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What causes constant high levels of ESR? Is it hazardous to take marijuana while on Toradol? Suggest treatment for red spots with white bits What causes dry mouth and bumps on the back of tongue? What does ESR level of 30 and creatinine level 44 mean? Does Ocella cause abdominal cramps? Suggest treatment for enlarged collar bone What causes headache and dizziness? Hi there, I have been experiencing a dull ache all What causes chest pain when standing up from sitting position? Suggest remedy for problems in pregnancy What is the treatment for leg pain and swollen ankle? Is it normal to have on and off fever when having influenza? Will taking I-pill in 72 hours of unprotected sex prevent pregnancy? What causes black stools? Suggest methods to get a fair skinned baby after delivery Why is common bile duct not visible in ultrasound? Suggest treatment for oroantral fistula Suggest a medicine for Elbow pain What causes swelling behind the ear with fever in children? What causes recurring fever after treatment for heart attack? What causes Dryness of throat? What is cerebral atrophy condition? What causes sudden pain in neck and shoulder in hypertensive person? What causes periods a day later after finishing birth control pills? Suggest treatment for pain in the lower legs with burning sensation after malaria Suggest medication for thrush What causes delay in periods after engaging in foreplay? What does Secretion after intercourse indicates? Suggest remedy for itchy black spot on stomach and thigh Suggest remedy to get erection What do mean platelet volume 11.4 and urine creatinine 20.41mg/dl mean? What is the treatment for stage 1 beast cancer? What is the treatment for fear for medications and doctors? What causes pain in backside of head while breathing through nose? Suggest method to know the exact tenure of pregnancy Suggest remedy for constipation and small hemorrhoids in children Suggest treatment for pigmentation in upper lip and skin under the nose What is the treatment for lumps in the legs? What causes swelling of entire body on left side? What causes delay in periods, constant vomiting sensation and breathlessness? What is the treatment for heavy bleeding and irregular menstruation? What causes Vein under Buttock? What causes loose motion , vomiting and throat infection? Suggest diet to follow for person in stage IV prostate cancer What causes an early menstrual period after taking Unwanted 72? What is the remedy to overcome painful and heavy menstrual bleeding? What is the treatment for kidney pain and high levels of amorphous phosphates in urine? Will losing weight relieve back, neck and shoulder pain? Suggest treatment for sore wart on anal line Suggest treatment to gain weight What is the treatment for stress and BP in a 19 year old boy? Are foul vaginal smell and brownish mucus in stools normal after episiotomy? Can Azithral and Clindamycin be used safely for 6 weeks to treat acne? Does soreness under the jaw after a bout of fever need doctor's attention? What do findings of suspicious densities in left lung apex mean? What is the treatment to get rid of dandruff? Is abnormal cells in lower lining of esophagus due to Barrets Esophagus? What are the symptoms and treatment for influenza? Does Blood sugar level adversely effect Menstruation? Suggest remedy for severe cough with blockage What are the early signs and symptoms of pregnancy? Does ovaral-1 tablet cause acne to recur? What is the treatment for mole in the pubic area? Suggest treatment for shrink kidney and head ache Suggest direction of use to apply fucidin cream to penis How can TSH levels in blood be maintained during pregnancy? What could be the lump of skin around vagina? What causes severe itchiness in the hands and feet? What causes excessive sweating , tiredness and difficulty in breathing? What causes numbness in jammed fingers? How to treat jaw injury? How to treat sore throat? What is the treatment for cervical spondylosis? Suggest treatment for lower back pain Suggest methods for weight loss What causes slow blood rate, quick numbing, and weak memory? Suggest treatment for rashes in kid Suggest treatment for inhibited ejaculation What causes irritation in liver? Suggest remedy to prevent skin darkening due to cold Suggest treatment for calf pain with numbness and tingling in feet What causes severe tiredness, headaches and constant thirst? Suggest treatment for cold and shivering What are the side effects of skin photorejuvenation? Does swollen neck and earache be the symptoms of Hyperthyroidism? What causes extreme pain and pressure in the breast? Is it safe to have a breast surgery if I have heart problems? Suggest diet for a child suffering from febrile convulsions What causes stringy white growth on the tongue? Suggest a remedy for Fissure cum Sentinels piles Suggest treatment for dry eyes What causes blood and white discharge from penis in infants? Suggest treatment for repeated mouth ulcers wilt high fever What causes heavy spotting with UTI symptoms and delayed period? How to increase ejection fraction of heart? What is the treatment for rapid heart rate and tiredness? Does occasional smoking of male partner affect the chances of pregnancy What would be life expectancy for stomach cancer patient? What causes vomiting sensation and green liquid vomit during pregnancy? Suggest treatment for 'disc degeneration at C5-C6 level' on MRI Suggest treatment for Intervertebral disc disease What causes vertigo after waking up, lying down and looking up or down? What are the symptoms and treatment for jaundice? What causes Blood in stool? Suggest treatment for premature ejaculation and weak penis What causes fever and pain? Suggest treatment for depression What could heart pain with a grim prognosis be? How can OCD be treated specifically? What causes bleeding and dizziness during intercourse? Is spotting normal during first trimester? Are abdominal cramps, tingling fingers and arm normal after implantation of an IUD? What causes light bleeding between periods? Suggest treatment for divarication of recti Can unprotected sex lead to delayed menses after 2 months? Suggest diet plan during pregnancy What causes Chest pain and Bloated stomach? What causes sever headache and inability to speak? What causes severe joint and neck pain, fever and rashes? What causes persistent legs and arms ache? Suggest treatment for burning sensation and soreness of throat What causes vomiting up of green bile in stage 4 lung cancer? What