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How to overcome the depression? What could cause pain in the abdomen and jelly substance in stools? What causes severe thirsty, nausea, headache and breasts hurting with irregular periods? What is the remedy for the swollen retro molar which is very painful? What does CT scan indicate? Will otomize of help in case of sores in ears with blockage and pain? Why am I having muscuos stool with gastrointestinal problem? What could cause sudden & frequent dizziness ? Could brown discharge after periods be due to pregnancy? Why having hair loss even after treatment and is there any side effect of Fimax? What is the purpose of fertyl, evatone and deviry tablets? What causes throbbing pain at the back of the tooth and gum? Can I take gestin during pregnancy after having suffered from miscarriage? How can i make my child eat? What is a very small mark on the right cornea? Does combination of Flexeril and cigarettes cause intense tightness in chest ? Suggest medication for loose motion What is the treatment for constipation? Is an itchy ringworm-like patch on forearm be related to the MRSA? What medication do you suggest for raised inflamed bumps on face & ears? What are the remedial measures for the asymmetrical prominence of lateral ventricle? How to treat a prolonged cough and yellowish phlegm thus formed in an infant? Could taking Korandil, Crevast, Metgard, Clopilet and Tazloc have affected hearing? What is the cause of a tapping noise in the ear? Does headaches,dizziness and tightened vagina wall symptom for pregnancy? Suggest medicine for weight loss? What are the treatments for left atrium expansion? What is the remedy for the pain in throat and chest? How to treat purple colored penile knob? Is travel advisable according to my scan report? How to treat an aged person who overdoses in a day? Why did I have headaches, nausea and dizziness after an injury? Can the stone be removed without surgery? How can i make my husband responsible? Could taking probiotics be the cause if fecal incontinence? Could the cough be due to the side effects of the medications? What is the treatment for an ear infection? What causes dark colored stool to a 15 week old baby? What could cause a painful hole in the bikini line with pus in it? What is the treatment for the hard lump and pain on my c-section scar? What should i do for the sleepless when the exams are nearing? What to do for rashes like ringworm all over body? What does the following follicular study report indicate? Why are my son's ankles red, swollen and bruised? What causes dizziness with memory loss and slurring of speech? What causes late periods, negative pregnancy tests and pain in lower left side? How to overcome the hangover of withdrawal of chewing tobacco? Is there any chance of pregnancy if regestrone is taken? What is the treatment for irregular menstrual cycle? Does Glycomet make you gain weight ? Can a child be given eye drops to treat redness in eyes while suffering from cold and cough? What is the cure for asthma? What causes itchy bumps breakout in patches throughout the body? How to control ocd and the mood swings? What is the treatment for an inverted penis? What could be the reason for wetting bed after taking trazodone? What can cause a dizzy and spaced out feeling after having a general anesthetic? Can i give cepodem 50 to a 2 year old for cold? What causes emotional, breast tenderness after switched from generess fe to viorele? ERCP is hurting severely in the right clavicle like a bad toothache Is it safe to take celexa and diltiazem together? Suggest remedies for turbinate hypertrophy and difficulty in breathing Are 3M ESPE Cavit-G and Cavit-W effective? Suggest treatment for swelling in tragus after ear piercing How to treat weight loss while having elevated thyroid level? Will masturbation cause premature ejaculation and low memory ? What causes abdominal pain after appendix removal? What to do for egg sized swelling in head due to fall in childhood? How to treat 10-15 pus cells and blood in urine in an infant? Is it safe to fly if ears feel blocked and aching? What is causing high fever in child which is not reducing with paracetamol? How to treat high blood sugar with low Hb level? How does postinor 2 intacke effect the menstrual cycle? How to check for STD? Is it safe to fly when there is elevated BP level? Can sensation on tip be regained by stopping masturbation? What causes ear pain every night? How to treat a swollen lymph node near ear? What could be the lymph node behind ear? Is there any doctor available to analyse this report? Can inhaling fumes from crystal methamphetamine cause an ear infection? Why stomach is upset and having vomiting after having burger king? Is lactogen recommendable at night for a breast feeding baby? How to treat the rashes and the bad odor caused between the inner thighs? What causes abdominal pain below ribcage after an injury? Noticed tenderness and lump formation on nipples Could spasms in abdomen be a result of having had the tubes tied? Is the fever because of chronic borderline hypertension or due to some intracranial tumors ? Is it dangerous to have kidney having pole calculus with back pressure changes? What is the analysis of the attached report? What could cause menstrual irregularity? Is there any doctor available to interpret this report? How to treat headache,drowsiness with stomach pain? Will using faceclin gel cure pimples? Lower back and underneath ribs tender after slipping and smacking head Does embryo transfers caused brown discharge? Is there something to be worried about getting period late? What could cause sore throat, swollen gland in neck, frequent bowel movements and runny nose? Is there something to be worried about getting period late? Explain both ovaries with polycystic features, suggestive of pyosalpinx and inflammatory condition Any suggestion to get regular periods and cure pcod? Why am I vomiting my tablets? Suggest medication for rashes on groin area What treatment to be taken for the neck pain due wrong twisting? Why yellow smelly phelgm builds up in throat everyday? What causes bloating,nausea,heartburn and vomiting with pain under ribs? What causes recurrent fluctuating body temperature in infants? What treatment to be taken for swollen scrotum and testicles? Is knee pain the side effect of sibelium? Is Amrodil S and respira D with telekast L kid right medication for a child for asthma? Is monobenzine capsule helpful to get a fairer skin? Suggest remedy for extreme dry skin with painful, sore cuts on fingers near nails How to treat cold and cough in a 3.5 years old child? Can Black cohosh be taken with Nuvigil? How to treat osteoarthritis and Poly articular RA? How to treat fall mediated head injury? Is there any itching side effects for champix? What is the level of fertility in the following semen analysis? On and off scrotum can be considered as a symptom or STD? How to treat abdominal problems,diarrhea and strong noise? What is the permanent cure for candida infection? What could cause sensitive penis head causing retracted foreskin making sex