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Are muscle cramps in the left ribs symptoms of heart attack? Chances of pregnancy having the tubes tied and having white discharge? Suggest me cause and treatment for lightheaded, leg swelling and fast heartbeats. Is it safe to have homebirth with brachycephaly? Can liquid from nipple and nausea symptoms for pregnancy as test is negative? Is abortion successful after taking cytotec with pinkish discharge? What is the treatment for eye pain? What is the cause and treatment for sore near the wisdom extraction? What is the cause and treatment for lump in the center of chest? What is the cause of mild tremors in the hand? How long will swelling in hand remain after surgery for fracture? Solution for back pain with history of back injury Suggest me cause and treatment for rashes in between fingers and wrist. Suggest treatment for vaginal pain and white discharge? What are the symptoms of pregnancy? Cause of painful lump near upper thigh? Suggest me treatment for chest pains due to coughing. What is the treatment for melasma? What is the medication for boil on my body? What is the treatment for a lump on labia minora? What is the cause of weakness? What is the cause of difficulty in breathing? What is the cause of a lump on the mons pubis and vaginal discharge? Will sexual intercourse hurt if foreskin does not slide back? What is the cause and treatment for lump and left abdominal pain? What does my blood test report suggest? Will the medication affect my chances of getting pregnant? What is the cause of a facial rash? What is the cause of prolonged bleeding after taking Rigevidon? What is the condition of pregnancy with single live intranterive fetus in breech presentation scan report? What should i do as the medicine accidentally went to my baby's eyes? What is the cause of breathlessness? What treatment will help recover quickly from paralysis? What causes hair growth on the face? What should i do as i am not getting periods after stopping medicine? Suggest me for what aliment entecavir tablets is given. What is the cause of stomach pain and redness after childbirth? What is the treatment for chest pain? What is the cause of stomach pains, chest pains, headaches and numbness in face and lips? Suggest me medication to remove white hair from beard. Need medication for itchy rashes on vagina due to hair removal creame Can I take regestron in order to regularise period? Is it good to give lactogen to my baby? Is Lipisafe good to take for stomach pain and constipation? What could be the possible diagnosis? What is the treatment for painful urination? What is the cause of pinkish bleeding? What is the cause and treatment for knee pain with crackling sound? Experiencing pain on the left side of the penis What could be the reason for having pain in my back? Is there any harm in taking Human Mixtard again? Suggest diet for sgpt 95 and sgot 74. Could headaches and missed period while suffering from wheezing be a sign of thyroid issue? How to recover early form thyroid problem? Will Susten help me get pregnant? What does my semen analysis report suggest? Is Meprate required for irregular cycles due to PCOS? Can high blood pressure 140/95 lead to pain in shoulders and neck? Suffering from pain on thighs and joints Can we give coriminic qr syrup for 4 months old baby? What are the do's and don'ts for hyperthyroidism? Am i non reactive for HBs Ag? What is the cause of unexplained black eye? Suggestion for bleeding and pain despite taking medicine? Can headaches, abdominal and back cramps be caused due to pregnancy inspite of having tubes tied? What is the cause of swollen bottom lip and yellow pus? What causes headache and nausea? Could gas be a result of excessive beer intake? Is liver cancer curable? Is black bleeding after stopping birth control pill normal? Is surgery needed for hydronephrosis? What is the recommended diet during pregnancy? Can Vaniza Gel with mederma help get rid of scar on stomach? What is the cause of pain in finger and loss of grip? Why my penis is not going inside smoothly during intercourse after a surgery? Can I use silverex to treat burn in hip area? Suggestions for gentle sexual intercourse What is the treatment for pain in tail bone? Can Nexito and Frisium be taken for headache and anxiety? Does amway have any disadvantages on my skin in future? How far is asthalin and relent is advisable for 2 year old? How can i terminate the pregnancy? What is the cause and treatment for white flakes between thigh and genitals? Should Nordette dosage be repeated for more effectiveness? Should i be worried as my son is having nose bleeds after hitting? Suggest treatment for addiction to drinking and smoking What is the treatment for swelling at the anus? What is the cause of random fever and body pain? Can condoms cause dryness and burns on penis? Suggestion for child's flat feet Suggest me cause stiffness in back as no numbness or pain in the leg. Is it safe to use calamine lotion for child's eczema? My daughter is having difficulty in passing stool and what is the solution for this? What is the treatment for headache? Suggestion for quick ejaculation and loss of erection Is there a chance of missed abortion? Suggestion for treatment of headache and dizziness How to get rid of the black spots on my forearm? Is ruptured follicle a good sign for conceiving? Solution for difficulty achieving erection Is it normal to have headache post injury in temple area of my head? What is the treatment for an ulcer on the tongue? After 13 weeks of unprotected sex test are negative for anti HIV is it right or should I repeat? Is headache, shoulder pain, neck pain a sign of hidden disease? How to overcome my sneezing problem? Is it okay to switch to NAN1 if breast milk reduces? What is the meaning of effusion at the top of the lung? What is the cause of chest pain, nose bleed, headache? Is it difficult to conceive, if husband and wife have same blood group? What is the cause of chest tightness and abdominal tightness? What is the treatment for an ovarian cyst? How long after medical abortion should I not have sex? What does my liver analysis mean? Is lower lip redness a sign of stomach ulcer? What is the treatment for red spots on the penis? What causes tremors in the fingers? What is the cause of dizziness and blurred vision? What is the treatment for headache and cough? How to get rid of the pain in my anus? What dosage of Thyronorm should be taken for hypothyroidism? Suggest remedy for ankle pain despite taking Nurokind What causes 2 red painful patches on roof of mount & bump on tongue? What is the treatment for a mole like spot on the chest? Is abdominal pain due to ovarian cyst? What is the treatment