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11'th Week of Pregnancy

11 week Pregnant
  • You have now approached 11th week of pregnancy! Your body will start experiencing expansion, both inside and out. Keep track of the coming weeks, for it will be a period of rapid growth for you as well as for your baby.

Changes in You
  • Try drinking more water since you tend to produce more blood, sweat, oil and amniotic fluid. There will be times when you will be desperately thirsty. Hence, stack up few bottles of drinking water near you, always. And try consuming a diet that has high iron content.

Changes in Your Baby
  • Want to know how long your baby is? Your baby will be about 1.5 to 2.5 inches long and will be the size of "a peanut". Your baby can do somersaults, rollovers and stretch as well. Amazing!! Your baby's fingernails and toenails begin to grow faster. Also, your baby's testes or ovaries develop. The intestines would also have developed, by now.

Tips and Precautions
  • Follow the antenatal schedule as per guide lines and ask for vaccination schedules.

    Continue the Iron and folic acid supplements till the end of 12 weeks and continue if advised by your Doctor.

    However a date scan is done to confirm the proper growth of the fetus and reconfirm the dates of expected time of delivery.

    With regard to the common worries keep contacting the Doctor for advice or our portal to chat with the Doctor.

    Eat regularly and drink plenty of water to keep headaches at bay. Get at least eight hours of sleep a day. Take short naps as and when you can. Try and relax by reading, listening to music or doing activities you like.

    Look for signs of vaginal bleeding and abdominal pain. It may be a slight bleed or unnoticeable but it can prove to be loss of life. Look if you have greater womb or lesser womb than expected. See the Doctor Complications of Pregnancy.

    Register for antenatal classes if available in your locality

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