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Can Glycomet be taken along with BP medicines? Will non-exposure to the world during first two years affect brain growth? What do yellow nasal drip and headaches indicate? What causes dizziness and fatigue after a long journey? What causes bruises on arms and rib cage despite being on Warfarin? What does burning sensation during urination indicate? Suggest treatment for severe tremors in arms Suggest treatment for difficulty in gaining weight of a person with Crohn's disease Is it safe to take Splenda for obesity? Do delayed periods suggest pregnancy? What do elevated AMH levels indicate? What causes missed periods despite having negative UPT? Suggest treatment for cysts in ovaries and heavy clotted menstruation What does my ultrasound scan report indicate? Suggest treatment for red rash and itching under the breast Suggest treatment for severe pimples What causes yellowish tint in eyes and constant lack of energy? Suggest treatment for polycystic ovarian syndrome What causes brown colored urine? What causes pain in the right testicle after sexual intercourse? Will Temazepam help treat withdrawal symptoms of Alprazolam? What causes loud heart beating sound disturbing sleep? Will Levonorgestrel and Ethinylestradiol help to reduce excessive vaginal bleeding? Suggest remedy for persistent stomach discomfort What causes blood in semen? Suggest treatment for knot at injection site after Tdap vaccine What causes cold sensations on crown of head and visual light flashes? What causes pain in stomach and chest while coughing? Suggest treatment for swollen pimple under chin Suggest treatment for severe pain due to collapsed vertebrae 11 leaning on 12 Can Nebivolol cause side effects in elderly? Will nerves damage repair on its own? What causes sudden onset of blurred vision? What causes abdominal pain and diarrhea while treating diabetes mellitus? What causes numbness on left side of face? What does sudden onset of blurred vision indicate? Suggest ways to deal with side effects of Z- Pak Would CT or MRI scan show structural brain damage? Can TB infection spread to other organs while on medication? Suggest treatment for severe back ache, constipation and weight loss Is mifepristone advisable after taking Ginecoside? What do weird sensation on penis and tightness in urethra suggest? What causes back pain and burning sensation after urination? Is it normal for the penis to curve slightly to the left? Is onset of schizophrenia without prior history possible in the mid 30s? What causes palpitations in night after eating dinner? What do headaches and vomiting after taking I pill indicate? What causes a painless bump on scrotum? What causes neck lymphadenopathy and upper eye edema when diagnosed with lymphoid hyperplasia? What are the precautions to be taken during 10th week of pregnancy to prevent miscarriage? Are recurrent bumps on the tongue signs of HIV? Does Cymbalta cause acidosis? What causes swollen lymph nodes on body 30 days post HIV exposure? What are the effects of changing Flomax to Alfuzosin? What causes hardness on calf muscle post major leg injury? How to use combipack of Mifepristone and Misoprostol tablets? Can Paxil cause female sexual dysfunction? What does ST depression of 1.5mm in an ECG report indicate? What causes white discharge accumulation on penis? How to handle delusions in a BP patient? Suggest treatment for pus filled pimples on the thigh Is an enlarged sub mental lymph node a cause for concern? Suggest remedy for pain and swelling after epididymitis surgery What do these blood and urine reports indicate? Suggest treatment for ulcerative colitis What causes low iron readings post heavy and painful periods? What causes persistent pain in ribs? What causes fluctuating CEA levels in a colon cancer patient? Suggest treatment for pain in both wrists with tingling on fingers Can HIV be contracted through unprotected oral sex? Suggest treatment for metastatic cancer in food pipe Suggest treatment for sneezing, runny nose and watery eyes Is it safe to take oral or injectable iron for iron deficiency? What causes oral sores post oral sex? What causes excess post nasal discharge in throat while recovering from flu? Suggest remedy for dizziness and resting heart rate of 42 What causes weight gain, hair fall, severe acne and underarm pigmentation? What does a decrease in CEA by ten points after chemotherapy indicate? Suggest treatment for mood disorders What causes grey spot on left side of corona? What causes recurring swollen glands along with sore throat? What does the following thyroid profile test report indicate? What causes left sided chest pain at night after eating? What does this ECG report indicate? What causes chest, neck and shoulder pain after placing stents in LAD? Suggest treatment for sunburn on scalp and hair loss on crown of head What would cause a painless dark patch of skin? Can masturbation cause severe back pain? How long do serotonin receptors take to acclimatize post SSNI's withdrawal? What causes pain in shoulder when i raise my arms above shoulders? Suggest exercises that are beneficial when suffering from lung disease What causes numbness in feet while pulse rate is strong in feet? Suggest treatment for UTI post urinary catheterization? What causes shortness of breath and mild pain in back and rib cage? What causes keloids on arm and chest, acne and excessive hair loss? What do fluctuations in BP when on Losartan indicate? Is severe pain in arm associated with a lump above the clavicle? What causes black stools? Suggest treatment for sore throat and cough What causes chest tightness and wheezing when diagnosed with