for an ankle swelling? What is the treatment for abdominal pain? What is the treatment for dizziness and high blood pressure? What is the cause of green vaginal discharge? Is stringy mucus discharge with blood due to pregnancy? How to relieve frequent sore throats? What is the cause of memory problems? What could be the reason for having stomach pain and nausea? What is the treatment for itching? Why did a bump on the head post injury look like an infection? Is nose bleeding normal after injury to back of head? Cause of gum pain behind bottom teeth? What is the treatment for swelling in the leg? Finding itching sensation on teeth after eating What is the cause of bleeding through mouth and nose after death? What is the treatment for back pain? What are typical symptoms of pregnancy after stoppage of birth control? Suggest treatment for irregular periods Why was my ear bleeding after cleaning it with a q tip? Is motrin and tylenol recommended for fever and cough for children? What is the treatment for hyperpigmentation? What are the small patches on one side of my chest? Suggest treatment for pimples on face and underdeveloped breasts What do knots with pain in rheumatoid arthritis indicate? What are the chances of a normal delivery after a c-section? Suggest treatment for child's congestion and running nose Is swelling in leg a normal side effect for kidney stone people? What is the cause of groin pain after doing splits? What is the treatment for abdominal pain? What is the treatment for chest pain? What is the treatment for delayed periods? Should i be worried about the stomach cramps? What causes fluid coming from the arm without a wound? How to confirm pregnancy with pregnancy test? What causes loss of taste? What do cramps without bleeding indicate with history of miscarriage? What causes bumps like white heads on face oozing plasma? What is the treatment for cough? What is the treatment for black stools? What does red bump on throat indicate? What does hard bump on thumb without injury indicate? What caused a small bump in my arm pit? What is the treatment for pregnancy symptoms? What is the cause of knee pain? What causes immobility on left hand with heart ailment and diabetes? What is the treatment for anxiety? Does laproscopic surgery for endometriosis and cyst aspiration delay periods? Does abortion cause yeast infection and vaginitis? What do swollen painful red bumps on arms indicate? Which medicine is recommended for prolonged cold? What is the treatment for headache? Does pain/numbness after fall indicate spinal injury? What does prolonged sore throat and dark urine indicate? What does purple piped out blood vessel on labia during pregnancy indicate? How to interpret lab results? How to get rid of painful shallow holes on palms? Why do I have brownish, red spots on my feet? What is the treatment for sore upper lip? How to induce irregular periods in sexually active individual? How to stop rectal bleeding with history of ulcerative colitis? What causes severe constipation, blood in stool when having hemorrhoids and diverticulitis? What could be the cause of a red streak on the skin? What does red itchy stinging rash that causes chills indicate? Why is my child passing smelly gas? Why do I have itching around the penis? What is the treatment for neck swelling? What is the treatment for loose motions? Is BP 120/65 a cause for concern in heart patient with stent fitment? How to treat swelling and bruising of my head post injury? What causes very large blood clots with mucus after urinating? What causes bruised feeling all over after drinking the beer? What is the cause of body tremors? Is it possible to have a miscarriage without a lot of pain? What causes elevated temperature, sensitivity in trachea/upper chest after treated with flu/bronchitis? Why is my friend getting swollen lines on his arms, legs, and back? What is the treatment for blunt trauma injury? Are generic medications bioequivalent to trade name medications ? How can I treat cracked labia? What is the cause of drowsiness? What is the treatment for bumps in the groin area? What is the treatment for a bruise in the cervical spine? Can advil be given to an elderly male for cold and cough? Can use of famotidine cause increase in blood glucose levels? What is the treatment for lack of an erection? What is the soft protruding lump below my knee cap? What is the treatment for sore throat? What could cause itchy patch below the lips? What are the boil like bumps on the outer side of my vagina? What is the treatment for swelling in the gum? Why do I have sharp pains in my lower back, under the rib cage? What is the cause of a mole on the side of head? What is the treatment for dizziness and tremors? Noticed a sharp pain on the left breast Suggest medication for delay in periods What is the cause of blood in the spit? Is low amniotic fluid dangerous during pregnancy? What is the treatment for trigeminal neuralgia? Does primolut lead to irregular periods? What is the cause of abdominal tightness? Does the masturbation lead to weight loss? What are the chances of pregnancy after taking the tablets? What would happen on delay in taking Levlen ed after unprotected sex? What are the chances of pregnancy after taking the tablets? What does no sperm during ejaculation mean? Is vegetarian diet advised when function for one kidney is lost? Need treatment for pressure and fullness in the abdomen with UTI. How to interpret blood results for 4 month old with 2 pyloromyotomies? What is the treatment for a dark spot on the calf? What causes itchiness in vaginal area after oral sex? What causes stomach pain at the top of the belly while eating and going to toilet? Why is my semen quantity less? Why I don't get orgasm? How to relieve burning sensation and numbness in hand? How to get rid of a week old diaper rash? What causes irritation and itching in genital area? What is the cause of an indentation in the arm? What causes pressure on lower back, urge to urinate, pain in groin with BP? What causes itchy hives all over the body? Why am I feeling lightheaded and dizzy? What are chances of normal delivery when cervix is effaced? Does ciprodex cause hearing and numbness issues? What causes diarrhea after having oral sex? What causes lack of ovulation after having cortisone during menstrual cycle? Any suggestion for having extra skin covering anus? How to make my skin glow and reduce bags under my eyes? What is the treatment for scars? What causes rash without itchiness after total knee replacements? Can zinconia Syrup, be give to a child for loose motions? Is it normal to insert 3 tablets in my vagina? Will D&C cause too much bleeding? Having unprotected sex, why are my periods delayed? Is use of