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Took OxyCotin half cut instead of Ibuprofen, feel really off. Should I be concerned ? On contraceptive pill Yasmin. Missed pills. Should I get tests done? Hot and cold flashes, bloated, nauseated, lightheadedness, loss of vision. What is wrong? Chronic lower back pain, broken ankle. Have IBS, paradonal gum disease, abscessed tooth. Prescribed mscontin. Further? Stopped contraception pills. Loss of weight, lactose intolerant, hardened lymph nodes under arms. Related to? Infant has low appetite, rotten mood, excessive crying. What is wrong? Spotted pink, painful abdomen. Contracted Trichomoniasis. Taken metronidazole. Suggest? Have diabetes mellitus, unable to enjoy sex. What can I do? Delayed period, nausea, swollen breasts, car sickness, fatigue, headaches. Pregnant? Itching in leg sole, testis, has swelling. What is it? Found something in the navel. What can it be? 62 year old faints frequently. Medication not helping. Suggestions? Have headache and fever. Had been hit on back of head. Any need to worry? Does eating healthy food prevent pimples? Recovering from flu, having lots of pain in kidneys, lower back now. Is this a normal flu symptom ? Using Glaciphage PG-2, Huminsulin, changed medicines to Glaciphage, Glycomet. Feeling nauseous. Why ? Diagnosed Melasma. Hyper pigmentation, acquired ochronosis, itching of face and scalp. Any complete cure ? Bad headaches after taking an I-pill. Is this the side effect ? Smoking on and off, painful itching in chest, occasional cough. Any ideas ? Is there any medicine for growth of facial hairs ? Have a right knee ligament tear. How long it could to be cured ? Have pimples in groin. Had trimmed but machine was rusted. Fungus cream not helping. Suggestions? Pregnant, have severe cramps, on Salbutamol infusion, Ampiclox. Brown discharge, ruptured corpus lutuem cyst. Is this normal ? Diagnosed with flu, running fever, alternating Ibuprofen and Tylenol, still feverish. Should be concerned ? Bleeding after sex, hurts while walking, urinating. Noticed a cut from vaginal opening to around anus. Will it heal itself ? Pregnant, bled dark red and clots, then lighter. Scan shows the baby ok. Should be concerned with this off and on bleeding ? Have dizziness, headache and slurred speech. Tests show normal. Cause and cure? Child has stomach ache and constipation. Ultrasound shows mesentric nodes. Any further tests needed? Skin is becoming hard and dark. Using Lobate's ointment. Healing time? Have itching with discharge near vagina. Treatment? Have Sinusitis. Underwent Rhinoplasty. Still not cured. Is surgery the only option? Trying to quit smoking, having nausea, rapid heart rate, Blood work came normal. History of anxiety and depression. Reason? Have skin tags near pubic area. Had sex 6 months back. Can it be genital wart? Chest pains, ECG shows PVC, occasional GERD, overactive thyroid. Is it possible that I have MR ? Have fungal infection on penis. On medication. Have loose motion. Is it side effects? Have headache and throbbing sensation on face. Had pulled muscle on neck. Related? Have headache and blurred vision. Heavy object fell on head. Had Epilepsy. Treatment? Have pain in ribs and vomiting. Used to drink alcohol and smoke. Recommendations? Have cyst in stomach. What to do? Unable to live with partner. Want to run away. Is it depression? Infant is hungry every hour. Takes 1.5 oz bottles. Suggestions? Am taking medication for BP. Have itching and swelling. Is it allergic reaction? Frequent urination. How to make it normal ? Diagnosed Rosacea due to redness across cheeks and nose area with occasional small pimples, watery eyes, fatigued. Is it Lupus ? Recovered of loose stools, fever and headaches then. Widal shows positive. Treatment and diet to follow ? Taking Ayurvedic treatment for Rheumatoid Arthritis, suffering from joint pain & stiffness throughout the day. Suggestions ? Have gas trouble, itching and pain in food pipe. Am pregnant . Can it harm baby? Child has swelling and bruise on hand. Had fallen from ladder. Treatment? 16 weeks pregnant. Ultrasound shows amniotic band. Will i have normal birth? Unable to hear clearly. Hearing echoes. Have BP. Had ear pain. Related? Lump between chest and collar bone. What is it? Have pain in testicle. Sperm is watery and light brown.Cause and cure? Had unprotected oral sex. Could I have got HIV? Am 5 weeks pregnant and had bleeding. Had miscarriages. Recommendations? Have muscle spasm episodes with pain. Have Fibromyalgia. Suggestions? Odd red rash on the back of both knees. Any ideas ? Suffering from Guttache psoriasis, using cream, no relief. Does taking protein shake is the cause? Suffering from bleeding in left ear, given tablets. Reason for bleeding? Had unprotected sex, taken unwanted pill, got periods. Due for periods, UPT negative. Chances of pregnancy? Is it possible to see a rheumatologist privately ? Child with frequent fever, X- ray shows ill defined opacity present in right side lung. Have enlarged glands below ears with discharge. Solution? Suffering from sore throat and cough with white mucus. Taking antibiotics, with no relief. Is it a throat cancer? Tested for cholesterol, high in Triglycerides, VLDL and Uric acid, prescribed medication. How serious is the problem? Experiencing strange sensation in right abdomen, sensation seems to move. Suggestion? Had a triple bypass surgery, have high cholesterol, BP and high pulse rate. Cause for legs swelling? Diagnosed with moderately differentiated squamous carcinoma in left lung. Tried various medications, no help. Any suggestions ? Elevated SGPT, currently on Losartan. What is the best diet ? Difficulty in breathing, heaviness, taken Ventolin and seretide, with no relief. Suggestion? Stone in gall bladder, found red blood in urine. Is it dangerous? Suffering from violent bouts of sickness and Diarrhoea, given antibiotics. Suggestion? Pregnant with fever, cold and sore throat, taking Amoxycillin, relived from fever. Is it tonsillitis? Delayed periods, taken duphaston, pregnancy test positive, had miscarriage. Test shows no chronic villi in whole sample. Is it true?

Can an online doctor check blood test report and advise ? Suffering from Pemphigus vugaris, took blister therapy. Still getting blisters in mouth. Complete treatment ? Had oral sex, with partner who is prone to STD. Suffering from cold sore, tooth decay and lump on tongue. Am I infected? Skin test positive after working for TB camp. Am I a carrier ? Doing hand practice, have nightfalls, feeling weak. Any solution ? Skin fair, free from pimple marks after using melalite XL. Trying to conceive. Any side effect? Using Paxidep CR for cervical spondylitis, vertigo. Triglycerides high. Is it due to Paxidep? How to reduce? Numbness in body parts after washing head in cold water. Possible reason? Suffering from insomnia due to stress, high blood pressure. Taking sleeping pills. Treatment? Pregnancy. Suffering with pcod, follicle size 11mm. took 3 injections. Is ovulation possible without medicine? Had irregular periods. Having heavy bleeding with clots. Taking duphaston 5mg. Is it normal? Having burning anus while passing stools, bloated stomach, dysentery, motility disorder. Is it IBS? Pregnancy. Taking duphaston 10mg. Started bleeding while passing stool. What should I do? Feeling happy sometime, hearing ring sound in ears, pain at the back of head. What is the pain? Fever, itching in different parts of body, red spots on chest, clear liquid discharge. Chicken pox? Tonsillitis, severe pain in chest. Tried co-codomol, no relief. Treatment options? Diabetic, acute pain in stomach,lost smell sensation. Prescribed Lubowell, still pain, constipation. Solution ? Severe cough, chest pain. Smoker, used to smoke five cigarettes a day. Treatment for symptoms? Having headache, heaviness in head, tired, dry throat. Using contact lens. Suggest? Had rhizotomy on lower back on right side of spine. Worsening pain radiating from back to hip and legs. What's wrong ? Trying to conceive. Undergoing folicullar study. Had fertyl super, evaton. Reports normal? No periods. Tests revealed endometrium. What risks are involved? Advised Tab Oosure, COR 3 Having abdominal pain, back pain, mucus present in toilet. Prescribed omeprazol. Reason for symptoms? Indigestion, bloating, diarrhea, weak, feel full after small meal. Have Liver Haemengioma, on Rebeprazole, Alverine. Solution ? Had stroke in left side, misspelling words, trouble remembering things, blurry vision, headache. Treatment? Had miscarriage after 3 months pregnancy. Took folic acid during pregnancy. When can I plan for next pregnancy? Trying to conceive. Tests reads non motile 77%, count 11 millions/cc, rapid linear 12%. Suggest? Had unprotected intercourse. Having cold sore on lips, pink spot on head of penis. Is it related to STD? Had short period with spotting. Pregnancy, infection test negative. Pain decreased with antibiotic. Are pregnancy test accurate? Under anesthesia. Rattling chest, sore throat. Taking Levequin. History of tonsil stone. Any ideas? Regular intercourse during pregnancy. Penis sore, tip of skin peeling, vagina swollen, sore. Possible reason? Massive headache after getting up from sleep. Side effect of mirtazapine. How to stop headaches? Twelfth rib hit during rugby training, little pain. How to get relief from pain? Had foreplay at massage parlor. Is there any risk of HIV transmission? Blood in stool after having chicken wings. Taking cipro to treat epididymitis. What to do? Swelling on penis. Always had protected sex. Use Fucicort cream? Slipped, fell. Blacked out, breathless. Bruise on calf, back. Back pain, hurts to breathe. Suggestions? High levels of uric acid. Body pains, joint pains. Temporary relief from medicines. Diet, treatment? Stopped alcohol. Pain during urination after drinking alcohol in any quantity. Suggestions? Swollen lymph node. Ultrasound showed infection. On antobiotics. White discharge from eustachian tube. What could this be? Trying to concieve. Having delayed periods. Had abdominal pain, fatigue in legs, metallic taste. Pregnant? Having pregnancy symptoms. Uterus sits very high. Pregnancy tests negative. No periods. Suggestions? Have three children. Trying to concieve. Pregnancy tests negative. Suggestions? Trying to concieve. Prescribed clomid, Duphaston. No periods. When should I test for pregnancy? Bleeding after having sex for the first time. Is it normal? Fractured wrist, had fiber glass cast. Now stiff wrist, hurts to exercise. Should I ignore pain? Constipation, belly button pain, burping. Reasons for symptoms after endoscopy? Prescribed Zenoxa, Epilex and Etilaam for epilepsy. Have nausea. Side effects? Bruise on forearm, lump