asthma? Suggest treatment for swelling above ear What causes low cholesterol levels after having proper medication and lifestyle modification? What does this urine analysis report indicate? Suggest treatment for noise induced hearing loss What causes headache and fainting post mild head injury? Suggest treatment for infection and severe pain after kidney surgery What causes white discharge from penis? Suggest treatment for stomach bloating and vomiting What does my blood test report indicate? What causes burning sensation during urination? Does asbestos exposure cause COPD? Are negative HIV RNA test and third generation antibody test within window period conclusive? What causes red spots around neck? Suggest treatment for severe arthritis in the hip Suggest treatment for swelling, redness and itchy eyes Suggest remedy for stomach pain and nausea when on Vyvanse What causes constant pain and irritation in bladder? Suggest remedy for chronic bladder pain after taking antibiotics Suggest treatment for pimple like spot on penis head What causes numbness in lips and hotness? What causes inexplicable weight loss and prominence of xiphoid process What causes pulsating lower left abdominal pain? What is the correlation between erectile dysfunction and chronic congestive epididymitis? What causes left testis pain, low sperm count and staph? Suggest treatment for hypercontracting oesophagus What do red and itchy penis after unprotected sex indicate? What causes intermittent shooting nerve pain on left side in lower molar? Suggest treatment for constipation, bloating and tender breasts Suggest treatment for red rashes on arm, neck and shoulder What causes cramping and a feeling of knots in lower abdomen? What causes loud popping painful sound while moving or resting on arm? Suggest treatment for tumor in ovary Suggest treatment for hives on back, neck and legs Can HIV be transmitted through tattoo needles? Suggest treatment for back soreness What does small bump on the breast suggest? What does the following ECG report indicate? Can Thiamine be taken orally while having skin test allergy? Suggest treatment for weakness in muscles and persistent abdominal pain Suggest treatment for severe tooth pain Suggest treatment for persistent vaginal discharge Are Vasograin tablets taken before 8 weeks of pregnancy harmful to fetus? What causes a greenish-yellow, odorless vaginal discharge? What do sores on penis tip suggest? What causes unusually light menstruation and sharp left-sided abdominal pain? Suggest treatment for sores under penis head and lesions after masturbation What does delayed menstrual bleeding after protected intercourse suggest? Suggest treatment for steroid induced Cushings Syndrome Suggest treatment for vasovagal syncope, drop in heart rate and BP level What are the repercussions of accidental additional azithromycin dose to child? Suggest treatment for cartilage injury of the knee What causes excessive salivation and constant dry cough? What does my holter monitoring test result indicate? Can exercise help in treating anxiety induced hyperventilation? What does a blood filled mile on the stomach suggest? What are the chances of HIV transmission through protected sex? What causes a painful bruise inside throat? Can Adderall cause oily stool? Suggest treatment for severe outer ear pain Does low estrogen level causes slight bleeding? What causes lump near inner right thigh? Can MRSA be contracted through intercourse during menstruation? How soon after C-section child birth is intercourse advisable? Suggest treatment for dark brown mark of 1cm on cheek Suggest treatment for bruise on left eye after injury What does my thyroid test report indicate? Can HIV be contracted through protected intercourse after PRP injection? Can Benzodiazepines be recommended for anxiety during addiction treatment? Suggest treatment for chronic back pain while treating sciatica What causes inability to consume food? Does Lipocut help in losing weight? Suggest treatment for severe stomach cramps after taking Codeine How long does dark pigmented skin take to resolve upon treatment? What causes neck pain along with headaches after taking Tirosint? Suggest ways to deal with hot flashes and night sweats during menopause What causes raised tender bumps on tongue? What causes neck pain along with headaches after taking Tirosint? Suggest treatment for cyst on inner thigh What causes body tremors after taking Zyprexa? What causes nausea and prolonged menstrual bleeding after taking Feosol? What causes cough and shortness of breath after walking long-distance? What causes lump behind ear along with headaches and pain in neck? What causes burning sensation in buttocks of a person with spinal problems? Suggest treatment for muscle strain in neck Suggest treatment for high BP Suggest treatment for loss of muscle control in face What can i expect after taking high doses of Clonidine? Suggest treatment for thick whitish vaginal discharge What causes burning sensation and pain in vaginal area? What causes high heart rate and irregular heart beats despite having normal cardiac tests? How is a skin biopsy a determining factor for Eosinophilic fasciitis? Is it safe to take Propranolol when diagnosed with hypothyroidism? What causes pain and tenderness in head? Suggest treatment for single papillae on skin Can leukoplakia turn into cancer? Can i consume alcohol while on treatment for H.pylori infection? Should i take intravenous injections for low iron levels? What do these CD4 test results indicate? Is there any treatment for liver cirrhosis? Suggest natural remedies to treat PCOS and bloating
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