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What causes erection problem after quitting alcohol? Suggest treatment for chronic diarrhea What causes sore blocked ear post vomiting? Is Neurobion injection safe for bells palsy treatment? What causes rectal bleeding after having Aderrall? Suggest treatment for hot flashes with tingling in hands What causes red bumps with white tips around groin area? Can i breast feed inspite of being on Dostinex? Can I have Monurol with Z-Pac for UTI? Suggest treatment for bump on vagina What are the emergency cardio procedures to be done for stroke? Suggest treatment for kidney stone What causes persistent pain in inner back area with prostate cancer? Suggest dosage of vaccination for frequent cat bite Can Xanax be substituted for Lexapro? What causes acid reflux after eating starch foods? Is corrective surgery possible for urogenital sinus? What causes yellow penile discharge? What does this X-ray report regarding kidney stones indicate? What causes severe Right lower quadrant abdominal pain? What is the dosage of Rabipur vaccine for dog bite? What causes pain in testicles and legs? When is it safe to have unprotected sex? Does giving Otogesic help with ear pain during flight travel? What does a lump on neck indicate? How to maintain healthy weight in a toddler? Suggest treatment for swelling caused by wasp bite What does E.S.R count of 35 indicate? How to increase weight? How to quit smoking? Does lead paint exposure through dust affect baby in pregnancy? What causes severe coughing with vomiting up of mucus in an infant? How is HIV transmitted? How is HIV transmitted? Suggest treatment for under eye dark circles Suggest treatment for stomach pain and bloating Can Myprog be taken in pregnancy? What causes black rashes all over the body with lumps covering the scrotum? Suggest treatment for severe depression Can Tylenol cause elevated MCV level? Are swollern glands and diarrhea symptoms of HIV? Are diarrhea and swollen glands symptoms of HIV? What causes discomfort in venis on legs when suffering from diabetes? Suggest treatment for wheezing in a child Suggest treatment for ulcer inside lips How does a syringe work? What do white bumps behind the earlobe indicate? What causes numbness in hip and tingling down the leg? What does "Anechoic right upper pole renal cyst" mean in an ultrasound report? What causes dizziness and nausea after stopping Paxil intake? What causes changing of stool color and stomach pain? What causes white head on penis shaft? Suggest treatment for ear infection What does my widal test report indicate? What causes bulge in abdomen after appendix removal? What is the cause and treatmemt of warts on face? What causes pressure chest and and excessive salivation? What causes stomach cramps during pregnancy? Suggest treatment for ear ache in a child How to reduce elevated GGT level? Can Excedrin and Cumudin be taken together? What causes low blood pressure and skipped heart beats? What does a blood blister on tongue indicate? How to terminate unwanted pregnancy? What cause pain at above the ankle on back foot? Can kidney infection cause severe all over itching? Suggest treatment for skin allergy Is increase in CEA level a matter of concern? What causes pain in thigh? What is the cause and treatment for post nasal drip? Suggest treatment for anemia What casues sudden fatigue with pain on sides and hot flashes? Can Pan 40 be taken with Atenlol,Telmisartan and Atorvastatin? Suggest treatmemt for painful hemorrhoids What does a soft spot on back of the skull indicate? Why is only the G sac seen in 7th week of pregnancy? What causes swelling on ankle and joints? What causes swollen lip and cheek? What causes swelling in feet with persistent fever in a child? What causes muscle pain under right scapula and numbness in fingers? What causes numbness in left lip and eye area? What causes blood in urine? What causes swelling on injury site? What causes swollen ankle and hand joints? Can CLA be used for G6PD deficiency? How do you allow your partner to violate your boundaries? What causes ligament laxity? Suggest treatment for painful muscle spasms due to fibromyalgia Suggest medicine for migraine Suggest medicine to ease pain from ovarian cyst and fibroid What causes painful breast with brown fluid discharge? What causes twitching on sides of the head and jaw pain? What are symptoms of HIV? Suggest medication for pain caused by cyst in kidneys What are the symptoms of HIV? What causes trembling in body and burning in feet? Suggest diet to be followed during pregnancy Suggest treatmemt for severe cough Is flying safe when suffering from cellulitis in leg? What causes enlarged lymph nodes? Suggest