiting? Suggest treatment for delirium symptoms in an elderly woman What causes blood shot eyes and burning sensation during urination? What causes intermittent painful discomfort in my feet? Suggest treatment for severe stomach ache, vomiting and fever in a child What causes severe stomach and lower back spasms while at the beach? What does reduced glutathione mean? What causes urine to be dark and with a pungent odor? Suggest BP medication that does not cause dizziness What causes a right-sided tender sore discolored area above the waist? Is TENS therapy with Cipcal-500 safe while on Zaxpam-10, Doxin-75 and TRIJEE-H? Why does my tracheostomy wound persist after tracheostomy tube removal? Is a 1mg dexamethasone suppression test needed while treating Cushing's syndrome? How can a benign secreting adrenal gland tumor be treated? Can bottled milk be given to a 5-month-old infant? Can Seroquel, Valium, Cogentin, Urecholine and Prilosec be taken together? Will CO2 LASER at a certified cosmetic surgeon help me look younger? Suggest treatment for fine movement in-coordination, limping and weakness after a stroke What causes excessive itching around the urethra? What does my scan test report indicate? What causes black eye without any injury? What causes right-sided lower back pain radiating to the abdomen and nausea? What causes left-sided jaw pain and left-sided rib soreness when diagnosed with pneumonia? Can Ramen noodles be eaten while treating for diverticulitis which I had Why is an antibiotic necessary before a bladder ultrasound after ruling out UTI? Suggest medication for anxiety which does not cause physical dependance Should wheat based food be avoided while treating diverticulitis? Can the dosage of Seroquel be reduced while on Abilify? What causes mild pain under my left chest and blood in stool? Are dermatomyositis, arthritis, bursitis and a recent rotator cuff tear interrelated? Is dependence on mint during pregnancy an addiction? What causes constant neck pain radiating to the back of the head? What causes discomfort in the spine along with dizziness, and vision issues? What causes vomiting and diarrhea after eating? What causes chronic productive cough? What causes dizziness, sweating and loss of vision after traveling by flight? What causes sudden high BP, elevated heart rate, blurred vision and fatigue? What causes red itchy blisters all over the hands? Can Levothyroxine be taken while on Tamsulosin, Omeprazole, Finasteride, Allopurinol and Prednisone? What causes fullness in mid upper stomach, irregular defecation and hyper-acidity? Can Amoxicillin be taken with Clavulanate? What causes sharp pain behind the left knee? What are the long term side effects of Cytoxan and Taxotere? What causes persistent vomiting, throbbing headcahe, weakness and lower back pain? Suggest treatment for dry cough despite taking Azithromycin? Is 2.5% or higher Hydrocortisone an effective treatment for hemorrhoids? Does osteoarthritis have new treatments and medication? Is one Lotrel 10/40 pill sufficient to regulate high blood pressure? How can infection around a cut wound be confirmed? What causes tiny little bumps throughout the body? When is the UroLift procedure advisable for BPH symptoms? Suggest treatment for jaw pain due to a broken tooth Suggest treatment for an anal fissure while treating diabetes Is Fougera advisable for cracked heels when allergic to sulfa and bacterium? What causes uncomfortable chest pain at night after gastric lap band removal? What causes heartburn between the throat and the stomach? Are MRI and CT scans needed to treat ice pick headache symptoms? What causes severe pain on either side of the kneecap after injury? Suggest treatment for intermittent anxiety attacks like symptoms with mild headache What causes a blood clot in urine? What causes excessive sweating upon light exertion when diagnosed with tachycardia? What does my liver function profile indicate? Are right-sided back pain while lying down and blood in urine a concern? Suggest treatment for lightheadedness and severe fatigue What causes severe abdominal bloating when diagnosed with diverticulosis? What causes sinus infection and white spots with soreness of the tongue? What is the life expectancy of someone with end stage liver disease? What vitamins are advisable before a Toupet versus Nissen fundoplication? What causes several sore knots from my left shoulder to my elbow? What causes left-sided squeezing pain in the abdomen radiating to the back? What causes stiffness in the neck, shoulder, back and thighs while on Flagyl? What does my lab test report indicate? What causes sleeplessness, appetite loss and severe stress after a seizure attack? Are anxiety attacks after a miscarriage common? What causes troubled sleep, nightmares and memory issues after discontinuing Klonopin? What causes rashes around my eyelid, lower back, neck and abdomen? Are persistent dizziness and nausea a cause for concern? Can Betacap-Tr-40 be taken while breastfeeding a newborn?
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