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Why was I sweating with weakness and unsteady on my feet? What causes vibrating like sensation during bp check? Should i continue giving asthalin inhaler to my child? What does left kidney showing cortical cystic lesions indicate? Suggest treatment for sore throat Why i am having light and delayed periods? Does thyroid report means i need to show thyroid specialist? Why am I having bowel movement of balls of stool connected by a string? What causes unexplained bruises on inner thighs? What is the cause for weight gain? What causes green color bowel movement in an infant? What does a small bruise on shin indicate? Will fat loss supplement cause intense ringing in ear? What causes burning sensation on my face after applying lotion? How to treat for migraine, sore throat, dry cough and body ache? How fast the pregnancy test will give correct results after intercourse? What causes low WBC count and fatigue? What are the chances of pregnancy without ejaculating? Suggest treatment for lump that appears under the skin How to confirm pregnancy? What causes side stitches on left side of body? Is there any home remedy to treat ochronosis? Suggest treatment for pain in my chest and breast Does taking Disprin on an empty stomach cause diarrhea? What causes nose bleed and cough? Why the 3 month old kid is not able to move her neck and arm? What is the cause of lesion inside mouth, fever and chills? What does left pelviectasis shown in nuclear renal scan with lasix mean? What causes pain under right rib cage and down? What causes unstable condition in fetus during pregnancy? Can chronic indigestion be related to elevated bilirubin count? What are the painful bruise like red bums on my legs? What causes swelling of left eye & upper cheek? Is there any treatment for brain ischemia? What can red spots on chin denote? How can severe hair loss for a year be treated? What causes blood in bowel movement? Can bruises on shin, hip and calves be a result of stopping migraine medicine? What causes vaginal spotting and cramping during pregnancy? What causes sudden tiredness? Does masturbation or intercourse cause harmful consequences while having mild dysplasia? Suggest treatment for cold and cough What causes stomach bloating and lower abdominal pain? Can i take 'oxyelite pro' while suffering from hair loss? What are the red dry patches on my daughter's body? Suggest treatment for swelling in knee after a spider bite What is an alternative for stent surgery? Suggest treatment for UTI What causes dizziness and stomach problems? How to control diabetes and cholesterol? Can taking Epitrol and Tegrietal cause long term side effects? What does small, red spots under tongue indicate? Why does an organ inside my chest skips a beat after smoking? Does Acutret intake cause stomach infection? Does big right labia minora signify any diseases? What causes a prolonged fever with all test results negative? Is change in nature of periods normal? Is there any tablet form the same as clexane function? Is it normal to have 5 days normal menstruation and 6 days spotting? Suggest treatment for getting regular periods Why does my ear pop after swallowing? How to avoid still birth? Why am I feeling sleepy after taking Zedex cold tablet? What causes bleeding after taking contraceptive pill? Is pimples a side effect of atenol 50 intake? How can i stop frequent loose motion and bad smelly stools? Suggest treatment for acute sciatica pain in leg What causes dizziness,earache and sore on the head? Suggest methods to handle anxiety / nervousness in teens Does non penetrative sex lead to pregnancy? Is red itchy rash along with flu like symptoms a matter of concern? Could chronic migraine with pineal cyst lead to pineal germinoma? What is the best medicine for writer s cramp? How to confirm a pregnancy? What causes painful acne spots on neck? Can missed period after sex be signs of pregnancy? What do painful and swollen lumps on body indicate? Suggest treatment for a lump on the gum of a wisdom tooth How should i prevent from infection due to cut in my forehead? What does elevated colony count in my urine test indicate? Should test to detect TB be done after its treatment? Is it safe to work with patient suffering from chicken pox during pregnancy? How dangerous can be second open heart surgery? What causes sore vulva and white color on tip of the clitoris? What is the cause for loss of strength? What does red patches after dog bite indicate? What causes problems with passing stool in patients with spinal fusion ? Suggest treatment for shortness of breath, anxiety and headache What is the cause for pain in the rib cage when blowing the nose? What causes lower abdominal pain,nausea and missed period? What should i do to rid of creatinin level? Why do I feel needles poking on my nose? What causes pain in bum leading to difficulty in sitting and bowel movements? What causes severe headache, diarrhea and nose bleeding? Suggest treatment for mild cardiomegaly seen on an x-ray What causes hiccups and uneasiness in an infant? Can a child having E coli infection be breast fed? How to get rid of the pimples? How to lower SGOT and SGPT levels? Is loss of hearing a side effect of folitax intake for RA? Is a surgery essential for a fibula-spiral fracture? What causes pulsations in stomach? How to get rid of stretch marks and bruicing? Can itchy raised bumps occur due to burns? What is the cure for greenish stool motion? Is taking azithral 500 recommended during pregnancy? What cause continuous fever for one month in 3 year old? Suggest treatment for abcess in breast Suggest treatment to remove tan on neck and hands How to bring back the penis foreskin to the normal position? How safe is taking Regestron tablet for delay in periods? What are the symptoms of granular chronic pharyngitis? Can i take 'novelon' for an ovarian cyst and irregular periods? Is vaginal pain a symptom of any infection? What causes infections in sperm? Need medication for dark circles around the eyes Suggest treatment for diarrhea,vomiting and fever in a child What does wbc is 3-7 hpf, rbc 0-1 hpf, ep.cels few indicate? What causes fuzzy feeling down both sides of my face? Can Valprol dosage be reduced when the occurrence of seizures stops? Does Chymoral forte cause delayed periods? What causes irregular bowel movements? Need advice on ipill consumption. Should deviated septum surgery and pituitary tumor removal be done together? Suggest treatment for depression Why is my 22 month old