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Why is an eye examination prescribed for a 18 month old child? What are the side effects of long term use of Corticosteroid? Suggest remedy for acid reflux when on Flucloxacillin Suggest effective treatment for depression and social anxiety What causes numbness in fingers along with change in handwriting? Suggest treatment for swollen and itchy vagina What causes hard bump on inner labia? Suggest treatment for fever, dizziness and nausea What causes loose stool after an antibiotic course? What does this CT of brain indicate? What causes unexplained jerks and shakes when on medicines? Suggest treatment for a bleeding spot on the nose Are light spotting and vaginal discharge symptoms of pregnancy? What does resting heart rate of 120 indicate? Suggest treatment for hard and painful muscles below elbows What causes rash on ears along with flaky skin? Suggest medication for headaches and stomach pain Suggest treatment for depression What causes trouble reading along with visual hallucinations? Suggest treatment for cramps in left shoulder blades What causes stomach cramps along with sore throat in children? Are cold sweats and pain a cause of concern during pregnancy? Suggest treatment for painful red spot on buttocks What causes joints pain inspite of being on Ranitidine? Suggest treatment for itchy vagina with prolonged periods What is the best treatment for uterine fibroids? Suggest treatment for pain due to inflammation in fractured ribs What causes stomach cramps and gas during 38 weeks of pregnancy? Suggest treatment for pulled muscle feeling in stomach What is the itchy red bump on the torso? What causes dizziness with history of thyroid gland removal? What causes heaviness and pain in chest post C-section? How can the date of conception be calculated? Is it safe to have Ativan for anxiety? Can I pills cause delayed periods? What causes pain in leg along with difficulty walking? What causes a sleepy feeling after head injury? Is diarrhea normal after surgery for pyloric stenosis? What does this CT scan and sonogram indicate? Suggest treatment for right side pelvic pain Suggest treatment for small cut on upper lip Does consumption of red bull everyday affect the menstruation cycle? Suggest treatment for scabies Suggest treatment for twitches in lower eyelid What are the chances of pregnancy with non penetrative intercourse? Suggest treatment for severe hair loss Do medications for ADHD cause any damage to fetus? What causes heavy period post Prostap injection? What causes dizziness followed by fainting while showering? What does this INR reading indicate? What causes itchy eyes along with mucus discharge? Suggest treatment for bleeding rectum after having blood thinners Suggest treatment for pain post ingrown toenail removal I have a question about operative report using INPATIENT hospital Can i get pregnant post unprotected sex despite being on Cerazette? What are the risks of smoking post tumor removal in spine? What causes unexplained mass on left lower abdominal area? Suggest treatment for itchy bumps all over body Suggest treatment for tremors along with dizzy spells What causes pain in upper left chest area radiating to left arm? Suggest treatment for sore throat along with dark foamy urine What causes late period along with right side back pain? What does this X ray report of lungs indicate? What causes itchy large mole on side of face? What are the negative effects of having bat droppings on clothes? What causes pain in chest after swallowing Nurofen gel capsules? What causes delay in periods? Suggest anesthetic drugs that do not cross react with Sulfa drugs What causes pain around shoulder blade and rib area? Suggest tests to diagnose flu Suggest treatment for dog scratch What causes itchy spots behind ear spreading to face? Suggest treatment for cough and phlegm in children What causes fainting while standing or walking? What causes itchy vulva region with sudden weight loss? What causes tingling sensation from one side of chest to other? Suggest treatment for plantar fasciitis and tendonitis What causes sharp pain around belly button and down lower abdominal area? Does Marijuana help in treating Apoptosis of brain cells? Suggest treatment for painful scrotum and erectile dysfunction Suggest remedy for infection after hysterectomy What causes severe headache after having antibiotics? What causes pea sized lump on back left side of neck? Suggest natural ways to postpone periods Suggest treatment for profuse sweating and weakness What causes bruises on legs and abdomen? What is meant by periventricular leukomalacia? What causes dizziness followed by fainting and tremors? Does Prednisone shot for arthritis cause rashes all over body? Suggest treatment for bright yellow tongue along with metallic taste in mouth Suggest treatment for sever abdominal pain and constipation Suggest treatment for sore muscles along with painful lower left quadrant area of back What causes reddish spots on penis head of a sexually active person? What causes sharp pains in chest area radiating to neck? Suggest treatment for kidney stones Suggest treatment for constipation What causes pins and needle sensation in arm? What does this PSA level indicate? What does this MRI report indicate? Hi, I am a 24 year old female. I haven't What causes vaginal bleeding and stomach cramps with history of miscarriages? What causes vaginal bleeding post intercourse? What causes difficulty in yawning? I have pain in my left tentacle. it travels up What does this blood test result indicate? What causes weird sensations in head? What could cause swollen neck when diagnosed with bronchitis? What causes visible vein on upper arm post injury? Suggest treatment for swollen painful vagina along with bleeding What causes persistent diarrhea and addiction to Aristozyme? How to terminate pregnancy? What is the lumps in pelvic area after tubal ligation? What causes pain in back when i sneeze or cough? What causes headaches, forgetfulness, wheezing and cough? What causes vibrations in legs along with pain and restricted movement? What causes swollen vein below ear and lump in cheek? What causes burping and stomach cramps after having Diazepam? Suggest treatment for lump on back and chin What causes knot below rib cage and severe arthritis? What causes severe pain post surgical vacuum abortion? What causes swollen gland behind right ear? What causes