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How to cure shortness of breath while doing heavy duty work? How to detect pregnancy? What is the best treatment for sciatica? Can stomach and headache with vomiting be related to puppy bite? What procedure to follow after hitting the head hard? What causes intermittent spotting and vaginal pain after sex? What causes a high percentage of lymphocytes? What causes a thick white substance in menstrual flow? Need evaluation for my multiple problems Suggest alternate medication for Aliskiren What causes indention at the place of injury? Will balance problems improve with improvement in sinus condition? What causes dark and white discharge in periods? How to get rid of fluid build up in abdomen after gastric bypass? Can choosing close vision give long distance clarity? What causes hard, red blotchy area that itches after tetanus shot? Suggest remedy for pain and soreness in knee What causes jumpy vision in eye? Is it normal to get swollen belly after a blood transfusion? What causes skin tinging and itching? What causes sudden burn like mark on the face? What causes soreness on the upper thighs in a diabetic? What causes pain under the armpits while breathing? What causes burning sensation under left armpit next to the infected breast? What could lumps under rib cage? Suggest solution for rotator cuff surgery Can kidney stones cause back and hip pains? What causes erratic heart beats with shock like symptoms? Suggest management for rheumatoid arthritis with BP Can olepra and kempo be given to liver cirrhosis patients? Is pelvic pain,bloating,frequent urination and lower back pain normal after embryo transfer? Semen analysis : Sperm concentration-21.7millions/ml and presence of fructose Suggest treatment for collapsed lung with drainage of fluid How to treat nodules in the ovary? What are skin cancer symptoms? Does consumption of heroin cause pimple and acne? What could be the lump on the left side of the groin? What causes painful round bruise on the abdomen? Suggest remedy for bumps from infection on neck Is there any problem for taking EEMT hormone therapy? Are there any side effects of taking pregnot kit? What could be the small bumps on vagina with white discharge? Suggest treatment for pain and swelling in labia after having sex Is surgery required to repair bursa sacs? What causes low bp at night? Is pregnancy possible by unprotected sex after periods? How to cure rashes on the scrotum? Does blood clot like area in penis require medical attention? What causes light period with nausea and frequent urination? Can I take vitamin D capsules 3 times per week? How to treat blisters in the mouth? How bad does it hurt to get liquid drained from knee? Is the risperidone dosage variation harmful? What causes a breast bone lump? Does acid reflux lead on to Barrett s esophagus? Suggest remedy fir ear ailments Can antibiotics affect menstruation cycles? What causes hot toe redness? Which medical specialist deals with chronic fatigue? Can a 1 mm nodule growth in the left thyroid be cancerous? What causes welts with white center surrounded by red skin? Is blood pressure of 97 over 55 normal? Suggest treatment for mercury poisoning symptoms Will smoking bring adverse effect on hear while under bystolic medication? What causes numbness and pain in arms and legs? What is the treatment for abdomen pain and diarrhea? What causes chronic itching? What is the cure for the bruise underneath the arm in a diabetic? Does mouth foaming after death indicate a heart attack? What causes a cluster of bumps on upper lip? Is delayed period sign of pregnancy? What is the remedy for the lump in the buttock? Does the power meet the selection criteria? Is lump on head due to falling a cause for concern? Can long term use of I pill cause any problem? What causes red rash on the collar bone and neck? Suggest treatment for perforated colon What causes cyanosis during violent cough spells? Suggest treatment for chickenpox with sore throat and headaches Suggest treatment for compression fracture at back What causes a burning sensation in epigastric region? Suggest management for pancreatic cancer complicated by diabetes Is itchy rashes on legs symptoms of Primary Biliary C? How to treat alopecia areata? Can high protein in kidneys cause GRD? Why swelling and pain persist after fracturing ribs? What causes pain and bloating feeling in stomach? Suggest remedy for inflamed tonsils with ear pain Suggest treatment for recurrent yeast infection in vagina after hysterectomy Suggest treatment for iritis Suggest treatment for typhoid Is clotting and blood rush signs of pregnancy? Does intermittent pain in heart need immediate medical attention? What causes feet odor and wetness with toe cramps? What is the remedy for neck pain and clogged ear? Suggest treatment for red swollen knees with small boils What is the best treatment for bone on bone? Suggest treatment for hip pain Suggest treatment for talking difficulty, cough and phlegm with pain on the back after swallowing fish What is the use of conazepam? Suggest treatment for inflammation around the genital and colon areas What causes hematuria? Suggest treatment for steroid induced addison s disease What causes light period after unprotected sex? What causes red spots on the forehead? Can intake of HGH cause stroke? What causes blocked ear and echoing after treated ear infection? What are the precautions to avoid pregnancy? Can adult tylenol help to reduce headaches in kids? What causes sore throat,running nose and breathing difficulty with asthma? What causes abdominal pain and a shooting pain below belly bottom? What causes tingling feeling in hands and fingertips during eye movements? Suggest treatment for swollen eye brow bone after injury Suggest medication for burning sensation in hand due to blister Does early stage liver cancer have a good prognosis? What does bone density as +2.5 t score suggest? Is iud causing urticaria and angioedema ? Suggest treatment for enlargement of abdomen after hysterectomy Why does Fentanyl pain patch slippery during sweating used for back pain? Suggest remedy for stomach discomfort What causes vaginal bleeding after hitting on the stomach? Suggest treatment for swallowing problem with GERD What is the remedy for the pain due to herniated disc and hydrocodone? What causes smelly vaginal discharge? Suggest treatment for ear pain after ruptured ear drum Suggest treatment for bending of penis with premature ejaculation Suggest treatment for hair loss What causes hot flashes and fatigue with weight gain with history of hysterectomy? What causes frequent urination with vaginal bleeding and abdominal