screaming after bowel movement? What causes fat belly in thyroid patient inspite of working out? What causes difficulty in getting pregnant? Is it safe to climb stairs after a mild heart attach? After stopping primolut n when is the period expected? What causes rashes in my butt crack and on my anus? Suggest an immediate treatment to remove the dark spots on face Suggest treatment for asthma Suggest treatment for jaundice Need advice on continuous usage of montec lc. What causes severe back pain? Can Lipocut 60 cause loose stool? What causes pain while sitting after a bowel movement? Suggest treatment for recurring purpuric rash on body How to treat bug bites? What causes delayed periods after taking emergency contraceptive pills? What is the remedy for red ring rash around belly button? What does small disk protrusions in the cervical spine at c5-c6 indicate? Does birth control pill cause vaginal bleeding after sex? What is the name for pimple looking bumps around the vagina? What causes light spotting with delayed period? What do lumps along the hairline indicate in an infant? What cause brown lump on the arm? How to get rid of pain in both my foots? What causes asymmetrical reflexes, ankle clonus and memory variations? Could diet changes alter menstrual cycle? Is a tetanus shot required for cut caused by rusted barbed wire? What cause lump inside the tongue with sore throat? What causes red dots or pimples on the scalp? Suggest treatment for red and itchy rash on body What causes light pink discharge with delayed period? What could the lump between the breasts indicate? Can hydroxycut max for women cause bleeding on and off with blood clot? What causes pain in testicles and lower back? What is the cause of back pain, fever, sore chest, runny nose and cough? How can I prevent obsession with watching diet and calories affecting my health? Why is my son complaining of ringing in the ear? How can atrial isomerism be treated? Is strep throat linked to pityriasis rosea? Suggest treatment for high BP and extreme stress What causes a hard and painful yellow spot on upper arm? What cause pain in the wrist when moved on all direction? Can i go for horse riding after inguinal hernia surgery? Could lumbar injury also lead to leg cramps? What causes cough and a '4 cm mass' in chest x-ray? What causes pins and needles on a bug bite site? What causes recurrent fever with a bump inside throat? What causes dizziness and fever? What causes sharp persistent pain between the shoulder blades? What cause sore pimple spot on the legs? What causes persistent cough? When will the liver levels return to normal after taking an antibiotic? Whats the cause for loss of vision in patients with RA & Sjogrens syndrome? Suggest treatment for burning sensation while breathing What causes loss in sense of smell after shingles? What causes an itchy rash on inner biceps? What cause quivering in stomach,light headed and blurred vision? What causes swollen lymph nodes in my jaw/neck? What could cause pain in vertebra? Suggest treatment for typhoid in a child How to reduce cholesterol? Does hodgkin lymphoma cause complications in married life after its treatment? What is the best time to have sex? What causes white patch on the side of my tongue? What causes recurring pain on palm of the hand? Is it normal to have low hcg levels in the early weeks of pregnancy? Suggest treatment for knee pain and unable to bend knee? What is the cause of red patches on skin with high fever in an infant? What cause severe pain in the leg and ankle? Suggest treatment for a lump on the shin bone after an injury Suggest treatment for skin cancer post thumb surgery Can an alkaline diet help in treating herpes? Is it normal for stomach to bloat after undergoing compression of fractures due to osteoporosis? Why am I experiencing headaches, nausea, hot flashes and vomiting? Suggest non surgical treatment for anal fissure What cause funny feeling like hand really small in 8 year old? Why hasn't migraine medication helped with severe headaches? Suggest an effective treatment for disc desiccation and paracentral protrusion What is diffuse disc herination with prominent posterocentral component? What causes knee pain on bending? What does presence of pus cells, mucus and epithelial cells on stool exam denote? What causes loss in sense of taste after a sore throat infection? Is mild cramping normal after undergoing embryo transfer? Is presence of lymph node in groin a cause for worry? What causes fluttering in the chest? Should i take an extra pill of 'logynon' if i had diarrhea? What causes itchy rashes on arms,chest and neck after child birth? If the test for G6PD deficient came negative is it present or not? What does "overies peripheral follicles" indicate? Suggest treatment for pain due to prolapsed disc When should i discontinue susten vt inspite of trying to conceive? What are the symptoms and treatment for bronchitis? What causes absence of periods? Suggest treatment for gerd and burning sensation. Suggest medication to remove the chicken pox spots. What is the thick yellow substance on the vaginal lips? What causes clumpy vaginal discharge? What causes pimple on tongue of infant? Suggest treatment for severe hair fall Can 2 nitro cause sweaty with treated heart attack? Is the light brown discolored area on the areola a sign of cancer? What causes watery menstrual bleeding? What causes dark semen after a hernia surgery? I have red spots on my uvula I am being What cause loose stool with high white blood cells in 2 year old? Is Indocap safe for treatment of back pain? Suggest treatment for severe itching at vagina. What causes tenderness under the knee cap after recovery from bruised knee? Can Telseton,Glimulin MF,Rozavel F,Ecosprin cause black scars on lips? How to relieve pain in area of stitches after normal delivery? What causes irregular periods? What causes fever and pus in stools of a child? Need advice on medication for anxiety and depression. What cause yellowish bloody discharge during 34 weeks pregnancy? Suggest treatment for hyperpigmentation on the cheeks Can kojivit gel reduce skin darkening around the eyes? What causes light headed,back pain , gastritis & sickness? How long does typhoid remain in system and its recurrence? Is back pain and sharp abdominal pain related to Lutenyl withdrawal? What causes fever and swelling in forehead? Need treatment for irregular periods What causes mood swings and palpitations before a period? What caused sudden tightening of chest and shortness of breath? What