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What causes fatigue, dizziness and blurred vision? What causes moving sensation in stomach? Suggest treatment for uncontrollable BP readings Is it safe to give Biaxin and Pediazole together? What causes weakness and arm pain after whooping cough immunization? Suggest treatment for chronic constipation along with rectal bleeding What causes fatigue and migraine issues inspite of having Synthroid for hypothyroidism? What does the following ultrasound report indicate? Suggest treatment for severe cough in an infant What causes dizziness and pain on face after waking up? What causes vomiting and gas in a baby post injury? What causes tooth sensitivity? Can Laxido be taken for anenima? Suggest treatment for urticaria What causes pimple like bumps on inner side of elbows? What causes elevated testesterone level? How to determine the days of ovulation? What do these TSH and cortisol levels indicate? Suggest treatment for alopecia areata What causes allergic skin rash on arms and ears after snorkeling? What causes tightness under rib cage on right side? What causes nausea and indigestion after taking Finasteride and Minoxidil? What causes heart palpitations and unexplained bruises on arm? What causes itching on body when suffering from primary lateral sclerosis? What causes heart palpitations after using Prednisolone and Doxycycline? What does elevated WBC count indicate? What causes lower abdominal pain and hyper active bladder? What causes hearing of sounds from chest when i lay down? Suggest remedy for frequent urination,back pain and lower abdominal pain What causes testicular pain, pressure in groin area and frequent urination? What causes itchy small boils on head of penis? What changes does a schizencephaly patient go through? What causes slurred speech with normal MRI? What causes pain and swelling in clitoris and clitoris hood? What causes soreness on penis after unprotected vaginal sex? Suggest remedy for lump on armpit Suggest treatment for earache and pain in eyes Good afternoon. I am on my 4th low dosage high Suggest treatment for pain on upper right side of ribcage I was told I have diverticulitus. I am again having What causes vaginal bleeding after tubal litigation? Suggest treatment for red rash and Lyme s disease Does medication for heart problem cause joint pain and effect vision? Suggest remedy for swollen gums, infection and mono after delivery What is the life expectancy of a person with glioblastoma grade 4? Suggest remedy for dizziness and discomfort in ear Suggest treatment for tingling and twitching with dizziness Is it safe to undergo MRI IAM with contrast examination? What causes swelling in ankle and soreness near belly button? I am having neck problems and have had an MRI What causes irregular periods? What causes sleeplessness even after Zolpidam usage? Can HIV be transferred through non penetrative sexual encounter? Lately I've been having sudden attacks of extreme dizziness and Suggest treatment for burning pain in clitoris Suggest treatment for cough and mucus in chest What causes pain in lower lung area post swimming? What does absence of fetal pole in ultrasound indicate? What causes dark brown spotting between periods? What are the dangers of smoking weed? Suggest remedy for frequent nose bleeds Suggest treatment for Vertigo What is the cause and treatment for tinnitus? What does "opacification of a large capacity uterus" mean? Suggest remedy for pain after an injury Suggest treatment for broken heart syndrome What is the effect of 10 ml crocin in a 1 year old child? What causes muscle cramps in legs after having Tecta for GERD? Suggest treatment for diverticulitis What causes difficulty in getting pregnant after having Depo shot? Is smoking Marijuana safe when on Bupropion and Visanne? Does Galact powder help in producing enough breast milk? What do itchy bumps on body indicate? What causes restricted movement for right thumb? What causes vaginal bleeding post masturbation during pregnancy? What does a small black circle in eyes indicate? Suggest treatment for PCOS and irregular periods What causes vaginal spotting? What causes pain in eye while blinking? Suggest treatment for papillomas Is gonorrhea spread through unprotected intercourse? What is Lupron taken for? Could organic chocolate milk cause skin rashes? Suggest treatment for high cholesterol and low Vitamin D levels Suggest treatment for burning and tingling sensation on head Suggest treatment for behavioral problem in child Hi 3 monthes ago i had a SSTI after waxing Suggest remedy for persistent vertigo occurence Suggest treatment for severe pain in ankle,calf and top of leg What causes fatigue and tiredness post car accident? What causes frequent headaches,ringing in ears and rapid heart beat? What causes pain in lower left quadrant area with normal X-ray? Suggest remedy for high pulse rate Can i have BP medicines along with Cipro for UTI? Suggest treatment for painful Bartholin cysts What could cause chlamydia trachomatis? Suggest treatment for severe tan marks on face What does an MRI showing capsular thickening mean? What does this semen analysis indicate? What causes pain in bottom area of rib cage? What causes pain in top of leg and hip after climbing stairs? Suggest treatment for severe cramping pain in upper thigh Suggest treatment for hard lump on shin post injury My mother (98yrs) desperatedly needs cortizone needles in both her Suggest treatment for hard lump along jaw line How much folic acid can be taken during pregnancy? Could having my tubes removed put me into menopause? What causes joints pain, slight anemia, high SED rate and confusion? Suggest remedy to avoid complications in pregnancy What causes electric shock sensations in back while bending it? What could cause small dark red mark on lower lip? Is it normal to have severe jaw pain radiating to ears post jaw injury? Suggest treatment for elevated ALT and AST levels Does indoor mold cause congestive heart failure? What does the following test result indicate? What causes pain in shoulder blade while standing? Suggest remedy for palpitations and rapid heart rate when having