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What do the following blood and urine test reports indicate? Suggest remedy for anxiety when diagnosed with CHF What do these HbA1c levels indicate? How to determine ovulation while on Duphaston? Is it safe to have Medical Marijuana for hip pain? What causes elevated C-reactive protein? What causes persistent closing of fingers in a Parkinson's patient? Is it safe to give Ferium XT syrup along with Himalaya Septilin to an infant? What causes itching and soreness in vagina and anus? What are the side effects of Dioxime? What does my lab test report indicate? What causes irregular periods? What causes diarrhea along with bloating? Suggest treatment for an allergic reaction to a bug bite What do these ultrasound scans during pregnancy indicate? What causes purple spots on ear of a toddler? Whom to consult for external anal skin tags? What does this kappa/lambda ratio indicate? Is it safe to take Ganaton total after meals? What causes pressure in the middle of chest? Does STD treatment have an effect on HIV AG/AB, 4th Gen test results? What do these lab test results indicate? What do the following blood test results indicate? What does my lab test report indicate? Suggest treatment for weak and bleeding gums What does this X-ray report suggest? What causes blood in urine and pain during urination? What do spotting and cramps during pregnancy suggest? Is intercourse safe while on contraceptive pills? Are cramps and spotting normal after taking Unwanted 72? Suggest treatment for cold, cough and extreme tiredness Will Bonnisan-30 help treat constipation and flatulence in an infant? Suggest ways to deal with the side effects of Janumet What does the following organic acid test result suggest? What does the following ultrasound report suggest? Suggest remedy for pain while recovering from broken ribs Suggest remedy for nausea, headaches and vomiting afer gallbladder removal Suggest tretament for neck pain, weakness and low appetite Suggest treatment for high heart rate and anxiety What does my lab test report indicate? Suggest treatment for treatment for cellulitis on legs Suggest treatment for defecation after meal, light-headed feeling, weakness and fatigue Suggest treatment for persistent joints pain Suggest treatment for HA-MRSA infection Suggest treatment for throbbing and bulging blood vessel on left knee Suggest ideal diet when diagnosed with burning sensation in esophagus Suggest treatment for white vaginal discharge Suggest treatment for increasing itchy rashes on waist and stomach Suggest treatment for swollen bruise near elbow after incorrectly injecting Methaphetamine What causes discomfort and subtle burning sensation while urinating? What does my lab test report indicate? What causes sudden occurrence of sweating and general weakness? What causes inflammation, itching and pain in groin area? What causes bleeding after a vaginal biopsy? What causes sudden stabbing pain in right upper to mid quadrant abdomen? Can Cytotec or Misoprostol be taken to allow a miscarriage to pass? What causes low libido? Is BUN:creatinine ratio of 28 a cause for concern? Suggest treatment for severe IBS Is EFGR value of 90 normal? Does sperm get reabsorbed after vasectomy? What causes elevated ALT and alkaline phosphate levels? What causes vision in one eye significantly worse than in the other? Can HSV-1 be asymptomatic? What do these liver and blood tests indicate? Suggest treatment for erectile dysfunction in a BP patient What does my sperm analysis test report indicate? Is it safe to travel by flight with a sprained ankle? Can vitamin-D suplemments be given to children? Suggest treatment for elevated creatinine levels What do these SGPT and SGOT levels indicate? Suggest treatment for symptoms of psychogenic breathlessness Suggest treatment for constipation, bloating and sharp pain in abdomen Can Cobadex Forte develop cysts in the inner part of body? Suggest treatment for strange rumbling sounds in chest What causes a boil on the outer foreskin of the penis? What does my semen analysis test report indicate? What causes low libido and weight gain while taking Vantab? What do my lab test reports indicate? Suggest treatment for fibrosis after hemorrhoid surgery What causes itching in stomach and back? Suggest tests to diagnose leaky gut syndrome Suggest treatment for protrusion on laryngeal canal What causes cold, sore throat and mild fever after oral sex? How long does it to recover from fungal pneumonia? Suggest medication for gastroparesis Suggest treatment for narrowing of the spine and difficulty walking What causes severe headache post intercourse? What causes severe pain from swollen mons pubis? Suggest treatment for rashes above upper lip Suggest treatment for arthritis in neck What causes blood in semen? What does my blood test report indicate? Suggest treatment for feeling of food stuck in throat and infrequent spasms What are the risks of accidentally ingesting a chicken bone? What do these Hba1c levels indicate? Suggest treatment for loss of concentration Can Advil be taken after taking 200mg of Primidone? Suggest treatment for loose motion and stomach pain Is it necessary to stitch cuts on scrotum during vasectomy? What causes intermittent pain in upper left thigh? What causes rashes on back and chest area? Suggest