OxyElite Pro recommended? Experiencing a sudden tingling sensation in vagina What is the cause of stomach cramps? How to relieve pain with sore muscles in right leg? Should I be concerned about the lack of corpus luteum post IUI? What is the treatment for skin rash? Why do I feel dizzy when I am hungry? What is the treatment for cough? Does implanon causes stomach pain and irregular period? Suggest treatment for blood in the stool, bruise on the back and internal pain after falling down. Can ragi be consumed by kidney stone patient? What causes pain in legs/neck, hot/cold flushes, headache, bowel movement change? What is the treatment for stomach pain and loose motions? What does round circles on arms after chemo session indicate? Suggest remedies for bumps after unprotected sex How to treat abdominal pain? Is the feeling of bloating and nausea due to the intake of a birth control pill? What causes cramps in the calf? Will change in TSH level have any effect on the foetus? What is the cause of lower abdominal pain? What is the treatment for hair loss? How to treat throat infection, diarrhea and fever in a child? Why do I have pain at the gall bladder operation site? What is the treatment for sore throat and fever? What is the treatment for slurred speech and dizziness? How can i stop the bleeding? Why is my daughters stomach bloated? What is the cause for terrible knee pain? How can I grow taller? Need treatment for pus coming out from lower gum Why is the right side of my stomach swollen? What is the treatment for scoliosis? What is the treatment for numbness in the fingers? What is the treatment for skin darkening? Can a catheter be used if the urethra is completely detached? Suffering from extreme stomach & abdominal pain Should i be worried about the brain injuries? What causes swelling and itchy sore rash on legs with history of scabies? What is the treatment for vaginal discharge? Why do I have itching in the inner side of face after sneezing? What is the treatment for vaginal discharge? Is inflammation of taste buds and black dots on tongue related to some infection? What is the cause of discomfort in the body? What is the treatment for hives? What is the treatment for chest pain? Can something else be used to sanitize the skin area? What is the treatment for chest pain? How to cure bruise on the ribs? What is the treatment for dermatitis? How to cure anemia & 3rd stage of kidney disease? How to naturally remove black marks from face? What is the treatment for stomach problems? What is prognosis for cerebellar ataxia with no medication? What does slight pain and bump in tummy after meals indicate? What causes flu like symptoms and dizziness when taking losartan? How to relieve ankle pain/sprain due to football? What is the treatment for hair fall? Can remylin be used with metformin 500mg to control blood sugar? What are the side effects of prolonged usage of diabetic medication? What is the cause of a lump on the leg? Is getting periods before due date after taking pill worrisome? Need medication for chapped skin under the eye Is there any chance of pregnancy? What is the treatment for frequent bowel movements? How to reduce pain during intercourse? What causes hearing/feeling sensation at the side of head when lowering head? What is the cause of spotting? What causes delay in periods despite negative pregnancy test? What is placenta anterior low lying reaching the os liquor adequate for period of gestation mean? What should i do for a liver abscess? What does frequent urinating without pain in 7 month baby indicate? What is the cause of a lump in front of the ear? How to ease chest pain and breathing difficulty with possible LAE? What does delayed period and light cramping indicate? What is the cause of a delayed period? What causes extra warmness around waistline? What is the treatment for throat pain? How to treat pimples and black marks after contact with insect? What causes continuous and heavier bleeding after sexual intercourse? What causes frequent urination with headache? Felt a burning sensation on upper lip due to wax strips How to cure inflammation on the gums? What is the treatment for pain and swelling in the calf? What is recommended dosage of lithium 300mg to sleep well? What is the cause of spotting? What causes feeling of pins and needles? How can the medication help in IVF? What is the cause of lightheadedness? What is the treatment for fever and sore throat? What is the treatment for neck pain? What is the treatment for rectal pain? What is the treatment for chest pain? What is the treatment for fever and cold? What is the cause of pain in abdomen? Why is a biopsy carried out? Will the fatty liver reverse if i stay away from alcohol? What is the treatment for delayed periods? What is the treatment for delayed periods? What is the treatment for pain in the rib cage? Suffering from pain in leg How can i wash my teeth and cure bad breath? How can i leave the habit of ghutka? Will taking amoxocillin be safe for a tonsillitis? What is the cause of bruise and pain? What is the cause of blood clots inside the mouth? What is the medication for shortness of breath? What is the cause of dizziness and headache? Possibility of having Ankolysing spondlysis Suggest remedy for hard stool during pregnancy after taking orofer xt. How to treat delay in periods ? Need medication for Herpeszoster which has left black scars Suggest medication for polycystic oavarian disease What are the benifits of taking susten 200mg tablet? Diagonised with 3-4cms hiatal hernia Suggest medication for pimple on face What is the treatment for Grade II fatty infiltration? Does this medication cause drowsiness? What is the treatment for itching? Need medication for a small burn on the face What could cause sudden headache with nausea, lower stomach pain, increased hunger and mood swings? Are the loose motion and malt like urine smell signs or early labor? Has my skin developed wrinkles due to facial exercise? What causes weight gain, tired, sleepy, stomach upset, back pain during pregnancy? Any medicine for kid suffering from cold, vomit and loose motion? Noticing peeling of skin after burning skin Can Parlodel cause delayed periods? Suggest remedy for giddiness and low hemoglobin level with no help from intake of iron tablets What could cause small, red bump on scalp causing headache, discoloration on stoamch? Suggest remedy for sticky liquid discharge from penis followed by back pain after being sexually excited Can ibuprofen be taken for severe cramping pain during periods after drinking amaretto with orange juice? Can Telminorm BXL be taken instead of Losar tablets for hypertension while having fluctuating BP and gastric problem? Is two, growing, tender