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What causes headache, dizziness and blurred vision? Are low grade fever and cold sweats symptoms of a cat scratch fever? Suggest a dietary supplement for eczema How can bowel incontinence after recovering from rectal cancer be treated? How can a rectovaginal fistula be treated? How can prolonged vaginal bleeding be treated? What causes cough, sore throat,laryngitis and a tingling sensation in the throat? Suggest treatment for multiple stones in gall bladder, thyroid and PCOD Can Augmentin prescribed for ear infection be taken for strep throat? What does sudden pain in the rectum indicate? How can a hernia in the lower abdomen be treated? How can blastomycosis be prevented? What causes palpitations and headaches? How can runny nose and cough be treated? How can primary biliary cholangitis and chronic itching be treated? What causes tremors in the hands? What do pain in the lower abdomen, vomiting and blood in urine indicate? What causes throat congestion along with pain in the eyes and face? What does a rash on the lower abdomen indicate? What do spinal stenosis - lumbar region and spondylosis - cervical region suggest? What does discomfort on the penis indicate? What do sharp pain in the abdomen and nausea indicate? What causes stomach ache after having green vegetables? How can gastritis and acid reflux be treated? How can blurred vision after a cataract surgery be treated? What does a foreign object in stool indicate? What causes difficulty in yawning after taking Amitriptyline, Gabapentin and Citalopram? How can an overactive bladder be treated? How can painful lesions on the body be treated? Do Lexapro and Trazodone affect cognitive impairment? Hello , I have a question sir , After touching What do low grade fever, sore throat and facial pain indicate? How can Hashimoto s disease be treated? What does sharp pain on the scalp indicate? What causes vomiting along with diarrhea and fever? What causes spasms around the temple? How can chronic cough be treated? What do itchy rashes between the fingers indicate? How can anal pain and constipation be treated? What causes vaginal spotting after receiving a Depo Provera shot? What causes a small tissue growth in the vaginal opening while having bladder prolapse? Suggest an effective alternative for gripe water What is the prognosis of brain tumor? What causes persistent back pain after travelling? What does this sperm test analysis for fertility indicate? Can Udiliv be take during pregnancy? What causes excessive vaginal discharge after intercourse? What does pressure behind the right eye indicate? Can an atrial septal defect be treated? What does this chest X-ray test result indicate? How does Tramadol affect a blood test report? Are opacified uterus and right fallopian tube a matter of concern? What causes slurred speech while withdrawing from alcohol? How can a dog bite be treated? What do lumps in the breasts indicate? Is Robinul advisable for excess salivation while being fed by NG tube? Is pregnancy possible despite protected intercourse? What does an enlarged tonsil indicate? What does sharp pain in the knees indicate? What does severe pain in the jaw indicate? What causes sore throat along with cough and sneezing? How is a CT scan done? How can poor appetite in a child be treated? How can pain and swelling in the breast be treated? How can insomnia and hot flashes be treated? Can tongkat ali herb be taken with Ova Mit? What does backache along with abdominal pain indicate? How does severe pain from the shoulders to the wrists indicate? How can a miscarriage be prevented after two previous miscarriages? What causes prolonged body tremors and difficulty in balancing in a diabetic person? What causes pain in the abdomen and back? How can chronic cough be treated? What causes painful intercourse and low libido after complete hysterectomy? How can a dog scratch on the face be treated? How can itchy rashes under the breasts be treated? What causes numbness and pain in the left hand? What causes pain in the cheek after a tonsillectomy? What causes sharp left-sided hip pain radiating towards the knee? What does tenderness under the breast indicate? Does Metoprolol cause insomnia, hallucination and constipation? What causes recurrent dizziness? How can panic attacks in a mentally disabled person be managed? What does pain around the navel and pelvic area indicate? How can body imbalance be treated? Do low blood sugar levels cause chills? How can rheumatoid arthritis be treated? Can Oralcon be taken to prevent unwanted pregnancy? What does swelling on the upper abdomen indicate? What does severe pain in the upper back indicate? What causes rashes on the body after receiving a tuberculosis test shot? What causes chronic diarrhea? How can panic attack be treated? How can a ligament tear in the foot and abdominal pain be treated? How can muscle spasms in the rib cage be treated? What causes shortness of breath and excessive sweating? What causes numbness in the left leg after blood transfusion? How can fever in a toddler be treated? How can hot oil that accidentally splashed in the eye be treated? What causes urge incontinence? What causes chronic pain and edema on the lower back? How can diverticulitis and kidney stones be treated? What does abdominal pain on the left side indicate? What does a rash on the face indicate? How can bronchitis be treated? What causes balance issues in a Methamphetamine user? Suggest treatment for eating disorder and fainting issues Suggest treatment for stress, heartburn and nausea How can severe earache and high fever be treated? What causes imbalance between the calcium and minerals in the body? What causes pain in the nipples and excessive vaginal discharge? What causes chronic depression? Is Kariva a good alternative of Azurette? What does pain in the upper abdomen indicate? What do elevated ESR and GGT count indicate? What causes testicular pain while having a cervical herniated disc? How can chronic pneumonia be treated? Can Clozaril be taken during an anaesthetic procedure? Suggest treatment for recurrent eye stye despite taking Azithromycin Suggest treatment for bruises on the arms What causes excessive belching and soreness in the right underarm? Is EKG advisable while having left-sided chest and shoulder pain? Suggest treatment for enlarged prostate How to alleviate nasal congestion and headaches? How to treat blurred vision and headaches caused post Buspirone intake? Are persistent nasal congestion and running nose