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What does my MRI scan report indicate? Suggest remedy for temporary erectile dysfunction after traveling Suggest treatment for sleep movement disorder Is pregnancy possible despite being on birth control pills? Suggest treatment for shooting pain in knee Suggest treatment for kidney stones and blood in urine What causes extreme hunger shortly after eating? What does the following hysterosalpingogram report indicate? What causes constant lightheadedness, recurrent ear infection, pressure in temples and forehead? Is recurrent diarrhea when suffering from Crohn's disease suggestive of colon cancer? Suggest medication to delay periods What does my semen analysis test report indicate? Are burning sensations on penis and anus after unprotected oral sex suggestive of STD? Suggest treatment for inflammatory bowel syndrome and constipation What causes itching on back, around nipples, limbs and scrotum? What causes small skin lesions at the bottom of penis shaft? Suggest treatment for painful neurofibromas What do low progesterone levels after ovulation indicate? Does Rabipur vaccination cause loss of consciousness? What causes pressure and pain in right arm? What causes bruising in arm inspite of having core result of hepatitis B? What causes severe stomach ache while weaning off Prilosec? What does this thyroid function test result indicate? What causes knee pain post child delivery? Suggest remedy for itchy hives after taking Z-pack for sinus infection Do shingles in buttocks spread through out the body? Suggest treatment for pain on feet while walking What causes pain in lower groin area during defecation? What causes bitter tongue after having antimalarial injections? What causes intermittent tingling sensation in limbs? Suggest treatment for cardiac arrhythmia What causes headaches and swollen glands in neck along with muscle pain? What causes instep pain and bruising? What causes irregular heart beats? How to increase fertility while trying to conceive? What causes missed period along with headaches and sickness? Can stent in ureter cause WBCs in urine? Does Oxytetracycline reduce the efficiency of birth control pills? Can a primary doctor prescribe Intra-cavernous pharmacotherapy for erectile dysfunction? Is it necessary to have Plan B post unprotected intercourse? What causes a swollen lump in the middle of the buttock? Suggest treatment for persistent fever and frequent urination What causes blood in urine along with stomach bloating and back pain? Can anxiety cause poor cognitive skills along with dementia? Suggest treatment for disorientation, anxiety and nervousness What causes recurrent itchy rashes on shoulders, chest and back? Suggest remedy for swelling on the feet Suggest treatment for itching and bumps on legs and arms Suggest treatment for symptoms of anxiety and depression What causes cramps on the back when suffering from Hashimoto's? Suggest treatment for pyogenic granuloma on gums What causes swelling and redness on feet? Can HIV or STD be contracted through non-penetrative sexual activity? Can a meniscal tear heal by itself? Suggest treatment for itchy mark on the forearm Suggest alternative anti-inflammatory eye drop for NSAID allergic cataract patient What causes recurrent burning sensation in penis after masturbation? What is the prognosis of renal cell carcinoma metastasized on bone? Does increase in dosage of Nortriptyline have any side effects? Suggest alternative medication for Serzone Does the use of Melatonin have an effect on blood glucose and cholesterol levels? What causes red, itchy and cracked skin over penis glans? What does the following urine test result signify? Suggest treatment for acute pain on the back during sleep Does Reconnect supplement conflict with any prescription drugs? What causes delayed periods? Is bacterial infection possible when having constipation post shingles recovery? What causes pulsating headache behind head? Suggest treatment for salty taste, dry eyes and gluey saliva Can hCG diet be followed while having Nexplanon implant? What do twitching on the eyelids and shoulder pain indicate? Suggest treatment for anxiety, panic attacks, hand tremors and breathlessness Suggest treatment for difficulty in conceiving when diagnosed with PCOS Suggest treatment for erectile dysfunction What are the side effects of long term use of Folitrax injection? Suggest treatment for sever hair loss What does my semen analysis test report indicate? Is breastfeeding advisable after accidental consumption of insecticide? What causes persistent swelling in legs despite taking Synprotik? What causes diarrhea, frequent bowel movement and stomach cramps? Suggest treatment for pain and swelling on the back What causes spotting during 5 weeks of pregnancy? What does positive pregnancy result a month after taking Cytotec tablets suggest? What causes right-sided swollen vein in abdomen? What causes fluctuations in the Progesterone levels? Suggest treatment for retractile testicle Suggest treatment for swelling and redness on chin post injury What causes mild fever, swollen rashes on calves and ankles? What does this sperm analysis report indicate? Suggest treatment for yellow vaginal discharge with strong odor Suggest treatment for dull persistent chest pain that radiates to back Suggest treatment for recurring genital herpes outbreaks What causes a mouth ulcer on the gums post root canal treatment? Suggest treatment for scars and black marks on face Can the stomach flu affect the menstrual cycle? What causes delayed periods after taking I-pill? Suggest treatment for hives and rashes after insect bite Suggest medication for malaria and hypertension What does this biopsy report indicate? Suggest medication for