causes delay in periods after taking postinor-2? What causes delayed periods and negative pregnancy test? Suggest treatment for a painful protrusion at the wrist joint What causes recurring lower abdominal pains? What are the best exercises to reduce sinus bradycardia? Can Hifenac and Ecosprin be taken together? What causes pain during digital penetration of vagina? Does fluctuating billirubin levels in blood indicate jaundice? What causes lower Abdominal pain? What causes abdominal pain with painful bump on testicle? How can chronic fever with cough and cold be treated? Can Blood Cancer be cured completely? What are the side effects of using Novelon tablet? Do metformin, pioglit, ovisterone and B Long help in conceiving? What causes breathing trouble after taking bath at nights? What are the uses and side effects of Letrozole and Duphaston during pregnancy? What causes delayed periods and negative pregnancy test? What is the best treatment for Poly Cystic Ovaries? What is the treatment for numbness and tingling sensation in the shin? What is the treatment for severe chest pain and cough? What is the treatment for severe cramps , nausea and vomiting during menstruation? What should be the normal value for semen analysis? Suggest treatment for swelling in legs and weight gain after child birth What can be during pregnancy for normal delivery? What are the uses and side effects of hydrated body wash primosa 1000? What causes sharp pain on both sides of the head? What is the treatment for swollen and painful knee? Suggest some remedies to reduce Cholesterol What are the uses and side effects of using multivitamins during pregnancy? What is the treatment for anxiety and stress? Is there a permanent treatment for Ocular myasthenia gravis? What causes continuous Fetal movement and loose Bowel movement during pregnancy? What causes decreasing sperm count inspite of being on medication What causes delayed period with pregnancy symptoms and negative test result? Suggest treatment for aching pains in hands and feet Can Tarana tablets have adverse affect on my menstrual cycle? Suggest remedy for erectile dysfunction What does anteverted uterus with multiple cysts in ovaries shown in US mean? What could cause missed periods with HPT negative? What could cause constant nose bleed with passing out in a child? Suggest treatment for numbness in left arm Suggest remedy for loose, golden stools in a newborn with blisters in anus Suggest treatment for Choking Can metasone cream or cetaphil be used to treat oily skin with acne? Suggest to increase the chances of conceiving naturally What causes swelling of frenulum after masturbation? Can surgery cure the condition of nasal septum deviation? Suggest remedy for dental problem What causes sudden brightness, vague hearing and heaviness in chest? Suggest treatment for Unmyelinated nerve fibres What are the early signs and symptoms of pregnancy? Is sperm count of 69 million/ml and motility of 52% normal? Can Nuxia,Xyzid,Salzaar saaz be continued for Rheumatoid Arthritis? What is the treatment for sore throat , nasal congestion and headache? What are uses of taking Ceftum, probiotic ecoflora and Folvite? What is the treatment for stage 4 lung cancer? What is the need to get a magnifying mammogram done? What is the treatment for left l5-s1 disc herniation? Is there way to conceive boy child? Should new spherical glasses be made? What is the treatment for severe anxiety? What causes numbness in the right side of the body? What is the treatment for psoriasis and lichen planus? What is the treatment for high BP and erectile dysfunction? Does tingling feeling in the arms after a fall need medical attention? What is the treatment for Foramen Magnum Meningioma with Cervicomedullary Compression? What is the treatment for pain on the neck and a swollen lump behind the ear? What causes occasional pain in one of the legs? What is the treatment for pimples and blister between the legs? What causes coughing and sneeze in a 10 month old baby? What is the treatment for moderate dyskaryosis? What does scan finding" endometrial plate missing which could lead to a synechiae" indicate? What should be the normal value for semen analysis? What causes dryness and tingling sensation on the vagina ? What is the treatment for heart palpitations? What causes penis irritation after urinating? What causes severe red blotches in a 17 month old baby? What causes more sexual interest at the age of 20 in women? What does positive anti-gliadin IgG blood test indicate? Suggest opinion about walking after surgery on leg bones What causes sore throat, fever and palpitations? What are the medicines available to increase the breast milk? What can cause excessive Heart rate in teenager? What causes small flat purple spots on the neck? What are the uses and side effects of esiflo 250 transhaler? What causes red face and white spots on chest? What is the treatment for tiredness , headache and irritation? Does having conjunctivitis during pregnancy harm the baby? What causes painful Cough and difficulty in breathing? What causes vomiting,fever and loose motions? How long it takes to recover from side effects of masturbation? Should Sporilac continued for persistent loose stools? Suggest treatment for Nerves problem What causes stomach pain, loss of appetite and vomiting? Suggest remedy to relieve pain in leg due to fracture in femur What is the treatment for ear infection in a child? What causes Premature Menapause or Ovarian failure? What causes the bottom rib to stick out more than usual? Suggest remedy for eye problem Will cervical polyp removal cause any conception problems? Suggest treatment for swollen ankles and feet after a bout of ‎Gastroenteritis What causes tender breasts before and after periods? Suggest treatment for recurring abdominal pain and bloating during menstruation Suggest treatment for soreness in jaw due to wisdom tooth coming out Is surgery only option to treat tumor caused by elevated prolactin? Is it normal to have bump in head years after being hit? What causes soreness in the arm and tightness in the vein? What causes frequent pain in knee with burning sensation? What is the treatment for pain in the testicle , thigh and lower back? What is the sticky saliva discharge after starting to use dentures? Is Antiserum necessary after Tetanus and Rabipur for dog bite? Suggest treatments for fibroid developments in breasts When is the right time to check for pregnancy after delayed periods? Suggest remedy for problem in bowel movements Could