allergic symptoms? Does Plan B show up in a urine pregnancy test report? Is an ER visit advisable for a child with flu symptoms? Will Evening Primrose Oil help with the completion of an abortion after embryonic demise? What causes headaches and arm ache after taking Clonazepam? Does Thyroxine cause diarrhea? What causes abdominal distention after a hysterectomy? What causes memory loss along with dizziness and fatigue? What does swelling in the hips indicate? What causes irregular periods, chronic abdominal pain and headaches? What causes elevated cholesterol levels? How can acid reflux and breathing difficulty be treated? My 3 year old found my vibrator when she was Suggest treatment for numbness and tingling sensation in the arm Suggest treatment for plugging sensation in the ear What causes disoriented feeling and lack of focus? How can fatigue be treated? What does severe pain in the lower back indicate? What causes bad odoured urine while on birth control pills? i HAVE RECENTLY HAD TYPE A FLU. BEFORE FINISHING TAMIFLU, What does swelling around the knees indicate? Can an MRI be done with an inserted metal plate in the neck? How can body tremors and excessive sweating be treated? How can chronic cough and chest congestion be treated? What does severe pain in the groin on the left side indicate? How can sundown syndrome be managed? What causes chronic sinusitis and nose bleeding after an injury? What causes severe fatigue and distorted vision? Suggest treatment for fatigue and rheumatoid arthritis How can an incisional hernia be treated? How can fatigue along with backache and joint pain be treated? Does Finasteride cause negative affects to ones sex life? How can severe sciatic pain be treated? What causes puffy eyes after recovering from cellulitis? Can ear ache be treated using camphor oil? Does Oxycontin cause disorientation? Suggest treatment for low grade fever, wheezing and bronchitis What causes inter menstrual bleeding? What does pain in the elbow indicate? What causes elevated blood pressure levels? What does fluttering sensation under the rib cage indicate? Does plasma donation cause delay in periods? What causes severe backache after receiving an Epidural shot? How can high fever be treated? What do chills along with fatigue and body ache indicate? How can HIV infection be diagnosed? What does pain in the big toe indicate? What causes vomiting and muscle spasms in the abdomen? What does pain in the upper thigh indicate? How can flu be prevented? What causes swelling in the feet and ankles? How can an unwanted pregnancy be terminated? What causes sore throat along with dizziness and runny nose? How can fungal skin infection on the leg be treated? Does Levothyroxine cause excessive sweating? Suggest treatment for prostate enlargement What causes severe headaches? How can a blood disorder be treated? What causes pressure sensation while eating food? Is Trivastal withdrawal advisable while on Parkin? How can recurrent yeast infection be prevented? What does pain in the left leg be treated? How can infertility be treated? What causes chest congestion while suffering from acute bronchitis? How can liver cancer be managed? How can bronchitis along with sinusitis be treated? How can constipation while on pain relievers be treated? How can a painful hernia above the navel be treated? How can fungal infection in the abdominal folds be treated? What causes low blood pressure levels? Does Levaquin cause diarrhea and anxiety? What causes dizziness while on Clonazepam, Namenda and Exelon? What does pain in the tailbone be treated? Does hiatal hernia cause bronchitis? What causes tremors in the hands and legs? What do pain and bloating in the abdomen indicate? How can uterine fibroid be treated? Does Sertraline HCL cause insomnia? How can loud tinnitus in both ears for the past 15 years be treated? What causes chronic vomiting and nausea? yes you can. I'm looking for a Dr who will What does itching on the face and ears be treated? Does Morphine cause one to talk to oneself? Does Seroquel cause sleep paralysis? What does the following fecalysis report suggest? Hi I haven't been taking metoprolol very long I think What does severe pain on the left side of the waist indicate? How can GERD and pain around the gallbladder area be treated? How can rectal bleeding be treated? Can streptococcus gallolyticus cause endocarditis? How can inverted nipples be treated? What do itching and inflammation on the body indicate? How can emphysema be treated? How can a skin burn in the throat be treated? How can high BP along with dizziness and blurred vision be treated? What causes fatty liver and acid reflux? Suggest treatment for dry cough and elevated diaphragm What are the herbals interact with Doxycycline? What causes cramps in the legs at night? What causes abdominal pressure and bloating? What causes sudden weight loss and pain under the ribcage? What causes prolonged vaginal bleeding after taking Norcolut? What causes severe pain in the abdomen and back along with nausea? Does stress cause dream-like visions? What causes chronic vomiting and blood in sputum? What causes hallucinations and panic attacks while suffering from schizophrenia? What causes heavy vaginal bleeding post D&C? What causes fatigue along with body ache and muscle spasms? Is pregnancy possible despite negative pregnancy test results? What causes irregular menstrual bleeding? What causes abdominal pain? What does pain around the navel indicate? Can brain eating bacteria enter the body through a tree branch? What does pain in the hips on the right side indicate? How can pain and swelling in the lymph nodes be treated? What causes shortness of breath along with blurred vision and tinnitus? How can viral bronchitis be treated? What does pain in the knees indicate? What causes fever along with fatigue, cough and runny nose? What causes incomplete bowel movements and pain in the rectum? What does twitching sensation in the forearm indicate? What causes dizziness and imbalance in the body? How can dizziness and headache after a head injury be treated? How can tingling sensation in the fingers and lower backache be treated? What do skin discoloration and an indentation on the hips indicate? What causes shortness of breath upon coughing? What do red bumps all over the body indicate? What causes body tremors along with imbalance and confusion? What causes an altered sense of smell? How can swelling in the knees be treated? What does pain in the shoulder and arm indicate? What causes brown vaginal