intermenstrual bleeding? What causes stains on legs which change color? What causes vaginal bleeding during menopause? What causes milky white vaginal discharge with bloody streaks in it? Suggest treatment for pain in lower left quadrant and depression What causes dark spots on vagina from ingrown hairs? What causes stomach ache and bowel movement immediately after eating? What causes drowsiness after having Ativan? Suggest treatment for swollen and painful labia What causes blisters under armpit? Suggest treatment for shaky legs and hands in an alcoholic Suggest treatment for swelling and pain in ankle after injury What causes severe pain and heavy bleeding during periods? Suggest treatment for bruise on lower back What causes spotting, bloating, nausea, chronic hunger and difficulty in eating? What causes lower right pelvic pain, nausea and burning feeling in stomach? Suggest treatment for ulcers in duodenum Suggest treatment for mole like bump near genital area Suggest treatment for hepatitis and jaundice What causes a constant change in body temperature? What causes sore red bumps on chin? Suggest treatment for cramps and clots How long is Keppra to be taken after a craniotomy? Is pregnancy possible despite taking birth control pills? Suggest treatment for dysuria What causes left clavicle pain and cough after open heart valve replacement? Suggest treatment for high BP What are the chances of pregnancy with shallow penetration? Suggest treatment for restless leg syndrome Does switching from Marvelon to Ginet affect the menstruation cycle? My husband have inflammation and pain on the cheek and What causes seizures, blurring of vision, weakness and severe headaches? What causes severe nausea and difficulty in eating? Can dehydration cause high creatinine levels? Suggest treatment for fever, cough and severe diarrhea Suggest treatment for recurrent shingles Suggest treatment for painful swollen vein on thumb Suggest treatment for arm numbness and whiplash injury Suggest treatment for pain and weakness in arns What does a beta HCG level of 173 indicate? I am suffering from fever last 3 days , i Does hair loss, depression, fatigue and dry skin suggest thyroid problem? How to cure itching and burning bumps on skin after waxing? What does hard lump under the skin oozing smelly stuff suggest? How to treat rug burn that has turned white and gooey? Can gastritis cause tingling and numbness in left hand? Suggest remedy for blood in urine followed by erectile dysfunction What causes sudden dizziness and lightheadedness? Does frequent, cloudy urination with cramps after light periods mean pregnancy? What causes on and off sharp and burning pain in abdomen? Suggest treatment for multiple cysts on thyroid Is intake of Vyvanse 70mg with Tylenol 500mg safe combination? Could red rashes on body be recurred skin TB? Is Minoxin spray safe to use to stop hairfall? I have had a bacteria overgrowth in my small bowel Are blood blisters on arm and breasts a cause for concern? What causes blood in semen? Can pain near maxillary 2nd molar be sinus problem? What causes irregular periods? What does shortness of breath and dizziness suggest? What causes scratchy feeling on soft palate and tongue after thyroid removal? Can Postinor 2 tablet cause delayed periods? What does paraneoplastic syndrome with inability to detect tumor in body suggest? What causes recurring water filled blister under eye? What causes sudden severe cramps in toes? Suggest treatment for external hemorrhoids with puss filled pimple Suggest remedy for severe pain after pulling the hamstring while exercising Does Xarelto cause recurring rectal bleeding? Suggest remedy for soreness in thigh and hip area Can Dulera cause itchy blisters, heat rashes and bumps on skin? Are wet cough, white tongue with red spots and fever in a child concerning? Suggest remedy for painful swelling in lymph node of cheek after tick bite Does fatigue, cramps and backache after having unprotected sex mean pregnancy? Suggest remedy for watery blisters on legs while having diabetes What causes sudden paralysed hands and painful abdominal cramps? What does soreness in the side of breast suggest? Can birth control cause twinge in chest and shortness of breath? Can dehydration cause nosebleeds after cauterization? What does cramps after having protected sex suggest? How long should bleeding continue after intake of mefipristone and misoprostol? x-ray result impression says that I haved residual fibrosis,right Suggest treatment for severe radiating pain in lower abdomen and hip What causes lump in gum? Suggest remedy for skin rashes Suggest remedy for detached retina in left eye Suggest remedy for lump in abdomen What causes numbness in the top of thumb? Suggest remedy for infection in ear lobe Is it safe to have intercourse while having Ceftriaxone injection? Suggest remedy for severe pain in left arm I have been having a chest pain on the left Hello, So I have a facial hair problem its all What causes severe constipation? What causes abdominal pain,nausea and dizziness? What causes burning sensation in leg? I will be on herceptin therapy for 18 mos by What causes stiffness and soreness in neck muscles? Can I get my periods while being on active pills? What causes burning sensation in elbow after eating certain foods? Suggest remedy for severe constipation Suggest remedy for severe constipation and stomach pains What causes severe pain in lower abdomen while breathing from mouth? Suggest remedy for soreness in neck What causes swelling in forehead and around the face? Is it advisable to have disc replacement instead of fusion for herniation at C3-4? Is yoga helpful in treating numbness in feet and hands? Does Azothromycin clear up staph infection? Can dizzy spells and nose bleed be the side effects of Xarelto? What causes tingling sensation in body? What causes difficulty in hearing from left ear? Hi Doctor, As per doctors prescription I started using depiwhite What causes intense knee pain? What causes persistent dizziness? What causes constant sneezing after masturbation? What causes water blisters behind the knees? Could masturbation cause bacterial vaginosis to relapse? Suggest remedy for bone fracture What causes persistent acidity and headache? Can consuming alcohol cause high BP and heart problems? Can drinking alcohol cause low blood platelets, dizziness, fatigue and bone pain? What causes gastric,diarrhea,cramping and frequent