pain? What causes high BP with headaches? What causes painful swollen labia after intercourse? Suggest treatment for dry scratchy throat without pain What causes severe abdominal pain after appendicitis surgery? What causes bloating and painful bowel movement after hysterectomy? What causes red hives on the leg and arms with pain after bee stung? Does total blood count suggest leukemia? What causes headaches with dent on the skull? What causes severe pain under ribcage with bloating? Suggest remedy for extreme fatigue with weightgain and heavy periods How long after taking Mifeprin kit will the bleeding start? What causes pimple like bumps on the labia with history of medullary thyroid cancer? What is the treatment for endometrial cancer? What does cramps, bloating and light bleeding after having sex indicate? Can lumps under temple and upper neck be due to tooth extraction? What causes headache after the surgery for eustachian tube dysfunction? What is meaning of urinary bladder moderately distended? Will taking marijuana prevent iron absorption? Suggest remedy for severe migraine and pain in chest Is depression, mood swings, swollen feet and hands the effects of provera? What causes throat blockage after eating with tonsillectomy? What could tender splinter behind the glans of penis mean? Suggest treatment for atelectasis Suggest treatment for sinus arrythmias with incomplete right bundle branch block Suggest remedy for sensitivity caused by aspirin intake What causes excessive sweating during the night with bad smell? Does postitions while having sex have an impact on conceiving? Does the antibiotic affect sperm quality? What is the medication for numbness and pain in hands and feet? What does OCC for ephitelial cells and WBC/hpf in urine test mean? What does high T2 and iso-high T1 signal within the petrous apex mean? What causes pain on the right side of the body? What causes sharp pain in the right tonsil? What causes stabbing pain on the left side of the abdomen? What causes lack of urination in spite of drinking lot of water? What causes lightheadedness and numbness while doing workouts? What causes fever, vomiting and sensitivity to light in a 6 year old? What causes injury to the calf muscle above the ankle bone? Is elevated CBC level dangerous? What causes rumbling sound in the abdomen and diarrhea? What causes the elevated level of Bilirubin in urine? Is it normal to get pain in rectal area before period? What causes inability to get orgasm during sexual intercourse? Could severe pain and swelling be torn rotator cuff? Could tender breasts with increased size mean pregnancy? What could vomiting due to indigestion with pulse being 40 to 50 mean? What causes light red ejaculation and tender testicles after kidney removal? What causes discomfort in stomach after having sex? Is pregnancy possible while having polyp? Suggest remedy for sinus infection with common cold and mild fever Can coughing cause black eye with sty under eyelid? Suggest medication for bruise on artificial hips due to fall Can Neurontin or Lamictal cause positive result in 9 panel test? Is yellow bumps on throat with swollen tonsils be STD? Suggest remedy for extreme mood swings, feeling scared and chronic pain Can alchohol and smoking cause hyperthermia with T3 and T4 levels normal? Suggest remedy for heel blisters with numbness and pain in heels Suggest remedy for hard lump on butt cheek due to fall Suggest medication for pimples and acne What could pain in arm after too much sugar consumption mean? Can delayed periods with diarrhea and nausea with HPT negative mean pregnancy? What do burning red bumps around torso with sore nipples indicate? Is spreading rash under the chest yeast infection? What causes recurred rashes on body and face with swelling? Suggest remedy for burning knee, sore foot and shin after fall What causes prolonged periods after taking Plan B? What causes paralysis on the right side after a stroke? What causes palpitations during ovulation and menstruation? What causes sever pain at the base of the thumbs to the wrists? What causes headache after smoking? What causes the lower legs to turn dark in color? What causes swelling in the legs and feet? What causes pain in the back after the mastectomy? What causes dizziness and stomach upset after taking Wellbutrin? What causes lumps and pain in the knee? What causes recurring of abscess in the scrotum after being treated? What causes dizziness with ring sound in the ears? What causes severe abdomen pain during nights? What causes the pain in the upper abdomen area with the presence of a lump? Is the presence of nodules on the thyroid dangerous? Is polysporin sufficient in treating the hole in the leg? What causes prolonged periods after an unprotected sex? What causes headache due to the lump on the neck? What is the treatment for COPD ad CHF in a 93 years old? What causes swelling in the knee and pain in the calf muscle? Could the periods for only 2 days be due to pregnancy? What causes itching and peeling of skin on the lips? Does the liver take long period to clear from jaundice? Could the sore breasts and cramps be due to pregnancy? What causes sweating on the forehead of a 3 month old while sleeping? What is the treatment for severe narcistic personality disorder? Is there a safe medicine for the periods to be regular? What causes heavy and prolonged bleeding? What causes burps with a dull pain in the stomach? What causes pain and soreness around the vulva area? What causes painful burning sensation at the top of the stomach? Is Matelite helpful in treating pimples and spots? What causes soreness in the chest, lungs and abdomen? What causes pain in the lower abdomen and navel area with diarrhea? What does the presence of squamous epithelial cells indicate in the blood? What causes 3 lumps in the anal region? Does dates causes harmful effects in a diabetic? What causes delayed periods after an oral sex? What should be the distance between the eyes of a 1 month old? What is the treatment for the swollen spot on the cheek? What kind of surgery is needed to repair nerve lesions on ulnar median radial nerves? Suggest remedy for severe pain in butt cheek due to fall What does nausea and vomiting with sleep disorder after removal of wisdom tooth mean? What does cramps in abdomen with fatigue, increased urination and tender breasts indicate? Can Dosulepin be restarted after weaning off for a while? Suggest home remedy for swollen, painful vein on cheek with aphthous ulcer Is seizure caused by orgasms normal? Suggest medication for fever in a child Suggest medication for cluster migraines with blurred vision and diarrhea What causes black stools