lumps on inside of thighs near genitals concerning? What could cause weak, watering, painful eye with difficulty focussing and flashes of white light? Suggest precautions to be taken to conceive after fetal death due to increased uteroplacental and fetoplacental flow resistance Should a new pack of microgynon be taken due to having periods before finishing placebo tablets? Is swelling on forehead moving to bridge between eyes after having 20 stitches on hairline due to fall serious? Does severe cramps after detecting pregnancy and light blood discharge mean recurred miscarriage? Suggest remedy for pain in stomach, watery stools, dizziness and feeling of throwing up What could red line surrounding inside of vagina with severe itching indicate? Suggest remedy for sore throat, body ache, dripping nose, cough and raw, buring lip and nose? Could having sex with someone being on meth while having allegy for iodine cause reaction? What could cause severe cramps followed by cold sweats and brown, bright red swirly stools? Could continued pain in left calf with slight discoloration increasing with movement be vericose veins? How to administer ORS and sporolac bd for loose stools? Is severe nausea while being on Cipro for typhoid fever normal? What could painful, circular bump between leg and vagina turning purplish after squeezing indicate? Could continued brown discharge suggest endometrial blood or implantation bleeding? Suggest remedy for sore throat causing excessive saliva Could heavy pain in lower stomach, soft stomach, slimy bloody discharge during pregnancy suggest miscarriage? Suggest remedy for itchy beard caused by using Just for men Could bacterial meningitis cause muscle and bone aches, ringing ears, headache, sore to touch skin and chest pain? What could bump on inner thigh growing with irritation? Which is more effective amoung Deriva BPO gel and BENZAC AC gel for oily skin and excessive acne and pimples? What could cause poking pain in stomach and back after popping knot under chest bone? What could round, black, itchy allegic spots on back suggest? What could burning pain along with collarbone followed by low mobility of arm indicate? Could swollen and longer cervix be due to having yeast infection with no help from fluconazole? Is bad dry cough and pain under ribcage concerning? Could red, puffy, painful tiny veins on inside of right knee suggest blood clot? Could sudden dizziness and fatigue be due to having sore throat and severe cold? Is SGPT 52, gamma glutamyl transferase 192, triglycerides 180 and urine specific gravity 1.043 serious problem? What could severe itching in vulva area after stopping birth control indicate? What could red, painful dots on skin in limbs with burning feeling indicate? Is severe cough, congestion, high fever in a child while being on tylenol and ibuprofen concerning? Is flying long haul from hot to cold climate with a child having tonsillitis safe? What could cause weightloss, headache, tight chest and fatigue with BP 136/96 and heartrate 106? How long can Bonnison be used to soothe colic and griping pain in an infant? Is there any remedy for bad artery in front of heart with unstable angina pain and history of bypass surgery with stent implants? Could discomfort under right armpit with sharp pain while bending suggest pulled muscle? What could moveable tiny lump on collar bone indicate? What could cause dark orange urine with nausea when orange juice is consumed? Should I be concerned for the popping sensation in the head causing the migraine to worsen? What causes pain in the hands having diagnosed with strep and extra large tonsils? What is the home remedy for regularizing the periods and having PCOD? Does smoking weed has any side effect on the surgery of appendix? What are the red solid lumps on the legs with white head and slightly raised? Is it necessary to consult ER if the finger has swelling and dull throbbing? Will taking disprin and zantac together affect stomach when having gastritis? What are the symptoms of pink eye? What could cause feeling of nerve twitching in inner ear while burping and yawning? Will the hard rigid band around the shaft disappear after a circumcision? What causes dizziness, nausea and tightness in chest? Could smoking Marijuana causes the pain in wisdom tooth come back? Should I consult the doctor for delayed periods and check for pregnancy? What causes delayed periods with cramps and HPT negative? Could severe storming is the sign of healing in a coma patient? Can the hair loss in the crown area be remediated with medications and diet? What causes muscle cramps, bad head aches and violent reactions having a history of cerebral Palsy? What is the red lump on the scrotum with only blood and not pus? What is the remedy for the ingrown hair and the pus has been popped? What are the recurring bumps on the arms and pus oozes when popped? What is the treatment for the bowels having the results of stool specimen attached? What could be the problem having fat globules in stools and loss of appetite? What causes heavy bleeding with cramps after a few missed periods and IUD inserted? Could the bruising around the area of blood withdrawal be due to vessel breaking? Could the Hemo rage black ultra concentrate cause false positive in the drug test? Could the delayed periods be due to stress? What causes lumps on the chest, neck which are itching and are red? Could burning pain be due to pins removal after a scaphoid surgery? What is the remedy for the pain in he bottom tooth? What causes itching in the ankles, thighs and top of the hand and palm? Feeling presence of something moving around stomach What is the remedy for the severe cough with low grade fever and headache? What causes abdomen cramps after the treatment for vomiting and loose motions? Should I be concerned for the heavy bleeding darken than the normal? How to cure pericoronitis caused by impacted wisdom tooth? Should I not use barrier cream on the bed sores causing the skin to peel? Is the pain in the ear normal during severe coughing fit? What is the remedy for the swollen right labia causing pain? What causes swollen ligament, red spots on hands and feet? What causes abdomen pain and headaches in a 7 year old? What causes bruising feeling in the abdomen and pain during sex after coming off from contraceptive pills? What causes swollen lymph nodes in the groin and lumps on the side of the vulva? Need medication for sinusitis,nasal pain & discomfort behind eyes Could the frequent cold and cough be due to Pneumonia? What is the remedy for the cough and wheezing in a 19 month old? What causes watery discharge during he 30th week of Pregnancy? What is the remedy for the itching in the clitoris, having yeast