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What does my pure tone audiogram indicate? What causes pain in lower left leg, calf and low grade fever? What does my CAT scan test report indicate? Suggest treatment for pain and discomfort in the testicles Suggest treatment for constipation in a child after feeding Enfamil Do Vitcofol shots help in increasing hemoglobin levels in blood? Suggest treatment for persistent acid reflux How long does recovery take from dengue fever? What are the various tests to rule out syphilis and HIV? Suggest treatment for allergic asthma What does my thyroid test report indicate? Suggest remedies for persistent heartburn while on Prednisone Can clavicle fracture be treated non-surgically? Suggest treatment for persistent cough and wheezing Is bronchitis contagious? What causes loss of balance while treating adenocarcinoma? Suggest treatment for pain in the ribs Suggest treatment for side effects of Dexamethasone Suggest remedies for persistent heart palpitations What are the repercussions of accidental ingestion of 2 mg Nicotine? What does my MRI scan test report indicate? Suggest treatment for severe itching on the left arm Is C-section advisable for no dilution at the 38th week of pregnancy? Suggest treatment for swelling in the feet and ankles What do my EMG and NCS test results indicate? Does stress cause delay in menstruation? What do my CT scan test results indicate? What causes increased pressure in the ear and headache despite taking Diamox? Suggest treatment for severe persistent migraine What do my lab test results indicate? Suggest treatment for herpes while on Valtrex What causes sensory loss of proprioception? What causes bleeding from urethra with a history of groin injury? Suggest treatment for pain in the ribs and fatty liver What does an enlargement of left ventricle in an EKG indicate? What causes elevated GGT and AST levels in blood? Suggest treatment for severe cough, headache, anxiety and blurred vision Suggest treatment for erectile dysfunction Suggest treatment for Cauda equina syndrome Suggest remedies for cough and mucus in throat Suggest treatment for burning sensation in the genital area post protected intercourse Suggest treatment for foot infection Suggest remedies for collagen regeneration in skin Suggest remedies for frequent headache in a child What causes severe stomach ache after eating, nausea, fatigue and burping? Suggest remedies for boils on face Suggest remedies for persistent back pain How long does Vesicare take to show effect? Does left varicocele cause low sperm count and erectile dysfunction? What do my lab test reports indicate? Suggest treatment for swelling in the arms post a Methamphetamine shot What causes left TMJ joint pain with a history of tooth implant? Suggest treatment for numbness in the vagina and loss of libido Suggest remedies for red rashes on hips of an infant Suggest treatment for severe hair loss and dandruff Suggest treatment for severe fever What causes anemia? What does my CT scan report indicate? Suggest ways to rule out appendicitis Suggest remedies for halitosis Can Regestrone be taken for irregular menstrual cycle? Does intake of Lisinopril cause an increase in serum creatinine level? Are moles on the penis a concern? What does my ultrasound scan test report indicate? What does a total PSA level of 3.52 and free PSA level of 1.29 indicate? What causes swinging of legs while sleeping and nausea in an elderly woman? Can a cough syrup with Dextromethorphan be taken along with Irbesartan? Suggest the ideal dosage for Spironolactone Can HIV be contracted through unprotected oral sex? What causes mild bleeding from vagina after urination? What causes buzzing like sensation in brain, memory loss and disrupted sleep patterns? What causes severe fatigue, muscle pain, joint pain, diarrhea, headache and blurry vision? Can mucus from reflux get into the inner ear and cause deafness? What causes elevated liver enzyme levels in blood with fever and UTI? Suggest remedies for vitiligo in a child Are stomach pain and pain in penis post intercourse signs of STD? What causes pain at the base of skull, stiff neck, vomiting and fatigue? What causes tingling in head and numbness throughout the body? Suggest treatment for fungal skin infection on the foot Are severe hiccups and fever with bleeding in brain a concern? What does this blood report indicate? Suggest ways to recover from lymphatic ulcer Can Nortriptyline be taken for migraine? What does this thyroid test report indicate? What causes pain in the lower back radiating to the buttocks and leg? What causes a white sore under the tongue? What causes redness and irritation on the penis head after leech bite? What causes an ingrown toenail? What causes joint pain and swelling in the body while having psoriasis? Is ozone therapy an effective treatment for Methamphetamine addiction? Can magnesium supplements be given for patients with renal disease? Can an ovarian cyst affect pregnancy? What abnormal vaginal bleeding during menopause? Is FBS range of 130-150 mg/dL a cause for concern? What causes loss of consciousness and temporal headache after head injury? Does waiting near the X-ray room during pregnancy affect the fetus? Is there interaction between Alprim and Rulide? What causes pain in the right upper abdomen after meals? Is LDL value of 152 a cause for concern? Suggest