discharge during pregnancy? How can a muscle tear in the groin area be treated? What does backache on the right side indicate? What does metallic taste in the mouth indicate? What causes hearing of noises in the head? Is prominent para-vertebral soft tissue compressing posterior nasopharynx a serious concern? Does Potassium CL cause headaches? How can delayed periods along with severe headaches be treated? What causes brown menstrual bleeding after a miscarriage? What does pain in the neck, back and knees indicate? What causes swelling in the legs and ankles? How to withdraw from Prednisone? What causes bladder cancer to re occur? How can stiff neck and numbness on the back be treated? Can Toujeo and Humulin be used together? What does pain behind the ear indicate? What do swelling and inflammation on the upper lip indicate? How can hair loss be treated? Does Losartan cause pain in the gums? What does a bump on the helix of the ear indicate? How can a painful lump in the groin area be treated? How can severe knee pain be treated? How can peripheral neuropathy be treated? How can a bone bruise be treated? What causes vaginal bleeding while having intercourse? What causes fatigue and stomach ache while on Amoxicillin? How can elevated potassium levels be treated? How can inflammation be reduced? Suggest treatment for diarrhea and fever after hip replacement surgery What causes breathlessness after stent placement for a blocked aortic valve? Are there any tests to check the proper development of a 5 year old? How can pain in the knees be treated? What does blood in stool indicate? How can pain in the forearm be treated? How can urge incontinence be treated? How can peripheral neuropathy and foraminal stenosis be treated? What does a pimple in the genital area indicate? What causes an open sore on an incisional scar long after a heart surgery? What causes hearing loss along with stiff ness and tinnitus? What causes delayed periods along with fatigue and body ache? What causes vaginal spotting after intercourse? How can knee pain be treated? What causes nose congestion and severe fatigue? What does pain in the lower back indicate? Does slow blood flow to the calves cause dark discolouration? What causes disoriented feeling and sleeplessness? Suggest an effective IV drug for high BP What does this A1C level of 8.2 indicate? What does tenderness in the lower back indicate? What do inflammation and raised bumps in the throat indicate? What causes chronic hiccups in a toddler? How can night sweats be treated? What causes elevated BP along with nausea and dizziness? What causes fever along with sore throat and chronic cough? How can testicular pain and swelling be treated? What causes nausea and discomfort in the esophagus? How can high fever be treated? What causes severe dehydration while on chemotherapy for a spinal tumour? What does pain around an Implanon insertion site indicate? How can severe fatigue while suffering from pneumonia be treated? What causes dark coloured urination? What do red rashes on the face indicate? What does a sore rash around the groin area indicate? What causes chest pain post Methamphetamine intake? How can food poisoning be treated? What does brown urination and yellow discoloration in the eyes indicate? What causes prolonged sick feeling, vomiting and breathlessness? What does pain in the lower back and abdomen indicate? What causes intermittent thumb pain post-cancerous thumbnail removal? What causes chest pain and breathlessness after inhaling methamphetamine? What causes severe nausea after a gastric bypass surgery in a diabetic patient? Is Mucinex advisable while on Ninjacof and Cefdinir for bronchitis? What causes delayed periods and pulsations in the vagina? Is Pletal safe to be taken while on Omeprazole? What does pain while swallowing indicate? How can fever in a toddler be treated? What causes breast enlargement while on radiation for partial mastectomy? What causes vomiting, stomach cramps and fever? How can a painful lump on the arm be treated? How can fever and cough be treated? How can chronic diarrhea be treated? What do blind spots in the field of vision indicate? Is a sunken fontanelles in a 2 month old a concern? What do tingling sensation and numbness in the right hand indicate? What causes weakness and tinging sensation in the legs? I have a cat that has liquid bloody smelly diarrhea Can a depressed person express emotions of fear? How can recurrent infections in the upper respiratory tract be treated? Suggest treatment for itchy genital area when diagnosed with HIV What causes earache and brown ear wax? What causes nausea along with dizziness and shortness of breath? How can palpitations be treated while suffering from atrial fibrillation? Does Lipitor affect the liver functioning? Do anti-inflammatories cause neck pain and headache? What causes coughing up of brown and yellow phlegm? How can persistent body ache be treated? What does swelling in the lower legs indicate? What does discoloration behind the thighs and knees indicate? What causes tinnitus and dizziness while suffering from an arachnoid cyst? What causes dizziness and nausea along with low grade fever? What is the prognosis when the presence of epithelial cells and pus cells in urine are prominent? What causes nose bleeding? What do abdominal pain and itching on the body during pregnancy indicate? How can infertility be treated? What do these blood reports indicate? What does vaginal bleeding after intercourse indicate? What are the side effects of Marplan? What causes anal bleeding while on Metoprolol and Hydralazine? How can severe pain in the feet and lower legs be treated? What causes chest congestion while suffering from COPD? i just pressed myself to get out of my wheelchair What does inflammation on the left foot indicate? How can an ear infection be treated? What does the following thyroid profile test report suggest? What do swollen lymph nodes and numbness on the leg indicate? What causes digestive issues post a gastric bypass surgery? What do rashes on the legs and tingling sensation on the body indicate? What does an itchy rash behind the neck indicate? Can Estradiol be taken be taken for a prolonged period? What does the following follicular study report suggest? Need to identify 3 different pills i have : white What does brown vaginal spotting indicate? How can weak erection and premature ejaculation be treated along with intermittent ejaculation with blood? What are the uses of Simponi? How can behavioral disorder in a teenager be