a-fib What does a lump above belly button indicate? Is it safe to use topical steroids on 5 year old child? What causes numbness on lip after taking Triphasol to delay periods? What causes testicle pain post surgery for varicose veins in leg? Is it normal to have lower abdominal pain and bloating before late periods? Suggest remedy for swelling and tenderness in surgery scar Suggest treatment for alopeica patches on neck What does my MRI scan result indicate? Suggest treatment for rectal tenesmus Is it safe to have Sertraline along with Folic acid? Suggest remedy to overcome memory loss Suggest treatment for pain in sinuses and upper jaw What does a red spot on toe indicate? What is the cause and treatment for persistent vomiting? What course of treatment should be done for atrophic pancreas? What does this MRI report of spine indicate? Suggest remedy for hip pain in an Alzheimers patient What causes blood in sputum? Suggest treatment for hair fall and headache caused due to Eltroxin What causes excessive sleepiness and fatigue in a teenager? What causes pain in right shoulder blade? What causes delay in periods with negative UPT? What does the following pelvic ultrasound scan report indicate? What does delay in period along with faint line in UPT indicate? Suggest treatment for sciatic nerve pain How does Razo-D help in treating gas? What are the withdrawal side effects of Buprenorphine? What causes tiny bumps around anal area? Suggest treatment for hair loss Suggest treatment for chronic insomnia What causes redness around a skin cut on leg? How long after can i lift weights post proximal tibia surgery? What causes pressure in vagina? What does this biochemical and haematology test result indicate? What causes severe upper abdominal pain long after hysterectomy? What causes swelling and redness on lower legs? Does Nutrigain help in gaining weight? What causes pinkish brown spotting instead of menstruation? Is it safe to use Melalong cream for dark pigmentation on skin? Suggest treatment for severe hair loss What causes right side abdominal pain radiating to lower right side? Suggest treatment for severe tail bone pain post injury What causes swollen lip after smoking Marijuana? What causes painful cut around the vagina? What causes itching sensation under scrotal area? What causes cold sensation of hands and feet despite having Levothyroxine for thyroid disorder? Suggest treatment for back pain, pounding heart beats along with panic attacks What does this X-ray radiographic report indicate? Suggest treatment for constipation, diarrhea and severe hair loss What causes oozing white puss from abscess post antibiotic treatment? Suggest treatment for chronic depression despite having therapy What causes gas, stomach pain and cramps and loss of appetite? Suggest treatment for constant vomiting in child Suggest treatment for blood clots in leg What is Hucef-O taken for? Suggest remedy for anal and scrotum itching with discharge Suggest cream for dark complexion Suggest remedy for severe shoulder, upper arm, neck and hip pain Suggest treatment for itchy rash on bikini line Suggest remedy for hives on exposure to cold air What does this lipid profile indicate? Is a SGPT level of 69 post malaria recovery normal? Suggest remedy for sore throat when diagnosed with mono Suggest treatment for loose motions and high fever Does dengue affect the menstruation cycle? Suggest remedy for gas after eating vegetables What causes temporary pain in breast? What are the benefits of an ablation as compared to a pacemaker? What causes randomly occurring fever and blurred speech? What does the ultrasound report indicate? Suggest treatment for gas, intermittent constipation and itchy anus Suggest treatment for soren boil in gums Suggest remedy for precordial catch syndrome What causes loss of taste and smell after cough, body pain and sneezing? What does the chest X-ray result indicate? What is Myrbetriq advised? What causes change in menstruation cycle, sore breasts and back pain? Suggest medication for pain relief and irritation in the anal area What causes night time nausea ? Does excessive masturbation affect penis size? Suggest remedy for inflammatory hyper pigmentation problem Suggest remedy for high fever Suggest treatment for male pattern baldness Does the following results indicate breast cancer? What does the chest and lung CT Scan report indicate? Suggest remedy for abdominal pain radiating to breasts Suggest remedy for lumps below knee cap What does red bots near a darker bruise on breast indicate? Do the bumps below incision for robotic hysterectomy gradually decrease? What causes white patches on skin? What is the permissible quantity of jaggery required to consume daily? Suggest treatment for gastric problem, acidity, headache and weight gain What do these SGOT and SGPT levels indicate? Suggest treatment for accidentally taking double dosage of Lisinopril What causes blood in stool along with pale skin? Suggest remedy for tightness in bronchial tubes Suggest treatment for throwing up of bile juice in a 5 year old Suggest treatment for epididymitis on testicle and uncomfortable pain in lower abdomen Suggest treatment for dry and irritated vaginal after taking Efudex Does Clonazepam cause the feeling of being sedated? Suggest remedy for knot on vein What are the chances of getting difficulty during pregnancy while suffering from left fundal subserosal fibroid? Suggest treatment for pain on left ankle bone What causes recurrent pimples and dark spots in pubic area? Suggest remedy for back and feet pain What causes recurrent painful boils on buttocks? Is a BP reading of 111/77 worrisome? What causes elevated GGT levels? Can Methadose and thyroid medication be taken together? Suggest treatment for high power in the eyes Is it advisable to use double dose of Miralex? What causes elevated calcium levels? Is surgery the only option for gall bladder stones? What causes nocturnal emissions? What does my urinalysis report suggest? What causes pain in neck while having antibiotics for sinus infection? What causes soreness in jaw and eye? What causes recurring neck and back pain? Suggest remedy for constipation