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What causes breathing difficulty in supine position with cracking sound on inhalation? What causes breathing difficulty in supine position with cracking sound on inhalation? What does the ultrasound report indicate? What causes severe pain deep inside the bones under collar bone? Is numbness or tingling related to MS symptoms? What are the chances of HIV after protected sex and oral sex? What causes whitish material secreted by glands present in undersurface of foreskin? Suggest treatment for some bald patches over child's scalp When should a woman start with Mercilon? What causes pain in the buttock in patient with non Hodgkin lymphoma? What causes abdominal skin sagging post C-section delivery? Is withdrawal bleeding normal after taking Unwanted-72? Does anxiety cause high heart rate and high blood pressure? What causes pain in upper abdomen, bloating and constant belching? Does an accidental intake of Lisinopril, Atenolol and Simvastatin cause any harm? Does an accidental intake of Lisinopril, Atenolol and Simvastatin cause any harm? Can Betmiga interact with Diazepam and cause instability in legs? What causes redness, swelling and watering eyes after injecting filler into eyebrows? What causes headache and neck ache in a patient with head injury? What does the ultrasound sound report indicate? What causes painful blisters after trying Just For Men beard coloring? What does the LFT readings indicate? What causes an accidental ingestion of a double does of Maxamox? What does the electrodiagonistic study report indicate? What causes pleuritic pain in a patient with lung infection? Suggest treatment for a wound in hand with draining pus and redness What does the glucometer reading indicate? Suggest treatment for a small circle like rash on shin What are the risks of HIV after an unprotected sex? What does the ultrasound report of bladder and kidney indicate? What causes pain and swelling in the foot and toes? Suggest treatment for extremely itchy skin colored welts What causes elevated CEA level in a cancer patient? What causes back pain experienced by sitting in front of a computer? Is lower back discomfort is one of the side effect of taking Flomax? Suggest treatment for a problem in hearing words Suggest treatment for acute mechanical back pain what causes orange snot from the nose? What causes blood in sputum and stool? What causes puncture wounds on forehead after a cat scratch? What is the life expectancy when suffering from stage 4 heart failure? What are the chances of HIV infection after protected intercourse? What causes pain in the mid back area? What causes a rash on the buttocks? Suggest treatment for fatigue and constipation What does my blood test report indicate? What does my blood test report indicate? What causes abnormal hair loss in children along the front and sides? Suggest treatment for chicken pox like bumps What does the X-Ray report indicate? What does the MRI report indicate? Is slightly elevated BP of 142/83 a cause for concern? Suggest treatment for sore and painful tendons in heels Suggest remedy for redness and pain in vaginal area after a cut Suggest treatment for sinus infection, cough, dry throat and upper chest pain Suggest treatment for sneezing, watering eyes with runny nose What does the chest X-ray report indicate? What causes lumpy bits of flesh attached to belly bottom in infants? Suggest medication for fibromyalgia What causes a cracking and dry skin on hands? Suggest treatment for bruising after sebaceous cyst removal near navel Suggest treatment for abacterial cystitis Is it alright to miss Latanoprost for 5 days without a significant eye problem? Suggest treatment for acute pancreatitis How long should i continue Macrobid for UTI? Suggest treatment for red rashes on healed appendectomy scar Suggest treatment for pneumonia and cough without phlegm Suggest medication for anxiety with less side effects How to distinguish between atrial fibrillation and arterial flutter? How long do i need to take medication for UTI? Is it necessary to have Penicillin for food poisoning? Is it necessary to be tested for cancer inspite of having family history of cancer? What causes numbness in arm post Crystal meth usage? What causes frequent urge to urinate and pain during urination? Suggest treatment for pain when having fibroid and excess fluid in the pelvic area Suggest diet when suffering from fatty liver Suggest treatment for gastroesophageal reflux in infant Suggest treatment for depression and negative thinking What causes discomfort swallowing followed by burping? Suggest treatment for recurring pain in lower back What causes lower abdominal pain along with delay in periods? Suggest treatment for frequent urination, lower abdominal pain and difficulty urination Suggest remedy for dull pain under the rib cage What causes dark spots near genital area? Suggest treatment for red and inflamed penis head What are the side effects of Parocen CR and Risperidone? Suggest remedy for swelling on the arm after fracture Can using Prozac and Deplin together cause drowsiness? What causes small white circles on body post strep throat treatment? What causes urine retention post prostate removal? What causes weakness and low appetite in a person with kidney stone? Suggest treatment for dryness of vagina and fat belly during menopause What causes pressure and discomfort under breast? Suggest treatment for high cholesterol and elevated liver enzymes Is it safe to decrease the dosage of Oxycodone? How do I detox from alcohol without getting sick? What causes fast heart beat while sleeping? Is it normal to have muscle atrophy at old age? Suggest treatment for chronic pain What causes vision issues and incoordination inspite of