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Suffering with PCOS, obesity, skin rashes, less bleeding during period. On hormonal medication. What is going on? 36 weeks pregnant. Urine test showed glucose in urine. Cleared gd screening and gtt. Suggested one more test. Can this wait? 15 year old, having periods 3 times in this month. What could be wrong? Swollen neck lymph node, hard, painless, movable. Had sore throat. What to do? Have cancer. Seeking a personal physical care physician with experience in cardiology Red and swollen foreskin, itching, painful. Applying canesten. How to get rid of this? Back pain, chest pain. Is it kidney infection? Panic attack, unable to sleep and eat after x ray of cervical spine, lumbar spine taken due to fall. Effects of radiation? Child has vomiting, dehydration. Taken penicillin shot. Now has jaw pain. Cause? Gallbladder and liver area pain, lower ribs pain, breathing and swallowing difficulties. What does that show? Purple bruising below ankle, swollen. Got hit on shin between ankle and knee week ago, tender to touch. Are these related? Wake up in mid night with pain in lower right side, back hurting. Thyroid condition under control. What is this ? Burning sensation after doing root canal. Taking medicines for acid reflex. Remedy? Rash, sore bumps on butt cheeks, painful one close to rectum, busted. What could be this? Increased BP, taking allergy shots. Placed on Metoprolol, thyroid normal. Breathing trouble if shots stopped. Suggestions ? Have nauseas, hot flashes, headaches. Lower back pain. Have heavy discharge. Now used just one tampon. Pregnant? Itchy bump on ankle, started spreading up leg, surrounding area sore. Solution ? Feeling sick, severe headache, stomach pain, dizziness, fever, stiff neck. What could be this? Testosterone in axilla area. High platelets count. What is the cause? Have hip pain. X-ray shows spine not lining up. Diagnosed as sciatica. Will physical therapy hurt bursitis? Menstrual cycle missed for last 4 months because of hormonal imbalance. Blood tests are normal. Given Dronis 20. Suggestion? Had seizures. Using tramadol and suboxone, pain medication addiction. What is the solution? Pancreatic cancer stage 4. Scheduled for chemotherapy and radiation. What do we expect? Taken antibiotics for ear abscess. Not healed yet. What do you think? Have irregular periods, had ultrasound. Found symptoms of pcos. Sexually active. Can I take gynera right away? High BP, weight loss, night flushes, depression, mood swings. Suggested against HRT due to high BP. Help Was diagnosed with UTI, vaginal itching, light discharge. Taken macrobid. Side effects? Taken relaxers for pulled muscle in leg. Still have pain. What to do next? HPV positive, cervical dysplasia, vulvar dysplasia. Done Pap smear. Do I need my uterus? Taken ECP after unprotected sex. Had spotting and cramps. Implantation bleeding? Earlier done abortion Pain in stomach. Diagnosed stage 3 colon cancer. Suggested PET scan for clarity. Is surgery possible? Suffering from Piriformis syndrome. Given medicines for muscle relaxation. Remedy? Diphtheria, severe hair fall, scalp visible. Effective solution? Ultrasound shows sac of 6 weeks at 9 weeks pregnancy. Prescribed Duphaston and Gravibinon. Spotting, no pain Very early periods with bad cramps, blood clotting, heavy bleeding followed by spotting. History of travel. Change in altitude? Red bumps and rashes on penis. Suggestion? Deep hyperpigmentation, crusting skin on right side burn. Little help with microdermabrasion, increased with sun and waxing. Will chemical or laser peel help? Fungal infection on scalp , baldness. Hair transplantation. Effluvium and Renocia which caused dandruff irritation. How to stop hair fall? Had unprotected sex, had bleeding. On alesse, missed pill. Why did it happen? Pregnant. USG report says baby in transverse position, funtal anterior placenta with grade 2. Normal delivery possible? Diagnosed with craniopharyngioma, swelling in forehead near eye and nose. Underwent craniotomy and radiotherapy. What is wrong? Trying to lose weight. History of irregular periods and spotting due to possible fat in body. Will skipping lead the uterus to come downwards? On pain management for RSD of lower extremities. Suggested change of medicine from 60mg oral methadone to 40mg opana ER. Explain Pins and needles on left side, sharp shocks in back while bending, buzzing feeling in head, dizziness. History of back injury. Advice Murkiness in stools, loose stools, fatigue, bloating, indigetion, backpain. History of having cdiff infection. No blood in stools. Advice Broke neck, memory