and bloated feeling after a heart attack What causes numbness on left side of head, headache and blurred vision? Suggest remedy for lump on vein of elbow What causes recurrent hives after having Norco? What causes thenar muscles collapse after carpal tunnel open surgery? Is gall bladder removal the right decision for digestion problems? Is Claritin D advisable for cough and throat irritation? What causes headaches,pressure in head and noise sensitivity? What are the chances of miscarriage again inspite of having it in past? Suggest treatment for red blister on lip Suggest remedy for low back pain Suggest treatment for coughing up thick phelgm What causes high fever while having antibiotics for TB? Suggest remedy for swelling around tooth and cheek Is it safe to have I pill twice a month? What causes severe pain in lower back? Is it safe to fly while having Amoxicillin for ruptured ear drum? Suggest treatment for irregular periods along with continuous spotting What causes HCG levels to drop and then rise up? Suggest treatment for hairfall and dry hair Suggest remedy to terminate pregnanacy Suggest treatment for spotting when on Yazmin pills What causes itching and red bumps on skin? Suggest treatment for yeast infection What causes itching around the nail beds of big toes? Is it possible for esophagus to close up? What causes tenderness and itching in calf after vein stripping? Suggest treatment for wheezing Suggest treatment for difficulty in getting pregnant with history of miscarriages What causes white discharge from the vagina with itching? Can the amalgams used to fix cavity be repaired? What causes severe neck pain and pressure in head? Suggest remedy for severe night sweats and headaches What causes pressure and pain in upper and lower jaw, neck and upper abdomen? What causes fever and swelling on thigh post vaccination? Suggest treatment for bump on back of tongue Does Clindamycin cause erectile dysfunction? What causes constant lower back pain when I bend down lower spine? Suggest remedy for headaches and nausea after steroid injections What causes visual hallucinations with regular eye examination? Suggest treatment for puffy eyelids Suggest remedy for irritation after accidental spilling of castor oil in eyes What causes fever, body pains and severe neck pain? What causes spotting and then bleeding weeks after D and C? What causes pain in flank area and abdomen? What causes recurrence of Bell s palsy? What causes pain on right side of head above ear and behind temple region? Suggest treatment for severe back pain and lower abdominal pain What causes hot flashes? How long does Hydrocodone stay in the system? What causes irregular periods along with weight gain? Suggest treatment for floaters in eyes What causes elevated ALT and AST levels along with enlarged spleen? Suggest ways to terminate pregnancy What causes seeing rings of light in vision? Suggest remedy for pain in ankle What causes high BP after having Cordilox for Crohn's disease? HAVE YOU HEARD OF A TYPE OF MULTI FOCAL NEUROPATHY What causes irritation and vaginal bleeding? Suggest treatment for addiction to drugs What causes rippling sensation in lower abdomen? I have a keloid behind my ear. I put a How to check for HIV? Suggest treatment for ear and tooth pain after tooth extraction What causes bruise on thigh travelling down to leg post injury? Is Lexipro safe for 18 years old boy? What causes severe pain behind knees? Can i get pregnant post intercourse despite having I pill? What causes pain in lower stomach and bleeding? I currently have had this hard lump like a bone Suggest treatment for pain under rib What do specks in breast on a mammogram indicate? I has intercourse on the 11/11, on the the 13th How long does liver take to regenerate after hepatitis C treatment? What causes redness of both eye sockets post tooth extraction? Advise diet for a person suffering from primary biliary cirrhosis What causes delay in period? Suggest treatment for bowel obstruction What causes black large spot oozing pus post mosquito bite on leg? What causes pain in lower abdomen? What causes rapid heart beat? What causes excessive hunger in a child? What causes strange sensations near navel when i cough? Does Cambogia Garcinia cause pain in joints? What causes inter-menstrual spotting? What causes numbness just above belly button? Hi there i had surgery on Monday and when they What causes small white lump on knee cap? Suggest treatment for terminal pancreatic cancer What causes spotting after switching from Minulet to Loette? What causes swelling and pain in leg above ankle with purple veins? Hi .. My problem is a bit long and am Suggest treatment for lump in tonsils What causes pain on left side of stomach and back? Suggest remedy for stomach cramps during pregnancy Suggest remedy for bleeding from nose after injury What causes bleeding during pregnancy? What causes unresponsive behavior in an elderly person? Suggest treatment for blocked ear and dry flaky skin after using Debrox Suggest treatment for swollen knee after a fall Suggest treatment fro delayed periods? What does a freckle on finger indicate? Suggest treatment for itchy bumps all over body What causes blurriness in one eye? What does skin sore on vagina indicate? Suggest treatment for erectile dysfunction Suggest treatment for wheezing and coughing in a 1 year old What causes itching in the groin area? Is there any side effects of eating boiled eggs? What causes tiredness with family history of heart disease? Suggest treatment for vomiting and pain in stomach What causes persistent nausea? What causes acute pain in left thighs? Is it normal to hear heart pulse in ear? What causes scaly and itchy testicles? What causes nausea and stomach cramps after getting Provera shot? Suggest treatment for painful and swollen ankles Does hemangiomas on liver or ovarian cyst cause daily pain? What causes migraine aura after having spicy food? What does the following semen analysis report indicate? Is Iron deficiency the cause of recurring infections? What causes light bleeding during periods after intercourse? Suggest an alternative to Humolog insulin So basically... I am