infection? Should I be concerned for the symptoms of dizziness and light headedness? What is the medication for the bacterial infection on the penis shaft? What does chest pain and shortness of breath indicate? What causes the freezing in the lower leg when sitting for long periods having leg imbalance? Suggest medication for renal hypertension & ckd What causes headaches and body going ice cold with light headedness? What is the diet I should follow to lose weight, having allergy to certain foods? Could the cough and allergic rhinitis be due to active TB? What treatment is suggested for low progesterone level? What could be done to terminate the pregnancy, if it would be positive? What treatment to be taken for pain in eyes? With brown to light blood discharges is it pregnancy symptoms? What treatment to be taken for bump in cheek? What treatment to take for early ejaculation? What treatment to take for the lingling in legs? Possibility of having thelassimia minor Noticed blood in ear after inserting a Qtip How to get rid of the dirty skin in the armpit area and between the thighs? What treatment to be taken for the green patch in lips? Do I need to worry about shorter periods? Is it possible to identify foetal sac in 5 weeks pregnancy? How to cure pitikia on lower legs? Why the pimple re-appear when medicine stops? Need medication for Verruca What could cause bleeding intermediately after 5 days of having periods? Why I am experiencing constant nausea symptoms? Why my period is getting delayed too much? What treatment to be taken for burn like dry skin? What treatment to be taken for the lump in my hand? Suggest medication for irregular periods What treatment to take for headache followed by typhoid? What is mean by concentric general mitral regurgitation? Diagnosed with oste arthris & spur What treatment to be taken for the pain in eyes? What treatment to be taken for pimples? What to do for the dull pain on legs followed by an accident? Noticed that the ALT & Albumin level is higher than normal Why the some unusual marks appears in lips? Is there any issues in using oral contraceptive tablets? Is Sibelium and Naxdom effective for headache treatment? Why I am getting mentally and physically disturbed? What could be the reason for the miscarriage? What treatment to be taken for the ear infection? What could be the burning sensation at the tip of penis while urinating? Do bypass surgery needed for chest pain due to block? Will flu or fever cause delay in periods? Noticed pain at the base of the penis during erection Why there a pink discharge on my period days? Why there is no relief from cold for so long? Need medication for irregular periods Why there is rashes appears all over the body? What treatment to be taken for regular headache? What treatment to be taken for acute sinusitis? What is the cause and treatment fro skin allergy? Is forecox and pyridoxine are right medicines for TB? Suggest treatment to remove infected pimple on nose What causes soft gums with swelling on face? What causes numbness on face after stopping Attivan intake? What causes spot on forearm that flakes off often? What causes vertigo? Suggest treatment for knee pain due to arthritis What causes an irritating spot in throat after smoking? What treatment can be taken to improve sperm count? What does this report mean? Suggest treatment to cure pimples and acne What causes neck and back pain? What treatment can be taken for Ankylosing Spondylitis? What do small red dots all over the body indicate? Can the boils between scrotum and anus be considered as STD? What to do for the chest pain due to gastric problem? What treatment to be taken for enlarger thyroid during pregnancy? Why there is a repeated sudden pain in stomach? What to do for the heat sensation during fertility period? Is it safe to give emeset syrup for vomiting and stomach pain? Why there is pregnancy symptoms even after taking contraceptive? What to do for scars formed as a result of lichen planus? Can I get pregnant after having sex in the safe period? What precautions should be taken for high SGOT during pregnancy? What treatment to be taken for the lump in left ear gland? What causes pain in groin after a discectomy? What treatment to be taken for catarrh followed by cold? What treatment to take for chorea and sexual weakness? What causes back and hip pain after ovulation? What does a red lump near a mucole indicate? What causes left sided pain while kneeling? What causes a swollen bump in gum after taking steroid medication? Does high TSH level create complications in pregnancy? Suggest treatment for bloodshot eyes What causes thigh pain radiating to the ankle? What treatment to be taken for pink eye? What could be the reason for shorter period? How long does cysplatin stay in your body? Is Sumocold and Moxikind are the right treatment for cold? Suggest treatment to cure body rash caused after blood transfusion Suggets treatment for gastric problem What treatment to be taken for the lump neat to ear? Suggets treatment to cure darkening of skin Suggest treatment for skin burn Will the contraceptive tablet create any issue if pregnancy continued? Suggest treatment for gum pain after tooth extraction What causes chest pain How to avoid skin becoming dry and shedding? Are there any side effects of Placentrex injections? Suggets treatment for fever with cough and headache What causes stiff neck followed by dizziness and slow speech? Suggest treatment for mental illness With s. typhi o 1:320 and s. typhi H 1;160 what is the treatment? Does Thyronorm cause chest pain? Will the masturbation create problems in marriage life? Suggest treatment for Lichen planus How should Unwanted 72 be taken? Suggest treatment for rash on eyelid,forehead and ears Suggest treatment for kidney stone removal What causes sharp stitch sensations around the chest and stomach? Is a cough drop tablet stuck in throat,dangerous? Suggest treatment for premature ejaculation Suggest treatment for painful anal abscess Is Dexorange safe for an infant? Suggest weaning food for a six month old baby What causes bleeding during pregnancy? Suggest treatment for migraine What causes fibula pain after an ankle injury? Suggest treatment for phelgm in throat What could cause red dot around the groin area? Suggest treatment to heal the incision site after a c-section What does my ultrasound result indicate? Does Melacare and Melgard cure pigmentation permanently? What causes voice hoarsness amd coughing? What causes lower back pain and cramping after periods? What is the cause of brown colored bleeding? Suggest medication for heart burn and chest pain Suggest treatment to get pregnant Feeling dizzy suddenly while standing up Does tonsillectomy cause loss