taking Diclofanic sodium cause passing of black stool? What is the urge to pass bowels along with burning even after passing them? What does the US with multiple parenchymal cysts with fibrocystic disease indicate? Could excess masturbation be the cause for bleeding through penis? Am I pregnant with an echogenic focus of 3.4mm seen in the cavity? What causes dizziness with fatigue and head discomfort? Suggest treatments for Grade 2 Varicocele and thickened spermatic cord Suggest treatments for echo in ear and dizziness How can rib pain, cough, fever with weakness be treated? Can Lichen planus in skin cause Cancer? What does a positive ANA test mean? What causes delayed periods with negative HPT while trying to conceive? Suggest treatment for loose motion Can I conceive with my seizures being under control? Suggest treatments for trouble in conceiving What is the brown discharge after taking birth control? Suggest remedies for recurrent cough and trouble in breathing Can stress lead to Pityriasis rosea? Suggest remedies for erectile dysfunction What is the recurrent cough and cold in spite taking medication for asthma? Suggest remedies for dry cough, wheezing and benign nodules in the lungs What are the white and dry spots on the soles of my feet? What causes high fever and blood in urine in spite of a appendicitis? What is the treatment for asthma , heartburn and skin allergy? Suggest remedies for pain in gums before teething in child Do Provera and Plan B counteract? What is the treatment for liver cirrhosis? What are chances of getting pregnant by stopping birth control before ovulation? What causes sickness on sugar ingestion? Suggest medication for pin point size discoloration of skin on face and hands What is the pus filled pimple on the belly button? Suggest treatments for Tang infection on lower face What is the treatment for hormonal imbalance? Suggest remedies for high creatinine level Suggest treatments for constant gas passing and loose stools Suggest treatments for a dent on the face Suggest remedies for excess masturbation leading to weakness How can urine odor be treated? Suggest treatments for recurrent cut on the vein underside of penis Is a delayed period with discharges a sign of pregnancy? What are the symptoms of internal bleeding in head? Can Crocin be taken for Fever? Can Amblyopia be treated without surgery? Suggest remedies to build up strength What could cause tingling in tailbone with incomplete evacuation of stools? Suggest remedies for loss of appetite What does the MRI with marrow edema in medial tibial plateau of knee indicate? What does endometrial thickness of 4.2mm and echogenic focus of 3.4mm mean? What could small, purplish raised bulge on lower lip be? Suggest treatments for itching and inflammation in my vagina Suggest treatments for breast pain due to benign calcification Is it normal to stop bleeding a day after abortion? Suggest remedy for elevated symptoms of parkinsons while having diabetes Suggest remedies for loss of memory after a chemotherapy Is it safe to nebulize a child with blocked nose? Is it safe to use Duphaston during pregnancy? Suggest remedies for delayed periods with negative HPT Suggest treatment for frequent bowel movements How to treat numb hematomas on my bum? What could cause brown spot in left breast? What causes allergic type reactions with elevated WBC count? Is stem cell therapy the permanent solution to cure limb girdle muscular dystrophy? What could cause purplish colour in the head of circumcised penis of a child? What causes Fades and Patches on left side of the nose? Suggest treatment for Enthesopathy tendinosis What could black spots inside the cheeks next to upper molars be? Is conceiving possible after being treated for blocked fallopian tubes? What could cause missed periods after laparoscopic appendectomy? Suggest remedy for urge to pass urine and stools with shivering body Suggest remedy for painful white stripes in vagina after having rough sex What could cause severe pain in vagina during fingering after being raped? Can intake of duphaston cause delayed periods? Suggest remedy for muscle pain in buttocks What could cause frequent urge to pass stools with constant gas and cramps? What causes black pigmentation and black spots on legs and face? What causes pain in neck with feeling of pinched nerve and tensed shoulder? How can pain on genital manipulation be treated? How can anal fissures be permanently treated? How long does a metatarsal fracture take to heal? What causes Redness and Itching on body? How can second stent implantation be done despite calcification? Can Implanon cause Ovarian cyst? What causes itchy, black scar on hands with pain if exposed to sun? Is heavy flow during periods after having sex for first time concerning? Is marijuana also contraindicated for primary biliary cirrhosis? Suggest treatment for post psychotic depression What does enlarged yolk sac causing D&C mean? Is there any side effects from exposure of dettol inside eyes? Suggest treatment for mps hurler disease in a child Can wearing tight bra cause tiny, purple stretch marks on chest? Suggest medication for severe migraine How can high blood pressure with pulse rate be treated? How can vaginal itching with swelling be treated? What causes loose stools with pus cells? What causes body aching with sore skin and throat, fever and mucus? What is the treatment for painful and swollen knee? How can a sleep disorder caused by stress be treated? What is the treatment for bucket handle tear? How can stomach pains with irregular periods be treated? What are the early signs and symptoms of pregnancy? What causes tingling sensation in the arms and legs? How many Cytotec tablets has to be taken to complete the abortion? What is the treatment for abdominal pain and heavy bleeding from vagina? What is the treatment for viral infection and fever in a child? What is the best medicine to get menses early? What is the treatment for abdominal pain and heavy bleeding? What can cause giddiness? What are the symptoms and treatment for skin cancer? What is the treatment for sharp pain in the flank? Suggest remedy for severe mood swings and on and off depression What could fluttering feeling in right thigh and above hip bone indicate? What is the treatment to increase the height? Could severe pain in hand radiating upto neck be due to use of computer? What could cause recurred odor and discharge after being treated for cervicitis? What can cause Bulky uterus? Suggest remedies for loose motions in a baby