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How do I take care of missed periods for two full cycles? What is alternative generic medicine for Mevnik-C by Nexeum? What should I do about severe pain in the legs? should I provide any other test reading? Will a cautery procedure leave a scar at the site? Can deficiency of vitamins b12 in past cause white spots? Can annual flu vaccine to prevent recurrent Upper respiratory tract infect? What do I do about depression despite taking Nexito for 4 months? Frequent variation in temperature? How much pregnency chances are there after taking I pill? How reliable is tumor marker testing and should we be alarmed My sister has a parotid lesion - pleomorphic adenoma please advice on whether to have it removed since it may affect the facial nerve I have done blood test having ESR 25 which is inbreed kindly assist me medicine Can ultrasound alter breast size? What is the blood test for protein electrophoresis? Can increase heart rate damage heart? Want to know about further consultation and diagnosis on the basis of medical check up Suggest treatment for stomach ache, bloating and gas Please give me solution for constipation My eyes seemed to be moving slower than my brain when I feel zoned out what’s going on Can I manage varicose veins by wearing the Compression socks and also whether there is any problem for going by Flight 51 yr old perimenupausal and suffer from costochondeitis and fybromyalgia Why do I have cough which is not alleviating for over a month and a half? I have severe anxiety and sleep disorders I’m very restless please suggest remedies What should I do after being bitten by a kitten? I need second opinion before I go for thyroidectomy surgery I took severe NyQuil around an hour ago and my nose is still stopped up What ways to reduce premature ejaculation problem ? What can I do about dry cough that is not getting any better? How do I manage when I have a fissure? Why have I not got a beard yet even at my growing age? What could cause pain in the testicles? Could clingen forte be the reason for bleeding? A little less than two months ago, I was Dx What's the prescription for severe pain in my neck and shoulder? My daughter 2.5 year old is having pain during urinating got urine routine test 6-8 HPF PUS Cells should it be concern should I take a pill to delay my periods ? Post covid fever and cold should it be consider anything serious? suggest treatment of problem in respiration? What should I have to do to control or regrow hair? Should I be concerned for fever 2 to 5 days continuous and head pain? What food we can eat in case of high wbc ? I am suffering with Blanitis please suggest treatment should I do test dengue test for feeling fever,cold and sneezing ? Suffering from perforation affecting the ENT region, high in the throat, that is fully opening access to the cranial cavity. Kindly analyses ECG of my wife problems if any with the heart Should I take a pill to delay my periods then? I am gaining weight rapidly what could be reason Need to loose weight Tumeric powder capsule cause throat issue Dry mouth and lips is it due to anxiety/stress or possibility of HIV? Does yellow in eyes indicate jaundice ? What could be the cause of cervical mastoids are quite asymmetrical? Does elevated creatinine kinase (CK) levels often indicate muscle damage? Why have I not been able to conceive for over 8 months? What do I do about severe cold, cough, yellow phlegm and pain in the neck? PEP within 10 hours after the first exposure can be useful How many times can nebulization with Duolin be administered in a day for a toddler? Can covid cause liver damage? What is the cause of recurrent rashes on different parts of his body every day, accompanied by severe itching? I am on thyronorm 25mg and when my periods start 4-5 days for actual bleeding any reason for this I just had an STD screening. My syphilis test reacted but the RPI titer was 1:1. Could it be a false positive? Can transmission of HIV by handjob method? Can rabies spread thru saliva of cat? Could someone please interpret carotid canal and jugular foramen are within normal limits? Whom should I consult for weight loss assistance? Which is best for vaginal suppository to help with symptoms from a pudental nerve issue and to try alpha lip and/or valerarian root Why do I notice hair fall while washing and combing my hair especially when I consume caffeine? What should I do when I get a temperature? What do I do about dry skin problem? Why is there pain in the head and neck apart from involuntary closing of the left eye every few seconds? Why am I getting visible bald patches in my beard recently? I have few doubts regarding HIV Please reply Pain in shoulder Is it usual for pain after gall bladder removal and uterus removal surgery Tissue mass in throat be cancerous Why have a lots of warts been growing on my neck, nose and shoulders? Can new born have the trait of thalassemia or sickle cell? Diagnosed with metastatic pancreatic cancer stage 4 what is survival chances What do I do about very noticeable dark circles around my eyes for over two years? Is it true if you get grey hair at early age then your cells will get old early and you die? My cervical xrays show the mastoid bone on the left being quite elevated when compared to the right one. Any idea what may cause this? What is cause and remedy for observed swelling in his hands & foot, it hurts? I want to take the prophylaxis anti rabis vaccine can u please help to to let me know the recommended schedule of vaccine administration? Lumps started forming in groin area is there anything to be worried about? Could this be viral infection my daughter 2.5 years old, she started sneezing What should I know about cervical stitches? My baby boy is 2 year 4 months old How do I ensure my son sleeps through the night I have a itchy penis head more than a week Could you please