underneath. Had blood pressure taken Baby passing yellow, sticky stools once in 3 days. Was`passing green stools previously. Suggestions? Chest x-ray done. Is the report normal? Trying to reduce smoking. Best dosage to start nicotine patches? Lymphoma located in center of chest, area not sore. Safest procedure for its removal? Child suffering from high fever. Temperature down after crocin drops. Correct dosage and its interval? Having depression, short breaths, tired, impairment. Test results low vitamin B12, D3. Taking thyroxine. Suggest? Having severe headache. PNS x-ray done. Reports normal. Given calpol tablets. What to do? Having frequent urination, feeling feverish. Blood sugar 100 to 110mg/dl. Am I diabetics? Experiencing rheumatoid arthritis. How can it be treated? Constant sufferer of ovarian cyst. Will M2 tone, hyponid help to regulate ovarian function, get pregnant? Child having burning sensation while passing urine, fever. Many pus cells found. Prescribed Flush, Altacef Uterus ultrasound done. Small myoma along posterior wall of uterus. How to treat it? Having palpitations after delivery. Thyroid level fluctuating with medications. Less after stopping medication. What to do? Excessive masturbation. Losing fairness, strength. Remedies to avoid masturbation? Prescribed Heptral for fatty liver. Excreting the whole tablet without digestion in stools. Solution? Had flu, weightloss, loss of apetite. Having insomnia, night sweats, swollen neck glands. What could it be? Back pain. MRI shows annular tear of disc, mild diffuse disc bulge. No help with physiotherapy. Suggestions? Child sensitive to light. Eyes water, hurts, headaches. How to rectify? Thyroid level high. Taking thyroidish. Dose of medicine to control? Have two children. Having wrinkled stomach while on all fours. Suggestions? Pain in left testicle. Scan shows mild left varicocele. Treatment for cure without surgery? Bloating while hungry, difficulty in belching, farting. Internal heating. Ulcer? Chronic kidney disease. Suggested kidney transplant, dialysis. Precautions, pros and cons of transplant? Left flank intercostal pain. Burning sensation radiating to upper abdomen. No help with muscle relaxers. Suggestions? Child having fever. Fever not reducing with antibiotics, babygesic. How to reduce fever? Reccurence of fever, cough. Taking Asthalin, Meftal, Crocin. Blood test shows nothing. Worried? Headache, body pain, stomach ache, vomiting, cold. Taken advil, nyquil and dayquil. What to do? Cramps, pale stools after taking probiotic. Should I discontinue use? Echo shows mildly dilated atrium. Meaning? How can damage be minimised? Want fertility tests done due to advanced age. What tests should be done? Syncope, blackness of vision. EEG shows spikes while sleeping. What does it mean? Fractured elbow, sore wrist. Painful, blue discoloration. Reason? Taking Celexa for anxiety. Family history of schizophrenia. Hearing scratching noise Have thrush, painful, itching inside, bleeding. How to stop itching? Swelling in cheek. Prescribed Amoxicillin and Ciprofloxacin. What to do? Torn frenulum of penis, bleeding, applied Betadine. Want different ointment Suffering from severe Depression and stress. Have Dizziness, constant headache and fatigue. Cause for the problem? Cervical Spondylosys patient. Felt unconscious while playing. Many tests conducted. Diagnosis? Frequently passing stools, yellowish colour stools and urine. Suggestion? On penicillin for tooth infection. Waking up with bloody nose, black spot on tongue. See the doctor? On occutane. Fear of having anaphylactic reaction during medication. Possible after taking for 3 months? Scan shows single gestation with normal cervix, placenta. No cord loops around neck. Possible normal delivery? Chest pain. Angiogram shows triple vessel disease. Have blockages. On medicines. Treatment? Abdominal pain, diarrhoea after drinking alcohol. Having sciatica, phlegm in chest, nose congestion. Solution? Redness in face since using anti acne cream after peeling. Continue MomateS cream? Trouble sleeping due to banging noises in head. Caused by lack of oxygen to brain? Experiencing palpitations. Tests show heart normal. Increased heart beats, faintiness. What could it be? Had a hard fall rolling on abdomen. Having distended abdomen, cramps, bodyaches, soreness, lethargic, no apetite. Normal? Operated for anal fissure. Having pain after defecation. Diagnosed with small ulcer in interfiber sphincter. Suggestions? Worried about the side effects of using Enbrel. Suggestions? Suffering from fungal infection of groin. Prescribed Gupisone, hydrocortisone cream. Safe to use steroid creams? History of D&C due to miscarriage. Taken Cytotec due to incomplete procedure. How long for tablets to take effect? Leg pain due to disc problem in back. Swollen ankle. Reason for pain? Difficulty getting erection, buzzing sensation in penis Red spots on chest and neck. Have cough. Need for concern? Had nasal surgery. Having dizziness, lightheadedness, fatigue, burning sensation between eyes, nasal passages. Normal? Trying to concieve. Having bad headaches radiating to groin after sex. What could it be? Baby has first degree burns on forehead. Applying Silverex A cream. Will the scars remain? Tiredness during sleep, tightness in heart. Suffering from asthma. Reason for symptoms? Electric shock feeling in the neck if turned suddenly. Causes pain in head. Reason? Child diagnosed with Heirshsprung disease. frequently in hospital for enemas, magnesium citrate, cleanouts. Suggest colostomy? Child having rash on groin, rectal area. No help with ointments. Cause, treatment? Diagnosed with fibroid, ovarian cyst. Advised EUA, hysteroscopy, endo ablation, Mirena. Opinion? Depressed after father's death. Prescribed a pill which helped. Can I suggest the pill to a friend? Diabetic. Losing weight without change in diet, regime. Reason? Tightness in throat when running. Reason? Prescribed Zolpidem for sleeplessness. No improvement. Solution? Allergy on the wrist, forearam, palm, nick skin. No help with Unigal H/C cream. Suggestions? Pain in leg while in certain positions. No bruise, swelling. Caused by blood clot? White spot on the iris of eye. Painful, red. Solution? On ovulation induction. Had sex during ovulation. Having bright red bleeding, mild cramps. Chances of pregnancy? Child having red welting on abdomen, back, behind knee. Allergic reaction? Breastfeeding. Not yet started menstrual periods. Having vaginal discharge. What could it be? Suffering from diabetes. Taking glimisave m1, blood sugar levels not in control. Change in medication required? Getting seizures in sleep. Prescribed Phyntoin, Levipil. What are the side effects? Nausea, tiredness, dizziness while having sex, fuller breasts, pain in lower abdomen, headaches. Early pregnancy symptoms? Red blotches on lower body after showering, itchiness. Due to usage of hot water? Short in height, would like to increase height. How to increase height? White spot on tip of tongue. Painful. Hurts to eat, drink, talk. What could it be? Red bump on eyebrow, eye swollen. face swollen after draining. Solution? Fluid movement in head. Having frequent headaches. Matter of concern? Having atypical hypothyroidism, PCOS. Could I have partial hypopituitarism with normal appearing gland? Remedies for growing even and thick moustache? Broken wrist, severe pain, unable to move it, swelling. Treatment? Nosebleeds, nausea, headaches, pressure on face. Taking remicade. History of sinus tachycardia. Cure? Thick vaginal bleeding, unable to conceive, pain in lower abdomen. Will cyprodiol help? Greenish discharge in the incision after hip surgery. Having low grade fever. Did I&D. Reason? Having ovarian cyst causing irregular periods. On Duphaston. Will it affect fertility? Rapid heart rate. Feeling hazy, fuzzy. Occassional chestpains. Serious? Taking Biaxin XL for sinus infection. On birth control pills. Periods delayed. Pregnancy test negative. Normal? Diagnosed Hepatocellular carcinoma. Surgery done to remove tumor in liver. Tumors reoccurred. Taking nexavar. Suggestions? On Sotalol 80 mg for Atrial fibrillation, feel dizzy. Is this side effect ? Dent in penis. Noticeable only during erection. Used penis pump vacuum. Having bent penis, painful. Suggestions? Colonoscopy done, nausea, light headedness, diverticulitis. Polyp removed. Normal symptoms? Suffering from chronic anemia. Having mood swings, aggression. Suggestions to boost sexual energy? Small child, nasal discharge, vomiting after eating. Due to sinus drainage? Constant flu like symptoms, tenderness in legs, shivering, sweating. What will help? Pregnant. Taken mtp pills, mifepristone, misoprostol, prolonged vaginal bleeding. Continue misoprostol? Stomach bloating, excessive hunger, headaches, nausea, pale skin. Treatment for symptoms? Visible cheek swelling due to broken teeth. Will new artificial teeth resolve the issue? Had surgery for trigeminal neuralgia. Had meningitis, passed out after lumbar puncture. Memory loss since then. Solution? Momentary vertigo after falling on ice. Having nausea, headache, neckpain. See the doctor? Diagnosed with LVF, cardiomyopathy, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis. Unable to walk. Decreased immune levels. Suggestions? Itching in the penis, testicles. Sensitive to touch. Burns during urination. Reason? Diagnosed with Achiles rupture, scheduled for surgery. Heel turned purplish. Matter of concern? Bloating and flatulence problem, ulcers in mouth, pimples in face, fewer bowels. Is it hypochlorhydria ? Child has stomach pain, fever, runny nose, cough, sore ear. Labs showed high SGPT, SGOT. Reason? Depression, cry very often. Will frequent crying cause side effects? PCOS, TTC, taken metformin, ovulation induction done, had periods with minimal flow, fleshy thing in urine. Cause of failure? Nearing 40, IUD removed, trying to conceive. Tips to increase conception chances? Bleeding after periods since miscarriage causing ovulation issues. Treatment guidance? Floating rib pain, joint pains. Test results normal. Prescribed vicodine, ibuprofen. Suggestion? Injured butt muscle while doing splits hurting. Is it gluteus Maximus ? Irregular periods, prescribed Clomid, Primolut for missed periods. Feeling pain in breasts. What to do ? Lips got a cold sore, that healed. Recurring again. What to do ? On birth control, delayed periods. Dark brown discharge only. Is it normal? Jittery feeling, tingling, swelling in fingers and feet after taking geodon, luvox, adderall. What should be done? Rash starting from middle of back to stomach, seems to dry, itchy and flaky. What could this be? Skinny, have bilateral femoral hernias, had 2 surgeries. Constant pain and bulging