managed? How can hair loss and palpitations be treated? Can Pseudoephedrine and Doxycycline be taken together? What does a painful lump on the clitoris indicate? What causes short menstrual bleeding while on a birth control pill? What causes back pain that radiates to the coccyx and waist? Suggest medication for diarrhea in a 2.7-year-old Suggest treatment for fatigue and throat irritation What causes sharp headache upon coughing? Can Benadryl be taken while on Albuterol? What causes intermittent lower back pain on the left side? Can pregnancy happen despite taking a contraceptive pill? What causes pain in the gallbladder area after cholecystectomy? Suggest treatment for fever despite taking Fevadol What causes pain and numbness on the left side of the body? Suggest treatment for muscle ache and body weakness What causes vomiting during defecation? How can chronic constipation be treated? I been taking Tylenol for Mucus severe for a week Is NyQuil safe to take while on Losartan? What causes burning sensation during urination? Is masturbation safe post a fallopian tube removal surgery? Can Morphine Sulfate be taken while on a Fentanyl patch? Is dark discoloration around the wound a concern? Is travelling on bumpy roads while trying to conceive a concern? Which specialist doctor should be consulted for a skin growth on the head? I have been taking Amplodipine for years. It is a Suggest treatment for diarrhea and body ache in a 56-year-old What do these CT and PET scans indicate? What causes sore throat, headache and body ache in a 15-year-old? How to interpret the laboratory test reports? What causes pain in the left hip while sitting and sleeping? How can persistent cough be treated? What do small bumps on the head indicate? What does sharp pain on the right side of the navel indicate? What causes itching in the lower legs after hospitalization? How can rotator cuff tendinitis be treated? What do severe abdominal pain, blood in urine and fever indicate? Suggest treatment for high altitude sickness How long should Pravastatin be taken? How can impaired hearing be treated? Is surgery the right method of treatment for a torn bicep tendon? What causes chest pain after ingesting a sunflower seed? How can blockage in the right carotid artery be treated? What causes inflammation on the face and high BP? What does vaginal bleeding during pregnancy indicate? How can severe anxiety be treated? How can goiter be treated? How can pain and pressure in the head indicate? What causes sudden drop in blood pressure levels? Is the medical community finally facing the problem of professional How can aspiration pneumonia be treated? What does lower backache along with numbness in the neck? What causes cramps in the lower abdomen? Does diabetes cause headaches and excessive thirst? How can depression and anxiety be treated? What does pain on the left side of the ribcage indicate? What causes altered sense of taste while on Xarelto? What causes severe pain in the upper legs indicate? What do dark spots on the thighs indicate? How long should Duvadilan be taken to stop vaginal spotting during pregnancy? How can a kidney stone and bladder infection be treated? Are mildly prominent posterior aspects of the lateral ventricles and slight prominence of extra-axial CSF spaces along the frontoparietal convexities normal? What does severe pain in the right fingers? Is Cipro a safe medicine? What causes a decrease in the WBC count while treating flu and pneumonia? What causes abdominal pain and excessive vomiting after gallbladder removal? Can a round separated cyst in the body of the pancreas be cancerous? How can shortness of breath upon exertion or walking, chest cold and fatigue be treated? How should Prednisone, Diltiazem and Hydrochloroquine be taken? What causes chest pain followed by nausea and dizziness? What do itchy rashes on the body indicate? What does severe pain in the sternum indicate? What is periodic breathing? What causes nausea post Levoquin intake? What does swelling in the uvula indicate? What do pain in the joints and numbness on the toes indicate? What causes elevated PSA levels? What causes pain during masturbation despite a normal urine test report? How can cold and dry cough be treated? Drs are uncertain of condition. Suspect pancreatic infection. Was hospitalized What causes severe pain in the upper leg despite taking Hydrocodone? Suggest thyroid medication to treat sudden fluctuations in the thyroid levels What causes insomnia and breathing difficulty? How can grand mal seizures be treated? What do itchy rashes on the body indicate? Suggest treatment for leaky heart valves What causes recurrent dizziness and weakness in the legs after removing the pacemaker? What does red spots on the left hand indicate? What does pain around the kidney area indicate? How can pain in the penis be treated? What causes recurrent headaches? What does swelling in the knees and legs indicate? What are the symptoms of a kidney failure? What causes back pain when diagnosed with liver cancer? What causes leg pain after hiking? How to clear excess of ear wax causing faint hearing in the left ear? What causes breathing difficulty after a stroke? What causes right-sided abdominal and back pain in a person with fibromyalgia and MS? What do numbness in the left shoulder and dizziness indicate? What causes burning sensation on the chest, arms and inner thighs? How can blocked coronary arteries be treated? Suggest treatment for vomiting and stomach pain in children Can Norflex be taken for severe body ache? What causes chest pain while coughing? I have been on hydrocodone (for years since I am How to recover from peripheral neuropathy? What causes heavy periods despite taking Utovlan? What causes elevated blood pressure levels and body rashes? What are the side effects of Fosamax? What do red rashes on the chest indicate? Do pain medication cause kidney damage? What does a painful lump under the right breast indicate? How can an itchy rash around the waist be treated? What causes abdominal pain that radiates to the back? What causes constant pain in the neck? Hello, I am 54 and have multiple pain issue that What causes severe headaches, stomach cramps and dizziness? How can broken blood vessels in the eyes be treated? Do the following meds and it's a long list contain What causes spotting while on Minigynon pills? How can a sore red spot in the genital area be treated? What causes severe dizziness and earache? What does pain in the chest upon bending indicate? What do swelling and