urge for urination? Suggest remedy for severe diarrhea Suggest remedy for severe joint pain in feet What causes burning sensation around mouth and discoloration of lips? What causes pinpricks across my chest,back,neck and upper arms? What causes persistent drowsiness? What do low blood sugar levels after having sugary products indicate? What causes vomiting after having milk in morning? What causes twitching in eyes? hi im 13 and im violently coughing up yellow/green spectum, Suggest treatment for ringworm infection on lower extremities Suggest remedy for reoccurring severe migraines Suggest remedy to stop drinking How can one cure sialadenitis? What causes discoloration of nipples? Im a 24 year old female and for over a hello doctor, I am 22yrs male currently taking treatment for Hello Dr, Good Morning, Yesterday My friend kid make a Suggest treatment for dark pigmentation under thighs, armpits and buttocks Suggest treatment for scalp sensitivity Suggest ways to conceive when suffering from PCOD I noticed a red horse shoe shaped rash (NOT raised...NO I was in a 3 yr relationship and the man Suggest treatment for hives in an RA patient Suggest treatment for bump on lateral canthus Suggest treatment for persistent fever in child Suggest treatment for tendonitis What causes dry cough, heart palpitations, loss of voice and stiff neck? What causes bump outside anus causing difficulty during excretion? Suggest treatment for migraine What causes spotting after Implanon removal? Does missed periods indicate pregnancy? What causes slight bleeding during intercourse? Suggest treatment for hydrogenation caused after taking seizure medication Does Sertaline increase the effect of the metoroporol? What causes recurrence of allergy when on Aerius? What causes pain in lower left back muscle after using heat pads? Does Veltam-F have any side effects? Can alcohol in cosmetics test test positive on a alcohol urine test? Suggest treatment for scar on top of penis Are Hexilak Silicone Gel and SpectraBan sunscreen appropriate to reduce eyelid scars? Is cerelac started pack advisable for a 5 month old? Hi. I am 59 years (just three months of being Suggest treatment for gastric problem and frequent bowel movement Are antibiotics and inhaler regimen the correct treatment for pneumonia? What does my spine MRI result indicate? Suggest treatment for skin tan and pigmentation What causes recurrent cold, cough and chest congestion? Suggest treatment for sore throat and tonsils Suggest treatment for severe eczema What causes dark pigmentation below eyes after using Nivea? What does the following test results indicate? Suggest treatment for pain in testicles and pelvic area What causes muscle twitching when on Augpen? What causes fever and black blisters on feet when suffering from RA? Suggest treatment for depression, lack of confidence, fear, and negative thinking What causes irregular menstrual cycle? Suggest ways to gain weight Suggest treatment for pain in breasts What does my blood test report indicate? Suggest treatment for deep laceration in the groin Suggest treatment for broken tooth Suggest treatment for dryness on hair, skin and nails What causes swelling on the outer ears? What are the repercussions of skipping Gabapentin dosage? Hi, I'm a software engineer and currently affected with CNS Are Mifty kit tablets effective to terminate pregnancy? What is the effect of smoking on the stent after a heart attack? Suggest treatment for hair loss Is normal pregnancy possible when having hypothyroidism? Suggest treatment for yellowish discharge from a boil in the groin area How can the lichen planus scars be removed? What causes reduced menstruation, fatigue, abnormal neck pulse and pregnancy symptoms? Suggest treatment for fever in child Suggest treatment for bronchitis, inflammation of lining of lung chronic airway obstruction What does my sperm analysis report indicate? Suggest medication to lower BP Suggest treatment for painful swelling in throat and difficulty in swallowing Suggest treatment for mobility tooth problem What causes lack of menstruation despite medication? Is Revilus tablet a safe option for hair fall problem? What causes one-sided significant pupil dilation and fatigue during pregnancy? Suggest treatment for sore throat and cough Can Crimson-35 be taken a week before to avoid pregnancy? Hi my name is Bernard Kahn V, I am a Suggest treatment for severe cold, blocked nose and intermittent cough Is conception possible with frozen embryos implant? What causes urgency while urination and pain in scrotum? What causes recurrence of patches on skin? Suggest treatment for numbness and tingling on knee Suggest treatment when diagnosed with triple vessel disease What causes sore breasts, heart burn and nausea with negative UPT? What causes numbness on body after taking Minocyclene? What causes red spots and bumps on lips? Suggest treatment for irregular periods Suggest treatment for constipation during pregnancy What causes vaginal spotting inspite of being on birth control pills? What does bruising and swelling on foot indicate? Suggest treatment for right heel pain Suggest treatment for ovarian cyst What does this ultrasound report of uterus indicate? Suggest treatment for severe hair loss Suggest treatment for vomiting and weakness Suggest treatment for UTI in a child What do red rashes on body indicate? What does muscus dicharge from anus indicate? How to control high BP levels? For how long should the prepared Lactogen milk be stored? Suggest treatment for cold, cough and chest congestion in an infant Suggest treatment for injury after wisdom tooth removal Suggest remedy for sore and swollen vaginal lips What causes irregular menstruation and cramps despite completion of menstruation? i had unprotected sex early this month, been getting sick What does the following kidneys sonogaphy report indicate? Suggest treatment for nausea in a diabetic suffering from gastroparesis What causes noticeable changes in the pupil size? Suggest treatment for red bumpy cheek skin on infant What causes brown and later red vaginal discharge after intercourse? What causes vomiting, nausea, elevated blood pressure and abdominal pain? Are VC-15 serum and demelan cream appropriate for skin pigmentation? Does Postinor-2 affect the menstruation cycle? Hi I use to cone in periods on 23rd last I occasionally experience a strange smell. It is consistently the What causes haematoma on thigh