suggest tablet for throat infection How to get periods early? Does Pentoxifylline 400MG together with Vitamin E tab will interact with Apixaban? How does iron level in body get decreased in two different test? Foreskin of my penis has tightened due to which I am having difficulty in maintaining genital hygiene and intercourse Please suggest medicine for weakness What are ovulation period? Please suggest treatment for constipation my daughter Natasha XXXXXXX aged 16yrs has sore throat and Is there any treatment of kidney stone? What are test required to check fertility? Please suggest treatment for stomach cramp with noise too How can we terminate early pregnancy safely? How to lose weight? Can raised wbc cause severe toe fungus? I just had an STD panel and my syphilis test was reactive. But the rpi tiper was 1:1. Could this be a false positive? Is it medically harmful to take Duphaston and Primolut N in the same month? Can thyroid cause weight gain? Suffering from pain in eyes Can HIV survive in that oil medium? How to reduce lot of pimples on face ? my lymphnode sizes and dimensions appear to be abnormal Im facing severe hairfall and my hair is more frizzy than before how to overcome Could you please look into my report and analyse my health Are statins advisable if muscle injury is there? Having a pinch like pain at left sturnum of chest is it related to heart What are causes of irregular period with heavy bleeding? I always get the weather change fever and cold What are causes of Stomach pain Even after chemo and radiation there is still pus coming from Comando surgery place of buccal mucosa I want to increase weight Hello Doctor, My period dates for the past three months Should I need to gain weight for my age 25 weight 50 kg? Have dark circles under my eyes any medication needed to use what will be my fertility days to conceive on 35 days cycle? On BRAT diet I have diarrhea for 5 days what need to do Can Doppler checking for DVT be regular? Does PRP method bring relief to neuropathic pain in leg? What are these veins in the sclera of the eye? pregnancy positive but bleeding 15 days Can Chondromalacia patella be cured ? Can I take red yeast rice capsule on H.pylori treatment Should I increase Levipil dose during 2nd month of pregnancy to control seizures? My spouse has started hearing low in left Ear. Extreme body pain specially in back I treated with Amoxicillin Doxycycline for pneumonia does it has side effects Need prescription for chikenguniya lot of pain What should I do about severe hair fall due to dandruff? severe cold and sneezing How can appendectomy with pain at incisions be treated? What will my prognosis be like after conducting vitamin B12, D3, iron serum, CBC, TFT and LFT tests? Need second opinion on blood clot in eyes due to hurt when I sleep in left side pain in chest left side I have dark patches in the groin area Body weight has been increasing with breathlessness, Knee pain and reduced stamina how decrease weight My 7 year old kid having recurring cough using montair has side effect Please advise medication for acute muscle and nerve pain severe cough and sore throat suggest what to do I am suffering from a continuous dry coughing Dore this look like conjuncticitis? I was wondering if the supplement XXXXXXX e is considered What is the reason Hematocrit is high ? Review MRI report scared of possible sinister I am having chest tightness unable to breath sneezing When will be the ovulation day if period cycle is 34 days Dr. -- 1. recently I was diagnosed w diverticulitis 2. While brushing in the morning little blood found in mouth. Could you please check the health report share if any concern Please can you suggest the best option for swollen under eyes Frequent urination after drinking water what is the right time of ovulation can we consider app prediction? Since Last 2 Months White Discharge Problem I had a bilateral salpingectomy 2 months ago now light brown/pink discharge What does this mean? Could you please do analyses my annual health report? Must I consult a doctor when a vaginal swab test report shows no abnormality? What does the vaginal swab test report indicate? was having a cold and cough from last week Suffering from fever and body pain and cold Is it safe to run daily for 5 kilometers? My vitamin D level is 6. What should be my dose of taking d Supplement What type of protein is good for Health Recent blood test shows high HB,RDW and RBC is this worrying? I got bitten by a rat on the finger yesterday, Should I go to the hospital for unusual period flow? Suffering from gastric irritation Can you provide a simple prescription for Throid and IgE test yearly so that I can provide to them and get it tested ? Want to know the reason,causes,affects and how to achieve normal levels in my blood test what is treatment for Hair loss ? what is treatment for Hair loss ? left overy m Pani ki gath h Suggest treatment of quick recovery from Cold and cough This past XXXXXXX I started having food sensitivities and reactions Can spot be caused by age? Suggest anti itch for a spot and on neck Reason for baby cry at night Skin infection with rash Could you please suggest a good and mild shampoo, conditioner and serum for daily usage? High blood pressure issue Having loose stool problems since 2 days Please suggest medicine for fatty liver Feeling tired after taking Dolo 650 Can you please suggest for cough and runny nose from several days My TSH level is high, latest report shows 8.5 as Please review my annual health check up report and suggest for the attached 21 yo male with recent diagnosis of bicupsid aortic valve surgery needed Which syrups to take during pregnancy ? Why does hand tremors appear? indigestion problem what to do... I have a problem of fistula is surgery needed? Can you suggest a diet to lose weight Analise health report attached
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