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What causes erectile dysfunction? How is herpes transmitted? What does a noudule in lung suggest? What does eaished TSH level indicate? How to reduce weight to become pregnant? What casues vomiting in humid atmosphere? What causes numbness in feet and mouth with extreme fatigue? Suggest treatment for renal abdominal aortic aneurysm Suggest treatment for post inflammatory hyper-pigmentation Suggest treatment for severe body pain and fatigue Suggest treatment for somatoform disorder with deprssion What causes lower back and neck pain with pain in wrist,hips and elbows? Is switching from ASA 50 to Ecosprin advisable? What causes urinary incontinence after a surgery for mbiguous genitalia? What causes hollow sound while tapping the forehead? What causes swollen mouth and tongue with persistent cough? When do periods begin after child birth? How to terminate unwanted pregnancy? Is there a natural substitute for Valsartan/ Hctz tablets? What causes swollen vein inside the elbow crease? What is difference between bone metastasis of prostate cancer and bone cancer? Is heaviness in shoulder and chest after diarrhea symptom of heart attack? Suggest treatment for cellulitis infection on thigh and blisters on knees What causes frequent urination? What does the following blood test report indicate? Is cardioversion effective for atrial fibrillation treatment? What causes vaginal soreness? What causes leg ache with shortness of breath? What causes excessive sweating? What are the ways to induce labor? What causes swelling and sores inside the labia while on antibiotics? Suggest treatment for weight loss Suggest treatment to remove warts on feet What causes pain in eyes on viweing sharp objects? Suggest treatment to get rid of dandruff Suggest treatment for stye What causes stomach bloating and growling after eating food? What causes pinful lumps and swelling on leg? Why should green tea be stopped before a hair transplant surgery? What causes low blood pressure while on Metoprolol? What causes prolonged periods? What causes lower abdominal pain and spotting after sex? Suggest treatment for wound on shin after an injury What causes heterotopic ossification? How much Misoprostol should be taken for abortion? What causes bradycardia? What does a lump on vagina indicate? Is there chance of pregnancy after taking emergency contraceptive pills? What causes itching after taking Hydrocodone and Clindamyacin? Is Zanocin intake safe and effective for treatment of UTI in an elderly patient? What causes delayed periods with negative UPT? Is Omnacortil safe to take for running nose and cough? What causes pain in stomach when suffering from shingles? What causes shooting pain and irritation in leg radiating to calf area? Frequent nausea, headaches and burps. Is it anxiety and stress related? What causes anxiety and depression while on heart medication? What causes musculoskeletal back pain? What causes tingling in pubic hair and itching in anus? What causes severe pain and pressure on forehead above eyes with normal MRI? What causes hearing sounds in ear after Effexor withdrawal? Why does one person attract so biting insects? What causes mucus and bleeding from the anus? What causes mucus and blood in stools? Suggest treatment for burning in scrotum and penis pain after microwave therapy for prostatits Suggest treatment for h.pylori gastritis Suggest treatment for lower back pain Suggest treatment for high heart beat and tiredness What causes pain and stiffness in knees and hip? Does one need to wear glasses with refractive error in one eye? What causes high Vit D level? Suggest ways for natural breast upliftment Suggest treatment for high blood pressure What is the cause of increased vitamin d levels? What causes persistent headache after injury? Suggest treatment for vitiligo on foreskin of testicles What causes shooting pain in right arm and shoulder? Is tingling pain starting at hip symptom of sciatica? What causes hearing snapping sounds in right ear inspite of having valium? Suggest treatment for itchy rash on legs and buttocks Suggest treatment for heavy hair fall and frequent colds What causes sudden weight gain? Suggest treatment for oral thrush and hoarse voice Are there vaccinations available for STI? What causes rash on the inner wall of vagina? Suggest treatment for consistent pain after liposuction of the abdomen What causes pain in both knees and testicles after doing yard work? Suggest treatment for migraine headaches What causes itchy rash on buttocks? Suggest treatment for psoriasis on fingers and elbows Suggest treatment for acidity in stomach and frequent defecation What causes delayed periods with negative UPT? What causes nausea and yellowish urine after an unprotected sex? What causes missed periods even after meprate usage? Suggest remedy for acidity and stomach related problems Suggest treatment for schizophrenia What causes pink discharge from urinary tract? Suggest treatment for piles What causes chest pain in right side and twitching in left side? What causes vomiting during pregnancy? What causes body pain during pregnancy? What causes pain while taking deep breath? Can i increase tramadol dosage inspite of having pain? What causes increased ESR levels when suffering from gastritis? Why doesn't Percocet show up in the urine