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Suggest treatment for infected bartholins cyst Is methadone and xanax a lethal combination? What causes soreness and warmness in the knee? What does a tiny hole chest with yellow discharge indicate? What causes delayed periods with nausea and dizziness? What are the symptoms of spider bite? What causes all over body itching in an elderly? What causes dark stool? What is the treatment of increase in heart rate ? Suggest treatment for indentation with pain on leg after an injury Any suggestion for having lump near clitoris? What causes vomiting and hot flashes after accident? Should I be worried if the kid is normal after intake of chicken bone? Could moles with white dots be cancerous? Suggest treatment for soreness in the wrist Can interaction between Azithromycin and Epilim cause seizure? What causes small blister like bumps on soft palate and other places in mouth? What causes dark patches on back of ears and scalp? Is pain on bridge of the nose after an injury,dangerous? Suggest treatment for mild aortic sclerosis What causes pink vaginal discharge? Can one get pregnant if taken plan b ? What causes red spot on foot with white bump in center? What causes cyst in ovaries? Does fluid discharge from breast, missed period indicate pregnancy? Is getting periods normal after taking duphaston for 8 days? Is it normal to bleed after consuming cerazette? What is the treatment of numbness and swelling on toes and ankle if got hurt ? What causes white spots in face? What causes burning sensation during urination and bumps outside vagina? How to confirm pregnancy? What does positive rubella indicate in my report? Suggest treatment for erectile dysfunction Suggest treatment for sore scalp What is the treatment of scratched mole on back ? What causes left sided chest pain? Suggest treatment for paralysis Suggest pain medication for chronic back pain and arthritis Suggest possible treatment for ringworm infection What causes irregular periods? Suggest treatment for pain in heel What causes missed period, nausea when on depo? What causes delayed periods? Can high blood sugar level cause nausea & vomiting? Will I be able to walk after a spinal cord injury? Are headache, throat infection and fever symptoms of eosinophilia? What is the treatment for plantar fibroma in both feet? What causes red shots in calf, fever and cold chills? Is vitiligo hereditary? Suggest remedies for small itchy rash on the arm,stomach and waist line What does cervix 3*2.9 and endometrium 0.89 in ultrasound indicate? Suggest remedies for dark spots in skin Suggest medicine for stones in right side of kidney What causes recurring allergic rhinitis? What is the treatment for infertility in women? What does blood test results mean? Should I continue taking clomid after undergoing myomectomy? What causes brown vaginal discharge? What does steatocystoma multiplex on testicle mean? What causes severe intestinal gas, constipation, stomach pain? Is Asprin and Ecosprin intake safe in pregnancy? What should be done for contractions during pregnancy? Suggest treatments to conceive Suggest treatment for hearing problem Will kidney get affected by high blood pressure? What is the treatment for cholesterol and diabetes? What causes white thick creamy discharge after intercourse? What are the side effects of ovarian cyst? What causes bad smelling,watery stools with gas? What causes recurring chest pain, arm pain and erection problems? Suggest treatment for nocturnal emission and hair loss Any suggestion for having headache and throbbing in inner ear? What causes loose motions and blood in stool? What causes breast heaviness before periods and suggest treatments? What could be the lump on the back of my neck? What are the side effects of laparoscopic surgery? What causes blotchy spots on stomach of a kid? What causes pain on left side of abdomen and testicles? Should I opt for C-section having a history of myomectomy? When the follicle will rupture after taking fertigen and lupiride? Suggest treatment for low sperm count and high staph aureus growth How to cure small painful bump on right side of the pelvic area? What are the side effects of pregVit? Is taking azithral recommended while trying to conceive? What herbs to take for swelling in the body due to lymph nodes? What causes frequent urination? Does BPM of 46 require pacemaker with left shoulder pain? What causes a painful duct like eyelash growing downwards from corner mean? What can i do to gain sensation back after losing tissue? Suggest quick relief for dry cough Can Canadian OTC sleeping pills be deadly? What causes headache and vomiting? What is the medication for acne and marks? What is the treatment for osteoporosis? What causes chesty cough and swelling and pain in hands? What is the treatment for weakness and 1-3 pus cells after treated typhoid? What causes arm pain, stomach pain and feeling of shakiness? What causes pain in the stomach and breast? How to remove white scar in lungs? Could itchy throat and tongue and coughing be due to hay fever? Should i be worried about bruise and lump after hitting head? How to get pregnant with irregular periods? What causes abdominal pain? Suggest permanent cure for back pain What causes hives? Suggest treatment for nerve pain in back What does right peritoneal spillage indicate in HSG? Can allergic to coumidin medicine cause itchy rashes? What is the treatment for thyroid? What are the side effects of Thyobuild? How to regain lost hair on bald patches? Suggest treatment for a red rash on the skin What causes burning sensation in stomach? Suggest treatment for acidity and gastric reflux Is bilateral edometriotic cysts a cancer? What are the symptoms of HIV? What causes stomach bloating? What are the side effects of femcinol a gel and sofradex? Is high fever and sore throat sign for influenza fever? What causes pain in upper stomach and squeezing sensation in throat? Can the low dose of Northersterone affect Period? What causes bleeding, bloating and cramps while on cerazette? What are the side effects of termination of pregnancy? Can pregnancy be the reason for delay in periods? What causes vaginal itching and burning and discharge after sex? Is there chances of pregnancy? Would a cyst on the kidney cause blood in urine? Is brown discharge normal after starting metformin? What cause inflammation