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how does a beta blocker work? Is masturbation safe during pregnancy? Can Mirtazapine and Citalopram be taken together? Suggest remedy for hyperactivity in infants Suggest treatment for chronic diarrhea What does this blood report indicate? Suggest treatment for severe heel pain and foot swelling What causes dryness around the outer layer of eye with headache? What causes swollen lips, painful right ear and puffy eyes? Suggest treatment for premature ejaculations after prostate removal Suggest treatment for rashes on armpits What causes erectile dysfunction while on Amlodipine, Lisinopril and HCTZ? Suggest treatment for traveler's diarrhea Suggest treatment for pneumonia and back pain Suggest dosage of Synthroid Suggest treatment for muscle spasms in the groin area Suggest treatment for multiple small follicles in both ovaries Suggest treatment for persistent vomiting in infants Is an overdose of Codeine fatal? Is CT scan an effective method to detect recurrent bladder cancer? What are the symptoms of normocytic normochromic anemia? Suggest treatment for pain in heel What are the symptoms of ADD? Suggest remedy for severe diarrhoea Can Atenolol, Furosemide, Lipitor, Celexa, Glipizide and Lisinopril be taken together? Suggest remedy for cervical polyp How to rule out ADD in children? Suggest treatment for persistent back pain Can Marijuana help cure hyperthyroidism? What causes chest pressure and burning in lips? What causes lower leg muscle cramps while on Crestor? What causes chest pain, breathlessness and shoulder blade pain after smoking Marijuana? What causes sore painful lumps at injection sites? Is Baralgin safe for stomach discomfort? Suggest treatment for toe pain What causes slight involuntary movement of the head? Suggest treatment for leg cramps Suggest treatment for severe cough Suggest remedy for urinary hesitancy and retention Suggest treatment for BP, diabetes and breathlessness What causes lack of fetal movement during 21 weeks of pregnancy? What do these MRI findings indicate? What causes rapid eye movements while treating ADD? Suggest treatment for bloated stomach caused by indigestion Suggest treatment for severe anxiety and OCD What does this widal test report indicate? Suggest treatment for penile shaft Is it normal to have vaginal swelling after colonoscopy? Can Lisinopril cause weakness? Does Cardizem interact with Verapamil? Suggest treatment for sudden headache and gas What does my blood test report indicate? What does this semen analysis report indicate? How to identify cancerous moles? What causes increased bowel movements in a child? Suggest treatment for ovarian cancer What does this ultrasound report indicate? Suggest treatment for inflammatory pain in toes and right thumb Suggest treatment for pulmonary fibrosis and worsened breathing Is ESR value of 44 a cause for concern? What does my Beta HCG test report indicate? What causes yellowish white discharge from ears? Suggest treatment for premenstrual syndrome symptoms What do these FBS and PPBS levels indicate? What does my blood test report indicate? What do these widal test results indicate? What causes mild spotting and heavy bleeding after taking an I-pill? What are the adverse effects of missing a Gabapentin dose? What causes reddish bump like structure behind neck? Suggest alternative medication in place of Zolfresh What causes confusion, lack of focus and forgetfulness? What causes uncontrollable clear mucus discharge from rectum? What causes itchy hot rashes after coming in contact with hard objects? Can Aricept be taken along with Celexa? Suggest ways to deal with a problematic teenager What does my MRI scan test report indicate? Suggest treatment for Sjögren's syndrome Suggest treatment for difficulty in conceiving despite going through infertility treatment What causes depressed feelings, feelings of being victimised, low self esteem and irritation? Suggest treatment for acne on face Suggest treatment for severe anxiety attack What do these blood reports indicate? Suggest medication to stimulate breast tissue growth in men What causes migratory pains all over body? Can Genotropin cause glucose intolerance? What causes burning itching sensation on penis Is CRP value of 90 a cause for concern? What causes pain and swelling in toe post injury? What causes painless lump on eyebrow? What causes fatigue, low libido, occasional dizziness, muscle pain and cramps? What does my CEA test result indicate? Are drugs available to temporarily stop the heart from pumping? What causes choking sensation in throat? Suggest treatment for stinging pinch in left calf Suggest treatment for tinnitus, ear pain and loss of hearing Suggest treatment for severe sore throat How long after subdural hematoma surgery can one fly? How to manage side effects of Amiodarone while on Diltiazem, Pantoprazole and Lisinopril? Suggest treatment for anxiety, depression and OCD Suggest treatment for dizziness and severe headache despite having normal CT scan Is vaginal bleeding normal post ablation procedure? Is brushing teeth recommended before and after eating anything? Suggest treatment for chronic fatigue and difficulty breathing at night What causes pain in hip muscle on right side? How