treatment is available for Gerd? What causes swelling of epidydimis and pain in lower abdomen? How to get rid of a plaque in a vein? Suggest medication for itchy black spots on head,legs & hands Can abortion medication cause sore throat with white pus? What causes reddish urine? Can i take 'nutrigain' food and what is the dosage? What causes growth of abnormal tissues after miscarriage? Suggest an effective treatment for PCOS Is tetraysal for acne affect the fetus during pregnancy? Suggest an home remedy to cure the swelling, pain and spasming in knee Suggest treatment for acute pain in abdomen after drinking alcohol What causes intermittent pain in left hand, left side of neck and chest? Recommend exercises to improve muscle strength Is it safe to take meprate tablet on 16th day of periods? Suggest treatment for Athletes foot. What causes a low heart beat in a child after birth? What is heart beat heard in right ear when lying down? Why is the vision of a child reducing? What causes dark lips in a baby? Whatare thge uses and side effect of meprate 10 mg? Suggest treatment for slight pus in upper gums Should a bump at the back of the head be considered serious? Suggest treatment for consumption of gynaecosid tablets to terminate pregnancy What causes blood in urine of an infant? What causes swelling and pain in a mole along with pus discharge? Can fundo anterior placental position cause lack of labour pain? What causes white spots during pregnancy? What are the risks of carrying a baby inspite of having thyroid? How long should i take 'eptoin' for treating seizures? Suggest treatment for discoloration on teeth of an infant What are the side effects of UTI during pregnancy? Suggest remedy for throbbing pain jaw Is taking Dolo advisable for treatment of frequent headaches? What causes late periods inspite of having negative pregnancy test? Suggest medicines for cold & cough in pregnant woman What can i do to regenerate my body and stop chewing tobacco? What causes a lump in the throat? What causes burning sensation in cheeks with difficulty in swalloing food? What causes heart palpitations? What causes missed periods after taking Siphene? Suggest medications for loose motions What causes popping sound of knee after an injury? Whats the purpose of Oosure with regard to infertility? What is the best way to control psoriasis? Does hypothyroidism cause difficulty in getting pregnant? What is the treatment for anxiety? What causes pain in head radiating towards neck and shoulder? Suggest treatment for pain in back & tail bone What causes swelling and crunchy painful effect in arm after an injury? What could stuffed sinuses with chills suggest? Can a nose piercing cause prolonged congestion problems? Is the cholesterol level of around 300mg/dl unhealthy? What does sputum gram stain as puss & epithelial cels ++ suggest? Suggest treatment for retinal detachment Suggest remedy for mouth ulcers in infants What is the treatment for stuffy nose and headache in a child? Suggest treatment for marks left on skin due to chicken pox Suggest treatment for infertility problem in hypothyroid patient Suggest treatment for cough in an infant What causes absence of periods after taking unwanted 72? What causes heart burn after eating anything? What causes extra skin growth near the areola during pregnancy? What causes itchy rashes on body when suffering from fever? What causes severe cramping and lower back pain? What medications are suggested for crusty white scabs on scalp? What is causing lack of periods for long durations? What causes burning sensation with small bumps on tongue during pregnancy? Whats the level of cholesterol risk with CHOD-PAP 2240mg/dl? Why am i not able to lose weight with exercise? How long antibiotics take to relieve running nose, cough and sore throat? Suggest treatment for a pigmented mark on the cheek What causes pain like pulled muscle in left rib cage? What does sonography report as intrauterine single foetus suggest? What causes green mucus discharge from nose, cough and fever? What causes the stinging sensation in the penis hole? What causes red bumps on the hands,arms and neck? Suggest treatment for red bump on tongue after biting it Suggest treatment for rash like pimples on face What is the lump on the neck causing no sickness? What causes lump formation after knee surgery while bending? Suggest cause & remedy for bumps on pubic hair Should i take prep solution for colonoscopy if my stools are clear? What does low calcium levels in infants indicate? Why are areas of burn on leg turning purple? What causes beep sound coming from ear? What does lipid test as HDL 61 & Cholesterol 212 suggest? What causes weakness in legs and loss of energy? What are the frequently appearing tender lumps on the upper arm? What is the cause for disorientation? What causes missing periods? What causes swelling and itching in vagina? Can having inverted ovary cause trouble in conceiving? Suggest medicine for diarrhoea What are causes & remedy for greenish to black loose motions? What causes frequent bowel movements? What causes hickey style bruises on stomach and chest? Suggest treatment for redness on face,neck and chest What is causing blisters on top of hands mouth and throat in baby? Suggest remedy to treat diarrhea in children with milk allergy Suggest diet plans & fairness creams for a good facial skin What causes spotting with no regular menstrual flow? Is pregnancy possible after bilateral salpinectomy? What causes lower abdomen cramp with vaginal discharge? Suggest treatment for fever in a child Is follihair effective in regrowing hair which fell due to thyroid medication? What causes pain and yellow discharge from a sun burnt area? Could reynauds of hands & M.S cause purplish mottled skin? Suggest healthy diet for body growth after typhoid treatment What causes mouth sores when suffering from mononucleosis? What causes premature greying of hair? What causes my knee to tilt when wave hits my leg in opposite direction? What causes constant bruising and swelling of the knee? What causes intermittent nausea and frequent bowel movements? Suggest remedy to reduce frequent urination at night? Suggest treatment for itching and bumps on hip and elbow What does pathological report as pus cells 2-3 with muscle fibers suggest? Is there a possibility to conceive if the sperm motility is 20%? What is the rash appearing under the stomach? Suggest treatment to improve quality and quantity of sperm Would gestofit 400 and fertigyn 5000 intake during pregnancy