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What causes sleep disturbances, nightmares, hallucinations and constipation in an elderly person? Suggest treatment for severe cough with blood in sputum What causes productive cough, hot flushes and blood in sputum? What are the repercussions of accidental double dosage of blood pressure medication? Suggest treatment for cough with thick mucus in throat Suggest treatment for respiratory tract obstruction with severe nausea What causes headache, buzzing in ears and swelling in left-sided face? What causes painful intercourse with one partner and not with the other? What does my biopsy test report indicate? What does this semen analysis report indicate? How long can HSV remain dormant in a person? What do these following lab reports indicate? Is pregnancy possible despite taking I-pill? What causes restlessness after taking Hydrocodone? What does this transvaginal ultrasound report indicate? What causes cold flashes with shoulder pain? Suggest treatment for hard lump on forehead What causes elevated bilirubin and cholesterol levels? Suggest treatment for sciatica pain Suggest treatment for chills, loose stool and nausea What causes diarrhea while on treatment for alcohol hepatitis? Suggest treatment for redness on face while having multiple sclerosis What does this blood report indicate? Suggest a moisturiser for combinational skin Suggest treatment for frequent urination while having high blood sugar Suggest treatment for anxiety with dizziness and breathing difficulty What causes small bumps on the jawline? Suggest treatment for sore spots near ear and neck Suggest alternative medicine for acute urticaria What causes constipation, anal fissure and high fever? Is pregnancy possible despite taking I-pill? What causes hip bone pain while masturbating? Suggest treatment for vertigo and neck pain Is travelling safe for infants? Is stomach viral infection contagious? Can HIV be contracted through non-penetrative sexual activity? Is Typhoid vaccination safe to take prior to travelling? What does this rheumatoid factor of 20.9 indicate? Is RNA PCR test done post 2 weeks of exposure conclusive? Is casting necessary post ganglion cyst removal from tibia? Suggest treatment for constipation Is pregnancy possible through pre-ejaculatory fluid? What causes itchy pustules near the ears of a child? What causes white discolouration in labia and anus along with itching? Suggest treatment for raised spot on forehead Suggest a lubricant for vaginal dryness and painful intercourse Suggest remedies for shooting pain in the leg How to cure arthritis in fingers and thumb? What causes supraclavicular lymph swelling with a history of salivary gland stones? What causes persistent dry cough? Is neck brace necessary to wear for mild cervical spine injury? What causes recurring pink discoloration, raw and peeling skin in the buttocks? What causes hard lump above the right ear? What causes spotting along with missed period, fatigue and headache? What causes painful urination and white penile discharge? What causes pain during urination? What causes inflammation and soreness in big toe after pedicure? What causes sensation of fluid in the ears and head? Suggest treatment for swelling in the hand post an accident What is the ideal time to take Calcirol? Suggest remedies for dark patch next to the nose What causes perfume taste in mouth while having type 2 diabetes? Suggest treatment for vaginitis Suggest treatment for acne on body Suggest treatment for odd smell in nose with occasional nasal bleeding Is spilling of hot water into eyes of an infant a cause for concern? Is blood sugar level of 302 a cause for concern? What causes swelling in neck after heart surgery? What causes imbalance issues and pins and needle sensations in the hand? Suggest home remedies for uterine fibroid Is pregnancy possible despite taking Unwanted-72? Suggest treatment for stretch marks on penis What causes sharp stomach pain and blood in stool? Is accidental ingestion of Cotaryl cream by children a cause for concern? What is Duphaston prescribed for? Suggest remedies for adverse effects of Combiflam over dose Suggest treatment for red and swollen eyes while having severe eye infection Are there any withdrawal symptoms for Trazine H? What causes swollen lymph node on the neck? What are the symptoms of impetigo? What causes white patch over tonsils? Suggest treatment for blood in urine Is buttermilk safe to have when diagnosed with Pemphigus vulgaris infection? How to improve immune system in a 2 year old? What causes paralysis post bypass surgery? Suggest treatment for side effects of Amlodac Are abnormal thoughts and behavior signs of mental illness? Suggest treatment for red marks on forehead while having high adrenaline levels Suggest treatment for migraine headache Suggest treatment for ADHD in a child Is ejection fraction rate of 40 a cause for concern? Suggest treatment for facial numbness, stiffness in legs and severe joint pain Suggest medication for severe neck pain Suggest treatment for neck pain with tingling in upper limbs and vertigo What are the symptoms and causes of chlamydia infection? Suggest treatment for degenerative disc disease and back pain Suggest treatment for severe nausea