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What could be done for back head injury with nausea,dizziness and plugged ears? Is it essential for a thyroid patient with presently normal thyroid reports to continue with thyronorm 100mcg ? Can any online doctor help me to read my report for typhoid? Can I take flexeril, zipsor and lyrica to cure hemangioma, and knee pain and back pain caused by an injury? Could severe joint pain, nausea and loss of appetite indicate hepatitis? How to cure severe cold and cough for a 3 years old child, on levolin syrup 3ml with no relief What could be done for the treatment of loose penis and fast ejaculation? Is it fine to continue with pregnancy while having Hashimoto thyroidism and on thyronorm 100mg? What could be done to stop loose motion in 12th week pregnancy? Which type of diabetics would have the symptoms like muscle stiffness,Vit.D deficient,FBS 187 and PPBS 301? What treatment to be taken for experiencing abdominal pain right under my ribs and breast bone? Periods delayed few months after delivery. Pregnancy test negative. Why I am bleeding during foreplay and after every intercourse? Should i be concerned as i am having bruising on toenail and bleeding in cuticle? Why was I switched from lorsartin to aavapro 150mg though it was working? What could be the reason behind shaky hand and difficulty in writing? What could be the reason behind multiple cysts near the kidneys and liver as well as fluid around appendix? What could be the reason behind Night sweats and extreme bad breath? Should i be worried as i am having headache and sore throat after a fall? Should i be worried as i am having back pain and swelling on my abdomen after a fall? Is fatty liver grade 1 a serious problem? What could be the reason for having itchy pimple like red dots on by butt? What should be done to control both type 1 and 2 diabetes,with dry mouth,on byetta and lantus with no good Is there any chance of paralysing of lower limbs after the surgery for compressed T8 bone of vertebra? Is body pain and knee and shoulder pain side effects of taking Forecox? Should Valium and Tramadol be taken along with Levothyroxine? Is there an alternative medicine for lithium to prolong life expectancy? What is the treatment for dry mouth and throat and discomfort when swallowing? What is the cause of painful bowel movements, blisters, and swollen anus? How long does it take to recover from acid reflux? Any idea what a hard, painful, dry bump on side of finger is? Can Cefpoxime and Fepanil cure baby's loose motion, vomiting, and fever? Why do I have trouble urinating while taking Tramadol ER 200? What can be done after accidentally taken more instant release morphine pills? Should I be concerned about hot legs, arms, face, torso, and sleepiness? Am I unable to conceive because my cervix faces towards buttocks? What does a high white cell count mean after taking antibiotics for UTI? Should I be concerned about blood on foreskin after having sexual intercourse? Is it normal for a pregnant woman to have stomach and back pain? What is the treatment for burning and painful elbow after injury? Can masturbation affect memory? What is the treatment for child's eye discharge and bruised look? What is the reason for having frequent urge for urination at night and is it safe to use soliten? What is the treatment for central disc herniation at L5-S1? What is the cause of head pain, hot flashes and nausea? What can be done for swollen hands and pins and needles feeling after frost nip? What is the reason for pain in rib cage after bowel movements? How long does it take for bruise to heal and should I be concerned about blood clots? What is the cause of throat obstruction, chest pain, frequent bowel movements and heartburn? What is the treatment for dehydration? What is the treatment for itching eyes, runny nose and sore throat? What is the cause of dizziness, uncontrollable shaking and sudden fall? Will radiation therapy assist prostate cancer after having a prostatectomy? Any thoughts about ear blockage after childbirth? Does TB shorten life span? What is the treatment for abnormal bowel movements after quitting smoking? Can I consume alcohol while taking Lorazepam and Apo-nadol for anxiety? Can a red and inflamed hair follicle pose any danger during pregnancy? What could be the significance of swollen gland in throat, excessive dryness and blood from mucus? Is Ibuprofen sufficient to treat contusion causing sharp pains in lower back? What is the reason for stomach bruising, no appetite, lethargy and nausea? What is the treatment for pounding sensation in head due to occipital neuralgia? What is the treatment for irregular periods, tender breasts, and lower back pain? Is it a infection having contact bleed and had a pap smear test as I was unable to conceive? Can pain and stiffness in hands be a sign of rheumatoid arthritis? What is the treatment for no sex drive, bad memory, light headedness and reduction in emotions? Why am I experiencing nausea and morning sickness while taking krimson for PCOS and thyroid issues? What is the cause of vaginal itchiness with white, chunky discharge? Can radiation therapy be performed to cure lymphoma of the brain when kidneys are functioning weak? Should I be worried about child hitting head on door knob? What is the treatment for foot pain after injury? What is the reason for child vomiting after drinking milk? Is epileptic episode linked to recent tooth braces being placed? What is the cause of congestion, watery eyes, redness, light sensitivity? Am I at risk of miscarriage if I have vaginal spotting during pregnancy? Is there any medicine available to increase the length of penis? Will the intake of eliquis cause constipation? Could high b.p and reduced bleeding be the reason for negative pregnancy test? What is the reason for nausea, fatigue, headache, no appetite, frequent urination? How long will it take for Prep H to treat external hemorrhoid? What can I do for cold sores on nose? Can metronidazol, doxycycline, pepto bismuth and pantoprazole for pylori infection cause migrane? Can lorazepam be taken in afternoon for anxious patient previously on oxycodion, welbutin for knee replacement? What are the chances of HIV transmission during sexual encounter without penetration? What is the treatment for ankle numbness, blood in urine and stools, itching skin and loss of balance? How to cure recurring pain in the penis which goes away by taking anti-biotics. Erection and the penis size is decreasing. What is the treatment for body itching with lumps? Am I pregnant if I have headache, abdominal cramps, bloating after unprotected sex? What is the normal thyroid reading and what is a high dose of Synthroid? What is the reason for knee pain and swelling? What is the treatment for diarrhea, headache and fever? Is stem cell therapy the correct procedure for hair loss? Cause of painful urination few minutes after masturbation with tightened scrotum and pain above the crotch? What does report results of acute interstitial injury in knee mean? What can be done for acne and red spots on forehead? What could be the reason for having white stringy substance while urination? What is the cure for irregular periods while taking medication for thyroid problem? Do women ovulate while taking birth control? Is it a yeast infection having clumpy red discharge and what is the remedy for this? What is the cause of pressure below rib cage? What is the treatment for prolonged periods and irregular periods? What could be the reason for losing sensation in my clitoris? Have cold sore on hairline inside right labia and painful. Taking Ceftin and probiotics Period late with nausea, dizziness, abdominal pains and frequent urination but why always getting negative result? Will abnormal periods affect the ability to conceive in the future? Can Duphaston and Ventoline prevent miscarriage? Is prolonged bleeding during follicular study harmful? What is the treatment for muscular dystrophy? Can I use Lomela cream in place of Melacare cream for pimples, scars on face? What could be the reason for darker skin after using AHA glow face wash and Aziderm cream for dark spots on face? Is a lump on the right side of the clitoris a matter of concern? What are the chances of pregnancy after home pregnancy tests shows negative but periods are delayed? What is the solution for having gas in the stomach after taking medication for stroke along with Pantocid? What is the reason for painful bump near buttocks? What is the reason for difficulty swallowing and chest pain along with gastritis? What is the reason for child's coughing blood after taking antibiotics for ear infections? What is the meaning of TVS result of anteverted uterus and ovarian cysts? Is there anything abnormal in my semen analysis report? What can be done for child who refuses to chew food? Is excessive masturbation the reason for abnormal testicle size? What medicine should be taken for white patches on lips, hands, fingers, and toes? What is the reason for child's refusal to eat solid food after recovering from fever? What is the reason for itching on thighs and stomach? What is the reason for burning on top of head, headache, neck and back pain? What is the reason for pain in upper stomach when breathing deeply? What is the reason for lump inside labia after having yeast infection? What should i do as i am having a lump on my stomach below the breast bone? What is the reason for delayed periods without having unprotected sex? What is the treatment for pimples and redness on cheeks? Will torn skin after circumcision heal? How long does Oxetol and Frisium need to be taken for treatment of complex partial seizure? Could dizziness, body numbness and buzzing sound in head while trying to sleep indicate sleep paralysis? Is less blood flow normal after taking Duphaston? What could be the reason for having dark brown spots, hot flashes and headaches? What is the treatment for red pimples on skin after taking Allegra for urticaria? Could blurry vision in both eyes caused due to stress? What is the reason for tingling lower lip, canker sore inside mouth, and painful swollen spot below jaw? What is the reason for frequent episodes of vomiting? Should we visit a doctor for difficulty swallowing and throat pain? What is the reason for pain below rib cage, stomach pain, and diarrhea? Will Levlen ED harm fetus? What is the