with blood, fainting with vomiting? What does FSH and LH tests taken for irregular periods explain? What causes severe headache, pain and burning in neck and shoulder? What could pain in muscles with rashes on body suggest? Suggest substitute medication for Dilantin and Depakote to control seizures What causes itchy, crawling and stinging feeling in back and neck? Can delayed periods, spotting and cramps with HPT negative mean pregnancy? Can i pill cause irregular periods? Is insertion of rectal suppository into vagina harmful? What could sudden heaviness in heart, numb arm and tingly body mean? What does red, raised rashes on body and white bumps on tongue mean? What does little puss filled spot on stomach indicate? What causes sore throat with blisters? What causes tremor on foot? Suggest medicine for mouth ulcers Are cramping, spotting and swollen breasts signs of pregnancy? Suggest remedy for severe acid reflex Suggest treatment for diarrhea with bleeding What does ventral csf space being effaced 14 15 2mm effacement mean? Suggest diet for diarrhea Suggest treatment for swollen ankle after diagnosed by arthritis Suggest remedy for abdomen & stomach pain What cause feeling of looking with one eye when seeing straight? What causes severe pain in the head and tingling around the lips? What does the mri report regarding spinal indicate? How to treat constipation? What could be the white flakes in urine with abdominal pain and high temperature? What causes light colored and bad odor stools in a 22 month old? What causes sensorineural hearing loss? Suggest remedy to stop heavy bleeding for more than 2 weeks What causes pain after a bowel movement? Suggest medications for pain management What could be the small bump under the skin of right shoulder? Suggest treatment for swollen hand & fingers Suggest a medication for arthritis How can current periods be interrupted? Suggest low cholesterol diet with high LDL and HDL What is the remedy for gastric problem? What could be the red, ring like thing on the edge of penis? Can inflamed lymph node premature ejaculation be correlated ? What is the remedy for swollen forehead caused by insect bite? Can stopping of hormone replacement cause any problem after mammogram? Can vaccinations cause delayed periods with back pain? Is the sugar level of 113 normal? What does the lab result regarding kidney indicate? What is the remedy for pain in upper part of the foot? How long does stomach ache and nausea take to subside? What causes blackening of nose with sinus infection? Suggest treatment for heavy breathing with kidney stone blockage What causes light pink to brown bleeding during pregnancy? What causes indent & pain in lower abdomen? Suggest treatment for sixth nerve palsy Is betnovate contraindicated for acne? Should I consult the doctor for the scorpion stung on the foot? Is hydrocodone safe for fractured pelvic bone? What causes headaches and bloating after accident? What causes pulse in the ear? Are large tonsils with voice change recurrence of tonsillitis? What does anteverted uterus with clear endometrial plate mean? Can expired medication cause any effects? What does liver cirrhosis with loss of appetite suggest? What causes hair thinning and dryness? Which medical speciality deals best with Morton s neuroma? Suggest pain killer for tooth pain in diabetic paitents How to treat shoulder injury after a fall? What causes increased heart beats with blurred vision during pregnancy? What causes abdominal pain with birth control pills? Suggest treatment for bruises Can incontinence caused by accident be treated? Can Atenoiol and Ramipril cause low BP below normal? Does green mucus stools indicate the verge of labour? Is sickness and a delayed period signs of pregnancy? What causes brownish vaginal discharge and stomach cramps before periods with Tri Sprintec pills? Suggest treatment for h.pylori nodular gastritis What causes delay in fracture healing? What causes swelling in leg? Can HIV occur after protected sex? What causes dizziness and tightness in the head when lying down flat? Suggest remedy for bumps due to blood clots in the shin What causes red and itchy skin on the penis and scrotum? What is the big pop in vagina at 36 weeks of pregnancy? Suggest remedy for E.coli infection in stool What causes stomach cramps, pain on the pelvic bone and mucous discharge with positive ffn test? What causes vaginal bleeding after the regular menstruation? Suggest remedy for constipation with abdominal cramps Suggest treatment for tonsillitis What causes vomiting with weakness? Suggest remedy for neck pain during sinus infection Suggest treatment for severe headache with fever and nausea What causes ridges and split in nails? What causes constant itching in the feet? Is there any problem for smoking after typhoid vaccination? What causes horrible cramps after period? Can dexamethasone be taken with other medications during pregnancy? What causes 11 month old to be lethargic and subdued? Could the stiffness and swelling be normal after a radius ulnar fracture? Suggest treatment for numbness on the foot and toes with neck and arm pain What causes infection around the tooth after filling? Suggest treatment for persistent back pain Is it possible rarely to have negative results until months into pregnancy? Is the uterus mass cancer or not? What causes shortness of breath and weakness with heavy legs? Are there pregnancy chances? What causes chest pain with hiatus hernia and irregular heart beats? What causes pressure and pain in lower stomach along with vaginal discharge? What causes green or transparent discharge from penis? What causes tightness in chest with pain shooting to left elbow? What causes swelling in tonsils with white spot? What causes arousal by envisioning individuals being murdered, tortured or humiliated? Suggest remedy for loose motion and green watery stools in infant What causes painful gastric, difficulty in breathing and chills? What is etiology and treatment for cardiomegaly? Should folitrax be continued for persistent psoriasis? Suggest treatment for painful bump on the pubic area What causes vaginal pain and itch after intercourse? What causes infection on the finger joint? What causes headaches with learning difficulties? Suggest a remedy for rah in the armpit What is the yellow mucus I get on wiping? What causes a missed period and how can it be brought with medicine? What causes mouth soreness and neck/chin/armpit discomfort? Could I get pregnant after missing pills? Could I be pregnant with missing active pills? Can i consume non-veg diet while taking vaccination for dog bite? What causes tiredness,muscle fatigue and bloated