unsuccessful? Is there any age limit for plastic surgery to improve complexion? What could be the blood soaked paper like on the pad during period? What treatment to be taken for high value of triglyceride? How to relieve constipation in infant? Normal for stomach to inflate after a meal with breathing difficulty? Reason for no beard growth at the age of 25 years? Treatment for blisters on foot after fall? Reason for chest pain and breathlessness? Is prolution injection safe to sustain pregnancy? Does the test result confirms typhoid and is it curable? Will taking Lutera after 2 weeks of having unprotected sex be effective? How will surgery wound heal faster after hysterectomy? How to check hair fall? How to reactivate dead sperm? Treatment for child's breathing trouble, cough, and cold? Can overdose of oral vaccine cause side effects for child? Reason for swelling around eye and puffy cheeks? Reason for irregular periods and inability to conceive? Is lower back pain and severe clinical depression connected? Treatment for child's toothache due to molar erupting? Is nose broken if it is painful to touch swollen area? Treatment for vomiting, diarrhea, sweating, pale, high BP? How to treat wisdom tooth mediated cheek swelling? Should hair oil be used while using Minoxidil for hair thinning? Should X-ray be done for lower back pain after fall? How to treat lower abdominal pain? What treatment to be taken for left side shoulder pain followed by angioplasty? What treatment to be taken for mouth ulcer and high fever? What to do for golf ball size lump followed by an accident? Reason for excessive burping after eating? Should further Lucentis injections be taken for DME? Treatment for trouble achieving erection? How to get pregnant with history of miscarriage? Is there any side effect for Zoloft? Can we confirm the delivery method - normal or C-section - from scan report? What is the cause and treatment for swelling and pain under my eyes? What should do to treat muscle pain in the right side of my neck? How effective is Gabapentin while on Effexor XR ? Does sevista play any role in adenomyosis related infertility? Do gabapentin for nerve pain have any side effects? Will excessive masturbation cause erection problems? Will trapic mf and yutoper have any side effect? Is back pain and abdominal pains related to overactive bladder? What treatment to be taken for small water bumps face? What treatment to be taken for the throat infection for paralysed person? Why is my mouth sore and has fine red bumps on tongue and gums? What treatment to be taken for severe chest pain and congestion? How to get rid of pain in my butt post injury? What treatment to be taken for the gasping of breath? Will pain in the radial head be permanent? Why do I have swelling and soreness in my ribs? Is it safe to get pregnant even though I have ovarian cyst? What treatment to be taken for numbness in upper right lip area? What treatment to be taken for the chest pain spreading to head? What treatment to be taken for the back pain and muscle tightness? Why did my arm fall numb after getting up in the morning? Suffering from mitral valve prolapse & PSVT and taking concor, should I take more medicines? What could cause poor bowel movements, problem persists despite undergoing colonoscopy? Is sore throat with dry cough, shivering, loss of appetie and low fever in a teenager concerning? What treatment to be taken for the blood clot on penis? Is an anteroseptal myocardial ischemia a dangerous condition? What treatment to be taken for acne and excessive sweating? What treatment to be taken for chronic back pain? What treatment to be taken for uncomfortable burning feeling in bladder? Why feeling dizzy and forehead sore to touch after head injury? What to do for the fever and irregularities in blood result? Why is my son having fever and vomiting followed by diarrhoea? What could itching around the eyes after applying certain creams indicate? Does Rytmonorm have any adverse effect on Atrial Fibrillation? How to treat poor bowel movements after undergoing Ileostomy and radiation? What should I take to get a normal menstrual cycle? Why am I having a weird feeling in my upper left abdominal area? Could pain in eye, headaches and blurred sight be related to neck sprain? What kind of birth control should I use after a condom rip? Can I take coraspin and rytmonorm in case of Atrial Fibrillation? Could nausea be due to pregnancy or side effect of duphaston? What could be the tenderness and bruise in breast? What does my sputum gram's stain report mean? What does round, black mole near to upper tear duct indicate? How to treat severe hair fall? Will ova set tablets help me in conception? What are the chances of conception after a 10 day delay in periods? What could heaviness in buttocks, urination difficulty and strained bowels? What could cause pain in lower left abdomen with frequent bowel movements? Why am I feeling that I am pregnant? Will taking pill to delay periods result in delay of next month periods? What could be reason for urge to pee and pinkish blood? Treatment for headache after fall on ice? Treatment for child's red scrotum with fever and sore throat? Does plavix causes stomach distress and suggest me some other affordable medicine? What causes forearm pain, muscle twitching and loss of appetite? Treatment for ear pain, blockage and throat discomfort? Reason for diarrhea and gas if stomach is empty? Does yellow skin, cornea and white stools is caused by hepatobiliary problem in 23 months old? Are constipation and back pain normal during pregnancy? Suggest treatment for tremors and shaking whole body? Should i take ultrasound to check kidney stones? Is this right or has medical science change feeling like cut and stitched back? Is it possible to know from blood test if contraceptive pills are taken? What should i do after hitting head? What could be the side effects of rectacele surgery? How can I get pregnant while taking Krimson for irregular periods? Suggest treatment for INTERCOCCYGEAL JOINT SUBLAXATION? What causes swollen lymph node? How to treat STD? Suggest treatment for pimples? How to treat trinessa mediated leg bruising? What causes recurring tonsilitis? What causes recurring petechia spots on body? Suggest treatment to keep diabetes under control Suggest precautions to be taken after ovarian operation Can u suggest treatment for vein like under penis gland which harder? What causes palpitations with leg pain and dry cough? What treatment to be taken for the gland under the arm pit? How to treat ring worm infection on wrist and foot? What causes itchy rash on hands with back pain? Suggest treatment for pain on feet What treatment can I rely on for shin injury? What causes delayed periods after removing Mirena coil? Suggest me treatment for Haitius hernia and myasthenia gravis taking mestnon. What causes irregular periods with abdominal pain? What causes itching in the groin area? What causes back pain when not masturbating? experiencing numbness,chest pain and raised heart beat How to treat metoprolol(25mg) dosage miss mediated irregular heartbeat? What does my ultrasound