affect the growth of fetus? What is the treatment for diabetes? Suggest dosage of regestrone Are mouth and throat swelling and white coating on tongue mouth symptoms of thrush? What are the side effects of normet tablet? Will i face any problem in having children due to masturbation? What diet is suggested during viral flu with sore throat & loose motions? What are the side effects of waxing? Suggest treatment for lower abdominal pain during pregnancy How to get rid of nasal blockage? What are the causes and treatment for opacification of right mastoid air cells? Suggest remedies for sour smelling scalp Are bleeding irritation while urinating and frequent headache side effects of abortion? What is the treatment for anxiety and stress? What are the side effects of Revlon Body building protein shampoo and its conditioner? Suggest treatment for 0.8 mm follicle on follicular study Is it possible to have normal periods after stopping ovral-1 for irreguar periods? Suggest medications for pimples on neck, under arm thigh What causes pain in left ear which intensifies while crying? Suggest methods to handle mental stress between couples for convening Can hormonal imbalance affect regular menstruation? How to get rid of skin rashes? Suggest medications for temperature in Hemiplegia patients What causes brown discharge after intercourse in pregnant woman? What are the side effects of duphaston 10mg? Suggest medications for stomach pain in patients with Diarrhea What are the causes & remedy for leakage of semen? What causes nasal drainage, and cough with green foul phlegm taste? What are the causes & treatment for allergy like swelling of nostrils? What is the treatment for arthritis? Suggest effective methods for conceiving in couples Suggest good solutions for hair fall in females with OVS Is it ok to wait for surgery of split tibia and broken ankle bones? Suggest cause and treatment for pain and swelling in right knee Would steroid intake cause any effect on baby in pregnant woman? Whats the cause for headache? Whats the cause for difficulty in passing motion? How to cure muscles reduction problem? Suggest treatment for dry skin What could cause tingling & numbness in toes? What causes bleeding from ear? Suggest remedy painful & itchy lumps Suggest treatment for autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease Is suftum 500 effective in curing fever? What causes swelling veins above crotch with lumps in legs? Suggest treatment for a sensitive area on the skin Suggest treatment for gag cough and breathing trouble due to sticky saliva in infant Suggest treatment for sore throat,stuffy head and fever What causes sizzle like sound in neck? What causes weakness in thumb and index finger? Does sharp pain in throat suggest tonsilitis? How to get pregnant while having a chlamydia infection? Suggest medications for headache What causes a thick layer on the upper lip of a child? What causes dizziness and right sided headache? Suggest remedy for rash on arm under skin Suggest treatment for safe pregnancy What is the remedy for irregular periods? Is there a cure for severe autism? What causes a sharp pain in the lower back? What causes scabs under the eyes that bleed on touch? Is dry cough with runny nose a common symptom of viral infection? How safe is taking Humira for plaque Psoriasis? What causes abdominal pain and vomiting? What causes kidney pain with red blotches on the skin? Suggest remedies for rashes on body in people with dermatitis What is the treatment for acne scars? What causes swollen itchy vagina with green discharge? Suggest treatment for a foul odor from the rectal area Did red velvet cupcakes cause stomach pains and loose stools? Are there any means to increase penis size? What causes swollen bumps on the back of the tongue? Is swollen lymph node above the collar bone a sign of HIV? What causes sticky discharge from anus? Can i get pregnant without penetrative sex? What causes chest infection during pregnancy? Whats the chance of survival in patients with pancreatic cancer? What causes pain in the lower abdomen during sex? What causes blood in sperm after sex? What causes loose motion in an infant? What does 'ligamentum flavum thickening and disc bulge' in MRI suggest? Need treatment for loose motion Is joint pain a side effect of Pyzina intake for Lungs tb? What are the symptoms for breast cancer? Is it safe to take 'metronidazole' during pregnancy? Is augmentin dds safe for baby? What could be the bump on the left shoulder? What causes change in colour in a period cycle? What causes fever, earache and swollen temples after having anbx? What causes lump above my son's inner ankle? What is the right dosage to be taken for cholesterol of 243.24? Suggest dosage of mifepristone for terminating a pregnancy What do the semen analysis findings suggest? What causes throbbing or fluttering sensation in the thigh? What could cause white spots in stool in patients with HCG drops? Can I have normal delivery with lower level of amniotic fluid? What are the side effects of corcium plus? How to treat a heat stroke in a diabetic elderly person? Can Regestron medication prevent pregnancy? What causes delayed periods and negative pregnancy test? Is it safe to take Bifilac tablet during pregnancy? What causes problem in reading in morning light? What causes dull pain on the abdomen with c-section? Suggest the significance of Musli power extract for conceiving How to treat pain in dorsal spine due to osteoarthrosis? What is the treatment available for bilateral sacrolitis? What is the treatment of burning sensation in urine ? How long should i take strocit 500 in case of a stroke? Suggest treatment for irritation in vaginal area Noticed a thin piece of skin on shaft of penis that bleeds during masturbation What are the side effects of cortisone injection to relieve L4 nerve pain ? What causes spotting after 2 hours of taking contraceptive pill? Need treatment for cyst on the buttocks with pain How to increase ejaculation time? Is there a remedy to reduce discomfort during pregnancy? What causes a permanent hot and red face? Should I take glycomet during pregnancy? Is cramps a side effect of Deviry intake? Can clitoral stimulation be controlled? Need treatment for cough with a history of viral infection How to treat HIV in 2 years old boy ? Suggest remedy for gastric problem What causes premature ejaculation and erection problems? What causes tiredness along with delayed periods? What could be the purple patches in my mouth? Suggest treatment for cough