stomach? Suggest specialist for hand trembling and depression Could bacillus cereus cause sinus issues and result in infections? Do Tramadol and Ibuprofen cause side effects like Valium? What causes blister-like feeling and pus from a chipped tooth? Is opening of narrowed esophagus by ballooning a common procedure? Can a painless lump above navel be a hernia? Suggest treatment for irregular periods after getting a nexplanon implant Is it safe to take placebo pills when switching birth control pills? Suggest treatment for chest pain on heart side radiating to back and neck Can foot twisting cause fractures? What causes grey & thinning of hair? What is the remedy for iron deficiency anemia? What causes excessive bleeding and irregular periods with Unwanted 72? How can i make my wife pregnant? Suggest treatment end stage of renal failure and orthostatic Can postinor cause menstruation twice a month? Can irregular periods be side effect of postinor? How to treat a spot in the pituitary gland? Is oxycodone help to reduce back pain? What does abnormally thickened and heterogeneous endometrium on an ultrasound suggest? Will pur-bloka tablets help to calm me down? What do these blood results mean? Can i stop taking stalopham for anxiety if feeling normal? Is there a BCG injection which is painless? Suggest treatment for recurring cervical lymphadenopathy with itchy skin What causes swelling in knee and will Ace Proxtvon help? What is the prognosis for bile duct cancer? What causes pain in the left hip with no injury? Is benelli uplift sufficient to improve breast shape? Will primolute harmful for my baby as i had the same? What does an enlarged spleen, atrophy of the pancreas indicate? What causes penis blisters and rashes during erection? Suggest treatment for fever with vomiting Suggest treatment for itching and skin rash Suggest preventive measures to avoid pregnancy after child birth What causes a fluid like cracking sound around forehead? Can hormonal back up birth control be taken after eating amethia lo? What causes lack of sexual interest? Suggest treatment for endometric cysitis Can birth control pills cause pain after intercourse? Suggest treatment for dandruff What causes left sided chest pain which radiates to shoulder? Could the Prolia injection have caused more pain? How to remove trapped hair follicle from opening on clitoris? Can bilateral peritubal adhesion be corrected in pregnancy? When is the expected date of delivery? Will the swallowed staple pin be passed by stool? How to treat vascular dermatitis? Suggest treatment for stomach burn with vomiting and difficulty breathing What causes redness and itching on clitoris? Can a lump in the vaginal entrance cause pain during intercourse? What causes muscle and joint pains and stabbing pain in chest? What causes excessive sweating,bacterial infection and acne? What causes pain in lower stomach and loose motion? What are the risks of being a hepatitis c carrier? What does the liver scan report indicate? Will taking Thyrox 25 help cure hypothyroidism? What causes bleeding in nose during hypertension? Suggest exercises to counter side effects of medication Will the follicular rupture day make a difference in conceiving? What causes repeated fevers? Can Dexilant and omeprazole cause dizziness and fatigue? What does the urine test result indicate? What does SGOT/SGPT being 45.08 and 80.5 suggest? What are the side effects of duromine 30mg? Suggest remedy for bumps due to laser treatment for tattoo removal Are there any test to check the brain development of fetus? How to treat pain on the left tonsils and white spots on the roof of mouth? Suggest treatment for bloating of stomach and frequent bowel movements What should be done after taking cytopan tablets sublingually for abortion? What does Severe bilateral forminal narrowing suggest? What HBs antigen count 10:33 suggest? What are the chances of pregnancy with faint UPT and missed period? Suggest treatment for arm pain What is the painful lump near the eyebrow? What can be expected as liver failure progresses? What causes white spots on the head? What does the MRI scan with confluent T2 hyperintense foci indicate? Is it safe to take Flavedon MR 35 for heaviness noticed in chest? Suggest remedy for trapping food in throat and cut on lips What causes frequent stools in a baby? What causes diarrhea, pale stools and oral thrush after unsafe sex encounter? Is pain in neck and difficulty in swallowing due to graves disease? Can bilateral bulky ovaries cause problem to get pregnant? Does dydrogesterone cause delayed periods? What does Evidence of intrauterine gestational SAC indicate? What difference does limb length make in older age? What is the advantage of novorapid over actrapid? Can CT scan increase the risk of cancer? Suggest treatment for terminating an early pregnancy What causes patches in the vulva? Suggest treatment for red welts with itching Why is pregnancy test negative with three months delayed period? Suggest treatment for gall bladder pain and dark colored urine Can disprin and theo asthalin affect the sperm counts? What is the treatment for colorectal cancer? Suggest treatment for worms with excessive hunger and sweet craving What causes the discoloration of the nipple? What could elevated Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) levels suggest? Can menstruation blood on genital warts cause hiv infection? How to get relief from vomiting sensation and high temperature during pregnancy? What causes tingling sensation in bladder after taking plan b? What causes zits on face especially on forehead and cheeks? Is there any way to conceive with a baby boy? Suggest remedy for pain in ribs How does one regain confidence? Suggest dosage of syndopa and pacetane to cyre pd Should the typhoid test be repeated? What causes chest pain, rashes on breast and breathlessness? How to get rid of the pain caused by bone growth in the hip? Suggest remedy for irregular heart beat & chest pain Is hypoparathyroidism and elevated levels of AST and ALT associated? Suggest treatment for erection problem How to treat artery blockage in the leg? Can skin pain caused by surgery take time to heal? Suggest remedy for dry & burning vagina Suggest treatment for dry skin with red spots Can dog bite with diabetes cause low hemoglobin count? Is Pristiq for depression addictive? Suggest diet plans for Glucose level 95 Suggest treatment for stomach pain in the lower right side Is cilacar-T the appropriate medicine for controlling blood pressure? Suggest remedies for frequent migraines with bloating and shortness of breath Suggest remedies to conceive Does knee rotations help steoarthritis in knee? What