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What causes elevated T4 levels in women with PCOS? What causes dislocation of the clavicle from the acromion? Suggest treatment for nightmares during sleep and sleeplessness Does gastric sleeve surgery affect pregnancy? Is pregnancy advisable after a gastric sleeve operation? What causes fluid in the middle ear? Suggest treatment for mucous in throat, nose and ears What causes red itchy rashes on arms, hands and torso? What does my ultrasound scan test report indicate? What is the treatment for delusions of parasitosis? Suggest treatment for severe itching below the knees Will Valium affect blood test reports fr PSA? Suggest remedy for fever and diarrhea What causes lower abdominal pain after placing mesh during hernia surgery? What causes a 5 cm mass in breast? Are weight loss, nausea, severe diarrhoea and abdominal pain symptoms of cancer? What oval masses on bicep? What causes difficulty in understanding numbers? What causes vomiting and loss of conciousness in a child? What does the presence of white worm in stool signify? What do my lab test reports indicate? What are the differences between the effects of Keppra and its biosimilar? What causes recurring episodes of itchy sensation on buttocks and upper thighs? Suggest treatment for numbness on scalp after injury Suggest treatment for pain around occipital region and hearing of strange noises in head What does the following CT scan report indicate? What do my blood work reports indicate? Suggest treatment for heavy vaginal bleeding and cramps post fibroid removal What are the warning signs of knee collapse while running on treadmill? What causes dark discoloration over gums in children post injury? What do these arterial blood gas results indicate? How to determine the date of conception using ultrasound? Is a HIV 4th generation test 8 weeks post exposure conclusive? When are Flora-BC and Domperidone prescribed? How long does fever take to resolve while on medication? What causes painless lump on shoulder along with arm pain? Suggest remedy for dizziness, vomiting and fatigue Suggest treatment for depression, paranoia and anxiety with psychotic features Suggest ways to reduce side effects of antituberculosis drugs What are the foods to be eaten when diagnosed with elevated uric acid levels? Are swollen lymph nodes under chin and on neck a cause for concern? What is perilymph fistula? Suggest treatment for severe itching in rectal area What causes constipation followed by diarrhea? What causes red spot in eye? What causes left temple pain while clenching teeth or yawning after injury? Suggest treatment for severe leg cramps at night What are the symptoms of opioid withdrawal? What is the normal range of blood sugar level in an adult? What causes pain in neck and spine while suffering from fever? What causes severe pain during intercourse? What causes the photo bleaching effect after being in the sun? What causes cloudy vision after being in the sun? Does Sertraline cause loss of appetite? What causes sudden onset of white film like moving floaters in eyes? Are chills, fever and lightheadedness after bruising on body from an accident normal? Suggest treatment for swollen nose due to infected pimple Is it safe to take Viagra with blood pressure lowering drugs? What do red bumps on the elbow and legs indicate? Suggest remedy for rash on arms after scratching an itchy spot What do these following lab reports indicate? Is Garcinia Cambogia advisable while taking anxiety medications? What causes grey line in vision? What causes stroke in young adults? Suggest remedy for ear aches with nausea and dizziness What causes blood in semen? Suggest treatment for redness and swelling on the eyelids What causes strange swelling in hands, arms, fingers and back? Suggest treatment for premature ejaculation and penile numbness What causes sudden lack of libido and sexual drive for a prolonged duration? What causes nervousness and headache in a person with thyroid disorder? Suggest treatment for excessive gas and dizziness What causes agitation despite being on low doses of Brintellix and Celexa? Suggest treatment for erectile dysfunction Do Ecosprin and Duphaston help in maintaining pregnancy? Suggest remedy for sleepiness while on medication for anxiety What causes four elevated soft nodules on hands? What causes persistent hissing noise in the ears? Is surgery necessary for Lippman cobb angle of 14 degrees in a 14 year old? What is the effect of obesity on COPD patients? Can ARS symptoms appear after 5 days of exposure? Suggest remedy for presence of white spots on face and hands Can a pineal cyst cause insomnia? Suggest treatment for mild hypertension and blood in semen Suggest treatment for erectile dysfunction Are 14th and 28th day vaccinations necessary for complete protection against rabies? Suggest treatment for swelling up of temples while chewing What does my semen analysis test report indicate? Suggest remedy for pain due to plantar fasciitis Is it safe for someone with arachnoiditis to have myelography? Suggest treatment for fever and severe headaches Can medication be discontinued after esophagus stent removal? Suggest treatment for discomfort in urethra and vaginal area Suggest treatment for dry cough and post nasal drip Suggest treatment for tinnitus, nausea and high BP Suggest treatment for exercise induced bronchial spasms Suggest treatment for recurring UTI What causes black outs followed by loss of hearing? Suggest treatment for anxiety and depression despite being on Alprazolam What causes unconsciousness and rolling of eyes in children with Asperger's syndrome? Suggest treatment for fluid filled blisters on skin What are the