in an incredibly lovely relationship and What does a red rash spreading from neck to breast indicate? How long does the excess Iodine remain in the body? Can low grade tumors in the back move to lungs? Suggest remedy for cramps and bloating before and after periods What causes nausea, headache and numbness in limbs after a head injury? How to remove an IUD coil? What causes unclear vision after Bells Palsy infection? What causes gum bleeding after taking pain killer for toothache? What causes vomiting and stomach ache in child? Can am untreated shoulder injury cause chest pain? What causes severe testicle pain? What causes loss of vision after a rigorous work out? What does a lump on gum indicate? Suggest treatment for abdominal pain What causes chest pain? How to terminate pregnancy? What causes mood swings during pregnancy? What causes a throbbing sensation on the back of neck? How to check for gallbladder dysfunction? What causes stinging and burning sensation on gums? What causes achy and painful thighs and legs? What causes blisters around an injury on shin? Suggest treatment for res and watery eyes What causes brown vaginal discharge after medical abortion? Suggest diet change before a gall bladder removal surgery? Suggest treatment for thoracic back injury Can i consume alcohol post infection? A female family member has had a series of symptoms Suggest pain medications that can be safely taken when receiving doxil infusions What causes delay in periods with negative UPT? What causes anxiety, insomnia, night sweats, numbness and dry mouth? What is the life span of a Mirena coil? What does hematuria with normal blood and urine test result indicate? Suggest treatment for COPD and restless leg syndrome When should Nuvaring be inserted? What causes heavy periods along with tender breasts? Suggest treatment for painful blisters in mouth Suggest treatment for cut on lower buttocks Suggest treatment for high cholesterol levels even after exercise What does a large red lump on vaginal lip indicate? Hoe effective is cannabis oil in treating cancer? What causes congestion in head and chest? What causes vaginal discharge after having Diflucan for vaginal infection? Suggest treatment for severe hip pain after staph infection treatment Suggest treatment for low heart rate when suffering from dementia Suggest treatment for swelling and numbness on ankle post injury What causes pressure on stomach? Is it safe to have Primibone for Parkinson s disease? What are the symptoms of hemorrhoids? What does this CT scan of lungs indicate? What causes pain in lower abdomen? What causes fatigue and depression after stopping Sertraline intake? Suggest treatment for ankle pain caused due to fracture What causes tiny red itchy bumps on vaginal lips during periods? Suggest treatment for chest congestion and coughs Is pregnancy possible without penetrative sex? What causes stomach pain during defecation? What does a lump over bladder in a pelvic ultrasound indicate? Is pregnancy possible after tubal ligation? Suggest treatment for high blood glucose levels during pregnancy? What causes severe itching in the groin area? Are frequent stomach pain and nausea caused by braces? What causes headache, nausea and pressure behind ears after child birth? Suggest treatment for weird growth on labia majora What causes dry cough after an accidental fall on chest? What are the side effects of Zoloft anti depression pill? Is a negative urine pregnancy test conclusive? Can infection of the uterus during pregnancy re-occur? What causes breathing difficulty along with blue discoloration of lips? Suggest treatment for pain in right side of face What causes swelling and redness on calf? What causes swollen lymph nodes after receiving a flu shot? Can rectal muscles be strained after doing heavy leg lifting? sometimes feel fine Can Xanax cause tingling sensation on left arm and fingers? What causes irritation and itching sensation on back of scalp? What causes green coloured stool after excessive alcohol intake? Suggest treatment for dizzy spells after prolonged focal seizure What causes appetite loss in an infant? How to keep blood pressure level under control what are the chances of pregnancy after having tubes tied ? What is the difference between a pseudo stroke and stroke? What casues excessive tiredness? Suggest treatment for back pain with cramps What causes bleeding during bowel movement? Suggest treatment for shortness of breath along with dry cough Hello, today is CD5 for me. I had just came What causes pain in groin? Suggest treatment for pain in abdomen after D and C What causes stomach problems at night? What causes low body temperature and inability to handle cold? My son (19) was in a car accident 3 weeks Hi there, Had unprotected sex about 8 months ago. Immediately Suggest treatment for itchy lump on head Is it normal to have low grade fever post bilateral knee surgery? Suggest remedy for pressure on rib cage and shortness of breath What does the MRI finding indicate? Suggest remedy for irritation and brittle nails when on Predinisone My CT Report. C.T.PARANASAL CORONAL REVEALS. Complete opacification is seen I have a rash on ring finger and it has Hi for a year now I've been getting this salt I was bitten by a tick three months ago. I What causes pain in head above right eye accompanied by nausea and diarrhea? Can lemon water cure tardive dyskinesia, gastroparesis, and Parkinson s disease? What causes bad taste in mouth along with bad breath? What causes dizziness and blurred vision after switching from Stribild to Atripla? What causes pain in left shoulder and arm along with restricted movement in arm? What does my MRI scan result mean? What causes gurgling sounds in stomach and yellow watery stools? What causes painful urination, fever, chills and pain in lower back? What causes pain during urination with history of prostate operation? Suggest treatment for ovarian cyst along with dilated fallopian tube Can Lyrica and Neurontin for seizures cause blurred vision? Suggest treatment for tiny mucus cyst in mouth What causes belly button pain and foul breath? What causes swollen lump on bridge of nose? What causes