and swelling in the lower lip? What causes unusual leg pain? What is the alternative for insulin injections? Will it be safe to go for laproscopic surgery to remove gall bladder? Is pink discharge and cramping sign for pregnancy? What does a hard white stuff under foreskin indicate? What is the treatment for piles? What causes unusual eye irritation? Is early period normal whlie consuming birth control pills? What cause chest pain on upper left corner? How should Folica be used for hair growth? Suggest treatment for pain in forearm and limited movements in arm What cause heaviness in neck,hand and leg? What causes increased body temperature in the morning? Is taking saline necessary when there are puss cells in urine? What is the cause of irregular periods with blood clots? Is irregular periods sign for pregnancy? Do i need rabies vaccine after small scratch from a pet dog? Should i take saline bottles with injection during pregnancy? Suggest treatment to cure severe dry lips How long will it take for leg fracture to heal? How much klean prep should be consumed before colonoscopy? Can new balance walking shoe cause goose bumps and pain on the left leg? What does a red patch on the penis shaft indicate? What are the symptoms of HIV? What is the treatment for fibroid? Can 10 ml of the relent syrup cause any problem to 5 year old? Suggest treatment for continuous coughing Is it to be concerned if there is low serum iron level? What causes a hard lump above the navel? What is the remedy for spotty rash on the mouth? Suggest treatment for acne marks and pigmentation What cause stomach pain and frequent bowel movement? What causes fluid filled bumps with black spot on bottom of feet? How to stop taking Sebelium? What are the ways to bring back the periods to normal? What does a skin like bump from anal opening indicate? What are the side effects of febuxostat? What causes joint pains along with pain in wrist,feet and elbows? Side effect of folitrex medicine? What cause swollen and painful right clavicles? What causes white areas on the throat? What does a small puss filled lump on foot indicate? What do red spots on epiglottis and sore throat indicate? What causes pointy bumps in the walls of anus? How to treat a luteal cyst on the right ovary? Is soreness and redness in the cervix sign for cervical cancer? Is the dosage of lanzal for a child having reflux enough? What causes blisters above front teeth? What causes stinging sensation in forearm after blood donation? What causes fever with headache? What causes burning sensation after ejaculation? Suggest treatment for vaginal dryness Need treatment for pain in belly & waist due to a tordion Is pelvic pain with yellow discharge sign for child birth? How to deal with severe pain in pregnancy? Can i be pregnant with irregular periods? Suggest treatment for raised, red, itchy, blistery type lumps on neck Is paxil medicine better than symbax for depression? Will heavy lifting affect pregnancy? What causes milk like discharge from breasts? What causes irregular periods and brown black discharge? Suggest treatment for sweating,dizziness and headache I ve had a novasure ablation procedure done tomorrow week ago,, Is brown discharge before periods sign for pregnancy? How to deal with obstruction in nose? Is it normal for redness and swelling around the abrasions on the shin? What causes white stuff on gums, under tongue and under eyes? Does depo injection harm unborn baby? What causes fluttering of stomach? What does a purple bruise on stomach indicate? What to do for the space between the teeth? What causes testicles to stay large and scrotum loose? Does Postinor cause vaginal spotting? How to deal with painful belly button? Should i be concerned about pounding feeling and higher heart rate? How to fix the stitches after wisdom tooth removal? Should i meet doctor for low iron levels, foamy urine, nausea and shaking? Does Benzonatate 100mg help to cure nagging non stop cough? Is shaving the way to get rid of the hair in the legs? How to treat breath shortness? Does lump on the neck of a child to be worried? Suggest medication for recurring fever in a child Suggest treatment for body itching in pregnancy How to counter complication of pulmonary fibrosis? What causes vomiting black stuff for a cancer patient? What causes a cyst on the forehead along with headache? Can withdrawal from smoking lead to chest infection? Does a bad body image lead to eating disorder? Could lower abdomen pain and discomfort be due to pregnancy or menopause? How to reduce bleeding/swelling from nose and lump on cheekbone? What could be the lump like thing in my chest? Am i pregnant? Have problem in conceiving and irregular periods? What does a blackish bruise on forearm indicate? Could enlarged thyroid gland and bounding pulse be due to hyperthyroidism? What is the reason for vein getting dissipated? Suggest treatment to reduce white marks under the arms Is irrerugular periods a sign of infertility? Suggest treatment for rashes and blisters of a 8 year old Reason for discomfort in the throat? What precaution should be taken by BP patient with headache? Can agiolipomas multiple cause bumps through out the body which is painful? Suggest treatment for Hypothyroidism What causes shortness of breath after popping infected bumps? When will periods start after taking unwanted kit? What does absent stomach bubble in ultrasound during pregnancy indicate? Should i be worried about pregnancy after non penetrative sex? Suggest treatment for diarrhea in an infant What causes tiredness, joint pain, brittle nails and loss of appetite? How should Misoprostol be taken to induce abortion? Could hot raised bumps indicate cellulitis? Suggest treatment for costochondritis Is it unhealthy to sleep after a morning walk? Can septae ovaries be cured medically? What causes abdomen pain and blood in stool of a 25 month baby? Suggest treatment for pain in neck while drinking water Suggest effect of unwanted 72 on periods Suggest diet plans for typhoid of a 2 year old Can exposure to meth smoke cause any health risk? What causes lumps in eyes after an injury? What causes small, itchy, red lumps on earlobes? Does Shelcal side effect cause stomach cramps? Cause for the bumps near the anus which is painful? Suggest treatment for numbness in toe How to use Microgynon 30 ED tablet? How to increase chances of