chances of STD transmission through unprotected intercourse? What do the following PSA readings suggest? Suggest treatment for recurring diarrhea Suggest treatment for diarrhea, vomiting and dizziness Suggest remedy for burning sensation after bowel movement and heaviness in rectal area Is pregnancy possible despite taking Unwanted-72? Can STD be contracted through analingus and sexual intercourse? Suggest treatment for sensivity to sounds, numb face and ringing in ears What does the following MRI report indicate? What does my MRI scan test report indicate? Can i skip fifth dose of Rabies vaccination as the pet dog is healthy and alive? What causes pinching sensation on the left side of chest? What does this abdominal ultrasound report indicate? What is meant by ischial tuberosity? What causes nose bleeds after consuming valerian root and passion flower? Suggest treatment for polycythemia and increase in cholesterol levels Suggest ways to reduce old injury scars on forehead What causes the need to strain to have a bowel movement? Suggest treatment for white blisters inside mouth Suggest treatment for tightness in chest and achy back Suggest ways to wean off Effexor while on Prozac Suggest treatment for pancreatic cancer What causes itchy red rashes on legs while taking Plavix and Aspirin? What causes sharp shooting pain in the breast area? Is a dull left upper abdominal pain suggestive of gall stones? Suggest treatment for right lower back pain How do I deal with a corn on my foot? What causes emphysema? What causes low platelet count in a diabetic patient? Suggest remedy for cramps, excessive weight gain and migraines after missing periods Is it a common practice not to put wisdom teeth in full dentures? What do positive pregnancy and bleeding after intercourse indicate? What causes redness underneath breast? What components does Evion-LC consist of? What causes involuntary movements and inability to respond to stimulus? Suggest treatment for enlarged prostate What causes weird vaginal discharge along with itchy vagina? What causes severe cough after taking Pravastatin? What causes inflammation in throat while taking Teva-Lansoprazole for silent reflux? When is the right time to visit a gynecologist by a 16 year old? Suggest pain medication for peripheral neuropathy What causes a blue tint in the sclera of eye? Suggest treatment for diarrhea, stomach pain and profuse sweating Can the effects of sudden estrogen drop be corrected through medication? What causes low lymphocyte count? What causes reddish discoloration around left ankle and tingling sensation in toes? What is the ideal FSH and LH level during menopause? Suggest treatment for mouth ulcers in children What causes pain in left hamstring, groin, lower abomen and left testicle? What causes loss of hearing in right ear? What causes left flank pain and burning sensation in urethra? Suggest remedy for lack of feeling while on medication for depression What dosage of Bupropion is severely damaging or potentially fatal? What causes painful urination along with chills and fever? What causes tingling sensation in hands and fingers after Solu Medrol injection? Suggest treatment for fluid filled blister after injury What causes white filled bumps on skin? What causes aggressive and abusive behavior post alcohol consumption? Suggest treatment for right index finger burn with blistered non-healing wound What causes pain above waistline while walking? Suggest remedy for pain in neck and right hand What causes loose stools, stomach gas and bloating? Suggest ways to bring down blood sugar levels What causes persistent headaches and memory issues? What causes severe pain in lower right abdomen? Is pregnancy possible despite taking Luteria 10 days after intercourse? Suggest treatment for severe pain in buttocks What causes vaginal bleeding after having I pill? Suggest treatment for penile thrush What do the following blood and urine test reports indicate? Suggest gene therapy to increase hair growth? Are pain under the ribs and lower back pain suggestive of urinary problems? Suggest treatment for rashes on shoulders, chest , face and back What causes pain in rib cage along with a slight bulge? What causes right sided hip pain that radiates to lower abdomen? What causes acid reflux, bloating and gas? What do numbness in left side of shin and achy legs indicate? Suggest remedy for numbness in the left shin area What causes nausea while taking Glycomet-SR 500? What causes lack of energy and poor motivation while tapering off Edronax? Is there any chance of pregnancy after having normal periods? What causes excess mucus production even after treating laryngitis? Suggest remedy for sore throat and nausea after oral sex Suggest treatment for red and itchy genitals Is pregnancy possible despite taking Plan B within 24 hours of intercourse? What causes intermittent jaw weakness? Can TSH testing be done on the second day of menstruation? What causes breathing difficulties and elevated blood pressure? Suggest treatment for dryness and thinning of hair How long before ovulation is white cervical mucus discharge seen? Is Lactogen advisable for a 5 month old baby? What causes dizziness, lightheadedness and weakness while breastfeeding? Suggest herbal remedies for high grade, moderate severity dyskaryosis How effective is combination of Levonorgestrel and Ethinyl estradiol as contraceptives? Suggest treatment for severe and persistent headaches What causes sensation of tingling on both shoulders? Suggest treatment for fever and headache Suggest treatment for loose motion and fever in a child Is pregnancy possible when I-pill is taken after 72 hours?
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