What is the treatment for pain in the leg and back bone? How can fever in a child be treated? What is the treatment for ear infection and difficulty in breathing? What is the treatment for hard lump under the belly button? What is the treatment for Hepatitis C? Suggest remedy for sexual health problem What is the treatment for Spontaneous retroperitoneal bleed? What causes chest pain with burning sensation and numbness? What is the treatment for enlarged and sore knuckle? Suggest remedy for itchy red spot on groin spreading to thigh and scrotum What is the treatment for Susac s syndrome? Is intercourse and masturbation everyday good for health? What are the symptoms and treatment for tonsillitis? How long after pregnancy will pregnancy test show positive? Suggest cure for severe headaches What are the side effects of using emergency contraceptive pills? How to stop light bleeding even after taking pills? What causes chest pain and belching in stomach? What causes bumps in line on groin? Is vasectomy possible for keloid skin? What causes white color scab near the vaginal region? What causes chest pain? What causes severe pain in the lower pelvic area? Are muscle cramps and loss of memory linked? What causes clear watery discharge from vagina after intercourse? What causes tingling sensation in the abdomen? Suggest natural treatment for meniscule tear Can yeast infection causes itching and burning sensation in vagina? What is the treatment for Ganglion near the collarbone? What causes throat, teeth, and chest pain? Does drinking too much water before blood test cause results to alter? What is the treatment for delay in menstruation? What causes mild diastolic dysfunction? What is the remedy for follicular keratosis? What is the treatment for enlarged and swollen spleen? Suggest remedies for swollen and itchy vagina after sex What is the treatment for red pea sized lump in the buttocks? What could stomach bloating with fatigue and diarrhea suggest? What causes insufficient pressure to urinate or pass stools? Could stopping drinking milk in 18 months effect health? Suggest treatments for thin skin around the anus due to anal fissure What is the treatment for high fever in a child? What can cause Armpit Lump? What are the early signs and symptoms of pregnancy? What are the uses and side effects of Etodolac tablets and Proxym 300? What causes body aches,stomach upset and back pain? Can trauma cause SED in children and transition into adulthood? How to recover from depression? Suggest medication for bed wetting in children How to get relief from swollen foot? Suggest treatment for knee swelling What causes diarrhea , headache and stomach ache? What could be the yellow spots in eyes? What does bright white spots on x ray mean? Suggest remedy to lower high fever in children What is the treatment for mouth ulcers? Suggest remedies for blood filled pimple on the knee What does the following scan report for hernia indicate? What causes discharge of brownish, pink white gel like substance? What causes white spots on the tonsils? What causes nausea and headache after a head injury? What causes frequent dizzy spells? What could cause irregular heart beat? What are the side effects of taking Amiodarone? What causes brown menstrual bleeding with tenderness in breast? What causes itchy nipple with white pimple like growth? What causes light spotting and delay in periods? What causes dizziness and heaviness in the heart? What causes persistent cough? What causes soreness in the nipple during breastfeeding? Can hearing loss caused by H1N1 vaccine shot be reversed? What causes sharp pain in the heart? Will a knee brace or crutches help moving about with painful knees? What causes tenderness in breasts after a miscarriage and diagnosed with polyps? Suggest treatment for respiratory tract infection What causes lower back pain during pregnancy? What causes OCD? How to treat incontinence? What causes breathing difficulty with dizziness and headaches? What causes slight bleeding from the nipple? My 13 month old son has had a terrible cough Do cannib treats help in healing the brain after a stroke? What causes flatulence or fecal incontinence while coughing? What are the early signs and symptoms of pregnancy? What causes pain and pinching feeling after the Implanon is inserted? What causes recurring fever with cold? Why do I feel reduced baby movement at 21 weeks of pregnancy? Is pregnancy possible with short sexual intercourse? What causes constant stomach bloating, diarrhea with mucus and loss of appetite? What is the treatment for a pea sized lump on the testicle? Suggest treatment for swollen eyes in a child How long can one sun bathe? What causes stomach pain after food in babies? What is the treatment for staph infection in the cleft and anus? Suggest remedies for delayed periods while using Nuva ring What causes blood in urine after recovering from shingles? How can ear infections with a eardrum hole be treated? What causes a missed period with back pain and nausea? What causes swollen throat? IS HDL of 106 too high? What causes irregular and brownish discharge during menstruation? How can urinary incontinence be treated now? What is the treatment for severe pain in the middle of the spinal cord? Can cholecystectomy be performed safely after suffering from cardiac arrest? What do red spots on lower calf indicate? Suggest remedy for sexual health problem What causes dizziness and vomiting during pregnancy? What is the treatment of small size penis and a pimple on the penis? Suggest treatment for injury on little finger Suggest remedy for abdominal obesity What do red dot above the breast indicate? What causes lumpy patch of skin near the buttocks? What causes itching followed by bumps and scabs? What are the early signs and symptoms of pregnancy? Suggest treatments for Serraria Marcescens Lung Infection Why there is loss of sensation in the hand and arm? Could lower abdominal pain and discharge of white tissue be miscarriage? What is the treatment for a sore lump on the skin? How to confirm paternity of a child? What causes reddish and swollen ankle with a lump? Suggest treatment for Emtophobia What is the severe knife like pain behind the knee in spite of surgery? What causes shortness of breath and overactive bladder? Does ingredients of pre-work out drink interfere with depression medication? What causes cough, numbness in gluteals and lethargy? What causes tingling and numbness in face after eating particular food? What causes swollen gums and sore throat after