getting pregnant? What is the medication of headache, dizziness and sore throat? What does the urinalysis results mean? What causes tiredness, difficulty in eating and loss of energy? What could lead to increasing dark black hairs on chin? Will Humog injection help me conceive? Is it advisable to have "spots" on your skin removed? What causes a strange feeling in the vagina? What causes heaviness in head when suffering from vertigo? Suggest treatment for galgund Reason for not getting pregnant even after taking cerophene and IVF injection? What could lead periods to be delayed? What causes tingling sensation in the head and headaches? Suggest treatment for seizures at night after a head injury Is R-Cinex safe for treatment of small intenstine's tuberculosis? Suggest treatment for uneven complexion and pigmentation Reason for child to sneeze always after cleft surgery? What are the symptoms of hydrocele? Is blood in urine a sign of blood cancer? Is bleeding normal even after periods? What causes irregular periods? Suggest remedy for head ache and high BP What causes bleeding and clot after sex? Suggest medication for regaining sexual health and lost power What causes white spot disease? Suggest remedy for pain in ear Can Natural B from Nutralite be taken during pregnancy? What is the remedy for hyperacidity and gastric? What is the remedy for cervical spondolysis? What causes blood from urethra when suffering from enlarged prostate? How to get periods back? What causes back and hip pain? What causes stomach bloating and weak bladder? What causes sneezing,sore throat and fever? Suggest remedy for stomach ailment after angioplasty Is Epilat Retard and Fortacortin intake safe in pregnancy? Is Utrogestan intake safe in pregnancy? Suggest treatment to improve the chances of conceiving What causes scanty urination after removal of catheter? What causes recurring lighheadedness? What is the remedy for neck pain? Suggest remedy for ringing noise in ear Is successful pregnancy possible while suffering from uterine fibroid? Is ERCP necessary before an operation? Suggest method to loose weight What causes memory loss in old age? Suggest treatment for cystic acne Does petogen injection cause overweight? Could numbness after accident be harmful? What causes heart rate fluctuations? Suggest homeopathic treatment to increase appetite Suggest treatment to cure mouth ulcer Will taking femiplan pills cause weight gain? What does E.Coli indicates in my urine culture test? Does occasional consumption of alcohol cause health issues? What causes faster heart rate and feeling of passing out? What does capillary hemorrhage on frontal & parietal lobes of brain suggest? Does pain on left side near uterus relate with menstruation? What is the cause of stomach pain? What causes staph infections, sores and boils after taking lisinopril? What causes a swollen glands and lump in throat during pregnancy? What could cause body pain and fatigue? Noticed a raised soft spot on babies head How to be healthy during pregnacy Diagnosed with PCOS,minor thyroid which is causing difficulty in conceiving What causes persistent coughing at night? How to treat loose motion in a 13 months old child? Experiencing bloating of stomach before urination & hardness of the nipple Is it normal to get bleeding while taking trimethoprim? Is pregnancy possible while on contraceptive pill? What causes pain on the right side of stomach during pregnancy? Why delivery stitches are paining after 10 months? Can I still be pregnant after taking diane35 and negative pregnancy test? What does this blood test report signify? What is the remedy for heart problems? How to control the habit of masturbation? How to prevent acne formation after ejaculation? Does Montek LC and HIFENAC cure cough and throat infection? What are the itchy and painful knots underarm after a shoulder surgery? Suggest treatment for anxiety How to treat acute shoulder pain? What causes hard non moving bump on collar bone? Suggest treatment for head lice What causes delayed periods with abdominal cramps? Does overdose of Allegra cause any dangerous side effects? Does a missed dose of contraceptive pill lead to pregnancy after sex? What causes numbness and swelling on leg while suffering from spondylolisthesis? What causes sore and hard knees after an injury? Suggest treatment for red bumps on penis Reason for lack of growth in baby during pregnancy? How to get lichen sclerosus investigated? Does hypothyroidism during pregnancy cause any defects in the fetus? What causes bad vaginal odor? What treatment is suggested for dull ache on the left side of the neck & face? Reason for level change in the PSA test? Need medication for reddish brown spot on lower leg & shin bone What causes fluttering sensation in the throat? What causes short menstrual bleeding? How to cure sharp pains on the sides of the abdomen? What does a large lump on the knee indicate? After using Betamil gm noticed rashes & itching on face How does Duphaston help in getting pregnant? What causes a black bump in bee sting area? What causes weakness and body ache after taking steroids for tonsillitis? Suggest treatment for protrusion of the sternal end of the clavicle Cause for the white area around the labia major and clitoris? Suggest treatment for depression and ocd What could lead to sudden fainting after slightly high BP? How to check for internal bleeding after an injury to the temple? What causes green vomiting when suffering from pancreatic cancer? Can LSIL lead to HPV? What causes heavy bleeding & slight cramping after taking plan B? Will it be safe to use marijuana over anesthesia for pain ? What causes swelling on ankle? What causes constant runny nose? What causes abnormality in walking style of a child? What could cause fever & soreness in glands of the body ? What causes fainting while vomiting? What causes groin pain for years? Experiencing severe pain 5-8/10 in bilateral wrist with locking digits What causes burning pain from ankle to calf after work out? Is nose bleeding related to hay fever and its medication? Suggest treatment for dry skin on face and head What causes paralytic stroke? How to treat petechiae on lower legs causing pain? What causes bumps on back,legs,neck,face & arms? Can frequent Masturbating cause bump on tip of penis? What causes random red circle spots on legs? What causes redness in eyes,cough,fever & congestion? Do Coreg and Lisinopril cause heavy menstrual bleeding? What are the signs and symptoms of pregnancy? What causes severe migraines and spots in vision? Can Vitamin C and Astaxanthin be taken for inflammation of the retina? Suggest treatment for egg shaped lump above right collarbone What causes a discolored lump on shin after an injury? Suggest treatment for yellow jacket sting Can inguinal hernia surgery cause swelling in ankle and feet? Suggest treatment for red spot on the cheek What does my blood test result indicate about the muscle and joint pain? Can usage of computer cause pins and needles in hands and legs? How to differentiate between an emergency and treating the pain in cancer? What causes a red,blistery and irritated area on neck and chest? What is the treatment for child who totally depends on others for everything? Does Bactrim DS help to cure uti? What are the side effects of blukof syrup? What are the side effects of diclofenac 100mg? How to cure broken bone at the tip of the right middle finger? What is the medication for abdominal pain? What does left kidney is not visualized in left renal fossa indicate? Does ovaa shield help to conceive? What causes pins and needles in left arm/leg? Urine analysis: Appearance-slightly turbid,deposits-5-6 pus cells,2-3 epi cells/hpf What could cause endometrial thickening? What causes drowsy and head spin for a diabetic after taking nervmax? Does taking only the first abortion pill cause harm to the fetus? What causes itchiness on legs & back that looks like white patches? Any suggestion for irregular periods, no interest in sex when having hypothyroidism? What medication is suggested for post nasal drip? How to take precautions from having miscarriage? Any suggestion for suffering from seizure? Suggestions for getting back the natural skin after using dermovate Does bigomet and folic acid help in conceiving? Is MUA method required for 12 weeks pregnancy? Suggest treatment for psoriasis with arthritis Suggest treatment for varicose Can pelvic masses cause constipation? Suggest treatment for bad breath and sticky stingy saliva What causes difficulty in conceiving? What does developing female like breast,wide hips for a boy suggest? Suggest treatment to cure spots on face due to sun Why is my 2yr old baby finding difficult to communicate? Is brown urine and pain in kidney sign for cancer? Does any Ayurveda medicine helps to increase height? Need treatment for heat boil noticed under the eyelid What are the normal values of lipid profile? Suggest medication for tenderness in mouth. How to normalize the endometrium size which is 0.23? How to treat sinus,sneeze and headache? Suggest treatment for ear infection and painful jaws What are the side effects of Whitchurch hazel Will periods be delayed because of hypothyroid medicines? Suggest treatment to improve complexion Is smelly stool a symptom of stomach infection? What causes irregular periods? Suggest medication for ulcerative colitis Need medication for seizures Suggest treatment for paralysis attack Suggest treatment for gaining weight What causes pain and irritation in vagina? How to counsel children on their inappropriate sexual behavior? Is itchy nipples and creamy discharge a symptom of pregnancy? Can cerazette pill cause heavy bleeding during periods? Suggest treatment for chest infection caused by accident What causes pain under the breast bone? Suggest treatment for knee pain What causes missed periods? What does a painful small lump in on side of the throat indicate? Need treatment for UTI & kidney infection What causes heavy bleeding after taking noriday? Suggest medication for red bump on the arms Suggest treatment for pain in inner thigh Suggest treatment for fever and vomiting of yellow substance of 2 year old Suggest treatment for pain in the ankle Can intercourse change menstrual cycle? Can HSV-1 lead to HSV-2 in future? How to control increased TSH hormonal disease? What causes swelling bruise while having pvera? Suggest treatment for blurred vision and heavy eyes Suggest treatment for prostate cancer iv stage Does sinus cause headache? Is delay in period sign for pregnancy? What is the minimum time to get a pregnancy test done? Would taking eptoin cause rashes & fever? Does Viagra help in erection of penis ? What causes pain in the left side of chest? Suggest treatment for red spots on body Noticed itchiness on skin & red bumps specially on arms,legs & face Can biopsy for hpv and obgyn cause pain in ovaries? What causes sore back with sinus pain on face and pain in arms? Is it save to get brown discharge when 9 weeks pregnant? Suggest treatment for lower stomach pain and fishy odour Suggest treatment to increase penis size What could cause tingly breast,head ache & light cramping with burning? What are the side effects of advil on baby? Suggest treatment for white bumps on testicles Suggest treatment for muscular ache on arm and legs What do white spots on skin after sun exposure indicate? FNAC: Smears show sheets of mature & reactive lymphocytes & histiocytes Experiencing bleeding during 14th week of pregnancy but scan reveals normal Can hypothyroidism cause cyst on thyroid gland? What could cause swelling on right leg & stomach? Need medication to cure the lump on the right breast Suggest treatment for irregular menstrual cycle What are the side effects of majestic slimming pills? How to cure a sudden soreness on top of the shin area? After having shower in cold water experiencing headache,cold & tiredness Does kidney problem create headaches and smelly urination? Suggest medication for insect bite which is red and sore. Is there any vaccination to immune from brain fever? What treatment is suggested for dry patches on forearm? Is Kmac syrup,Uripas and Sporidex correct for urinary infection? Suggest treatment for erection problem in penis Is bloating, headaches and lightheadedness sign of pregnancy? Is radiation suggested in case of parathyroid tumor? Suggest treatment for Lichen Nitidus Pinkus? What are the side effects of oraxin syrup ? Suggest treatment for getting pregnant with pcod What cause sharp pain in the beltline during 12 weeks pregnancy? Is there any side effects for laser operation in eye? Suggest treatment for the muscle weekness Suggest treatment for ear pain and unable to hear Suggest treatments to loose weight Suggest treatment for