treatment for headache, fever, pins and needles feeling, and asthma? What are the chances of getting pregnant after taking unwanted 72 pill? What is the treatment for tiredness and waist pain? Is it possible to have normal delivery after analyzing the scan result? Am I pregnant if I have brown spotting after taking antibiotics for vaginal infection? Is back pain and racing heart related? What can be done to treat alcoholism, depression, and insomnia? Suggest treatment for swollen and painful knuckle after accidental trauma in hand Any idea what causes spotting, bloating, weight gain, and abdominal pressure after tubal ligation? How can birthmarks be faded? Could I be pregnant if I have abnormal periods? What is the cause of heart palpitations that prevent sleep? Is sabantic plus or clantimax to be used in back pain with s1 disc space obliteration? What is the cause of chest tightness, blurred vision, difficulty breathing, and mouth dryness? Is IBS the reason for stomach ache, griping, and watery stools? Prescribed Premipexole .75mg 4 times and Lavocarb 25mg 6 times a day for restless leg syndrome. Can I increase the dosage? Could the boil like lump on the outside of my anus indicate a blood blister? What could be the reason for having excruciating pain behind my ears and both sides of temple? Pain while sneezing at the back of leg due to poor circulation after three deliveries. Is it serious? What is it near the left temple that hurts, feels tender, swollen like a vein and causes headaches? Is there a connection between nocturnal leg cramps, urgency to urinate, and fainting? What could be the reason for having late periods? What is the treatment for painful coccyx and functions of coccyx? No relief from morphine. What is the reason for leg cramps, chest cramps, warm sensation in thigh and busted leg veins? What could be the tingly fizzy feeling like a sneeze in my head? Any advice for child's eczema on abdomen and legs that does not respond to steroids? What is the reason for pain due to food particles being lodged between teeth? What is the reason for occurrence of hematospermia? What is the reason for recurring style in lower eyelid? Which doctor should i consult as i am having wheezing which blocks air into my lungs? What could be the reason for having swollen gums, headaches, body aches and fever? What could be the reason for having bubble on my wrist after hitting my heavy bag? Dull pain in back, sudden stuffy nose, frequent urge to pass stools. Could it be anxiety? What is the solution for a painful hemorhoid which hurts to sit, move? Can patients taking Efavirenz show false positive for Marijuana? What is the reason for milky and curd-like discharge from breast? How long does it take to get the results of a non-reactive PCR test? Diabetic, chest cavity building up fluids after by-pass surgery. Getting concerned as culture report positive Surgeries done after ankle got crushed. Mscon not very effective now. Any other option other than amputation? What is the possible solution for cracking and popping of knee after being dislocated and applying medication? Why am I having hot flashes, skipping heart beats during peri-menopause? What to do if the gum above the front teeth detached after using tightening the braces? What is the solution for erectile dysfunction, low libido? What could it be if am having severe pain in the back, thigh, calf which has no relief from shots, muscle relaxers? Does smoking vaporizer affect taste buds? What could it be if I had vaginal bleeding after intercourse and felt like touching a laceration over the skin? What is the reason for unwanted facial hair that worsened after laser considering normal thyroid and other hormone levels? What is the solution for wheezing, dry cough, sore and swollen throat during 30 weeks of pregnancy? Having rectal bleeding, pain, severe headaches, backpain, hot and cold flashes. What could it be? What is the solution for severe constipation and passing stools only after an enema? What is the prognosis of an alcoholic patient being admitted in hospital for bacterial pneumonia? What could it be if I had a hard lump, white spot under the penis which leaks pus when squeezed? What could be the reason for a child having racing and pounding heart, sweating, panicing? What is the diagnosis if there is tenderness, swelling in the upper right abdomen in a patient suffering from lichen ruber? What is the reason for having slurred speech, hallucinations, confusion in a 85 year old after laparoscopic cholecystectomy? Hole in the finger following an explosive injury. Oozing smelly, greenish pus. Normal for an unprotected wound? What could it be if I had raised bumps/rashes on face oozing liquid and spreading rapidly? What are the painful lumps found under the rib cage that are suspected to be tumors? What are the two enlarged bumps near elbow that are causing severe itching? What is the reason for abdominal pains considering CT scan of abdomen, pelvis were normal, EKG, heart cath normal? What are the side effects of Myteka 10 mg prescribed for sand allergy? Another lump in the breast which was aspirated earlier causing pain in breast, neck, shoulder, back. What could it be? Could it be a bruise if I had swelling, pain in the palm near the thumb after pushing a car? What could be the cause of a painful, sore, protruding nipple considering no lumps in the breast? Could prostitis re-occur considering the fact that I was suffering from it a couple of years ago? Is there any remedy for hairloss in patches in certain places of head? Exposed to Carbon Monoxide poisoning and MRI shows cortical atrophy and sinonasal mucosal disease. Is it cancerous? Experiencing excruciating pain while passing urine , what are the possible treatments ? How to get rid of the blockage in my right ear? Should i be concerned of having a brown and light pink discharge? What could a swollen lymph node in jaw near the ear be? Had cancer previously What could be the reason for two layers of nail , suggest remedies ? Can lower abdominal pain be a symptom of bladder infection after antibiotics treatment? Is there any correlation between ESR and MCH and RBC while treating CN VI nerve palsy? Had unprotected sex during period. After taking anti baby tabs and Postinor earlier can I get pregnant? Is it fine to take my wife to home from hospital as she is having Alzheimer's? Which is the best treatment for a raised bump on the side of my torso right under my last rib? What could be the reason for feeling dizzy with cramps and back ache during second trimester of pregnancy? Child delivered with vacuum extraction often getting infected spot on head. Can it affect brain? Can I take Neurontin, Lyrica and Topamax together in my daily medication regimen? What is the reason for not having bowel movements inspite using laxatives after taking muscle relaxers? What could I do having degenerative disk disease undergoing lot of stress and lower left quadrant of heart is damaged? Should i be concerned of having blood in my feces? Is the pain in the hamstring area which hurts to walk, sit, lay due to a pulled muscle? Can any online doctor help me with the drug details? What could be the reason for dry, cracked, bleeding skin at the top of the foreskin of the penis? What should be done when sonogram shows incomplete abortion after taking pills? Could receiving a shingles injection cause encephalitis of brain? What to do if I have red, swollen, itchy vagina after having protected sex? Can weakness in hand, multiple muscle strains and sciatica after an accident be symptoms of MS? Prescribed vicodin for pain after falling into manhole. How to overcome panic attacks having at night? Can i use dermovate for the pigmentation on both cheeks, bridge of nose and upper lips? What does thick white discharge, period cramping, sharp pain in vagina, frequent urge to urinate during 37 weeks of pregnancy indicate? Could the dizziness, vomiting feeling and fatigue symptoms of dengue fever? What is the reason for having lower backpain, numbness in legs, lumps in lower back, tailbone indicate? Could trimming by rasor cause a red lump in clitoris? How to treat enlarged circumvallete papillae? Is this contagious? Does medication of vaginal infection cause stomach upset and nausea? What is the best diagnostic technique for the pain in ilium are having diagnosed for neurogenic bladder and swollen ankles and feet? How to overcome the problem of having blood in my sperm? Is eltroxin 100mcg an over dose for my thyroid problem? What does dizziness followed by rapid heartbeats, tightness of chest, dry mouth, shaking, involuntary twitches indicate? Is lung cancer asymptomatic? What is the reason for passing more blood clots weeks after having abortion? What can be done to prevent bleeding during pregnancy despite taking Microgest? What is the reason for feeling like tasting perfume in the mouth and choking? Which medication should be given for my child for fever and running nose? Will Ramomycin cure severe ear itching? Advice for sore throat ans swallowing difficulty with operated salivary gland stone history How to identify pregnancy with irregular period cycle? What are the symptoms of ganglion cyst? What could be the treatment for narrowing of the aorta? How to control low BP and which specialist should be consulted ? What should be the treatment for small ovarian cyst? Could cymbals be substituted by wellbutrin 300 mg? Which treatment is most effective for thyroid problem How to come out of addiction with dexpoten syrup and sleeping pills? Is shortness of breath with lightheadedness an urgent issue to be concerned? Advice for cyst like swollen blister on lip line for 13 years old child Does loss of plug with cramp and yellow thick leakage signify labor in 38 weeks pregnancy? Is there a relation between swelling in fingers in hand and having a bilateral knee effusion? What is the treatment for mild bronchiectasis in lung? What is the reason for lower back pain, abdominal pain, swollen neck gland, and headache? What effects on vocalization would occur if the human respiratory system were altered? Why having a feeling of additional heart beat below the chest even after having ciplar? Echo, ecg normal what could be the treatment for echo-free cyst in ovary? Is it normal to have swelling and pain near eyebrow after having stitches? Pain throughout the body while breathing in & out along with a