still. How to resolve this ? Dog bite on hand, bleeding, numbness to the left of puncture, tightness on rotating wrist. Nerve damage? Scanty period flow, excessive hair loss, lowering breast size,normal hb count, normal abdominal US. Related? Delayed periods with heavy flow, persisting pregnancy symptoms. What could the cause be? Chronic sinusitis, frequent cold and sore throats, no respite with azithral. Should I take something else? On birth control, supposed to start new pack today. Will delay of few days cause any problems? Back pain below shoulder blades radiating to buttocks, legs, toe. Treatment suggestions? Instance of rib twisting, felt sharp pain, persisting soreness while yawning. How can I detect damage without X-ray? Pregnant, due date nearing, have pressure pains, difficulty in walking, swollen vagina. What should be done? Suffering with IBS and acid reflux, have intermittent heaviness below ribs, feeling of food obstruction. Treatment? Vomiting with phlegm, later soreness in skull, chest and upper back, feeling of bubbles in neck. Remedy? Hit under the breasts causing tender breasts, shooting pain between shoulder blades, heaviness and nausea. Help? Body ache, low appetite, sore throat, low grade fever post an encounter. DNA PCR negative. Cause of concern? Fluctuating SGPT, diagnosed with fatty lever, gall stones. Guidance? Cut on the leg months ago, persisting scar and dent, difficulty in kneeling on it. Will it subside? Spells of hot flashes with dizziness, weak feeling, lightheadedness, headaches, disturbed sleep. Cause and cure? Period has not started. Have frequent urination and tiredness. Is it pregnancy or premenopause? On treatment for seasonal allergies. No respite, persistent sinus drainage. Best remedy? Have bloating after eating food. Feel stressed and tired. Could I be pregnant? Detected with low hormones, put on pills. Do I have a chance of conceiving? Have pain in stomach, nausea, loose stool, tired and no appetite. Healing time? Has breathlessness. Suffering from Polymyositis and Cardiomyopathy. Taking steroid medication. Treatment? Have chest and leg pain. Diagnosed as Sciatica. Could I have heart problems? Have sore throat and swollen neck. Had blocked tear ducts as a baby. Suggestions? Sharp pain down the throat while speaking. No improvement with medicines. Help? Surgery done on broken wrist, have nerve damage on palm and finger, do not want another surgery. Any suggestions? Swelling observed on thumb and small fingers after eating MSG products. Diagnosis? Have swelling and pain in leg. On Diuretics and am paraplegic. Home remedies? Cramping with severe gurgling movement of small intestine, feels better after passing gas. Had laparoscopic colectomy. Solution ? Have numbness on left side of body and collapses. Cause and cure? Had stroke. Having blood clot in groin. leg swollen. On medicines. Further treatment? Have back pain and muscle spasms. Fell from horse. Treatment? Have headache, nausea, heightened sense of smell and fatigue. Ultrasound is fine. Reason? Child has black spots in vision on standing. What type of specialist should be consulted? Pain in the center of chest, severe migraines. Born with hole in heart. Signs of heart attack? Severe diarrhea, headache, moving long and yellowish green things in stools. Help? Fatigue, headaches, headrushes, faintiness, hot flashes, fluttering in stomach, sharp pains. What could it be? Severe hairloss in 3 weeks. Thyroid tests normal. Referred to a dermatologist. Suggestions? Fresh blood on qtip after inserting in the ear. Punctured ear drum? Sweat gland nerve fiber in the prox thigh left is above the 5th percentile at 23.4. Significance? Bulging feeling in vagina, swollen urethra. History of uterus and cervix removal. Cause? Child having abdominal pain, constipation. Prescribed medicines. Suggested due to anxiety after shifting places. Can it be IBS? Treated for A-fib. Cardioversion successful. Having discomfort, dull ache in chest. Low pulse rate. Normal? Uncomfortable feeling in chest, breathlessness. Numbness in right side of face. Matter of concern? Addicted to acodine. Taken several medicines to get deaddicted. No help. Studies affected. Suggestions? Extremely tight foreskin, head not visible when flaccid, pains on trying to retract. Remedy? Numbness in back with swelling, similar feeling in arm. Cause? Had reconstruction of femur bone following a fracture. Having painless lumps on leg. Information, suggestions? Suffering with finger pulp infection. Will it be safe to fly at high altitude? Tongue has increased three times the original size post tongue reduction surgery. Reason? Intermittent, sharp, shooting pain in thigh and knee area felt in buttocks. DVT ruled out. Reason? Diagnosed with AIS, difficulty in walking, weakness in hands. Reason? Heaving bleeding post delivery causing weakness, diagnosed to be hormonal imbalance. Suggestive treatment? Chest X-ray shows cardiomegaly with congestive changes, sub-pulmonary function. Meaning? Pains on the lower right side. Could this be gas? Hit on the head, fractured bone under eye weeks ago, recently feel pressure in head, headaches, dizziness. Alarming? Child suddenly stopped making sounds and grew red, took several minutes to relax. Cause? Sprained ankle, severe ankle pain, swelling, pain under rib cage with increased tenderness. Sprain in lumbar or rib area? Delayed period, clear white discharge, low appetite, breast soreness. Cause? Anterior shin splits, knot on tibial tendon, bruise on affected area, worsening swelling. Treatment? US showed band around top of uterus. What does it indicate? Missed period, faint positive pregnancy test. How can I get rid of it? Cyst on liver, ovaries. Treatment? Hit hand. Hurts to pick up things, open containers, move fingers. Cause? Trying to concieve. Pregnancy tests negative. Sharp pain in ovaries when sneezing. Pregnant? Severe pain in right hip. Pain relief from other than medicines? Dark brown lines on inner thighs. Not stretch marks. What could it be? Diarrhoea, vomitting, stomach and abdominal pain. Diagnosed with chronic appendicitis. Get appendix removed? Infant with dotty rashes on face and neck, Worsen at night, bumpy when touched. Solution? Dry patch skin on right side thumb near finger nail. Used hand lotions, with no relief. Treatment? Frequent severe headache, with high blood pressure. Cause for headache? Non painful swelling above left leg ankle, minimal discoloration and hard to touch. Cause? Had breast revision surgery, breast implant both ruptured with Hematoma. Feel sensitive above new scar. Normal healing process? Sharp pain in chest and back, feel light headed and cannot lay on front without ribs aching. Is it due to constipation? Child with fever, cough and pain in calves. Developed headache and sore throat. Solution? Had lower back pain due to herniated disc on right side, tingling sensation in right arm to foot. Suggestion? Severe pain in sternum ends with tiny nodules appearing on chest. Had breast cancer, mastectomy. Any ideas ? Hot feeling in whole body after a nap, feel feverish. Is it normal? Hit head on an open freezer, feel pressure on that portion of head and nose. Suggestion? Red, itchy and irritated skin around eyes with burning sensation. Is it an infection? Pierced ears, sore in left ears and puss formed. Is it normal? Had unprotected sex right after periods, history of regular cycles, took an I-pill. Chances of pregnancy? Had unprotected sex, taken next choice, have brownish discharge. Could I be pregnant? Piece of plant pierced in skin, finger swollen and hurting around the joint. Is it caused infection? Experiencing lot of discomfort and mid cycle bleeding, severe abdominal pain. Cause? Diagnosed with anaemia, heavy menstrual bleeding with low iron level. Is it dangerous? Had a post partum, developed muscle spasms in lower back, pain radiating to the leg. Suggestion? Hands and feet crawling inwards on right side, stiff and tight after stroke, on physio. Any rehab centers in Kerala or Mumbai ? Toddler with red rashes on arms and legs, has a green snotty nose. Cause for rashes? Suffering from bloating, stomach pain and diarrhoea, after consuming dairy products. Is the intolerant only to the fat and not lactose? Had a severe heart attack, Angiogram showed clear arteries, but high BP. Suggestion? Suffering from sore throat, found small red bumps in throat and glands look swollen. Smoke Marijuana, causing dryness. Suggestion? Sustained a contusion from hip bone down to mid thigh after fall, intense pain, tearing sensation. What could it be ? Slightly high ph, protein and specific gravity level in urinalysis. Reasons ? Cleaned ears with a Q- tip, found dried blood, frequently noticed. Solution? Pounding headache, fluctuations in body temperatures, sore muscles, sore throat. Food poisoning ? Having black out spells. What is the cause ? Toddler with cold, runny nose and bumps on base of neck, diagnosed as cyst. Suggestion? Diagnosed with schizophrenia, taking Seroquel. Mentally unstable, harmful thoughts. Any alternate medication ? Took penicillin for cellulite, feel exhausted. Is this due to antibiotics ? Had thyroid, developed water filled boils leaving a faint marks. Is it due o thyroid? Purple bruise on right breast, no pain or itching. Cause for the bruise? Big open sore under the nose, peeling and itches a lot. Taking antibiotics, condition worsened. Suggestion? Taking baby Aspirin for cholesterol and Colonazepam for anxiety. Is it safe to take both pills together? Irregular spotting, almost black mucus type discharge, using Depo. Suggestion? Severe pain in tongue, due to bump under tongue and swollen lymph node under the right ear. Cause for pain? Sharp pain in left knee, starts up when going to bed. Taking Advil and Tylenol. Cause for pain? Filling done for tooth and new crown, shooting pain in tooth. Relief from pain? Suffering from Hypertensive and loss of ability to remember. MRI shows chronic micro vascular changes. Is it due to aging? Child has red spots on face. Wiped with cool cloth. Still same. Should I worry? White stuff all over both tonsils, swollen and painful, sides of neck under chin hurt. Taking Clindamycin, Acyclovir. What's wrong ? Had lump on vagina. No pain or itching. Could it be Genital Wart? Suffering from pain in ears, burning in toes, feel dizzy and pain when breathing. Cause for this symptoms? On injections for Lyme disease, back pain, onset of spots before eyes, dizziness, numbness in extremities. What to do ? Have clogged ear. Had bleeding while cleaning. On Ciprodex. Will it work? Have lower back pain. Had fallen from horse. Suggestions? Child has black eyes, headache and nasal congestion. Had fallen and hit head. Related?