constant pain in eye with history of large cell arteries? What causes purple and bluish skin discoloration of hands? Is fever and chest congestion normal after taking Levofloxacin? What causes appearance of small bumps inside mouth while chewing? What causes black spots in vision post cataract surgery? What does my abdominal scan indicate? What causes dry mouth besides medication? What causes black colored fluid discharge from nose post cauterization? Hi. I've had chest pain and an uncomfortable feeling for Hello doctor, My beard has white in it, even though Can alcohol be consumed after taking Xanax? What causes severe swelling of feet and calves? What causes blocked throat and constant throat clearing? What causes knee pain, purple coloring of feet and swelling? Suggest treatment for pimple like bump in between teeth Suggest treatment for vaginal yeast infection Suggest treatment for tinea versicolor infection Suggest treatment for erectile dysfunction and lack of libido What causes SOB and wheezing in a diabetic who is overweight? My boyfriend aged 67, has had severe pruritus (no rash) What does my liver function test indicate? Suggest treatment for overactive thyroid What causes heart palpitations? Yes, ive been to the dentist monday and i have Suggest treatment for itchy, swollen lips with rash Suggest treatment for inflammation on testicle What causes lump in anus and painful excretion? What causes water discharge with discomfort during urination? Suggest treatment for vestibular dementia Hello. I have been prescribed the anti anxiety drug Zispin What causes dripping from left nostril? Suggest remedy for seizure due to medicine incompatability What causes raised red color skin on penis? Suggest treatment for heartburn,gas and gurgling in stomach Suggest treatment for fleshy lump on gum Do kidney stones affect blood sugar levels? What causes headaches, swelling and pain after tooth extraction? What causes reduction in growth rate and semi-solid stool in infant? How long does alcohol remain in the system? What causes incontinence, nausea, dizziness and hot flashes after using Mirena? I have been unusually tired even after sleeping more than Suggest treatment for sudden and severe outbreak of psoriasis Suggest treatment for stomach ache and vomiting when eating fish What causes tingling and numbness on right lip, hand and forearm? What causes strange buzzing sound in ear while laughing Which is the stronger antibiotic between Clarithromycin and Flucloxacillin? What causes the abnormal feeling of emptiness in stomach? What causes smelly and sticky feet? What are the chances of rabies when dog bite has not been treated? Suggest treatment for bladder fused cervix, IBS and loss of appetite I have 2 or 3 pimples in a row between Suggest remedy for severe migraines and blurred vision What causes strong headache followed by stomach ache and nausea? Suggest remedy for soreness and itching in throat What causes numbness,pain and burning in feet? What could hard ball size vaginal discharge indicate? Is it safe to take birth control pills in conditions of high BP? What causes lower pelvic pain and lower back pain? Hey . I did hepatitics C antibiotics test , one Should Primolut be taken even after having periods? What causes severe migraines? Suggest remedy for loose motions What causes severe hot flushes and night sweats? Suggest treatment to improve skin complexion Suggest remedy for sore throat What causes abrupt sweating and shaking of body? What causes early period? Last night while having alcohol I felt the back of Suggest remedy for constant congestion and difficulty in breathing What does my blood test result indicate? Suggest remedy for severe nausea and abdominal pain Could pulmonary fibrosis cause weakness and shakiness? Is it normal to have burning sensation after using Folica hair tincture? What causes twitching and tingling in upper lip? Hi there, I had a routine uterine ultrasound for gestational Hi I stopped my 2 months injection I've been having What causes frequently occurring black moles on face? What causes frequent urination and itching in urethra? Suggest remedy to terminate pregnancy hi, I am 42 years old female and have quick What causes brown discharge,lower abdominal pain and back ache? Could long term use of Spirolactone effect health? I have a weird one, and an embarrising one, I I had a drug test today and it showed up Suggest remedy for loose motions,ear infection,fever and cough I have been digionesed with noncancerous thyroid noduels. Can they Hello I was cannulating a hiv patient when I felt hi doctor i had unprotected sex last month 15th , Suggest remedy for pain in throat and burning sensation in food pipe What causes red circular marks on glans of penis? hi doctor my baby is 10 months now having problem What causes black diarrhea in a child? Suggest treatment for frequent severe headache What causes high grade fever along with pain in knee and thighs? What causes pressure in abdomen when suffering from hemorrhagic ovarian cysts? How long should Lecope-M and Mahaflox be taken for cough? Suggest treatment for bursitis in elbow What causes pink coloured urine? Suggest treatment for Henoch-Schönlein purpura virus infection What causes delay in periods along with watery vaginal discharge? Suggest treatment for dry lips What causes discomfort in shoulder blade in a child? What causes dizziness and bloating after taking Prednisone? What causes itchy rash on arms? What does a lump on buttocks indicate? What does the following MRI report indicate? When will forced circumcision on baby boys become against the What causes spotting during pregnancy? What causes pain in lower left side of back? Suggest remedy for abnormal vaginal discharge Suggest remedy for severe congestion Hi I am a 17 year old male and I Suggest remedy for itchy lump between legs and testicles What causes tightness and shakiness in chest? What could lump on vagina indicate? What could cause early period? Suggest remedy to avoid unwanted pregnancy My husband has been diagnosed with Hep C and I Suggest remedy for persistent cough Suggest treatment for vestibular neuritis Suggest treatment for sinusitis