painful lump on the chest bone. What should be done? Can Follihair and protein powder be taken simultaneously for hair fall? What is the reason for swollen and painful ear lobes and difficulty swallowing? Is there any possibility of pregnancy as i am having missed periods, headache and vomiting? What is the reason for abdominal pain, rib cage pressure and itchiness? Is it safe to take tablets for acne? Is it normal to have pain after taking mifeprin kit? Could MMR vaccination result in appetite loss? What are the possible treatments for scab and pus on the knee ? What could be done to cure acid reflux? What can be done for absence of periods after childbirth? How can i get rid of small pimple marks in cheeks? What are the instructions for using mifeprin and misoprostol tablets? Are child s seizures related to depression and drinking cola? Can cyst initiate gastric problems? Treatment suggestion Is morphine drip suggested during the last stage of cancer? Can ulcer and insianal nehurnea symptoms interact with each other? What is the treatment for headache, blurred vision, chest pain, numbness in limbs? Advice for cold and sinus infection,on amoxicillin 1.5 year old child woke up with swollen knee and unable to walk or lift the leg. All tests normal. Is it normal? Will vaseline help with redness, bumps and irritation on penis head caused by dermatitis? Can numbness in leg be healed using prednisone after diagnosis of multiple sclerosis? Took glycomet 500mg for a polycyst outside the ovary. Now there is only folycils and still disorderly periods and overweight. What should I do to regularise the periods and slim down? What could be the cause of headaches, migraines and dark circles persistent in nature? Is i pill effective for not getting pregnant? 5 weeks pregnant with FHR of 90bpm. Took Fertigyn 500 injection. Is the baby safe? What is the reason for clear discharge, tender testicles, no itching or pain while urinating? Is it safe to take augmentin and ceftum during pregnancy? What is the treatment for weight gain? Taking dexona 0.5mg, practin 4mg and neurovit Is there any possibility of pregnancy caused from precum on the head of my penis? What is the cure for recurring fever of a 1.5 year old child? What could cause rashes on hard palate and sore throat? Had implanon a day before starting Orotane. Instead of improving, the acnes have increased. Should I take the implanon out? What could be the reason behind nausea, vomiting and gas occuring together? What can treat gas, inability to burp and shortness of breath? Could several bald spot on head be a indication of alopecia? Does smoking Marijuana affect the baby considering I am 23 weeks pregnant? What could be the cause of vomiting and diarrhea for colon cancer patient with recent key hole surgery? Advice for constant cough,10 years old child with tonsils removed and turbinate reduction Can there be a hair in growth in vagina ? What is the remedy for stomach discomfort in the morning? Is ovarian multiple myomas along with cyst curable with medication or surgery? What is your opinion of excessive weight loss, frequent urination,and irregular periods? Can activity in water lead to dry and scratchy throat with bleach like taste in mouth? What does a burning sensation of heart with dizziness indicate? Should I be concerned about dingy behavior along with exhaustion, clumsiness? Suffer from occasional high HP, fibromyalgia and ADD. What can be done for soreness and swelling of tongue and tender lymph node under jaw after biopsy? Is further investigation needed for tender submandibular lymph nodes? Recurring red bumps on the penis which goes away by applying hydrocortisone. Should I be concerned? What medication is suggested to cure sinus congestion? Will frequent masturbation have any effect on my future sex life? What could be the best treatment for having trouble while urination? What could be the reason for having stress and feeling shocks on my left arm? What could be the reason for having swollen tonsils? How to cure reflux? Is it normal to have seizure after plasma donation? Advice for lower abdominal pain and bulky uterus What could be the reason for having bee sting like feeling under the skin in my hip area? Can rubbing penis on the vagina cause pregnancy? How to overcome the swelling below the Adams apple? Can there be HIV Infection if I touched a lady's nipples for few seconds though there were no open cuts or sores in the nipples / lips? Should i consult a doctor as i am having sharp pain in my upper abdomen? Little bleeding after a surgical abortion at 7 weeks followed by Depo-Provera shot. Did the abortion get missed and how soon can I take a home pregnancy test? Can consuming hydrochloric acid lead to bloating and discomfort in abdomen? How to cure a red and puffy cold sore? How to reduce the soreness at the tip of the tongue? Bad sore throat, pain in the head and stiff neck after taking antibiotics for tonsillitis like symptoms. What could be the reason? How to treat a swollen and painful thyroid gland for a thyroid patient? Is celebrex harmful for BP patients? Does the yellow color spot on the stitches indicate infection? What is the cause of both palms and fingers becoming blood red in colour? Have carpel tunnel in both wrists and will soon have a surgery. Taking b-12 injections monthly. What could be reason behind gross hematuria? What does the pain on my arms, hands and neck indicate? What could be the reason for my upper body moving with the heart beat? What would be cost of evoked potential test to indicate Multiple Sclerosis? Does vaginal pink discharge signify implantation bleeding? Does kidney failure correlate to emotional swings? What could be the reason for having pain in my testicle and head of my penis during ejaculation? 2 wks after dog bite, there is itching and lump formation under the skin. There was bleeding in the area where the dog punctured and did self medication by applying hydrogen peroxide, iodine, and neosporin every 12 hours with bandaid. Should I be concerned? Could the pain in my knuckle a symptom of torn tendon? Is headache a side effect of triflex glucoamine HCL? Does Levothyroxine cause hair loss? Horrible pain in the foot in the toe area all the time. Cannot touch it or walk either. Had bad ankle sprain in the same foot long time back. How do I reduce the pain? How to overcome my anxiety, headache, blurry eyes and chest pain? Can stents or dialysis treat seizures? What could be the reason for having bleeding while brushing the teeth? Which medication to be given for high fever? Is there any possibility for pregnancy as i am having light periods and nausea? Why has lower abdominal pain and frequent urination not subsided after taking cystopurin for UTI? Can the itchy sore on arm be a cause for worry? Can I try to conceive while taking cephalexin for urinary tract infection? Can I apply Lotrimin AF on penis head for possible phimosis to treat itchy rashes caused after sex? Can rapid heartbeat and chest pain in a child indicate something serious? Will penicillin shots help cure syphilis? Can soreness in shoulder mean reinjury of by lifting weights? Do hemorrhoids cause painful bowel movement? Can viibryd cause insomnia and worsen psoriasis? Super sensitivity to certain sound in the ears with headache as well.All ear tests normal and normal health as well. Could abdominal cramps, nausea, headaches, pink discharge and mood swings after taking depo shot mean that I am pregnant? What could be the cause of hard stool with blood and abdominal cramps? Is the infection caused by sebaceous cyst on back likely to heal by itself? What do swollen lymph nodes in neck with tiredness indicate? Is tylenol the treatment for possible strep throat with runny nose, cough with phlegm, vomiting and fever in a child? Is it hormonal or an effect of birth control to have continuous period followed with spotting? What harm does a swallowed stapler pose when stuck at the esophagus? What does pinching pain in rib cage and shortness of breath mean? What is the treatment for hair loss, bumps and yellow oil pockets in ear section caused ny selectulitise? Can kojivit gel be used to treat black spots on scars caused by acne? Can testicle and groin pain be caused by enema? Is it normal to have high calcium level with memory lapses and acid reflux while suffering from Parathyroid Disease? Can the lump in lower jaw be a bone infection caused by tooth filling? Is it okay to take seizure medication while suffering from abdominal cramps and muscular cramps due to meningitis? Can cipro taken for sinus infection result in excessive white discharge? Do I need a stent after removal of large stone in common bile duct through cholecystectomy? Is high pulse rate a sign of danger while on rivaroxaban therapy to cure blood clots in lungs? Can headaches be caused by a previous head injury while also taking xanax and omeprazole for anxiety and GERD? Can soreness in head caused by a head injury in a child prove to be fatal? Why are polyps recurring in case of Samter's Triad while taking aspirin? Will risperidone and intuniv suffice to treat Tourette's syndrome, ADHD and obsessive compulsive disorder? Is stem cells therapy advisable to regain hair loss from alopecia? What is the solution for spinal stenosis in high cholesterol patient with a stent after a heart attack? Will celexa and effexor help with severe depression and anxiety causing chronic headaches? What could be the reason behind swelling in cheekbones followed by strange taste in mouth? Will benadryl help sinus drainage and post nasal drip causing muffled sound in ears? Is swelling in upper lip, forehead and eyes likely to subside by taking ibuprofen and benadryl? Can being a regular user of steroids cause intense pain, shivers and troubles breathing? Can irregular period lasting for short duration and light cramping indicate pregnancy? What are the chances of pregnancy after having tubes tied and while also aging? Can cardio sprints lead to high heart rate with vibrating sensation in heart area? Can lightheadedness, hot flashes and nausea be symptoms of panic attack? What does burning sensation while urinating with white vaginal discharge mean? What does burning sensation in abdomen and heartburn indicate? Can lower back pain and soreness be related to the lump in breast? Does painful bowel movement and abdominal pain with vomiting refer to kidney cysts? Can