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Suffering from acute urticaria and severe allergies. History of malaria. Swollen liver and spleen. Reason? Stomach ache, reports normal, pan-d, want to reduce weight, Stomach ache, less bowel and urine movement, mucus in stool, taking trimethoprim, feels warm and nauseous Stopped bleeding after abortion, started jogging, red stool Blood in stools, swollen anus, pain and difficulty in passing stools. Home remedy? Heavy blood clots during periods. Cause and medicine? BP 150/100, hyperthyroidism, high cholesterol, taking corticosteroids, nose bleed. Reaction with Trenaxa 500? PCOD. Taking ovutrig injection, siphene and folvite md. What is the chances to conceive? What could be the cause of bleeding from the nose and vomiting in an obese with migraine ? Heavy bleeding, irregular, gynae cvp, symptoms of menopause Yeast infection, red and swollen, bleed after scratching Effectiveness of a placebo magic pill, trying to lose belly fat. Suggestion? Done D and C because of the fetal problems, having cyst. Doing follicular study for pregnancy. DF in ovary reduced with POD collection. Meaning? What does pus cells, bacilli and undigested particles in stools indicate ? How to get rid from itching and rashes in private parts and anus ? Had protected intercourse, taken i-pill, missing periods. Pregnant? What is the cause of jerks after reduction in medicine dosage for myoclonic epilepsy ? Can one on Esgipyrin -SP tablets take Ofloxacin & Ornidazole tablets for severe abdominal cramps ? Frenulum torn, lot of bleeding,drinking sugar water Diabetic,hole detected in heart,high urinal infection since a month ,vomiting,gastric,ESR test result high Cough, cold, fever, sweating, side effects of taking pause-500, esiflo 250, augmentin 650, doxobid 500, aciloc rd High sugar level, taking lupisulinm, losing weight. How to improve weight? Have memory problems, lost memory. Done brain, heart, blood and sugar tests. Prescribed medicines and advised rest. What can be the memory loss due to? Diabetes, high sugar and blood pressure, blood test done, high creatinine level Which medicines or home remedies should I take for rapid recovery from eye infection ? What is the cause of chest pain in a smoking addict ? Is there any natural remedy for PCOS ? Want to postphone periods. Prescribed primoult-N. Can there be sideeffects and irregular periods after this medication? Does anxiety and stress cause urinary incontinence during night ? Migraine,soft spot left side of head above ear,red rash,swollen reddish body Systemic lupus erythematosus, cesarean section, internal suppuration of abdomen, proteus mirabilis What is the cause of light fluttering sensation in the abdomen ? Absence of periods after unprotected sex, taken i-pill. Taken misoprostol. What can be done for bldding to start? Fever, pus cells in urine, advice Irregular periods in three months intervals, done abortion. Done thyroid test and ultrasound. Can the abortion be valid in the ultrasound? Having heavy body, How to lose weight quickly? Had accident, nose bent, breathing problem. Will rhinoplasty change the shape of nose and cure the breathing problem? Sweating problem in the genital areas and painful ring around the anus with itching Put on weight, planning to go to gym. Is gyming ok, will this lead to weighgain after stopped? Bruise and bump on the arm, blood vessels on the arm, jelly like substance under the bump PCOD, taking Siphene, pain and stretching in lower abdomen. Pregnant? What are the signs of early pregnancy ? Severe upper right abdominal pain Pain in my left lung, bubbles popping, shortness of breath, tired feeling Hard, non-moving lump on thoracic vertebrae, paining, tender to touch. What could be this? Can I have tonsil stones and tonsil cancer? Dry cough, Hb 10.4,Penidure injection? MRI showed hypercelluar marrow in the vertebrae and mild posterior bulge. Is this serious? Stomachs polyps and colon polyps, gallbladder removed, nausea, loss of appetite, restricted diet Pneumonitis. Taking Clarithromycin. Repeat PA CXR, shows PTB lesion. Cause of worry? Upper lip bruised, headache, seeing aura, jumping vision, tingling limbs What is the cause of back pain, sore nipples, vaginal discharge, excessive hunger in one on Fertyl and folic acid ? Scrotum loose and empty other than testicle, skin stretchy Will I miscarry if I have hemorrhoids? What could be the reason for blisters in children which leads to itching and redness ? Leiomyomatous uterus, ovarian cyst, endometrial fluid, hydrosalpinx PCOD, irregular periods, trying to conceive, taking modus 10mg, missing periods. Chances of pregnancy? Pain in right arm, shoulder pain, shooting pain, numbness, leg pain, indigestion. Causes? Pain in teeth, jaws, shingles in mouth, trigeminal neuralgia, sinus infection. Causes for symptoms? Throat pain, swollen tonsils, fever, taken azithromycin, cefixime, ibuprofen and paracetamol. Suggestion? Are my irregular periods due to my thyroid problem? Spinal chord normal than normal, tested negative for all illness and genetic disorders Inflamed cervix due to poor immune system, d and c recommended. Will I be able to conceive? Can methamphetamine cause Graves disease? Increased heartbeat, panic disorder, overweight, cholesterol 160 Cramps, fibroids, bloody stools. Reason? Having stomach cramps, feelings vomiting. What is the problem? Child having black oily substance in the first urine. Advised ultrasound, urine tests, vaginal swab. Had cleaned the toilet with duck beach. Advice? Rising heart beat on getting up, low blood pressure, pain in upper back. Causes and treatment? Scoliosis, degenerative disc disease, have pain behind hip radiating to back, no fractures in frontal hip X-ray. Had hip replacement and one revision. Missed anything in the X-ray? Suffer from sudden anxiety causing momentary confusion, difficulty to communicate in public. How can I overcome this? No period for 3 months, Etamsylate advisable? Inflamed liver due to overdose of paracetamol Tired, chest pain, swelling in throat. Dietary suggestion? Type 2 diabetes, hyperglycemia, heart racing. Hypertension or anxiety attack? Feeling of a boy, identification with male gender, unnatural feeling post intake of primolut-N for regularizing periods. What would be the consequence of stopping this medicine? Gagging after using nicotine gum in the arm. Reason? Unprotected sex, itching Hard lump inside nostril, painful, have breast cancer, lymph nodes pos, went through chemotherapy. Suggestion? Bumps and rashes on buttocks, itching, had protected sex who had genital herpes. Difference between heat rash and herpes? Cyst covering the right ear, infkammation when high blood sugar, diabetic, dizziness. Anything else to be checked? Discomfort near spleen,stomach pain in night,fever,weakness,heart palpitations,mono test positive What to do if broken finger didn't heal properly ? Heavy sweating in armpit, weight gain. Cure? What is the cause and remedy for hard stomach with fluid in an alcohol addict ? Specific Polysacchride Antibody Deficiency, Common Variable Immune Deficiency, not on antibiotic, no immunity for staph and step, Cipro What is the cause of smoky taste after coughing in an pregnant on medicines for bacterial infection ? Gynecomastia, regular gym workout, liposuction, taken letrozole, nolvadex, high BP. Suggest treatment? Pelvic examination, homogenous echopattern with no detectable mass lesions, thick endometrium, enlarged ovary, cyst. Can i conceive? Stomach sore, burn, hurts, acidity, costochondritis, Smoker, getting testicular infections, taken antibiotic, cured. Is it due to smoking? If we take eptoin tablets all at a time will it lead to death as my sister is having suicidal tendencies ? What are the consequences of accidental intake of toilet cleaner ? Weight loss, hanging skin below abdomen, stubborn itchy fungal infection, sore, red skin Is chemotherapy effective during 4th stage liver cancer ? Bleeding with clots after abortion, enlargement of abdomen, missing periods Skin infection, red patches, itching, atopic dermatitis, levosiz-10 and enzocort 30mg Small marble sized lump on left shin, on the mid shaft, smaller lump developed next to it, non painful, non movable How can I treat irregular periods and nose bleeds? What is the cause of having white discharge with pain after urination in early pregnancy ? Pain in foreskin during sex, trying to go for stretching excercises before surgery. Suggestion? Is it due to dusty weather I am experiencing twitching of left eye lid ? Frequent miscarriages with double HCG level Hyperthyroid, delayed periods, had unprotected sex. Have regular periods after taking methimazole. Pregnancy chances? Why do I suffer from deep gnawing pain in stomach ? Should one with a family history of diabetes discontinue medicines for increase in sugar levels during treatment for blister ? Red round spots on inner cheeks. Hematoma? What is the remedy for vomiting with terrible diarrhoea post intake of Lisinopril ? Abdominal pain with loose stool,sweetish smelling stool,acidity in food pipe What is the cause of recurring pain around the ovary with cramps post intake of birth control pills ? Acute tonsilitis with pus, difficulty in swallowing, taken dalmatian c, altraflam, clavam 625 What is the cause of itchy eyes with hard crusty stuff around the corners making me unable to open the eyes ? Is my report on semen analysis normal ? Can cytopan be used for abortion due to miscarriage ? What treatment should I take for purple, sore and puffy spot on the lower lip ? Tender throat, inflamed vocal chords, lump on lymph node, zpack, pain under chin , pain behind ear Treatment for intolerance to lactose Child having flu like illness, no fever, good appetite, took dpt vaccine, bumps appeared. Lymphadenopathy? Sexual intercourse, Unwanted 72, brown spotting, discharge, lost appetite Why do I get chest pain after lying on one side ? Breast cancer operated, removed lymphnodes. Suggested chemotherapy with sideeffects, given blood platelets. Was the treatment correct? What treatment should be taken for bulky uterus with fibroids ? Circulation problem, polio, infection in wound, pacemaker, not diabetic Changed and reduced medicines for high BP and cholesterol levels. Advice? What are the side effects of vyvanse ? Blood test done, liver enzymes elevated, high cholesterol, abdominal