causes irregular periods and loose motion along with cramps? What causes lumps with itching in the abdominal area? Suggest remedy for weakness & premature ejaculation in diabetic paitentes Can folinext help in a healthy baby? Suggest treatments for frequent migraines and gastric trouble What causes pain during intercourse with bleeding? Can i be pregnant with headaches,sore nipples and cramps? What causes spreading rash-like spots in chest and arms? What causes swelling and soreness in the labia minora? Does low bp cause sweating with heart burns? Is it safe to use nasivion nasal drops? Is it safe to take a contraceptive pill when diagnosed with PCOD? Do i test for viral load for symptoms like diarrhea and rashes? How harmful is loop of cord around foetal neck? What is the best way to get marijuana out of the system? Suggest medication for itchy, swollen vagina with thick discharge Could pork steak cause dizziness and vomiting? How to increase my height? What causes stomach pain and vomiting after I pill intake? Suggest safest method for abortion Suggest alternate remedy for loose motions and stomach pain Suggest medication for hair loss and dandruff Suggest treatment for skin infection on hands and thighs Suggest remedy for breathing issues in a fractured nose Can p2 cause stomach cramps and bloating? What causes peeling skin and scab formation on scar site? What causes itchy small lumps on the left testicle? Is it okay to get a tetanus shot in the hip? Suggest treatment for panic attacks Suggest risk of high TSH level Suggest treatment for burning in vagina after using hair removal cream Suggest remedies for severe hair loss Suggest treatment for abnormal mammogram report Suggest medication for depression When can one chew tobacco after tonsillectomy? Suggest remedy for hair fall in hypothyroid patients Suggest medication for headache,stress,anxiety and depression Suggest medication to increase lactation Suggest remedy for red hard wound from dog bite What causes bleeding after the implantation? What causes spine to protrude and causes back and neck pain? Suggest remedies to clear marijuana from the body What are my chances of conceiving? Suggest methods to avoid dehydration due to urine frequency Suggest treatment for bleeding caused after sex Suggest medication for excess saliva and trouble in swallowing Will my ear recover after being fully blocked by a surgery? Suggest substitute for Eritel H 40 mg How safe is Emanzen D for pain relief? What causes vomiting in a child after hitting head? Suggest medication for hidradenitis suppurativa Suggest remedies for recurrent boils near the vagina Will drinking tea cause pus in the urine? What is Fuchs Corneal Dystrophy? What causes vaginal bleeding? What causes delay in periods,constipation and bloating of stomach? What is the procedure for a child having vsd 3mm Suggest muscle relaxants for back pain Suggest treatment for vaginal odor Suggest remedy for stretch marks How to treat psoriasis vulgaris? What causes slimy discharge from vagina during pregnancy? Is costochondritis treated at with Methylprednisolone? What does diastolic notch in uterine arteries suggest? What causes pain on muscle tightening? Suggest remedy for abdominal pain How to cure uterus infection during pregnancy? Suggest treatment for migraine What are the chances of getting pregnant with irregular periods? Suggest correct time for fertilization Is there a beta-blocker in the prescription? Can late periods be symptom of pregnancy? What causes popping of the heart? How to remove white patches on penis skin? Can testosterone undecanoate cause decreased sperm count and gynaecomastia? What causes delayed menses and foul odour with thick discharge? What causes late periods after having ipill? Skin rashes common when on sling after radius and ulna is broken? What can cause high blood pressure with irregular heartbeat and tingling in head and neck? What are the side effects of Mebex, Cligen Forte and Doxt? Suggest remedy for sore lumps in neck Need evaluation of my follicular study Suggest remedy for stabbing pain in hand & arms What causes stabbing stomach pain post intercourse? What causes fluttering of the breast? How to remove nausea feeling and hangover after heavy drinking? How to confirm pregnancy? Suggest remedy for lumps in bums/anus Is Viagra advisable while on beta blockers/statins and Warfarin? What are the side effects of healthy milk shake,protein powder and afresh refreshing tea? Suggest remedy for swollen thyroid Suggest ways to increase appetite in infants What causes swelling and pain in the foot after injuring it? Suggest treatment for skin allergy What causes seizures? Is it normal if we do not have any pains or cramps during periods ? What does elevated ANA suggest? Is it safe to take Arsen Sulph and vitiligo 30? What causes dizziness? Suggest remedy for throat discomfort with difficulty in swallowing Does Hydrocodone with a lose dose of Acetomophine help arthritis and knee problems ? What is the recovery time for swollen and bruised knuckle? What can be done at home to prevent pregnancy? Suggest remedy for rashes in the scalp & penis Is stretching node between the lung lobes sign of cancer? Suggest remedy for slurred speech and leg cramps Is ecosprin responsible for raise in blood sugar level? Why has my nose been dripping watery substance when I stand back up ? What causes infection in vaginal wall? What causes weakness in my lower limbs post angioplasty? Suggest treatment for lung pain Suggest remedy for bone swelling Are cramps normal after protected intercourse? Any medicines that are non-benzos to reduce severe restlessness, anxiety and insomnia ? Suggest remedy for hives Does a fall for a baby need looking into? How to have normal motions for a toddler? Can micro current cause any problems for dilated cardiomyopathy? What causes pain in the abdomen? Suggest remedy for itchy bumps on mons pubis Can stepping on the chest of an infant by a child cause internal damage? What causes blisters in cheeks after putting porcelain caps? Do lumps and headaches caused by trauma need investigation? What causes pressure behind eyes and head? What causes orange red spotting? What causes an open wound in neck after radiation? What causes spreading dark patches? Is chest pain common with a stent placement ? Suggest treatment for abdominal anorsym Need interpretation of my foetal ultrasound What causes foul smells in the nose? Is swimming is safe with a vaginal prolapse? Are there any side effects of using Valance and Lithocent for depression ? Suggest treatment for bumps and sores on scalp Suggest remedy for cramps prior stool movement What precaution taken after