erectile dysfunction be caused by needle biopsy performed on prostate? Why do I suffer from consistent fever, high pulse rate, headaches and dizziness while being morbidly obese? What would fluttering sensation in uterus, bloating and soreness in nipples refer to after discontinuing alesse? What is the solution if am having terrible gas, frequent bowel movements months after csection? Is coughing out blood after a head injury considered post concussion symptoms? Should I seek medical attention for constipation after taking Norco and Nexium for injury? What is the cause for high levels of potassium in the body? Are anti fungal medicines sufficient to cure geographic tongue after having gallbladder removed? What is the solution for a child having runny nose, wet cough? How to overcome the reoccurring foreskin itching? What should I do if I have inability to stay focused, head and ear pressure, irritability, and lack of energy? Took Unwanted72 pills after having unprotected sex. Have delayed periods. Chances of pregnancy? Any other treatment for high T3/T4 level other than radio iodine therapy in hyperthyroid patients? Are there any side effects? How to stop acid reflux which is not stopping even after medication? Extreme pain in between the chests. Does 'Besivance' cure corneal ulcer? Is it possible for me in becoming a father after analyzing the semen analysis result? Cause of vomiting and headache during and after a lighter than usual period ? Gained 5 lbs in less than a week. Is leg tightness and swelling due to excessive weight gain? Burning vagina after improperly using Podofilix solution to treat vaginal warts. Will applying bacitracin and vaseline help? Is it serious to have brownish discharge in pregnancy after having sex? What can I take for acid reflux along with allergic rhinitis after taking erythromycin? Applied tenovate ointment on eczema affected areas and also on the face. This caused pimples all over the face. Can Femicilion A gel cure the face ? What is the significance of bruises on breasts? How can i get relief from pain from right hip to the foot from long time? Hot and cold pads are not working. How to overcome the pulsating pain in my abdomen after playing soccer? Should i be worried of having constipation, nausea and abdominal pain after the intake of plan b? What are the possible treatments for drug addiction ? What to do if the baby drank fabric softener and sleeping a lot? What are the chances of pregnancy after having unprotected sex two months ago and getting a period? What is the treatment for the calcified granuloma disease? What is the treatment for irritated and dry eyes, swollen lymph nodes, dry throat, and clear phlegm? How to get rid of the scars caused by pimples? Should magnesium supplements be taken for headache? Can paint fume inhalation/teeth cleaning be correlated with high BP and palpitation? What should I do for pain due to pulled muscle in jaw? Is this a bruised bone caused due to tripping and hitting on the knee which hurts when pressure is applied? Should I take medicine during pregnancy for cold, congestion, sore throat, cough and eye irritation? Can i continue my boxing classes as i am having jaundice? What could be the cause of brown vaginal discharge? Am I pregnant if pregnancy test is negative but periods are absent? Why is there no bleeding after taking Misoprostol given after medical abortion and will it be cleared in next menstruation Could dizziness and blurry eyesight a symptom of kidney infection? What is the treatment for tingling penis after unprotected sexual contact? How to overcome the leg cramps on my thigh area? What should be given to baby as feed to get all needful nutrients and develop immunity as there is no mother's milk? Any ideas about treating child's heat rash on face? Can hormonal imbalance affect growing period? Is it safe to use height enhancer? What is the cause of bloated stomach with abnormal bleeding while TSH level, histoscopy and US reports are normal? What diet to follow to get normal sgpt and sgot? Does hucog injection puncture the follicle thereby helping in conceiving? Why penis getting bend to left side when fully erect along with pain after masturbation? What could be the treatment for a child of seven and half years with shaky head ? Is it possible to be pregnant while having brown to red vaginal bleeding at the same time? Long period after implanon insertion. Is it normal to have brown and thick discharge? What is causing right testicle to get bigger and hurt while walking? Also having pain in stomach and back Diagnosed with right renal cyst , what ate the possible treatments ? Can ginet be the cause of mood swings? I am worried about taking methtrexate after melanoma removal. Mother died of lung cancer Can diagnosis of E. Coli UTI be related to neck pain, high pulse rate and headaches? Can quitting smoking lead to neck pain and headaches? Can iodex cause eye sight damage? On eye drops Optihist and Gatilox DM.Please advise Is garlic a recommended solution to help reduce age spots on face? Can I take imodium to treat diarrhea while taking diclofenac for pulled tendon? Can endometriosis be the reason behind black and light period happening twice a month? Treatment for stomach ache,external bleeding hemorrhoids and vomiting. Can taking Diane lead to itching in areola and sore lumps on breasts? Experiencing back pain,wheezing and blood with clots like a period , what is the problem ? Is it normal to have body temperature from 98.4 to 98.8? What can I do for a child with fever, rashes? Already on antibiotics Any advise for conceiving with PCOD other than taking metformin and ovacet? Is cortisone sufficient to heal back pain caused by disc hernia and increasing sciatic pain? Will keflex heal redness and itching caused due to urinary tract infection? What could be the cause of rapid heartbeat and anxiety? What is the treatment for abdominal pain, lost appetite, diarrhea and dizziness? Why do I have irregular period, gastric issues and lower back pain? Recovered from cold, tongue burnt and swollen. How to heal the tongue? Experiencing shooting pain in RUQ under ribs and diagnosed with low ejection fraction and diarrhea , suggest treatments . Does having weird type of sensation in head, jaws, teeth, face are signs of sinus or anxiety? Suffering from cough for long time, on Macardis 40mg as BP medication.Please advice. 21, previously on depo shot,severe periods irregularity presently. Please advice. Any advise for finding two sacs which are 8.1mm and 5.1mm in scanning after having IVF? Can a child take tylenol and motrin for dizziness, lightheadedness, cough and congestion? Are lower back pain, abdominal pain, discharge and palpitation symptoms of pregnancy? Is warfarin accurate medication to treat headaches in frontal lobe after having had suffered from strokes? Is it normal to experience abnormal thirst and exhaustion after a head injury? What could the loud popping sound from neck after a fall in a child mean? Should upper GI endoscopy be taken for nausea, loss of appetite and acidity? Is it harmful to have head bath during first 3 days of periods? How to get rid of dark patches caused by ring worm infection 13 years ago? Experiencing pain at middle of upper back and dizziness, what is the problem ? Is it necessary to meet doctor after having pain in head after head hitting on wooden desk? Why is a 5 year old having fluctuating blood sugar level? Treatment for severe injury in groin joint. Pneumonia, bronchitis. What should be the oxygen level in oxygen machine? Regular usage of the machine is essential? On allergy shots and Benadryl,indentation in right arm along with swollen triceps. Please advice. Is naproxen ointment advisable for severe knee and leg pain? 20 female, itchy red, inflamed and swollen crotch, fungal infection,on Clotrimazole and topical cream with no good.Please advice. Why do I have pink discharge each time after having sex? What are the side effects of taking unwanted 72? Does having itchiness, chest tightness, weird feeling at armpit are signs of lymphoma? Will I have problems conceiving after having induced abortions using MTP kit previously? Why is morphine not subsiding the excruciating pain, severe burning sensation and pins and needles in leg? Advice for terrible headache,elevated WBC,inflammation indicator:88,was on antibiotics and prednisone,CT Scan, MRI and temporal arteries biopsy reports normal. What could be the cause of severe pressure sensation in head? What does nervous breakdown do to a person? Is it safe to take roaccutane for pus-filled acne? What are the possible treatments for seizure ? What could the reason for stomach ache and vomiting , suggest treatments ? Which tablet will help in abortion? Is contraceptive and ipill safe for avoiding pregnancy ? Can hair loss caused by telogen effluvium after receiving treatment for melioidosis be solved using probiotics? What could be the reason for pain at the back (lower right)while the accident effected the rib cage ? Treatment for 29 male,fever,fatigues,ache,little cough,all tests normal,on antibiotic. Is transurethral resection of a bladder tumor the best available treatment? Can taking voltaren help in reducing swelling after arthroscopy? Is bleeding in nose normal after removing adenoids? Can tingling sensation in hands and legs, bump formation in head and headaches be because of basilar skull fracture? What is the reason for having abnormal period? Are cramps in abdomen and spotting considered normal while on depo? What are the treatments for recurring cold, fever, pain in chest, sore throat while having history of blood clots, diabetics? Experiencing dizziness and depression , what is the problem ? What could be the reasons for less facial hair growth, low FSH and semen liquification within 1 minute? Can swelling in feet, redness in palms, burning sensation and discomfort be symptoms of perimenopause? Please suggest medication for irregular periods. Is it safe to take methamphetamine and alcohol with doxycycline taken for chlamydia? What are the possible treatments for varicose veins ? What are the causes of having urge for urination, foamy discharge at the end of urination and foul smell? What is the permanent cure for acne? Can swelling and bleeding from nose mean something serious? What medication can help in reducing the urge for frequent bowel movement? Treatment for terrible headache,pain in left eye,previously had meningitis. On Losartan 50mg,BP normal/below,white coat syndrome,concerned about potassium build up. Please advice. Can steroids being taken for anxiety lead to weight gain? Suggest treatments for bad cold ? Can I take normet instead if levofloxacin and satrogyl for diarrhea and cold? Is lithotripsy effective to get rid off kidney stone? What could be the lump in neck after removing thyroid due to cancer 10 months ago? Yellowish vaginal discharge after sex. Please advice. what could be the reason for frequent dizziness ,vomiting sensation during pregnancy ? what could be the reason for feeling of shakiness , sharp pain and pressure in head ? What are the possible treatments for hemochromatosis ? Can having suffered from borderline gestational diabetes be the cause of excessive thirst and mood swings? Anal pain,constipation followed by diarrhea,nauseous, clear liquid stool with intestinal tissues.Please advice. What could be the reasons for having back pain, shoulder pain, pain in hands and numb arm? What are the causes of having twitching in center of head and eyelids, headache and dry feeling in eyes? Could missed period, spotting, nausea and unusual cramps be signs of pregnancy? 