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Can HIV be contracted through protected oral sex? Suggest treatment for heart palpitations Can ADD medication cause tics? What causes brown spot on penis after protected sex? Suggest remedy for pain in hand Suggest treatment for schwannomas on foot Suggest remedy for loss of libido What causes lower abdominal pain? Suggest treatment for severe heartburn For how long do the effects of Midazolam remain? How long does it take for a minor sprained knee to heal? What are the withdrawal effects of Xanax? What causes redness, warmth and tenderness in leg? What causes yellow vaginal discharge post multifetal reduction? What causes fatigue and frequent heart palpitations when diagnosed with low thyroid levels? What causes blurred vision, sore throat, chest pain, headache and abdominal cramps? What does my ultrasound scan report indicate? What causes nasal bleeding? How to withdraw from Oxycodone? Suggest treatment for cold, throat irritation and shortness of breath What are the benefits of Bioten? Suggest remedy for persistent chest pain Suggest treatment for back pain Suggest remedy for persistent dizziness, fatigue and body ache Suggest treatment for weight gain Suggest remedy for persistent vertigo Suggest remedy for constant cough in a diabetic Suggest dosage of Allegra-D and Benadryl Suggest remedy for mole on face filled with pus and blood Suggest treatment for dry cough in a child What are the side effects of Clobetasol? Is negative rapid HIV test at 18 days conclusive? Is ELISA test done one months after exposure conclusive? Suggest remedy for ankle sprain Suggest remedy for irregular menstruation What are the side effects of Tramadol? What is the success rate of ET while suffering from adenomyosis? Is Warfarin or Dronedarone a beta blocker? Suggest treatment for severe hair fall Suggest treatment for hyperacidity and acid reflux Suggest treatment for postpartum depression What causes severe heartburn with hiccups? Suggest remedy for premature ejaculation What is TIFFA scan? Suggest treatment for testicular swelling with vein pain What causes body weakness and pain in hand post alcohol withdrawal? Suggest remedy for excessive blood loss after child birth What causes head lump and black eyes post head injury? How long does Xanax stay in body? Suggest treatment for NSAID-induced nephropathy What does this sputum test report indicate? Suggest medication to boost immune system What do these following lab reports indicate? Suggest alternative medication in place of Wiesbaden and Chloralum What do these following lab reports indicate? Suggest remedy for heart palpitations What does the following TIFFA scan report indicate? Suggest treatment for yeast infection Suggest remedy for persistent pain in knee and leg What causes delayed menstruation and negative pregnancy test? Suggest treatment for shortness of breath and profuse sweating Can Metformin cause severe diarrhea? Suggest remedy for lump in pelvic region Suggest remedy for black spot around anus What are the side effects of Gabapentin? Suggest remedy for salty taste in mouth How are kidney stones diagnosed and treated? What causes confusion, lack of focus, agitation and forgetfulness? Suggest remedy for persistent chest pain and numbness in arm What causes irregular heartbeats and chest tightness? Does playing tackle football cause brain damage? Suggest treatment for haemorrhoids Are there any interactions between Penetran Plus and Coumadin? Does Creatine interact with Synthroid? Suggest remedy for swelling on elbow What does my blood test report indicate? Suggest alternative medication in place of Lexapro Suggest remedy for anxiety and insomnia What causes hip pain, swollen foot and warm sensation in leg? Suggest treatment for sarcoidosis Can STD be contracted through oral sex? Does sinus infection affect vision? Suggest treatment for uterine polyps Suggest treatment for Kleine–Levin syndrome What causes abdominal pain post jaundice recovery? What are the repercussions of taking extra dosage of MMR vaccination? How to fix a missing tooth post tooth extraction? What causes severe abdominal pain and diarrhea while treating pet allergies? Suggest treatment for side effects of Selenium Suggest remedy for persistent pain in jaw and gums What causes vertigo, lightheadedness and imbalance? Suggest remedy for pain behind ear Suggest remedy for breathlessness What does my blood test report indicate? Suggest remedy for persistent pain in all joints Suggest treatment for dry mouth, joint pain, dry eyes and memory loss Suggest remedy for pain in neck, chest and back What does my blood test report indicate? Suggest ways to avoid pregnancy after intercourse Is HIV RNA test done 9 days after exposure