treatment for red painful pimple on chin What does this blood report indicate? What causes mild intermittent left-sided discomfort in chest? Can Montewok LC be taken for sore throat and cough with nose blockage? What does my blood test report indicate? What are the chances of contracting rabies despite taking full course of vaccination? Suggest treatment for delay in periods Suggest treatment for severe cough and cold along with sore throat What causes abdominal fullness, stretching feeling and sudden sharp twinges What causes light bleeding and headaches after taking Levonorgestrel? Suggest treatment for Acanthosis Nigricans infection Suggest treatment for muscle pulls in calf during physical activity How often can I-pill be taken? What are the chances of pregnancy through non protected sex? Can HIV be contracted through kissing? What does this ECG report indicate? What causes skin rashes, itching and black spots on left leg? Suggest treatment for recurrent tonsillitis in child Is it safe to take Viagra with history of coronary bypass surgery? What causes lost appetite, nausea and weight loss while on Pregabalin and Lyrica? Suggest treatment for belching, bloating and increased gas in the stomach What causes muscle tightening while on Prozac, Xanax and Progesterone? Is it safe to take Accutane for acne? Suggest treatment for neuropathic pain and tingling feeling in toes What causes constant fatigue? What causes blackish stools? Suggest treatment for severe dry cough and sleeplessness at night while breastfeeding What causes rash after smoking weed? How long does Crestor withdrawal last? How long is Unwanted 72 pill effective? Can Steroid injection in a joint cause elevated liver enzymes? What causes headache and high blood pressure in a patient with adrenal adenoma? What causes hip pain in a soccer player? Suggest treatment for greenish stools in an infant Suggest treatment for numbness in left hand What causes delayed period despite having negative pregnancy test? What causes persistent vaginal bleeding post medical abortion? What causes swollen bluish leg post hip replacement surgery? What causes pain and tingling sensation in hands and foot? What causes no control of nerves and muscles in eyes? Suggest treatment for constipation, severe fatigue and itchy skin a hypothyroid patient What does the following widal test result indicate? Suggest remedy for nausea, lack of appetite and anemia while on Metoprolol What are the side effects of Levipil? What is the dosage of Levipil for seizures? Is it possible to do colonoscopy post large intestine removal? What causes tremors while on Haloperidol? Is it safe to take Melatonin along with BP medication? What do these AST and ALT levels indicate? How to calculate the length of menstrual cycle? What causes pinching pain in lower left abdomen? Suggest treatment for persistent body aches, diarrhea and burning sensation in abdomen What causes pain in left shoulder radiating to right arm? What does QuantiFERON-TB Gold test mean? What causes chest pain accompanied by shortness of breath? What are the different names of Influenza vaccines available in india? What does this abdominal CT Scanning report suggest? What causes swollen stomach in a patient with acute pancreatitis? How to cope up with Valium withdrawal side effects? Is it normal practice to use both oral and IV contrast? Is a mole on penis indicative of genital wart? Can anxiety cause throat lump, heart palpitations and body numbness? Suggest treatment for anxiety What does this ECG test report indicate? Suggest remedy for persistent vomiting Suggest treatment for phimosis Suggest treatment for severe and frequent headaches Suggest remedy for nausea and vomiting while on GERD medication Suggest treatment for spinal stenosis Suggest treatment for avascular necrosis Suggest treatment for tampon stuck in rectum What causes pelvic pain and pressure during urination? Is exposure to sun advisable while recovering from burn injury? Can Zoloft and Imipramine be taken together? Suggest treatment for nausea and flu like symptoms Suggest treatment for swelling on ankles and pain in legs Suggest treatment for swollen and sore leg Suggest treatment for pain and nausea What are the adverse effects of Easy Off-fume free oven cleaner consumption? Suggest treatment for infection on the foreskin Suggest treatment for cholecystitis and cholelithiasis Suggest treatment for back pain Suggest treatment for red, splotchy and itchy rash on face Suggest remedy for swollen and chapped lips along with white tongue What causes frequent urination during the night? Suggest remedy for seizures when suffering from brain tumor Suggest remedy for pain in buttocks after sexual activity What is Keriorrhea? Suggest ayurvedic treatment for hair loss Suggest remedy for severe anal pain while suffering from piles What does this ultrasound scan report indicate? Suggest treatment for bronchiectasis Is increase in height of a person possible after 23 years of age? Suggest treatment for diarrhea in a child Is ELISA test done after 92 days post exposure conclusive? What does the following urine analysis report suggest? Suggest treatment for ringing in ear when diagnosed with tinnitus What causes pain in lower abdomen and nausea after eating food?
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