falling down? What causes burning pain in knee ? Is cancer care change due to relocation recommended? How to get rid of the dizzy feeling that persists after going on roller coasters today ? Suggest treatment for pimple on head of penis Are osmega and refresh tears enough for eye itching and discharge? Suggest methods for facial hair growth in males What does semen analysis as sperm count 49million suggest? Suggest treatment for constant coughing with light yellow phlegm What is the suggestion for headache, yellow phlegm, sore eyes and teeth? Is a burning sensation in the back of the throat a side effect of prednisone? What does symptoms like blurred vision, headache, nausea and abdominal pain indicate? What causes leg muscle spasms with chronic body pain? Should I be concerned about lumps under jaw? Could nausea,abdominal pain and tendered breasts be signs of pregnancy? Does a fall with an E5 fracture warrant an ER visit? What causes bloody discharge and stomach cramps after taking birth control pills? Can cymbalta be stopped because of it not having any effect on the body? What causes constant belching? Suggest remedy for umbilical hernia? Is brown colored menstrual flow normal after taking crisanta LS ? Is it normal to have a bruise in the area after a cellulitis recovery? Suggest treatment for high fever and stomach pain in a child What causes burning on skin after using clearasonic and how to treat it? What could be the red bump on stomach? What causes lower abdominal pain and loss of appetite? Should I be worried about low WBC and lymphocyte count? How to get rid of the black horizontal line across my nose ? Should I be worried about sleepiness after taking zocor? Suggest treatment for pain in foot along both sides of ankle Is there no medications if we suffer extreme autoimmune disorders with type 1 diabetes ? Suggest treatment for yellow mucus like discharge Does noriday cause irregular menstrual cycle? What is the suggestion for headache and anxiety? What causes pinkish discharge after having a miscarriage? What causes difficulty in locating a hernia in groin region? Why do I have severe pain after pulling the stent ? Suggest tests that need to be done for h.pylori in stomach What causes uterus area pain with spotting? What causes distortion in eyes after cataract surgery in a patient having astigmatism? How to cure a large bump inside of the nostril? How to treat open wounds? Should we consult a doctor if a hypertensive patient is having low blood pressure? What causes abdominal pain with nausea during pregnancy? Is swelling in stomach due to hiatal hernia or due to graves diease, Myasthenia gravis and tachycardia ? Suggest remedy for swollen lumps in thyroid What causes finger and toe numbness? Is the low diastolic safe? What causes cloudy urine and sever kidney pain after taking pain killers? What causes burning sensation in penis with yellow discharge? Does Panderm helps in clearing the pimples and pigmentation? What to do if having hunger all the time? Can gum inflammation cause mild indigestion? What causes brittleness of lungs & arteries? What causes itching and burning around the vaginal lips? Can high ESR be controlled through medications? What causes bumps on shin which hurt when touched? What does the MRI report mean? What causes deep muscular pain in the chest? What is the prognosis if having protein and WBC in urine, fibromyalgia in knee, hand and elbow? Suggest treatment for siezures How to treat an itchy scrotum? What causes faster heart beats and breath smells like ulcer? Suggest treatment to gain weight faster What is avascular necrosis and how is it treated? Suggest treatment for lymphadema other than wearing high compression stockings What causes small lumps in the anus area? What causes headache and dizziness? Suggest remedy for itching, discoloration in palm What to do if penis is dry and flaky after sex? What causes lower abdominal pain after miscarriage? Is the pill with WATSON 853 printed on it a form of hydrocodine? What to do if having clear liquid filled blisters on lips, nose after taking spironolactane? What causes green stools after diagnosed with vulva moderate dysplasia? Suggest remedy for neck and backpain due to bulging discs in upper back What causes painful lumps in the vagina? Are clonazepam tablets an alternative for Nexiforte? What could the pain in jaw, teeth radiating to shoulders be? What to do if having a dark spot on face after using dermaroller for a long time? What causes sharp pain below breast? Can Prolia cause greater trochanter bursitis to in an elderly woman after having both hips replaced ? Can laminectomy cause painful knees with thigh pain? How to treat cracking behind ears, leakage of clear fluid and crusting? Why do pimples smell bad on popping? Suggest medication for lack of memory and disturbed mind Suggest remedy for swollen lymphnodes in the neck of a child Will the accidentally eaten plastic along with food be digested? What to do if depressed and not eating properly due to love disappointment? Can blurred vision be caused by lumps behind the eyes? What causes stomach cramps post menopause? Should oflin be continued? Can one get pregnant after ovarian failure? What causes chest tightness? How to treat ingrowing hair in the butt cheek? What causes stomach bloating? Can kidney stones cause fluttering? Is there risk in sky diving due to stent placed in RCA? How to treat ear infection and wax? What could be the cause of chest pain while breathing? What causes lower abdominal pain and gas? What causes stomach bloating with breast enlargement? What is the treatment for carpal tunnel causes severe pain? What causes blurred vision with feelings of heaviness? What is the remedy for the filmy feeling in the eye? What causes a clear to dark discharge and blood from nipples? How does one manage sexual urges? Does stopping estrogen have any withdrawal effects? Can tri sprintec be used as an emergency contraceptive? What is the remedy for stomach ache followed by diarrhea? What are the symptoms of nicotine poisoning? What to do if hyperthyroid medication does not help irregular periods? What causes swelling and bruising of the knee? What causes shooting pain in vagina and anus ? What causes sensitive penis head and swollen testicles after unprotected sex? Would seeing a geriatric specialist be appropriate if having severe anxiety attacks, insomnia, depression? What causes sharp pains in the left side of the body? Suggest solution for constant burping What causes tiny bumps on the back? What causes a mobile lump on the head? Suggest remedy for sudden pain in the right knee Suggest alternate remedy for stage 4 arthritis Suggest