inflammation in the feet and ankles indicate? What is the prognosis while suffering from heart failure? How can enlarged papillae be treated? What causes abdominal bloating? What does the following fecalysis report suggest? How can chronic hiccups be treated? How can a pus filled bump inside the ear be treated? What do numbness and pain in the hands indicate? How can azoospermia be treated? How can a skin burn on the thigh be treated? What do itchy bumps on the hands indicate? Are fibro-linear and streaky densities in both upper lobes a serious concern? What are the side effects of Albuterol Sulfate? How can low RBC count in an infant be treated? How can swollen lymph nodes be treated? How can tooth perforation be ruled out? What causes numbness behind the head after bleaching the hair? Can Amlodipine and grapefruit be taken together? What causes persistent cough and nasal congestion? What causes dizziness and fatigue while on Metoprolol? What causes lower backache along with abdominal pain? How can infertility be treated? What does the following gram stain report suggest? How to withdraw from Klonopin? How can swelling and pain in the small finger be treated? What causes pain in the chest and shoulders? What does a painful lump on the buttocks indicate? What causes lo testosterone levels? What causes swelling in the ankles when diagnosed with arthritis in the feet? What causes infertility? Suggest recommended tests post pancreas, spleen and gallbladder removal What causes erectile dysfunction? What do swelling and inflammation in the left arm indicate? Can Metronidazole and Methylprednisolone be taken together? What does a lump on a surgical scar indicate? How can infertility be treated? What are the symptoms of an internal brain injury? What are the symptoms of torticollis? What does discomfort in the forearm and elbow indicate? What does a painful lump on the buttocks indicate? What causes headaches along with chills? What causes heavy vaginal bleeding? What causes spotting and burning sensation in the vaginal area? How can skin cancer be treated? What causes weight gain and depression when diagnosed with thyroiditis? What do swollen lymph nodes in the neck indicate? What causes fever along with body ache? What causes low grade fever along with fatigue and appetite loss? What does pressure in the neck indicate? What causes headaches while suffering from elevated blood pressure levels? How can cold along with fever and chest congestion be treated? What does a lump behind the head on the right side indicate? What causes abdominal discomfort and nausea? What does brown vaginal spotting indicate? Can Hydromorphone be taken for the treatment of kidney stones? What causes dizziness along with tinnitus? How can spondylitis, focal right subarticular disc protrusion,severe degenerate facet arthropathy and ligamentum flavum hypertrophy be treated? What causes chronic cough while suffering from pneumonia? How can elevated blood pressure levels be treated? How can elevated cholesterol and triglyceride levels be treated? Ijust returned from the Shands Hospital and I'm in the What causes palpitations, hypertension and shortness of breath? How can high fever and chronic cough in a child be treated? What do nodules in the upper right lung indicate? What does low WBC count indicate? How can genital herpes be treated? How can a skin tear in the vagina be treated? What does numbness in the lower abdomen on the right side indicate? How can a red bruise at the Methamphetamine shot site be treated? How can soreness in the knees be treated? What do pain and swelling on the eyelid indicate? What causes severe headache and black outs? How can allergic rhinitis be treated? What causes pain in the hand? How can swelling and itching in the eyes be treated? What does pain on the left side of the waist indicate? How can diarrhea along with fever and dry cough be treated? What does pain in the lower abdomen on the left side indicate? How can tinnitus along with a vibration feeling be treated? What causes chronic diarrhea and metallic taste in the mouth? What causes wheezing along with excessive sweating? Does Trimethoprim cause tinnitus and headaches? How can a muscle pull be treated? What does sharp pain in the forearm indicate? How can bronchiectasis be treated? How can severe migraine be treated? Is Ketoconazole advisable for the treatment of basal cell skin cancer? What causes bruising in the left upper arm of an elderly person? Which humidifier is advisable for a heart and sleep apnea patient? What causes constant upper abdominal pain? What causes pain in the toes during urination? Is a bruised indentation in the knee cap a concerning matter? I found some medicine in a packed with clear on How to treat arm pain radiating to the fingers? Are involuntary sounds and loss of motor control due to depression medicines? What is the prognosis for sternum pain in an adolescent? What causes breathing difficulty while on a CPAP machine? What causes pain and stiffness in the lower back? What causes leg tremors and abdominal soreness in a diabetic patient? What causes constant watering and redness in the eye? Can Amlodipine, Clonidine, Eliquis and Losartan be taken together? What does it mean when the report shows pancreatic parenchymal abnormalities and irregular contoured endosonographic appearance? What do red spots on the urethral opening indicate? How can multi-level variable degenerative disc disease and uncovertebral hypertrophy changes be treated? How can chronic cough be treated? What does blood in stool indicate? What causes frequent urination? What does severe pain in the feet and ankles indicate? What causes false positive test results for Methamphetamine? How can urinary incontinence and swelling in the legs be treated? What causes tinnitus after consuming coffee? How can chest inflammation be treated? How can endometriosis and infertility be treated? How can cold and cough along with earache be treated? What causes abdominal bloating and cramps along with constipation be treated? Can Mupirocin ointment be applied on a nose? What does burning sensation in the chest indicate? What do elevated liver enzymes indicate? What does twitching sensation in the body indicate? How can intestinal parasite infestation be treated? What causes weak orgasms post urinary catheterisation? What does swelling on the right side of the abdomen indicate? How can cough and runny nose along with chest pain be treated? What do red rashes on the inner thighs indicate? What does pain upon moving the