Treated with Aspirin, Penicillin for rheumatoid fever, dark circles under eyes. What could be this ? Swelling in left leg with large painful bulges, heaviness, back pain. Any relief ? Had bleeding after sex. Feels vagina is swollen inside. Guidance? Diagnosed semantic dementia, eating constantly, fainting randomly. Is it possible to hospice in home without moving to nursing home ? Recovering from yeast infection with antibiotics for UTI, dirt remains between labia. How to get rid off it ? Tingling numb feeling on lower abdomen, left testicle and discomfort all over stomach, back pain. What to do ? Have burning feeling on testicle. Diagnosed as Epididymitis. On 2 months medication. Is this normal? Pain in ribs after laying down to sleep after an angioplasty. Reasons ? Have lumps on groin. No pain. What could it be? Delayed periods with large clots, heart palpitations, migraine headaches, weakness later. Should be concerned ? Have whooshing sound in ears and high blood pressure. Taking Vyvanse for ADHD. Suggestions? Frequently getting cuts near vagina. Had yeast infection. Related? Taking Tri Sprintec, causing irregular periods. History of regular cycles. What could be the cause? Suffering from severe diarrhoea, test shows bacterial infection, prescribed Ceftriazone injection. Suggestion? Toddler fell and hit is eye corner, cut in the crease of eyelid and minor swelling. Suggestion? Itchy rash that started on ankles, spread farther up leg, mirrored on either side. Tried topical cream, antihistamine. Solution ? Suffering from Rheumatoid Arthritis, taking Salazopyrine, Hostacorten, with no relief and severe pain in knee. Solution? Having very low sperm count. Can I go for a donor sperm? Complete hysterectomy including removal of cervix, having odor and watery vaginal discharge, frequent urination. What's wrong ? Have ear pain. Diagnosed as eardrum damaged. Would the eardrums heal? Controlled diabetes with osteoarthritis in both knee. Severe sweats and chills after knee replacement. Is this normal ? Was snorting heroin. Had phlebotomy training, more dehydrated, flat veins, unable to straighten arms. What should I do ? Itchy and red at the skin graph on left leg just above ankle. How to relieve itch ? Have stomach cramps and pain during bowel movement. Could it be gas? Have stomach problems. Feels to use toilet but nothing comes out. Suggestions? Have dent on head. Had no injury. Have frequent sinusitis and migraine. Cause and cure? How to reduce Triglycerides and Blood Uric Acid without medication? Diabetic, on Metformin. Decreased appetite, weight loss, bitter taste in mouth, constant pain in right legs. Should change medicines ? Child sick, wants to sleep. Tylenol can be given? Any risks involved? Have red spots in vagina with pain. On birth control. Reason? Child has recurrent chest and ear infection, lethargic, bloated stomach and diarrhea. Remedy? Am pregnant. Will saffron milk intake enhance complexion of baby? Have Nausea, ectopic heartbeat and heavy feet. Taking Lexapro for depression. Is this side effect? Have dry skin around nose and chin area. Used creams. Not cured. treatment? Have back pain and muscle stress. Have cyst in back and PCOS. Medication? Red bump, itching on butt after shaving. Feels like oozing poison ivy. Concerned? Took hormone pills, hemostan to reduce heavy mensuration, prolonged bleeding. Again experienced same episodes. Cure? Mole on the upper lip. Need information on the cost of treatment, Side effects and the healing time Need blood transfusion due to low blood count. Breathlessness. Refused blood transfusion. Any other options? Having painful cramps, back pain, nausea, saliva filled mouth. Am I pregnant? Pain in the lower back after a muscle sprain. Not responding to medication Had tonsillectomy. Will smoking harm in healing? Took off severely ingrown nail, partially growing back. Red ooze coming out. What to do? Had unprotected sex before, after and during periods. Having pregnancy symptoms. Pregnancy chances? Pregnant suffer from UTI and enterococcus faecalis. Persisting infection despite taking medication. Is macrobid a safe medication? Unable to ejaculate during sex, lower back and neck pain. Related symptoms? Taking oxy elite pro. Feeling nauseous, headache, dizziness. Had spotting. Side effects of medicine? Pain around neck, shoulder and jaws, pain vanishes after burping, gastric problems. Cure? Facing heavy hairfall, prescribed Mintop, Proanagen. What is the problem ? Lipoma on back started getting tender, strains moving arm or neck. Could it be infected ? Difficulty in sleeping. Have epilepsy. Could the insomnia be due to the temperature change? Dizziness, high pulse rate, low blood pressure while exercising on a treadmill. Treatment? Small child, random red speckles under eyes, occur due to tiredness. Allergy symptoms? Sharp stomach pains, tried Miralax, put off milk, UTI negative, no help. Headaches, dizziness also. Causes ? Infant with loose stools. What are the drug actions of rinifol and ondem? Acne, dark marks on shoulders, arms. Prescribed moisturiser, scrubbing. Treatment options? Suffer from dysgraphia due to damage to the parietal lobe of the brain. Is there a treatment? Nerve damage while drawing blood. How will it get healed? Pregnant Headache, nausea, lack of appetite, sore throat. Mood swings with crying spells. Pregnant? Lump on right side of temple. Taking ciproflaxin, ampicillin, lump subsided and reoccurred. Treatment? Feeling sick after eating, lost appetite, tenderness and pain in center of chest. Suggestions ? Writing span problem in hand due to motor nerve problem, pain in back of head. What's this ? Gastric problems, chest pain, growling in stomach, high pulse rate on sleeping. Tried pantacos D. Permanent cure? Had Endometriotic surgery. How soon can I get pregnant? Have pain in stomach and short breath. Had been taking Gerd medication. Healing time? 4 mm stone detected. Belly swollen, drinking tons of water, did not pass stone. Urologist help required? Dry skin on lips. Using antibiotic creams, skin peeling on contact with water. Curable? Could be effected as a passive smoker of marijuana by husband due to blowing on face many times. Can this happen ? How to lose weight quickly? Does Dytor-10mg have any side effects? Noticed heart palpitation and skipped beats, when using spray painting. Taking Digioxin. Is it common cause for Arrhythmia? Sharp pain in lower pelvic area and nauseas. Had a heavy brown bleeding, after stopped taking birth controls. Is it normal? Face has become dark on exposure to sun. Had used Lomela cream. Recommendations? Have bump on toe. Have pain. I play hockey. Treatment? Inflammation in both knees after injury. Unable to do physical activity. Surgery required? Supplements for speedy recovery? 5 yr old, overweight. Blood test done. What does report indicate? How to control? Lump on shin above ankle, knee hurting severely, causing a knot. Is it due to lupus? Had intercourse right after the periods, pinkish discharge from vagina. Cause? Lower left gum extremely inflamed and swollen, with liquid oozing out of it, wisdom teeth are growing sideways. Is it an infection? Constant urge to urinate, history of kidney stone. Numerous RBC, few epithelial cells and calcium oxalate crystals. Cause? Addicted to masturbation, foreskin bigger than penis and lack of erection. How can I get full erection? Fell and hit my foot, terrible pain in front sole of right foot, taken ibuprofen. Suggestion? Pain in chest, shoulder blades, neck. Hurts on swallowing. No help with anti acid. Cause? Had sex 2 years back. Under skin of penis smelly, pulpy, sticky substance seen. What to do? Having abdominal cramps, upper lip swollen. Sgpt level 71 and sgot 191. What could it be? Having problem in pulling skin of penis. Had a operation when I was too young. Is it a disorder? Child having many Amorphous deposit in urine. Treatment to follow? Having red spots over arms, stomach, legs. Spotted brown flat bug on bed. What is this? Having hurt in knees, swelling. What can I do? On antibiotics after med induced coma breathing, on steroid. Stuffy nose, cough and headache. What to do ? Best treatment plans to get lipo for stomach area Having infertility problem, irregular periods. Can I go for IUI or IVF? Diagnosed with low BP, feeling of numbness, tingling through body. Is it normal? Want to delay periods and return to normal cycle later. Had PCOS. Suggestions? Sexually active. Having thrush before period, vagina hurt after sex, irritation in inner labia. Possible reason? Have shock wave through brain when stressed or tired. Have Epilepsy in family. Related? Have migraine. Had hit nose. Any need to see doctor? BP normal, taking medications. Prescribed Telista AM. Sugar, cholesterol normal. Prescribed Ramitorn. Correct medication? Blood test done. Cysts found in kidney. How can it be treated? Have reoccurring painful split wound on butt. Treatment? Have coughing spasms vomiting. X-ray is fine. Have high calcium. Cause and cure? Lost many kilos due to illness. Elevated HB, LFT, LDH. Should I be concerned? Have sinitusitis with laryngitis, producing green phelgm. Coughing yellow phelgm. Antibiotics required? Vitamin D3 low. How to increase levels? Is it safe using Arachitol, calcirol injections? Back of head hit after falling. Bump formed, painful. Should I be worried? Missed period. Pregnancy test negative. Prescribed sustan 200. Will it help in conceiving? Tooth extracted, little swelling. Bleeding after brushing, keeping gauze in mouth. How to stop bleeding? Small tear in vaginal opening after every intercourse. Reason for tear? Allergic reaction on legs. Blood test shows high WBC. On antibiotics. Follow up required? Dosage of augmentin pediatric Pre teenager had intercourse, itching in vagina and lot of discharge. Suggestion? Child with swollen lymph node, headache, low immunity. Had influenza. Any medicine to take? Semen analysis shows 10% motility. Doctor prescribed Maxoza-I or Fertisure-M . Which is better? Have diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. Had been on antibiotics for sinusitis. Related? Have irregular periods. Had ovarian cyst. TSH, Sugar and Prolactine normal. Suggestions? Child had viral infection previously. Having intermittent cough. Allergy? Pain in lower right abdomen, radiating to hip, back. Today having pain on left side. Solution? Constant lower abdominal pain. No help with Mintec capsules. Infections tested negative. Suggestions? Severe ear pain and headache caused by air travel.Precautions while traveling? Reoccurring warts on face, underwent electrocautery. Not cured. Other measures? Bipolar depression, sleeps a lot, drinks, angry, weightgain, sniffing nose. Symptoms of sexual abuse? Infant suffering from bad cold and chest congestion, runny nose, vomiting due to mucus. Remedy? Poly cystic ovaries with irregular periods, prescribed with Metaformin and Krimpson. Missed one tablet, any issues? Black area in palms of hands. Itches with scratching. No scales, redness. Under skin. Solution? Child has only six adult teeth in jaw. Heart beats painful, out of rhythm. Suggestions? Fell down after drinking. Eyebrow bone injured. On benzodiazepam for anxiety. Concerned about probable decreased IQ? Constant cold, tiredness, less energy. How to remain healthy and fit? Swelling in feet, BP high after taking stamalo, nuril tablets. Prescribed Eritel ch. Correct diagnoses? 