treatment for osteoporosis Can Lipitor cause swollen feet? What to do if skin itches and forms rash after sun exposure? Are black stools with missed periods normal? Suggest remedy for dull pain in chest and random parts of body What could be causing stomach cramps? Is a chest lump worrisome? Suggest remedy for disc bulge with annular tear and mild disc protrusion How does one treat a painful shoulder? What causes headaches and thick mucus in the mouth? What causes raised and red rashes on both calves? What does the MRI brain indicate? What causes pink vaginal discharge after periods? Will paxil and Benicar HCT cause side effects? What causes dark patches on legs? What is the prognosis of a patient diagnosed with Congestive heart failure? What causes brain TIA? What causes burping with food regurgitation? What causes red sore with white patches? What to do if feet turn purple and hurt badly after severely sunburnt? What causes pain in calf especially while working out in the gym? How to protect my partner as i have positive HPV? Will MRSA in nose spread into blood stream? What causes stomach and anus discomfort? What could the white spots on back, side of belly and knee of a baby be? Can brown discharge be symptom of pregnancy? How to reduce weight with enlarged gland? What causes delayed periods, cramping and backache after having sex and taking ipill? What causes neck poping with shock feeling down right arm? What causes stomach bloating with throat irritation? Suggest treatment for vaginitis and fungal infection What causes brownish discharge with mucus during pregnancy? What is the importance powerful healing water in a prostrate cancer patient? What causes pain on the left side of the neck under the jaw? Can staph infection cause memory loss? What causes pain in upper arms with high blood pressure? Are sildenafil citrate tablets safe to take? What causes feeling like heavy blood flow to cheek when smoking? What causes flaky skin in the navel? Could the metallic taste in the mouth be heart related? What causes sore on tongue? What causes proteus mirabilis? Is increased blood pressure for a 7 year old something to worry ? What is the remedy for respiratory infection? What causes pain in throat, headache and stabbing pain in ears when head is bent? What is your opinion about baby having a cluster of lumps under skin between ear and collarbone? What causes pain, numbness in upper leg after surgery on ankle? What causes bleeding after intercourse, headache, backpain, lightheadedness, blurry vision and hairloss? What causes blood stains in urine and yellow coloured urine while having Mirena? Is marijuana positive due to plaquenil medicine? What causes weight gain if eating healthy after reconstructive facial surgery? What causes dryness, itching and discoloration in anal area? How to manage stress and panic attacks? Does taking Hydrocodone and Penicillin affect the urine drug test results? What causes pain and burning sensation with blood clots while urinating? Is suddenly seeing sparkly lights (eye floaters) a cause of concern? Suggest management of depression When should the urologist be seen for a bladder nick? Does Gatorade cause tongue burning and throat itch? What is the treatment for red and itchy rashes in pubic area? What is the remedy for paining legs,hip and neck with pain and hot sensation on knees? Suggest remedy for obesity in diabetic patients Is internal bleeding while having liver cirrhosis due to smoking? What causes low bp? Is there a diaper that is specially made to hold fecal matter inside? What does the wbc regarding the test indicate? What is the remedy for tingling sensation of feet after a fall? Is she having TIA as she has seizure symptoms? What is skin flora and is the treatment for skin flora in semen? Is tooth ache causing headache at temples of head? Is surgery the only option? What could be causing swollen gland under chin and sore throat? What causes black patch on the legs? What causes neckpain, headache, cold and pricking sensation in fingers following an UTI? What is the remedy for gastric problem? Do stomach discomforts indicate pregnancy? What causes discomfort in head penis and itching with clear discharge? What causes weakness, nausea, pain under the heart when standing and low blood pressure? What causes pale yellow and cloudy urine with frequent urinating? What causes weakness and fever? What causes swelling in both legs after bypass surgery? Does Prednisone cause itchy red spots on hands and nape of neck? What causes bumps under gums? What causes small lump on the outer wall of anus? Which food cause gas and stomach pain? Should i take pregnancy test? What causes blue and pale colour on body after dizzy attack? Is pregnancy the reason for stomach cramp and weird feeling? Is the back pain due to cyst in kidney? What is the treatment for fibromyalgia? suggest treatment for wasp sting What causes blockage in throat, voice horaseness in a patient with history of acid reflux? What causes severe headache behind the eye with mastoid effusion? What causes blood in the bowels? What causes pain in back side of head and neck? What causes chest pain? What are the chances of pregnancy if periods are delayed, experiencing cramps and loose motions? What to do if body itches after taking medicines for R/A and herniated disc? How to treat a mass in the sacrum? What causes myocardiac ischemia/cardiac hypertrophy? What could the lump of skin protruding in between the anus and vagina be? Could sudden change in attitude, behaviour be caused by taking Norco? What causes low body temperature, less urine in a baby? What causes alternating constipation and diarrhoea, stomachache and gas? Is bad sunburn turning orange and into blisters a cause of concern? What causes lost of balance,pain in abdomen and breathlessness? What is the remedy for muscle pain? What causes lower abdominal cramps after an yeast infection? What causes pimple on the back with green colored pus? Is a labia minora spot worrisome? What causes hernia to appear again after the repair surgery? Is stomach pain while urinating sign of pregnancy? What causes dizziness and lightheadedness? Is it possible to have hypothyroidism without weightgain? What causes pain and clotting? What causes lump on ankle with swelling? Are these mild cramps and sore ovaries symptoms of pregnancy? Can sinus infection cause sharp pain at the top of head? Could having meniscus surgery cause pain in knee while moving? Can decreased libido be due to taking shot of Lupron? Suggest remedy for recurring spinning head due to fluid in ear Is growing lump on right butt cheek concerning? What causes pain and egg like discharge from stomach? Can