pain, metallic test in mouth. Cure? Bowel movement immediately after eating. Remedy? Thymectomy, taken gravitor, omnacortil 10 mg , xtracalCT, rabephex, trying to conceive, sperm count low Fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis in knees, had head tremors, family history of celeac disease and whipple's. Treatment? Sexually active, w/o protection, brown discharge, next day dark reddish brown discharge, conception Tingling in the chest on sitting, hunching forward, relief on standing, bending backwards. Family history of heart disease. Symptoms of heart problem? PCO, taking fimara, menogon injections, had intercourse, started duphaston. When to expect periods if cycle fails? Back ache, ENMG showed radiculopathy, normal nerve conduction study, advised Gabapin Exercise/Medicine to grow taller? Cold and cough, pain in rib area, breast and stomach, feels twitching in these area. Suggestion? Suffering from stomach pain, leg pain, back pain after undergoing IUI. Pregnancy chances? Swollen mouth and face, red marks on body, given prednisone, blood test done, vitamin D deficiency. Suggestion? Sensitive rashes on thigh, taken oxyelite pro and antibiotic. STD? Acne on face, neck, boils on head, impatient, short tempered, painful periods. History of multi nodular goitre, vaginal infections. Treatment? How can diabetes be treated ? Had miscarriages, taken Tarana for irregular menses after MTP. Can I get pregnant soon? Delayed periods, stomach cramps, leg pain, white discharge. Taking wysolone. Negative pregnancy test. History of Bells palsy. Pregnant? Can I use tugain 2 on the entire scalp ? How can I treat swelling and pain in leg and ankle ? Had medication abortion. Getting continuous light brown discharge. Is it normal. Medicine to stop bleeding? How to find out if various blood test results are signs of HIV ? TSH levels 14.25, 50 mg thyronorm, now TSH is 2.75, safe to continue thyronorm Ovulation normal,high prolactin,pain in abdomen Tender nodules on arm, soreness in joints, not obese, ANA test negative, sarcoidosis What are the best medicines for phemonia fever and amoeba in infants ? What are the side effects of Thyroxine Sodium tablets ? How can one get rid melasma ? What are causes of getting positive HbsAg when all the Lft's, ultrasound are normal ? Which medicines should be avoided and what precautions should be taken during pregnancy as my baby died during 6 month pregnancy due to medications taken for cough and headache problems ? Scar on face, tried to peel, strached, starts bleeding and stings Abdominal pains, heavy vaginal bleeding post taking MTP kit. Normal? Child has fever, taken Tylenol, now has flat and blotchy rash. What are we dealing with? Can any online doctor tell me about the use of these tablets and when should i take these? Anal fissure, can stool become hard while taking stool softener? Child has RAD and ODD. Taking Tenex. Suggested Melatonin for sleep. Want to keep off medication Early pregnancy, want to go for termination. Is Mankind unwanted kit safe? Taking Primolut for stopped periods, taken MPForte, slight red discharge. Any problem? Fever, cold, cough due to climate change, diet? Is it fine to use asthalin expectorant syrup and bactoclav to cure cough in infants ? Cage built in ls-51, not healing, pus filled lump on scar, lumps and lower back hurts Sperm count-8 million with 30% motility. Will Levocarnitine help? What could be the reason for painful and swollen lymph node under jaw line and how can we treat it ? What is the function, advantage and side effect of Fertyl ? Unable to conceive. Prescribed letrozole, now stopped. Taking amino acids, multivitamins. Blood tests, scans normal. Treatment? Difficulty in conception, have spotting and light bleeding before periods, no success with fertyl. Had miscarriage earlier. What am I suffering from? Dark brown discharge after chemical pregnancy Ultrasound shows hypoechoiclesion in myometrium of uterus, likely to be fibroid. Danger? What is the cause of recurring stabbing chest pain ? What could be the cause of sudden increase in BP ? How can a perianal abscess be treated in a natural way ? Pelvic pain, testicle pain, burning micturation, diagnosed as prostate infection and mobile kidney, prescribed antibiotics. Is it prostadynia? Should one plan for a baby while on TB medicines ? Acne on forehead,acne pits with hyper-pigmentation around it What precautions should one take during sex while on Trigestrel ? How is ankle and joint pain treated ? What is the cause of red, watery and runny nose on intake of penicillin ? What could be the reason of denial for extracting tooth of a diabetic patient ? Polycystic ovary syndrome,on medication for regular periods,no period this month,pregnancy test negative Ultrasound scan done, shows endometrial thickness, septated at fundas end, thyroid report done. Normal or abnormal findings? Pregnant, ultrasound report normal, concerned about single loop of umbilical cord around the babies neck Curved penis, difficulty in retracting foreskin, cure? Loss of taste, fatigue, light swelling on foot, tiredness. Hoe can I cure this naturally? Pregnant, bleeding, taking misoprostol. Treatment? What are the side effects of long term use of tranexa-mf ? Pain in chest and breast Knee pain due to knee injuries, limited mobility, numbness, pain, lump on kneecap Blood in stool,pains while bowel movement Difficulty concentrating, unable to focus, unable to study. Tips to improve condition? Frequent cold and cough,allergic cough,throat swab normal,adenoids bit enlarged Paralysed, head injury, left side non-functional, fever, continuous convulsion. Cure? Pregnant. Ultrasound done, low heart rate. What are the complications? Weight lifter, feels like the bone inside of the forearm, pain while lifting Tongue sores, swollen tissue underneath tongue, white and patchy tongue. Treatment required? Epilepsy, High fever, can't run smoothly. Is this due to epilepsy medicine? Done semen analysis, removed testicle due to abnormal position. Is there any problem with my result? Dry cough, continuous coughing, throat red Had natural miscarriage, feels dizzy, nauseous, started spotting Have double valve replacement condition, TIA, taking Acitrom and Ecosprin. Advisable intake of alcohol? Pregnancy test positive. Beta HCG shows intrauterine pregnancy. Getting mild staining. Looking for the suggestion Sperm test done, has varricocoelle and less sperm count. Took multivitamins. Sperm count increased. Is this normal? Thyroid, missed abortion, no fetal heartbeat, spotting Is there any treatment to control hair fall ? Sore and paining nipples, had intercourse, taking ampiclox beecham. Suggestion? Blood spots under the skin which come and go, mild diabetes and high BP, treatment options ? Chocked on food, pressure within right ear, food went up the eustachian tube and is blocked, saline flush Regular period, normal to have light bleeding just after period Can an on-line doctor tell whether I have had a medicinal overdose ? Lactose intolerance in infants, soya milk and digestive enzymes PCOS, consuming lot of tablets, delayed periods. Can continue tablets to conceive? Duphaston to induce bleeding, spotting, pregnancy ? Good hospital for maternity treatment Fatty tissue tumour from tailbone upto the spine, pain. Taken steroidal injections. What are the causes and symptoms of this? Headaches, feels tired, leg pain Persisting severe cough with mucus post medicines for upper respiratory tract infections. No respite with medicines. Remedy? What is the cause of mild chest pain with breathing difficulty ? On provera, no period. Reason? Foot infection, surgeries done to remove toes. Taking vancomycin, drainage of pus from big toe. History of diabetes. Will further surgery help? Had abortion, pregnant, pain and discomfort in pelvic area. Treatment? Procedure to tighten the foreskin and preventing the glans covering Pea size lump, middle of neck, tender to touch, skin is red. Infected lymph node? Cysts in ovary, vaginal infection, taking vibact ds and candid b, HSG report normal. Is it safe to conceive? chest tightness, fatigue, unwell, feverish, tired, have 2 cats. Regular period, period missed after taking gynaset, had protected sex High pulse rate and blood pressure, swollen feet, feels fatigue, high glucose level, antibiotic test done. Suggestion? Blood tests done, hemolytic anaemia. Whats the diagnosis, is it realted to liver disorder or B12 deficiency? Heart attacks, bypass surgeries, stroke, brain bleed, fluids going directly to lungs, choking on food Pain in the neck, shoulder and arms after an accident. MRI showing minimal disc protrusion, normal cervical lordosis. What would be the treatment plan? Faint pain to the lower back, constipation. Can laxatives be taken regularly and remedy for back pain? Using mouthwash after brushing teeth, blisters on tongue, enlarged taste buds. Can they be cankers? Cramps before period,light period with pink sticky stuff,sore breasts,cramps in back Smoking addiction, COPD with fits, periodic numbness in arms and legs, severe cough causing tightness in ribs. Taken various medicines. Remedy? Problem in urinating after giving birth and emptied bladder Knee having purple blotches on vein, painful while bending leg. Is this serious or a kinked nerve? Small lump on palm, protruding vein, unprotected sex, chances for pregnancy Having regular period and unprotected sex, not pregnant. Can unprotected sex change the duration of cycle? CAT scan done, sinus results are fine, have chronic congestion, sore throat, dry mouth and throat Intense itching, redness, swelling on the feet ended with scars, spread on arms and knees. Blood tests normal. Any idea or suggession? What is the cure for irregular periods accompanied by mood swings ? Itchy, sore anus, Passing hard stools, bleeding, lower back pain, leg pain. What can be happening? Unilateral axilla and breast swelling, painful. Is it due to infection or an autoimmune problem? Going through perimenopause. Had tubal ligation after child. Getting periods and vaginal itching. Is it normal? Numbness in left ear, feels itchy and dry. Pet dog has ear mites. Can the itchiness be due to this? Is there any relation between optic atrophy and pineal cyst ? Dark long hair over the body, information on laser treatment Heart pain and gasbubble sensation around the heart Persisting catarrh post treatment