report indicate? Which hair oil and shampoo is recommended for maintaining good hair? how to treat painful,sensitive bump just below waistline? Suggest treatment for ringing in ear Suggest remedies for breathing problem during showering What could be the reason for the miscarriage? Noticed a lump and indent on 1 year old after an injury at the back of the skull What does cloudy urine indicate? What causes fatigue with ear pain? Is it advisable to postpone periods by 20 days by medication? How to control heavy periods with big clots due to PCOS? Does Metformin and diane have any side effect like pukish and eye sight problem? What causes pain under armpit when suffering from osteoarthris? What causes hearing loss? What is the circular rash on the forearm with vaginal yeast infection? Is Endogest intake safe during pregnancy? What is the bump on my butt which is sore and having black stuff? How to gain weight and increase breast size? Pink pimples on side of stomach and back of body related to antral gastritis? What medication can I take for dandruff and greying of the hair? What are the causes of fatty kidney and high cholesterol? What treatment to be taken for ring worm like sour on back? Can I take multiple Loestrin 24 instead of plan B after unprotected sex? What test to do for checking asthma? What is the red dot in the center of neck that hurts? Is ANTOXID HC, MELALITE XL and sun ban cream good for pigmentation? What treatment to be taken for the infiltration of liver? What causes depression and pain in joints for akt patient? Suggest me medication for sore throat. What is the cause of cysts? Any nonallergic medicine for suffering from recurring pcod? Why throat is hurting while eating and having dry mouth? What causes dark brown discharge? Any other treatment other than steroid to cure Atopic dermatitis in child? Suggest home remedies to carry out abortion Any suggestion for extreme stiffness/pain in neck, shoulder, arm and back? How to treat menstrual irregularity post delivery? What causes lot of muscle spasm in lower back? Is it safe to take glycomet 500 sr and 50 50 insulin for liver transplant patient? What should i apply to get rid of the line on neck? Does b12 injection increases blood sugar level? What causes vomiting and nausea when had wisdom tooth removal? How to conceive while having anvterted slightly bulky uterus? How safe is Premolut depot injections during pregnancy? How to reduce pain in right side of rib cage? What is the treatment for bone pains? How to treat TMT with positive for induced ischemia? If the ultrasound states Uterus is bulky & anteverted is there any problem in the pregnancy? Any suggestion for having severe vomiting and diarrhea? How serious are the findings in the lab report? What causes abscess frequently on thigh and chin with hypersplenism history? What does my chest CT-scan suggest? What causes bleeding for 5 days after taking i-pill? What is the life expectancy in case of adenoid cystic carcinoma? Any suggestion for having lot of fluid inside during pregnancy? What medication can I take for itchy and red rashes after hair removal by cream? What causes watery eyes, itching in outer canthi when exposed to bright sunlight? Any suggestion to stop vaginal bleeding that started after sexual intercourse? Can prednisolone help to cure the birth mark or hemangioma? Suggest me treatment for sore from lower thigh to groin area also muscle is sore. What is the cause of a bump on the skin? How to treat delicate skin in a 11 years old child? Any suggestion for blowing blood out of right nostril? What is the treatment for headache? What causes stomach pain, yellow color fluid from belly with pungent smell? Could acidity be due to viral fever medications? What is the treatment for kidney stones of 12x9mm? What causes pink spots on bottom, top of back of legs/knees? How to treat pain and cramping in legs following a twisted feet? Can I plan for pregnancy after 5 month course for genital TB and ectopic pregnancy? Is duphastone medicine safe? Is junior lanzol, ondem, meftal-p correct for kid having bloating, vomiting, headache? What is the treatment for typhoid fever? Is Myrin P 3 effective for infertility treatment? How to treat pain behind rib,stomach burning? What medication can I take for scales and patches on skin as its itching? Will i get pregnant with this medication? Why the pregnancy test comes positive even after abortion? What is the treatment for fever and loose motions? Can warfarin cause stomach pain? What is the cause of a lump behind the knee? How to treat rash,itchy thighs? What is the cause for fluid in the chest after fever and cold? What causes horrible burning itching sensation throughout the body, neck and face? What is the treatment for navel center displacement? How to treat degenerated discs? Am i contagious and can't work abroad? Why is my son's eye yellow after suffering from croup? What could the HSG test findings imply? How to manage a retest without anesthesia? Should I be worried about blood spotting during modus usage? Can I get pregnant? Any suggestion for 80 year old to control creatinine level and urea? Any special procedure to be followed during treatment for pregnancy? Can i get infected from a needle prick? How to treat vizylac capsules mediated stomach pain? Does i-pill works after having unprotected sex with PCOD history? What is the medication for controlling seizures? How to treat cold allergy? What medication can I take after smoke inhalation as have lung problem? After hysterectomy- robotic procedure noticed foul odour on body How to treat palpitating heart? What precaution should be taken for retroverted uterus? What causes headache, breath shortness, rapid/fast heartbeat, hungry, nausea, loss of appetite? Should I be worried of my gastroscopy report? How to stop prolonged periods? Can I fly when on treatment for bleeding varices, liver cirrhosis, pancreatitis? How to control hair fall after typhoid fever? What can cause dark color spotting and bleeding after an ivf? Any home remedy for acid reflux, cough and scratchy throat? What is the treatment for cough and sneezing? Should unwanted pills be taken if periods is late by 5 days? What does these blood and thyroid tests indicate? How to control infection at ear piercing oozing pus and blood? What causes severe acidity, stomach fullness, bloating, whitish stools when gallbladder is removed? What is the treatment for pain in ankle and knee? Any suggestion to increase height? Would it be safe to take Loratadine to relieve the nasal congestion? How to treat a swollen finger after being pricked by a needle? What causes lump/bump on the upper arm and on top of shoulder? What causes severe pain in tonsils, red spots on the soft palate and inflammation? Does vitreous humor surgery causes bleeding in the eye when nose blown? What are the symptoms after TB treatment? How to treat femilon tablet mediated abdominal pain? How to treat fatigue and breathless at last stage of ivf? Is there any doctor available to interpret this scan report? What do the findings in second trimester ultrasound suggest? What causes high ECR, RBC, Glucose