itchy rash in the groin area Can goitre cause fatigue,dry skin,constipation and weight gain? Suggest treatment for bone island on left thigh Can levonelle cause cramping in stomach? What causes itching and inflammation in the clitoris? Can unprotected intercourse cause itchiness all over body? Suggest treatment for overweight How to withdraw Oxycontin without getting any side effects? What are the side effects of taking HCG drops? What causes sudden vomiting and diarrhea ? What is the treatment of red blotches on body ? Need medication for severe bloating, pain on left side of the rib,headache & fatigue What is the treatment of swollen gums in children ? Reason for the pain in the arm? What procedure is followed for tightening of the womb during pregnancy? What is the treatment of feeling light headed ? What causes continues hair fall and its treatment ? Experiencing irregular heart beats What is the treatment of bumps around mouth and chin ? How to increase sexual strength in men? How to cure swelling in the foot due to injury? Does unprotected sex after missed dose of Microgynon lead to pregnancy? What is the treatment of dizziness in low blood pressure ? What causes heavy brown discharge during periods ? Suggest treatment for itching in the vagina in diabetic patient What is the treatment of prostate problem ? Suggest treatment for neck pain and numbness due to disc desiccation Suggest treatment for H.Pylori What causes nausea and dizziness with chest pain and back pain? After having garlic noticed allergic reactions itchiness of nose & watery eyes What is GLU report ? What causes continous bleeding after first spinal epidral? Suggest treatment for headache and body ache What is the treatment of lump on left testicular ? Suggest treatment for difficult breathing,cyanosis and fainting in a baby Suggest treatment for red itch spots because of mosquito bites Is Natrilix sr 1.5 Mg best medicine to control BP ? Suggest treatment for cold and cough What is the treatment of high wbc ? Suggest treatment for continuous menstrual cycle Suggest treatment for a blocked nose Suggest treatment for headache & nausea with a history of migraines What does burst of energy and alertness in old age indicate? What causes a large mole with bulbous round top inside the ear? Suggest treatment for early morning sneezing condition Is extra skin above clitoris in hypothyroidism is normal ? How to detect early pregnancy? What is the treatment of bowel disorder ? Suggest treatment for upper chest pain and spider veins on the rib cage What causes pain near left ear? What is the treatment of bump on back of throat ? When can we have sex after a child birth? What is the treatment of pea size knot behind right ear ? Suggest treatment for dizziness and vertigo What is the treatment of corn in right thumb ? What is the treatment of burn sensation on shoulder ? Suggest treatment for a slight bump in adam s apple What causes pain in arm? What is the treatment of swollen vein tonsils ? Suggest treatment for cut in eye lid What is the treatment of red patch on lips ? What causes a freckle above vagina and clitoral swelling in a child? What is the treatment of pimple marks ? Is it possible to get pregnant while taking contraceptives? What causes a delayed period,mild cramps,sore breasts and brown discharge? How might gaining an expertise of roots, prefixes, and abbreviations Suggest treatment for pain and discomfort in sternum How long will it take to cure bunionectomy surgery? What are the chances of periods if taken yaz birth control ? Will taking Rabipur from Novartis is safe & effective for bog bite? What causes patch of dry whitish skin on both the upper inner thighs? What causes chest pain , dizziness in women? What causes frequent urination? Can one conceive if have polycystic ovary on right ovary and endometriosis on left ovary ? What causes pain in the lower end of the penis? Suggest treatment for cervical spine spondylosis and decreased disc space Is cefim-3 (200mg) be used during pregnancy? What is the treatment of pins and needles sensation on fingers ? Suggest treatment for reducing hair fall What causes sharp pains in lower left side and lower left back? What is the treatment of lump on left buttocks ? Does taking duphaston increase the chance of pregnancy? Suggest treatment for itching burning sensation in the vagina What is delaying menstruation even after discontinuing meprate? What are the harmful effects of masturbating daily? Can 16 packs of cortal with coca cola harm baby of pregnant lady ? What is the treatment of lump if hurt arms ? What causes fever,nausea,body aches,headache and swollen glands? Suggest treatment for loose motion in baby What is the treatment of genital warts ? How to treat marble patterned light bruising, more reddish and brownish in color around the belly button? what is the treatment of lump on neck ? What is spinal psychosis? Suggest treatment for controlling high triglyceride levels What is the treatment if period is not coming ? Suggest treatment for black color phlegm from throat What is the treatment of blood pressure ? What is the normal thyroid range? What causes increase in heart beat ? What is the treatment of keloids on feet ? What causes extra pulmonary lesion? Can size difference in ovaries cause complications in conceiving? What are the normal semen test report ? What is the treatment of acidity ? What is the treatment of hairfal ? What is the treatment of high bp problem ? Suggest treatment for heat boils What are the side effects of Mifepristone during pregnancy? Suggest treatment for green loose stool in kids? What is the treatment of lump o underarms ? Whats the dosage period of Folitrax in RA patients? What causes sore throat and flu with itchiness on shoulder,chest and scalp? What is the suggested dosage and side effect of zyncet syrum? What could cause itchy rashes ? How to reduce sugar level during pregnancy? Suggest treatment for fever and sore throat when going through IVF treatment What causes severe headache and tension after removing wisdom teeth? How to get rid of severe headache? What causes delayed periods? What causes green loose stools with mucus in kids? Suggest treatment for itching due to BP tablets How long should I wait for getting pregnant? What causes infertility? What causes cramping pain after pregnancy? What causes back pain, cramping in lower