for cough with amoxicillin. Normal? Swollen and itchy shin, looked squishy and painful, bruise on shin spreading. Solution? Ear infection, deafness, Flu, peroxide cleaning, white clumps Burning hole in stomach, no acidity, taken spicy diet Had tonsilectomy and had hypochondrium pain. Ultrasound reveled thick GB walls with positive and negative results. Done LFT. Taking doxycyclin. Reasons? Had unprotected sex, on birth control, vomiting around midnight. Is anything abnormal going on? Unprotected sex, missed period. Which medicine can be taken to induce period? Mild pain in liver and gall bladder area, deep dents in forehead, anxiety and sleeping difficulty. Is it related? Constipation, swollen stomach, MRI normal, laxatives unhelpful What are the side effects of zotreem extra slimming capsule ? What is the cause and remedy for itchy and swollen labia with a boil and blackish patch ? Undergoing pheumonia treatment. Suggested xray which showed broncho mascular markings, presence of lung infection. Prescribed livoriland, B complex. Is the line of treatment correct, should sonography be done? Hit head on concrete slab, swelling near eyebrow, bump, crack, gashes, unable to move eyebrow. Can this be treated? Are there any side effects of cervical epidural injection ? Clear jelly like mucus while coughing, cough in chest, breathing through mouth Trying to conceive, irregular periods post intake of Trimolute-N. Suggestion? Having asthmatic allergy. Using clenil a inhaler. Looking for alternate medicine Urinary tract infection,bladder infection,pain,swollen stomach,numbness in left leg,nausea Tightness in throat, difficulty in speaking, dry mouth, muscle weakness, unbalanced walk, had vitamin D deficiency. Cause? Burning, frequent urination. Diagnosed UTI. Swollen clitoris. Taken monistat, probiotics and antifungals. Is the clitoris infection due to something else? Found ulcers in the ileum. Tested negative for ibs. Have pain and bowel problem. Will benefiber cure? What should I do? Frequent urination, taken antibiotic, levaquin Addicted to gutka, best way to leave this long term habit What are the side effects of M2tone syrup ? What is the best treatment for uterine body fibroid ? What treatment should be taken for swollen face with high fever and chest pains post tooth removal ? What to do in case of stomach and digestion related disorders in dogs ? What is the cause of tightness in the pelvic area ? Why do I have a feeling of dizziness and hunger all the time ? Could cold body chills be symptoms of menopause ? Severe tremors, lightheadedness, nausea on skiing. Chest X-ray, EKG, blood and urine tests normal. Cause of tremors? Can I ask a doctor about my stool analysis test ? What could be the cause of fever blister under the nose ? Does endometrial hyperplasia in the ultrasound with recurring yeast infections, foul smelling spotting indicate cervical cancer ? Increased dosage for metformin, sugar level increased. What treatment should be taken? Increased thick white discharge, no burn, no itching, no periods Pregnant, taking vitamin tablet, have morning sickness. Could these be hunger pains? Can I get pregnant if I have cystic glandular endometrial hyperplasia ? What is the cause of pain in the left side of the chest on lifting heavy objects ? Red spot on tongue with white spot in the middle. Taking fish oil, vitamins. History of headaches, strokes. Causes for symptoms? Fever since 20 days,weakness,typhoid How can redness and sore gums be cured caused by keeping whiskey for long hours in mouth ? Getting severe ear pain at night, achy ear, feels warm, hurts to touch Tripped and bent pinky finger way back further with no pain but finger swollen. Will Lisinopril 2o mg and Hydrochlorothiazide 25mg have any effect the fetus ? Having extreme pain in knee after doing 100m sprint. Aches only when stand or sit not while running. Why knee is aching and how to treat it? Are ovarian cysts likely to form due to insertion of Mirena IUD ? Having Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Take beta blockers. How to lose weight? Itchy buttocks due to frequent masturbation and controlled semen flow, rash formed. Whats the remedy? Deep cleaning done by periodontist, pain in left ear, dental work causing nerve damage, ringing and pain in the ears Why does my child's stool have blood and pus? Will the drug dronis 30 have any effect on fetus ? Why do I have problems of dizziness , imbalance and head pressure ? Why I am having swelling and blotchy pink color skin on my finger ? I am tested positive for lupus Is it due to trying quitting smoking with chantix my stomach feels unsettled and vomited twice with white foam ? What does elevated bilrubin in a routine blood test indicate ? Are symptoms of hormonal imbalances similar to pregnancy symptoms ? Ultrasound showed ill defined hypo echoic lesions in the parotid gland. Mouth dryness and teeth discomfort, mouth ulcers. Are the two conditions of the parotid and mouth related? What could be the reason for irregular periods and will medications help to regularize periods ? Is acute psychosis curable and does the patient return to normal state after taking treatment ? Toxic shock from using tampons, metrogyl 400mg, solone 5mg and metoclopramide 10mg Condom tear during sex, ipill taken late, no periods. Pregnant? What is the reason for recurrent abdominal pain? Chronic L side stitch, pain, sore abdomen, unable to breath Suffering from psoriasis. Taking treatment but it is spreading. How to get permanency cure? What treatment should on take for bubble below the tongue ? Why do I sense an evil entity in my room? Discomfort throughtout the torso. Taking effexor, crestor, lisinopril, fossamax, metformin. What can the discomfort be due to? Had c section, chest pain, hard to breathe, muscle feels like stretching Sputum culture: WBC 25 epithilial cell, 10-25 gram stain final, positive cocci Discomfort on the ribs, feeling of swelling on moving, twisting, soreness after physical activities. Pulled abdominal muscle of enlarged spleen? Missing periods, mood swings, feels fatigued and tired, swollen breast. Pregnant? Stomach pain, vomiting, cranberry juice helped 5 years ago How can I cure chest pain? What diet should I give my baby ? Tumor on the aorta, intense pain with oral treatment, have advised against surgery. Will cyber knife prove beneficial? Varying stools, lactose intolerant Suffering from testicular pain. Not cured by medicine. Should I go for sexologist advice? What is the reason of painful itching in private parts ? Irregular periods with heavy flow, swollen body, tiredness. Are these menopausal symptoms? Grainy brown and red spotting, tiredness, frequent urination, lower back pain, cramping post ovarian cyst rupture. CT scan done. Is this normal healing process? Suffering from pneumonia, infected lung. Had surgery for surgery for intestinal tumours. Suggest a treatment? Cold fluid that leaks in head, dripping down the side and front of face, headache, cannot breathe well, top of nose hurt, CT scan, normal, back issues bone spur in neck, no history of back surgery or head trauma What is the cause of light discharge post sex ? What is the reason for wet knickers , strong smell from school trousers and frequent pain in stomach ? Bump on forehead after getting hurt,eyes turned black Had viral fever, epstein barr virus infection, blood test and bone marrow test done, anemia. Required treatment? How can I relieve my baby's gas problems? Can calamine lotion be used on 1 year old baby for itching due to rashes and eczema? Can clofert and duphaston help in getting pregnant ? Deep forehead cut after falling with stitches. Done CT scan and MRI. Have headache. Should the tests be repeated or is there any haemorrage? Are there any side effects of macalvit syrup and ferikind drops in infants ? What is the permanent remedy for painful pustules on the scalp and the chest ? Which medication should I take to remove white spots on the patel of eyes ? Unable to digest, diarrhea, normet syrup, diet How is upper back and chest pain cured ? Having healthy diet, skinny. Underweight? Lack of sleep, anxiety, light-headedness, dizziness, symptoms of smoking meth and marijuana Indigestion, high BP. Taking atenolol and ranitidine, fish oil. Smoking. Had blood tests done. How can it be treated? Laparoscopic supracervical hysterectomy, fibroids, price of operation? Trying to conceive, no pregnancy, periods normal Had unprotected sex. Rapid hiv test negative. Accuracy of rapid hiv test? Eczemz, stopped using steriod after recovery, spread over chest, stomach and back Sore throat,fever,weakness,pain in legs in 4 year old Abdominal TB, ascetic fluid in stomach. Taking aldactone, AKT 4, benadon 40 tablets, no relief. Treatment options? Panic attack, EKG and blood test normal, heart beat in the right side of neck,stroke, anxiety What is the cause of fatigue, dizziness, frequent urination, tightness above the stomach in a diabetic with thyroid ? Type 1 diabetes, blood pressure, cholesterol, taking zoryl, ramistar, xtor, pain on leg, knees and muscle. Suggestion? Had breast abscess, milk decreased after treatment. Does cabgolin cause decrease in milk? Is it possible to get milk in my breast? Is it safe to lift weights while having fast heart rate ? Sudden onset of continuous bleeding, body pain, tiredness, on depo shot. Cancer? Can we give probiotics to a 2 yrs 7 months child having auditory processing disorder and what should be the dosage for the same ? 