and Hemoglobin? Is antibiotic needed for cold that lasted for 10 days? Is it advisable to undergo surgery for removing colloid goiter? What is the treatment for sore mouth? Does high IGG counts indicates infection during pregnancy? Can I get pain in my nose after fall on my back and strained chest muscle? What causes swelling in the lip and what is the remedy? What could the pain below breasts, like a bruise, indicate? What to do for pain relief from cancer? What does these chest x-ray after an injury indicate? What is the treatment for vaginal bleeding? Should I visit ER for gastroparaeses and bad cycle of vomitings? Missed period, having severe vomiting, drowsiness and pinching in abdomen. Can I be pregnant? What is the remedy for the pain in the right lung after the removal of Ureteric calculi? What causes raised white area near healed ulcer location in mouth? Suggest treatment for swollen hands, painful joints and tingling sensation What is the cause of high ferritin levels? What causes painful bowel movement post surgery for thrombosed external hemorrhoid? Can light period bleeding effect my future pregnancy? Can I give toddler aavin milk only for 4 days? What are the treatments for keloids and pus/blood discharge from them? What does my follicular study suggest? How to heal itchy, swollen toes on right foot with cellulitis history? What does transvaginal ultrasound report suggest? After 6 weeks of levonorgestrel I have early signs of pregnancy can it be pill? What causes pain in bladder while urinating? What causes constant headaches, sore throat and tonsils and fatigue? Are itching and blisters side effects of tinidmax? Pain, swelling and bruise in feet after tripping can be a sign of sprain? Any suggestion for having continuous bleeding after taking i-pill? What could be the sharp pain after protected sex? Why is my husband limping and his knee making a weird sound? What medication can I take for severe cramps and spasms? Any chance of ovulating when sonographer says there is no dominant follicle? What is the remedy for palpitations having Hypertension? Suggest treatment for severe neck, back and shoulder pain and high fever Suggest me remedy for bad odour from the vagina. Can use of levolin inhaler cause asthma? What is the cause of a heavy period? What causes diabetes and liver problems inspite of healthy habits? Suggest treatment for rapid mood swing What causes fast heart beat, uneasiness after taking tazloc for high Bp? How to treat the problems caused in penile glans by warts? Any suggestion for bruise on cheekbone and small dent when smiling? How to treat green vomit,blue tongue high glycemic blood? Could generic medicines lead to side effects such as anxiety attacks? When can i expect periods after taking dronis? What is the cause of milk discharge from the breast? What are the medications for maxillary and ethmoid sinus? What causes stiffness while urinating and not able to empty the bladder? Could little bleeding after having unprotected sex followed by being on birth control pills a bit late suggest pregnancy? Suggest treatment for eustacian tube dysfunction? Reason for dull pain in back and under breast causing pain while twisting and deep breath What causes stye on upper eyelid after cataract surgery? What causes small popped blister on my inner thigh? What causes index and thumb finger nails to turn yellow when having kidney problem? What is the treatment for back pain? What is the minimum number of days to use primolut to start period? When to conduct pregnancy test after unprotected sex? Why asymmetric face looks different in mirrors? What is the treatment for back pain? Does pain in the joints caused by bursitis or childhood femoral torsion? How to treat hematuria? Does the Rocky mountain spotted fever affect the immune system? Suggest me treatment for pain in the sternum area as I fell from bath tub. What is the treatment for bumps on the skin? Suggest treatment for long period after taking I pill What causes slight pain in groin and pelvic area? Suggest treatment for swollen glands and head ache Suggest treatment for frequent cough and cold Is omnacortil safe to give for a baby? Why there is spotting 4 and 6 days after periods? Should Nipedipine not be taken with calcium channel blockers? What is the treatment for cough and chest pain? What causes dizziness when standing up or looking down? Why having hip pain and sore to touch after contusion in upper thigh after accident? What causes pain in the upper abdomen and right arm having a lump under the chest? Can i become a father while having smaller size testicle? What is the cause of brown discharge? What causes neck pain and head throbbing for 30 seconds? How to ensure hormone replacement and treat menopausal symptoms through food? What could be the lump in shoulder? What causes acne problems of face? Any suggestion for stomach pain and gas trouble? What causes wrist pain after surgery? Can Duvadilan Retard be given for severe abdominal pain? What treatment to take for asthma and cough? What medicine to take for stomach and head ache? How to overcome the affter effect of hypothyroidism like hair fall,digestion problem,sleep disorder? Suggest treatment for boil on skin How to overcome the lump on my right lower side of my neck? What causes pain in the back and testicles while masturbating or drinking alcohol? What causes weight gain after quit smoking? What is the treatment for loss of an erection? Does taking fat burner affects reproductive health? How long does the pain last after vaccination and what is the remedy? Is it safe to take Duvadilan Retard during pregnancy? Any suggestion for suffering from typhoid, chest pain, abdominal pain and constipation? Is there any problem by taking strone 200 regularly for 30 days? What causes ear pain and sore throat? What causes loss of appetite and vomiting when something is taken in? Suggest treatment for depression and alcohol addiction Does taking betnesol steroid during pregnancy increase baby weight later? Suggest treatment for itching and lumps in check and upper arms Does radiation of CT scan during pregnancy harm my fetus? Could the large lump on my jawbone indicate a symptom of jaw cancer? What is the cure for the swelling in the vagina with throbbing and numbness? How to get rid of uneven skin tone and black spots? Why having greenish discharge after episiotomy after delivery? How safe is to take lupron? What could be the reason for having a painful white head bump on my butt cheek? What causes raised black spots on the right side of forehead? Why having lower belly pains with clear discharge and breast tenderness? Suggest treatment for painful and tender nipples Could the presence of blood in my phlegm indicate symptoms of lung cancer? What causes high WBC with sinus infection and swelling and pain in bones? What causes burning sensation in the chest? What causes abdominal pain extending towards the back? Suggest treatment for loose motions and vomiting in infants What causes bleeding from stitches of circumcision for phimosis? What is the remedy for the itching and burning in the clitoris in a regnant