and runny nose in a child Suggest treatment for swollen lymph node in case of PTB Suggest medicines for high altitude travelling with diabetes Can salpingectomy cause lower abdomen pain? What causes light bruise around the mole in shin? How can stitch marks on the face be removed? What causes itchy, painful, small pimples on all over body? Suggest treatment for fever and smelly vaginal discharge Noticed dark brown discharge during periods What causes swollen bruise on inner bicep? Can all body parts be donated for medical research? Suggest diet to increase sperm mobility Suggest medications for pain and inflammation post wisdom tooth extraction Which is a good biotin tablet for thick hair growth, nails and skin? What could the doctor's suggestion about fetal position suggest? Suggest medication for swelling and bruising of nose after injury. What causes chest pain during pregnancy? Suggest treatment for Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Suggest methods of treatment for abortion Could large, painful blister on bottom lip be related to shingles? What causes red spots on the fore arm? Is medication helpful in treating poor heart function? What causes foamy white mucus in vomit with shortness of breath? Suggest treatment for conceiving What does my urinalysis test report suggest? What are causes crunch like pain in stomach with smelly gas? Will i get my period in 'althea-free' days? What is the treatment of itchiness in anus ? What causes heavy bleeding and abdominal cramps? What causes itchy red bumps on the armpits, knees and groin? Is asymmetrical tonsil normal? What causes terrible headache and throbbing in ears? What causes lump in neck with chest pain & flu? What is the remedy for dizziness and headache caused by a fall? What could cause QRS contour abnormality in EKG? What causes a delayed period and oily substance in urine? How to treat hyperpigmentation on both cheeks? What are causes & remedy for red dry & scaly bump? What are the symptoms of cancer ? Can drug interaction with antidepressant cause itchy and painful brain? What causes stomach pain and chills after hitting on the belly? How to treat dry skin and streaks of thin, linear scabs on legs? What are causes & remedy for swelling in tonsil? What are the symptoms for PCOS? What causes a seizure while undergoing an eye check up? What causes greenish or chalky stools? Suggest treatment for cough,breathlessness and wheezing What is the remedy for pancreatic tumor and jaundice? Can no treatment for a fracture damage it more? Is pregnancy possible after having sex after ovulation time? Is there a corelation between the tooth pulling and vertigo? Is Ichthyosis and Dyshidrotic Eczema a genetic abnormality? What is the suggested dosage of losartin? What causes severe pain in ear while facing down and sore throat? Does hyperthyroidism cause an increase in dental cavities? Suggest treatment for sore throat and bumps on the tongue Suggest treatment for lichen planus pigmentosus Suggest treatment for confusion and poor concentration What is the treatment for disc bulge? Why is my period not stopping even after 8 days? Experiencing greenish yellow discharge, cramps & suffer from PCOS Suggest treatment for sore throat and stomach ache Suggest treatment for ischemic heart disease What causes tail bone pain and back pain during pregnancy? Does maxepa and mega3-2 has same ingredients for psoriasis? How to cure burning sensation with bleeding after using hair removal cream ? What causes red itchy dry skin of foot that cracks? What cause very itchy skin rash spread from thigh to hands and legs? What causes fluttery feeling of heart after alcohol consumption? What causes cold hands and feet? Suggest medication for hematoma of upper lips after injury. How to treat discoloration on toe due to ballet dancing on pointe? What causes brown spot on head of penis? What causes awful smell of stools inspite of having baby formula? What causes heavy periods with dark blood clots? Does decdan and practin for weight gain have any side effects? Is joint pain while taking combutol and R cinex for TB be due to medication? What causes a bruise on the thigh with a hard lump? After having an unsafe sex experiencing dizziness,headache & hot flashes Suggest treatment for vaginal irritation during pregnancy What causes pain around waste after injury? What causes hemorrhagic right ovarian cyst? What causes frequent yellowish granular stool? Can adenoid and tonsil surgery cause liquid to pour out of nose while drinking? Is lower abdomen cramp with spotting normal in early pregnancy? What are the side effects of misoprostol 600 mg? What is the treatment for hair loss? What is the treatment of pcod ? Suggest treatment for pimples and blackheads What are the treatment and symptoms of herpes? How long it takes for nasal tissue to heal from radiation? What causes dizziness, nausea and stomach cramps? Suggest treatment for a pus filled pimple on the nose Feeling sick & tenderness of breast what it could be? What is the treatment for loose motion in a baby? Suggest ways to get pregnant inspite of being over weight What are the symptoms of pregnancy? How to cure blisters on fingers,toes,lower leg & inner wall of vagina? Can i take 'olmesartan' for controlling blood pressure? What causes painful urination after circumcision? What is melanin reducing treatment? What causes outbursts of laughter in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy patient? What causes sore throat, body ache, cough and tiredness? What causes stomach pain and frequent bowel movements? What causes nose bleeding?? What causes numbness on tongue after a wrist surgery? Can i fly with a collapsed artery going to inner ear? How to rid of hypertension? What is the treatment for cough and lung infection? Can non penetrative sex lead to pregnancy? What causes body tremors while sleeping in a heart patient? Suggest treatment for recurrent cough What does bilateral prominent renal pelvis in pregnancy indicate? What are the side effects of taking laxopeg satchets? Does laproscopy puncture of cysts affect fertility in future? Suggest weight loss supplement to lose weight Am I suffering from polycythemia? Is feeding buffalo milk is better than breast milk for a 3month old? What causes pain and swelling in clitoral hood? What causes testicular pain during an orgasm? Does Thyroxine have any side effects? What causes black marks on the corner of my lips? Suggest treatment for diarrhea after eating spicy food Suggest treatment for tight foreskin of penis