16 weeks pregnant. Done torch test. Taking rovamycin forte, starmune, anbuta drop. Done sonography, normal fetal cardiac activity. Should I go for anomoly scan and triple marker test? How can I get rid of addiction to Nexito forte prescribed for depression ? What medicine can I take for hepatomegaly? Stroke, heart pain, sudden nervousness, increased heart beat, sweating Period starts at right date, bleeding pattern abnormal, What is the cause and remedy for thermal shocks after going out in the sun ? Facial blackheads with whitening of the specific skin area Feels that someone is following, gets angry and irritated No hunger. LFT, blood tests done. Liver cyst present. Again nervousness, headaches, acidity. High ESR. What can be exactly happening? Taking parkin, rasalect, nervit syrup and ecosprin 75 AV. Can Ecosprin 75 USV be taken instead of ecosprin 75 AV? Is there any study enhancing drugs that can provide better concentration skills to focus on my studies ? Warts on feet, itchy after wart freezing medication. Healing? Is ginette 35 and oosure the right medication for PCOS as I am also trying to conceive ? Medicine to increase weight? High blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol, don't feel anything wrong in body Overweight. BMI index high. Cholesterol concentration high. How to lose my weight? Rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, bp, heart attack, gastric and skin rashes, uric acid reading very high, cough Uterine fibroids,severe pain and swelling in legs and arms,benign tumor in liver,tumor in breast and throat,cyst in ovary,osteopenia with arms and legs Irregular menstruation. Prescribed duoluton L to regularise periods since years. What can be done for proper treatment? Can duromine be taken by smokers ? PCOD, obimet, delayed periods, chances of conceiving ? Is Revalp good for my daughter? Is there any need to go for tooth extraction as there is decay and pain in molar tooth or should I finish with the antibiotic course ? What is the correct dosage of eziday to control BP ? Homeopathic medicine to lose belly fat PCOD, irregular periods, does delayed period mean pregnancy? 4.5 year old a very fussy eater,vitamin supplements required? Going to practice celibacy. Any problem as imagination can build up fluid, exert pressure on prostate and leak with urine. Irregular periods after marriage. Scan and hormonal tests normal. Got periods after HCG injection. Periods stopped after stopping treatment. Reason? Done skin test, glicolic acid during night, solar protection during day Trying to conceive. Taken clomid and duphastan pills. Can i get pregnant this month? Diagnosed anxiety. Prescribed fluoxetine, franxit. What are the sideeffects and how long it should be taken? Feels exhausted, sweating profusely and struggle breathing after doing minor works, overweight. What's wrong? Rash on penis with itching and burning Normal weight, regular periods, kidney ultrasound showed bilateral polycystic ovaries, another ultrasound showed right polycystic ovaries. What is the conclusion? Uric acid high BP, swollen feet, febuget80, revlin, and indocap S.R taken, urine scanty, head pain What is the remedy for heavy flow during periods ? Can I ask any online doctor about my ct scan report ? Trying to conceive, went under PCR test Difficulty in passing stools, taking Creamffin syrup. Side effect of long term use? Irregular periods and unwanted body hair Acne during periods and leave scars, using speelac and Benyol peroxide 0.25 Regular period, no pregnancy. Is siphene 50mg good How to cure large purple bruise inside the leg next to vagina ? High fever, taking Crocin, Rinifol syrup, can Azee syrup reduce fever? Is it advisable to take Romilast L everyday? Shortness of breath, chest congestion, chronic bronchitis. Taking albuterol sulphate inhaler. Treatment? Boil on neck, hurting, pulled hairs, white ring Am diabetic, have high BP, have gastritis, not clear bowel movement. Advised Lubowel and Pantocid Pregnant, diarrhea, using relcer gel Burning throat, warm stomach, nausea Encephalitis, epilepsy Had viral sore throat, fever. Given lidiocaine. Gums are red and bleeding. What should be done? What could be the tiny scabs that has developed between my nipple and arm pit which burns and turns red while scratching and is spreading from its original spot ? U/s 1.5 cm nabothian cyst, endometrium 18mm, 4.2 cm rt ovarian cyst,fluid in the cul de sac, cancer ? Dry cough, cold. Taking amoxycillin and respinil d syrup, no relief. Quit smoking. Withdrawal symptoms? How can I get relief from peeling skin around eyes and cheeks which has started to burn when I apply benzol peroxide for acne ? Sinus pain, fluid in ears, Amoxicillin Will there be any side effect of taking oxyelite pro along with paxil while dieting and having alcohol without any reactions ? Why are my lower gums dark and strange looking? Dizziness, tremor, internal fever, redness in neck, symptoms after painful sex. History of dysplasia Had colon cancer, rectum removed by chemo and radiation. Went to doctor to close colostromy bag but removed almost all large intestine due to cancer spread. Having jaundice after surgery. Further treatment? Bladder infection and uti, on store-brand treatment, having abdominal cramps, cloudy urine, feels nausea, dizzy Hit the top of head, stiffness in neck, headache, nausea after having coke X-ray done, heart moderately enlarged, right central pulmonary artery enlarged, hyper aerated lungs. Suggestion? Itchy pimple in pubic region, applied Neosporin Canine baby teeth removed, swollen mouth roof, feels tender. How long does it take to be cured? Difficulty in urination, fever, dipstick showed WBC, taken antibiotics Runny stools through out the day, long thread like dark brown loose stools post treatment for strep throat with Zpak. What is the cause? Itchy rashes on tail bone, raised with red bumps. Massive headache, went away with advil. Related? Semen analysis done. Jelly substance present in semen. Will it create any problem in having a baby? Sudden cold chills,lethargy,tingling in buttock and fingertips,muscle aches,fever,headaches,dizziness on standing up Cause of light period? Stroke patient,thickened saliva,difficulty swallowing,phlegm accumulated in throat Child having concussion, taking Melatonin to fall asleep at night. Is it completely safe? Genital warts outbreak, positive for HPV, Is it OK to have unprotected sex? Is it common to have a normal WBC count and test positive for strep ? Tinea, painless red spots inside urethra, no pain Suffering from panic attacks and high BP What could be the cause of excessive sleep, headache post a bang on the temples ? Should I be concerned about applying Mupirocin on my lips? Nausea, malaise, headache, back pain, high temperature, WBC count, kidney stone, urinary report normal, no hydronephrosis, levaquin, levaquin. Is it osteomyelitis? Feeling dizziness randomly like walking or playing, cant control body Stomach ache after eating, knot below rib cage, urinary tract infection, gallbladder test to be done. What is the knot in stomach? Having chest tightness and pain under left breast. No other symptoms. Undergone stress test. Reason? Had unprotected sex, started heavy periods, sore breast, nausea. Is this implantation bleeding or period? Ultrasound report normal, blood test normal. Will fertomid 50 helps to get pregnant in old age? Dry patches on upperlips with discolouration Heaviness in chest,breastbone area,heaviness and pain in right arm,numbness in hand,pulsating feeling in head,salty taste in mouth,blood test normal What diet should I follow if I work night shifts? Sore on tongue, getting bigger, painful, hurts to talk and eat. History of strep throat Lutera birth control, trying to conceive now, no menstrual cycle due to BCP, suggestions Low body temperature,headache and dizziness Gross hematuria, lupus nephritis, back, abdominal and left sided pain Type 2 diabetes, spot on leg spreads, metaforin Obstetric cholestasis, danger of stillborn, liver malfunction Child feels burning from inside, no fever. Any thoughts? Severe cold with shudders on sleeping, history of neuro problem resulting in limped walk. Does this indicate ALS symptom? Problem of dry mouth,white tongue and bitter taste,burning throat Inflamed on inner thigh, not fungal Constant bleeding after coil fitted. Is it normal and when it will settle? Pain near injection site in lower abdomen above ovary,on prescribed injection of saizen for human growth hormone deficiency due to pituitary tumor Son has recurrent rhabdomyolysis, dad has phuenomina, sharp pain under rib cage, breathing problem Bladder surgery, tip of penis hurting and burning Pregnancy test positive, getting period, no baby seen in ultrasound,endometrium thick, ectopic Graves disease,thyroid stimulating hormone is less than 0.02 Which of the two Lumnaskin and Meladerm is effective in getting rid of acne scars ? Could i be pregnant while taking Flucloxacillin 500mg ? PCOS, folic acid recommendation Stomach pain, blood in stool, lot of mucus, constipation Underweight, night sweats, losing more weight, fatigue. Symptoms of HIV? Small red bumps on feet and ankles, scar like appearance, treatment? Brown spotting since childhood, using carofit ultra cream. Can use melano cream? Parkinson disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, arthritis pain, kidney stone, leg pain REd dots on feet and leg, bronchitis, low fever, sore throat, low blood pressure,glands swollen, chicken pox Intercourse during and after period, cramping, pregnant Mononucleosis,white bumps,small clusters underside foreskin,not painful Bilateral undescended testicles, both testical went back in abdomen after operation, can have a child Weird feeling on tongue, getting the Pins and Needles feeling with some numbness Is it normal to have swollen tonsils and visible epigottis at an age of 7 years as he earlier used to throw up when he coughed ? 