an ear infection? What is the best treatment for Alopecia Universalis? What does mild left foramina narrowing mean? What causes bruises and bulging veins while using meth? Does tanning after Solodyn cause allergic reaction? What causes Vaginal infection during pregnancy? What causes headaches and pain in eyes after a head injury? What is the treatment for low Blood Pressure? Are swelling in right abdomen, hives, cough and lethargy signs of Hepatitis? Is consumption of alcohol dangerous while on Metronidazole - Flagyl 200 mg medication? What is the treatment for tingling sensation in the head? Suggest treatment for cough and cold in a toddler What causes persistent high fever with sneezing and diarrhea? What should be done to pop the ear plugging? What causes dizziness and headache? What is the bloating and strange sensation in my stomach? Can itching and bleeding in anus be the symptoms of Piles? Suggest remedy for sore throat,swollen ear lobe and tender eruptions behind ear Suggest care to be taken during health and fitness assignment What is the best medicine for cough and runny nose? What causes foot pain with hip numbness after childbirth? What does hyper aerated lungs mean? What causes weak penis that does not get erect? What causes thick black blood after periods? What causes loss of appetite and loose motion? What causes lump in head causing itching and loss of hair? How can ankles pain with a foot lump be treated? What causes runny nose , cough and sore throat in a child? Suggest remedy to overcome depression and suicidal tendency Does a recurring lump in the breast need medical attention? Does losing weight cause erectile dysfunction? What causes regular flaring of pimple on nose? Suggest treatments for Chronic Sinusitis Does unwanted 72 provide protection against pregnancy? Is Cryosurgery needed during pregnancy? What does an elevated creatinine level indicates? What causes bone sticking at end of rib cage in between? What is the treatment for small bumps on the penis? Does difference in leg length cause pain in heels and knee? How can continuous breakthrough bleeding with heavy discharge be treated? What are prolonged health issues of inhaling air of cooked rubber? What is the treatment for diarrhea in a child? What causes irregular periods with headaches, tunnel vision and nausea? What is the treatment for dandruff and a lump on the head? What causes frequent migraines and vomiting of bile and mucus? What does the US report with bulky endometrial central line indicate? What causes red bump on the foreskin of penis? What causes yellow Fungus,Itchy lump and sweat between Thighs? What causes dizziness and headaches? What is the treatment for vibration in the left breast? What causes sudden discharge of jelly-like substance? Suggest remedy to relieve chest congestion during pregnancy How to get rid of the sinus infection? What is the treatment for insomnia and depression during menopause? How can PCOS with amenorrhea be treated? Does ejaculating outside the vagina cause pregnancy? What causes lump in sternum area in infant? Is the sperm count normal? What is the treatment for severe pain in the labia majora? What causes feeling of head spinning, eyes shaking and dizziness? What causes premature ejaculation? Do symptoms of ovarian cancer subside with antibiotic treatment? What causes brown spotting during pregnancy? What causes lump in the spinal column? What causes swelling in back of knee and warm lower leg? How can tongue pain with ache be treated? Is rising of blood sugar level normal after steroid injection? Suggest treatment for idiopathic hypertrophic subaortic stenosis Is pregnancy possible when using pull-out method during unprotected sex? What causes blue nodule under the skin of the chest? What causes sudden dizziness and feeling of spinning? Are vomiting sensation and bloated feeling in stomach normal after first time sex? Suggest treatment for thrush problem What are chances of survival of 70-year-old with small lung cancer? What are the symptoms of hairline fracture? What causes skin to look sunburnt after scratching? How can glans oozing be treated? Suggest treatment for gestational diabetes,pcos and bells palsy What causes sweating in the night with back pain and fatigue? Does taking Lamictal affect the kidneys? Suggest treatment for the allergy of sour food What causes dizziness with syncope and breathlessness? What causes elevated veins near forehead? What causes itchy and red throat and white spot on uvula? Is Candizole V an effective antiseptic to treat acne? Suggest treatment for rapid heartrate Does white discharge from vagina affect chances of pregnancy? What are the early signs of pregnancy? What causes severe pain in head after smoking weed? Suggest treatment for lower back pain What are the symptoms of cervix cancer? How can back and spinal pain due to trauma be treated? What causes vomiting, diarrhea, high temperature and rapid heart rate in children? What causes sour smell and itching in the breast? What causes heavy bleeding during periods? What causes dizziness,pounding around neck and head? Is modafinil safe to improve concentration and alertness? What causes fingertips tingling with heaviness? What causes burning sensation during sex? What are the chances of spreading chlamydia after having sex without penetration? What causes fever with head pains? Can depression lead to behavioural issues? Could Adipex for weight management have triggered IBS? What causes less flow during menstrual? Can lower back pain have led to miscarriage? What could the lump on lower rib cage during pregnancy indicate? Is it safe to get pregnant 5 months after GB syndrome? What causes thickening in scrotum and spermatic code? Suggest remedy for problem in bones Suggest treatment for tiny, black dots on skin Suggest remedy to control underarm sweating What is the treatment for itchy rashes and sore throat during pregnancy? Suggest treatment for candida What causes dehydration? What causes numbness in leg below hip bone and constant back pain? Can Tylenol 3 cause stomach pain? Suggest treatment for lump in the buttock What causes dizziness and pain in the back of the head? Suggest treatment for infected anal fistula What causes a bone growth in the opening of vagina? What are the early signs of pregnancy? Suggest treatment for foot problem due to acupuncture Suggest treatment for pain in the ear What causes long periods with brown menstrual bleeding? What is the treatment for Cystitis? How to recover from anxiety? What are the side