after angiogram? Are missed periods,cramps and sore boobs signs of pregnancy? Suggest treatment for cough and cold in child When is the correct time to start taking Primolut N? What are the side effects of Montair and Budamate? Is gel a better option compared to intravenous induction? What causes dizzy spells with low BP reading? Suggest treatment for stye in eye What causes clear nasal discharge? What causes bleeding when on Duphaston? Suggest treatment for pain on side of chest Suggest treatment for Lortab addiction Suggest treatment for blurred vision in child Suggest treatment for vaginal tear and pain What does brown spotting, tender breasts after unprotected sex indicate? Are Folvite,Ovacare Forte and Glycomet effctive in treatment of PCOD? How long for Hyponidd tablets to take effect? Suggest treatment for tight and painful foreskin What does a lummp in stomach along with heavy menstruation indicate? How to reduce pimple marks on face? What is MCBM 69 used for? Suggest treatment for throat infection along with fever Suggest treatment for frequent urination and urge to urinate Wnat causes neck pain along with dizziness? Suggest medication dosage of Taxim-O dry syrup What causes tiredness along with nausea and frequent urination? What causes pulsating pain in neck and pains on left side of head? Suggest treatment for diarrhea along with dark stool Can black mold cause night sweats and headache? What is the cause and treatment for itchy scalp? How to put on weight? What does painful lump on buttocks indicate? Is laproscopy necessary to check for abnormality in fallopian tubes? Suggest treatment for severe cough and vomiting in children What does disc height loss is present with endplate sclerosis mean? Can i have Mirena insertion for heavy periods? What causes brown vaginal spotting? Suggest treatment for premature ejaculation What causes pain in elbow? What causes painful lump in groin area? What caues nausea after taking Ferrous Fumarate during pregnancy? What causes itching in genital region when treating vulvar lichen sclerosus? What causes edema on lower limbs? What causes high BP along with dizziness? Is Revilus safe for treatment of hair fall? Will a laser circumcision be painful for a 2 year old child? What causes a miscarriage? What causes sharp pains in lower pelvic area? What causes dark pigmentation around eyes after using Melacre forte ? What causes burning sensation in stomach during pregnancy? What causes absence of periods when on folic acid? What does this MRI report of spine indicate? What causes green bowel movement in an infant? Suggest treatment for irritation in the vaginal area What causes dark colored urine during pregnancy? Suggest treatment for nausea along with discomfort stomach Do Fertyl and Susten help in conceiving? What causes late period after having I pill? Suggest treatment for pain due mid fibula bone fracture What causes yellow nasal discharge when suffering from sinus infection? Hi Doctor, I underwent an Arthoscopic Shoulder Surgery and had Hi - Discovered this issue at twitter - and just I am 22 years old and iam a female.I weighed What causes numbness in arm and head along with difficulty breathing? Suggest treatment for allergic cold What are my possibilities of conceiving through IVF? What causes dark brown urine after taking Amoxil and Zinat? What causes pain in leg and neck? Suggest treatment for irregular periods Suggest treatment for foot pain when treating gestational diabetes Suggest treatment for pain and swelling after retracting foreskin What causes low iron levels? What causes boil on upper back area draining fluid? What does the following high vaginal swab test report indicate? Suggest multivitamin tablets to better one s health Hi i am a 23yr old female and i have Suggest treatment for stuffy nose and cough What is the difference between Norvasc and Sofvasc tablets? What causes recurrent pain in stomach and blood in stool? What causes pain on left side of chest when i take deep breaths? Suggest trteatment for tuberculosis What causes discomfort in scrotum after a disc prolapse? What causes swelling in gums of a child? What causes sweating along with high BP and high heart rate? What does the following semen analysis report indicate? What does hypo echoic lesion noted in the subcutaneous region mean? What casues irregular periods? What causes abnormal sensation below lungs? What causes dark pigmentation on cheek during menopause? What causes urinary retention in a alzheimer s patient? How to reduce body weight? Suggest treatment for chronic lower back pain Suggest treatmemt for skin cut in clitoral hood Suggest treatment for absence of periods Suggest treatment for tinea cruris What causes pain under ribcage and around gall bladder? What causes ear pain after putting ear drop? What causes change in skin tone in a growing infant? What causes agitation and distress after stopping Latuda? What is the cause and treatment for severe ear blockage? Suggest treatment for runny nose and cough What caues soreness in chest when suffering from hypertension? Suggest treatment for growth on scrotum Suggest treatment for depression and suicidal thoughts due to granular phyrangitis What does a lump on ankle indicate? What causes depression after a hysterctomy? What does a dark spot on lower back indicate? Suggest treatment for respiratory tract infection Does eating banana cause dizziness? What causes recurring fungal skin infections? What are Sodoxone withdrawal signs? What does the following ultrasonography report indicate? What causes constant vaginal discharge? What causes hip and back pain along with numbness when treating EDS? What does my MRI scan report indicate? Suggest treatment for neurofibromatosis and tumors of the spinal cord What causes heavy periods after taking Petogen? What causes sudden locking of knee joints? What causes lower abdominal pain in absence of periods? Suggest treatment for infection in genital area Suggest treatment for weakness along with weight loss and diarrhea What causes a dark blue vein across eyelid of a toddler? What causes swollen foot along with painful shoulder? What causes burning sensation on penis during urination? What causes low blood sugar levels followed by dizziness? Suggest treatment for bacterial infection along with fever and lower abdominal pain What causes recurrent mouth ulcers? What causes mood swings after having Morphine for back pain? Suggest treatment