44 female, heaviness in stomach,appetite loss, tenderness in stomach area. Please advice. Is monistat 3 safe for yeast infection ? How can one deal with hangover for elongated duration after consuming excessive alcohol? What is the cure for fever, cold, nasal congestion and cough of a 3 year old child? Can taking high dosage of niaspan result in red rashes and swelling on skin? Treatment for irregular periods. Can you advise the best course of action for the lump on the thigh which is sore with black dot in it? What could be the numbness in hands and tingling after traveling for few hours in a car? Why is the itchy rashes on the inner part of libia and thighs and a brown colored mucus discharge after stopping the birth control pill? Which doctor should I see for the head swelling and the pain radiating to the left eye that occurred after a bad fall and MRI normal? Are the hives around the arms, neck and backside and swollen lumps allergic reaction to raspberry extract? Could the red rashes on the penis head with extreme irritation be herpes or yeast infection? Why is the hair patchy and some bald spots on the hands after a laser treatment and will it ever become normal? What is the reason for pain from the back of the knee radiating upwards which is causing the rise in BP? Which organ is causing the pain on the left side of the abdomen which is constant? What is the reason for the bowel movement twice a day with only gas and has anxiety attacks? Why is the pain in the esophagus after swallowing that radiates towards the back and do not have heart burn? Does Kelnor has the symptoms of nausea and abdominal pain and can I stop it mid-month? Will Polymyxin B sulfate eye drops cause allergic reactions and what is the treatment for swollen eyelids and irritation in eyes? Could you advise me the medication for body aches, burning eyes, headaches and tiredness and recently treated for sinus infection? How long after my last dosage of Suboxone will I experience the withdrawal symptoms? Could the Asmol CFCS inhaler for acute bronchitis causing severe cramps in hands and fingers? Why was I given Amoxicillin and Misoprostol given to me if they have done surgical abortion? Should I consult the doctor as the child is complaining of headache and tasteless food? 93 female, on tylenol,tramadol and primidone. Please suggest treatment for tremors. Is gallbladder check up essential before total hysterectomy? How long does it takes to heal nasal scabbing? Could it be a reason for nasal congestion? Is AIDS transmittable through nail scratches on open wounds? Circ penis,red ring on shaft,dryness,painful,on creams and lotions with no relief. Please advice. Can cymbalta help with anxiety and depression along with lost appetite and irritable bowel syndrome? Can blockage in carotid artery result in numbness in jawline and swelling in neck? Can a scratch on hand be an indication of HIV in the absence of actual sexual contact? What could be the dark bright red mark on penis gland? Injured by slipping off,difficulty in breathing while laying down for sleep.Please advise. Treatment for several swollen under skin pimples on chin. What is the cause of pain in wrist while moving hand forward? Single bump above lip,hurts on touching,hard white ball inside.Please advise. What are the chances of bleeding and pregnancy after missing 2 pills of cerazette? Treatment for painful and swollen vaginal area. What is the cure for ruptured cyst and leaking fluid in abdomen that causes severe pain? What is the reason for having bump on shaft and swelling in skin connecting shaft and tip of a five week baby? Suggest treatments for swollen gums due to wisdom teeth . What are the possible treatments for bilateral wrist drop ? Is there anything to worry about the severe pain in upper back shoulder area which is radiating to breast and armpits? What are the treatments for severe depression and anxiety? Diabetes, frequent urination, severe body pain along with pain in teeth and gum What is the possible duration for stool to be passed out with a coin which was swallowed 6 days ago ? Is it also safe to use mederma for elevated bump around eye ? Does taking fresium for fits cause any side effect ? What could be the reason for cough and irritation in chest and shoulder area during liquid intake ? Has smoking and alcohol has any effect on hypothyroidism ? Experiencing pulling sensation from vagina to the bottom of the ribs , what is the problem ? What could be the red rash around penis near urine hole? Noticed a lump during intercourse, what is the problem ? What is the cause of having spotting and bleeding after periods? Could raised bumps on labia majora which bleeds after applying pressure be an STD? What is the reason of having foul taste in mouth for 2 months? What could be the reason for red bumps around the arm pit ,causing itchiness and burning sensation ? Is there any remedy for regaining the lost hair due to ring worm at the back of the head ? Is coughing with phlegm normal after recovery form pneumonia ? Experiencing high BP ,what are the remedies ? What are the possibilities of being pregnant due to nauseous and dizziness ? Does depression , back pain , vision and memory problem effect the orgasm ? Experiencing dull pain in the right eye and neck, what is the problem ? What could be the reason for dizziness and cold tingles in head ? What could be the reason for traces of blood in urine ? Experiencing heavy bleeding during intercourse , what is the problem ? what is the possible treatment for scars due to stitch marks ? Does taking pill causes irregular periods ? Experiencing muscle pain and itchiness post recovery from ulcers, what is the problem ? What are the possible treatment for pain in the index finger and pip joint ? Will candid cl and oflomac oz have any effect on foetus ? Is it normal to notice a lump on the right testicle ? Any suggestion for getting pimple with yellowish puss after having tattoo on upper arm? Are they any time limit for intake of alcohol during medication (pills) ? What should be done for treating nausea and vomiting for months of a bipolar disorder person? Does anti inflammatory tables interferes with the action of ramipril krka 5mg ? Treatment for nipple sores with heavy pus flow. Treatment for pain in lung while breathing. Treatment advice for 34 male, elevated IgE level,severe itching with skin rashes,cold with mucus formation. What is the reason for distended stomach and thumps in stomach? Will digestive enzymes help in treatment of IBS? Can holding urine for long duration cause testicle pain? Can delayed period after unprotected sex be indicative of pregnancy? Is it normal to experience back pain while coughing or sneezing after C section? Will cataract surgery assist in reading better? Can I use amacar to stop bleeding from tongue piercing while being diagnosed with mild Hemophilia Type A? Experiencing severe back, abdominal pain and pulling of leg . What is the problem ? Is cosmelite safe for skin pigmentation ? what treatment is suggested for accidental application of dettol on skin and its after effects ? What could be the reason for a bump on the head near temple , which is about the size of a quater ? What solution for severe itching due to hives is advised while antihistamines cause excessive sleep? Experiencing sudden gain in heart rate due to running ,what could be the problem ? what are the suggestions for irregular periods post pregnancy ? what are the possible treatments for disc protrusion ? How can periods be stopped after spotting occurred despite taking Meprate? What is the treatment for vulvar itching, bumps within labia majora, and no discharge? What should I do for sinus allergy despite taking Glemont-F and Otrinoz? What could be the alternative medicine for Nephrocaps capsule taken for sugar which is no longer available? What is the cause for belching, gas, right abdominal pain in fatty liver and H.Pylori patient? Treatment for ring worms. Is belching and vomiting with sore throat just an indication of flu or something else ? Burning sensation during urination and ejaculation, was on cipro with no result. what is the possible treatment for pus and blood oozing out of toenail ? What is the best treatment for clogged throat with two lumps at the back and constant dryness ? What could cause excessive scratching in feet that leads to bleeding and dry skin flakes removal? What could cause itchy red bumps all over the body, even on scalp? What could cause sharp pain in ovaries and delayed periods? I regularly have birth control pills Should I continue using finpecia and tugain after undergoing transplantation of frontal hair? Should we start the treatment for Hepatitis-B all over again since the doctor has been transferred to a different hospital? Experiencing pain middle of the back and towards stomach , enlarge prostate. What could be the problem ? Medication to avoid unwanted pregnancy. Cystectomy done for right side endometrioma and both tubes patent. Should I use Decapeptyl injection ? Could it be the pulled muscle causing the sharp pain below the breast on the left side? Taking Walgreens "cough relief ", is it better to take expectorant ? Taking