effects of Yasmin contraceptive pill? Suggest treatment for constipation and itching around the vagina during pregnancy Can formula feed cause irritation in a child? What causes green colored stool in an infant? What is the treatment for tear in the vaginal wall during first intercourse? Suggest treatment to regulate the digestion process What causes recurring pemphigoid in old lady? Suggest treatment to cure pcos Is neuroblastoma curable? Does a faint positive after an hour of taking pregnancy test mean pregnancy? What causes skin allergy with irritation, inflammation and rashes? What causes pain and tiny buble discharge from the vagina? What is the treatment for severe upper arm pain? Suggest treatment for tumor in breast Suggest treatment for thrush during menstrual cycle What causes clots with bleeding and pain? Are intense lower back cramping and heavy bleeding normal while on methylprednisolone? What is the treatment for vibration in the left testicle? How can infertility caused by PCOS be treated? What causes severe shaking in a 13 year old? Suggest treatment for visualization of scattered light What is the treatment for swollen and sore nipple? What are the symptoms of sjogren s syndrome? Suggest treatment for gastritis problem What causes heartburn, bloating, dark green stool and pain under bottom rib? What is the treatment for black marks in the legs? Suggest treatment for hyperthyroidism and high cholesterol What causes patient to stop breathing after getting 54% oxygen via venturi mask? Is dental mouth guard available to use before and during grand mal seizures? What is the treatment for ovarian cyst? What causes frequent chest pains when x-rays are normal? Suggest remedy for blood test results Suggest remedy for lump around neck behind ear Suggest treatment for red patches on the arms What causes dull ache in middle of chest? What are the side effects of mirena coil? What is the treatment for left abdominal pain? Suggest treatment for post colostomy procedure in a baby Is bleeding with clots after intercourse normal? What are the chances of inheriting leaking heart valves from mother? What are the side effects of saaz ds medicine? What is the treatment for blind pimples , red blotches and painful menstruation? What causes diarrhea with yellow or green stool with stringy bits? What are the effects of hypertension? Suggest remedy for pain in ear What causes left abdominal pain on palpation? What is the treatment for throat irritation and persistent cough? Suggest alternate treatment for complete heart block Does taking Dilantin cause itchy rash on forearms, thighs and hands? What causes swelling in the ankles? What causes rectal bleeding with semen discoloration? What causes sore throat, ear ache, left jaw pain and toothache? What is the treatment for lower back pain? How successful is acupuncture laser therapy in helping knee and asthma related problem? What causes swelling in the lymph nodes? What does abnormal tricuspid regurgitation mean in NT scan? What causes stomach ache and diarrhea after taking baking soda? Suggest remedy for vaginismus What does my USG report indicate? Suggest treatment for migraine Is Roaccutane effective in treating acne? What are the side effects of smoking during pregnancy? Suggest treatment for rashes on the hands and legs of a kid What does the echo-cardiogram with mild impaired left ventricular relaxation indicate? Suggest treatment for abscess in axilla What causes recurrent typhoid and how can it be cured? What are the chances of pregnancy after an abortion? What is the treatment for severe body pain? What causes dark blue veins behind the knee? What are the symptoms of cancer? Suggest remedy to relieve pain in knee due to injury Can taking Entocort result in dizziness, headaches and palpitations? What is the treatment for ovarian cancer and muscle cramps? What causes muffled feeling with less hearing in ear after hitting? What causes pubic area lumps and penile irritation after intercourse? What are microinfarctions or ischemic foci? What causes blood in urine and 'abnormal bladder wall' on USG? What is the treatment for a red spot in the arm? What causes light spotting, bloating, swollen cervix and sore breast? Is teeth removal for jaw space the correct treatment? What causes cramp in right side of stomach? Suggest food diet to cure kidney stone What is the treatment for Blood Pressure? What causes dry flaky skin on the penis? What is the treatment for sun burn? What does nonspecific ST abnormalities mean in ECG report? Suggest treatment for irregular menstrual cycle Will treatment taken for staphylococcus affect fertility? Can taking progesterone lead to headaches and diarrhea? Is it safe to abort during second trimester of pregnancy? What is the treatment for sore throat , runny nose and chest congestion? What causes thigh and foot lumps with itching? Suggest treatment to cure diabetes Is vasovagal related to hypothyroidism? What is the treatment for white discharge from the vagina? What causes swelling in the lip? What does the USG report with absent Septum indicate? Suggest remedy to treat sunlight allergy What causes pain in penis before and after sex? Suggest treatment for the dark spots caused after chicken pox What is the treatment for vision disorder and headache? How can throat and esophagus dysphagia with a dry mouth be treated? Suggest remedy to relieve pain due to carpal tunnel syndrome What causes Bump in inner lips of Vagina? Are chewing ice cubes harmful for brain? What causes intense mucusy cough and high ESR of 130 during pregnancy? What causes sharp pain and tingling sensation in the middle of the chest? What causes skin rash during the spring? Suggest remedies for fever,vomiting and diarrhea in a child Suggest treatment for the injury caused by the injection at the back during surgery Suggest treatment for stomach cancer What causes pain in groin muscles radiating to knee and leg? Does contraceptive implant causes blood discharge after sex and exercise? When can OCP to regulate periods be stopped if trying to conceive? What causes slight bleeding in a pregnancy? Suggest remedy to relieve back pain due to multiple injuries Is a brain clot surgery safe? Suggest treatment for dizziness and high blood pressure What causes on and off blurry vision in children? What causes sudden awakening and disturbed sleep in a child? What are the side effects of alfoo? What causes child to drag feet while walking? What are the symptoms of hiv? What are chances of pregnancy when using pull-out