What are the side effects of taking valparin? What are the home remedies for ulcerative colitis? Suggest treatment for inferiority complex and mood swings Suggest treatment for weight loss Why has obimet been prescribed for non diabetic having irregular periods? Suggest treatment for stiff joints in neck and shoulders What causes loose motions? What causes head pain, dizziness and gas problem? Suggest treatment for pimples and dark spots on the skin How to get rid of tanned and rough skin? Please suggest a remedy for pimples and dark facial spots How to treat water retention problem? What cause tight feeling with pain in right abdomen area? What is the prescription for getting milk on breast ? Suggest treatment and proper diet for typhoid and malaria What treatment is suggested for testicular atropy? What causes painful red nipple after increasing HRT patches? What causes red/purple spot on the arm? What causes swollen and painful glands under mouth? What causes red painful skin of feet after peeling off? How to cure a small keloid located on the hood of the clitoris? What causes painful nodule on neck with fever? Will TSH of 4.5 cause harm to baby and will this affect normal delivery? Suggest remedy for hand print bruise on belly of 6 weeks old. What are the symptoms of jaundice ? What causes pain around kidney area? What causes dark red color periods? What causes reoccuring of hard scab on the butt? What causes red painful gums and difficulty swallowing? Suggest treatment for bilateral renal calculi in kidney Suggest medicine for loose motion Suggest dosage of ondem and enterogermina for vomiting of 2 year old Experiencing chest pain & palpitations Suggest treatment for polycystic ovaries Need medication for redness & burning sensation on the inner vulva area What is the prognosis for Staph Aureus infection in a dialysis patient? What causes constant burping? Can i take misoprosto 200 to get periods? What causes dry red bumps on the back and stomach? What causes chilling and body pains after a sudden carb intake? What causes small amount of blood in urine? What could a wierd (a bursting balloon) sensation in abdomen indicate? What is the treatment of loose motion in children ? Do loose pale yellow stools mean body fighting stomach flu infection? Suggest treatment for foot ulcers due to sensory neuropathy What causes swelling and pain in my labia majora? How to treat pain in the ankle? Suggest treatment for delay in periods What causes bruise and lump on calf? Should I take medicines for albumin trace in urine? Are massive vaginal lips signs of some disease? What causes dark hyperpigmentation in genital area? Would liposuction cause swelling & redness on cheeks? What causes pain in the back of my head? What causes a spot between my eyes? What cause brown discharge during pregnancy after injury? Why is my acne getting worse when i am on accutane? What does red bump on finger indicate? What causes lump under the jaw? What causes pulsating pain on eyebrow? What causes light headed, nausea , gurgling of stomach? What causes lightheadedness, dizziness and fainting? What causes feeling of beating in stomach? How to treat knee injury? What causes vomiting and headache after taking solpadol? Suggest treatments for headache and migraines What causes swollen lymph node on neck? Is it safe to take Fluclxacillin for swelling & pain caused due to wisdom tooth? While suffering from pneumonia, what do the test findings suggest? Suggest treatment for pimples on arms What makes my discharge look and smell like male sperm? What causes pain and fishy smell coming from ear of a 4 year old? What causes sneezing feeling with watery eyes and nostril leakage? Does sexual intercourse cause frequent urination sensation? Suggest treatment to regularize my periods for conceiving How to get rid of excess skin on my anus? What cause tight chest pain and long breath as smokes 10-15 cig? What causes bloating and tightness in stomach after trying autofellatio? Suggest treatment for hard bowel movement of a 14 month baby What is the treatment for pityriasis rosea What does this urinalysis test for an infection indicate? Suggest treatment for hyperpigmentation When should I take diflucan pills, if I am on penicillin? Is low sugar level alright during pregnancy? What is the treatment for hot flashes and sleeping disorder? What does pinch feeling in back indicate? What is the life expectancy of a person suffering from CMML 2 cancer? Suggest treatment for sore and swollen leg What causes tiredness and sleepiness? What causes swelling and itchiness where blood was drawn? Can next choice cause delayed periods and negative test in UPT? What could be the cause of fever and body pain? What are the uses and side effects of HCQS? What causes cough and cold in babies? What causes white vaginal discharge with tissue after an abortion? What causes fever, headache, dizziness and nausea? How to treat hair loss in a diabetic female? Suggest treatment for swollen shoulder and tingling in arm What causes itching after drinking beverage while having spongiotic dermatitis? Can skipping contraceptive pills lead to pregnancy? What could be the white stuffs in my urine? Should I continue with concor cor for hypertension feeling dizzy? What are the side effects of energy pills on pregnancy? Why isn't egg rupturing and what should be done? Is papular, itchy, red lesions related to gallbladder? What does tender lymph node under armpit indicate? What is the treatment for peptic ulcer? Suggest treatment for bone inflammation What causes pain in leg muscles? Could increased heart rate and chest tightness be due to sore throat? Suggest treatment for having enterococcus faecalis in urine Can tough piece of string out of my sons bottom be undigested food? What causes heavy bleeding during periods? What are the best conditions for conceiving? What are the symptoms and treatment for Pneumonia? What causes crippling fatigue? What causes vaginal bleeding after intercourse when on birth control? What do the Liver function test, SGPT and SGOT levels, suggest? How to control emotions? What causes missing periods, spotting and urge to vomit? What causes delay in period? How to treat tb? What is the treatment for rheumatoid arthritis? Suggest treatment for swelling pain in lower back Suggest medicine to lower my triglyceride level Does libotryp help to reduce pain in lower back/shoulder/arms? Are frequent bowel movements and pain in legs normal during pregnancy? What causes a positive pregnancy test after suction