issues, PTSD, cysts in groin. Is it stress related? HFA autism. Discomfort from loud noises and eye contact with strangers, obsession with patterns. What is wrong? Suffering from acute active gastritis, acute duodenitis, painful chest, acidity, had typhoid. What can help? Yellow discharge, no odor, pain. Held bladder earlier. Infection? Withdrawal from medication. Will it cause Depression, anxiety, mood swings? Taken Thyronorm earlier. Now abnormal TSH reading. Dosage to be taken now? Prolonged period, diagnosed with hyperplasia, had spotting. Taking regestrone. Menopausal. Continue medication? Done chemotherapy. Have knee pain. Will acupuncture help? Taken Advil Male, 50 years. Bleeding brownish clot, bright red blood after intercourse. Advice Have BP issues. Itchy pustules on face, pigmentation on cheeks. On betnovate. Can I use pandrum cream? Child has enlarged lymph node behind ear and in inguinal region. USG shows enlarged liver. Cause? Have abdominal pain, cough, vomiting. Have stents. One duolin nebulisation and budecort nebulisation. What does this mean? Damaged knuckle, tendon with swelling and stiffness. Had cortisone injection, suggested not to flex. Time to heal? Delayed periods. History of having unprotected sex followed by intake of i pill. HPT negative. Side effect of pill? Weight gain, irregular periods. History of being diagnosed PCOS. Remedy? On Prestiq, tegretol and tramadol. Explain side effects Taking Measacol for IBD. Itching, swollen abdomen, breathing problem, headache after taking Pegmove. Help Diabetic. Blood sugar level high, cholesterol level abnormal, cardiac arrest. On ayurvedic medicines. What is going on? Painful lump like feeling in anal area, continued fart smell when forcing bowel movement or otherwise. Possible hemorrhoids? Chance of getting pregnant while taking Duoluton? Had unprotected sex A new cystic area on the right pelvic sidewall seen. Had laproscopy, left oopherectomy. How to check if it is benign ? Spotting after stopping Femiplan. Had unprotected sex. Pregnancy possible? Missed periods even after taking prescribed duphaston. Blood test result negative for pregnancy. Any other reasons? Constant hissing sound in ear, feeling of electric shock in teeth and back of neck, smelling cigarette smoke. Opinion? Allegic rhinitis, dark circle under eyes. No help from homeopathic and ayurvedic under eye creams. Any permanent cure? Lost virginity after sex. Had normal period. Bleeding started again after sex, not stopping. Reason? Taking vertin for BBVP. Pain behind ears, head, balancing problem. Taking glcomet for polycyst. Side effects? Swelling, irritation on foreskin after rubbing during masturbation, sex. How to get relief? Mentally weak since birth, violent action, has severe headache. On frisium, glycocate, olimelt. Sufficient? Recurred IBS, passing stools without proper food intake. Advised Vibact IBS. History of cured IBS, normal endoscopy. Advice Lump under testicles due to ingrown hair after shaving, uncomfortable feeling, blood discharge when poked. No puss or liquid. Solution? Child refusing to eat food, diagnosed with adhd, losing weight, dark circles under eyes. Cure? Pregnant, taking medication. Safe to take daily bus journey? Feeling bloated, abdominal pain, nausea, headache, dizziness. Reason for above symptoms? Have PCOS, fibroid, kidney stones. Taking metformin, oosure, folvite, failed iui. Possible problem? Anus sore, second hole between anus, scrotum. Is it causing soreness? Pregnant, leg pain after hitting, wound septic, swelling. Taking Seranac-P, megaclav. Any side effect on fetus? Fever, joint pain, morning stiffness, skin rashes, headaches. Tested positive for chikungunya, ANA. Should I be worried? Big bump on head, increasing in size, having headache. How to cure? Tingling, sore feeling on head of penis. Engaged in oral sex before. Possible cause? Swelling after wasp bite. Took benadryl, prednisone. When to reduce dosage? Pregnant, constant pain in shoulder blade, hurts on breathing. What to do? Took norlevo after unprotected sex. Spotted brown bleeding. Periods not due. Pills side effect or implantation bleeding? Weakness, dizziness, arms, leg shaking. Blood test normal last week. Reason? Had unprotected sex. Periods delayed. Pregnancy chances? Sexually exposed to HIV positive man. DNR PCR test negative. Should I be relaxed now? Taking medication for hypertension, Golbi for gallstone. Muscle pain, blisters in upper leg, waist. Cure? Old aged, lost weight, leg cramping, bruised eye, body sore, very tired. Solution? Tooth ache, had failed root canal, burning pain in gums. Diagnosed ATN. No relief with