treatment for gastritis Suggest treatmemt to get light facial skin tone What causes red rashes on stomach? What causes bumps near belly button and pubic area? What causes false positive urine test for morphines? What causes swelling and puffiness below eyes? What does 80% blocked circumflex artery indicate? Suggest treatment for sinus infection Does TIA cause acute urine retention with delirium? Is Astymin forte and Adilin SR safe to take during pregnancy? What causes urge to defecate and burping? Is congenital adrenal hyperplasia a rare disease? Does Mintop cause erectile dysfunction? What is the risk of HIV after oral sex without protection? What is difference between HIV RNA and HIV DNA test Suggest treatment for pain due to umbilical hernia Does high creatinine level suggest kidney failure? What is the painless fluid filled lump on shoulder? Suggest treatment for constipation What are the chances of HIV through oral sex? Is black stool a serious concern? Suggest treatment for indigestion What does dark discoloration on nail after unprotected sex indicate? Suggest treatment for OCD Suggest medicines for ADHD Suggest treatment for erectile dysfunction What does this TSH level indicate? Suggest treatment for lump on crook of elbow What causes feeling of food stuck in throat? Does taking Flucloxicillin result in hypoglycaemia? What do pimples all over the body indicate? What causes recurrent sickness in children? Suggest treatment for sore spot on roof of mouth Suggest treatment for itchy rash on finger What does this BP value indicate? What causes pain radiating to anus during urination? What causes sore and itchy vagina after sex? Can flucloxicillin taken to treat staphyllococus aureas result in hypoglycaemia? Suggest treatment for gastroparesis Does taking Norvask cause memory lapse? Can a small hit on stomach cause injury to it? Suggest treatment for erectile dysfunction post colonoscopy What causes difficulty in straightening knee after an injury? Suggest treatment for asthma What causes pain when bending knee from sitting to standing position? What severe pain in left brest and chest area? What causes dehydration and fainting? What causes pain on bending knees? Is it necessary to keep BP under control? What causes vomiting up of blood with cold sweats? What causes feeling choking sensation around neck? What causes body chills? What causes dizziness and head spinning? What does shadow on tailbone seen in an X ray indicate? What causes delayed periods inspite of being on paragard? Suggest treatment for abdominal pain,headaches and fever Can flax seed intake cause green colored stools? How does a syringe work? Suggest treatment for painful rash Does cold show up as trace leukocytes in urine? What causes swelling and stiffness of ankle after walking? How effective are HIV1 RNA qualitative test? Suggest treatment for joint pain with fever Suggest treatment for small white painless lump on cheek What should be done after overdose of Robaxin intake? Is Omnacortil safe to take for semi acute thyroditis? What causes blood in vaginal discharge after child birth? Is it safe to fly after bruise on leg? What causes red stools and chills? Suggest remedy to remove skin tags from neck and forehead Suggest treatment for fever and dry cough What does my urine test report indicate? Suggest treatment for loss of balance while walking What needs to be done on intake of liquid soap? Suggest treatment for removal of protruding meatus What causes high SGPT levels? Suggest treatment for acne and acne marks on face What causes blood in urine? Suggest effective medicines to increase height and weight Suggest treatment for irregular periods How is mifepristone and misoprostol used to terminate pregnancy? Suggest treatment for neck pain What causes tingling sensation in vagina? Suggest treatment for recurring white heads on cheek Is white wine bad for liver and gallbladder than red wine? Suggest treatment for fungal infection of penis What do black spots on penisn indicate? Suggest treatment for synovial cyst on middle finger of right hand What causes kidney disease? What causes tremors after having Geodon? What causes pain in rectum? Suggest treatment for throat infection with fever and back pain What causes swollen boil on buttocks? Suggest treatment for rashes on face and shoulder Suggest treatment for huntington's Disease Suggest methods to stop occurrence of hypoglycemia Suggest treatment for sleeplessness after quitting Co-codamol Is knuckle cracking on knee while doing physiotherapy normal? What does "low density area within the right suprahilar region? mean? What are the tests to detect creatinine and urea levels?
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