woman? Is there any possibility of pregnancy? Suggest treatment for red patches on both side of my neck What causes burning sensation while passing urine with high WBC? Reason for having period with pain and sensitivity in leg after fitting merina coil Is levolin syrup and acebrophylline syrup for cough safe to give for kids? How long should I wait for vaginal bleeding after taking misoprostol tablets? What is the treatment procedure for the removal of cysts on the penis shaft? What causes constant dizziness in a Diabetic, Hypertensive and having High cholesterol? What could be the reason for having pain in my chest? Suggest me treatment for virus attached liver platelets of 70000 Suggest treatment for headache after head injury What causes blurred vision? Is it common to have restless legs and tremors from a back issue? What does the gestational sac lower than uterus mean and will there be any improvement in condition? What is causing dizziness when BP, cholesterol and sugar are normal? Can Neurontin or Humulin R taken by a heroine addict cause bloody vomit? What causes foul smelling urine in children? MRI done on feet after fracture. How will it heal and eliminate pain? When can i plan for my next pregnancy? What causes memory loss and weakness having Thyroid and Diabetes? Suggest treatment for thyroid tsh 7.0 How dangerous is anesthesia aspiration pneumonia following routine colonoscopy? Meaning of mucosal involving inferior nasal turbinates? How to treat fall mediated back injury? What is the treatment for wrist pain? What does a small lump on hip indicate? Should the weird sensation around the sinus area and light headedness be concerned? Does Sysron taken for postponing the periods have any side effects? What is the cause of swollen lymph nodes at the base of penis? How to treat severe menstrual irregularity? What is the treatment for the Hydrosil disease having the swollen testicles? What causes dizziness and sore breast with clear liquid coming out? What is the treatment for bloating and gas formation? How to treat swelling and rashes around eyes? What cause pain in the hip and thighs with hot flashes in a menopause undergoing woman? Should I be concerned for the trembling of legs while sleeping? How to treat vomiting, yellow diarrhea, and fever in a toddler? What does MRI report mean for severe pain in leg and butt? What causes extremely stink urine in children? Is it safe to continue with the rabipur injection while taking stomach infection medicines? How to get rid of moles from the skin? What causes pea sized lump in mouth? What treatment to be taken for the funny feeling in leg? How to treat menstrual irregularity? Is it normal to have headache, lightheadedness, and dizzy spells after a PRK surgery? What is the treatment for ringworm infection? Can ocella and depo shots for birth control causes cleaning out from the body? What is the treatment for bleeding in a menopausal woman? What is the treatment for premature greying and hair fall? What to do for bulging vein in temple with pain? What causes bleeding through eyes, nose and mouth before the death? How to treat muscle spasm? How to treat anal pimple? Is there any doctor available to interpret the MRI report? Suggest treatment for fever, cold and cough Is ovaral-l enough for ovarian cyst or surgery needed? What is the treatment for throat irritation and nasal congestion? Suggest treatment for travellers diarrhea What causes stomach pain,chronic diarrhea and gas? How to get rid of psoriasis marks? Will the suture dissolve or not? Is Fucidin ointment for yeast infection? What is the cause of chest pain? Does Duphoston cause delay in periods? What causes white spots on legs after tanning? How to treat chronic hepatitis b with bloating and stomach growling? What are the medications for the fatty liver? How to clear the block in fallopian tube? Is oxytol 150 safe while having sciatica,dizzy spells and headache? Should I be concerned about the feeling like something is stuck in my chest? What can cause fever, vomit and rash in a child? What causes severe cough after replaced pace maker? Why tongue and throat feeling dry even after swallowing saliva? Can i take follicle injection even after follicle rupture? What causes spotting during pregnancy? Suggest treatment for head ache and gas trouble? What causes headache, stomach pain, and bowel upsets? What is the treatment for an ear infection? What causes pain in ankles and shin? Suggest medication for constant fever in child What is the medication for green watery stools for 4 month old with only breast feed as enterogermina didnt work? How to treat premature ejaculation? Suggest treatment for constipation What causes hair breakage? Suggest remedies Can nausea after gastritis cause pain around the mouth and its remedy? What causes small bumps in vagina and itching of clitoris? Is there any side effects for Prolomet,Figostat, aquazine and Olmat ? Is emergency contraceptive pill safe while breast feeding? How to treat cough and cold in a 1 year and 7 months old child? Chances of getting pregnant after taking metformine and clomid for PCOS problem? Will taking ipill 68 hrs post last LMP help in aborting a possible pregnancy? Suggest treatment for hair loss Suggest treatment for throat pain due to chronic laryngitis Is sexual intercourse harmful during menstrual bleed? How to stop anti depressents and avoid the side effects? Can i use this medication for cold? Will Adapalene and Benzoyl peroxide clear hyper pigmentation and uneven skin? Suggest me medication for pinch nerve pain in hip and thigh. What is the cause and treatment of hepatomegaly? Will there be any problem with these medications? What causes muscle spasms in the abdomen while coughing and heart burn? What is the cause and treatment of herpes What is the cure for severe and continuous bleeding during periods? How to treat stomach noise,discomfort and constipation? What causes tightness in chest? Why am I losing my erection? Suggest treatment to increase the immunity against cough and cold Are my reports normal? What is the treatment for a lump on the thigh? What could cause joint stiffness, pain along with Irritable Bowel Syndrome? What causes pain during intercourse? What is the purpose of fertigyn 10000 injection? What causes hectic fever, night sweats and unquenchable thirst? Is slight cold, coughing and runny nose related to relapse of pneumonia? Could left eye twitching occasionally be related to accident that caused cervical neck sprain and concussion ? What are the side effects of Torleva,Lonazep,canmilk? Does Misoprostol help in completing the abortion? Chest and jaw tightness followed by numbness in right forearm What causes shrinking of penis? Can Bacilli infection harm pregnancy? How to resolve the problem of erection while meeting a women? When will i get my periods? `What is the remedy for fever with tender stomach and headaches? Why is my face red and feels like heat coming out? Suggest treatment for enlarged prostate What is the treatment for vomiting and red spots? Reason for pain in urethra and frequent painful urination What are the blood clots in urine