13 month child unable to swallow solid food. On breast feed, puree food. Suggestions? Absence of period. HCG low. Advised scan for checking cyst. Should I be concerned? Lower abdominal pain. Diagnosed soft tumor. Ultrasound normal. Should I go for FNAC test? Getting disturbed sleep. Prescribed Novalttin. Is it for good sleep or anti anxiety? Left knee pops on straightening, visible. Pain, discomfort more on walking. Medical care required? Suffering from hiatus hernia, GERD. Vomiting sensation on eating something. Prescribed Rekool. Duration to take? Giddiness, sudden gush of blood in face, tingling in feet, palm, joint pains. Tests to be conducted? Using Petogen after delivery. Planning to conceive. Duration for petogen to get out of system? Child having non obstructing left middle calyceal lithiasis. Urinalysis shows numerous RBC. Is it dangerous? Heavily pregnant. Albumin present in urine. BP little high. Should we go for induced pain? Advised scanning to check egg size. Had abortion due to improper egg formation. Pregnancy chances? Rheumatoid arthritis, ANA +ve, on medication. Trying to conceive. PCOS, long periods. Ovulating time? Pregnancy chances? Planning to conceive. Cyst present. Severe pain during period. Prescribed trigetril. Reason for not conceiving? Diagnosed pustular tonsillitis. Irritation, pain, swallowing difficulty. Taking medication. Duration for complete cure? Addicted to Spasmo Proxyvon, Alprax. Remedies to get de-addicted? Have hypothyroid. On medication.How to reduce excess weight after pregnancy? Have pain while doing abdominal exercises. Have Copper-T. Could it dislocate? Have whitish injury marks on skin. Remedy? Have stabbing feeling in abdomen. Am pregnant and taking Progesterone. Is something wrong? Have headaches, vision problem and pain in arms. Have been prescribed glasses. Advice? Have gas and stomach problem during which I have pain in thigh. Suggestions? Fever, muscle pain after having unprotected sex. Symptom of ARS? Have grade 1 fatty liver. High SGOT and SGPT. How can it be reversed? Redness around dog bite. Prescribed antibiotic creams Back pain when taking deep breath. What could it be? Have asthma. Why does the cough recur? How to avoid it? Swollen blistery lips, yellow scabbing, split in the corner of mouth. Used ice, vaseline, no help. Suggestions ? Headache on one side, blocked nose. X-ray shows nasal septum. Suggest home remedies Have vaginal itching. Using lactacyd acid wash. Need solution Done back surgeries, knee replacement. Is my heart rate normal? Pregnant. Passing blood with stools. Due to wearing tummy trimming pants? Child has weakness, stomach pain, diarrhea, headache, fever. Family history of chronic MDS. Any connection? Positive pregnancy test. Pain and discomfort in pelvis, runny tummy. Ectopic pregnancy? Prescribed Fertisure to increase sperm count. Any side effects? Pain in eyes, head, abdomen. Bleeding, dizziness. What is going on? Have primary infertility. Back ache, vaginal itching. Swab shows colonization of staphylococcus Taking antibiotics for ear infection. Have vertigo. Treatment? Tightness and pain in testicles after having vasectomy. Should I be worried? Whooshing sounds after having Grommets fitted. Normal? Painful testicle, discomfort. Due to trauma? Clear HIV test Spinal x-ray shows cervical stenosis and cervical spondylosis. Treatment? Itching skin, sore throat, coughing, breathlessness. Taking Rablet and Xaria Prescribed Ascard, transamin for bleeding during pregnancy. How to avoid miscarriage? Bleeding after frozen blastocyst. Could I still be pregnant? Nausea, difficulty walking, dizziness, cold lips. Why is this happening? Palms and soles turning black. Have colitis. Normal blood work. Need help Taking Keppra and Lamotrigine for GTC epilepsy. Taking Microgynon. Positive pregnancy test. How much can AEDs affect the pill? Jaw pain, ear pain, throat pain, swollen neck glands. Had tooth extraction Lumps in underarm, abdomen, spleen. CBC reports show reduced platelets and RBC count. Related to cancer? Have hair fall, receding hair line. Prescribed Minoxidil and multivitamin. Should I use it? Have diabetes. Done ultrasonography. Reports show random blood glucose level. What disease is this? Pain in corner of eyelid, swelling. What do I do? Child unable to vomit after gastrofunduplication surgery. Given peptobismo and tylenol. How to help her vomit? Lower back pain. Abnormal L4 and L5 discs. MRI shows dark spot on spine. What could this be? Have lumps in soles of foot, painful to touch Taking Yasmin pill for irregular periods. Had unprotected sex. Pregnancy chances? Taking Microgynon. Brown discharge. Nausea and mood changes after having unprotected sex. Normal side effects? Dark skin on side of face, red spots, pimple marks. Have irritation after applying cream. Side effects? White spots on penis. What is it? Have yeast infections in armpit, dry scalp, red blotches. History of perianal abscess. Serious condition? Done angiogram in groin. Numbness, poor circulation in knee. Do I need to rest more? Enlarged lymph nodes. Normal tests. FNAC suggests tuberculosis. Prescribed Akurit 4, Udibon. Correct treatment? Trying to conceive. Negative pregnancy test. Frequent urination, delayed period. What is going on? Have hair fall. Taking thyroid tablet. Prescribed MX5 and follihari Pain in head, lump in skull, painful to touch, redness, feels hard. What is it? Hot and cold flushes, headaches, abdominal pain, trouble sleeping. Connected symptoms? Stomach pain after partially protected sex, bubbling noises in abdomen. Infection? Frequent urination, numbness in arms and legs, tiredness Child has vomiting, fishy smelling stools, warm body. Should I go to the doctor? Tender skull and neck, inner ear pain, lump in base of skull. Do I need to see a doctor? Bleeding after removing urethral dilators. Painful urination. Should I be concerned? Taking Oosure and Metformin. Prescribed thyronorm for low thyroid. Can I get pregnant? Can you suggest medicines for fungal infection in lower abdomen? Child has headache, leg pain and red shiners. Taking Iron supplements. Recommendations? Semen analysis shows normal sperm count with decreased motility and abnormal forms. On Diclofenac for arthritis. Any problems ? Had unprotected sex. Taken birth control pill. Is it necessary to take morning after pill when partner does not ejaculate? Jaw tenderness below ears, painful to touch. What could this be? Tingling, swelling, pain in hands, turning cold and blue, difficulty breathing, blurred vision. Normal? Have elevated ALT AST enzymes, pain under rib cage, abdominal pain, frequent urination, nausea Have high creatinine level. Taking Ketasteril. Done bypass surgery. Treatment by medicine instead of dialysis? Fluttering above belly button, no pain. What could it be? History of ICH, bleeding from ear. Taken Ecopsprin. Have back pain. Need diagnosis Trying to conceive. Taking Thyroxine and Fertyl. Will it affect conception? Taken Mensovit plus to start period. Taken contraceptive pill after unprotected sex. Chances of pregnancy? Have upset stomach in the morning, gas, bowel movements. Help Slipped on stairs, lot of bruising, severe pain in tail bone. Swelling in leg. Healing time? Thyroid detected in ultrasound. How serious is the condition. Possible treatment? Diagnosed pancreatic cancer. Given 2 months, coughing up blood. Life expectancy? PCOD, periods missed. Took deviry. Tested positive for pregnancy. Fetus heart beat not diagnosed. Worried? Diagnosed UTI. Prescribed Nexpro-40, Oricitral. Pain reduced. Itching in urethra. Possible reason? Bones, ligaments weak. Joints making sound during movement. Consume dairy products. Does over masturbation have side effect? Heavily pregnant. Blood sugar high. How to control in short duration? Will baby have diabetes? Thyroid test done. Safe taking Eltroxin? How long to continue? How to reduce excess weight? Sugar, BP controlled, have healthy food. Taking pioz 15 mg. Advised taking glycomet. Is it safe? Tenderness in breast, random pains, itching. Headaches, tiredness. Should I be worried? Having frequent malaria attacks. Diagnosed with peptic ulcer. Having weightloss, hairloss. Due to ulcer? Off birth control pills. Trying to concieve. Heavy periods, unbearable cramps, nausea. Cause? Spinning in head, wanted to throw up. What happened ? Tumor in neck. MRI shows enhancing bilateral mass lesion. Best treatment ? Sweating, bad anxiety, fainting, headaches, sleeping problems, dizziness muscle spasms. Symptoms of hypoglycemia ? Trying to concieve. Had tubectomy previously. Possible to reverse? Success rate? When should I start taking pills to postpone periods? Constant pain in biceps femoris above knee. Pain recurred after hips realigned. What could it be? Stopped depo shots. Had prolonged, heavy bleeding. No periods since then. Having pregnancy symptoms. Pregnant? Irritation constantly in penis head, prescribed Cetzine. Reasons ? Red blotches all over face, neck, shoulders and chest, difficulty breathing. What could it be ? On nuva ring, took it out a week later than usual. Is it normal ? High Hepa B surface antigen, anti-HBE, anti-HAV levels. Reactive. Indications? Child having delayed milestones. communicates through sign language. Shaky hands, mumbling. Any stem cell treatment recommended? Had surgery to correct broken jaw. Have lumps under chin. Scan, biopsy results normal. Prescribed antibiotics. Reason? Diagnosed with urticaria. Prescribed Levocitrize. Feeling like UTI. Caused by Levocit? Having postpartum thyroid. On Thyronorm. Results improved. Continue medication? Missed pill. Had sex. Having spotting, nausea, tiredness, dizziness, cramping. Pregnant? Weak, prolonged urine flow. Premature ejaculation, low libido. Ultrasound shows prostactomegaly grade2. Can lead normal married life? Numbness, burning, stinging in toes after wearing high heels. Solution? 