What causes swollen foot and leg post torn quadriceps tendon surgery? What causes severe cough along with heaviness in chest? What causes pain in body? What causes extreme pain in swollen wrists leading to sleeplessness? What causes tiredness and headache with history of brain tumor? What causes headaches and lump on hairline? Suggest remedy for persistent cough and hoarse voice Is J s Nosedrops safe for treatment of sinusitis? Is Ebast-M tablet the right medicine for nose allergy? What is Magnacef 400 prescribed for? What causes stomach cramps and fluttering feeling post periods? Hello, I'm a 25 year old lady, who's been having What causes pain and discomfort in stomach? What causes swollen lymph node? What causes stomach pain and vomiting post intercourse? What do bumps on penis indicate? When will ovulate again post medical abortion? What causes fainting? Suggest treatment for dog scratch in a 3 year old What causes persistent nausea and weakness? How to keep blood pressure under control? What causes red spots on abdomen, buttocks and back in an infant? Suggest treatment for heart burn What are the side effects of Daktozin ointment? Okay so I had sex the other day and it Whilst unattaching my 3 week olds car seat from her How can one manage fatigue, tiredness and concentration difficulty while suffering from Hashimoto s thyroiditis? Does Levoxothyrine cause itchy skin? What causes itching sensation and red circles on vaginal area? What causes low sex drive after having Carnitor for infertility problem? What causes urinary incontincence? What causes swelling on knees? What causes knee joint pain? What causes small pea sized lump in thigh? What could cause severe panic attacks,anxiety and muscle aches? What do pink bumps in throat indicate? What causes right sided rib pain? What causes pain and weakness in left arm? How to postpone periods? Suggest treatment for hot flashes, shortness of breath and dizziness What causes eye pain in a child? Suggest treatment for acne problem on back What causes headaches along with chest pain? What causes pain and chapping of bottom lip along with constipation? Is eating raw rice bad for health in children? How is Skinlite cream used to treat dark complexion? What causes inter menstrual periods? Is Bactrim the right antibiotic for infection post skin cancer treatment? Hi doctor , please help me , im applying work What causes stomach pain along with blood in urine? Suggest treatment for skin tag on back of upper leg What causes pain in arm and shoulder? Is it normal to have fever post flu and pneumonia shot? What causes pain around left breasts? Suggest treatment for pink eye and fever Can Amitriptyline be taken after consuming wine? What causes saggy vaginal lips? What causes vaginal bleeding post intercourse? Suggest treatment for IBS Suggest treatment for lump on leg post injury What does this semen analysis and ultrasound report indicate? Suggest treatment for high BP in a diabetic patient What causes stomach pain after taking Gynaset tablet? What causes tiredness along with mood swings? What causes painful small bump near anal area? How to terminate 8 weeks of pregnancy? Suggest treatment for red rash on stomach after taking Zithromax? Suggest treatment for severe pain in finger post injury What causes white spots with red border on ankles, hands and legs? What causes blackouts in vision? What causes movable lump near lower jaw bone? What does a hard lump on nose indicate? Suggest treatment for sharp pain in upper region of spine post injury What causes pain in penis? What is Utira-C used for? What causes pain under armpit? What causes slurred speech along with fever and painful lymph glands? What does the following ultrasound report indicate? What causes red spots on chest with history of allergies on face? What causes delayed periods? How long do symptoms of altitude sickness take to get cured? Is it normal to get hives along with bronchitis? What causes gas and gurgling noises in stomach after having protein shakes? Suggest treatment for recurring scabies Can i play basket ball despite having Osgood–Schlatter disease? What causes chronic back and neck pain along with muscle spasms? What causes vaginal bleeding post unprotected sex? What are the side effects of Lisinopril? What causes bleeding from rectum? What causes indigestion along with headache? What causes stiffness in neck and shoulders along with tiredness? What caues vaginal bleeding while having an Implanon insert? What causes chest pain while having Olmetec 40mg for high BP? What causes upper stomach pain? What causes knee pain and lump in leg above ankle? What does a red rash on stomach and thighs indicate? What causes severe joint pain? Suggest treatment for pain in groin area and painful right hip sciatic nerve Suggest treatment for pain in hands What do red itchy rashes on body indicate? What causes swelling of ankle after scratching the skin? What causes weight gain while on Acetaminophen and Lunesta? What causes pain on knee cap? What causes chest pain followed by shortness of breath? Suggest an alternative to Canasa for treatment of proctitis What causes irregular periods? Suggest treatment for PTSD along with depression What causes stomach pain and lower back pain when i stand? What causes pinkish discoloration of skin around anal area? What causes inflamed visible vein on calf area with normal ultrasound? What causes severe itching on tailbone? What causes blood in urine with negative urine test result for infections? What causes headaches after receving Cortisone injections? What causes yellow stool during 35 weeks of pregnancy? What causes grey colored stool? What causes vaginal bleeding when suffering from constipation? What causes difficulty breathing and tightness in chest with history of pet allergy? What does the following blood test report indicate? What causes swelling of ankles and legs? What causes light periods? What causes grand mal seizure? Is pain under ribs symptom of pancreatitis? Suggest treatment for anxiety along with bi-polar disorder What causes recurrent viral infection in a child living in humid climate? What causes lower abdominal pain post colon