conclusive? What does my urine analysis test report indicate? What causes excessive chewing of food before swallowing? What causes abnormal vaginal spotting? What causes pink vaginal bleeding? Can Famciclovir be taken for cold sore? Are heavy and prolonged periods normal after child birth? What do my lab test reports indicate? Is negative HIV RNA qualitative test 13 days after sexual encounter conclusive? What causes infrequent shooting pain in one side of head? Suggest remedy for itchy scalp How to rule out lung cancer? What causes small painless red marks on penis? What are the chances of pregnancy after missing contraceptive dosage? How to rule out chemical pregnancy? How to recognise implantation bleeding? Can one get addicted to Benadryl? What are the side effects of Clindamycin? Does diastolic notch in bilateral uterine artery affect pregnancy? What causes abdominal cramps, delayed menstruation and spotting? What does the CT scan report indicate? Suggest remedy for blepharitis What causes tingling sensation in body after hiking? Suggest pain and redness in eye Suggest remedy for rashes under breast Suggest remedy for abdominal pain Suggest remedy for vertigo How can Prasugrel help a patient recovering from heart attack? Can anxiety cause difficulty in inhalation? What are the possibilities of leukaemia relapse post recovery? Can Microfilaria parasite be completely eliminated from blood? What does this urinalysis report indicate? What causes bowel incontinence and frequent urination? Can HIV be contracted through manual penis massage? Suggest remedy for persistent chest congestion What do these ultrasound findings indicate? Suggest dosage of Cilest Suggest treatment for red rash on penis Suggest treatment for dry penis skin What causes persistent high fever despite taking Crocin? Can STD be contracted through non-penetrative sexual activity? What causes delirium while on Latuda? Suggest treatment for swelling after tooth extraction procedure Is pregnancy possible through non-penetrative sexual activity? Suggest treatment for vitiligo What does my Doppler study report indicate? Does frequent masturbation cause enlarged prostrate or kidney stones? What are the chances of herpes transmission through sharing bottles? Suggest treatment for rash on sole of foot What causes positive result in pregnancy test after an abortion? What causes gliosis, severe migraine with aura, severe fatigue and double vision? Suggest treatment for weight gain Is chronic liver disease fatal? What are the early signs and symptoms of appendicitis? What causes shooting pain under left breast? Suggest remedy for persistent tiredness Suggest treatment for severe acne on face How long does a hysteroscopy procedure extend? What does this blood report indicate? Suggest treatment for severe neck pain Suggest remedy for acne on body Suggest remedy for persistent throat infection Suggest remedy for habitual constipation in a child Suggest treatment for scabies on earlobe Suggest treatment for itchy rashes on body Suggest remedy for pain in sternum, abdomen and throat What do these histopathological findings indicate? What causes elevated IgG levels in blood? What does this urinalysis test report indicate? Is negative ELISA HIV test after 6 weeks of exposure conclusive? Suggest treatment for swelling in abdomen Suggest treatment for bump on the left anterior pillar of the tonsilar fossa Is platelet count of 483000 a cause for concern? Suggest remedy for rashes on penis Suggest remedy for persistent fever and vomiting Suggest remedy for blurred vision and loss of balance What causes acute diarrhea while suffering from liver cirrhosis? Suggest remedy for pain in hand Suggest treatment for parasitic infection Suggest treatment for arthritis in knee How to rule out hypothyroidism? What does my blood test report indicate? Suggest treatment for chronic cough and granular pharyngitis How to determine the date of conception? Suggest treatment for severe sinus infection Suggest treatment for valley fever What do these following BP readings indicate? Suggest treatment for joint pain, nausea and fever What do these blood test results indicate? What causes excessive night sweats? What is the correlation between Meniere's disease and Mirena? What causes pink vaginal discharge? Suggest treatment for stomach upset Suggest remedy for abdominal pain What causes protein in urine? What causes increased blood pressure despite taking medication? What causes rectal pain when diagnosed with hemorrhoids and stomach ulcer? Suggest remedy for Fordyce spots on penis What causes stingy feeling and redness on the tip of penis? Can Colcrys be taken along with Allopurinol? Suggest treatment for indigestion
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