abdomen and late period? How to cure dandruff and itchiness in scalp? What are the side effects of Naturogest 200mg., Xyla plus & osetron 4 mg ? Suggest medicine for white spots on my face What causes bruises and leakage after arthroscopic knee surgery? What causes fever at night to a 2.5 year old? What are the treatment of rash and bump ? What could be the lump on the side of my daughter's gum? How to get rid of cough and blocked ears? What causes bleeding, nauseous, tired and achy breasts even after a negative pregnancy test? Is passing motion after every 1 or 2 lactogen feeds normal? Suggest treatment for red spot noticed on lip How do Dapride,Metformin and Irovel affect the kidney function? What should be the minimum sperm count for fertility? What are the side effects having of nexium 40? Experiencing back pain after lumbar spine surgery Suggest remedies for hair-loss in males with ferritin content of 64.7ng/ml How to cure UTI & high triglycerides? Are irregular scanty periods normal after late stage abortion? What causes bleeding from the belly of my baby? Suggest treatment for hyperpigmentation on face & neck Can castor oil help in healing pterygium? Will taking B complex help relieve red areas on hands & wrist? What causes pain in stomach after eating? What are the symptoms of protein in urine ? Suggest treatment for circular brown patches like pigmentation on penis Suggest treatment for loose motion to a 8 months old? Are there any side effects of taking Viagra? Whats the amount of galls stones a gallbladder can hold? Am I pregnant? What causes sensitivity to light in eyes and ear pain? What could cause problem while exhaling? What causes tibia stress fracture and osteoid osteoma? How to diagnose colon cancer? What causes purple bruise on upper arm? Suggest medicine for periods to come What does my sonography test report suggest? Will prednisone withdrawal cause rashes on skin? What are the side effects of fluid filled lump? Is pregnancy like symptoms normal after discontinuing contraceptives? Will UBI Q 100 mg cure the problem of morphology? What causes lump on hand before menstruation? Suggest treatment for hole and black stuff in it? What causes sudden forearm pain? What causes lip swelling after getting a veneer? What causes severe back pain with nausea after endoscopy? Suggest treatment for wrist pain and bruise after falling down What causes low body temperature during pregnancy? What causes low semen secretion after consuming penegra 100? Is 5 days antibiotic enough to cure pus in urine? Suggest treatment for painful acne for bum What cause brown inter menstrual bleeding? Reason for getting attracted to the same sex? What are the side effects of retro-placental clot? Suggest treatment for pneumonia? Suggest treatment for premature ejaculation? What are the side effects of yellow fever vaccine? Can 1% hydrocortisone cream be used as a substitute for cotrimazole? What causes pain in upper left abdomen? What causes negative upt with absence of menstruation? What causes a small lump in genital area? What causes difficulty in breathing after smoking hookah? What causes vaginal discharge and stomach cramps after an abortion? Suggest treatment for bump on legs? Does antibiotic cause increase of ast and alt level? What causes severe pain on the right side of the body? Suggest treatments for poop like breath What causes vaginal spotting with back pain and nausea? What causes excessive sexual drive? Suggest treatment for lump of mass in anus Suggest alternate medicine for Amoxycillin, ciproflxacin, norflox-tz and cetrizine What causes prolonged periods with stomach cramping? How to prevent reddish purple spots on tip of fingers & feet? How can Osteochondral lesion of talar dome be treated? What does lower caloric level in an ENG test indicate? what should be done if phenyl has been ingested accidentally? What causes faster blood clotting? What medication is suggested for mass on both adrenal glands & white cells in urine? Suggest treatment for overlapping bones Suggest remedy for swollen feet What does a black round spot on calf indicate? Will it be safe to take robotussin dm & dextromethrophan with SSRI? Is consulting doctor required for stomach pain, vomiting and fever? How to cure twitches on both eyes? What treatment is suggested for pimple on the lips? How can redness & irritation around lip be treatment? could there be chance of being pregnant even after home test is negative What causes constant lower right abdominal pain? What causes occasional chest pain with difficulty in breathing? Suggest medication for swelling in the upper eye lid which looks red Feeling nauseous,tightness in lower abdomen Diagnosed with borderline personality disorder & bipolar condition What causes fever,abdominal pain and loss of apetite in elderly people? Should i be worried about the light spotting after having unprotected sex? Is there chance of pregnancy if had unwanted 72 on 4th day of periods ? What does 'fibrotic scarring apex' mean in an x-ray report? Need medication for vomiting sensation caused while travelling to higher altitude Can TB treatment lead to infertility? What are the means to reduce weight in females with PCOD? Noticed discomfort while bending upfront while pressing the rib cage What causes bump near scrotum? What does the TSH level of 6.10 indicate? What are the symptoms of pregnancy ? What causes numbness in lip, itchy waistline and fatigue? How to make sure if there no infections after having sex? What causes shingles near incision site after a lumbar decompression? Is it safe to take Miralex for constipation? Suggest treatment for a cut in brow bone Can gastric issues cause lower back pain? Does Zantac cause bruises and lip bleeding? Suggest treatment for difficulty in having erections Suggest treatment for high bp Suggest medicine for getting pregnant Noticed small amount of blood drops while urination after having sex Is inducing aborting using Mtprost pill safe? Suggest treatment for shoulder pain What causes frequent bowel movements? What causes rolled dirt after wiping the vagina? Is it normal to have period like bleeding after having positioner? Suggest creams for fair skin tone How to treat swelling on the brow bone and eye area? Is liv 52 is helpful in preventing jaundice? What is the remedy for knee pain? What causes pain in my right ear? What treatments are suggested