Macro bid to treat UTI which has caused gives. Can Macrobid cause permanent damage on the system? What are the possible treatments for High BP , headache and dizziness ? What is the advisable treatment for ulcerative colitis causing indigestion, abdominal pain and anxiety? Can ayurvedic medicine hyphoid help with body stiffness caused after body weight exercises? Can U take armour for chronic cough with phlegm and wheezing while also suffering from hashimoto's and thyroid? Can implantation bleeding happen days after intercourse? Do red and itchy bumps on pubic area indicate hives? What does low WBC count and high CRP on blood test reveal? High tsh (fluctuating ), low vit d(7) level with body fatigue, lethargy, pain ( since many years). On oral Vit D ferrous sulphate. What is the cause? Why continuous stabbing pain at the back of the head and myopic eyes predominant in the day time. Glaucoma test normal. Not able to conceive. Progesterone and thyroid normal and sperm count (25 mill/ml).Will 'Confido and Firtisure' for husband and nidigen-100' for wife have side effects? Cause of itchy scalp ( worse at night and after shower) with hair loss and white grainy particles after scratching? Cause of appearance of bruise on the hip and belly 3 days after diarrhea and stomach ache? On 1000mg of 'metmoephin and lovastatin 'for several months now. Intermittent abdominal pain while all scan reports normal, prescribed Amitriptyline. Is it necessary ? what could be the reason for pain at the base of skull (right),jerks and weakness during ovulation? How to prevent and cure excessive flatulence even after trying most of the curing pills , good diet & exercise? Does taking cayane pill causes sore throat or infection ? What is the home remedy for loose motions and weakness? What are the possible treatments for swollen gums with bleeding ,fever and cold ? Diagnosed with HFM . Why is there recurring pain on the left side of the body with swollen wrist, knee, ankle? Can 'amoxclav' (400 mg) twice daily help normalising a swollen face? what are the allergic reactions of seafood ( prawns, scallops, salmon) on a human? Can I just stop the Finofibrate medication that I have been taking for nearly two years ? Where can I get best treatment for pain in foreskin and tightening during intercourse ? Can a bite from a dog ( vaccinated 6 mnths ago for rabies ) cause Vertigo, weakness, shoulder ache in the arm where it bit? What do these sudden pains in various parts of the body with severe chest pain indicate ? Could weakness in muscles, occasional spasming of cervix and tingling over face and head indicate nervous disorder ? How to treat dry skin and hair? Receive trigger point injections at the back of the skull on the right side. Suffer from hemotoma as a result of seizure. Severe acne on the face, stomach & buttocks & swollen glands in the body. How can I stop these symptons? Sore and firm breasts since 3 years. Could it be breast cancer? Suffer from PCOs with a surgery done too. Take oral contraceptives provera & depo-provera on/off to regularise the periods. Is there any other solution to get regular periods? Can tampons cause irritation during the periods and cause UTI / yeast infection ? How can I prevent the above? High fever with classic flu symptons went down by 'tylenoi cold'. Now the temperature is stable at 99-100 for 2/3 days. Should it be a concern? Pain on the left side of the brain while inhaling & also when pressed. 'Motirn' is not working. Is it a tumour? Had allergic reaction due to bee sting and took steroids, benadryl and now pepcid. Can any of this cause swollen testicles with mild pain? Took pills to stop periods. Had unprotected sex. Still have not got periods. Chances of pregnancy? Having delayed periods, headaches, nipple tenderness, nausea, heartburn after having intercourse during ovulation period. HPT negative. When to test again? Heel pain started after getting off Ketamine infusion used for exacerbated CRPS. Are there any risks ? Can taking Dexamethasone injection during worsening headaches have any side effects ? What could be done for drowsiness and blurred vision after taking advil sleeping pills? Can basal cell removal from the shoulder cause a swollen lymph node at the base of the skull? Should an anterior/inferior MI at some point in EKG worry us ? How can I calculate the next periods and ovulation dates to conceive ? Is electronic cigarette and its water vapour okay to consume after removal of tonsils and adenoids? I am 8 mnths pregnant with Hb count 9-10 & foetal growth 1 week in advance. Would it be safe to use the following prescribed injections & venal drips solution: Pregasafe Neo, Decdan, Zantac, Disertone, NaCl solution for drips, Iuset, Latass, Dimetix, Astymin Forte? What could be the reason for having small bumps on soft palate after eating meals? How to treat scar leaving bumps under the facial skin? I suffer from keratosis pilaris on the rest of the body. Can taking wellbutrin and phentermine result in having auditory hallucinations? What to do if the child has hardness, redness in the ear pierced area? What is the cause of shortness of breath with tightness of chest, headaches and lower left flank pain ? Hurting tongue while the wisdom tooth is coming. Is it normal? Recurring red hot rashes on chest,legs & back intensified by alcohol & with pulsating sensations throughout the body. Ra factor of 20.3. Should I be concerned? What are the treatments for vertigo and dizziness after doing transcription job? Does extreme pain in left rib indicate a broken rib ? What could be the reason for jelly like blobs coming from vagina while on birth control pill? How to cure non itchy bumps on the shaft of the penis? What could be done to increase the height of a 15 year old child? Bleeding with heavy clots after taking Novex DS after diagnosing simple cystic Hyperplasia. How to stop it ? What is the cure for swelling and heavy bruising in shin and ankle? Are the symptoms of bad cramping, pain in stomach and headache are ore menopausal? What could be the reasons for having headache, dizziness, dark yellow urine and pain in right side of body? Why am i having irregular periods, stomach cramps and headaches after inserting nexplanon? How to overcome the problem of enormous feces that hurt while passing them ? Can tremors in voice relate to Lupron being taken during hormone therapy for prostate cancer ? Swollen tonsils, uvula and canker sores in mouth. Could this be due to inhaling nitrous oxide, taking MDMA orally ? What could be the reason for having elevated liver enzyme test and positive H pylori result? What are the reasons for mood swings, anger, headaches and acting like a catatonic child? What is the solution for burning pain in penis and semen in urine after frequent masturbation for long time? What might the problem be unable to withstand the erection for a long time which started after the damage to lower lumbar in an accident? What should I do for the hair fall and dandruff forming in clusters and is not responding to any kind of treatment? Could the titanium implant on tooth be the cause for tiredness and headaches? What could be the reason for swelling and soreness in labia minora and blisters like canker sores? What is the reason for decrease in diameter at the penis head and uretha tube harder having a history of duvericulitis and Prostatis? His can i get rid of stomach bloating after the surgical abortion at nine weeks of pregnancy? What might be the cause for aggravated sinuses frequently which results in vertigo and gives metallic taste to tongue? Could the mass on the ovary lead to cancer and also having fibroid cyst on the same ovary? Changed medication from Pentasa to Imuran for Crohns Iletis. Is it necessary ? Should I be concerned for the ultrasound scan showing a shadow on the baby and the baby is upside down? What could be the problem having constipated on long term, mild prolapse and pain in stomach? Is any operation for GERD required for some erythema epigastric and small erosions in the distal esophagus ? What do I do for the swollen bottom lip with little cut and the top tooth purple in olour after falling down? Why would the BP come down as the sugar levels are aggravated? Should I be concerned for the lump on the scrotal sac which had been for a long time and has no pain? Lateral disc bulge at C5/C6 and diffuse disc bulge at C6/C7. How quickly should I have the surgery done? What could be the lump seems like a soft tissue on the side of the face after I was punched? Why is the pain in the calf muscle while walking and having low sugar, low BP and under active thyroid? Multiple ovarian cysts including Nabothian cyst. Could the cysts be ruptured while running on the tread mill because I am having severe back pain? Why would the right foot get cold and sometimes swelling and having shortness of breath after artrial fibrillation? What is the reason for red eyes in the morning which are sensitive to light and have bad body odor? Why don't the doctors follow natural remedies rather than giving allopathic medicine which harms the body artificially? Why is the weight fluctuates between 5-8 kg depending on binge eating and also have lot if anxiety? His can I stop the bad breath, bad smell from the vagina and bad odor? Why I notice a smell every now and then and Metronidazole gave me a worse by infection? Is it herpes or bacterial infection having swollen boils on the vagina after sexual intercourse? Can 'Nordette' contraceptive cause dizziness or abdominal bloating? Should I be concerned with nausea, lightheaded feeling and constant heartburn ? What kind of tests should be taken after not recovering from fever even after taking medication? What are the treatments required after seeing unilateral diastolic notching in ultrasound at 18th week of pregnancy? Is it normal to feel like small stone moving around top of knee and having soreness? Any thoughts about the bruise like mark on the chin ? Can Bactrim treat boils? What are the treatments for brown discharge and green colored stool? What could be the reason for having dehydrated mouth and skin, scalp pain while touching hair and nipples pain? Experiencing burning sensation on left armpit,dizziness due to pea sized lump on the back of neck. What could be the problem ? What is the solution for having warm feeling in feet, lower legs and change of color to red, gray and purple? Pain in the pelvic everytime I urinate or have a bowel movement. Nausea, lack of appetite since few weeks. Could it be because of ovarian cysts? Can i give ondansetron oral suspension to a 2 year old child for vomiting? Is there an alternative medication for nexium and is there an easy way to replace loss of minerals? What is the reason for pain, numbness and swelling in the left side towards the back? Can drops used to heal hole in eardrum lead to pus formation and fungal infection? Experiencing muscle discomfort , stiffness and pain in shoulders . What could be the problem ? Can water entering nostrils cause breathlessness? Is it advisable to take clarithromycin and paracetamol to cure sore throat caused by tonsillitis? What treatment is required to treat chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy and igA deficiency? Can using headphones lead to numbness and muffled hearing? Should I suspect earwax against eardrum? What are the treatments for coughing up green phlegm, clogged nose, sore throat and losing voice? What could the red blotches on face and neck of a child mean? Is sneezing a cause for sharp headache? Is there any correlation between thyroidectomy and symptoms like sluggishness, tiredness, puffy eyes ? Is it possible to reduce TSH by yoga or physical exercise? 