treatment for lower back pain, chronic headache and swollen ankle and knee Suggest diet when allergic to Balsam of Peru Suggest treatment for cold, cough and fever in a child What causes difficulty breathing, weakness and lightheadedness while having low vitamin B12 levels? Suggest treatment for persistent dry cough What does this chest X-ray report indicate? Is pregnancy possible despite taking Nordette? Suggest treatment for keratomycosis Is vaginal bleeding normal after a Pap smear? What do these following electrocardiogram reports indicate? Suggest treatment for back pain What causes rashes on the lower back, wrists, feet, legs and thighs? Can HIV be contracted through contact with bodily fluids? Is HIV TriDot test conducted 3 months post exposure conclusive? Can Fourts-B be taken for vitamin B deficiency? What causes blood in urine? Suggest dosage for Oxycontin Suggest treatment for low level of amniotic fluid during pregnancy What causes an elevated RBC folate level? What causes swelling in the ankles and feet? Suggest treatment for pain in the buttocks while having lumbosacral radiculopathy Suggest treatment for side effects of Metoprolol Suggest treatment for symptoms of heart failure Is PCR-DNA test done 1 month post exposure conclusive? Suggest treatment for high blood pressure while having UTI What causes irritation at the tip of the penis? Is serum bilirubin level of 13-15 a cause for concern? What causes lack of interest in daily activities, sadness and aggressive behavior? Can Paternia Plus improve sperm count? Suggest treatment for hematuria while having UTI What does this CT scan report indicate? What causes sudden dizziness and nausea upon waking up? Suggest treatment for Peyronie's disease Suggest natural remedies for hemorrhoids Suggest treatment for persistent IBS What causes stammering, fatigue and breathing problem while treating anxiety? What causes vertigo while on Clonazepam and Lexapro? Suggest remedies for saggy skin throughout the body Suggest treatment for severe dry cough and cold in a child What causes sneezing and nasal congestion post a dental work? What causes watery semen discharge during masturbation? Suggest treatment for severe pain in the ribs and muscle cramps What causes radiating pain in left breast, between shoulder blades, back and nausea? Suggest treatment for severe back pain post a cesarean section Suggest treatment for biting nails due to high stress and anxiety Does Sertraline interact with Carbidopa? Suggest remedies for diarrhea and hemorrhoids Suggest treatment for chronic headache Suggest remedies for an wound on the shin bone post an injury Suggest treatment for swelling and stiffness of the knee What do my blood test results indicate? Suggest treatment for severe headache and pressure in the head What causes sudden dizziness in a child? Suggest remedies for frequent panic attacks and anxiety issues What are the uses and properties of Estradiol? What causes burning sensation on lower legs, forearms and wrist area? Suggest treatment for persistent back and leg pain while on Oxycodone Is shingles contagious? Suggest treatment for intermittent fever, sore throat, fatigue and rashes on the knees Suggest remedies for cold and ear ache in an infant What causes blurred vision while on Lexapro? Is pain in right ear when swallowing hard food a symptom of ear infection? Suggest treatment for sleeplessness and severe fatigue Suggest treatment for bacterial infection on the penis post a CyberKnife procedure Suggest treatment for persistent panic attacks What causes swelling in liver and vomiting after eating? Can PCOS or hormonal imbalance cause adenomyosis? Suggest treatment for severe abdominal pain caused by pancreatitis What causes frequent urination post a penetrative intercourse? What causes severe pain in calf muscle while treating RA? Suggest treatment for injury caused by a rusty nail Suggest treatment for severe lower back pain Suggest treatment for severe nausea and vomiting after eating What is lithium used for? What causes erectile dysfunction post intake of Escitalopram? Can radiofrequency ablation procedure help in treating peripheral neuropathy in legs? Suggest treatment for hiatal hernia Suggest remedies for severe muscle cramps Does intake of Naltrexone cause kidney pain? Suggest treatment for ADHD in a child while on Focalin Suggest treatment for hives on the chest and abdominal area How long does immunity last after receiving rabies vaccination? What causes recti divarication? Is TSH value of 5.59 a cause for concern? Suggest treatment for infected blisters on the ankle What causes bladder spasms? What causes pain in the ankles? Suggest treatment for back pain post spinal surgeries while on Oxycodone What causes diarrhea after eating in an elderly person? What causes frequent heartburn? Is there interaction between Digoxin and Keflex? Suggest treatment for severe hair loss Suggest treatment for PCOS Suggest treatment for papular urticaria Suggest treatment for pulmonary aspiration What causes dizziness and heart palpitations after masturbation? What causes severe muscle spasms in right thigh while on Amlodipine? Suggest treatment for persistent pain in the lower body Suggest remedies for dark spin pigmentation What does this lipid profile test report indicate? Suggest remedies for rashes on the fingers
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