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Does Clonazepam and Tamsulosin cause heart damage? Can Viagra and Cialis be taken together? What causes swelling on thumb? Does Liv 52 help in bringing down SGPT levels? Suggest treatment for itchiness in penis Suggest treatment for panic attacks after hip surgery Can HPV be contracted through oral sex and non-penetrative sexual activity? What causes pain in upper left back? What does my MRI scan report indicate? Suggest treatment for feeling of urinating along with pushing sensation What causes bumps on upper torso inspite of being on cleansing diet? What causes dizziness with normal pulse rate and BP? Is Cannabis the right medicine for arthritis pain? Suggest treatment for vaginal dryness and urinary incontinence What causes false negative result for vyvanse on drug test? What causes weakness in arms? What causes pain around hips and back after multiple abdominal surgeries? Suggest treatment for swollen ankle What is the cause and treatment for gastroenteritis? Suggest treatment for swan neck deformity What causes loss of hair patch from eyebrows in children? Suggest treatment for respiratory disease in children What causes pain in eye balls? Suggest treatment for back pain caused by excessive travelling What are symptoms of H1N1? What is the cause and treatment for eustachian tube blockage? What is the cause and treatment for recurring infections? Suggest treatment for soreness in jaw after an injury What causes fogginess in head, heart palpitations, headaches, muscle and joint pain? What causes shock like feeling in arm after shingles? Suggest treatment for soreness in right testicle What causes recurrent rash on shaft of penis? Suggest treatment for shortness of breath and loss of voice What causes dizziness after having Cozaar? Is it safe to have Valcyclovir prior to breast surgery? What does "Immature granulocytes present in blood" mean? Suggest a natural alternative to Asprin What causes pinching sensation on penis? What causes positive result in pregnancy test after an abortion? Suggest treatment for allergy to sulfa drugs Suggest treatment for generalised pruritus Suggest treatment for baby acne on head How to reduce weight using herbal medicines? What causes dizziness after travelling to high altitude? How to diagnose inflammatory bowel disease? What causes colour change in tooth after an injury? Suggest treatment for frostbite on fingers Suggest treatment for low appetite and different pattern of behavior in a 4 year old Suggest treatment for metastatic breast cancer What is the cause and treatment for sore throat? What causes pain in upper left abdomen? What causes low platelet count? What does this fasting blood sugar level indicate? How to test for diabetes? What causes pain in thigh along with a hard lump? What causes lower right sided abdominal pain? What causes irregular and heavy menstruation? What causes pain during retraction of foreskin over penis shaft? What causes pain on skin? What causes swelling and leaking at the site of PICC line? Suggest remedy for numbness in side and arm What causes discomfort chest and gas problem in a heart patient? What does " echogenic area with a 6mm cystic centre" mean? How to delay periods? What causes lower right abdominal pain along with lower back pain? What causes irregular periods? What causes recurring fever and cold in an infant? Can i increase the dosage of Novolog for elevated blood sugar levels? What causes weakness in body after smoking cigarette? What does a bruise near base of index finger indicate? What causes digestive issues with normal colonoscopy and endoscopy? Suggest treatment to keep blood sugar and cholesterol under control What causes thick vaginal discharge during defecation? Suggest remedy for itchy hands, feet and armpits Is HIV possible after massage? What causes unusual stool color, nausea, vomiting and pain in lower back? Is it safe to start medicines for hyperthyroidism without checking TSH and T3 levels? What causes red spot on penis along with itchy foreskin? Suggest treatment for vocal cord polyp Suggest remedy for pain on wrist after injury What does my SFA test report indicate? Suggest treatment for breast fibroid What causes severe pain in upper abdomen and back? What do clusters on white spots on penis foreskin indicate? What does my blood test report indicate? What does skeletal scintigraphy reading indicate? What does my liver function test report indicate? What causes dizziness along with chest tightness and palpitations? What causes toothache on coughing? Suggest treatment for chest pain and shortness of breath What does vomiting of brownish liquid indicate? What causes pulling feeling of nerves while standing up? Suggest treatment for hypercholestremia What does keratosis and parakeratosis of the nasal mucosa mean? How long after taking Macrobid can serious side effects develop? What causes enlarged kidneys? What causes straining of eyes? Can i eat food after having eyelid surgery? Suggest effective medicines for acidity and gas problem What causes small colorless, painless bump under the chin? What causes