for excessive weight loss while on a stressful job Is problems with kidney normal when in coma after stroke? Suggest treatment for swelling on the back when suffering from arthritis Suggest OTC medications for extreme bouts of diarrhea and constipation How to subside sexual urge and feelings? What causes small white hard bump near clitoris? What causes itching in forearm followed by blisters? Suggest treatment for chronic malabsorption issues due to surgeries for pancreatitis What causes tremors all over body after having Wellbutrin? Should rabies vaccination be taken when touched by a dog with rabies? Suggest treatment for recurrent asthma attacks What causes burning sensation in upper abdominal area along with blackish stool? What does the following brain MRI report indicate? What causes high fever along with upper abdominal pain? Suggest treatment for debilitating fatigue when treating MS What causes delayed periods? What causes redness on tip of penis post intercourse? What causes recurring cold and cough in an infant? What causes fullness in bladder along with frequent urination? I am a 59 yr. old woman who has been Suggest treatment for lipomyelomeningocele What causes dizziness and headache after smoking cigarettes? Suggest natural ways to increase breast size What does slight low inspiratory effort in a chest X-ray indicate? What are the chances of pregnancy post non penetrative sex? What causes pain in lower left abdominal area? Is pregnancy possible despite negative pregnancy test results? What causes pain in ribs? What causes delayed period along with negative UPT? What do black dots in vision indicate? What causes mucus discharge from anus along with constipation? Suggest treatment for headache along with diarrhea and lower abdominal pain What causes increase in platelet count? What causes foul smell from suture after a posterior colporrhaphy? What causes tremors all over body despite being on Effexor? What causes delayed periods after tubal litigation? Suggest treatment for skin cut on wrist after an injury Is it safe to have Clexane for 9 months during pregnancy? What causes metallic taste in mouth? What causes delayed periods? What causes soreness on tip of penis glans and foreskin? What causes absence of periods? Suggest treatment for ear infection in an infant What causes hot flashes along with terrible headache? What causes depression along with difficulty sleeping? What causes heavy menstrual bleeding while on Microgynon? What does this ultrasound report of uterus regarding PCOD indicate? What is the cause and treatment for ankle pain? What causes dizziness post child delivery? What does low lymphocyte count in an infant indicate? What causes discomfort feeling and irritation in prostate area? What causes itchy circular rash on inner thigh? What causes painful small pea sized lump on perineum? What causes burning sensation in penis? Is Somatropin injection effective to increase height and penis size? What does aortic root ascending aorta are dilated indicate? What does a lump on forehead indicate? Suggest treatment for muscle pull in buttocks What causes feeling of something stuck inside throat? Suggest treatment for pure red cell aplasia What does a lump on shoulder blade of a child indicate? What causes right-sided throat swelling after treating cold and swollen tonsils? What causes nose bleeding along with sore throat and tremors in lower lip? What do oval red flat spots on chest and abdomen indicate? Suggest treatment for chlamydia What causes vaginal spotting before periods? Suggest treatment for depression What does a pimple in labia minora indicate? Suggest treatment for macular scar in eyes What causes tingling and pain in ankle after an injury? Suggest treatment for hip and leg pain caused by severe foraminal stenosis What does my endovaginal ultrasound scan report indicate? Suggest treatment for severe muscle cramps after lumbar fusion What causes plugged ears along with loss of hearing? What causes shortness of breath after walking? What causes soreness on tongue? What causes sharp pain in lower abdomen followed by gurgling sounds in stomach? What causes cramps in thighs after treatment of tibial plateau fracture? What causes vaginal bleeding during 20 weeks of pregnancy? What does a dark bruise on upper arm after an injury indicate? Suggest treatment for hernia along with swollen lymph nodes on inner thighs What causes pain on upper body around ribs? What causes shortness of breath, fatigue and pressure in chest? What are symptoms of UTI? Suggest treatment for infected wound on ankles What causes missed period post fallopian tubes removal? What casues soreness around gums? Suggest treatment for bump on back of head What causes missed period with history of fallopian tubes removal? What causes rashes all over body along with swollen upper eyelid? Suggest treatment for pain and restricted movement in elbow caused by injury Suggest treatment for metastatic lung cancer What causes sudden dizziness, fatigue with light chest? What causes light period with negative UPT? What causes headache along with fever and cough in children? What causes foul smelling breasts? What causes pain in testicles after stomach flu? Is working of only one artery after massive heart attack serious? What does this pelvic ultrasound indicate? What causes hot flashes when suffering from COPD? What causes pain in diaphragm area while breathing and sitting? What causes pain in leg along with vomiting and fever? Suggest treatment for frequent heart palpitations What causes pressure and pain in upper stomach? Suggest precautions to be taken by a heart patient while skiing Suggest treatment for memory loss, disorientation and seizures What causes rashes all over body of a child? What does this MRI report of spine indicate? What causes pain in right upper abdomen along with abdominal distension? What do small red spots on arms indicate? Suggest treatment for severe back pain What causes severe cough in the mornings? What causes sleeplessness after stopping Premarin? What causes pain in ribs with difficulty breathing? What does dense breast tissue seen in a mammogram indicate? What causes wetness inside ears? What causes heavy vaginal bleeding after medical abortion? What causes breathing difficulty after getting exposed to cold winds? Suggest treatment for kidney cysts What causes frequent urination? Suggest treatment for painful knot on head caused after an