tests? Suggest treatment for night terrors and farsightedness Suggest treatment for azoospermia What causes pain under left arm and numb arm post gall bladder surgery? Does untreated fungal infection recur? What causes stiff fingers of right hand? How to terminate unwanted pregnancy? What causes pain in testicles when i hold ejaculation? What causes disturbed sleep and weight gain while taking Metformin? Suggest relaxation methods for stress management Is Cilostazol effective in treating numbness in feet? What causes abdominal pain during periods? Suggest treatment for elevated liver enzymes Suggest treatment for follicular lesions Suggest treatment for itching and burning sensation with white vaginal discharge What causes pressure in forehead with family history of alzheimer's disease? What causes excessive thirst, low back pain when taking Septra for UTI? What causes enlarged prostrate with difficult defecation? Suggest treatment for bleeding gums What causes excessive sleeping and sweating after taking Amoxicillin? Can Xanax intake cause sinus related problems? What causes faint line of UPT followed by spotting? Is getting dentures at age of 29 advisable? What causes congestion and cough after completing antibiotics for sinus? Suggest treatment for leg cramps during the night Suggest treatment for blood in urine What causes dark brown discharge from ear and dizziness? Can i have wine along with Dorzolamide eye drops? What causes mouth eruption with a line of blisters? Suggest treatment for fever and cough with blood What causes blisters spreading on inner thigh? What causes tender foot and difficulty walking? What is the side effects of changing from Carvedilol to Nifedipine? Can Azithromycin and Doxcycline be combinedly taken for lyme treatment? What causes elevated CRP levels and difficult breathing? What causes increasing lesions on penis? Suggest treatment for erectile dysfunction What causes light period bleeding? What causes yellowish cyst on tonsil? Suggest treatment for accidental intake of janumet pills Suggest treatment for abnormal resting heart rate What causes lesions on breast? What causes red, itchy lesion at waist and inner thigh region? What causes high BP even after having bystolic? Suggest treatment for low platelet count with history of prostate cancer Suggest treatment for brown blood and fleshy clots What are the chances of HIV through manicure cuts? What causes pains in the different joints of the body with rise in LDH levels? Suggest treatment for restless leg syndrome What causes itchy blisters on back after having antibiotics? What is chronic microvascular angiopathy? Is it possible for adults to have cradle-cap dermatitis? Suggest treatment for running nose and sneezing, no fever What is the cause and treatment for senile purpura? Suggest treatment for hallucinations, stress and vomiting What causes pain in foot? What does high CPK levels with exhaustion and uncontrolled eye movement indicate? What is the recommended duration of estrogen therapy before repeat pap smear? Suggest treatment for rash like yellow spots in gums Suggest an alternative for Sibofix Suggest treatment for two bumps on the sides of tongue Suggest treatment for varicose veins What does the ECG report showing sinus rhythm value indicate? Suggest remedy for a boil on hip Suggest treatment for premature graying and rough hair How to control acidity and muscle pain? What causes sound and gas in stomach, mouth ulcer, numbness in hands? Suggest treatment for reddish urine, feverish, loss of appetite after taking emergency contraceptives Suggest treatment for bloated stomach and constant burps Suggest treatment for tissues in groin area and arm pits Will loose stool lead to slow healing stitches or infection? Suggest treatment for anxiety neurosis What causes burning in the urethral opening after urination? What causes loss in control in mouth and lips after fever post appendicitis surgery? Suggest treatment for ear pain when suffering from swimmers ear What is the cause and treatment for low haemoglobin level? Does prolonged Omeprazole intake lead to collagenous colitis? Is increased Lexapro dosage with Effexor effective for treatment of depression? What causes severe abdominal and chest pain after liver biopsy for SLE? What causes recurring fever with cold and cough in an infant? How much Effexor should be taken for treatment of depression? What causes drop in blood pressure level after a dental procedure? How to quit Amulax-M? Suggest treatment for height increase after puberty Is taking Effexor with Lexapro effective in treatment of depression and anxiety? What is ossification in the plantar fascia and achilles tendon? How long does Klonopin take to reach plasma after its intake? What causes joint and tendon pain between fingers and arm? What causes loss of sensation in legs? Suggest treatment to lower cholestrol level Does excessive cardamom intake cause infetility in women? Suggest treatment for infetility Should vaccination be taken after drinking unboiled milk? What causes fungal skin infection around the scrotum and pubic area? Suggest treatment for moles and skin tags at corners of eyes and neck What causes burning sensation and pain in nerve of hand? Can Creatine and protein powder be taken while on treatment for typhoid?
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