hard painless lump on neck? Suggest treatment for gas problem and abdominal distention What causes recurring mild headache that is relieved by Panadol? Suggest treatment for muscle spasms, tiredness and stomach gas Suggest treatment for urticaria Suggest treatment for muscle spasms and stomach gas Suggest treatment for alcohol dependence disorder along with depression Is FSH level of 4.2 on day 3 of menstrual cycle normal? Is it necessary to have Thyrowel every day for hypothyroidism? Suggest treatment for erectile dysfunction What causes vaginal bleeding during intercourse? Suggest remedy for loose motion when suffering from IBS Can Valacyclovir and Ciprofloxacin be taken together? What causes feeling of something in eye after cataract surgery? Can antidepressants and Rabekind Plus be taken together? Suggest treatment for lump on left testicle What causes blood in stool after taking Cephalexin and Metronidazole? Is papaya effective in terminating pregnancy? What causes difficulty in getting pregnant? How to get a complete body health check up done? What causes right-sided leg and buttocks pain along with lower back pain? Suggest treatment for gallbladder stones Is drinking wine safe when SGPT level is elevated? What causes regular muscle spasms in body? How does Propecia help in hair loss? Suggest treatment for sore throat, fever and joint pain How to fill up gap between teeth? What do red spots around ankle indicate? Suggest treatment for constipation, low BP and loss of consciousness What causes gas and bloating as the day progresses? Does mammography test detect 3rd stage breast cancer? Suggest treatment for weight gain, constant tiredness and disturbed sleep Why does chronic pelvic inflammatory disease cause painful and frequent urination? What causes itchy, moderately painful rash in pectoral region? What causes lower back pain and lower abdominal pain? What causes swelling and tenderness in left eye caruncle? What causes warmness in hand of child? Suggest ways to stop masturbation during sleep What causes recurrence of symptoms after adrenal gland removal surgery? Is it possible to get shingles in the inside of the neck? What could cause heavy dark colored bleeding during menstrual cycle? Suggest remedy for cold and cough What causes prolonged cold and cough? Suggest treatment for painful boils with puss Suggest ways to improve sex drive when suffering from depression What is the cause and treatment for intestinal thread worms? What causes spotting 2 weeks after menstruation? What does the following USG report indicate? What causes digestion problem after vaccination of infant? How effective is Nutigain powder in gaining weight? Suggest treatment for myopic astigmatism in eye Suggest remedy for headaches and sinus infection What causes spasms in abdominal area? Suggest treatment for kidney failure when treating Alzheimer's disease Suggest treatment for scarlet fever in an infant What causes nausea after taking Tecta in empty stomach? What is the cause and treatment for upper respiratory tract infection? What causes pain in breasts? How to increase penis size? What are the symptoms of migraine? What causes stomach ache along with sweating? What does the semen analysis report indicate? Suggest remedy for discoloration on shoulder skin What causes drop in blood sugar level along with palpitations after taking GP1 forte? What is the cause and treatment for phimosis? Can crying cause inflammation? Suggest treatment for low testosterone levels Can Mehandi be used to color only white hairs? Suggest remedy for pain in thumb and discoloration What does the following ultrasound report indicate? Suggest treatment for recurrent urinary tract infection along with stomach cramps Suggest treatment for eye infection Suggest remedy for cramps when suffering from diarrhea Suggest remedy for chills, dry cough and viral infection Suggest treatment for loose motions and vomiting in child Suggest treatment for red rashes on upper body Does Clommid induce early pregnancy symptoms ? What causes shortness of breath in the morning time? Suggest remedy for tooth and gum infection Suggest remedy for chills, cough and lethargy Suggest diet when having high BP and fatty liver What causes spotting and lower abdominal pain? What causes black dots in vision? Why is Meloxicam prescribed for? Suggest treatment for loose motions in a baby What causes vaginal bleeding and abdominal pain? What does low HCG levels during pregnancy indicate? What are the red flat sots on torso? Suggest remedy for recurring back pain Suggest remedy for numbness, itching over the rib cage Suggest remedy for burning sensation and pain during urination What causes frequent fuzzy vision? Suggest treatment for skin allergy on penis What is the cause and treatment for cold along with sore throat? Is repeated USG during pregnancy safe? What causes pain in hip,hand and foot? Does lower back injury cause pain an tenderness in abdominal muscles? How to reduce body weight? How to improve sperm count? Suggest treatment for pain and swelling in ankles during pregnancy
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