resection? What causes weakness in arms? What causes tingling sensation and tightness in back? What causes foul smelling wound? What causes tremors in hand followed by fainting? What does "mild neurogenic changes seen in muscles" mean? What causes tingling and numbness with negative TIA? What causes numbness in arm after a work out? What causes sore breasts along with headaches and ligh periods? Can depression lead to loss of appetite? What causes difficulty urinating after masturbation? Suggest treatment for high fever and vomiting Suggest remedy for lethargy and swollen lymph nodes in a child Suggest remedy for pain during urination What causes pain on right side and vaginal bleeding post masturbation? What does fluttering sensation under rib cage indicate? Suggest treatment for stomach infection Is it hard to tear fimbriated hymen during intercourse? What causes tenderness and swelling in breast? Hello, I have a question regarding my late period. Let What causes strong smelling urine in children? I have a hard bump in my shoulder blade area. Is flying safe when suffering from breathing difficulty? What causes white colored bump near anus? What do grey pimples on cheek indicate? Can long term usage of Vytorin cause diarrhea? Can Warticon be applied over verruca? Suggest treatment for severe nausea and dizziness during pregnancy What are the side effects of taking Postinor? What do brown particles in urine indicate? Can Prednisone cause dry skin with red circular spots? What causes prolonged sore throat? What causes prolonged fever in a child? What causes itchy vaginal discharge? How to withdraw from Oxycodone and Percocet slowly without any side effects? What causes pins and needles on body with burning eyes? Suggest treatment for severe bronchitis Hello, I have a major issue. I haven't gotten my What does this ultrasound report indicate? Hi, my daughter have a thyroid nodule level 4.3 three What causes large bumps all over body oozing liquid? What causes strong sensations when i bend my arm at elbow and straighten it out? Suggest treatment for knee pain What causes stinging red lines on vaginal hole? What are the chances of pregnancy without ejaculation? What causes yellow brown looking phlegm? Suggest treatment for hallucinations Suggest remedy for vomiting after consuming alcohol What causes pain in back ribs? Suggest remedy for delay in periods What causes irregular periods? Is there a test to check for arthritis? Suggest treatment for pimples and itching on scalp Is Solox effective for treatment of hiatus hernia? What causes numbness on lips and forehead? What causes swollen lymph nodes in abdomen along with abdominal pain? Suggest treatment for severe depression Hi, my girlfriend and I noticed lately that my hands What causes white colored coating on tongue along with irritated papillae? What causes brown discharge on stopping Depo injections? Suggest treatment for fatigue and sore throat What causes red spots on legs when suffering from fever? What causes cold sensation on upper legs? Is it normal to have pain in palm post steam burn on hands? What does a small bump on chin indicate? Is pregnancy possible without ejacultion in vagina? What causes weight gain and chest pain after quitting smoking? Suggest treatment for sharp pain in the back and lower back What causes irregular spotting with negative ultrasound report for pregnancy? Is stomach bloating symptom of pregnancy? What causes heavy vaginal bleeding post Da vinci hysterectomy? What does a small patch on cheek indicate? What causes a strange feeling on the collar bone? What causes lower abdominal pain? Suggest treatment for dark patches on penis What causes vaginal spotting? What causes tingling and tremors in arms? What causes numbeness in finger after muscle surgery? What causes recurrent red spots on arms post injury? What does a small knot under bootom eye lid indicate? Suggest precautions to be taken post inhalation of concentrated Clorox fumes What is the difference between migraine and sinus infection? What causes burning and itching around vagina? What causes tremors in arms and legs post antibiotic treatment? Does Clarithromycin offer protection against infection after cat bite? What causes itching around labia? What causes painful bump on shaft of penis? What causes pain while swallowing after a neck injury? What causes missed periods along with back pain? What causes pain in breasts after sexual intercourse? What causes burning sensation on anus post defecation? What causes fever, swollen tonsils and low appetite? What causes dark blueish visible veins on breasts along with lumpy feeling in breasts? Suggest treatment for pain after tooth extraction What causes small round patches on corners of mouth and swollen face? Suggest treatment for bleeding penis I have had a number of small ulcerated areas on What causes sore red bump on knee with white head? What causes tender bump on shaft of penis? My Dad is 81 tomorrow. He has a pacemaker for Suggest treatment for heavy periods along with foul menstrual odor What causes dizziness along with ear ache? Is pregnancy possible with pre ejaculatory fluid? Suggest treatment for puffy swollen face along with itchy neck area Suggest medication to swelling due to impetigo outbreaks Is it possible to get pregnant while being on birth control pill? What does the brain MRI indicate? What causes sudden feeling of warmth on front side of knee? What causes pain in lower back? What causes recurrent fever post alcohol consumption? What causes pain in stomach spreading to breasts? Good Evening, I took some blood test on Monday, the Is it normal to have pain on left side of head in a fibromyalgia patient? Suggest treatment for chronic pain What causes sweet smelling stool? What is the cause and treatment for ear infections? What causes pain in eyes and around eye lids along with nausea? What causes pain behind ears while turing head? i am having pain in my left foot up my Suggest treatment for leg cramps What causes recurring headaches? Suggest treatment for pain on knees What do recurring skin bumps on wrists and ankle indicate? My ANA blood work is normal. My collar bone has What causes