Motrin, tylenol. Solution? Menopausal for years, had spotting, light bleeding. Ultrasound showed hyperplasia. Biopsy normal. Follow up required? Pain in arms, rib, shoulder, migraines, joint pain, cervical discs. How to get relief? Had hives, swelling in tongue, face, chest burning and red. No relief with prednisone. Cause and cure? Severe reaction to Hydroxychloroquine, covered with hives. Skin got darkened, opened and start bleeding. Treatment? Unable to sleep, hands shaking, lab test normal. Reason for above symptoms? Unable to conceive, have periods with clotting, fibroids, cyst. Having signs of hyperlasia. Possible treatment? Child having cylindrical eye sight. Will it increase with age? How to prevent it? Cramping, bleeding after masturbation with a toy. Done D&C last week. Should I be concerned? Addicted to alcohol, smoking, eat healthy food. Have elevated sgot. Am I at risk? Have headache, dizziness. Prescribed apoamilzide. What is this medicine for? Buzzing sensation in body, tingling and numb lips, pinky, leg, toes. History of feeling of ball on back after childbirth. Overweight. Help Vertigo after working out on treadmill. Prescribed steroids, antivert, got diarrhea. All tests normal. Cause? Diagnosed with fallen bladder, had bladder infection, having discomfort, aches. Any danger? Severe bruising, swelling in back of knee after falling. Should I be concerned? Severe pain in back, leg, undergone lower back surgery. MRI done. What does report suggest? Got electric shocks in elbow. Arm losing strength, have deformed right hand. Solution? Choking after inhaling food. Have broken vessels, breathing difficulty, pain in eyes. What to do? High fever, relief with ibprofen, having body ache. Doctor help required? Short tempered, hitting himself on walls, have blood clots in brain. How to cure? Infant passing loose green stool, changed milk from nan to dexolac. which one is better? Swelling at base of neck. Cyst confirmed. Having four nodes in same area. Can this be node? Hands tremble on getting nervous, unable to control. How to avoid this? Red raised non itchy bumps all over body. What are they? How to remove them? Trying to conceive. Have hydrosalpinx in one tube, second not working properly. IVF failed. Operative laproscopic surgery safe? Child having on and off fever, shivering, loss of appetite, rapid heart rate. Are they flu symptoms? Ulcers inside mouth after oral sex. Husband having herpes simplex. Cause of ulcer? Prescribed Carcimide for constipation problem in child. Gripping pain, air bubbling in tummy. Cure? Swollen groin lymph node, swelling only when menstruating. Negative pcp, std tests. What could be this? Uneven skin tone, pimples, stretch marks. Can stop melanin production with benoquin? Any side effects? Squishy lump on left knee cap, getting bigger. Working on concrete floor. Family history of cancer. Suggestions? Constipation for baby, gripping pain, fever, hot and soft tummy. Taking carcimide. Advice? Non productive cough, have to cough hard to clear throat. Consulted doctors, no improvement. Any ideas? Child diagnosed ADHD, on Concerta, Melatonin. Noticed gradual bowing in legs, no pain. Concerned about bowing? Constant pain on left upper side, under rib cage, had diarrhea. Normal scan and tests, scheduled for colonoscopy. Suggestions? Twin babies having stomach blockage problems, one baby having worm in stool. Will other baby also have them? Nausea, daiphoresis, elevated BP, loose motion. History of hypertension. Taking medication. Any ideas? Taking metroprolol For slight BP. Accidentally took 2 tablets. Anything to worry? Loss of appetite, creamy discharge, sore nipples. Expecting periods. Pregnant? Intense headache, chest pressure, dizziness, nausea, fatigue. What could be this? 11 year daughter, rash on neck, torso and back. Worn new swim suit, rashes where suit touches body. Applied calaclear lotion. Suggestions? Painless lump on right side of outer labia. Taking antibiotics, washing with anti bacterial soap. What could be this? 3 year old, fever, vomiting, headache. Diagnosed as infection. Among ibuprofen, ondansetron, pediatric electrolyt which is for infection? Have interstitial lung disease, severe osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis. Had lung biopsy. Taken methotrexate. Help Testicle pain, blood during ejaculation, blood in sperm 2 years ago. What could be this? Dealing with Hasimoto, Meniere, started with allergies. On synthroid, armour thyroid, adderall. Should I continue adderall? Pigmentation on forehead, bumpy skin. How can facial skin tone be improved? Watery discharge, pain in right ovary, finishes periods. Copper coil inserted over a year. Any ideas? Increasing pain in right bicep and forearm. Taken rest, no improvement. Remedy? Is it safe to undergo balloon sinuplasty for sinus surgery? Pros and cons of traditional sinus surgery? Have osteoporosis, GERD. Nexium, evista not helping. Bone density test not good. Medication for osteo? 