of immunity? What is the treatment for a bump? Why is my my brother experiencing burning sensation behind his neck? Why do I get red bumps on my hips only at night? Suggest treatment for swollen sore Libia Majora What is the cause of bleeding? Can i give aspirin for chest pain? How to treat my leg that is inflamed and draining clear liquid post bug bite? Suggest treatment for a red and round rash on shoulder? How to cure Trichomonas vaginalis? Why did my son develop rashes on the quadriceps of his left leg? Suffering from dry scalp,scales & rapid hair fall What does my MRI report mean? What is the treatment for pain near the rib cage? Having problem with front large teeth, what type of braces should I choose? What is the treatment for herpes? What is the treatment for cough? How to treat a tiny bump close to my bikini line? What is the cause of swelling in abdomen? What caused pain in shoulder blade that radiated to neck and arm? What is the cause of mastoiditis? Having noticed pain above on the bone above eyebrow What are the small lumps near my vein in the wrist? Diagnosed with arthritis Is it possible to make my wife pregnant? Feeling a throbbing pain at the left temple Why did my daughter have stinging sensation while passing urine? What causes bumps on the testicle? What is the treatment for a swelling in an elbow? What is the treatment for nausea and stomach ache? What is the skin tag like thing just inside each nostril? What is the treatment for constipation? What is the treatment for abdominal pain? Why do I have pain in the c-section scar post infection few months ago? What is the treatment for fever and sinus infection? What is the treatment for black scars on the face? Does ultra sound done for excessive vaginal bleeding indicate malignancy? What is the treatment for pain and bleeding? Should I be worried for a swollen and bruising skin post injury? What is the treatment for cuts on the lip? Can a small circular spot on my penis be a singular spot of psoriasis? What causes lump at the base of my sternum? What is the cause of a line on the chest? What causes pimples filled with pus on face? How can i postpone my period? Suggest treatment for wet bedding in adults What causes bump on the side of the pelvic region? What is the cause of a mass around the thumb joint? What causes discomfort scrotum? What causes heavy bleeding inspite of positive pregnancy test? What causes itchy spots on all over body? What is the cause and treatment for tonsil stones? Suggest treatment for headache, cough and sneezing What causes itchy bumps around vagina? What causes irregular continous period bleeding? What causes tiredness in asthma patient? What causes fainting and dizziness? What causes cough, sore throat and marks inside mouth? What causes pain in clitoris while urinating? Will non seared steak cause food poisoning? Suggest any solution for my crave for blood. Suggest treatment for urge to vomit while defecating Can without comigan drops causes any side effects? What does HCG level of 3500 suggest? Does smoking cigarettes increase spondyloarthropathy? Sugget treatment for cold and wheezing Suggest treatment for indention on head after a head injury What causes burning sensation above the upper lip? Does implantation bleeding increase with cramping? What causes gum pain after tooth extraction? What is the treatment for back pain around the kidney area? Are dark spots on bikini line due to skin cancer or STD? Could red and swollen toe be a fungal infection? What are the treatments for fractured ribs? Could pan parag cause cancer? What are the side effects? What is the solution for burping and nausea after a viral infection? What causes abdomen cramps, and lower back pain? How to reduce weight? Can I be allergic to staph that causes impetigo? Is gestational sac size normal for my dates? What is the cause of itchy sore on vagina? Am I pregnant with one test negative and other positive? Could sharp pain in abdomen be related to alcohol consumption? What causes black stools and persistent vomiting? What is the suggestion for high fever? Suggest treatment for painful lump on inner thigh Suggest treatment for cysts on ovaries Should I continue with birth control pills if I'm bleeding? Is headache and tiredness due to ear injury? Is fever, tiredness, appetite loss normal when cutting molars? Can Tylenol and Naproxen be taken together for knee inflammation? How long will tailbone injury take to heal? What is the cause of scratch area on foot and arm? Suggest treatment for tooth ache Suggest treatment for high blood pressure with history of stroke What is the cause of tiredness and mood swings? Is it normal to feel fatigue, cramping, queasiness while pregnant? What does below follicular study result indicate? Suggest treatment for red, dry bumps on genital region How dangerous is hepatitis cut off value of 18? What is the cause of painful hard lump near sternum? What could be the cause of sharp pain below rib cage? Is lump below sternum and indigestion pain connected? Why is newborn being kept for observation? Is diagnosis of typhoid for child's stomach ache correct? Suggest treatment for large bump on outer vaginal lip Suggest treatment for ear bleeding after wax removal Suggest treatment for pain in vaginal opening and pelvis Can drinking diet sodas cause hernia problems? Suggest treatment for cramps and diarrhea after abortion What is the meaning of gestational trophoblastic disease? What causes bleeding with abdominal pain? What causes itchy bumps all over body? What causes an outgrowth on tongue? What causes schizoaffective disorder? What are the possible side effects of diprofos injection? What could be the cause of nausea and head ache? Suggest treatment for Flu symptoms What does a rash and lump on chest indicate? What is the cause of bleeding after having intercourse? What causes secretion of fluid from penis? Suggest treatment for watery and dead semen What causes extreme tiredness? Suggest treatment for lump on knee after an injury What causes gap between teeth after removing braces? Suggest treatment for Pleural effusion What causes lumps in the armpit and groin area? What is the cause of increased menstrual cycle? Suggest treatment for persistent cough Suggest treatment to remove painful lump on buttocks Suggest treatment for large lymph node under ear Is dizziness and nausea due to previous car accident? What causes loose bowel movement with brown colored water? Can Elyn cream help to reduce hair growth? What causes neck pain? Suggest treatment for swelling on inner fold of vagina What is the suggestion for cough and thick nasal discharge? What causes weakness in diabetic patients? What causes dry boils? What causes blood clots with scanty