infected hair follicles on scalp? What are the side effects of birth control pills? What are the symptoms of pregnancy? What causes discoloration of skin on legs? I don't have a question. I just want to say What causes recurring UtI s? Suggest treatment for sinus infection How to lighten black spots on face? Suggest treatment for excessive sweating caused after taking Oxycodone Suggest remedy for swollen vein and pain on hand What causes skin peeling from buttocks? Suggest treatment for raspy voice Suggest medication when having a thyroxine level of 25.2 ug/dl What causes hair fall and poor memory while on Levothyroxine? Suggest ways to manage severe osteoarthritis pain What casues pain in shoulder? What causes swollen tonsils and severe cough? What does the MRI results indicate? My daughter has been experiencing a constellation of symptoms over Suggest treatment for pain in chest muscles What causes pain in rib cage? Suggest treatment for painful and pus filled pimple on the genitals i have swollen lymph gland in one side of my What causes discoloration on the skin near the eye corner? 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What causes tender small lump under jawline? What causes rashes on pubic area post shaving? Suggest safe dosage of Progesterone What causes burning sensation in neck near collar bone? Suggest treatment for black bruise on thigh post injury Suggest treatment for joint pain, muscle pain, chest pain, swelling and dizziness What causes pain in knee post volley ball play? What does my thyroid test report indicate? What does this semen analysis indicate? What are the chances of pregnancy with non penetrative intercourse? Why is there a drop in cholesterol levels on stopping levothyroxine? What causes pain, tingling and itching sensation on arms and shoulders? What causes itchy tender knots on pubic area? What does my thyroid test result indicate? Is it possible to out grow epilepsy? Suggest treatment for tear in anus What causes pain in upper back when i swallow food? Is it normal to have pain in hip and legs post back surgery? What causes dizziness, mood swings and loss of appetite? What is the dosage of Ibuprofen for body pains? What do my ultrasound results indicate? Suggest treatment for chest and back pains What causes stomach pain and diarrhea after having outside food? What causes rapid heart beat and panic attacks during urination? Suggest treatment for red bump on penis What does the CT scan result indicate? What does this lipid profile indicate? Suggest treatment for itchy vagina with smelly discharge What causes episodes of black out along with extreme tiredness? Suggest treatment for swollen lymph node on neck What causes lymph node swelling near collarbone and IBS symptoms? What are the adverse effects of masturbation on future sexual life? Suggest treatment for itchy likoria What causes episodes of sudden dizziness followed by nausea? Suggest treatment for painful, pimple-like spot on labia majora What does this CT scan of lumbar spine indicate? What does this lab test using spinal tab method indicate? What causes sore throat and pain in ear? What causes hearing sounds in ears in a person with sinus infection? What causes rashes all around the base of neck and forearms? Is it safe to have Anastrozole instead of Temaxafine for breast cancer? Suggest treatment for dizziness and loss of appetite What causes vaginal bleeding after using pessary? Suggest treatment for pain in quad and difficulty walking Suggest treatment for endometriosis cysts Suggest treatment for red bruise on leg with little puss hello, i have been very stressed in the last 3 What does the Ultra sound report suggest? What causes dark blood during periods with body pains? Suggest remedy for delayed periods Suggest treatment for swollen and painful arms hi I am taking Allopurinol. which has got rid of What causes intermittent sharp pain in head after getting slapped? What causes smelly urine and fatigue? What causes dizziness, blurry vision and distorted hearing? What causes red, itchy patches on torso, collarbone and face? Suggest treatment for hip arthritis Suggest treatment for pain after spinal fusion What causes a knot behind ear and ear infection? What causes brownish discharge after having tubes tied? What causes shortness of breath and nerve pain along with fatigue? What causes fibrotic scars to occur? What causes nausea and vomiting in the early mornings in post menopause state? What causes itchy rashes all over body since pregnancy? Suggest treatment for hematomas under eye and nose post injury What causes imbalance issues, headache and stomach upset with normal tests? What causes fatigue, hair loss and weight loss along with hashimotos? Suggest treatment for recurrent severe stomach ache along with dizziness Suggest treatment for double and blurred vision Is it safe to have Metformin and Crisanta for PCOS? Suggest treatment for swollen face and green pus discharge from gums What causes blood in urine and discomfort feeling during urination? Is it necessary to have Rabies vaccine post dog bite? Is it safe to have Melatonin supplements while having BP medicines? Is a BP of 143/71 normal? Hi I'm 31 year old female I have had 3 What are the chances of catching Hepatitis C? Suggest treatment for tumor in stomach Suggest treatment for sore throat and the swollen skin under chin Suggest treatment for swelling and peeled skin from hot water burn What is the term used for insensitive teeth? Suggest dosage for Mifepristone What is meant by soft tissue injury? I am 15 weeks pregnant and I woke up with For how long can the recommended dose of Tylenol be given? Suggest treatment for TB in fallopian tubes What causes pins pricking pain in eyes? What causes swelling around nose and eyes? What causes child to wake up screaming in night? Suggest remedy for bradycardia Suggest ways to deal with sensitivity in child Suggest treatment for headaches when suffering with Alzheimers What causes blood in stool? Suggest treatment for burning sensation and low estrogen levels Why is there symptoms of the disease after getting vaccination?
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