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What causes sharp headaches during ejaculation? Suggest treatment for cold, sore throat, sneezing and sinus congestion What does this CT scan report indicate? What do missed periods and excessive sleep indicate? What causes tingling feeling at back of head and nausea? Suggest treatment for severe chest pain and pressure What does persistent rectal discharge indicate? Suggest treatment for red bumps on penile shaft How long after reducing Nature-Thyroid dose will T4-T3 levels take to subside? What causes lethargy, severe weakness, vomiting and tongue bumps? What causes anxiety while on steroids? What causes mild headache upon waking? Can allergy cause swollen face and eyes? Is missing a dosage of Tegretol and Keppra a cause for concern? What causes tingling sensation in limbs when diagnosed with Grave's disease? Suggest treatment for hair fall and brittle nails Suggest treatment for UTI after TURP What causes heaviness in left upper eye lid? What causes palpitations while lying down and anxiety? What do these thyroglobulin antibody test results indicate? What causes pain in right lung and breathlessness? Is withdrawal of Carbimazole safe before elective surgery? What causes sweating and nausea after eating raw meat? What are the repercussions of consuming grapefruit juice after taking Plendil? What does this skin biopsy report indicate? Is heavy bleeding only from third day of menstruation normal? What causes sensation of blood rushing in legs? What are the side effects of continued intake of Minioxidil and Androgena? Suggest treatment for infection of wound after a leech bite Suggest treatment for vitamin-B12 deficiency, thyroid and lower back pain What causes a fainting spell and pins and needles throughout body? What does my lab test reports indicate? Is breast feeding advisable during pregnancy? Suggest treatment for slight gas, bloating and frequent bowel movement What does my lab test report indicate? What causes severe pain in chest? What causes sore stomach, sore legs and slight headache? What causes discomfort and itching on scalp? How long do proteins remain in body while they half many times over? What do my lab test reports indicate? What causes delay in menstruation? Suggest treatment for wound on tip of penis Suggest treatment for chest infection with head cold What does my semen analysis test report indicate? Suggest treatment for severe diarrhea, flatulence and abdominal pressure How is severe psoriasis related to hypertrophic cardiovascular disease? What does my lab test report indicate? What causes small black particles in stool and itching around anus? What causes constipation and orange mucus in stool after taking probiotics? Suggest treatment for ringworm on feet and arms What causes black stool? Suggest treatment for stress, unclear thoughts and pressure in head feeling What do my lab test reports indicate? What causes seizure like activity in infant? What causes muscle cramps and tingling sensation in limbs after discontinuing Methadone? Is rhinitis a sign of HIV? Suggest treatment for persistent diarrhea, stomach cramps and hair loss What are the causes and symptoms of dysplasia? Can Hydrocodone and Tylenol cause liver damage? Is PA pressure value of 58 a cause for concern? How long does posterior fontanelle take to close post child birth? What causes soreness in muscles post hip replacement? What causes variations in urine output along with urge to urinate? Suggest treatment for severe cough Suggest treatment for papilloma in left tonsil What are the side effects of Carvedilol? What causes blood in urine? What causes intermenstrual bleeding? Are diabetes, stroke and heart disease hereditary? Suggest remedy for lack of vision in left eye Is pregnancy possible through non-penetrative intercourse? Is pregnancy possible after taking 2 I-pills? What does recurrent fever with low vitamin D level suggest? Should bumpy rides and severe exertion be avoided during pregnancy? How effective is acupuncture in treatment of Bells palsy? What causes intermittent stabbing chest pains? Can Cocaine be detected in system after exposure a month back? Does pre-ejaculatory fluid contain sperm? Suggest treatment for pain and numbness in tail-bone area Does pre-ejaculatory fluid contain sperm? How to wean off a narcotic drug slowly without any side effects? Does pre-ejaculatory fluid contain sperm? What causes sudden onset of pricking sensation in hand and fingers? What causes vaginal bleeding after taking Postinor 2? Suggest treatment for swelling, redness and pain at the varicose vein site How long do sperms live once they reach vaginal opening? Can HIV be transmitted through oral sex? Suggest treatment for heart palpitations, tingling numbness in legs and right arm What causes coughing up of blood? Is tongue twitching a symptom of stress? What causes tightness in neck while standing and difficulty breathing? What causes fishy odor from penis along with itching sensation? Is oozing of pus from wound post treatment a sign of infection? What do these SGOT and SGPT levels in an occasional drinker? What causes right-sided abdominal pain after eating spicy food? Suggest treatment for recurrent yeast infection and burning sensation in vulva Suggest remedy for erectile dysfunction Suggest treatment for stiffness in legs despite being on Rotigotine patch What causes low INR while on Coumadin? Suggest treatment for deep wound on head after injury Suggest treatment for inflammation in right leg and swelling Suggest treatment