being on lamotrigine? Suggest treatment for severe pain from neuropathy Suggest treatment for swollen tongue and throat Do Duphaston and Siphene help in getting conceived? Suggest treatment for sepsis in right leg What causes shooting pain on instep of foot? Suggest ways to manage alcohol detoxification What does this ultrasound report of thyroid gland indicate? What does my thyroid ultrasound scan report indicate? Does cinnamon help in lowering blood sugar levels? Suggest treatment for chronic pain and nerve ablations What causes swollen artery in neck area along with painful swollen right eye? Suggest remedy for painful lump near the rib cage What causes pain in ear of a person with vertigo? Suggest treatment for stiffness in leg despite physical therapy How conclusive is HIV 1 and 2 test and P24 antigen report? Suggest treatment for early dementia Does Mensovit plus help in treating missed periods? What are the side effects of Ovral-L? Suggest treatment for episodes of amnesia, nausea and severe imbalance Suggest treatment for shrunken lobe when having chronic liver disease Suggest medication for OCD and ADD with less side effects What causes reduced thickness of endometrium inspite of being on Clomid? Suggest treatment for side effects of Udiliv What causes constant lightheaded dizzy? What does a CK level of 1400 indicate? Does Zoloft helps with anxiety and OCD symptoms? What causes lack of bleeding despite taking Unwanted kit and Mifepristone? Suggest treatment for excessive itching on the body What causes intermittent burping after having food? What causes watery vaginal discharge during periods with normal ultrasound? What does this MRI report of brain indicate? Suggest treatment for pain on legs and lower back How does Clomipure Plus help while treating PCOS? What causes dryness of urethra and urge to urinate? Is it normal to have white lines on tonsils of children? What does the stress thallium scan report indicate? Suggest dosage level of Nordette-21 birth control pills Does 3mg of Melatonin cause false positive drug test results? Suggest treatment for calcified hematoma on shin Is it safe to withdraw from Diltiazem while suffering from atrial fibrillation? Suggest treatment for abdominal pain, flatulence and stomach tenderness What are the side effects of Neurocet? Suggest remedy for pills getting stuck in throat What causes dryness at urethra and rashes on scrotum? Suggest treatment for headaches and dizziness What causes diarrhea, nausea and decreased fetal movements during pregnancy? What causes fatigue, weakness, weight loss, BP fluctuations and sleeplessness? Suggest treatment for ache and pain in the groin area What do the following CT scan report indicate? Suggest treatment for tendinitis at left hip Suggest treatment for low testosterone levels, extreme anxiety, mood swings and insomnia Suggest treatment for headaches and sinus congestion What causes heart palpitations during ovulation? Is enlarged pupils a symptom of cocaine intoxication? Suggest treatment for tongue numbness and difficulty in swallowing What causes ethmoid sinus pain while coughing? Suggest treatment for bumps on the penile shaft Suggest pain relief medication for pinched nerve and bulging disc Is it normal to experience excessive vaginal lubrication during intercourse? What does pain at stitch site after cholecystectomy indicate? What causes elevated heart rate? What are the symptoms of renal cell carcinoma? What causes severe headaches every morning, right eye pain, nausea and upset stomach? What does my lab test result indicate? Suggest treatment for external thyroid Suggest ways to manage adverse effects of taking Wellbutrin-XL and Wellbutrin-SR together Suggest treatment for non itchy, painless, round, red rashes on back Do men go through hormonal and emotional changes every month? Suggest treatment for shortness of breath and fluid in legs and stomach Suggest treatment for cyst like mass near vaginal opening What causes occasional tingling in upper back, shoulders and back of head? Is it advisable to take Haldol and Celexa for Nystagmus? What causes light vaginal bleeding after taking Amoxicillin and Metronidazole? What causes bloody discharge in semen? Does cutting the Bupropion dose to 25 mg cause withdrawal symptoms? What does the placenta start producing estrogen and progesterone? Does Librax help to reduce abdominal gas? Is NuvaRing an effective reversible method of birth control? What causes vaginal spotting before periods? Suggest remedy for swollen area on the finger after dog bite Suggest treatment for chest pain and acid reflux What causes left-sided chest pain and musculoskeletal pain? What causes a small lump in the palm of hand? Suggest the dosage and use Misoprostol What cause slow body temperature, loss of appetite and elevated WBC count? What does a pea size lump on nipple of child indicate? Suggest treatment for chlamydia while treating hepatitis-B What does a sore hard lump on the nipple of child indicate? What causes stomach discomfort after eating and drinking? Suggest treatment for severe pain in left-sided lower abdomen What does a negative beta HCG result of <1 indicate? Is bleeding for 3-6 months after C-section normal? What does low energy levels after cancer treatment indicate? Suggest a diet plan for a 6 month old infant What causes severe right-sided pain in face, neck and ear? What causes nausea, sweating, weakness, lightheadedness, persistent diarrhea and abdominal pain? What causes blood in urine? What causes spotting blood clots after bioidentical hormonal replacement therapy? What causes incessant vomiting, diarrhea, exhaustion, fever, headache and body pain? Suggest treatment for sinus infection and clogged ears
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