arms indicate? Suggest treatment for heavy vaginal discharge despite taking antibiotics How can swelling in the eyes be treated? Can Metoprolol Tartrate, Lisinopril and Losartan be taken together? Is pregnancy possible through outercourse despite taking Plan B? What do streaks of light in the field of vision indicate? How can chronic constipation be treated? What do red rashes on the face indicate? What does coughing up of green phlegm indicate? Can vitamin D, magnesium and vitamin K supplements be taken together? How can upper respiratory tract infection be treated? How can ADHD be treated? How can tinnitus along with fatty liver and depression be treated? How can severe pain on the right side of the body be treated? What does cough along with nausea and fever indicate? How can cough along with sore throat be treated? What causes drowsiness while on Amlodipine and Warfarin? How can pain and swelling in the knees be treated? What do sore spots on the breasts indicate? Are dry cough and chest pain symptoms of flu? How can pain in the vagina during pregnancy be treated? What causes vaginal bleeding while suffering from interstitial cystitis? How can acne on the back while on Testosterone be treated? What causes black stool along with acid reflux? What causes trouble remembering words in an elderly patient? How can Mupirocin ointment be used? What causes false positive test results for Suboxone? What causes abdominal cramps after unprotected intercourse? How can vaginal itching be treated? What does neck pain on the left side indicate? What causes dizziness and poor appetite after a concussion? How can hiatal hernia be treated? What causes excessive sweating and dizziness? How can headache along with nausea and dizziness be treated? How can nausea along with stomach ache be treated? What causes muscle ache while suffering from flu? What causes confusion and memory loss? What does an altered sense of taste indicate? What causes elevated potassium levels? What causes frequent bowel movements and bowel incontinence? What causes abdominal bloating along with constipation and dizziness? What does an itchy rash on the face indicate? What causes pain from the abdomen to the back and left breast? What causes advanced bone age in a teenager? What does soreness in the testicles along with nausea indicate? How can breast cancer be treated? What causes vaginal discomfort during intercourse? What does pain in the left arm and armpit indicate? How can itching and burning sensation on the scalp be treated? How to detox the pancreas? How can post nasal drip be treated? What causes redness and puffiness in the eyes? What causes recurrent headaches? How can swelling in the clitoris be treated? How can itching in the scrotum be treated? What causes vaginal bleeding during menopause? How can diarrhea be treated? What causes dizziness and pain in the chest? How can sinusitis and shortness of breath be treated? How can an ear infection and hearing loss be treated? What causes softness in the leg post chemotherapy? What do cramps in the lower abdomen and back indicate? What causes stomach ache and nausea? What causes tremors followed by arm stiffness? What causes abdominal cramps and grey bowel movement? How can dementia be managed? What causes a drooping eyelid post Botox treatment? How can severe pain and swelling in the shoulders be treated? What causes excessive thirst and frequent urination? What causes agitation post Geodon intake? How can small bumps on the neck be treated? How can a prolapsed bladder be treated? What causes severe fatigue? What causes degenerative disc disease while treating arthritis in the back? What causes twisting sensation in the abdomen? How can tendinitis along with tinnitus and depression be treated? What do pain and burning sensation in the neck indicate? What causes headaches and elevated blood pressure levels? What does a bruise under the tongue after tooth extraction indicate? What causes cold along with sneezing, sore throat and cough? What causes low BP while on Amlodipine Besylate and Valsartan? What causes black outs while suffering from diabetes? How can cold and cough along with soreness in the neck be treated? How can fever and cold be treated? How can vomiting be treated? What does a lump on the rectum indicate? How can severe headaches and anxiety be treated? How can cold and cough while on Amlodipine, Lisinopril and Atenolol be treated? What causes leg ache after a laparoscopic surgery? How can fatigue while suffering from flu be treated? What causes diarrhea and elevated bilirubin levels? What does pain in the middle back indicate? What causes abdominal pain along with chills and vomiting? What does the following MRI scan report suggest? How long should Tamiflu be taken? What causes painful frequent urination? How can nail fungal infection be treated? What causes high fever along with vomiting and stomach ache? What causes shortness of breath during cold weather? What causes inter menstrual bleeding while on Nexplanon? Is tingling and cold sensation in the legs a symptom of a torn ACL? What does a red sore on the tongue indicate? How can constant backache be treated? How can ear congestion be treated? What causes slow urination in an elderly woman? What causes imbalance in the body? What does pain under the ribcage on the right side indicate? How can pneumonia and shortness of breath be treated? What causes burning sensation in the throat and chest? How to withdraw from Duloxetine DR? Suggest precautions to lower blood sugar levels What causes persistent headaches along with neck pain and lethargy? What causes concentration lapses after switching from Methadone to Z-Pac, Advil and Mucinex-D? What causes popping up of the joints? Does a UTI cause delayed periods? What does pain in the upper arms indicate? What causes pain and numbness in the ear along with sensitivity to noise? What does soreness in the ankles indicate? Do Prednisolone and Advair cause headaches? What causes persistent cough despite taking Sudafed and Flonase? How to alleviate running nose caused after a pacemaker surgery? How can severe depression and anxiety be treated? What does a recurrent rash on the bridge of the nose indicate? How can headache along with shortness of breath be treated? What causes light headedness and profuse sweating during a bowel movement? Is a dermatologist consultation advisable for a painful lump on the rib cage? What causes sporadic burning sensation on the upper thigh? What does this abdominal scan report signify? Does Brilinta 