while taking medications to regulate the menstruation? Can Metrogyl 400 be taken for severe mouth ulcers? Why is my body throbbing and blood pressure high? What does my semen analysis report suggest? Infant has cold no mucus with some noise from the chest What causes acute leg pain? Suggest treatment for red painful pimples with white head all over body What causes sudden fainting and vomiting? Should the injection after dog bite be taken in hand ? Does developing follicle in ovary lead to complications in conception? What is the treatment for cold and cough? What could cause failure in conception despite all tests being normal? How to stop the continuous bleeding in an intramural fibroid patient? Spontaneous knots in stomach that come and go causing soreness and bloating Is loose motion a side effect of Razo and Zorno? Is it ok to get shorter periods after using Rigevidon contraceptive pills ? What is the treatment for dry skin? Can calcimax 500 be taken with Ayurvedic medicines? Is TB in left ovary, blood clot right ovary harmful ? Suggest diet to be given during uterus TB treatment Does Glutathione cause delay in periods ? Any treatment for recurrent throat problem ? Is there any chance of pregnancy? When can period resume after taking duphaston? Suggest treatment for PCOD How to remove the wrinkle and dark patch in private area caused due to waxing ? What causes high blood pressure? How to get rid of redness around the lips that chap and then peel ? What is the treatment for blocked nose? Suggest treatment for breathing problem with dry nose? Suggest treatment for frequent stomach pain in children Will Piperazine,Hexamine,Khellin,Effervescent reduce the albumin levels in pregnant woman? No periods after sex even after taking Ipill What is calcified Meningeoma? Will there be any problem in pregnancy after treating follicular ovarian cyst with medicine? Can fever with sore throat and cough, be early symptoms of rabies? Do Encorate chorno / Valparin effect the fertility or cause problems to conceive ? Could missing periods with sore boobs and ovulation secretions be signs of menopause ?w Will asbestos in the atmosphere lead to breast cancer? Suggest remedies for recurring ringing noise in the ear Elevated ESR with extremely bad headaches What is the cause of blurred vision and black outs? Suggest treatment for back pain What causes swelling of lips with severe coughing? What are the treatments for dizziness with stiffness in jaws and headache? What causes back pain during pregnancy? Is shot needed for swollen area in face due to scratch by cat? Pregnant suffering chicken pox and pain in upper right side of abdomen after antibiotics Does Ciplar cause knee pain and disturbed sleep? Can Dr, reddy's minitop 10% be used to reduce severe hairfall? Heavy bleeding after unprotected sex and then nothing next day Can Duphaston be used to regularize periods? Suggest treatment for skin allergy of sole Suggest treatment for racing heart beat Can I become pregnant after fingering with a semen exposed finger? Will it be possible to conceive with low sperm count and endometriosis problem ? Could having unprotected sex followed by intake of posinor pills cause pregnancy? What is the cause of vomiting? What can cause 4-5 loose motions in an infant? Is there 100% cure for psoriasis? Is it safe to stop taking ofloxacin and ornidazole combination due to its side effects? How to treat pain in neck,hands and knuckle swelling? How to treat cold, cough and fever in a 2 year old child? Will meth usage affect my future skin graft operation? Does masturbating cause weakness in legs? When can I have sex after temoral lobectomy? What could heavy eyes and pressure in the head after a fall indicate? Why am i having irregular periods after miscarriage? What causes one sided headache and red eye? Pus formation in index finger removing caused swelling and pain Is pneumonia and TB life threatening? How to treat severe body pain? What causes post inflammatory pigmentation on cheeks? What does ECG report indicate? Diabetic suffering from HCC seeing skin, eye white becoming yellow day by day What could cause bloating, tender stomach, gassy and burping? What is the cause of severe pain in face? Can any online doctor help me with the following results? Regular but painful periods sometimes with very less flow and foul smell Should I consult the doctor for keeping the poison in mouth for few seconds and spitting out? What could blurred vision and bloody patch near cornea after Lasik surgery indicate? Will my typhoid affect medical examination for gulf country? What medication is good for trachities? What causes cluster of painless pimples on scrotum? What causes discomfort lump on neck? Does over use of Benicar/HCTZ cause a bit of muscle/joint pain ? Suggest treatment for removal of pimple marks Can hcqs200mg,steroids5mg cause side effects like skin darkening? Suggest treatment for ear infection, cold and sore throat What is below disease shown in biopsy report ? What is the cause for lump under the chin at the area of submental nodes What causes non stop menstrual cramping, nausea and frequent urination? What causes bumps on penis after intercourse? Can removal of mirena cause shortening of period cycle? What causes painful swollen eye and ear pain? What can cause bleeding with clots? How long does it take for typhoid to be cured while being on treatment? Why experiencing abdominal pain around naval area with grainy substance in urine sample? Should i meet doctor for fever, headache and body pain? What causes nausea and bloating when suffering from enlarged lymph nodes? What dosage of lupigest 100 is recommended during 11 weeks of pregnancy? What is the best pain relief medication? Is there any way to increase height at the age of 16? What causes delayed periods? Suggest treatment for body rash while recovering from herpeangina What does green mucus after urination indicate? Suggest treatment for swollen gland at head of penis Is there a permanent solution for recurring kidney stones? Could recurring headaches in upper back of head suggest flaring earlier concussion in a child? Suggest treatment for diarrhea and belching Can i increase my height? Suggest treatment for oral secretions during night and cold Is there any methods of during stammering? Suggest treatment for pain in forearm travels to fingers Will intake of 20-30 i pill/unwanted 72 affect future pregnancy in any way? What is the remedy for the blood in stool and itching around the anus? What is the cause of a bump at the back of head? Why do I have intermittent soreness on helix of my ear? How to treat severe vertigo and migraine? Is it safe to remove the wisdom teeth in a child after a mild concussion? What does a big bruise on lower back indicate? I am having an area on my thigh that dries up during the day but turns deep red after shower What causes frequent stomach pain in children? Is conception possible at the age of 39 by stopping Ginette oral contaceptive and having unprotected sex? What causes swelling on inner corners on eyebrows and cheeks and headaches? What causes nausea, Abdomen pain and cramps? What could