1 year old baby, very high temperature, cold hands and feet, runny green poo, green runny nose, rash on chest, ibrophrofen, antibiotic injection Is it due to cow's milk or MMR vaccination that my child is passing green semi solid poops with black spots ? Thyroid problem/autoimmune disease, extreme chronic fatigue, Blood test:Low WBC , Low Hgb,Low MCH, TSH:0.76, T4:1.30 Delayed periods, now have light brown discharge, have stopped birth control pill Had intercourse, tampon inserted, feels balls on vagina, having burning pain. Treated for urine infection. What could it be? Concerend about having high BP Joints pain, finger severely affected and swollen, thyroid, taking ayurvedic medicine Stomach pain, vomiting, hiatal hernia, SGOT 74, SGPT 125 Vomiting, taken pantoprazole 40mg White head on nipple, hurts, swollen How can I eliminate facial tics ? Pregnant after IUI, 4 wks of pregnancy, subserosal fibroid and rt. tubal blockage, geston(progesteron), progynova(oestradiol) injection Leg pain, back pain, x ray test done, grade 1 anterolisthesis, no fracture or dislocation, mild osteopenia, pedicles are intact Tension, prescribed Rinifol, Medlwyo2h, Zeegut, had kidney stones in the past. What are the functions of these medicines? Not getting pregnant, stopped taking contraceptive pills, regular period Upper right molar extracted, advised to stop smoking Non smoker, tightening around heart, back and chest pain Unable to balance body while walking, feeling weakness, nausea, dizziness, headache On HCG diet and using birth control. Periods late. Chances of pregnancy? Insufficient breast milk, on lactogen, having green stool with foul smell, stomach ache Semen analysis done. Total count : azoospermia, pus cells and RBC cells found. Advice on report? Hypothyroid, taking thyroxin 112mg tab, constipation, bloating, stomach ache, headache dizziness, taking Stemetil Used levonorgestrel pill during last period. Delayed periods this time. HPT negative, stress. What should I do? Chronic lower back pain, difficulty in walking the stairs, shortness of breath on exertion. No improvement with physiotherapy and analgesia. Had injury. Root cause? How to get relief from pain arising due to inflamed collar bone ? What should the normal values of stool test in an infant ? Delayed periods. On hormone pills to induce periods. History of irregular menstruation. How to regulate periods without pills? Bleeding for two month, backache Severe vaginal itching, swollen and peeling skin around clitoris. Frequent urination. Taking amoxocillin and cerazette pill Lump in groin area, no pain but tender and sore. Remedy? Pulled molars at the small age, gums turning white, bleeding, hurts Pricking sensation in pubic area, pregnancy test negative, waiting for periods. Suggestion? Tragus piercing, no pain, no swelling, non allergic. What precautions should one taken? Bowel spasms, loose bowl movement, vomit, feel weak, itch inside anus Had sex, swollen, blood drops, yellow bumps like ulcer Is it safe to have my BP pills if they are stuck behind the nose and throat and how can it be removed ? Baby teething, have fever, strep. On antibiotic. What could be the cause for the temperature? What should be the treatment for a one year old having heart murmur with a bigger heart ? Can I ask a doctor to check if my husband's semen analysis report is normal ? Extreme flatulence or pressure on the rectum causing tremendous pain in the lower intestine resulting in painful sex. No bleeding or blood in stools. What could this be? Irregular menstrual periods,back ache,constipation,symptoms of pregnancy? Why do I feel hungry fast and feel weakness, fast heartbeat and blurred view if I don't have another meal ? Insect bites on torso, painful, red, skin around bite sunken, pulled out hair, red streaks on arm Bronchitis, difficulty in breathing after drills and running, feels weak. Should use inhaler? What medicines devoid of steroids can I use on face and hair for seborrheic dermatitis ? Had unprotected intercourse, breast hurting. Chances for pregnancy? What are the side-effects of Liv 52 DS ? 32 weeks pregnant, stuffed nose, exhausted, unable to sleep, green mucus Pressure on both sides ribcage,excessive bloating,constipation,polyp found and removed,tubular adenoma How can I get relief from swollen mouth with tiny bumps on the roof and difficulty in swallowing ? Is my husband taking right medications for brain tubercloma and how long does he have to continue ? Shoulder injury after playing cricket, in pain. How is shoulder joint pain relieved? How much time will it take to heal scrotums which got hurt while cleaning with dettol and now skin is peeling and causing severe pain ? What medication can be used to get relief from pain in vaginal opening ? Unable to donate plasma due to high pulse rate. How to bring it normal? Painful and get cramps while inserting tampons,period is spotting Metallic taste in mouth with severe headaches. Taking Flagyl, Cefolac for pain due to wisdom tooth. Can I replace Flagyl with Tinidazole? Is it due to TB I am having viral fever ? Tuberculosis meningitis, protein 496, lymphocytes 90%, fever 100-101. Rifamicin dosage? Could poor eating habits or excess alcohol consumption be the cause of missed period ? Worried about pregnancy Enlarged uterus, anterior intra mural myoma, bulky uterus, solution Hardening of the calf muscle,bruise below the knee,dark spot Why after having MT pill and bleeding pregnancy test is showing positive ? Ringing in ears, weakness, dizziness, rushing sound on moving post a bad migraine due to a virus. Further tests required? Discharge like pieces of skin with dried blood clots after colposcopy,strong odor What could be the cause and remedy for lower back and abdominal pain post hysterectomy and left over ovary ? Purple sore throat, tonsil swollen, no fever, sinuses feel puffy, muscle ache Why I am suffering from light headedness , frequent tiredness and headaches which is holding me back to achieve things ? Can there be any side effects of olimelt ? Bleeding between periods, mild fluid in P.O.D., pus cells 0-2/hpF in urine, epithelial cells ++ Nausea, wheezing sound in chest, congestion, lack of sleep, milk allergy ? Why does neck pain persist even after thyroidectomy ? Lump in left breast,fibroadenoma Will there be any side effect of having overdose of fertility medicine ? What could be the reason for feeling sleepy all through the day due to this eating only one meal during the day ? Abdominal pain began with suspected food poisoning, history of IBS. Taking Nefopam and codeine Burning sensation in abdomen, urge to urinate, 2-3 bowel movements a day, mucus and pus cells in stool Temporary vision loss, dizzy spells, CT scan normal, pain in head, blurred vision, numbness in limbs Why do I notice a small bump on the side of the throat on yawning ? Had unprotected intercourse. Not getting pregnant. What could be the cause? What is the cause and remedy for red,itchy bumps on the body post any outdoor activity ? What could be the cause of deep body chills, freezing hands with a gyrating and popping sound in the neck ? Syncope, vertigo negative, eye sore, teary, muscle weakness, BP drop Planning for second child, fertyl 50mg, vomiting, bleeding. Possible to conceive? Why there is burning sensation and dull pain in chest ? What does no growth in the scan result for follicular study indicate and what is the remedy ? Heaviness in stomach with inflation, pain and swelling in lower legs. Normal blood tests, sonography. History of paralytic attack. What could be the problem? Thyroid antibodies, TRAB 4.93, hyperthyroid, hypothyroid, thyronorm 75, neomercasole 5, pain in throat Heavy bleeding with clots, painful intercourse, severe cramps, breathing difficulty diagnosed with Pelvic Inflammatory Disease. Could it be early miscarriage? Continuous stabbing and pinching stomach pain post eating, no respite after stools, low appetite. Remedy?
Frequent anger outburst, condition worsening As a CKD patient with VUR what further treatment should be taken as my creatinine level has increased and has frequent abdominal pains ? Mechanism of cystic mass on each side of axillary region of 7-days postpartum women. Physiologic or pathologic change? Typhoid fever, taking zonocin 200mg. Advice for correct medicine? Why there is regular vomiting after eating food during 3 month pregnancy after a fight between us ? Does lack of hormones and a bigger ovary cause difficulty in conception ? GERD, hyper-acidity, stomach pain, rapid heart beat on exercising, breathlessness on climbing, ECG, treadmill test, BP normal. Cause of breathlessness? Disturbed LFT, on thyroxine, 10 weeks pregnant, raised LFT causes any harm to fetus ? What medication should I take for hypothyroidism as I am having side effects while taking Eltroxin ? When will I get my periods after stopping regestrone as my pregnancy test is also negative ? Diarrhoea, lack of appetite. Treatment for worms with albendazole, bacterial infection. Stool test normal. Treatment for diarrhoea? Quarter size lump on back surrounded by red and purple area,warm,tender and sensitive,painful Nausea, low appetite after taking spasmaproxyvon for lower abdominal pain due to renal stones. How to avoid this? Is it safe to take evion for pimples and its scars ? Restless, difficulty to sleep, something rotating in head, no head ache Bleeding in urination, UTI, on cycloprogynova post abortion. Chance s of pregnancy while on medicine? Am pregnant. Travel long distances and climb stairs. Any risk doing this? 60 yrs of age putting lot of weight and unable to move. Treatment and suggestion? Alcoholic, smoker, gliclazide, metformin, prescribed amlong H, BP dropped, dizziness and epistaxis Severe pain in lower back,entire legs Had miscarriage, infected with chickenpox. Diet? Blood streaked sputum, bloody taste in mouth, cepodem, casklot plus, codylex linctus, reasons for it Anal fissure surgery done. Starts bleeding from anus, constipation. Solution? After how many days will I be safe if I start contraceptive pills in the mid of the cycle ? Recurring soreness, itching, burning on the lips with peeling, have cuts on the lips. Had penis infection. Chances of infection transferring to lips? Long periods, throat irritation, nasal bleeds, bumps on nose post intake of Cerrezett. Can I take other pill? Can I take Rozavel F to reduce the levels of trigycerides and cholestrol ? Hot urine,diarrhea,heaviness and pain in lower abdomen Dizziness,headache and ear ringing Lactogen 2, constipation, whole milk, gastric problems, suggested baby food Is Mebex suspension safe to be given to 10 month old child as she has stopped eating solid foods after been diagnosed with urine infection ? What are the side effects of long term use of eptoin 100 tablets ? Follicular study, on progesterone, follicles ruptured, bleeding started, endometrium thickness 21 mm, pregnancy possible ? Having lots of black moulds in house. Reason for constant chest and stomach pain, diarrhea, nausea, dizziness? Painful,red,swollen,turned blue the inner of left wrist Severe headache on left side of head,eyes are normal How can we treat lichen planus pigmentosus on the face ? Bleeding for 1 day,little brown starchy fluid next day Tender ankles, no bruise or swelling, soreness at night How can problems related to acne pimple and oily skin be cured ? Irregular periods, cycloreg for 6 months, had normal periods, after 10 days again period, now no period for 40 days What could be the cause for severe constipation and taking long time in toilet and how can it be treated ? Cupboard door hit on head. Feeling heavy headed with pain. Had fractured skull. Worried? Yeast infection, itchy, burning, pain during