90mg cause nausea in a heart patient? How long does menstruation take to occur after completing a course of Progyluton? How can pain in the groin area be treated? How can arthritis in the knees be treated? What causes headaches and persistent chest pain upon taking acid reflux medication? What's wrong I have whitish wormlike things that exit by How can bronchitis along with chronic cough be treated? How can burning sensation in the feet be treated? Is chest pain and shortness of breath normal after a wisdom tooth extraction? What causes uterus contractions along with nausea and vomiting? How can degenerative disc disease be treated? Is doctor consultation advisable for a scratch above the eyebrow? How can a fractured collar bone be treated? How can eye pain and dizziness be treated? Is a lump on the nipple related to herpes? Can a gall stone of size 10mm be removed non-surgically? What causes blurred vision and eye floaters post a trauma? What causes headaches and rapid heart rate in an adolescent? How can recurrent stye in the eyes be treated? Do steroid creams used for eczema delay the healing process? Is stiffness in the arms and legs due to Valsartan intake? How to treat chronic cough and burning sensation in the throat and chest? Are recurrent itchy rashes due to shingles? Suggest treatment for recurrent flu How to treat chronic upper arm pain? What causes dizziness while on varied dosages of Prednisone? Are swollen fingers and tingling sensation symptoms of a torn tendon? What causes pregnancy symptoms while having regular menstruation? What causes chronic inflammation in the shoulders and neck? How to treat heavy menstrual bleeding and headaches in an anemia patient? Does Tikosyn help to regulate heart rate without causing any side effects? Is a doctor consultation advisable for swelling around the throat? Is aggravated psoriasis due to Ocrevus infusion? What causes stuffed nose and cold chills despite taking Nyquil and Sudafed? What causes frequent urination and abdominal pressure on the left side? Can Garcinia Cambogia and Atenolol be taken together? What causes chest congestion along with confusion and slurred speech? What does this ultrasound report indicate? What does coughing up of green phlegm indicate? What causes elevated heart rate? Is Tizanidine effective in the treatment of backache? How can astrocytoma in the neck be treated? How can vasovagal syncope be treated? What do red veins on the tonsils indicate? What causes chest pain while suffering from chronic cough? What are the side effects of st. john s wort? Suggest economically reasonable ways of controlling diabetes How can vaginal itching be treated? What does swelling in the ankles and feet indicate? How can laryngitis and pain in the neck be treated? What causes indigestion and acid reflux? How can headache along with high fever be treated? How can allergic body rashes along with itching in the eyes be treated? What causes heavy menstrual bleeding? What does chest pain on the left side indicate? What causes constipation and bleeding during defecation? What causes abdominal pain and bloody stool? How can severe cough and cold be treated? What does pain in the buttocks and legs indicate? What does pain in the shoulder blade on the right side indicate? What do pain in the lower abdomen and constricted urine stream indicate? What do pain and pressure in the lower back indicate? What causes swollen lower extremities while suffering from URI? How can nasal congestion be treated? What causes excessive weight loss? How can dry cough and throat infection be treated? How can persistent cough and sinusitis be treated? How is ovulation date calculated? How can dizziness be treated? How can plural effusion be treated? How can ear infection and sore throat be treated? How can lower backache during pregnancy be treated? How can demyelinating polyneuropathy be treated? Is pregnancy possible through withdrawal method? Are Patent fallopian tubes with features suggestive of left hydrosalpinx and peritubal adhesion a cause for concern? What causes painful urination and blood in urine? What causes headaches and elevated blood pressure levels? What do itchy blisters on the feet indicate? How can pain around the left ankle be treated? How long does withdrawal bleeding last after a medical abortion? What do itchy rashes on the face after taking Azo indicate? What does a hard bump in the vagina indicate? How can chronic cough along with nausea and vomiting be treated? What do pain and fluttering sensation in the chest indicate? What do small bumps on the tongue indicate? What causes snoring and breathing difficulty in a toddler? What causes palpitations along with dizziness and elevated BP? My husband takes clopedrel( generic for plavix) It is orangy How can the paternity of an unborn child be confirmed? What does pain behind the knees indicate? What does grey coloured stool indicate? The ultrasound has shown that the abnormally thick endometrium is heterogeneous with multiple cystic spaces. How can this be managed while experiencing amenorrhea? Can Ornidazole be taken while trying to conceive? How can UTI along with fever be treated? How can infertility due to irregular periods be treated? What causes tinnitus along with swollen legs and backache? What causes hot flashes and joint pain while on Letrozole? How can pregnancy be confirmed? How can pregnancy be confirmed? What causes abdominal pain while on HCTZ? How can acid reflux and chest pain be treated? What does it mean when bilateral fallopian tubes are visualized with peritoneal spill seen on both sides? What causes facial spasms and tingling sensation in the ears? What does the following semenalysis report suggest? Are superficial and intermediate squamous cells admixed with sheets of neutrophils along with mild reactive atypia a concern? How can elevated TSH levels be treated? What does the blood test report suggest? What does leaning to the right side while walking indicate? What causes delayed periods after taking Plan B? How can hemorrhoids be treated? Is pregnancy possible through unprotected sex during menstruation? How can painful tragus piercing be treated? What causes pain while passing stool? What does numbness in the extremities indicate? What causes throat infection along with diarrhea and high fever? What does blood in sputum indicate? What do itchy rashes on the forearms indicate? How can IBS while suffering from elevated BP be treated? What causes shortness of breath along with wheezing? What causes foul smelling vaginal