93 yr old. Unable to walk after falling. On injection Methycobal. Suggestions? Have one fallopian tube. Trying to concieve. Had sex during ovulation. Pregnancy test negative. Solution? Diagnosed with pernicious anaemia. Low Hb, B12 levels. Had cough, increased heartrate. Squeezing pain under breast. Cardiac? Using Clindamycin in nebulizer for sinus infection. Having swelling in nose, cheek, under eye. Discontinue? Child complaining of headache, stomachache, sorethroat, fever. Strep negative. Prescribed antibiotics. Symptoms recurred. Suggestions? Chest x-ray shows calcifications. Advised TB skin. No symptoms of TB. Matter of concern? Pain in pelvis, frequent urination, bad odour in urine, change in colour. What could this be? Child passing frequent stools with chemical smell. Reason? Terrible pains in groin. Changed tablets from Simvastatin to Atorvastatin. Could this have caused the pain? Habit of masturbation. No penis or erection problems. Lead normal married life? Pain in anus when using the toilet. Passing loose stools. Hard lump on perineum. Treatment? Oil filled pimples on face. Scabs, oil leaks out, forms scab again even after applying medicine. Solution? Ulcer on lip. Drained pus. Having spot. No help with Triamcinolone Acetonide. Solution? Swollen feet, sharp pain in the knee to ankle. Cause? Persistent tenderness in knee, groin after injuring toe. Possible treatment? Had constipation after surgery. Took medicines. Having little blood in stools. Reason? Baby has red boil on face. What could it be? Had regular periods previously. Now, having one day periods. Reason? Frequent miscarriages. Always fetal growth lags 1-2 weeks, heartbeat bradical. Prescribed injection, full bedrest. Suggestions? Had elevated LFT parameters previously. Stopped drinking, underwent treatment. Levels reduced. Advised to stop medicines. Opinion? Teenage pregnancy. Bright red colour on tissue when wiped. Reason? Having tonsils stones. Cannot get it out since it is attached. Solution? Nausea, stomach pain, diarrhoea, vomitting after eating chicken. White spots in stool. Reason? Had unprotected sex during ovulation. Had light pink discharge when wiped. Reason? Have sharp pain in left breast, shoulder, arm and back pain. Is it Acid Reflux? Have Sinusitis, buzzing sound in ear and high palpitation. Am pregnant. Treatment? Have pain in jaw and burning feeling in chest. Had Angioplasty done. Related? I Have red line on calf with burning sensation. Suggestions? Feels tender, sore and achy in the abdomen. Could it be ovarian cyst? Have irregular periods. Had taken Misoprostol. Cure? Have headaches, dizziness and vomiting. Cause and cure? Taking morning after pill, have a light discharge and experiencing early pregnancy signs and symptoms. Chances of pregnancy? Have flu and slight cold, developed bleeding from nose. Cause for the nose bleed? Have bladder and testicle pain and weak urine stream. Had Umbilical Hernia Mesh repair. Remedy? Have painful, itchy lump on cheek. Had fell down from steps. Treatment? Have dizziness and numb tongue. Had panic attacks in past. Suggestions? Practicing hard for swim competition, fainting episodes. Used Ventolin, struggling to breathe. What happened ? Have swollen hip and pain while crossing legs. Had collided into another person. Treatment? Severe leg cramps, pain in both legs with weakness, numbness, tingling and muscle twitches. On Vyvance, Cymbalta. What to do ? Have Uticaria. Tried different medications. No change. Advice? Has brown and smelly discharge from his sinuses. Had tooth removed and took Penicillin. Remedy? Child has pink spot on back of head. Should I be concerned? Diagnosed with hereditary spherocytosis, kid has gushing nosebleeds, severe headaches, fevers. Same symptoms ? Child has diarrhea. Has watery stools with foul smell. Reason? Have dent in ankle. Had Posterior Tibial Tendinitis. Recommendations? Periods not stopping. Tried changing medication. Still same. Cause and cure? Have pain throughout body and swollen lump on neck. Unable to sleep. Suggestions? Have blurred vision, weight loss, balance problems and weakness in leg. B12 was 276. Related? Have pregnancy symptoms. Got periods 3 weeks late. Pregnancy test negative. Advice? Have bumps with smell on penis. What could it be? Have acne on face. Have Thyroid and on Thyronorm 75. Treatment? 36 weeks pregnant and coughing blood. Chest X-ray is fine. Reason? Have burns on face. Had used hair removal cream. Using Neosporin. Healing time? Child has abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and decreased appetite. Had Appendectomy done. Suggestions? Have locked jaw after scuba diving. How to cure myself? I pass wind after sex. How to stop this? Have sore neck and bump on head. Had hit head on ground. Medication? Have lump and fell pressure below sternum. Have bloated belly. Recommendations? Numb feeling on the face and neck. Could it be anxiety? Have itchy lumps on body. Tried oatmeal bath and hydro-cortisone. No relief. Alternate remedy? Going to get Genital Warts removed. Healing time? Have headache, ringing in ears, blurry vision and nausea. Had fallen on head. Suggestions? Have pain while bending head and numbness in arms. MRI shows bulge and gap in spine. Recommendations? Have irregular period and bloated tummy. Could I be pregnant? Have Inguinal lymph nodes. On antibiotics. Could it be Valley Fever or Lymphoma? Have smelly and sticky water discharge from vagina. Treatment? Have blurry vision, dry, itchy and red eyes. Used re-wetting drops. Cause and cure? Have faster heart beat and left side is numb. Am overweight and under stress. Suggestions? How to give up anti-seizure medications? Pregnant with spotting. Pregnancy scan showing enlarged placenta with a cyst. Have sharp pain. Concerned Sneezing, cold. Wheezing during exercise. Not responding to steroid nasal spray and allergy tablets. What to do next? Suffer from asthma. Using inhaler. Need to lead an active lifestyle. Options? Pain in the shoulder after the fall. Feeling weakness in the arm and difficulty in breathing. Need treatment? 7 year old with reddish bumps on the side of the mouth. No itching. What is it? Had implantation, with small area of Adenomyosis. U/S showed one follicle matured. Is this enough to conceive? Severe itching on the scalp. No dandruff. Better while using triclenz shampoo. Can I use permanently? Spotting instead of periods, lightheadedness with dizziness, nausea. any suggestions? Have painless bump on gum. Had tooth extracted. Reason? Have painful bumps on roof of gum. Had swab done. Could it be Oral Herpes? Did urine test and found spot of blood. Reason? Have pain in groin and swollen scrotum. Had bi-lateral inguinal hernias corrected. Can I masturbate? Have tummy ache. Had swabs taken due to heavy bleeding and pain. Remedy? Have headache and ear pain. Had been hit behind ear and on brow. Suggestions? Have pain on knee while bending. Treatment? Have fever, nausea, headache, shoulder and back pain. Had appendix removed. Related? Getting Charlie horse spasms in the left hand, upper lip and eyes. Taking potassium. cure? Felt weakness, rapid pulse and fainting in shower. Could it be due to not eating? Diagnosed of Pervasive Developmental Disorder, lacks adaptive functioning. MRI shows septum pellucidum is absent. Meaning ? Tender spot above the naval. No swelling. Looks like a deep bruise. Anything to be worried? Will birth control pills help in increasing the breast size? Do they cause infertility? Painful soft spots on the scalp. Severe pain in the spots during migraine attacks. History of disbiosis Diagnosed with a lad blockage, had stent placement in the artery, suggested to perform Angiogram. Any other test evaluates the issue? Yellowish urine, vaginal discharge and delayed periods. Pregnancy symptoms? Infant with fast breathing, high temperature and cough. Viral infection? On antibiotics Child cries for hours at night. Gives him Colimex DF for stomach ache. Suggestions? Had hit head and have sore bump above eyebrow. Skin around eyes in swollen. Recommendations? Throbbing lower back pain. Not pregnant. Could it be a nerve pain or kidney pain? Have hypothyroidism Missed periods, urinary infection. Taking cefalexin. Is it safe to take if I am pregnant? Trying to conceive. Enlarged and blocked fallopian tube. Due to the history of hydrosalpinx? Pain in the groin radiating to the thigh. Could lipoma cause pain? Have type 2 diabetes White vaginal discharge, tender breasts, delayed periods, fatigue and altered appetite. Pregnant? Alternative sweating and freezing spells. Suffered flu, bronchitis and asthma. On inhaler. Have psoriatic arthritis and diabetes 3 year old having skin rashes on the knee, feet and stomach. Swollen wrists. Allergic reaction? Concerned about the side effects of large amount of potassium chloride. Can I exercise during the clinical trial? Peritoneal spill seen in the fallopian tube. Isthmic occlusion of the right fallopian tube. What does it mean? Reddish spot on the penis after unprotected sex. Blood clot? Child has low appetite. Is on Bacterium for Urinary Reflux. Suggestions? Have white spots on nails. What should I do? Have pain in ear and sinus drainage. Had blew nose and ear popped. Home remedies? Have headache, nausea, heartburn and joint stiffness. Cure for symptoms? Have pimples and lumps on face. Had used Dermovate cream. Cure? Have swelling beside toe. Its itchy and red. Remedy? Child has fever and smell from ear with orange discharge. Should I worry? Have pain in joints and lethargic. Am diabetic. Reason? Have pain in chest on crossing left arm onto right shoulder. Am a smoker. Recommendations? Rumbling in the abdomen, uncomfortable feeling in the lower stomach. Appendix infection? Have blood pressure 2 year old child has fever. On Zentel. Drinks milk only. What to do? Had a Spermatocele removed twice, lumps seem to be growing back, no swelling. Cause for the lump coming back? Sufferings from stomach ache and heart palpitation. Cause of high heart beat?
Had tumour removed on the fallopian tube, have severe menstrual cramps and heavy bleeding. Is the pain due to surgery?