27, male. Anal irritation due to external hemorrhoids ,bleeding. 69 female,recurring fever,blood and mucus in stool,high neutrophil, low lymphocytes,on Levoflox. 27, trying to conceive, dark brown menstrual flow,excessive vaginal discharge. Could licking of WIC check be associated with numbness and burning sensation in lips and tongue? Is MRI recommended for CLL patient? Yellow smelly vaginal discharge,,vaginal hysterectomy 12 yeras ago,tests negative for STD and vaginosis and 2 courses of antibiotic taken. Do symptoms of abdominal pain and back pain with dark and frequent urination suggest pregnancy or UTI? Can headaches be a result of nitro given under the tongue after experiencing chest pain? Can my problem be treated without surgery? What could be the reason of brown blood clots discharge and abdominal cramps after having coil fitted? Could light vaginal bleeding and dull pain in vagina be the symptoms of miscarriage? What does white discharge around clitoris after taking azithromycin for chlamydia signify? Why does one experience blacking out and blocking of airway at random hours of the day? Why would one experience restlessness and sleeplessness with lower back and abdominal pain while pregnant? Is it possible to get pregnant without taking prolifen while having all the reports normal? Is sharp pain under left rib cage while breathing a symptom of bronchitis? What is the cause of child's green vomit, fever and bilirubin in urine? What is meant by brain MRI report that shows subdural hematoma? What is advised for deafness combined with tinnitus? Breakthrough bleeding with mild cramps while taking Microgynon. Should I stop medication? What is the safest way to abort a two week old fetus? What are the chances of small hydrocele to go away? What causes constipation, frequent urination after gall bladder removal with normal colonoscopy? 33 years female. Bulged stomach, menstrual pause since 4 months, weight gain, non pregnant. Having seasonal allergy. Sneezing stopped but having runny nose and itching in nose for years. Any solution? Can intermittent dull pain in pelvis be a symptom of uti? Is there anything I could apply to heal the stinging and itchy cut on the vagina? What should I do having fatty liver, over weight and elevated SGOT, SGPT and Globulin? should Diamicron Mex XR be taken before food and after food? What is the reason for the bruise at the back of the knee which is sensitive to touch and have low iron content? Where can I get discount on certain tests like CECT Thorax, TSH, RA, ECHO, D-Dimer and BN levels? What could be the reason for missed period with conflicting pregnancy test result while on birth control? Could the over dosage of amoxcillin in a person can lead to death? What is the patch of skin on to the left of the testicles which is not itchy? Could the oral sex done at a young age to the other male unknowingly be HIV infected? Why is the foul odor from vagina with no itching and having normal menstruation? Could the red itch spots all over the body would be the outbreak is Psoriasis? What is causing tiredness, thyroid and very low vitamin D and seeing endocrinologist and Rheumatologist? What can be done for giddiness, weakness in legs, vomiting while taking anastrazole? Could it be the tension that led to the pre ejaculation? What could be the popping in the chest under the right breast that seems like ligament popping? What is the reason for nausea, headache, fatigue, cramp after missed periods with a negative pregnancy test? What should I do for the sore left chest having a hard lump beside the nipple? What does Platelets are mature and adequate small clumps are noted mean? Is it normal to have retro grade ejaculation post prostate surgery? Is it yeast infection having burning sensation, itching and soreness in vagina? Is there any home remedy for itching in vagina and red bumps all over the butt crack? What could be the reason for prolonged periods and purplish red discharge? Severe pain in mouth with chills and fever. Swelling in face and lymph node due to absess. How to drain it? Itchy bloody scalp sores with discharge. No relief from bacitracin and cortisone Diabetic with fluctuating sugar levels, swollen cheek, taking omnacitril for bronchial problem What should I do for loose stools with white particles and pain after appendectomy? Can I conceive if my US report shows features s/o POD? Is a hard, painful knot below ribs when bending due to muscle cramps? Is it shingles having the symptoms of severe rashes, red and sore and has taken Atarax tablet? Why would the cysts causing burning sensation after intercourse and have taken Nuforce kit? How to treat violent cough with green mucus that does not drain completely? Doctor suspects Tracheitis Could you suggest the right medication for high BP, weakness, pain in joints and palpitations? What could be the reason for not conceiving having one tube removed and the other have water content in it? Could the black bruise on the knee is some kind of insect bite? MRI shows gliosis in the right frontal anterior lobe in the parasagittal location. Matter of concern? Does taking Ezetrol, Metoprolol tartrate, tritace, clopidogrel, atorvastatin cause erectile dysfunction? What are the chances of pre-cum having sperm while having unprotected sex? How to terminate pregnancy after urine report shows positive for pregnancy? How to treat hairloss after Trigane and other supplements showed no results? What does sonography during pregnancy suggest? What is the reason for fleshy discharge during periods? After how many days after appendectomy can I start taking birth control pills? What should I do for the pain on the right side between the stomach and the hip area? What kind of treatment and diet is to be followed after analyzing the test results? What does bruising and puss like something in a month old bruise, from an accident, indicate? What can I do for swollen ankle after an injury with a history of neurofibromatosis? Should i be worried about the small flesh pieces on back of penis head? What is the reason for pain near belly button and painful urination? On high BP medicine but occasionally heart rate is 130 and bp is 90/70 with slight headache and short breath at resting state. Is it serious? Can I consume alcohol? Can 'istamet 50/500' cause any reaction to a diabetic patient who was previously taking 'TRivolib'? What causes sharp pain in chest while lying down? How to cure constipation since 5 days? What could decreased heart rate indicate when already suffering from anxiety disorder? Is it serious to have a racing heart and pulse? Under major stress and had anxiety attack Why is the swelling under the eye which is watering whereas the other eye which has undergone cataract surgery is normal? Is hysterectomy the best option to remove fibroid tumors and to relieve the heavy bleeding ? Keeping the cervix cause cervical cancer? Should I be concerned for the lump on the uvula which has not gone after taking antibiotics? On 'nuvaring' and 'topamax'(75 mg for migrane for 6 mnths) and had severe nausea. Pregnancy home test is negetive Should I stop the medicine and go fr blood serum level test? Why am I having palpitations with ECG and EKG normal and advised for Metoprolol? What is the reason for bloating on right side with numbness after the gall bladder surgery? What is the treatment for sever intersection syndrome and has developed red rash on the hands? I have 12 yrs of heart and back problem with 9 back surgeries (L & C) and 4 bypass aorta rebuild What could cause nausea and sharp right back shoulder blade pain? What is the reason for stomach pain, symptoms of depression, dry throat and fatique? What might the lumps in the throat be having difficulty in swallowing and the numbness in hands? Had allergy shots of 'adrenaline' for hives on arms and pelvic region with some relief. Is another shot required to prevent the allergy reaction? How can I overcome the depression and taking lisinopril for BP and had concussion and damage of rotary cuff? What is the treatment for swelling after a sprained ankle with fluid accumulation while on ibuprofen? Are there any natural ways of treating Polymyalgia Rheumatic a? Historic high WBC count with latest count of 14.2 and Absolute SEG of 10.41 with normal range of 2.0 to 6.9. Gallbladder and liver tests are normal.Can this cause right shoulder blade pain that radiates to the neck? Can regular shaving of the vagina cause pus filled bumps and what is the reason for white discharge? Can a person suffering from pneumonia undergo angiogram or angioplasty? What is the purpose of Duphaston tablet because I don't have any problem in pregnancy? What causes constant pain in leg muscles and the knee inspite of taking vitamin tablets? What might be the problem, ultrasound report showing fatty liver and bulky uterus with fibroids and the doctor advised medication for menstruation? Causes for a bright red circle around the anus for a person already suffering from exezma? How do I fix the bad stomach grumblings, gastritis and stomach cramps? Does CCP positive and ocular manifestations predict early JIA