Suggest treatment for excessive sneezing and runny nose What is the recovery time from the catheter ablation procedure? What causes autonomic neuropathy and sudomotor dysfunction? Is FBS value of 107 a cause for concern? Can Corticosteroids help cure sleep apnea? Suggest treatment for persistent swelling in leg Is XLIF safe to have for chronic back pain? What causes the urge to urinate? What causes stiffness in the fingers? What are the chances of UTI after using public toilet? Suggest treatment for sleeplessness and dizziness What causes soreness in the right shoulder? What causes salty and metallic taste in the mouth? What causes profuse sweating, headache and tremors in the hand? Are dry mouth, cold, body pain and rashes signs of HIV? What causes pain in the head, eyes and cheeks during pregnancy? Is Ragi advisable to eat everyday while planning for pregnancy? Suggest treatment for penile infection while having diabetes Suggest treatment for dark spots on body When do infants typically roll over from their tummy to back? What causes visible vein on the penis? What causes the urge to urinate? Can Adderall cause unpleasant scalp odor? What does an MRI of back detect? Suggest treatment for chest pain on the left pectoral side Suggest treatment for Staphylococcus infection Is Lactitol safe to take for stomach problem? What causes swelling and redness at the entrance of urethra? What causes swelling in the leg when having history of meniscus surgery? Is surgery advisable for elbow bursa sac removal? Suggest treatment for swollen ankles Suggest treatment for lightheadedness and poor memory while having mood disorder What does this fasting blood sugar level of 120 indicate? Is grinding of teeth a symptom of anxiety? Suggest home remedies for itching in groin area Suggest treatment for persistent groin pain Suggest treatment for pain in legs What does this ultrasound report of abdomen indicate? Suggest treatment for perforated eardrum What causes painful urination? Suggest treatment for numbness and tingling in hand and fingers What causes light menstrual bleeding while on Yasminelle? Suggest treatment for low sperm motility What is an echo test done for? Suggest treatment for depression and suicidal thoughts What does my semen analysis report indicate? What causes tremors in the pelvic area and loose stool? Is Penetrex safe to take for missed period? What do my lab test reports indicate? Suggest treatment for spinal arthritis in an elderly person Suggest remedies for fever in an infant Does exposure to Aromasin cause missed period? What causes itching and burning sensation at the tip of penis? Suggest treatment for severe endometriosis Suggest treatment for severe depression and OCD Is eating flat beans during early pregnancy safe? What causes vaginal itching and discharge while on Clotrimazole? Suggest treatment for dry eczema on legs What causes persistent tired eyes in a 65 year old? What causes missed period while on Copper T? What are the chances of lung cancer remission? What causes visible veins on the penis? Suggest treatment for headache, dizziness and difficulty in walking straight Suggest treatment for abdominal lump Suggest treatment for tiny red marks on upper arm What causes hearing of popping sounds in the ear? Suggest treatment for severe migraine and numbness in the left arm Suggest treatment for persistent pain and swelling in knuckles Are liver support supplements safe to take? Suggest remedies for severe morning sneezing in a child What does my ultrasound scan report indicate? Suggest treatment for constant sneezing in the morning Suggest treatment for recurrent constipation What causes pain in the elbow and ribs? What causes heart palpitations while sleeping in a person with sleep apnea? How to differentiate between a wart and corn? Suggest treatment for tunica albugenia injury Suggest treatment for anal pain after treating perianal abcess and fistula What does this ECG report indicate? What causes spotting while on treatment for vaginal infection? What causes constant pain on right side of chest? Is a small nodule inside the vulva a symptom of genital herpes? What causes redness and numbness in the tongue? Suggest dosage for Azithral Suggest effective medication for IBS Suggest treatment for anxiety Suggest treatment for omental infarction Suggest a good non SPF moisturizer for a combination skin Suggest ways to avoid pregnancy 10 days post unprotected intercourse Suggest remedies for hematoma in lower back Suggest remedies for infected follicle in pubic area What do my thyroid test results indicate? Suggest treatment for penile fracture post an injury Suggest treatment for Graves disease and Hashimoto's thyroiditis What causes blood in urine while recovering from an UTI? What causes right sided abdominal pain? Suggest treatment for symptoms of eustachian tube dysfunction Suggest treatment for small cyst on testicle Suggest treatment for swollen hand while having dementia What causes frequent bowel movements after taking Imodium? What causes floaters, visual dullness and blurry vision? What are the treatments available to remove thymus tumor? Does prolonged exposure to carbon monoxide cause headache, dizziness and upset stomach?
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