for red bumps and swelling on legs Is pregnancy possible when FSH level is 25.3? Suggest treatment for headache What causes ringing in head, dizziness upon exertion, nausea and migraine symptoms? Suggest a diet plan when diagnosed with diverticulitis Whom to consult for fluid retention in brain post injury? How long does Cipro take to show effect? Suggest treatment for dark pigmentation of skin Is surgical treatment or conservative management best for rectovaginal fistula? Suggest treatment for diarrhea and severe stomach pain in infant Suggest remedy for severe pain in rib cage post injury How long should Clonotril be taken without getting addicted to it? Suggest medication for wheezing during pregnancy Can i use Peroxide to treat finger nail injury? Is it safe to take I pill twice within 72 hours? Is Meftal or Meftal-P best for fever in a child? Suggest treatment for constipation and anal fissures Suggest treatment for pain in neck and hands Suggest treatment for pain in the chest area Suggest remedy for small raised wart like places inside the labia Suggest alternative medication for Clotrimazole Suggest treatment for small bumps on scalp Is HIV 4th generation test conclusive at 16 weeks post exposure? Suggest treatment for left side of thyroid and hyperthyroidism What causes chest pain and cough while breathing in? Suggest treatment for itchy red bumps on the anus What does my semen analysis test report indicate? Suggest treatment for vaginal itching while suffering from fungal infection What causes pain radiating from back of head to eye? What causes body tremors and sweating when diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease? Suggest treatment for erectile dysfunction What causes urge to urinate and irritation in urethra? What do low ESR and CRP levels indicate? Suggest treatment for eustachian tube dysfunction Suggest treatment for nocturnal dyspnea and shortness of breath Suggest treatment for rotator cuff tear and tingling numbness in legs What causes severe muscle and joints pain? Suggest treatment for insomnia and anxiety Suggest alternative medication to replace Xanax for fibromyalgia Suggest treatment for intermittent severe pain above right kidney Suggest treatment for severe pain due to ankylosing spondylitis Suggest treatment for GERD and heavy belching Is cardio CRP value of 5.2 a cause for concern? Suggest treatment for hard lump on neck muscle What causes dark spot near anus, discharge from anus and urethra? Whom to consult when diagnosed with sickle cell anemia and thalassaemia traits? What are the chances of pregnancy while on Mirena? What do my lab test reports indicate? Is it safe to have laser hair removal while on Mercaptopurine? What are the long term side effects of Lupron injection? Suggest treatment for severe back ache What does my urine analysis test report indicate? Suggest treatment for pain in the testicles What causes discomfort in knee after gym exercise program? What is PRP treatment? What causes extreme fatigue and exhaustion along with muscle weakness? What causes intermittent pain and pressure in legs and ankles? Suggest treatment for depression What causes constant pain radiating from arm to neck along with tingling sensation in hand? How safe is adenoidectomy when born with bilateral vocal cord paralysis? Suggest treatment for itching sensation around penis and scrotum Can Valacyclovir be used for back sores and rash in adults? What causes pain and prominent blood vessels at the back of lower legs? What causes sore bruise around anal area post anal sex? What causes feeling of food stuck in throat when i eat? How long does the sperm remain active in female reproductive tract? Is FIT test a good alternative to colonoscopy? Suggest ways to lose weight Suggest remedy for chest congestion and hoarse voice in an asthma patient What are the symptoms to look for while having a mole on lower back? Suggest treatment for loss of hearing in left ear What causes pain just under rib cage on left side with history of lab band surgery? What causes burning sensation in vulva after swimming? What does the following blood test result indicate? What does this MRI result indicate? What do the following test reports indicate? What causes body ache, nausea and fever? What are the chances of STD after oral sex? What does presence of shadow over the eye indicate? What does my CT scan test report indicate? What causes late period, unusual stretch marks on skin, low energy and exhaustion? Suggest treatment for thick endometrial lining in a post menopausal woman Suggest treatment for left flank pain, brain fogging, fatigue and facial rashes Suggest treatment for severe throat irritation causing bouts of cough Suggest remedy for anal fissure Suggest treatment for bump above clitoris Can the use of Macgest tablets during pregnancy harm the fetus? What causes severe headache, horrible pain in jaw and chin? What causes severe back spasms post partial hysterectomy? What causes itching around vagina along with redness? Suggest treatment for fluctuating heart rate How long after breakthrough bleeding and pain can Levlen be resumed? Suggest treatment for cervical lordosis in children Suggest treatment for boil on the face in a child Suggest treatment for black spot like hyperpigmentation What causes bleeding from rectum and rectal pain when i cough? What causes orange urine and itching in palms and soles? What causes chest pain in a 52 year old? What causes severe pain in left lumbar area?
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