diagnosis for child? What is the remedy for the stomach ache caused due to indigestion of food and unienzyme is not of much use? What is the reason for sudden pain and swelling in left thumb and right inner ankle? Will the bruising on abdomen and pelvic area caused due to accident increase due to work carrying heavy loads? How can I help the scaly skin in melisma patches and what is the treatment for Psoriasis? Does the Flucort forte skin lotion stop the itching of red dotted rash and what is the medication for swollen red spot on foot? Are there any home remedies to cure Hiatus hernia, gastritis and abdominal bloating? Should I be concerned for the USG report showing low lying posterior placenta and lower pole touching the IOS? Should i be worried about fasting blood sugar of 118 and should i start metformin immediately? Diabetic. Sore, ulcer below the anus. No help from Mupirocin ointment. Can you prescribe any antibiotics? What is the reason for pancreatitis and stomach bloating when the gall bladder removal being scheduled? What is the problem having pain on the head at the back of the ear and recently had mild heart stroke with all reports being normal? How long it would take to cure the classic hive from allergy and what else should I use as I am on antihistamines? How could I become normal from the feeling of sickness and nausea after the overdose of paracetamol? Are there chances of pregnancy having unprotected sex and have little brown discharge? Had faceut joint injection with botox and on 'lyrica' (25 mg) and 'tramadol(zydol)' ( 200 mg) and still suffering from Low back pain? How long does average case of stapholuccus aureus infections last and don't sever cases require iv. Infusions to fully recover? Can ear wax cause recurring headaches above the ears, weakness and poor concentration? What should i give to a 7 year old to stimulate his appetite? Should a pregnant lady be concerned after consuming food with some melted plastic in it? Is this strep throat having symptoms of burning and flat yellow patches at the back of throat? Recovering alcoholic. Having many family issues, business issues. What happens if medication is not taken? Should I inform the urologist that I had endometrial biopsy done for abnormal bleeding? Suffering from Diabetes, hypertension, active kidney & 3 heart blocks. Is there an alternative for open heart surgery? Would it be safe to take the drug, MDMA, if I am completely cured of Myocarditis? Are there chances of pregnancy having rubbed the sperm by hand? What should I do having diagnosed with viral labyrintis and having dizziness and depression? Heart fibrillating, can feel echo in finger tips, pricking sensation in the heart, weakness in legs. What does it indicate? What could cause bumps on the neck which are flaking off with itchiness? Swollen abdomen with a painful hard lump under the belly button. CT scan rules out incarcerated hernia.What could it be? Should I consult the doctor for the lump on the forehead looking like blood vein and itching? Is this strep leading to Scarlett fever and has mild rash on the chest and is teething? Terrible stomach cramps, frequently passing watery acid kind of stools. Working stressfully long hours. What could it be? Took treatment for pulmonary embolism. Can I take Astrix on my own and would it cause any side effects? 7 wks pregnant with odourless grey vaginal discharge progesterone level of 13.8. Will 'crinone' help? Mild heart attack with normal BP & cholestrol.Can compression fractures, a neuro stimulator in the back, due to major daily pain effect the heart? Current PSA level is 4.31 after 1 month intake of 'rapilif8 od' and still continuing for 3 mnths with high bp medicine 'CovenceD' and suppressant. Should I continue with rapilif8 and get PSA test done ? AST 70. ALT 55 and Testosterone level 7.8 for a vegetarian triathlete with no family history of liver disease. Please advise. Is ther reason for sudden headache, fatique, eyes burning is some chemical leakage in the house? Can the medial and meniscus tears on the knee be cured without the minesctomy surgery? What are treatment options for AFIB and was taking Aspirin for the same? What is the reason for pain in eyebrows when raised high and normal when low? Can I ask to be frozen to re-dress the extremely painful wound due to removal of sebaceous cyst from the neck? Suffering with Crohns disease. Would the hole be filled which was formed due to popping of the ulcer? Had pain under armpit, indigestion, anxiety attack, breathing problem after alcohol and cocaine abuse. Was it mild heart attack? Red itchy dots close to the incision of the grafted skin on the hand.Should i be concerned? Am I pregnant if I have clear discharge and strong urine? What could be the white milky drip from tip of penis after recovering from chlamydia? Could Unprotected sex with emergency contreception cause late periods? Can mini pill 'Norgeston' be taken along with Co-Amoclav 625mg" antibiotics, "Etoricxib 60mg" and "Mefinamic Acid / Ponstan 500mg after tooth implant? Repeated passing out with nausea, profuse sweating and cold clammy skin with daily nauseatic feeling. What is the treatment required after analyzing HSG results? Why do I feel like burping after taking food as I have tried all types of indigestion medications? Why has the person who had the drug for induced coma have not woken up after stopping medication and on dialysis? Has webbed neck due to turner syndrome. Unable to keep the area infection free. How to treat it? Which specialist should I consult to treat prolonged Petechiae on feet and ankles? What is the treatment for itchy rash on hands, neck, and armpits? What is the treatment for gas during night? Received period early. Took unwanted 72 after sex during period. Is there any problem? What is the cause of recurring headache which is not curing even after taking claritin and flonase? Are skin coloured spots on the back of the tongue vcircumvallate papillae or something else? Is the dosage and duration of medications for hormone replacement appropriate? What does the findings of the semen analysis indicate? How to get rid of rashes all over the body? Biopsy done, steroids only calming it down What could be the reason for having missing periods, nausea, tender breast, frequent urination and negative pregnancy tests? What could cause enlarged lymph node, pain in lower back, abdomen and chest? Have history of white matter lesions Anal and vaginal area sore, dryness on side of legs. Using rash cream and cortizone-10 not helping What causes blood in urine with nausea, pain in lower right abdomen? Have left ovarian cysts Had knee replacement surgery 6 months ago with swelling above the knees due to hyper-sentitive nerve pain in the surrounding tissues. Can I go for tap dancing? What is the remedy for bronchitis having taken two courses of antibiotics with no relief? What is the treatment for excessive gas after meals? Chronic and progressively worsening pain due to elevated liver enzymes. Gall bladder removed years ago What is the reason for clicking ankles of child when jumping? What is the problem if child has blood and mucus in stools? What is the medicine for children with sinus infection? Can muscle twitches in the arm correlate with an ST Depression? How can fungus infection on toes be treated? Should I be concerned about vaginal infection via blood on gloves? Can Estrogen cream aid in healing of vaginal cuff? MRI of brain done after diagnosed with lupus. Should I be concerned about the report? What is the treatment for depression and anxiety despite taking anti-depressants? What is the reason for muscle spasms in legs and arms and high ANA level? What are the chances of getting pregnant with IUI versus natural methods? Is repeated presence of blood in urine a sign of cancer? What is the reason for abdominal pain despite taking Ciprofloxacin for diarrhea? Can swimming exercises cause delay in period? Having no symptoms of periods arrival What is the treatment for recurrent boils on the body? Why do I have rib pain and slouching near the liver? What is your opinion about chair back massagers for treatment of herniated discs? Pelvic scan shows bulky uterus. What does the finding mean? What is the treatment for child's recurrent UTIs? Can local anesthesia and painkiller cause methamphetamine positive drug test results? What should I do for redness and bleeding bump after forehead injury? Leukocytes high in urinalysis. Does that indicate UTI? Is gurgling noise when exhaling due to inhaling fumes from spray painting? Will glucosamine help in controlling knee pain? How to cure indention left by socks? Hypoglycemia controlled with diet Any ideas about recurrent headache, numbness and tingling in fingers and face, nausea and vomiting? Will Seretide taken for asthma cause tiredness? Can ear infection occur without a fever? Could I still be pregnant even if pregnancy test is negative? What is the reason for itchy spot on pubic area without smell or discharge? Does Zotreem plus slimming capsules work effectively and can I take vitamins along with capsules? Child not taking solid food and loosing weight. How to increase his appetite? What is the treatment for leg pain and low back pain due to vertebral hemangioma? What does urinalysis report suggest? Is there any kind of issue? Is it possible to get pregnant after taking all precautions? How to bring back delayed period? Face became sensitive and thin after doing IPL lasers and chemical peeling. How to clear reoccurring acne marks? What is the diagnosis for a bleeding bump on side of vagina? How can the elevated creatine, urea and BP be controlled? What can be done for short breath, dust allergies for an asthmatic patient? How to calm down the numbness in right arm due to Neuropathy and having medications for arthritis, lyrics and nerve pain? What causes severe early morning nausea with abdominal changes and skipped period? Are my hypothyroid levels dangerous for conceiving? Should I be concerned for the abdominal stitch that seems to be sandwiched and is there a possibility of infection? What could a open pore in back which fills like a lump and smelly on unclogging be? Is it correct to take Primolut-B tab to regulate the periods without taking the copper T? Is there any chance of pregnancy having aborted two weeks ago and had unprotected sex?
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