method? Suggest treatment for memory loss Does one purple and one pink line mean positive pregnancy test? Is yellow discharge after intercourse sign of female ejaculation? What causes sudden and severe pain in right lower abdomen? What causes pulling effect in the spinal cord and memory loss? What causes greenish brown discharge from the breast? What causes fever, sore throat, vomiting and tongue swelling with dizziness? What causes blood discharge after intercourse? What causes urgent need to urinate while masturbating? Suggest remedy to overcome addiction to alcohol Can chlamydia lay dormant? Do Bisoprolol and Perindopril cause breathlessness and swelling of ankles? What is the cause of swelling in temple? What causes burning sensation under the feet? How can acne vulgaris with swelling, pain and pus be treated? Is it okay to have high BP during Pregnancy? What are the symptoms of strep? Is ayurvedic treatment known to have treated Depression? What causes severe pain and inflammation in the feet? What may be the cause of itching in testicles? Suggest remedy to relieve neck pain after tick bite What is the core reason for cancer? What is the remedy for premature ejaculation? What is the treatment for genital herpes? Suggest treatment for severe abdominal pain and irregular menstrual cycle Is ceralac safe for babies? What causes upper right quadrant pain with tenderness? How can itching during pregnancy be dealt with? Suggest treatment to drain ear What does this angiography report signify? Suggest treatment to enhance sexual excitement How to treat wrist injury? How to treat head injury? What could cause anal bleed? Is it possible to cure pancreatic cancer that has spread to liver? What does centerosperior disc bulge in MRI report suggest? What causes sharp pain below chest during pregnancy? What causes red rash and inflammation in the penis? Suggest treatment for thyroid What could dilated and narrow arteries in pelvis suggest? Suggest treatments for severe Insomnia Suggest remedy to increase penis strength Suggest treatment for hair removal of upper lip How to loose weight? What causes swelling in the gums? What causes puss cells in urine? How to recover post cranialpherageoma surgery? Does having constant back pain affect chances of pregnancy? What could cause spastic esophagus? What are the symptoms of pregnancy? Does frequent masturbation cause increase in belly fat? What causes lack of lubrication during intercourse? Can cut in penis while having non penetrative sex cause STD? How to treat dog bite during pregnancy? Suggest remedy for problem in speaking What causes a small gestational sac on pregnancy scan? Suggest treatment for glandular fever Suggest treatment for blockage in the bone Suggest treatment for yeast infection Can Levoflox and Amoxic be taken for uncontrollable Cough? How can allergic reactions to peroxide causing blisters be treated? What causes blood discharge after having intercourse? What causes inability to conceive inspite of normal test results? What could cause hand tremor? What are the problem of not taking Anti D injection during first pregnancy? What causes bloating in the stomach? Suggest treatment for atrophic endometrium What could cause OCD? Can physiotherapy help a child walk post chemotherapy? Is there a treatment for small penis size and premature ejaculation? What causes pain in knee when folding it? What causes weakness and cramps in the legs? Suggest better treatment options for anti-HCV patients What could cause strep throat? Is it possible to cough synovial fluid? What causes bruises on the sides of the toes? What causes discoloration of tongue? Why the menstrual periods are missing? What is the irregular and prolonged brown bleeding after taking Contraceptive pill? What could cause alopecia? How can PCOS with lack of mature follicles be treated? What causes pain in the limbs and neck? Does adenoid and tonsils surgery cure sinus completely? Is it normal to have sore hips months after falling? Is pregnancy possible with bulky uterus with spherical hypoechoic lesion? Suggest treatment for UTI Is a surgery required for knee tear? Suggest management for rehabilitation with counselling How can scars in underarms be treated? What was the episode of loss of vision and numbness in hands? Suggest treatment for severely dry skin What does gliotic changes in parieto occipital region mean? Can I take Fertab and Clomid for abnormal prolactin levels? What does this HIV test report mean? Suggest treatment for dog bite Is IVF the only option in case of endometriosis and PCOS? Suggest treatment for high blood pressure How to treat diabetes? What causes pain and swelling in penis after circumcision? hi im 32 weeks pregnant and ive been having dark Can I consume fat-burning products? What could cause constant cry in a 6 months old child? Can accupuncture cure Spondylosis? Suggest treatment foe ischemic brain disease What is the cause of pressure sensation in coccyx and tailbone area? How to get rid of the habit of eating uncooked rice? What is the remedy to reduce Protruded belly? How to treat ear pain? Suggest remedy to improve speech What causes chronic fatigue syndrome? Could body aches with joint swelling be alcohol withdrawal symptoms? Suggest treatment for cold in a toddler What does this scan report signify? Suggest home remedies to abort an unwanted pregnancy Suggest treatment to get rid of rash on penis Is it safe to get married if suffering from diabetes? Is it possible to remove stains from chewing tobacco and smoking? How to treat cold in a 3 years old child? How can an overactive thyroid be treated differently? Suggest method for safe and immediate abortion What is the cause of vomiting having missed period? What causes sudden black out of vision and disorientation? What causes rbc count of 20-30 in urine test? Suggest treatment for boils on all parts of body Suggest remedy to relieve burning sensation while urinating Is vitiligo likely to pass on by genes? Can 13 Cytotec tablets cause fetus abnormality? How can bite on vein with itching and rashes be treated? What does thick uterus means? Suggest safety measures to have normal delivery Is chemotherapy essential in case of breast cancer? Is Noble Plus sufficient to treat high fever, loss of appetite and body ache? Suggest remedy to avoid pain during first time sex Why do I suffer from sore throat and cough? Suggest remedy for premature ejaculation What are the symptoms of pheochromocytoma? What causes stomach pain and gas cramps? Does trekking on high