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Suggest ways to prevent dental plaques Suggest remedy for diarrhea in a child after taking vaccination What causes elevated SGPT level in blood post lymphoma recovery? Does Benzocaine cause abdominal pain? Suggest remedy for blisters in groin area Suggest remedy for 3 mm spot on back in a person with seborrheic keratosis What does my blood test report indicate? What causes vomiting, fatigue and difficulty in breathing after having a Morphine shot? Can herpes be contracted through non-penetrative intercourse? Suggest remedy for premature ejaculation Suggest ways to wean off Hydrocodone Suggest treatment for severe acid reflux and GERD Suggest remedy for dizziness and fatigue while having itchy welts on body Suggest remedy for moles on buttocks What causes itching in anus after having a prostrate examination? How long does radiesse cosmetic fillers last? What is a PSA test usually recommended? What causes underarm rashes after an unprotected intercourse? Suggest remedy for severe GERD in a person with IBS Suggest treatment for fatigue and sore throat in a person treating mononucleosis Suggest remedy for persistent back pain Suggest medication for lichen sclerosus How to rule out seborrheic keratosis? Suggest treatment for small sores and bumps on inner surface of cheek Suggest treatment for seizures and brain damage after a severe head injury Suggest treatment for pain in knees after injury Suggest treatment for enlarged lymph nodes in neck What does this MRI report indicate? Is BP value of 100/148 a cause for concern? Can Viagra be taken along with Diaformin, Odaplix SR and Lorstat? Suggest treatment for hair fall Is WBC count of 4000 a cause for concern? Suggest treatment for withdrawal symptoms of Prodep Suggest treatment for premature greying of hair Suggest treatment for back pain What does this thyroid profile test report indicate? What does this ultrasound report indicate? What does this MRI report indicate? What do these BP and heart rate readings indicate? What does this ultrasound report indicate? What does this semen analysis report indicate? Suggest treatment for pain in knee cap Suggest treatment for bile duct tumor Suggest treatment for side effects of Pregabalin What tests are to be conducted before bio-identical hormone replacement therapy? Suggest treatment for pain in lower buttocks Suggest dosage for Praziquantel What causes hormonal imbalance while on Provera injection? Can nitrates be consumed during pregnancy? Suggest treatment for intense pain at the tip of penis Suggest alternative treatment for impulsive behavior Can Paxil be taken after alcohol consumption? What cause abnormal vaginal bleeding after taking Morning-After pill? Can an over-the-counter colon cleanse cause foul odor on face? What causes burning sensation in lower left abdomen? Suggest treatment for side effects of Valparin What causes delayed menstruation while on oral contraceptives? Suggest treatment for lower back pain Suggest treatment for urinary fungal infection How long after intercourse can a pregnancy test be taken? Suggest treatment for Cushing syndrome symptoms What does this blood report indicate? Suggest treatment for fever, chills and breathing difficulty while having flu What causes flatulence, burning sensation in stomach and bloating? What causes tender watery worsening red eye? What causes worsening yeast infection despite taking Diflucan? What causes temporary numbness in genital region after sitting for long hours? Suggest treatment for tiny red bumps on face Suggest treatment for painful lump at the bottom of spine What causes elevated creatinine level in an elderly person with high BP and heart problems? What causes high amniotic fluid during 28th week of pregnancy? What do my blood sugar readings indicate? Suggest treatment for intermittent tremors in hand and dizziness What causes white spots on liver and bile in vomit? Is angiography recommended for a person whose ECG shows significant ST-T wave changes? Suggest remedy for swelling in foot during 27th week of pregnancy Suggest dosage for Thyronorm What causes dizziness while bending the head? What causes unilateral intention tremor? What are the chances of pregnancy through pre-ejaculatory fluid? What does my ultrasound scan report indicate? Suggest remedy for itching on head Is air travel safe for a person suffering from gout? Suggest remedy for obesity and PCOS in a diabetic Suggest a tranquilizer that doesn't interact with Dilaudid What does my lab test report indicate? What causes rusty urine after having Mucinex? Suggest treatment for nasal bleeding while having hypertension What causes clusters of bumps on penis? What causes heavy menstrual bleeding after discontinuing Novelon? Suggest treatment for severe chest infection in an elderly patient Are there ways for erection to last longer during intercourse? What causes excessive burping, hyperacidity and changes in bowel movement? Is traveling safe while treating high BP? What causes crawling feeling on body along with bite marks on body? What causes upper left stomach pain? What causes cramps, bloated feeling and pain between sternum and navel? What causes stomach pain, intermittent vaginal itching and clear discharge after urination? Suggest treatment for penile hyperpigmentation Suggest treatment for persistent painful intercourse and rashes post sex Suggest treatment for premature ejaculation and back pain after kegel exercises