injury How to switch from Methadone to Soboxone? What do small itchy nodules around ears indicate? What casues lower abdominal pain? What is the cause and treatment for hypertension? What does creatinine level of 0.59 indicate? What causes worms in anus after taking Vermox? How is STD transmitted? What causes allergic skin rashes after having peanuts and chocolate? Is masturbation bad for health? What causes painc attacks after quitting smoking and drinking? What causes sore breasts and headaches after medical abortion? What causes bloating after a total hysterectomy? What causes pain in chest when drinking water? What causes heart palpitations during pregnancy? Suggest ways to progress labor at 38th week of pregnancy? How early can pregnancy be confirmed after an intercourse? What does a painful skin tag on shoulder indicate? What causes poor memory in an elderly? What causes lower abdominal discomfort during menstruation? What casues pain under buttocks after an injury? Can anxiety cause uncontrollable hypertension? What causes raspy sound in an infant? Is Pravastin more effective than Simvastin? What are the symptoms of pregnancy? What is the cause and treatment for severe hair loss? What causes pain in fingers and hand after para thyroid surgery? What causes chronic pain in nasal passage after a drug shot? What do parallel lines under tongue indicate? Are sore throat and white spots on tonsils symptoms of STD? What causes palpitations after taking Sectral? What causes stomach pain accompanied with stomach gas? What causes fluid discharge from ears? What causes muscle spasms and trembling in legs and arms? What does lesion in the right frontal area in a CT scan indicate? What causes poor memory after drinking alcohol? What causes numbness on tongue? What is the cause and treatment for irregular menstrual cycle? Suggest treatment for ADHD in a child Suggest treatment for joint pain Suggest treatment for UTI What causes foul smelling vomiting in a child? Can constipation elevate MS symptoms? Suggest treatment for hair loss What causes dizziness and headaches during pregnancy? What causes severe mid back pain? Is pregnancy possible without ejaculatory sex? What causes shortness of breath after receiving Claxane injection? Suggest treatment for milk allergy in an infant What causes weight gain after hysterectomy? What causes swelling in mons pubic area? What causes swelling in thigh after removal of titanium rod? How to empty stomach before a colonoscopy? Suggest treatment for anal fissure What causes on and off muscle pull on right side? What do white spots on penis indicate? What causes discomfort in penis? What causes swelling and pain in ACL muscles after an injury? What causes fatigue and hot sweats after taking Levothyroxine? What casues incomplete bowel movements? Suggest ways to come out of heroin addiction What does a bruise under eye indicate? What does a complex mass with in the right ovary indicate? What causes dizziness and tiredness after a head injury? What causes dry throat and headache after inhalation of rubber fumes? What does a lump under skin on back indicate? What causes pain in testicles? What does an indentation on head of a child indcate? What causes rash on chest when suffering from cold and fever? What does albumin in urine during pregnancy indicate? Suggest treatment for alcoholism What causes erectile dysfunction? How to use MTP kit for termination of pregnancy? What causes stomach cramps after starting birth control pills? Suggest treatment for stomach infection What causes irregular periods? What does a hard lump on inner thigh indicate? Can Muse be taking with medication for erectile dysfuntion? Suggest medication for swollen legs and episodes of vertigo What are the side effects of Effexor and Metoprolol? Suggest treatment for shoulder pain caused by an injury What does a rough spot on thigh indicate? What causes buzzing sensation in groin after a lumbar fusion? What causes severe stomach aches after eating? When should Cerazette be taken for contraception? Suggest treatment for meta bone cancer What casues hallucinations? Can penis size be increased? Suggest treatment for hypertension What causes lower abdominal pain? What causes disorientation with pulse rate of 110? What causes migraines when suffering from poor vision? What causes high iron level in blood? What does Uncovertebral joint disease mean? What causes excessive salivation after gastric sleeve surgery? What causes swelling of clitoris? Suggest treatment for recurring cold and chest infection w What causes pain in shoulder and neck? What causes vaginal itching after sex? Suggest treatment for runny nose What does a pimple in pubic area indicate? Suggest treatment for athletes foot in a child What causes difficulty standing and walking on heels? Suggest treatment for poor vision How successful is a cataract surgery in restoring vision? Suggest treatment for pityriasis rosea What causes diarrhea after taking Cremaffin? What causes bright yellow bowel movement after drinking beer? What does a small pelvic mass in groin area indicate? What causes tightness legs and knees? Does Wellbutrin cause wrinkles? What does painful lump in labia while having PCOS mean? What causes dark brown discharge and delay in period? What causes indention on inside of thigh? 70 year old ,diabetic ,undergoing radiation for breast cancer,has pace What causes hearing sizzling sound in my head? What causes rashes on the back of head? Is early masturbation in children normal? What does urinalysis showing WBC esterase 2+ abnormal mean? Suggest remedy for white bumps on vulva What does the following test result indicate? What does the following EKG test result indicate? What is the right time to get tooth implant? Suggest remedy for missed periods after miscarriage Is bruise on chin followed by a bump after a fall concerning? Suggest remedy for depression and suicidal thoughts What causes pain in mid stomach and throat area? For how long will IMOVAX vaccine be effective? Does magnesium citrate and vitamin B6 prevent recurrence of kidney stones? Suggest remedy for soreness in ear,nose and throat Hi At 5weeks and 6 days had a scan that What causes acidity on taking sodas and juices? Suggest remedy for vaginal itchiness and white discharge How long after broken finger across the knuckle can daily routine be resumed? What are the side effects of Cortisone injections? What causes severe pain in