for back pain? Suggest treatment for facial hair problem What causes instant sweating when the fan is not on? What could be the milky discharge in my urine during pregnancy? What is the treatment for weakness in leg? Suggest medications for frequently peeling of skin in forehead What is the treatment for chest and back pain with body temperature? How to cure red sore around the anus? What causes recurring cold and blocked nose? Suggest treatment for light bleeding in the anus after sex What could be the effect of late delivery? What treatment is advised for painful hamstring? What causes dry orgasms after taking Flowmax? What causes elevated esr levels? What medicines should be taken to control platelets and sugar? What is the treatment for dropped head with excessive sweating and hand pain? Suggest treatment for more mustache and beard growth What is the treatment of skin splinter if bee has stung ? Suggest remedies for red spot like scars on the vagina? Is acne aid soap and nadoxin cream recommended for pimple scars? What could be the painful growth outside the anal region? Is placeutrux inj right treatment for fallopian tube block? Will taking Benadryl cure red dot itchy rash on torso & back? What causes throbbing pain in both of my knees? Is eosinophilia and rosacea interlinked? What causes symmetrical rashes on arms hips & ears? Is it ok to get pregnant with a sinus heart problem? Are neuflo and beathorophan exlixir correct medication for throat problems? What is the small growth on the side of my neck above collarbone? What causes shortness of breath? Suggest treatment for muscle pain and stiffness Do i have any hormone problem causing obesity? How does one confirm cancer when the biopsy is inconclusive? Suggest treatment for meningomyelocele Suggest a remedy for breathing problems during sleep What causes acidity, blood in stool and headache? Is it normal to have pain in lower back and nausea during pregnancy? What causes chest pain? Is it normal to have lower abdominal pain a week after blastocyst transfer? Based on the follicular study, what are my chances of getting pregnant? What causes urticaria? Suggest methods for abortion Noticed small tiny dark spots under the fingertips after exposing to sun What treatment is suggested for stage 4 brain cancer? What is the little bubble on the side of my lower lip? Will taking Duromine cause cloudiness in urine? Why my stomach is getting upset and feeling nauseous? What do itchy rashes on arms and back indicate? Would taking Susten cause headache? What cause probelm in my eye and lower point of backbone? What causes frequent belching and skipping of heart beat? What causes severe pain in lymph Nodes? Is diarrhea with bleeding symptoms of cancer? What could be the soft lump on the back and top of my calf? What causes recurring cyst in vagina with pus after delivery? Suggest treatment for edema in feet & ankles Why is Gupison unable to treat body itchy? What causes lumps and pain in nipples? How to treat fatty liver? When will I ovulate after a dilatation and curettage procedure? Noticed bleeding ever since having the depo shot How can symptoms of tandrilax overdose be treated? Need medication to cure the growing lump noticed on the back of neck What causes blisters in genital area? Is it safe to take Domstal syrup for acidity? Suggest medicine for blotchy raised spots on my body How to cure a red spot on the nose due is caused due to an injury? What causes abdomen pain and absence of baby movement feeling? Are headache and blurred vision caused by swollen lymph nodes? What treatment is suggested for bartholin swelling? Suggest treatment for itching between legs and thighs What cause sharp pains in my husbands head? What causes late periods, milky discharge, cramps and headache? How long i have to take medicine to get pregnant? Suggest treatment for intense back pain How to treat the condition of chronic urethritus? What causes a delayed period and negative pregnancy test? What does blood test report indicate? Why have I lost hearing in my ear? Can one take over doze of medicine ? Experiencing tightness & pain around the abs while stretching What causes painful lymph node under the jaw with difficulty in swallowing? When should drugs be stopped before an infertility treatment? Suggest treatment for blood blister on warts treated with liquid nitrogen What causes dizziness? What does lump inside vaginal wall with bumps around indicate? How to get rid of the swelling due to a fall from horse? What does the condition of having soft cervix mean? What causes cramps, back pain and sensitive nipples? Can brown discharge before a period be due to pregnancy? Can one get menstrogen 1 week before regular time of periods ? What could be brown string like substance in stool in elderly? What causes delay in periods? What is the treatment of electric sensation on neck ? Suggest medication for pain in lower partof leg What are the symptoms of pregnancy ? Why caused my menses to stop after depo shot and have food cravings? What is the treatment of bump on head if had it ? What are the symptoms of pregnancy ? What causes purple gums when suffering from high fever? What causes severe coughing with blood during pregnancy? Can i take Levothroxin along with Oxy elite pro? What causes strong stinging sensation during urination? What causes fever with pain in legs and hand in kids? Suggest treatment for pain in both the legs What causes blood in semen? Is psoriasis causing itchiness all over the body? Suggest better treatment for fever, cough and loss of appetite What are the side effects of concussion? Will taking Vivance 60mg cause loss of appetite? Suggest treatment for bad breath and foul smelling yellow watery stools How to get rid of back and thigh pain? What causes pain and cramps in calf during pregnancy? What causes throat pain and feeling of mucus struck in throat? What causes severe pain after abortion? Suggest treatment for Prostate cancer? What are the side effects of Fertisure M,Cervifert,biopreg F and Susten 300mg? What causes skin rash on scrotum? What causes white discharge and itchiness in vagina? What is the treatment of bump ? Is tetracycline a safe drug and is it effective for h-pylori? Are delayed menses due to pregnancy or hormonal imbalance? Will irregular periods affects the chances of pregnancy? Diagnosed with PCOD & having pain in lower abdomen & rectum What causes chemical like odor coming from vagina? What causes light bleeding with little orange color? Suggest treatment for high fever and appetite loss How to treat keloids? Suggest remedies for burp, fart, pain on stomach during periods How to cure blister under thigh? Does depo shot cause infertility? What causes vaginal bleeding with lower abdominal pain? How to get rid of dull skin? Is washing vaginal area with soap recommended after abortion? What causes urination problem in kids? What causes irregular periods? Suggest medication for irregular menstruation due to overweight condition What causes liquid discharge from vagina with sore nipple? Suggest treatment for hypothyroidism Suggest treatment for odema due to menopause What does few "small follicles are seen in either ovary" in scanning? Is surgery must in case of moderate posterocentral protrusion? Noticed orange pieces which looks like glass pieces in semen What causes white stringy mucus in stool and itching around anus? What does USG report of kidney suggest? Suggest treatment for itchy and red scabs on arms and legs What causes grey marks above both knees while riding cycle? What is the treatment for lecoria? What causes back pain and stomach cramps after chemotherapy? Ho to treat the pelvic pain? Does Pentids 400 have any side effects? Is it safe to take Mifigest tablets? Would bruises and swelling in leg after an injury confirm hairline fracture? What are the side effects of levera 750 and encorate chrono? What is the treatment of feeling restlessness ? Does nitrofurantion 50 mg cure cyst on testicle? What is the treatment of weakness that cant even walk ? What could cause pain in knees? What causes occasional blurred vision and dry mouth? What will happen if my bilirubin is high? How to diagnose & get confirmation for STD & HIV? Suggest remedies for profuse bleeding during periods Suggest substitute of kenacomb for treating white layer on penis head Is it okay to fly during pregnancy? What could cause increased heart rate,dizziness and shortness of breath? What is the treatment for red dots after the flea bit? Suggest treatment for cold symptoms in babies What causes vaginal bleeding after sex? When will heavy bleeding start after taking mifegest kit? Is montek LC safe for a child to take? What causes dizziness,pressure in chest and burning in stomach? Is it normal to miss period while on microgynon? Suggest remedy for severe body pain with fever and vomiting What cause sudden pain in the kidney area? Suggest treatment for nausea,vomiting and cramps Why i am always tired and mentally upset? How can extremely high blood pressure be treated? Can injured spine be related to Urinary Tract Infection? What could bump in right buttock indicate? What could be the cause of headache and heaviness in neck? What causes a throbbing vein in the right side of the neck? Should i be worried about the swelling in limbs and loss of appetite after diagnosed with kidney stones? Suggest treatment for scratches formed by dog nails Can a dent on forehead be cause of concern ? Can missed periods and 3 month back to back pills lead to pregnancy? Why my friend is not able to take food after C section? Is it okay to have baby at the age of 16 ? What would cause a tingling sensation in the left arm? Could econorm cause stomach pain and vomiting? How to control mind ? Suggest treatments for nausea,headaches and nosebleeds after getting hit in the head What could red bumps on abdomen indicate in a child? How to get rid of piriton addiction ? What is the treatment for high blood sugar level? What could cause foul odor during periods? What causes a greenish yellow discharge from a piercing in the ear? What cause purple patch on ankle,pins and needles in the toes? Is tingling sensation in vagina a sign of UTI? Suggest treatment for constipation Is it okay to take Gemifloxacin for stomach condition? Is swollen bumps on the testicle sign of cyst or cancer? What causes pain in lower right stomach and back? What is the treatment of urine infection ? How to take Qliara pills?Suggest side effects Can periods come soon with hcg if had depo sot ? Suggest treatment for injury and bleeding in vagina after fingering Suggest remedies for tightness in chest after swallowing plastic ball from the tongue bar Is it advisable to take coversyl and norvasc instead of cardace and nikoran? Suggest remedy for hairfall What is the medication for blisters after injury as allergic to adhesive? What is the normal heart beat rate for BP patients? Noticed a scanty growth of citrobactor after arthroscopic acl reconstruction on knee Could painful chest be a result of smoking marijuana? How to treat pain in my left breast? Is colonoscopy needed in case of Diarrhea and cramping? I'm diagnosed with GERD.What causes tightness and fluttering sensation in the chest? Is neurogenic bladder caused by CFS? Is bipolar vision sign of under active thyroid? What problem does scan report indicate and suggest treatment? Is heavy vaginal bleeding and nausea symptoms of miscarriage? Could swelling in groin and pain in anus be due to underactive thyroid? What is the treatment of sneezing attack ? Is it normal to have fatigue, headaches and hot flashes after taking antibiotics for dental abscess? Is painless vaccine good for a baby? How to cure the condition of umbilical hernia? How do you know if i have a continuing pregnancy? What could cause rapidness in the heart beat? Are dizziness,cold sweats and nausea symptoms of heart attack? Does ornidazole and ofloxacin for stomach infection cause side effects during pregnancy? How to get rid of rashes? What is the treatment for throat infection and bronchial congestion? What causes increase in eosinophilia? Suggest treatment for cough and cold Does CMV affect pregnancy? Is vitiligo controllable? What cause the infection in c section stitches? Suggest treatment for swelling on knee Cause for bumps on the upper lips? What cause lower back pain after treated urinary tract infection? What to do for bloating, gas and stomach discomfort? How to know sprain or broken ankle? Suggest alternative treatment of adenoid to avoid surgery Does sex during chlamydia effect the healing? Is it safe to take Doxylag for Rosasea? What is the symptoms of gums viral in children ? What is causing popping sound in my ear?
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