intercourse, prevention ? Left hand palm pain, under GA post operation to remove BCC from nose. Reason? Loss of appetite, taking Liv52 syrup ovulate one egg per month, ovulation monitoring, 20% sperm count, HSG. Cure? What is the duration for the drug to remain out of the system as I smoked marijuana on 6th march and had drug test on 22nd march ? Bump on forehead above the eye brow What is the remedy for acne, dry skin in one with hyperthyroid ? Prevention of pregnancy after unsafe pregnancy Liver zaundice, 2.8 bilirubin Count, 158 gamma count, heptral, water intake less than 1000ml. Can drink coconut water? Periods came after abortion, delayed the next period, taken sysron n Is there any need to again take rabies vaccination after dog bite when my earlier dose of vaccination has not crossed six months ? How can I cure swollen lymph node on inguinal groin area which has turned rubbery and tender ? Ultrasound, smooth and regular endometrium, normal echpattern, two dominant follicles, no fluid collection, collapsed ovary What is the permanent solution for severe eczema in a 2.5 year old ? Planning for baby. Have bicornuette uterus and polycystic ovarian disease. Had miscarriage, missing periods. On mala d. What to do? How can one control and lower the blood sugar levels ? Discomfort breathing, knot in spine at lung level, numbness in limbs, painful. Can you guide me? Morning sickness during 27 weeks of pregnancy What treatment should be given to one suffering with Parkinson's disease for stiffness in joints and muscles, swallowing difficulty ? Vaginal discharge and a blood filled blister. Abnormal pap smear report. Could it be herpes? What is the remedy for terrible sore throat with high fever, headaches, chills and sweating ? How much time will melaglow gel and melagard 50+ take to show results on dark skin ? On TCH chemo regimen for breast cancer, numbness in legs on standing for few minutes, eases with sitting, walking. Related to chemo? Child suffering from Nephrotic syndrome with frequent relapses, prescribed prednisolone with decari. Up-to what age will she suffer with this? Fever,rash on torso,feet,around mouth,irritable after eating almonds What is the cause of Mono prolonging for over one year ? Loss of efficiency in one hand, CT scan showed clots in shoulder. What treatment should be taken? In early 40's, trying for a child, low sperm count, prescribed Carnisure 500, Evion 400 and Speman tablets. How long should I take these tablets? Raised lesions on abdomen, itches, benadryl. Treatment? Excessive burping, drinking water Fever, loss of appetite, runny nose, breathing difficulty while coughing, flu. Is it allergy? Brain tumor, getting chemotherapy, no evidence of atypia, Which medication can be used to treat swelling and pain due to stye in upper part of eye ? Anus itching, no muscle tone, blood clot. Surgery? What does black colored stools in an infant on medications for bronchitis indicate ? Low BP, nausea, loss of appetite, airy and green stool, later sudden fainting. Medical advise required? Why are the medicines isoxsuprine and allylesternol prescribed ? Why the sun burn has not yet healed on my chest and legs after 3 years and producing blisters also the skin on shins is patchy ? Abdominal pain, blood in urine. Anemia or sepsis? What is the cause of recurring pain around the appendix area with fatigue and red eyes ? Why does my heartbeat increase after Oxycodone IR ? H1N1 virus, feels dizzy, sore throat, torso rash developed Chest pain, arm pain, reports normal, constipation, Is there any other option than removing the uterus in one with bulky uterus and fibroids ? 4th metacarpal surgery, cant bend finger or move upward, it is droopy Sharp pain under breast, difficulty in breathing, taken naproxen, X-rays, blood work, EKG normal, lungs where inflamed 2 month old, formula fed, very fowl smelling gas and poop, having eczema. Reasons ? Trying for baby. Embryos strong, problem in transferring. How to strengthen placenta? How can I change my mentality and avoid attraction to both the sexes ? What could be the movable lump in my daughter's groin area ? Frequent bowel movement,fatigue, abdominal pain, decreased appetite, upper bowel test normal,colonoscopy Painful erection, curvature in penis, area on the penis with indented shaft, smaller head. Is it due to intake of medicines? Abdominal pain, urine in blood, low potassium level, uterine growth Anal fissure, will prune juice soften stool? Pulsation in neck, noticeable while lying down, high BP but controlled, causes ? Protected intercourse, taken birth control pills, missed pill, regular periods, feels tired and dizzy, nausea. Pregnant? Weird feeling in left side of chest and arm, alcohol gastritis, anxiety. Heart attack? What is the cause of lumps on the sides of the neck ? Heavy hair fall post typhoid treatment. Is this temporary or permanent baldness? Dizziness, cloudy ear, headache, vomiting Chest pain, shoulder, elbow pain. Normal EKG, chest X-ray. Blood test, CT scan normal. Due to anxiety? Had back operation. Started pain in back, stiff neck and headache. Not getting relief from medicine. Looking for advice on what to do? Blister inside the lip, allergic to grasses, partner has cancer sores in mouth. Worrisome? Erythrocyte sedimentation rate 55-60, joint pain, reduce ESR level? Head injured, black eye, head scan normal, headache, dizzy, tired. depressed Frequent episodes of giddiness on turning the head causing loss of balance, taken vertin, stugeron, MRI normal. Treatment? 8 weeks pregnant, low back pain, mild cramping. Is this normal? Bent spine, unable to move neck, body pain, Ankylosing Spondylitis. History of arthritis. Treatment? Eczema,psoriasis,marbling on my legs,purple colour Can my laryngitis affect the fetus? Having stomach problems. Swollen tummy after eating, urinating after drinking. Suffer from migranes, fatigue and aches. How to get relief? Does chlorine cause irritation to the vagina, vulva or urethra ? Fell on elbow, bicep numb, pinched nerve in cervical area, had cervical fusion surgery done. Treatment? ears swollen, itching and stinging after piercing Removal of ileocecal valve, diarrhea controlled by questran or imodium, health problems with oxalates due to this missing valve Patches on fingers, dry, rough, itching What is the best treatment for itching and redness in groin region ? Rough skin, spots, hair fall High pulse rate, shortness of breath, palpitations. Blood test done. History of myocarditis. Causes? What could be the cause of increased creatinine levels in a diabetic ? Is it normal for a 2 month old baby to spit more saliva with bubbles ? What should I do to increase milk secretion and uneven breast size ? How can I protect myself from being tanned and sunburned ? Itchy legs at night, red bumps, burning sensation Cancer misdiagnosis, tumors in sinus cavity, no hemorrhoids, drinker What could be the cause of fatigue, headache, chest, ear and joint pain with nausea, frequent urination ? What are the symptoms and medicines for pilonidal cyst ? After twisting my ankle I am having a swollen and numb feet so is it a part of recovery process or should I take any treatment ? What could be the cause of day time drowsiness in a diabetic ? 4 months pregnant. Taken duphaston medication, ibuprofen. Will my baby be abnormal? Epileptic seizures, on eptoin and 2 zen, after stopping, seizures for 1 month, continue to take ? Dizzy,yellowish orange silicon gel type stuff from nose after getting hurt from metal bar in truck Is it normal to feel dizzy and tired during 23 weeks pregnancy when diagnosed with placenta previa ? I am leaking clear fluid and having some pressure and cramping What is the cause of pain in the body on coughing post a fall ? What treatment should I take for gastroenteritis due to which I have pain in left rib cage , lower back pain and stomach pain ? What is the cause of sharp abdominal pains with green stools ? GERD symptoms, weak lower oesophageal sphincter, Wolff-Parkinson-White, switching to another PPI or H2 blocker solution ? Butterfly fluttering on side of breasts, on Voltaren, side effect ? What is the cause of redness at the tip of penis ? What are the signs of recovery from jaundice ? Pregnant, given injection to stop embryo growth, misoprostol to insert after a day, blood clots and cramps with bleeding,mifepriston to drink What treatment should one take for recurring cold ? Irritation due to condom, safe contraceptive? Swelling on hands and legs, hyperthyroid, CRP level of 12 mg/L, CRP cause of concern Can contraceptive implant cause a big swollen nose? Is there any medicine to neutralize the swelling effect of Zenflox Plus? Child having zit-like rash on the groin area post tonsillectomy, adenoidectomy, taking antibiotics. Is it normal? Missed period,pregnancy test negative,vomiting,tiredness Is the eye power of -5 suitable for B1 fitness in railway recruitment process ? What is the best treatment of hairloss and dandruff without any side effects ? Extremely frozen feet, hot body, headache, vomiting post eating chicken, bacon burger. Treatment? Will white rice help with runny stools ? Pregnant, painful cramps in leg muscles, not able to walk, applied moist heat. Could it be a blood clot? Continuously positive HbsAg, want to know measures to overcome this. Advice? Perisisting hive like rash on legs, arms, taking Amoxicillin for pneumonia. Remedy? Which medication should be taken to stop the hair fall and for the regrowth of the lost hair ? Pain in hip,pelvic area,severe bowel movement pain.Any treatment? Bronchitis, fever, cough, stomach ache, headache. Influenza? Heavy bleeding with hard membrane from vagina post taking contraceptive tablet mercilon after a break. Normal? What could be the cause of failure in conception post trying for a year ? Knee cap injured, blisters appeared, fever, swollen leg. Osteo Mellitus? What could be the reason for metallic taste in mouth , SOB and tight chest ? Which medicine should be taken for prostatic hypertrophy with UTI and pain ? Unable to conceive, on UBIQ 100 capsules, 5 % motility of sperm, improving fertility Treatment for knuckle and wrist pain Soreness in balls of feet, hand swelling, BP 144/95, heart racing Twitching in right arm, constant movement. Normal nervous twitch or neurological condition? Severe pain, feeling of popped vertebrate near the shoulder blade. Remedy? Why I am not able to conceive even after taking medications for pcos ? Child having stomach infection, high fever, vomits medicines immediately on intake. Prescribed enterogermina, calpol, normetrozyl. Suggestion? Cold sensation in a small area near the back post closed one's demise, have a very busy schedule. Anxiety symptom? Coughing, sneezing, cold. Action of Pantosec-D? Cold, sore throat, viral infection, no fever. Can I go ahead with surgery to remove breast lump? Acute osteomyelitis, drained 2.5 ml puss from ankle, taken antibiotics, sweating during sleep. Solution? Will lamentec 100 dt cause harm to the fetus ? Vomiting in the morning in children, flu, virus or allergy ? Recurring pain in hands and legs, gout, elevated uric acid, prescribed febuget 40. Will it subside? Cerebral palsy, tightness in legs and hands, spasticity, athetoid, treatment How is swollen breast areola treated ? Seminal fluid leakage, weakness, on supplements with caffeine Small child, painless swelling behind ears. Taking monocef o with ibugesic, not reducing. Tumor or lymphoma symptoms? Pain in big toe, cramps below knee, tender tendon muscles. Wearing tall flip flops the reason? What treatment is advisable for a diabetic having high creatinine level ? Body pain, swelling in hands, fingers, pain in arms, legs, causes, treatment What is the cause of shooting pain in the breasts post usage of medicines for nipple infection ? 