heels? What causes black spot under toenail? What causes pain in retraction of foreskin in infant? What causes spreading of bruise under toenail? What causes pain and swelling in torus mandibularis? Does raw, red, painful cut on foot with little oozing indicate infection? Does lack of bleeding during sex for the first time determine virginity? Suggest remedy for moderate to severe scalp itching Can hair dye cause swelling in face and eyes? Can Suboxone be taken to get over withdrawal from Oxycontin? What causes dull pain in chest and numbness on left side of face? Does Nexium have a negative effect on maintaining erection? Suggest treatment for mental anxiety Suggest treatment for throat pain after swallowing bay leaf Suggest remedy for GERD, acid reflux and dizziness What causes pre-menopausal vaginal bleeding? Does urine test screen for STD before surgery? Suggest treatment for depression and suicidal thoughts Does Utrogestan help in relieving pregnancy symptoms? What causes white colored tissue strings in urine? Is it normal to have light bleeding when going through a miscarriage? What causes loud snoring in a 5 year old? What causes itching on the back that is painful? What causes blood in stool in an infant? What causes tinnitus in left ear? What causes pain in calves during sleep at night? Suggest treatment for tonsilitis What causes shortness of breath after climbing stairs? What causes lower abdominal pain in a hypertension person? What causes vaginal bleeding post intercourse? What causes pain in hips and difficulty in walking? What does the following ultrasound report indicate? Suggest treatment for persistent throat pain in children Suggest remedy for scars and pimples on face Is it safe to stop Coveram abruptly? What causes pain while having bowel movement? Is Dyfucan effective in treating vaginal infection? Suggest treatment for chronic arthritis pain Suggest remedy for restlessness and stomach pain in a child What does this X-ray report of hip area indicate? Suggest treatment for constipation and diarrhea What causes horizontal lines on both breasts? What causes sweating followed by low BP and itchy hands? What causes unexplained bruise on calf area? Suggest treatment for sores on scalp What causes vaginal bleeding with large clots? What does the following transvaginal ultrasound report indicate? Can non vegetarian food cause jaundice relapse? What causes blood in urine? Suggest remedy for abdominal pain What causes difficulty breathing in a person with anxiety? What causes loss of appetite and anxiety after abruptly quitting Marijuana? Suggest treatment for cold,cough and shortness of breath What causes vaginal bleeding during urination? What causes mucus discharge during flatulence and bloated stomach? Suggest safe contraception methods to prevent pregnancy Suggest a healthy sugar source Suggest treatment for acute lymphoblastic leukemia Can permanent discoloration occur after injecting iron? What are the side effects of Valparin? Suggest remedy for delayed periods with tender breasts and nausea What does prostate sonogram showing small cyst indicate? Suggest treatment for H-pylori Are infections and pain indicative of mesh rejection by the body? Does early periods indicate pregnancy? What causes discomfort on side of abdomen? Suggest treatment for severe bloating issues Suggest ways to manage a psychosis patient What causes excessive tiredness and body shakes? Will the plan B pill work if dissolved and spit out? Suggest treatment for raw and irritation on throat Suggest treatment for esphogeal bleeds Suggest treatment for small pimples on thigh Suggest treatment for ADHD and high impulse anxiety Suggest treatment for chronic urticaria Suggest treatment for swollen and painful wrists Suggest treatment for ear pain and infection What are the side effects of Methodone? What causes vomiting when on Ritalin? Suggest treatment for itching when suffering from stage 4 kidney failure Suggest treatment for heartburns What causes burping and nausea? Suggest treatment for tender lump by my left tragis What causes bleeding after 2 weeks of stopping birth control pills? Suggest treatment for addiction to smoking marijuana Suggest treatment for itchy skin and red marks Suggest remedy for pain in tooth after root canal treatment Suggest treatment for depression in child Suggest treatment for vertebral collapse and lesion What causes small penis size and soft erections? Suggest treatment for cough and difficulty in breathing What causes recurrent drainage in hematoma? Suggest treatment for hives What causes spotting after periods? What causes bloody vaginal drainage in post menopausal stage? Suggest treatment for vocal cord dysfunction Suggest ways to get rid of lice infestation on child s belongings Suggest treatment for lupus What causes heart pounding at night? How to discontinue intake of Benazepril? Suggest remedy for bent penis due to excessive masturbation Suggest treatment for erectile dysfunction What does my blood report indicate? What causes liver enzymes of 300 on a child? Suggest treatment for premature ejaculation What causes cough and post nasal drip after taking Crestor? What causes soreness in neck and torso after a painful spot on back? Suggest treatment for chronic colonic spasms during menstruation What is the effect of missing one pill from birth control pack? Suggest treatment for flaky scalp, red patches and pain around limb joints Suggest treatment for severe knee pain after wearing brace Does Biotin cause body odor? Suggest treatment for black stools and weight loss What causes burning sensation on tongue and dizziness? What causes tear and burning feeling of labia after stitches during delivery? Is Montair safe to use during pregnancy? What causes fluttering feeling in lower abdomen with negative UPT? Is taking Primolix tablet safe during pregnancy? What causes fatigue, SOB and uneasy feeling in chest along with depression? What causes frequent pain in head radiating behind ear? What causes numbness and tingling in hands after exposure to well water? What is the reason for allergic reaction coming back after taking Allegra? What causes heavy bleeding and bloating after taking the morning after pill? What causes white greenish fluid discharge from ear ring hole? What causes dizziness and blurred vision after taking Lisinopril? What causes red bumps around knee? What causes itching sensation and discoloration of skin on scrotal