What causes low hematocrit levels in blood? What causes constant headaches varying between low intensity and painful throbbing? What causes severe nausea, swallowing difficulty and sore throat? Is pulse rate of 122 while on Sotalol for atrial fibrillation normal? Can Viagra be taken two weeks post angioplasty and a stent placement? Suggest treatment for lower abdominal and testicular pain while having varicocele What causes sore throat, severe pain, fever and difficulty in swallowing? Is Viagra or Manforce advisable while suffering from heart disease? Suggest treatment for lump under the skin of left leg Is pregnancy possible despite taking Unwanted-72? What causes black vaginal discharge, painful sores at vaginal entrance and perineum? What causes mucus and slight blood in stool along with frequent bowel movement? What causes sudden pain across nasal bridge? What causes a decrease in heart rate during physical exercise or exertion? What causes pain in chest and back while on Ofloxacin? What causes pain at the base of skull radiating to jaws? Is an emergency contraceptive required while on oral contraceptives and medication for PCOS? What causes long string like mucus in stool? What are the side effects of Folitrax and Folvite? How to terminate pregnancy? What do these blood reports indicate? What causes excessive heat in vaginal area while having vaginal yeast infection? What causes clear penile discharge after a hydrocele repair? Is eosinophil count of 475 a cause for concern? What causes persistent blood in urine post urostomy? What causes chills, severe abdominal cramps and loss of appetite? What causes tongue irritation with pain and burning sensation? Suggest treatment for withdrawal symptoms of Celebrex What causes back pain, frequent urination and numbness in penis? What causes painless swelling in left gluteal area? What are the chances of listeria contraction during pregnancy? What causes erectile dysfunction after having Losartan? Suggest treatment for hypersexuality while having bipolar disorder What causes stabbing pain in leg and numbness around an animal bite? What causes chills during pregnancy? Suggest treatment to recover from over masturbation Suggest remedy for severe anxiety and OCD What does this thyroid profile test report indicate? How to rule out a spider bite? Suggest remedy for severe erectile dysfunction What causes lower abdominal pain, tender breasts and menstrual irregularities? Can a person with chlamydia contract gonorrhea? What causes phlegm in throat and heartburn after having Nexium? What do my lab test reports indicate? What does this MRI scan report indicate? Can Effexor, Fluoxetine, Trazodone and Vyvanse be taken together? What causes irregular menstruation while on Calcium Sandoz? Suggest treatment for severe muscle spasms in neck Can a diabetic have cookies? What causes acid reflux with dyspepsia? Does Tolterodine cause bladder spasms? Suggest treatment for light brown spots under foreskin of penis Are ectopic pregnancies common after IVF procedures? Suggest treatment for pain in penis and testicles while having epididymitis Suggest remedy for severe baldness caused by androgenic alopecia Suggest remedy for cellulite below the knee What does this MRI report indicate? Suggest remedy for medicine stuck in throat Why are male genitals located outside the body? Is laser treatment for mole removal safe? Suggest tests to determine if TB is completely cured Suggest treatment for HIV during pregnancy Suggest remedy for severe pain in shoulder and bicep What causes sleeplessness and excessive sweating? Suggest treatment for duodenal restriction What causes nausea, lightheadedness, fainting episodes and headache while having low blood pressure? Is hemoglobin level of 7.3 a cause for concern? What causes discomfort in anal area? Suggest remedy for persistent itching and dark patches on feet caused by eczema Suggest remedy for severe acid reflux Suggest remedy for severe hair loss while treating fever Suggest remedy for cold sensation and pain in knee Suggest treatment for premature ejaculation Is severe joint pain an early sign of kidney stone? Is hepatitis-B vaccination compulsory after losing a family member to it? Suggest treatment for knee pain Suggest remedy for moles on face Can green tea aid weight loss? Suggest treatment for symptoms of dengue What does my lab test report indicate? Suggest remedy for nausea, headache and diarrhea Suggest ways to prevent pregnancy after sex Suggest dosage of vitamin D and calcium supplements for a thyroid patient Is amputation a possible outcome of surgical limp lengthening procedure? Suggest remedy for pain, irritation and penile bleeding after intercourse Suggest remedy for severe anxiety and panic attacks What are the early signs and symptoms of breast cancer? Suggest remedy for severe back pain and abdominal bloating while on Plaquenil Suggest medication for clinical depression Can beer be consumed while on Xanax? What causes excessive head sweating? Does Alendronate cause high BP? Is medical abortion safe while treating hypothyroidism? What does my audiogram report indicate? Suggest exercise and diet plan for myocardial infarction Suggest remedy for erectile dysfunction in an elderly person What causes elevated body temperature while having viral respiratory infection? What causes menstrual bleeding while on birth control pill? What are the withdrawal symptoms of alcohol?
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