altitudes increase risk of bleeding ulcer? Does an ovarian anechoic cyst need surgical removal? What does it mean to have increased levels of T3 and T4? What causes delay in periods while on birth control? What causes presence of numerous pus cells in urine? How can erectile dysfunction be treated? Could my baby be harmed if exposed to burning plastic? Are sore throat, infected tonsils with white spots and swelling sign of STD? What causes vaginal lip lumps with a recurring cyst? Suggest treatment for Sore throat Suggest treatment for burning in vaginal area Could my baby be harmed if i take 100mg thyroxine? What causes vaginal bleeding after menopause? What causes negativity and unwanted fever? Suggest treatment for Parkinson's disease Is Letoval effective in treating infertility problem? Suggest treatment for Hanging cheeks Does rectum cancer need chemotherapy compulsorily? What are skin bags hanging from vagina? What causes yellow strong smelling stool? Is discoloration of eyes possible due to Lumigan? Can continuous usage of muscle relaxants delay period? Suggest treatments for Stammering What causes a vaginal fluid flow after intercourse? What does it mean to have anteverted and bulky uterus with fibroid? What causes stomach pain and several vomiting episodes? Suggest remedy for bleeding during pregnancy Is it possible to lighten the colour of lips back to original? What causes red mark on scrotum? Suggest remedy for brown discharge with leg and back pain What causes heavy menstrual bleeding with headaches and odor? Suggest diet plans to lose weight What are the side effects of tryptomer? Can straining buttocks muscle result in bleeding? Suggest treatments for pimples on the face Suggest remedy to relieve pain in nape of neck What are the home remedies to treat laryngomalacia? What causes smelly discharge from the vagina? How can a small urethral opening be treated? Can Tryptomer 25 have adverse affect on my pregnancy? What causes pain in the abdomen? Can I take Cremaffin Plus syrup for blood in stool? Suggest remedy to overcome suicidal thoughts What is the reason for difficulty in moving right leg after Surgery? What could the red and itchy bumps on palms be? What causes dizziness,vomiting,nausea,headaches and tingling in the hands? Suggest treatment for itching and irritation in the skin? How can a sore labial lump with pus and swelling be treated? Suggest remedy for mental health problem Is it required to take any injections related to Rh factor during pregnancy? What causes crack,itchy and dead skin? How can chronic face nevi be treated? Sugget ways to reduce pain without taking many pills Is there a relation between masturbation and dry cough? Does staying in room infested with mildew cause harm to baby during pregnancy? Suggest treatments for Nerve Root Compression How can a pregnancy be confirmed after a positive HPT? What causes blood discharge after intercourse? Suggest remedy for tightness in head and excessive yawning Suggest remedy to control masturbation What causes squeezing pain in the left side of the chest? Is there any need of follicular study when trying for baby? What causes bumps inside the vagina? How can premature ejaculation be treated? Suggest treatment for the pain in the gums What causes Bump on my pennis? What are the side effects of venlor? Is genital manipulation dangerous? What causes inability in baby to sit and walk after recovering from fever? What is Dremz lotion ultra, eye cream and Trivia tablets used for? Could having chlamydia and the negative rh factor affect the chances of conception? What are the symptoms of std? What does the semen analysis with Volume 1.5 ml indicate? What causes itching on skin? How can painful ankle be treated? Suggest treatment for silvery patches under the pubic hair Suggest treatment for lump on the palm What is the treatment for TB? What causes back pain? Is it normal to bleed after undergoing IUI? Suggest treatment for development problem in a child What causes repeated miscarriages? What causes bump on breast? Is loss of mobility in arm after stroke normal? What causes pinkish and smelly brownish discharge from the vagina? Is high BP and urine albumin curable? What causes itchy bumps on anus and penis? Should experiencing rapid breathing in a diabetic patient worth worrying? Are chewing ice cubes harmful for brain? Suggest treatment to increase height Why ultrasound showing my baby is 5 days less than expected time? What causes severe headache and leg pain? Can vomiting and abdominal pain indicate appendicitis? Suggest treatment for acne prone skin How can erectile dysfunction with heart palpitations be treated? What causes grinding feeling in neck while turning? What are the symptoms of herpes? Suggest remedies for soreness and headache after I got hit in the head What causes early, light and painful period with pelvic cramping? What causes continuous hiccups? Can I Substitute Jalra for Zomelis(Vildagliptin)50mg? What causes lower abdominal pain? What causes loss of appetite after viral infection? What causes sick feeling,not wanting to eat much,headaches,tiredness and cramping? What causes profuse sweating after taking steroid shots and augmentin? Suggest remedies for recurrent fever in a child Suggest treatment for constant headache Suggest treatment for lump in shoulder Suggest treatment for issues in breathing through nose Suggest treatment for canker sore between lips and gum Suggest treatment for bronchitis Suggest treatment for costochondritis Suggest treatment for pain all over the body Suggest treatment for intolerable pain in my vagina Suggest treatment for skin rash Suggest treatment for lump on my anus Suggest treatment for pain and swelling in my knee Suggest treatment for lump on my anus Suggest treatment for swelling in wrist and ankle Suggest treatment for burning sensation in my urethra Suggest treatment for lump on back of my neck Suggest treatment for fear with unidentified reasons Suggest treatment for heart palpitations and stress Suggest treatment for skin rashes and high fever Suggest treatment for itching around my vagina Suggest treatment for infertility problem Suggest treatment for daily headache Suggest treatment for red rashes on face Suggest treatment for hurting in stomach Suggest treatment for itching and swelling in my vagina Do semen have some healing property? Suggest treatment for swelling in lymph glands Suggest treatment for hurting in ankle Suggest treatment for itching in vagina
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