area? Are there increased episodes of hot flashes after hysterectomy? What causes white vaginal discharge along with itching and pain? What causes constant runny nose and dry cough in child? What is the dosage of Ovacare and Siphene while planning for pregnancy? What causes small pea sized lump on occipital bone? What causes chesty cough on quitting smoking? Is congenital bicuspid an irrecoverable condition? What causes pain above hip bone on right side just below waist line? What causes rectal and nose bleeding on taking aspirin? Does light bleeding after intercourse indicate pregnancy? Suggest treatment for abdominal and pelvic pain What does slightly nodular calcific density found in lungs mean? What causes cramps and discomfort and delayed periods? What causes abdominal cramps and dizziness after intercourse? What causes dizziness, vomiting and abdominal pain? Why is there problem in managing BP with Conversyl? What causes shortness of breath while on medication for high BP? Suggest treatment for thyrotoxicosis,constipation and obesity What causes pain around waistline on stretching backwards? What does the MRI result indicate? Suggest treatment for panic attacks when on Intros oxide Is pregnancy possible when on Duphaston for treating PCOD? What causes deep yellow colored urine after having Chantix? What causes pain on right side of back? Suggest treatment for aplastic anemia What are the harmful effects of accidentally inhaling plastic fumes? What does my urine analysis test report indicate? Suggest treatment for throat irritation What does the pelvic ultrasound report indicate? What causes headache and dent behind ear after injury? Suggest treatment for fibromyalgia, back pain and short term memory problem Suggest treatment for squamous cell cancer rashes on legs, feet and hand Suggest remedy for burning sensation in stomach on accidental consumption of kerosene oil How to increase height and weight of an infant? What causes intermentrual bleeding? Suggest treatment for pain in my right abdomen What causes vision impairment in one eye? What causes excessive saliva secretion in mouth? What does my pelvic ultrasound report indicate? What causes excruciating pains during bowel movements? Is it safe to give commercial available milk to child? What causes belching and burping after having spicy food? Suggest treatment for brown spots on side of penis head Can i get pregnant post unprotected sex despite being on Depo provera? Suggest treatment for pelvic cyst despite trying to conceive Suggest remedy for peeling skin near buttocks What causes body tremors along with sweating? What causes painful bump on right side of head? Suggest treatment for hepatitis B infection What causes pain under ribs on left side? Suggest treatment for painful soft bump on ankle caused by injury Suggest treatment for fever in a child Suggest treatment for fever and convulsions at high temperature What causes knot formation in arm after drawing blood? Suggest treatment for neck and shoulder pain caused by an injury What causes vomiting after sex? What causes absence of periods? What causes brown clored bleeding after sexual intercourse? Is the live52 Ds Himalaya herbal tablet effective in treating diabetes? How long does it take for Depo-Provera shot to take effect? What causes pain on left side of collar bone radiating to lower neck? Suggest treatment for red, raised bump on the penis shaft Suggest treatment for dust and smoke allergy Suggest treatment for extreme pain due to overlapped muscles Does diet change have an effect on the bowel movements? Suggest treatment for peripheral edema and neuropathy What causes cracking of skin at corners of both eyes? What causes nocturnal emmisions? How to terminate pregnancy? What causes difficulty in swallowing and pain on right side of neck? What causes painful urination? What causes diarrhea, vomiting and pain in upper left back area? What causes vomiting in a child? What is lymphoma? What causes difficulty getting an erection? Is it unusual to develop allergies at the age of 65? What does this EKG report indicate? What causes locked knee? What are symptoms of menopause? Can i get pregnant despite having only one functional fallopian tube? Suggest remedy for breathing problem and back pain after a fall What causes bloody stool, nausea and lethargy? Suggest treatment for small bump near vaginal opening Suggest treatment for depression I have been suffering from hives for over 30 years I have Parkinson,take n CARBIDOPA/LEVODOPA for 10 yrs. Have starting What does this urine test result indicate? What causes muscle pain following flu shot? What causes dizziness along with nausea? Suggest remedy for numbness, tingling and discoloration on chest What causes pelvic and back pain and brown discharge during ovulation? Can Xarelto cause elevated A1C levels? Suggest treatment for psoriasis along with constipation and weakness What casues delayed period? What does a boil on palms indicate? Is anesthesia safe after a concussion? Can Phenegrem be given along with Calpol? What causes sweet smelling urine and stool? What causes high pulse rate? What causes ear pain after brain surgery? What causes change in the readings of Ag/Ab test? What causes back pain after drinking Red Bull? What does a skin tag near anus indicate? Suggest treatment for toe injury I am a 60 yr old non-smoker that has chest What causes recurrent rash on arm? What does a lump in cervical area indicate? I recently had the TIF procedure done with hernia removal What causes lower back pain radiating to leg? my gf and i had sex the next day when Why do the symptoms of itching, redness, and rash associated Suggest treatment for sore ears in a child What does the following MRI report indicate? Suggest treatment for chornic back and neck pain Suggest treatment for GERD, heartaches and arm pain What does a black bruise on cheek indicate? What causes sore shoulders and painful swelling near tailbone after falling? What is the definitive diagnosis of amiodarone toxicity? Does vitamin deficiency cause stomach gas and nausea? What causes failure of sinus surgery? What causes pin prick sensation in the scrotum? Suggest treatment for pain in the tooth What causes burning sensation in penis? What do itchy small pimples in vaginal opening indicate? Suggest treatment for rashes and itching on the buttocks What causes elevated liver enzymes?
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