15mg remeron, anxiety, mood swings, depression, Cure? What is the cause of recurring cough and fever post a bang on the chest ? Irregular periods, pelvic scan, LMP, Uterus, still menstruating size, 1st conception normal, c-section, baby died, congenital disorder, body weight not reduced, BP and sugar normal. Conceive? Diabetic, cured prostate cancer, leg cramps How can I overcome painful urination? Deafness in left ear, infection, numbness in right ear Epilepsy, fits due to decrease in sugar levels. On gardinal, loose motions, jerking. Treatment? Why am I coughing out blood? What could be the reason for feeling heat after passing semi solid motions and also having gastric problems ? Stone in gall bladder, recommended surgery, get severe gas problems. Can the gall stones be treated with homeopathy rather than surgery? Continuous intense earache post shower, taken over the counter drops, aspirin, no relief. Solution? Taking Loestrin24Fe,recent brownish vaginal discharge.Side effect? Medical advice required for high an age of 65. E.C.G, Echo Cardeiography and Lipid Profile ok. Itchy patch under foot, taking resteclin, allegra, clobetasol cream, tenovate ointment. Is it curable? Face acne, on pills, left dark spots and scars, good cream to remove acne marks ? Sexual problems, partial erection, unable to maintain, premature ejaculation, nerve weakness in penis, small penis. Treatment? Severe headaches, nausea, back pain after unprotected sex. Don't have fully developed uterus. Had miscarriages twice. Pregnancy chances? Why is my finger swollen? Could a dark spot on my lip be cancerous? How can the problem of bloody stool be resolved? Can we give antibiotic to a 2 year old suffering from chest congestion and fever as there is no relief by having paracetamol ?? What is causing lower abdominal pains and having odorless excessive vaginal discharge which turns yellow when exposed to air ? Irregular periods, lack of progesterone, deviry medication, problem persists, stopped, side effects ? What are the round salmon colored spots that appeared just below my genitals ? Pregnancy test negative, delayed period, taken dubagest-200 Why did I get pregnancy symptoms despite showing negative? New born having meth, sleeping long, loss of appetite Accidental pricking of insulin needle on the thigh post a fall, needle was in for a short period and did not go deep. Chances of infection? What is the remedy for rash on the body post intake of Bactrim ? What treatment should one take for blurred vision post banging the head ? What treatment to take for itchy rashes that spread all over the arms of my 3 year child ? Sudden weakness with headache, pain in stomach, feeling over heated. What to do ? Diabetic, CKD stage 4, anemia, received blood transfusion, starts abdominal pain, feels weak and sleepy. Treatment? Child having premature atrial contractions with a murmur. What treatment should be taken? How can I make breast abscess go away? Had transient osteoporosis of hip, taken calcium, pain in thigh. Chances of recurrence? Can take calcium? Pain in left ear, light pink drainage, Z pack, sinus infection the cause ? Noise in head, low BP, strokes, diabetic, worsening kidney function tests What could be the cause of hot flashes, abdominal cramps, migraines with delayed periods ? Why do calves swell,muscles tingle and cause tremors? Child having prolonged cold, severe cough at night, feeling of chest congestion. No improvement with medicines. Effective remedy? back pain, MRI report normal, pain in leg Mucas, light colored blood, metrogyl, colonoscopy, scans, diverticulitis, history of bowel and stomach cancer Upset mindset due to death of family member. Taking naproxen pills. Will an overdose cause death? What treatment can I take for sticky mucus while coughing, tasteless food ? Fibromyalgia, body pain, taking good diet Could I have malaria if I have stomach pain? Hysterectomy, pain in back, butt,around thighs, inner knee caps, nerve damage? Piles, fissure, acidity, stopped non veg Body itching after treating scabies with lindane. Is it normal? Does smoking makes itching worse? Clusters of itchy insect bites on inner thigh and private parts, no sex Pain on inner thighs, unable to walk Trying to conceive, have low hcg levels, ultrasound showed gestational sac and corpus leutum cyst. Pregnancy chances? Hurtful knees,red,swollen,clicking noise,not able to bend knee Loss of appetite, insomnia, unable to take deep breaths, side effects of meth ? High fever of 104, shivering, swollen gums, diarrhea, flu symptoms ? Suffering from pericoronitis with marked pain. No relief by taking Amoxycillin and paracetamol. Need to add metronodazole, further treatment? Diabetes, headache. MRI with contrast showed calcium deposits and spinal fluid behing eyes. Ballon filled areas. Opinion? Taking methylprednisolone, beta blocker. Diagnosed with strabismus, causing migraines, having slightly enlarged thyroid, numbness and needle sensation in limbs, tremors. What I should do? Diabetes, intense itching with open wounds most of the times, on insulin. No relief with moisturizing creams, Allegra. What is the cause? sore throat, no fever, body ache,negative strep, taking Augmentin peripheral joint pain, diarrhea, arthritis test negative jammed finger,no fracture, edema, sore and swollen Can quadriderm ointment be used to treat eczema on three and a half month old child ? Red scrotum syndrome, Men-phor lotion, corticosteroides, oral doxycycline Large lump on neck, smoker Slow digestion symptoms,bloating,stomachache,stomach heavy,some home remedies for treatment? Duodenal ulcer. Taking eso kit. History of amoeba in stool, high blood pressure. Will it be cured? Red spot on the knee post knee replacement surgery Unprotected sex, took emergency contraception late, bleeding unlike periods. Pregnancy? Having unknown origin seizure. On Keppra, Klonopin and Dilantin, no help. Is it depression ? Early menopause at age 26,hormone replacement therapy,heavy bleeding and pain What causes my heart to skip a beat when I eat food ? What is the remedy for flakes and redness on the brows with hair fall ? Sickle cell disease, jaundice, joint pain due to menstruation, treatment High fever,slight puffiness in right cheek,restless,lost appetite in 8 month old baby DElayed periods and negative pregnancy test,cramps and lower back ache Quintuple bypass, burning pain around scare Emergency surgery after ruptured ectopic pregnancy,internal bleeding,discomfort,pain Scorpion bite, painful and inflamed sting, fatigue Infection at back of head in the hair Severe eczema, allergy, dose for piriton Achilles tendon repair surgery, calf & ankle swollen, fluid leaking, one hole still remaining open in incision What medicines should one take for indented striae above the bust area ? Which medication should I use to treat the scar on my upper lip which got burned while hair removing through waxing ? What medications should I take for severe bang on the head causing headache, fatigue, dizziness and blurred vision ? What precautions should be taken of an year old child who is suffering from motions and what dose of sporlac powder can be given ? Have to pee after peeing, no UTI. What should be done? Taking trenaxa MF during menstrual cycle, not having proper periods, uterus fibroid reduced. Suggestion? What could be the cause of brown stools with white chunks along with pain under the ribs ? What treatment other than laser can I take to get permanently rid of acne ? How long can a person diagnosed with cervical cancer spread over the rectum and bladder live without treatment ? Abdominal hysterectomy, endometriosis and adhesions, rash on body, Monistat, Lotrimin, Gold Bond, and Benadryl, How can I soon recover from the bruised right knee while playing football ? Clicking or popping jaw on opening the mouth wide, bad bite, no pain. Have complete set of teeth, no impacted tooth. What treatment is advisable? Vaginal bleeding during bowel movement, removed IUD Operated for intestinal obstruction. Biopsy report diagnosed Extra Pulmonary Tuberculosis. Took Akurit-4 and AKT2 instead of Akurit-2. Am I taking right medication? Right side hydrocele,piles,right side kidney donated,hydrocele operation for eversion of sac Ear pain, discharge, dead skin, ear infection or re-occurrence of cholestiatoma ? Jaundice, typhoid, delayed periods due to medication? Trying to conceive. Advised to take Zitotec 200 vaginally. Purpose of this medication? Sleepy after taking medicine for tingling pain.Should I continue? Can I get pregnant due to accidental intake of yellow trigestrel pill instead of the white one ? Fever, nausea, blood test for haemoglobin,
haematocrit HCT, ALT/SGT, U/L, nometic syrup and tricane-MPS. Diet?