cause convulsions with vomiting after recovering from typhies and malaria? How to cure symptoms like sensitivity to light and heat,sore ankles and swelling? Is my ulrasound report findings normal? How to treat head injury? What are the treatments for diarrhea, vomiting, shortness of breath and blurred vision? Will molly tablets stop antibiotics from working? Can day of delivery be fixed with taking betnesol injection? What causes irregularity in lipid profile? Can lubrication measures increase the chances of conceiving ? Can herbalife lemon tea be taken while being on coumadin and having varying inr level? How to reduce hair fall? What is the treatment for achalasia? Suggest treatment for cough and cold in infants How to get rid of the pimple and oily skin problem? How to get rid of pimple and oily skin problem? How can i get rid of pimples quickly? Need insight on Syndopa for Parkinsonism How long will it take to be free from wax and redness inside the ear? Any treatment other than taking steroid for Bell's Palsy ? How to heal recurring bleed post hysterectomy surgery? What could cause missed periods with HPT negative with history of having unprotected sex? What causes blurred vision? I am having an area on my thigh that dries up during the day but turns deep red after shower Face got full allergy and small bumps after using the extra virgin oil Do i have the possibility of miscarriage? Should my husband take Paternia for 3 months if his sperm count is low and I am unable to conceive ? What causes frequent crying and passing of gas in infants? Suggest treatment for tinnitus and pain while burping How can i reduce weight? What causes disorientation in the head with an ear infection? What is the meaning of the scan report? What causes headache like pressure near and above the eye areas? What does swollen breast,headache,menstrual irregularity signify? What causes tingling through out the body? What does bleeding after taking I pill indicate? Suggest treatment for irregular bowel movement and loss of sexual desire after the hysterectomy. Suggest remedy for urine incontinence after foley insertion which is perfectly in place Why am i having lump on the area where blood was drawn? What causes jaw pain after tooth filling? Could the hit on head be the cause of headache and tenderness? What does water discharge after finishing period means? Suggest treatment for prostate enlargement What does my chest x-ray report suggest? Can cardiomyopathy be caused be mold at home? Need treatment for pelvic girdle pain. Suggest treatment for pericarditis attack Does Venlafazine cause constipation or any other side effects? What does a clot on sprained ankle indicate? What causes pulsating and cramp in leg calf muscle? Suggest treatment for white discharge while urinating What causes bad odor from vagina after delivery? Child has dark stool stains in underwear Why does neck cramps happen after thyroid removal ? Could lack of sleep cause the high WBC and TSH? Suggest treatment for sore swollen breast after breast augmentation Delayed periods with bloating, gas and increased thirst What is the dosage of nuforce for chronic tinea curoris? Would the high wbc count be leukemia? What causes pain during urination? What causes pain in hands? What is the treatment for runny nose and sore throat? Is melacare dream safe to use? Gotten period twice in a month with bad cramps in lower stomach Does sinus surgery work for chronic sinus infections? How to treat diarrhea and light headed? Should I be concerned about the IUD embedded in uterus? What causes vomiting, stomach pain, constipation and bruises in legs? What causes blood spotting in thick yellow mucus with a headache? Suggest treatment for bone cyst in femur What can cause frequent urination feeling along with release of odorless gas? Should i meet doctor for neck pain and left side pain after getting hit? What does "bulky uterus with gestational sac.." indicate? What is the cause of dizziness? Suggest remedies for pain and bleeding after being fitted with non harmonal coil Suggest treatment for headache after injury Suggest tests to detect osteoporosis Is there any possibility of pregnancy? What is the cause of bleeding? Does consuming nicotine has effects on health? What can cause a pimple in the labia minora area? Is it serious to have severe headache, vomiting blood, giddiness and blurred vision all together? What causes prostate problem? Flesh color pea sized lump on gooch area like a blood blister that is sensitive to touch Can intake of Amlong 5mg tablet cause side effects like swollen legs? What causes puffy lips? What causes knee swelling with drainage? Is it safe to give painless vaccine for the baby? Strange fluttery twitch in upper abdomen Advice on medication for bipolar disease with mood swings No periods since many months with low back pain and shooting pain down right leg recently Need medication for pain in the foot What is the treatment for a swollen testicle? Suggest an effective treatment for dermatographic chronic urticaria What are the side effects of Oxerute CD tablets? Can HPT showing positive means that she is pregnant? What does my blood test report suggest? How is ASO blood test related to knee pain? White discharge from nipples with white dots on the tip What causes eye twitching? Experiencing violent shakes and trouble in breathing after taking paracetamol Will have to take bleach bath forever to cure rash on scrotum? Child has foul green tinged semi formed stools with stomach pain and high fever Is Lisinopril a good alternative to Valsartan for BP treatment? What is the treatment for frequent bowel movements? Is Montain 10 effective in treatment of breathing problem? Is there any quick detoxification of weed to eliminate in 33 week pregnant woman? What could be the reason for having itching in private parts and burning during urination after sex? Single strong beat that takes your breath for a second while heart tests are normal Can Glimepiride and Metformin be taken together? What are the treatments for erectile dysfunction? What should be done to increase the fairness of a 2 month baby? Stinging feeling while urinating after having sex and feels sore What is the treatment for itching in vagina? Suggest medication and diet for metastasized esophogical gastric adenocarcinoma Right side lung pain when I laugh or breathe deeply Indigestion, inability to gain weight, intense pain in lower back, spreads around pelvis, flatulence What causes pain in chest after eating? Is casting the best remedy for the pain due to tennis elbow? Suggest treatment for allergic bronchitis Suggest medication for hair fall What is the treatment for swelling in foot? What causes frequent urination with heavy thirst and pounding in chest/ears? What causes lumpy bruises on the body? Skin on the leg from the knee after total knee replacement gets really itchy What causes stomach rumbling, bloating, diarrhea and cramping? How long does Marijuana stay in the body? Could deanxit help to lower BP while having tachycardia? Does Warfarin affect hemoglobin levels ? What could cause a dark color pee while pregnant? What