discharge? How can stomach ache along with diarrhea and constipation be treated? I am a retired 68 yo physician recently dx'd with What causes lower backache along with vaginal bleeding? What causes severe pain in the abdomen? What causes fever, nausea and reddish rash on the right knee? What do swelling in the feet and breathing difficulty indicate? Can insomnia be dealt with without medication even after discontinuing Nexito Forte? What should be the dosage of Reclast in the elderly? Can Victoza be taken for weight loss? What causes dull pain in the abdomen? Does food poisoning cause abdominal pain? What causes body imbalance while on Syndopa? What does tingling sensation on the left collarbone indicate? What does sharp pain in the neck indicate? What causes pelvic cramps and diarrhea? What causes urinary retention while on a Fentanyl patch? What causes an infection under the skin? What does sharp pain on the left side of the ribcage indicate? What causes vaginal itching after intercourse? How can borborygmus be treated? What does pain below the ribcage on the right side indicate? How can severe headache after an injury be treated? What causes pelvic pain and frequent urination? What causes tinnitus while suffering from cough? Suggest an alternative of Vesicare How can sore throat and ear congestion be treated? What do these WBC and platelet counts indicate? What does severe pain in the ribcage indicate? What causes drowsiness and confusion while on Gabapentin? What causes brown vaginal bleeding? What does brown strings in stool indicate? What causes elevated heart rate and blood pressure levels? What is the prognosis for thick endometrium bilateral polycystic ovaries? How can pain on the left side of the rib cage be treated? What causes pain and bloating in the abdomen? What does pulsating sensation in the right ear indicate? What does pain behind the ribcage and upper back indicate? What causes blurred vision? How can runny nose be treated? How can pain and tingling sensation in the wrist be treated? What causes chills and severe body ache? How can ear congestion be treated? Does Rigevidon cause increased appetite and oily skin? What does severe pain in the epigastric area indicate? What does pain in throat upon swallowing food indicate? How can chronic cough and flu be treated? What causes painful intercourse? What causes dizziness and body imbalance? What causes blurred vision and excessive sweating? What does dizziness along with nausea indicate? What causes burning sensation during urination? What causes bloody stool while suffering from Clostridium difficile infection? How can fever be treated? What does swelling in the right ankle and foot indicate? What do pressure in the chest and chills indicate? What does low grade fever along with elevated heart rate indicate? Hi, I am looking for a cardiologist with an excellent What causes nose bleeding? What does swelling in the left wrist indicate? What causes pain in the bridge of the nose? How can high fever along with body ache and vomiting be treated? What causes one-sided pain in the body from head to toe? What causes excessive sleepiness after taking a generic of Hydrocodone? What does a bump on the inner lower lip indicate? What are the symptoms of ADHD? What causes black bruises in the upper thighs and groin area after alcohol consumption? Can Lisinopril, Pravastatin and moringa supplement be taken together? What causes severe pain in the abdomen? What does swelling in the right arm indicate? What causes excessive weight gain and abdominal distention? What does a lump around the anus indicate? What causes stomach ache, headache and numbness in the hands? Suggest treatment for frequent urination during the night in a seventy-year-old What does rectal bleeding indicate? What does tingling sensation on the upper back indicate? What causes double vision? What does low grade fever along with rashes on the legs indicate? I have experienced allergy symptoms, year round, for about a What do backache and numbness in the legs indicate? What causes severe fatigue and nausea along with excessive sleepiness? What causes vomiting, dizziness and headaches? What does pain in the ears indicate? How can lupus be treated while having arthritis? What causes raspy voice after a thyroidectomy? What causes tinnitus and involuntary eye movements? Which medication can cause dysfunctioning of the kidneys? What do red spots on the abdomen indicate? What causes itching around a C-section scar? Trying to find a doctor that treats older patients with What is the recovery time for influenza B infection? What does an itchy rash on the wrist indicate? What do chest pain, shortness of breath, pain and numbness in legs indicate? Suggest medication for headache, fever and persistent cough What causes round clear spot in the right eye? How to treat sensitive scalp naturally? Can Doxofylline and Spiromont-F be taken for breathlessness and wheezing? What causes a severe tingling sensation in the big toe of the left foot? When can one take Gabapentin and Ambien after alcohol consumption? What causes recurrent cough despite taking Mucinex? What causes painful swelling and a dark bruise on the leg and foot? I am a social worker in a hospital and one Can Femara and Fertimod be taken while trying to conceive? What causes shortness of breath upon climbing stairs? How can a rash around a nicotine patch be treated? How can cough and fatigue be treated? What does pain in the neck, back and throat indicate? Suggest treatment for Cocaine addiction What causes vaginal bleeding after taking Postinor? How can fecal impaction be treated? What causes sore throat and a rash in the mouth? What causes tremors in the left hand, impaired cognition and fatigue? How long does Norethisterone stay in the body? How can pain in the chest be treated? Suggest an alternative of Tramadol What does pain in the knees indicate? What causes leg cramps after food poisoning? What causes swelling in the cheeks and pain in the jaw? What does lower abdominal pain when diagnosed with diabetes indicate? What causes body ache along with chills and fatigue? Does radiation therapy cause pain in the temple and nose congestion? What do purple spots all over the body indicate? How can chills, headaches, sore throat and high fever be treated? What causes weakness and dizziness upon standing? Suggest treatment for hallucinations after a brain injury How can treatment be decided with a blood test report of a 7-year-old with fever?
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