evacuation? Is loprin safe during pregnancy? What are side effects of eptoin? What could be the cause and treatment of increase in sgpt level? Suggest treatment for painful feet after an injury What causes severe back pain? Suggest fruits to be taken when having type 1 diabetes What causes patch of itchy, dry skin on waistline? Suggest treatment for irregular periods What could pain, swelling and bruising of shin following an injury indicate? How to get a flat tummy? What are the side effects of formula milk? What are the consequences arising out of overdose of Rentil medicine? Could a cyst be the cause of my irregular period? What causes pulse rate of 93 after working at gym? Why does Brozedex cause body shakes? What are the side effects of syscan? Is spotting between the cycle sign for cancer? What causes white mucus in the eyes? Suggest treatments for regular bowel movements and bloating What causes late periods followed by light spotting? Does paxil intake cause dizziness, diarrhea, anxious and blurred vision? What causes a hard lump on the shoulder? What causes pain at the back of head and blurry vision? What is diverticulitis? Suggest treatment for mouth sore and ulcer What causes a lump on the back? What causes throat pain? What cause painful lumps on the back and neck? How to treat TB stone in neck? What could be the cause of short term memory loss? What causes hot flashes and sweating? Experiencing pain & cracking of knee What causes epidermoid cyst? What causes swelling and heaviness in knee/ankle? What causes itchiness in bottom of feet? Is there any way to judge increase in iron content in blood apart from lab tests? What causes rashes after having a black henna tattoo? What could be the tiny white, stringy thing around her anus area? What causes swollen glands on one side of throat? What causes green yellow ring around right elbow? How to treat cough of 2.4 year old kid? What causes involuntary movement of the lips? What causes tingling on face,arm and leg when suffering from osteoarthritis? What are the after effects of ganglion removal surgery? What causes redness and puffiness of eyes? What causes delay in periods when on birth control? What causes painful and swollen joint on pinky finger? How to get rid of wrinkle problem? What causes pain in groin and left leg? Suggest treatment for painful pimple at base of frenulum What causes arythmies and heartaches? What causes blurry eyesight? What causes numbness in arm and one side of face? Suggest treatment for iridocyclitis in the eye What causes dent and redness under frenulum? Can an adult contract Infectious mononucleosis? How to diagnose it? How long is painkiller and antibiotics with buscopan needed after surgery? What causes pounding headache in my forehead? What causes abdominal pain after intercourse? How long ripped frenulum takes to heal? What causes red rashes on upper back, shoulders and neck? What are the side effects of postinor? Suggest treatment for severe coughing of a 11 year old Could bumps on tongue indicate cancer? Suggest treatment for infertility What causes dry eyes after using Splenda? What causes frequent fever, cold and cough in a child? Can I take Diamicron with Insulin? Is skipping unsafe for women? What causes TFCC injuries on the wrist? What causes red rash on both hands? Suggest treatment for keloid scarring after laparoscopy during pregnancy What does squishy bump on head indicate? What could cause pricking pain in chest? How long would it take the skin to heal after L4/L5 clean-up? What causes bronchitis and sinusitis? Is taking Alphadopa safe during pregnancy? Does red patches beside wisdom tooth indicate cancer? What fasting blood test readings are withing range? What causes brown discharge, heavy bleeding, clots and stomach cramps? Suggest treatment for heavy and irregular periods What causes quivering lower lip? What causes blotchy skin in a child? What causes shaky hands? Why is flagyl given and for what condition? Does decolgen intake cause cough and weakness? Suggest treatment for hypertension and burning sensation in feet Suggest remedy for drowsiness 4 days after treatment of spticemia Is follicle in the ovary dangerous? How to improve sex drive? What causes diarrhea and gas post tonsil removal? Suggest treatment for bruised knee Is there any chance of increasing follicle? What causes pain in jaw joint and ears? Does less bleeding prevent conception? What does red spots on gum indicate? Suggest procedure to increase endometrial thickness What does this urine test results indicate? Suggest treatment for neck, right shoulder and head pain What causes vomiting sensation when I eat? Experiencing pain in the lower jaw & noticed a white spot on wisdom tooth What causes itchiness in palms, upper neck and ears? Is it safe to take regular medication and amway nutrilite for diabetics? What is the ideal diet for a child suffering from fever and loose stools? What could cause chronic hiccups after undergoing CABG surgery? What causes a foul smelling urine? Suggest treatment for increasing sperm count motility Is it normal for dizziness after an attack of diarrhea? Suggest treatment for controlling high blood pressure How to treat irregular periods, hormonal imbalance and constant back pain? Is it safe to drink alcohol while on medication for piles? What causes delayed periods with negative pregnancy tests? What is the cause for rapid heart beats? Can change in the treatment for mdp-m cause sleep disturbance? Is Cheston cold medication able to cure cough and watery nose? Suggest medicine for treating acidity With Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia (CML), how to prevent nosebleed and maintain platelet count? Can i grow taller with kyphosis in backbone? What is the remedy for blisters on either side of the vagina? What is the cause for pain in the heart? Can daily masturbation be harmful? What causes a little gland under the back teeth? What are the symptoms of influenza A? Can Naprosyn cure gum irritation along with pain and swelling? What causes pain and swelling in knee? Is it safe to take Soframycin ear drops during pregnancy? What cause random white spots on stomach and back? Will 'flucloxacillin' help in treating anal discharge? Can glimulin 1 and Pioglar 15 medications cause weight loss? Suggest medication for scratches on hand and its scar after accident. What are the side effects of zotreem extra capsule? Suggest aloevera sunscreen lotion for sensitive skin Is Melacare cream a safe option for skin application? Suggest treatment