could be the reason for having pulsing vein on my foot? Could vomiting followed by pain in chest and throat indicate problem in lungs? What causes my taste to change? What causes sharper pain in the abdomen? Suggest remedy for pain in lower back and side, bloating, blood in urine with urine test showing bacteria Reappearing lumps behind the ears and on the side of the neck What causes spotting after an unprotected sex? Why is the saliva thick in the throat ? What can I do for seizures after hitting head, now with bump and pain? Is it safe to take paracetamol along with cilest? Can unprotected oral sex cause side effects like sore throat and swollen tonsil? Will taking progyluton cause abdominal pain during period? What is the treatment for fever and loose stools? What could be the reason for feeling cloudy head? Can testes problem cause symptoms like breast development, overweight? What is the reason of only one breast bud? Are these findings can be cured with medicine? What causes dizziness and drowsiness? Should i be worried as my baby is having diarrhea? Bruise right behind left lower leg before the crease is swollen and hurts to touch What causes dizziness? I had protected sex and is now experiencing itching What are the side effects of Pravachol taken once a day ? What causes vomiting, fever and low appetite? What causes numbness in ears/hands when sleeping, hard/painful ear cartilage? What causes bruising around the lips about half inch? What causes pain in the shin? What could cause sharp pain in back, change of posture in walking after a fall? What causes blood in the urine? Am I protected if I had Levlen contraceptive pill and then had loose motions ? Where does the mesh netting area tack to while doing a hysterectomy? What causes itchy rashes on inner thighs, bottom and stomach? Pain in the knee. Suggest treatment for tailbone pain and blood in poop What causes soft lump on elbow? How to teat swollen uvula? What could be the small white circles in the leg? Is slight pain in ribs associated to enlarged liver ? Suggest treatment for pain under left rib cage Should I be concerned for having shadow on pancreas in MRI? Which medication to be used to heal a puss filled wound? Suggest me treatment for chest injury with small amount of blood vomiting. How to treat asymmetric throat? What is this drug that keeps us active and alert all day and is added 2 drops in a drink ? Suggest treatment for lower back when bladder is full What causes sternal protrusion? What causes stomach pain? What caused pain in spasm in chest? Are antifreeze fumes harmful during pregnancy? What causes cramping, watery discharge and nausea with mirena? How to overcome the diarrhea and nausea during my pregnancy period? What to do for pain in thigh due to hitting? How to fix complete tear of long head of biceps tendon without surgery? What medication can I take for eye allergy or lupus as its crusty? Any worry if I took Postinor 2 after sex while I had skipped Femiplan pills ? What causes missed periods after miscarriage even after taking cycloreg? How to treat vomit? How to treat nerve pinch on shoulder? What does the large hard lump in groin area with pus and blood indicate? What causes low back pain with pinched nerve on leg? Is fast heart beats a symptom of stress? Should i be worried as i am having slight bleeding after hysterectomy? Is lactodex hmf same as Lactodex? What causes swollen half of face, tenderness near ear, bump above eyebrow? What could be the reason for having pain and soreness in my wisdom tooth? Is there chance of pregnancy even after taking I pill in 1 hour? How to treat ankle and leg injury? Suggest treatment for itching and pain inside nose Can I continue glocin gel on my pimples? Is there any possibility of pregnancy? What causes urinary leakage during sex, burning sensation during urination, dark-colored urine? What can be the treatment for skin rash? What cause a sticky material like caramel color in the lip? Could the vomiting and green watery stool indicate the symptoms of rotavirus infection? How to get rid of the chemical gadolinium from the body and causes? Any medicine to get good sleep when having 65/110 BP? Is it safe to have bleeding when there is two uterus seen in an ultrasound? How to control sex urge? Suggest me home medication for throat infection with cough as Zithrox and Levosiz didn't work. What could be the reason for experiencing pain around my belly button? Does single ingredient mucinex/ expectorant cause metallic taste in mouth? Can HIV be passed in naked body due to a massage? How does the herpes spread from person to person? Suggest me treatment for severe heart burns. Should I give eptoin for child when had seizure during IV injection? What could be the reason for having dizziness, poor vision and fading of my hearing? How long it takes to start bleeding after taking cytology 200mg? Any suggestion to conceive when suffering from PCOD? Any suggestion for suffering from bilateral poly cystic ovaries? Can monkey scratches causes rabies with fever and headaches? What causes severe pain in left ear? What causes itchy red areas between the vagina and upper thigh? Can I conceive with follicular study showing right ovary:7*7, left ovary:11*10 on 15th day? Can condom burst and one missed pill of microgynon cause pregnancy? What causes rashes and itchiness on body? Is it safe to travel in auto rickshaw during 6 months pregnancy? What causes pain while urinating? What are the steps to be followed after pregnancy confirmation? Suggest me right way to have relationship with my partner. How to heal a biopsy wound? Any suggestion to control hair fall? What causes painful bump on upper inner thigh? Is Ditide and covance- 50 right medicine for hypertension? Any suggestion for missed periods with negative pregnancy test? What is the use of sandoz norethindrone acetate tablets and what are its side effects? What does "no free fluid seen in the cul-de-sac" mean? Will meth affect the baby in pregnancy? Any suggestion for having mild leukocytosis wbc count? How to treat a right sided abdominal pain? Can Mefenamic Acid and Dicyclomine HCI tablet cause side effects like dry throat and heavy feeling? Can an overdose of paracetamol cause side effects like nausea, back pain? What could cause recurred fatty liver after being treated while having diabetes and calcium deficiency? What causes strong smelling urine? Suggest treatment for premature ejaculation Is headache caused after minor trauma a matter of concern? What causes sharp pain on the lower side of the stomach and awful smell urine? Any suggestion to reduce weight to conceive when having PCOS? Any suggestion to cure pcos problem? How long should I take valparin when suffering from seizure? What causes pain in anus after prolonged sitting? Suggest treatment for constipation What does there is opacification of the left tube without evidence of abundant peritoneal spill mean? Suggest preventive medication for allergic wheezing What causes infertility inspite of normal follicular study? Suggest treatment for dry cough and sore throat
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