Diagnosed of pelvic inflammatory disease, smelly vaginal discharge, pain while urinating and itching. Treatment? Have a small mass in lower abdominal wall, diagnosed as a scar tissue. Should I opt for the surgery? Have puss pocket at gum line that bleeds slightly. Had crown put on teeth. Related? Suffering from Terminal cancer, spread to both lungs and bones, right shoulder dropped and swollen feet. Life expectancy? Found dry skin on toilet tissue after taking Cephalexin. Is this side effect? Have pulsing noise in ear. Have pain in neck and jaw. Diagnosed as Anxiety. Advice? Child has uneven back below waist. The left side is puffy. No pain. Suggestions? Have gums pulling away from teeth. Braces got tightened while cleaning teeth. Is it Periodontist? Brown discharge from vagina, some contact with pre-cum. Could be pregnant ? Have bouts of excessive sweating. Is this any medical condition? Unable to sleep due to anxiety and depression. Feel very tired. Cure? Has blood in spit. No pain. What should I do? Lump getting bigger near the Adams apple for a 4 year old. Need CT scan? Have dizziness, tiredness, tender nipples and back pain. Pregnancy test negative. Period is late. Advice? 13 year old having pain in the abdomen. CT scan showing mild hepatomegaly, fluid in the pelvis. What is the treatment? Have headache, loss of appetite and no taste. Pregnancy test negative. Could I be pregnant? Pelvic ultrasound report with mass in the myometrium and cervix. Treatment? Had Bartholin cyst lanced. What care should be taken? Have pus formation. Need antibiotics? Dry cracked heels with bleeding. Have carpel tunnel syndrome and arthritis. Due to vitamin deficiency or hormonal? Spreading reddish spots on the stomach. allergic reaction to insect bites? Sharp frequent pains in the pelvis. Had mirena inserted in the past. Is that the reason? Abnormal vaginal bleeding. On birth control. Due to altered estrogen levels? 4 year old with fever, pain in the head. Skin rashes on arms, cheeks and neck after taking bath. Reason? Swollen tonsils, mucus in the throat. Feeling out of breath, dizzy and nauseated. On methodone maintenance program for opiate withdrawal Urinalysis showing remark of trichomonas vaginalis. What is it? Renal ultrasound showing moderate increase in the right renal cortical echotexture. What does it mean? Pins and needles pain on the body. Difficulty in sleeping. What can be done? Child with fever, headache and sore legs. Reddish eyes, high temperature. Any advice on medication? Blood in urine. No pain. What is causing this? Migraines with aura. Have seizures. Taking zoloft. Different treatment option? Nodules in the thyroid glands. Nails have white appearance. Are these related? Normal thyroid levels Light bleeding with pelvic pain, watery vaginal discharge. Cause? Swelling around testicle. Had colored urine with burning. Taking cephalexin. Need to go to emergency? Have wrist pain and swelling of fingers. Healing time? Recurring throat infections. Is it due to the problem with the nasal bone? Tonsils removal suggested Left shoulder pain after angioplasty and stent placement. Muscular pain? Taking depo shots to prevent pregnancy during chemotherapy. Sore nipples, pressure in the pelvis and cramps. Pregnant? Constant urge for urination. Urine test report shows high WBC, protein presence. Not responding to oxybutinin Siblings having fever, sore back and arms. What is it? Pain in the neck, shoulder and stomach. Diarrhea. What is wrong? Egg shaped lump on the back. No pain. What is it? Cellulitis in the leg getting bigger after taking cephalexin. Pain and discomfort. History of asthma and schizoaffective disorder Sore stomach and blotches on the face after taking Dayquill. Allergy? Had a hernia surgery on belly button Child with bleeding in the mouth, bump on the forehead. Pain in the back of the head. Need to be checked? Child breathed in bleach fumes for 5 minutes. Should I worry? Dizziness while walking. History of taking chemotherapy for breast cancer and Hashimoto's disease. Side effect of chemotherapy? Pain in the ear and neck after taking lovosome and prednisone for sinus infection. Solution? Severe pain during CT myelogram. Allergic reaction to contrast? Suffer from Sjogren's syndrome. Stomach pain, nausea and vomiting. Pain in the chest. Any treatment? Burning sensation in the genital area. Constant urge to urinate with mild bleeding. What is happening? Pain in the gum. No swelling. Reason? Have headache and dizziness.Was diagnosed with concussion after hitting head. Recommendations? Suffer from myocarditis. Not able to control VT by Carto guided RFA. Low potassium levels. What is the next step of treatment? Painful sore on the tongue. Scabs inside nose. Due to fever? Child has chest pain with rapid heartbeat. Suggestions? Have muscle spasms and headache. Treatment? 16 year old with migraine and fainting episodes. Dizziness after taking inderal. Have asthma. Medicine interactions? Have bump and pain on skull. Have headache and ear pain. I am diabetic. Reason? Suffer from Plague psoriasis. Is there a permanent cure? Suffer from gall bladder stones. Stones dissolved with Ayurvedic medication. No pain. Need surgery? Had irregular periods, had oral sex and missed periods. Feel sick and have a regular discharge. Am I pregnant? Cold and cough with stuffy nose, bleeding when nose blowed. Any damage to nose ? Scabies signs between toes and fingers, all around the neck, jawline. Losing the mind. What's wrong ? Palpitations, shortness of breath. Why? 25 year old with cyst in the ovary. Ultrasound scan showing dominant follicle in the ovary. anything to be concerned? Suffers chronic sinus allergies, has running nose, itching in ears, drainage after quipping ear. What should I do ? Child having a staph infection on the hand. Boils on the body. What are these? Intense itching and pain in the vulva and clitoris. Difficulty in walking. Was treated for yeast infection. Further treatment? Headaches, dizziness and stomach cramps. What is happening? 3 months old having high temperature. Pus cells in urine. Is this the reason for fever? Severe chest congestion with phlegm and tightness. Severe body aches. Treatment? Pain in the abdomen. Stents placed after a celiac arterial dissection. Are these related? What food should I give a 10 month old to gain weight? Suffered hemorrhagic stroke. Not able to walk. Have smoking addiction and hypertension. Is it a CHF? Severe hair loss after using Nuzen herbal hair oil. Will the hair grow back? Started Microgestin, increased resting heart rate. Is it side effect of birth control ? MRI shows diffuse disc bulge, anterior thecal sac indentation and soft tissue edema. What is the treatment? On femilon. Numbness in the hands and legs. Could this be due to sudden increase in the hemoglobin levels? Have fever Painful sore on the back. Have chronic sinus infection. Are these connected? Being able to experience multiple orgasms, cognitive functions have declined in memory. What to do ? Have pink spots on back soon after getting out of tanning bed. Reason? Have shingles, pressure and pain in sinus cavity, rash around face, blurred vision. Any concerns ? Infant fell from bed. No bumps and pain. Will it cause anything in future?
Addicted to masturbation, suffering from severe back pain. Average length of penis?
Heaviness in chest, breathing problem. ECG, echo normal. What's the problem ? Can I use Betadine for Ulcers? Child with hydronephrosis. Enlarged kidney. What does it mean and treatment options? Diabetic having nabothian cyst in the cervix, thickened endometrium. Abnormal bleeding with mild pain. Biopsy suggested Having chills without fever. Splitting finger and toe nails. Are these related? Pains in leg, MRI shows inflammation in left sacroiliac area, suspect AS. Can this condition be stopped ? Can an online doctor check the chemo protocol details and advise ? Swelling on the cheek bone, black eye. Is it safe to take a flight? One year old suffering from upper respiratory infection. Scan report saying normal kidneys with minimal pelvo-calyceal changes. Can you explain? Discolored menstruation, bloating, swollen breasts. Trying to conceive Child has fever, bad breath and sores on tongue. Ibuprofen not helping. Healing time? Severe mood swings, thoughts of suicide and lethargy. Depression? Have cramping and bleeding. Had medical abortion and took Misoprostol. Is it normal? Does semen report with 10% mobility, 40.6 mill/ml sperm count mean fertility ? High TSH levels. Suffer from hypothyroidism. Weight gain. Does the increase in medicine affect the weight? Chest pains with breathing trouble. Pulmonologist opinion required Had unprotected sex before periods. Has cramps. Can you get pregnant, day after sex? 2 year old with loose stools due to taking adult's laxative medication. what to do for a rash due to diarrhea? Have missed period. Pregnancy test negative. Cause and cure? Have pain in neck and shoulder. Treatment? Has high BP in morning. Had CABG done. On BP medication. Anything to be concerned? Have pain from pubic bone radiating to hips. Had D&C done. Recommendations? Have white lump on back of throat. No inflammation. Suggestions? Parts of body shake violently, can't see anything for a second. Am I epileptic ? Infant has green color stool. Has mucous in stool. Any need to worry? Have thick white discharge. Had sex and am on birth control. Am I pregnant? Had white liquid foam discharge during sex. What could it be? Pelvic sonography shows, bulky uterus, normal endometrium and ovaries. Suggestion? Suffering from Depression, absolutely normal after treatment. Is depression Hereditary?
Suffering from pennies being sore, itchy and painful, looks like an acne scar. Is it herpes?
Delayed periods, confirmed pregnancy, ultrasound shows no sac or embryo. Adviced serum beta HCG. Why ? Pregnant with pain in lower abdomen, diagnosed as bone pain due to baby weight. Suggestion? Diagnosed with MRSA staph, staph on lower stomach started to drain, with big red circle around it. Is it staph infection?
Slept with contact, have a blood shot red eye, hurts when bright light hit eye. Suggestion?

Toddler with fever, diagnosed as infection in urine. Given antibiotics with no relief. Solution?