menstrual bleeding? What causes dizziness and body tremors in an SVT patient? Suggest treatment for fever and stomach ache What does "multiple enlarge hypoechoic" mean? How to gain weight? What causes burning sensation near anus after an intercourse? What caues frequent urination? Does Reshape tablet have any side effects? How can I get proportionately sized buttocks? What does my sonography result indicate? What causes vaginal watery fluid discharge? Is there a cure for low IQ due to taking Melanosil? What is the cause of chest pain after eating? Suggest treatment for swollen tonsils and difficulty in swallowing. What does blood in nasal disharge during cold indicate? What causes fatigue and coughing even after treatment for bronchitis? What causes nose bleeding after playing dodgeball? What are the chances of getting pregnant after sex on 22nd day of cycle? Suggest treatment for gastric trouble and chest pain Is Asthalin safe to use for child s dry cough? Can masturbation cause acne and pimple problems on the body? How can I rehabilitate hyperextended wrist? What does bulky ovaries indicate? Suggest treatment for UTI during pregnancy Suggest treatment for fatigue, bowel and gastrointestinal issues What causes loss of appetite? Is it normal to have pricking sensation below breast? Ultrasound shows baby's valve is not closed properly. Is it dangerous? Suggest treatment for sneezing and running nose after ambulatory surgery Does masturbation have any side effects? What causes elevated TSH and AST in children? What is the cause of red and tender pimples on head? How long does treatment for hair loss take to get cured? Suggest treatment for chest pain while breathing Suggest treatment for heavy menstrual bleeding What causes black particles in urine? What causes difficult breathing when i fold my legs? What causes painful ejaculations? What is the cause of swollen breasts and lower back pain? What can be the ideal weight for a one year old child? Suggest treatment for loss of voice after tonsil removal What causes redness around the eyes, cheekbone and rapid heart beat after consumption of beer? How to control BP? What is the cause of painful white spots on tonsils? Suggest treatment for irregular periods Does weed make antibiotics ineffective? Which cream can remove dark circles? Suggest a diet chart for 76 year old woman with osteoporosis. Suggest treatment for discomfort below solar plexus What causes delaying periods? Suggest treatment for loose bowel movements and dizziness What causes fluid discharge after an unprotected sex? Suggest treatment for inability to speak clearly What is the suggestion for bruise mark on lip in heart patient? Suggest a medication for black spot on face due to injury. What is the medication to stop pregnancy as cytotech and gynaecosid didn't work? Is there any chances to get pregnant naturally for a PCOS patient? How long does it take for egg rupture after injection? Is red blotches on knuckles normal after influenza? Why do I have prolonged bleeding after taking Norlevo? Suggest treatment for crohn's disease What causes chest pain after smoking crystal? Is it normal to have delayed periods after stopping Depo? Is dizziness after taking phentermine for bladder infection normal? What causes loud heartbeats? Suggest treatment for tailbone pain due to reduced disc space Suggest treatment for oral sub mucuos fibrosis Suggest treatment for recurrent lesions on face Is it possible to ovulate without a period? What causes leg pain and blurred vision after an intercourse? Suggest treatment for sore throat, cough, clear green phlegm What causes shoulder pain? Suggest treatment for pus formation on outer ear What causes locked knees? Is it ok to take R-cin, Zinfex, Ofloxin for acne? Suggest treatment for slipped disc and double rooted nerve in my lower back What is the solution for neck muscle pain after a pacemaker replacement? Suggest side effects of Sefstart and Mecgest Is additional contraception needed when on Co-Amoxiclav? What causes delayed periods after IUD removal? What is meaning of Nuchal Translucency is 2.4 mm? What is the cause of tongue numbness and pain after teeth removal? How will methycobal injection help side effects of TB? What causes pain in arm after inserting a stent? Suggest treatment for shoulder pain after CABG x5 surgery Suggest treatment for stomach pain and loose stools What causes urinary retention? What causes burning in stomach? What causes severe abdominal pain? What causes redness and loose eyeball skin of eye? Is irregular periods due to taking Ovral G? How to reduce pimples and their scars? What causes a pea sized lump below the ear for a pregnant woman? What is the suggestion for irregular periods and PCOD? What is the cause of dark brown, foul smelling bleeding during pregnancy? What is the treatment to increase the quality of egg for IVF? What does mucus in stool and undigestive particles indicate? What causes frequent and recurring cold? What is the cause of smooth painless spot on penis How to gain weight? What is the proper diet to reduce weight? How can I have a baby with history of stillbirth? How to reduce weight? Is it safe to use Nuvaring contraceptive ring twice? How does Cytotec abortion tablets work? Suggest treatment to lower SGPT level What causes pain in head while sneezing or coughing? How long can Lonazep be taken for psychotic disorder? What causes hard painful bumps all over body? Suggest treatment for stomach upset, migraines, feeling hot How to get rid of cured black spots on face? Does thyroid surgery cause sore pain in shoulder blade? Does child's report indicate dengue? Suggest treatment for baldness Should I be concerned about bleeding after having cytotec tablets? Suggest treatment for baby's weeping and red skin What causes irregular periods? What causes rashes on leg after washing dishes? Suggest treatment for bruised painful hip after injury Suggest remedy to heal burn marks on upper lips What is the symptom of winter flu and its treatment? Suggest treatment for sinusitis with pain in face Is Godex DS good for fatty liver treatment? Suggest treatment for hair loss, thyroid and PCOS Does candid B help in improving soreness on penis foreskin? Suggest treatment for fever What causes yellow colored hands? Does Albendazol works on worms? Could shoulder joint pain be related to the bout of food poisoning? Suggest treatment for headache, bloating, nausea How to get rid of pus-filled blisters? What causes dizziness and abdominal cramps? Suggest treatment for inflamed rash on vagina Suggest treatment for dryness and skin peeling on penis head Suggest treatment for flatulence, vomiting, stomach pain Should i be worried about the swelling in unborn child s kidneys? What