pain in shoulder and back be due to spreading of bowel cancer to bones? Could severe tingling during urination mean UTI? Is black mass on x-ray of jaw with history of high WBC serious? What causes a bad smell from nose? Suggest treatment for polyneuropathy with diabetes suggest treatment for mosquito bite infection What causes pain in testicles? What causes bleeding during sex? What causes dizziness,backache and fatigue? What causes early menstrual periods? suggest treatment for tumor in lung suggest treatment to loose weight for a diabetic patient What causes pain in ribs and stomach? What is the normal level of estrogen for 56 year old? What causes white tongue and swollen throat after unprotected sex? What causes slow speech and involuntary eyelid closing? What causes pain in bones? What causes watering from eyes? Suggest treatment for sleep apnea suggest treatment for yeast infection What causes uncomfortable feeling in fingers? What causes bumps in pelvic area? What causes bleeding under skin in the area after blood withdrawal? What causes light spotting of blood from vagina with weakness other than periods? What causes lump on chest? What causes foot pain? What causes random shaking with dizziness? What causes back pain and frequent urination? Will i have meningioma when i have metal replacements in shoulder? suggest treatment for over weight and pain in legs Can hormonal imbalance cause low semen output? Suggest medication for erectile dysfunction Suggest remedy for pain in buttock, groin and knee due to labral tear Suggest treatment for bulky uterus Could hard uterus during pregnancy result in miscarriage? Can pregnancy happen without penetration? Suggest exercises for longer periods of sexual act Could pain in chest and ribs, burning back be due to stress? What causes the hemorrhoid to be swollen and sore? Is lump below tonsil and swollen gland in neck concerning? Suggest remedy for itchy, burning, swollen area between toes with oily secretion What causes watery stools while being on dumex dupro? Does heavy bleeding with blood clots in pregnancy mean miscarriage? What causes inability to reach orgasm? Can having PCOs and endometriosis with partner having low sperm count cause infertility? Is delayed periods the side effect of being off birth control? What causes yellow discharge after having sex? Suggest remedy for chest pain with shortness of breath What is the treatment for the bruising and swelling of the knee? Suggest ways to get rid of acne with dent marks on face Suggest safe method for abortion Suggest first aid treatment for accidental intake of thinner What causes vaginal irritation and itching with odor after being treated for chlaydmia? Suggest medication for recurring cough What causes abdominal pain and weakness? Suggest medication for healing anaphylaxis rash while breastfeeding What causes pain in joints, twitching facial muscle and double vision with headache? What causes migraine with scintilating scotoma? What causes swelling on foot? Can kojimed be used for longer period for acne? What causes stomach swelling and soreness? Is disordered proliferative endometrium at the age of 75 serious? Is feeling of flu caused by intake of grenade fat burners and citalopram? Suggest treatment for hard bump on thigh oozing blood What causes delay in period? Suggest remedy for gag reflex while having TMJ Can bulging vein above ear be due to jaw displacement? What does painful, hard lump on thigh after accident suggest? What causes delay in periods? Does extreme mood swings indicate schizophrenia or bipolar? Can glass lid hitting bridge of nose cause scar? Suggest remedy for GFR 45, creatinine 1.16, BUN 28 with frequent bladder infections? Suggest medication to cure red and itchy pimples on face Can recurred GERD cause pain in breast bone and back with bloating? Suggest treatment for raw, sore lesion on vagina What causes swelling in the arms? Is sore throat, dry and swollen glands in neck concerning? Does intake of methylprednislolone show in blood test? What causes pain and swelling in breasts and cramps in abdomen? Can having unprotected sex followed by intake of i pill cause pregnancy? Is problable left ventricular with cough concerning? Suggest ways to lose weight Are brown specks with thin discharge after an abortion normal? Could small, dark brown spots on back and arms be just moles? Can high prolactin levels cause delayed pregnancy? What causes macular rash on body and skin mottling on arms and legs? Suggest remedy for pain in the left pelvic bone What causes blurred vision,migraine and numbness after miscarriage? What causes fever and pain in eyes? What causes low red blood count? What is the correct dosage for BV medication? Can tramadol cause insomnia or memory loss? Is there a Norethisterone alternative? Suggest ayurvedic medicines to gain weight What causes dark veins after excision for superficial spreading melanoma? What causes hyper pigmentation? Can Labetalol be taken for immediate BP control? Is Peronies disease the cause for hardening of dorsal vein and artery? What causes redness and swelling of the clitoris and brown discharge? How to get pregnant? Is high WBC count and constant low grade fever an indicator of cancer? What does active fetus and anterior placenta mean? What causes sharp pains in the left breast along with shoulder? What causes painful ejaculation? Can delaying the periods cause a change in the timeline? Suggest management for thyroid disease Suggest alternate remedy for removal of lymph node How to control the urge to urinate when nervous? What causes brown discharge? What causes brown discharge? What causes cough with feeling of air bubble on the back? Is there a chance of pregnancy after having emergency pills? Suggest treatment for a missed period,abdominal pain and vomiting Why does my nose bleed after drinking iced coffee? What is the recovery time for fibula fracture? Why am I having inconsistent bleeding in periods? What causes brownish and light spotting? Can I take norethisterone along with cerezette for heavy menstrual bleeding? What are the chances of pregnancy after having a miscarriage? How to confirm pregnancy? Suggest remedy for delaying menstrual cycle Could having epilepsy effect healthy pregnancy? Suggest remedy for pain and swelling on calf of leg What does low lying gestational sac during pregnancy mean? How long could it take to recover from ear injury? Suggest treatment for thyroid nodule with atypical cells on biopsy What causes a round growth inside the vagina and how to treat it? Will there be heavy bleeding and pain during periods after copper-T insertion?
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