fibromyalgia What causes an elevated C-reactive protein levels in the blood? What causes a small pea sized lump on elbow? Suggest treatment for atrophy in hand of a person with cognitive damage Suggest treatment for cervical stenosis Suggest treatment for day time sleeping and aggravation in a person with drug induced psychosis What causes light menstrual bleeding? What are the chances of HIV transmission through protected sex? What are the side effects of Infliximab? Are tremors and twitching of arms and legs symptoms of ALS? Suggest treatment for tennis elbow Suggest treatment for pain and restricted movement in hand post injury Suggest treatment for high fever, drowsiness and pain in flank area of a 2 year old Suggest treatment for weight loss and loss of appetite in a diabetic patient Is it normal to feel warmer than usual during pregnancy? What are the chances of cardiac arrest in future inspite of having dyslipidemia and family history of CAD? Does Dolo neurobion help in treating sciatica? Why are Risperdal tablets prescribed? Suggest treatment for cough and clogged ears What does an MRI report showing disc protrusion indicate? Suggest treatment for acute gastritis, acid reflux and sharp pain in esophagus Suggest treatment for digestion issues, fibromyalgia and arthritis of knee What causes prolonged menstrual bleeding? Suggest treatment for stomach bloating and passing of gas What causes lump at the bottom of vaginal opening? Is it common for a person to feel depressed after a possible life threatening illness? Suggest treatment for accidental consumption of double dosage of Benadon What causes raised lesions on hands of a 3 month old baby? What are the side effects of Cetirite L? Does long term usage of Tamoxifen cause chromosomal defects in fetus? Suggest treatment for ovarian cyst and lower abdominal pain What causes sticky discharge from penis while on Azithromycin for STD? What causes pain and swelling in knee, wrist and ankle? What does my tilt table test report indicate? What does high level of protein in urine after pregnancy indicate? What causes neck spasms and choking sensation? What do these below reports indicate? What causes cloudy urine after eating? Suggest treatment for subconjunctival hemorrhage in eye Suggest treatment for red spots on eyelid and around eyes Suggest treatment for numbness on arms and legs Can HIV be transmitted through masturbation? Is it possible to contract HPV and warts after masturbation? What are the signs to look for possible concussion from fall? Suggest treatment unilateral enlarged tonsil on right side Suggest treatment for severe pain from kidney stone, breathlessness and cough Suggest treatment for pain during defecation and anal bleeding Suggest treatment for inflammation and pain after shoulder surgery What causes itching sensation after taking Oxycodone? Suggest treatment for depression, irritation and excessive crying in a 14 year old Can goiter cause breathing disorder and excessive sweating? Do blood thinners cause high PSA levels? Is it normal to have intermenstrual bleeding during perimenopause state? What causes fatigue, recurrent infections and red rashes on legs? Suggest treatment for right sided chest pain Suggest treatment for stomach cramps and vomiting Is it good to give Lactogen formula feed to a 3 month old baby? What causes painful urination and back pain? What do hallucinations and abnormal behavior when on Ambien indicate? What causes intermittent vibrations in pelvic area? What causes recurrent miscarriages? Can Nexium, Dilantin, Citalopram, Vistaril, Xanax and Seroquel be taken together? What causes irregular heart beat on exertion in a person post cardiac ablation? What causes fatigue, pulsating dizziness and body pain while on Omnicef? What causes mild pain in ribs on right side? Under what conditions should breastfeeding be restricted to infant? Suggest treatment for pain and pulled muscle in lower back What causes burning sensation at the tip of ear? Suggest medication for cold and cough What are the chances of HIV transmission through protected sex? Can i take Rantac with or without food? Can HIV be transmitted through masturbation? Does eating excessive sweets on a single occasion a cause for concern during pregnancy? Suggest treatment for pain in left hip Can HIV be transmitted through broken condom? Suggest treatment for diabetes, peripheral neuropathy and proteinuria What causes white discharge with blood spots and back pain during pregnancy? Suggest treatment for erectile dysfunction What are the chances of HIV transmission through deep kissing? Suggest ways to terminate early pregnancy What causes spotting during early pregnancy? What are the chances of pregnancy post non penetrative sex? What causes blood in motion and heat near the rectal area? What causes long-term use of Tenovate for acne? Suggest treatment for blood in urine, headaches and chills What causes pain in groin area radiating to foot? What causes upper abdominal pain post intercourse? What does my blood test report indicate? What does this MRI report indicate? Can HCG weight loss injections cause seizures? What do high potassium levels in blood when on Norco indicate? What are the chances of HIV transmission through unprotected oral sex? Is it possible to sever spinal canal at L3? What causes throbbing pain in left groin area? What causes painful rash under armpit? What causes mole like spots at base of penis? What causes bruising like spot after injecting needle to draw blood? Suggest treatment for anxiety disorder and heart palpitations Suggest tests to detect HIV Suggest preventive measures to be clear of dengue, malaria and typhoid while traveling What do these below lab reports indicate?
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