causes sharp pain in the left side of belly? What do mosquito looking bites on chest,back and stomach indicate? What does mucus and blood in diarrhea indicate? Suggest treatment for ovarian cyst and infertility Could heavy bleeding, migraine and severe discomfort during periods a sign of menopause? Can the scar due to Clacination be removed from lung? Can pregnancy happen if condom is left in vagina? What does brown vaginal discharge during pregnancy indicate? Should I be worried about a pink color in tongue after removing a tooth? What is the cause of spreading bumps on child's face? Will i bleed during first intercourse with intact hymen? Does Mirena IUD cause dryness around mouth? What causes bleeding during pregnancy? What causes swelling in throat with earache? What causes the pain and gum splitting on the area where the wisdom tooth was pulled out? Suggest treatment for blood on child's penis when urinating Is it safe to use newsprint on the groin area? Suggest treatment for swollen lymph node on back of the head Is it safe to take Tussin for throat congestion while pregnant? What are the treatments for continuous crying and no bowel movements in child? What causes sharp pain in my back when in sneeze or deep breath? Suggest treatment for fever, swollen throat, aching bones Suggest remedies for severe cramping and pink discharge Will hair transplantation treat hair loss? What causes lower lip numbness after antibiotic treatment? What causes hair fall? What causes tingling sensation in an alcoholic? What is the cause of uncontrollable shivering and breathing problems Does abrupt quitting of alcohol cause any side effects? What does a lump on back and breast indicate? Suggest treatment for swollen, painful neck lymph node What could be the reason for a black discharge during periods? What causes dry sore labia minora during pregnancy? Suggest treatment for swollen ankle and foot numbness What causes a raised rash on thighs? What causes red and white blotch skin? Is nausea, absence of period, stomach cramps due to pregnancy? Can asbestos sheet and old gas heater causes any breathing problems? Does my urine test indicate a kidney problem? Suggest treatment for stomach pain, spotting, tissue discharge What is the cause of fatigue, headache, hot flashes, bloating? What is the suggestion for nose bleeding? Suggest treatment for pus-filled pimples on vaginal lips Suggest treatment for continuous foul smelling vomit How reliable is HIV DNA PCR test at 25 days of exposure? Suggest treatment for stomach problem, dizziness, vomiting, and nausea during pregnancy What is the cause of bump on forehead? What causes chest pain while coughing? What causes pain in the outer ear? What causes calcium deposits in ear and eye? How can I prevent pregnancy after taking morning after pill? What causes itchy white bumps on penis? Suggest treatment for dandruff and hair loss. What causes dizziness with headaches and irregular heartbeats? What causes pain between shoulder blades? What causes delaying periods inspite of taking Nordette? What causes itchy clitoris with white discharge? What is the cause and treatment for breathlessness and darkness in front of eyes? What causes sharp shoulder pain? Should i be worried about the swollen papillae after oral sex? Should Letrofil be used by pre-menopausal women? What is the solution for itchy rash on head, chest and upper arms? What causes vomiting yellow phlegm after antibiotic treatment? What could be the cause of tendon bruise in ankles? What causes tenderness in abdomen and brown discharge? What does indicate a swelling and pain in ear? What is the cause of nausea, headache, tiredness? Suggest treatment for itching and rashes inside my vagina Suggest treatment for stomach pain, nausea, fatigue after sun exposure Suggest treatment for anxiety,severe heart burn and vomiting What is the suggestion for persistent coughing? Should i worried about the delay in periods after unprotected sex? What is the cause of swollen labia after hemorrhoid tag removal? Suggest treatments for foul body odor Suggest treatment for child's enlarged lymph nodes in neck Should I be worried about nose bleeding and enlarged lymph nodes? Suggest treatment for difficulty swallowing liquid Should i be concerned about 2 month old baby sleeping less? Suggest medication for rashes on body and fever What causes pain,nausea and vomiting after an appendectomy? Suggest treatment for loss of taste after heart attack medication Suggest medication for bad breath and rhinitis and post nasal drip Suggest treatment for hair fall. Is ferikind injection safe to take during pregnancy? How long it will take to cure stitches of a hysterectomy and vaginal cuff repair? Suggest treatment for yellow teeth Should I take Loestrin while I'm bleeding? What causes rashes on chest after treatment of fever? Suggest treatment for hypothyroidism and Hashimoto's disease Can I wear lenses with my eye power? What causes sudden weight gain and hair loss? Should Calten-D and Lipikind be taken for high cholesterol Suggest treatment for dark marks on neck Is pink mucus discharge and cramping due to pregnancy? Does unprotected sex cause vaginal infection? Suggest treatment for frequent urination,odor in urine and lower back pain Suggest treatment for child's vomiting after fall Suggest treatment for constant sneezing and running nose What is the painless lump below the ear with headache,pain in neck and shoulder? What causes tiredness, weakness and nausea? Does Teleact and S numlo contain steroids? Suggest a medication for 1 year old with cough, cold and CRS. Suggest me some proteins shake to increase weight. What causes stream of light yellow dripping in pregnant women? Suggest treatment for dog scratch wound with pus and rashes on face Should I got to work if I am coughing and breathless on exertion? Which ointment should be applied for anal fissure? Why having palpitation, breathlessness and nausea with acid reflux after losing weight? What is the cause and treatment for redspot at the bottom of the foot near heal? What causes sore throat and stuffy nose after swimming? What is the cause of painful head pressure when bending? Does exercising results in delayed periods? What causes heavy and prolonged bleeding after taking Utovlan? How to get rid of dark skin under eyes? What is causing eye pain along with scab on lower lid of nose? How long will jaundice take to be cured? Should Glyciphage be taken while having polycystic ovary? Can i take both oxyelite pro and lexapro? Is it normal to bleed heavily when starting birth control pills? Suggest medication for cough,cold and short breath What is the cause of pressure above hip area?
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