for swelling in knee after a fall What causes discolouration of the tongue? What can i do for a loose loop around baby's neck? At what point is a high pulse rate high enough to go to the ER? What could cause chest pain, especially when burping, also have hypertension? Suggest treatment for itching on the back after a sunburn What cause no erection in the penis after masturbating daily? What is the remedy for cold with cough and vomiting? Suggest alternate treatment for nose bone without surgery What causes a delayed period with negative pregnancy test? Can high level of microalbuminuria cause problem to kidneys? Is beer harmful to body inspite of having IBS and fatty liver? Will Ecosprin and Folinext medication help conceive? What causes blood in urine post colonoscopy? What causes swelling and clicking sensation in throat? What cause diarrhea in twin brothers? What causes itching all over body inspite of using medications? What causes joint pains and elevated ESR levels? Is it safe to take ova mit for multicystic during pregnancy? What causes severe rectal pain? What could heavy white discharge and blood filled bump on labia indicate? Does preterax cause infertility in a woman? Are there any chances of pregnancy with krimson35? What cause white particle on penis and its treatment? How many doses of herceptin does one need to take for breast cancer? Is Folwise and Folgel has same ingredients to plan baby? What are the symptoms of HIV? What does infection in blood and pus cells in urine indicate? What is the cure for slow mental and physical growth? Suggest a remedy for dryness and itchy sensation in the eyes. What causes episodes of pass outs, nausea and weakness? Suggest treatment for tiredness,confusion and eyesight problems Suggest treatment for scar after rugburn of the hard floor. What causes sweating, nausea, muscle ache and sore throat? Suggest treatment for high blood pressure and headache Is it safe to stay in a location 7200 feet after a craniotomy? What causes fluttering sensation in the stomach after using a treadmill? What could cause itching (face and limbs) on high sugar intake? What causes pain and bump in the neck? What causes hard painless bump on forehead? Suggest supplements to increase weight by 5 to 7 kgs. What causes purple stain on each of the big toes? What could low WBC count and false HIV positive following pneumonia indicate? Can i use waist trimmer belt inspite of having depression? What cause tonsil ingrowth and its treatment? Suggest treatment for a thick wall bladder What causes itchy toe on right foot? What cause hard skin inside the nose which looks like hard zit? What causes shortness of breath and sweating? What causes night sweats and lack of sleep during a menopause? How to treat bad skin infection? What causes enlarged heart? How to get a wart removed, wart removal creams have had no effect? What causes chest congestion, sickness and cold? Can pregnancy immediately after the miscarriage cause any problem? What causes chest pain? What causes popping sound of left knee every time i stand? What causes dark pigmentation on my collar bone area? What causes multiple muscles spasms on the left side of chest? What cause white dot which is increasing underside of penis? What causes a growth near the ear drum? What are the side effects of varicocele? Suggest treatment for nausea after an antibiotic treatment for sinus Suggest treatment for irregular period Suggest treatment for discoloration of the skin Why do I get headache when I stop drinking coffee? How to reduce weight inspite of being an asthmatic patient? Suggest treatment for stomach pain and vomiting How safe is Otosporin ear drops when having a perforated eardrum? What causes a vibration sensation above the penis? Is there any relation between constipation and pvc's? What causes bleeding from the ear? Suggest treatment for squint eyes Can prolonged backpacking with heavy load cause Hiatal Hernia? What cause swollen and fatty lumps on the balls and penis to 2 year old? What causes a delayed period with abdominal cramps? Being a male, why is my body built up like a female? What causes itching and peeling off of penis foreskin? What are the side effect of cycloreg tablet? What causes pain in back and shoulders after a sunburn? What causes lack of erection in penis? What causes vaginal bleeding after contraceptive implant removal? How to use the Acne lotion, Lacticare, and how effective is it? What is the cause for numbness with tingling of arms and legs? What causes a pea sized bump on the head? What causes low platelets, high BP and fatigue during pregnancy? What causes high blood pressure? What cause green discharge during 11 weeks pregnancy? What do bald patches on chin indicate? What is the treatment for bone tuberculosis? What does a red spot on the inner lower lip indicate? Suggest treatment for severe constipation in pregnancy What cause fatigue and cramping after injury and cyst in ovary? What causes string mucus-wrapped stools after gall bladder surgery? What supplements for sickle-cell anemia can ensure a healthier life? Suggest treatment for back pain What causes a hard infected bump on back indicate? Can melasma medication dependency be suspended? What medicine should I take for high liver enzyme? Suggest treatment for lower back ache due to compressed vertebrae Did accident cause terrible acid reflux and diarrhea? What causes pain around right ear with tooth growing at one side? What is the treatment for swollen ankles? What cause nose bleeds during summer? What causes low sex drive? Is fibroadenosis, another differential for greenish discharge? Can Solupred 20mg medication help cure sarcoidosis? How to make breast milk more nutritious for underweight child? Suggest treatment for Hypoplatic vermis with mega cisterna magna What do these bilirubin levels regarding jaundice indicate? Suggest treatment for acidity and gastric problem Can protons pump inhibitor cause chronic gastritis? Suggest medication for terminating a pregnancy Will the ear pressure subside on its own? Is diva-250 safe to use continuously for migraines? Suggest treatment for bulgy stomach inspite of taking medicines Suggest treatment for indigestion and gas formation What does bilirubin level of 1.2 indicate? What cause high level of sgot 192 and sgpt 334? Suggest dosage of omlezest and fibator inspite of having normal triglyceride levels and BP What causes decrease in TSH level? Suggest medicine to stop spotting during pregnancy
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