can Ceftriaxone be administered into the body? What causes recurrent urine retention post myomectomy? Suggest remedy for skin irritation in genital area What does this MRI report of brain indicate? Does turmeric interfere with BP or cholesterol medicines? Suggest treatment for persistent pain in stomach despite medication What are the tests to be taken to confirm the causes for low libido? Suggest treatment for bone spur in foot Suggest remedy for infected pimple on forehead What is the window period for HIV test? Suggest treatment for eye infection Is negative RNA PCR HIV test after 16 days of possible exposure conclusive? How to deal with the withdrawal symptoms of Ativan? What causes elevated bilirubin levels in urine? What causes elevated bilirubin levels in urine? Suggest treatment for severe pain in wrists when diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis How to determine the severity of liver cirrhosis based on liver biopsy? Is fluid accumulation in abdomen normal of an elderly person? Can Almox-DT be taken for throat pain? How long should Dexolac special care be given to an infant? Are hallucinations, sleep paralysis and daytime sleepiness symptoms of narcolepsy? What do these blood reports indicate? Does Levothyroxine cause atrial fibrillation? What causes vaginal bleeding post intercourse? Suggest remedy for recurrent cold What causes rash on chest along with yellow discoloration of sclera? Suggest remedy for painful constipation alternating with diarrhea Is Flagyl the right medicine for Clostridium difficile infection? Suggest remedy for gas in stomach along with burning sensation in anus post defecation Suggest treatment for bursitis in feet Suggest remedy for itching sensation around rectum and penis Suggest treatment for excessive bone growth in gums and upper palate What is ORS? What causes numbness in toes? Suggest remedy for skin tags in genital area What causes itchy palms and feet during 35 weeks of pregnancy? Suggest effective alternative to Xanax for anxiety What does MRI showing lesion in calf muscle indicate? Suggest treatment for severe pain in legs Suggest treatment for bruising and swelling on thigh post injury Suggest treatment for mental fogginess and loss of interest in life What does fluid in heart lead to? Suggest remedy for craving towards toothpaste during pregnancy Suggest ways to discontinue Tramadol and restart Paxil What causes anxiety and irritation while on Prozac? What causes back pain along with fever and nausea? Does Benadryl interact with Xarelto? What causes erectile dysfunction in a 19 year old? Suggest treatment for puffy eyes and rashes on arms and hands What are the possible side effects of taking Zimovane and Vimovo? What is life expectancy of a person after whipples surgery? What does sudden and excessive weight loss in a teenager indicate? Suggest an alternative medication to Ativan Suggest remedy for red moles on skin What does this sonography report indicate? Suggest treatment for shoulder pain Suggest treatment for persistent dull shoulder pain Suggest remedy for sudden weight gain in a person with hypothyroidism What causes painful rashes on lower back while on Flecainide? Suggest remedy for face swelling, headache, breathlessness and dizziness Suggest treatment for chest pain Suggest best hair growth shampoo to prevent hair fall Suggest treatment for severe diarrhoea Suggest remedy for thin and slow growing hair What causes increased BUN levels while on Losartan? Suggest remedy for muscle twitching caused by depression Suggest treatment for cold, sore throat and nosebleed in a person with leukocytoclastic vasculitis What are the health-related benefits of green tea in an elderly population? Suggest treatment for rheumatoid arthritis What are the side effects of Duphaston? How does bacteria spread around a bandaged wound? Suggest treatment for pain and swelling after an ankle sprain Suggest ways to overcome addiction to pornography Suggest remedy for post surgical nosebleed Suggest treatment for indigestion, bloating and loss of appetite Suggest remedy for excessive thinking over small issues Suggest remedy for tinea cruris Is hospitalization required for patients with CA-MRSA infection? Suggest treatment for blood blister on top of tongue What causes eustachian tube dysfunction? Suggest treatment for dizziness with weakness in arms and legs Suggest remedy for chronic acid reflux Suggest remedy for abdominal pain and intermittent fever in a person with UTI Suggest treatment for red spots on penile head What are the side effects of Toprol? What does unreactive result for HIV 1 and HIV 2 tests mean? Is delay in periods normal after taking course of Duphaston and Raricap? Suggest treatment for frequent urination Suggest remedy for severe pain after taking Betaferon injection What does the following semen analysis report indicate? Suggest remedy for persistent fever and cough in a child Suggest remedy for headaches and sleeplessness while on Hydrocortisone pill What does my ultrasound scan report indicate? Is Glycomet advisable while having high HbA1C levels? Suggest treatment for cough induced laryngitis Suggest remedy for pimples on stomach and face post chicken pox treatment
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