Spayed female dog, blood in urine, difficulty passing stool, antibiotics unhelpful What is the cause of random eruption of red spots on the chest ? Type 1 diabetes, weight gain, osteoarthritis, menopause What is the cause of stinging and burning pain near the nipple ? Repeated episode of severe head pressure with extreme thirst leading to fainting. Cause? Taking birth control, urinary tract infection, delayed periods Raised bumps on skin post shower, on chest and back, slightly itchy Eczema on eyelid, safe to use topical steroid thin layer long term? Mild concussion MRI results mild bilateral neuroforamina stenosis What could be the reason for coughing with yellowish mucus in a smoker ? What could be the cause of severe back pain in one with rotoscoliosis ? Which medicine should be given to control BP and how can I give better treatment to my father ? Sperm culture analysis, Enterococcus sp, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, contamination of sample ? Asthenozoospermia, sperm count 22 million/mL, abnormal forms 25%, sluggishly motile 40%, non motile 30% Puss and blood discharge from the penis and diagnosed gonorrhea Bit by cat,vaccinated cat,inactivated rabies virus vaccine after 16 days Lump in the breast, ultrasound showed fibroadenomas but not on the site of lump, elevated CA15-3 value. Family history of breast cancer. Additional tests required? TMJ erruption, talking aleve, swollen neck. Should i be concerned about carotid artery? Does mirtaz cause disturbed sleep, snoring and increase in micro albumin ? How can I cure my open pores on face due to acne ? Cellulitis, itching at the tip of penis, blood sugar test Calf pain, unable to stand for long, ankle pain. Prescribed Evion, Zerodol. Medications for muscular problems? Is there any treatment for seizures in a 10 month old baby ? Lower back, stomach and leg pain, headaches and dizziness with small circular marks on penis post oral sex, negative tests. HIV chances? What is causing chronic calf pain due to which my daughter can hardly walk and do any other activity ? High pulse rate, heart palpitations on smoking marijuana. History of depression, anxiety. Treatment? Had bimalleolar surgery, itchy and pinkish lump appeared on the surgery area. Is it normal? What could be the cause of painful knots in the anal and vaginal areas ? How is high bilirubin content treated ? What is the cause of pain and discomfort around the hemorrhoids and the scrotum post usage of proctoglyvenol cream ? Stage IV esophageal cancer spread to lymph nodes, blocked bile ducts, bilirubin 14 What could be the cause of burning sensation on the ascending colon ? Flank cramping in abdomen, pain radiating to lower back causing difficulty in moving, knee pain going down to feet. Is it related? What could be the cause of runny nose, chest pain with mild fever post inhalation of bleach ? Have PAC, PVC. Vomiting, diarrhoea, irregular heartbeat. Taking Norpace. How to get relief? What would be the consequences of having a urine infection after an abortion and how can it be treated ? Perimenopausal, bleeding continuously, painful injection? Abdominal pain, delayed periods. Any chance of pregnancy? What can be the reason for tingling sensation in right leg/arm ? Any remedy for kidney stones,back ache,hyperthyroid? What are the side effects of Rejoint tablets ? What to use for dry and sensitive skin ? Post sinus surgery head and eyebrows hurt , weakness, BMI low. Advice? Taking Lipitor, Losartan, potassium, HCTZ, creatinine level 242? Persistent dry cough, painless hard lump below chin, no relief with amnoxillin Can the lump on the back effect my lung and lead to cancer also some black paste and liquid is leaking from the lump which the doctors says to be a cyst ? Mild bleeding, taken dronis, pregnant, stopped taking dronis. Will this have any side effect on child? Will getting a tattoo to cover appendix scar effect pregnancy? Had dnc test done, missing periods. Can take deviry 10mg? Chest hurts both sides while breathing,painful What is the cause of persistent sore throat post medications ? What is the remedy for recurring cold due to food allergy ? Omnicef for bronchitis, diarrhoea, cramping, Is the hearing loss with numbness and tinnitus in the ear permanent or reversible ? Should one keep his foreskin pulled back all the time to get used to the sensitivity ? Onekligen patient, safe to take fefol and folvit Will prolonged use of LCZ tablet cause weight gain ? How can a cholesterol patient get relief from painful knee so that she can walk comfortably ? Delayed periods, negative pregnancy test, had unprotected sex. Medicines for termination? Cough, chest congestion, wheezing. use t telecast daily? Pain in hip, joint weakness. Taking ATT, doing physiotherapy. History of caries in right SI joint. Sclerosis? Cholesterol high, body itching What is the result of my follicular study and is it safe for me to get pregnant ? Addiction to white chalks What is the cause of pulsating sensation below the center of my rib cage ? What is the cause of frequent urination and upset stomach post intake of i-pill ? Sinus,one nose blocked since 5 years Medicine to cure elephantiasis RA positive, have severe knee pain. Taking folitrax, sazo, folinext. Is the treatment right? Missed period, had withdrawn from Orgamed. What is the cause and remedy? Suffering from jaundice past 5 years.Admitted twice. .Is there any permanent solution for jaundice? Freckles near eye area. Done laser treatment. No improvement. What alternate medication can be taken? Two small red dots like snake bite on shoulder,lower back,back of thumb,not itchy,disappears after 1-2 weeks Cough, green substance coughed out. What to do? Does medications for low sperm count have any side effect ? Pain in vagina after fingering, burning urination, swollen and white clitoris, back pain Pulmonary hypertension, breathlessness, hole in heart. Treatment? What treatment can be taken for yellow discharge from the penis ? What is the permanent cure for hair loss ? When and how long should I take Evion 400 as I am having few spots on my fingers due to skin allergy ? CMV test shows IgG, IgM positive, reactivation of virus. History of CMV infection. Can I get pregnant at this time? Pain in head, indentation, slow hair growth, cat scan normal, head tissue abnormal Heart patient, taking Ecosprin, weak bleeding gums. Remedy? How long will one having stage 4 brain cancer live ? Can an HIV positive person keep overcoming numerous health problems? Not taking HIV medication IBS, under intense stress, have stomach pain with large amount of blood in stools, had diarrhea earlier. History of Crohn's disease. Is it due to IBS? Vestibular nerve damaged after virus attack, ear pain, body pain, dizziness feeling Losing hair, blood spots in head, nails fragile, acne and blister in skin, under weight. Treatment? Done blood work, high platelets. Concerned Taking insulin for diabetes, done tests. Delayed healing of hematoma excision from ankle joint. Advice? Strange pulsing in upper abdomen, constipation, gall bladder removed Having acute leg pain, high bp. Taking medicine for diabetes. Prescribed paracetamol. Is it related to high glucose levels? How can I get rid of sunburn on the face ? What could be the cause of single blister on the outer labia ? Round, painful bump on the vaginal lip causing difficulty in sitting or walking. Tried warm bath, Vaseline but in vain. Remedy? Why there is no relief from fever and fatigue after having antibiotics and normal blood reports ? Is my back pain due to disc or due to nerves stressed out and how can we cure it ? On birth control pills after breastfeeding, light bleeding, pregnancy test negative. Advice? Pregnant, had used marijuana to stimulate an appetite. How can I cleanse this substance from the baby with diet and exercise? Pain in spine, hips, steroid injection, short of breath Cracked penis skin during masturbation, peeling skin, depression. Will I heal? What is the cause of pain in the arm and chest post shoulder injury ? Breast pain after start of periods, taking prenatal vitamins. What should I do? What could be the cause of fleshy looking part stuck in the anus of a child ? Doing cardio and lifting, fainted, fingers numb, gas in chest, bruping. Heart burn? Swollen eyes, blood clot near iris, cause ? Ovarian cyst, abdominal pain, epithelial cells in urine. Is it dangerous? Cramping in foot, numbness in foot, bleeding after wearing shoes How is chest and arm pain due to exertion treated ? Why I am passing bad smelly wind after having alcoholic drinks or after workouts and also having shooting pains in abdomen ? Bleeding and itchy discharge due to inserting tablets Child's height is less. Remedies to increase height? Done serum electrophoresis, spike in fast gamma region, advised Zoledronic acid. Further steps? Have kidney stone, urine was reddish. Can proteins in blood cause a test to show positive for marijuana? Frequent abdominal Pain, loss of appetite Why a clear sticky substance is coming out of urine which is getting stuck on my penis also having stomach cramps ? Bumps on anus, may be internal hemorrhoids, do not hurt or bleed. What do you think? Child had adenotonsilectomy, inner cheek discomfort, cannot chew, taking antibiotics and pain killers Groin pain, tight short muscle, pelvis unbalance. Treatment? Bump on nose between eyes, hard, can feel it Had stomach flu, hurts below belly button when urinating. What could this be? Blood pregnancy test positive,little blood after urinating,scan shows gestational sac with no embryo What is the cause of low WBC and platelets in a child with Klinefelter's syndrome, Gilbert's Syndrome and ADD ? Having dry skin, itching, red patches on skin. How to get rid of these patches? Thread red,irritated,swollen,painful while swallowing and sneezing,pain connected to ears,white bump on right side inside by uvula Pinching sensation on back when urinating, trouble retaining urine. Possible cause? MRI of knee showed medial meniscus, thickened anterior cruciate ligament. What are my options? Coccxydynia, tail bone pain, sacum pain, estradoil dosage for chronic pain ? Left arm pain, taking analgesic and anti-inflammatory medicines, no relief Sinus, acidity, chest pain, unable to take breath Knee hurts during lunges, hurts to walk. Treatment? Transgender from female to male, testoviron depot, granuls, calten -D tablets and triptomer, numbness of arms & ankle bone Why there is constant numbness in feet and hands , general tiredness and tightness in calf muscles and how can i get relief from it ?
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