Need help in terminating pregnancy Had unprotected sex during safe time, took ipill within 48 hrs, pregnant. Will Ipill have any side effect ? Reddish itchy swollen vagina. Mild bleeding. Not STD. How to get cured? Delayed periods, cramping, extra discharge, came off pills. Reasons ? Luvox and gabapentin prescribed. Missed taking medicine. What to do? Reddish bumps on the penis with pain. STD? Sharp pain and white discharge from the breast. Cancer? Face skin burned with water stream, advised face wash, Cetaphil. Now acne, on doxycycline, lactic acid. Is it right ? What is the chance of having lung cancer after quitting smoking? Child having stomach ache, vomiting. Reason? Infant with stomach flu. High temperature, rashes on stomach and back, ear infection, white rash in the mouth. Are these related? Can I ask a doctor to advise on the ovulation study report ? Masturbating, hymen not broken. How to quit masturbating ? Severe throat and ear pain, flu. Strep infection and acute ear infection. Bleeding and pus discharge from ear, loss of hearing Does HPV infection go to the baby in pregnancy? Is intercourse safe? 14 year old with hip pain. Elevated ALT and GGT levels. Pain in the spine, vomited bile. Gall bladder removed Do the couple having same blood group have problems in having babies in future ? Trying to stop snorting pain pills. Any alternatives to ease pain ? Swollen toe after something fell on it. Any medicine to reduce it ? Been off the depo injection, spotting, bloating, nausea, fever and headaches, back pain. Can I be pregnant ? Dark patches on the skin peeling off. What could this be? Pain between anus and scrotum after an ankle surgery. Pain started while having anesthesia. Why? Painful sex, was on mirena, threads cannot be seen. Is it related ? Spotting after sex. Am I pregnant ? Child having cough. Took allegra and budecort and duolin nebulization in the past. Can this be given again? Pregnant, low BP, suffering from symphysis ligament pain, constant thirst. Is it normal ? Can we prevent diabetes without medication, through food ? Suffering from bodyache, mild stiffness, tiredness, mild fever and tingling in whole body. What could be the problem ? Slammed upper Left back/shoulder too hard, extreme pain, burning, tingling in left arm. Any suggestions ? Swollen face under eye causing bags, lids and cheeks swollen, lips numb after takin Novicain. Reasons ? Child continuous complaining of headaches, stomach pain. Feeling tired, face pale. Worried? Suffered from flu. Extreme fatigue, breathing trouble, abdominal, chest pain, swelling in lower ribs. Possible reason? Hypothyroid. Taking thyronorm. Getting pregnant possible? History of miscarriages, child died of cerebral palsy Had multiple orgasms during foreplay. Experienced numbness, tingling in both hands. What does it mean? Child diagnosed with tonsillitis. Taking penicillin treatment, very lethargic, mild fever, breathless. Cure? Masturbating with concussion can harm? Head hit kitchen cabinet, feeling very tired Reccurence of cough, severe during night. Prescribed Montair LC, asthalin, zeental. Steroids, antibiotics should be avoided? Trying to conceive. Mild bleeding, spotting after sex. Having pregnancy symptoms. Test negative. Pregnant? Child with strange behavior and mentality. Way of treatment? Broken fingers in fractured hand. Never had surgery. Frequent swelling. Should I be worried? Using lomela to get fair complexion. How long should I continue? Any side effects? Ear injured while cleaning. Taking medication. Hearing power different in both ears. How to rectify? Severe throat pain. ASO titre high, prescribed pentids. Throat pain persist with fever. Permanent cure? Done Laparoscopy, hysteroscopy. Had intercourse. Periods late. Chances of pregnancy? Having severe pain in left shoulder. Feels pain after eating popcorn. What is happening? Having vomiting, nausea, pain in vagina while peeing. Is it urine infection? Prostate detected during health check up. Should I go for laser removal or continue urimax? Urine test report reads pus cells-3/hpf, epithelial cells-4/hpf, protein-+, urinary Protein-364mg. Urine infection? Having pain in upper neck, lower head. Taken headache tablet. What is wrong? Pregnancy. Got perianal abcess bulging into vulva. Test showed enterococcus faecalis. Given vanlid. Treatment? 8 months old. Having fever, yellow discharge from ear. Given calpol, relent. Is there anything solution? Had sex with unknown partner. Without intercourse. Can I get STD? Having sore ears, throat, cough, blocked runny nose, headache, tooth pain, swollen jaw, weak hips. Reason? Child having itchy rashes on stomach, lower back, ear, low neck. What could it be? Getting treated for rectal hemorrhoids. Frequent rectal bleeding, urination. Possible reason? Are they related? Urine culture done for UTI. How serious is it? Treatment options? Taking Propranolol for heart palpitation. Restless sleep after taken off diazepem. St Johns wort can be taken? Pain in right thigh from years. X-ray reveled bone infection. Prescribed medication Diagnosed with osteoporosis - degenerative, fibromyalgia. Unable to walk far. Severe pain in joints. Pain relief? Stomach pain, loose motions, throwing up. Possible reason? How to cure? Eye hit by mascara brush, having blurred vision. Feeling tired. Medical care required? Child suffering from cold, cough, high temperature, tonsils swollen. Taking antibiotics. Not getting better Child having mild hydrocele. Suggested surgery. How early it is do be done? Pain in right lung while swallowing food, liquid. Treated for chest infection before. Remedy? Periods delayed. Having clear watery discharge. Pregnancy test negative. Feel bloated. Possible reason? Sound coming from left ear for days, got intensified. Chronic cough, neck pain, dizziness. Solution? Severe weight loss in few months. Under lot of stress. Can it cause weight loss? Trying to conceive. Taking microgest. Having difficulty, drowsiness, numbness. Is it due to side effect? Having itchy back, brown spots. Suffering from venous insufficiency in leg, diabetic. Treatment? Having no spleen, only one adrenal gland due to trauma. Suffering from multiple problems. Treatment? Having tender breast, bloated stomach, light bleeding. Have not had period for a year. Treatment? Having irregular periods, wight loss. Taking provere. Will I have infertility problem? Having PCOD, vomiting, back pain. Urine test negative. Can I get pregnant? Diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis. Took salazar medicine. Lost food taste with mouth ulcer. Side effect? Successful sex but no ejaculation. Any solution for Inhibited Ejaculation Having high uric acid. Taking zyloric, zuric. Is there any treatment? Dark brown itchy patches on neck, chest face, arms and legs, break outs of pimples. What to do ? Suffering from trygeminal nuralga, had nerve blocks. Pain in right side of muscle in face, on Amtripyline, Pregabalin. Reasons ? Irregular periods, weight gain, no issues. How to reduce weight ? Pregnant, single live intrauterine seen with head in right hypocardiam. Chances of natural delivery ? No much bleeding after abortion, no stomach pains. Can it be treated ? Taking Femedone contraceptive, finished the course and had periods. Am I still protected? Had a semen analysis test, motility and sperm count normal, some sperms with multiple cervical & cephalic abnormalities. Suggestion? Loose scrotum, due to hot condition. Suggest a cream to make it cool? Suffering from severe back pain, both legs cannot feel the ground. History of slip disc. Is it nerve damage? Having vaginal discharge, sexually inactive. In menopause stage. What can be done? Having headache, stomach upset, gas formed. Will there be any problem? Having bad pains in arms, shoulder, hands, fingers, feet, painful while walking. Suggest? Had unprotected sex next day after periods. Given 1 dose of mifegest to abort. Can I take it? Having 3 enlarged lymph gland in groin, 1 in armpit, feels sweating, dizzy. What could this be? Having leg infected with polio. Unable to walk like normal person. Can I get leg operated? Having pain, bleeding during motion, color bright red. What is this? Skipped periods. Pregnancy test negative. Pelvic scan results normal, endometrium thick by 11mm. Can I become pregnant? Having small fissures on right side of gland, looked dry. Used petroleum jelly What could this be? Having bloated stomach, urinates a lot. Pregnancy test negative. Not got periods. What is the problem? Cut on penis during intercourse, due to multiload, penis not opening properly. Solution? MRI shows degenarative disease in spine, diffuse disc bulge in L3-L4, L5. Possible cure ? Teenager had unprotected sex, taken over dose of Nordette pills. Is it dangerous? Child has discomfort in head and stomach, tired, loss of appetite. What should I do? Child has fever. Given Meftal P and Crocin. Any suggestions? Have nausea before period. Have unprotected sex. Reason? Child has stomach pain, vomiting, diarrhea, rash on stomach. Your opinion? Taken antibiotics for chest infection. Have itchy vaginal area, excessive discharge, flaky skin. What should I do? Have thinning hair, hair fall. What to do? Done blood test. What shall I do? Done myocardial study. Chest heaviness radiating to shoulder Done semen analysis. Need interpretation Heartburn, cramps, back ache, moody. Negative pregnancy test. What is going on? History of c-diff, constipation, diarrhea. Now white substance in stool Redness in lower legs when walking in cold weather. No breathlessness or pain. Any answer? Brown discharge instead of periods. Negative pregnancy test. What is wrong? Child has rash with red dots in genital area, swelling. Taking Zithromycin. Reaction? Yellow semen discharge, no odor, frequent urination. Cause? Want to gain weight. Need help Red, scabby sores near buttocks. Painful, dry, scaly skin. How to get rid of it? Child has swelling in neck. FNAC shows cysticercus cellulosae. Prescribed Zentel syrup. Dose? Child has diarrhea, green stools. Not taking Normet. Any other medicine? Delayed period, negative pregnancy test. Diagnosed as closed cervix. Pregnant? Itching and pain in ear. Taken Amoxil and Diclofenac. Feeling of water in ear, dizziness, nause Cramps and bleeding after taking Cytotec. Is the abortion successful? How long after stopping pill will body go back to normal? Taking anti-depressants Child has itchy arms, wrist, feet. Tried Benadryl. What could this be? Child has cough, cold, fever, redness in ear. Given Vetorlin and Teczine. Appropriate treatment? Having headache, head tender feels dizzy, double vision. What could be the problem? Discharge from anus. Due to slug in juice? Bumps, itchy red rashes in legs, thighs after having protected sex. Possible cause? Knee swollen after bumping into car. Will swelling go on its own? Diagnosed with HPV, pinkish brownish discharge from vagina. Reason for discharge? White spots on tonsils, disappeared with medication. Spots reappeared, tonsils red, swollen. Treatment? Quit lifting dumbells after pulling tendon. Lost strength in shoulders. Possible reason? fatige and tiredness Came off from pills, spotting. Having pregnancy symptoms, undergone miscarriages before. Pregnancy chances? Having slight chest pain. Taking nexium thinking its GERD. Suspect as spasms of esophagus. Suggest? Sperm test reads, normal sperm-40%, abnormal Sperm-60%, active Motile-25%, total Sperm Count-60mil/ml. Treatment? Had total abdominal hysterectomy and BSO. Having post colital bleeding, bright red. Is it normal? 5 years and 3 months old. Suffering from sinus. Having cough, cold. Given antibiotics. Treatment? Having shortness of breath, diarrhea, hashimotos. Had elevated protein, rheumatoid factor. Is it gastric cancer? Getting sore throat, muscle ache, headache, fatigue, fever very often. Why is it happening? 6 year old. Having fever, cold, cough, loose stools with green matter. Given T-minic. Treatment? Having problem with esophagus and gastric. Pain not reduced after taking nextro, peristal. Reason? Pregnant. Had diarrhea and nausea. What does it mean? Knot in stomach, pain when pressing, vomiting, headache. Cause? Pain in lower side after partial colectomy. Normal? USG shows mobile calculus in gall bladder lumen. Taking thyroxine for hypothyroidism. Your view? Pre-teenager having big nipples. Treatment to reduce the size? Pregnant experiencing a rapid heartbeat, tested negative for diabetes, but Anaemic. Is that normal? Child with vomiting, when boarding the bus to school. Suggestion? Morning sickness, spit little blood in the morning. Why ? Done hysterectomy. Taking Vancomycin for C diff. Permanent damage to small intestine? Itchy spot on back, dryness, flaking. Have eczema in hands. Need help Had unprotected sex. Late period, tender breasts, pimples. Stress or pregnant? Child has raised white bumps on toes. Applied Vaseline. What could this be? Child has loose stools after breastfeeding. Is baby allergic to lactose? Have osteophyte in 5th and 6th vertebrae. History of thyroidectomy surgery. Should I get another MRI done? Pain when changing posture. Stopped Rosuviastatin and Silendenfil. Should I take rest? Fever, sore throat, white and sticky clumps on tonsils, ear pain, swelling. How to relieve pain? Late period, bloating, headache, tiredness, nausea, lower back pain, cramps. Can you help? Leg pain, back pain, leg and face numbness. Pinched nerve? Delayed periods, HPT negative. Lower back pain, stomach cramps, feeling bloated and vaginal discharge. What's wrong ? Sudden burning in body, skin feels warm to touch under armpits, throat, groin. Possible causes ? What dose of ferrous sulfate to boost HGB in 3 weeks might be safe ? 3 months baby need to travel through flight. Any precautions to take during travel ? Excruciating pain in rectum, no normal bowels, had a cystocele/ rectocele repair. Is this healing process ?
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