7 weeks pregnant, abdominal pain, vomiting, throwing up bile. Is this normal during pregnancy? Diarrhea for 10 years. Diagnosed as crohns, gets sick if food is not had. Cure for symptoms? Constant headache. History of fall and hitting forehead with chair. X-ray report, eyes normal. Advice Abdomianl pain, weak muscles, fatigue, urine leakage with coughing, dizziness, blurry sight, blood in stool. Suggested colonoscopy. Advice Unbearable pain under right rib cage even after removing gall bladder. Cause of pain? Blood tests done. Which CKD stage is this. Treatment? Sore throat, cough, prescribed z pack, prednisone. Kidney, gall bladder pain, joint pain, losing weight. Reason? Smoke marijuana, get nauseous, having panic attacks. Had marijuana hypermesis. How to quit? Watery and lime green color bowel movements, diarrhea, pain in lower back and legs. Treatment? 28 weeks pregnant, excessive vomiting, no bowel movement for days, feeling something struck in throat. Suggestions? Lump and cruise after hitting chin, burning sensation to left of lump, leg pain. Advice? Detected psoriasis due to intake of Concore for high BP. Suggested Natrilix Sr. On treatment for UV cabin. Safe to take Natrilix? Severe pain due to fall on rim of potted plant. History of healing from bilateral retinal tears, lost sight of position on deck. Advice Pulse normal but skin flushed, disoriented, talking slowly. Could this be heat exhaustion symptoms ? On methadone clinic, slow detoxing. History of heroin use. On 65 MLG, instead of 110 MLG. Visit to regualr doctor possible? Severe cough and sleeplessness after taking atorvastin for cholesterol. No help from Zocar. On metoprol tar for high BP and Losartan. Help On and off light bleeding during periods, uncomfortable feeling in stomach, bloating, increased appetite. Guide Often split second headrush, dizziness, sleeplessness, itchy legs, loose stools, large bruises on thighs. Overweight. On mini pill and sertraline. Help Grumbling and flutters in stomach, bloating, gas, severe stress. History of gastric bypass. Suspected IBS. Due for colonoscopy. Advice Pregnant. Leaking clear fluid, feeling of frequent urination, semi thick pink liquid discharge. Concerning? Constant and severe headache in back, occasional black out. No help from Advil. Suggestions? Teenager. Diagnosed with HSP. On thyroxine, movicol, calcium and vit D. History of frequent urine infections, blood in urine, lump in abdomen with pain in flank. Help Diagnosed with GBS, had taken vaccination, no symptoms. GBS process would have started before vaccination? Frequent chest pains and feelings of anxiety. Prescribed xanax. Recommendations? Sharp pain on left side, pain in lower back after 2 days. MRI shows inflamed colon, scheduled for colonoscopy. Suggestions? Red rash on left side of neck, burning sensation. Had scar from cervical surgery. Taking thyroid medicines. Advice? EKG done. Anything to worry? Had my c-sec. Bleeding for days. Low appetite. Have migraine everyday. Medication no help. Breathing a dizziness. Suggestions? Tightness in throat, numbness in lower right jaw. Had oral surgery on jaw, had reaction to anesthesia. Treatment? Red bumps on shaft of penis. Diagnosed with folliculitis. Treatment for penis? 11 year old having full body rash. Taking omeprazole, meloxiam, leflunomide. Side effects? Flank pain, abdominal pain, low BP, fatigue. Had atrial septal defect, kidney repair, colonoscopy. Disorder of the endocrine? Constipation, hot flashes, tender breast, discharge. Negative pregnancy tests. Any ideas? Excessive mucus in nose, throat, ears, shortness of breath. Had gall bladder removed, pneumonia since then. Suggestions? Undergone partial hysterectomy, have ovaries. Hard lump below the scar. Is this scar tissue? Burning sensation on tip of tongue, lips, under stress. Washing with benadryl, maylox. Recommendations? Itching and burning sensation in anus, diagnosed with HPV. Used condoms. Were they warts or is it HIV? Premature ejaculation. Type 1 diabetic. Treatment? Type 1 diabetic, slight variation in diet increases levels, on Novomix, Actrapid. Suggest shifting to Lentus. Is it ok ? MRI of gall bladder done. What does findings suggest? Head, nose and left side pain when BP is high, problems with breathing. MRI shows white matter. Should i see a neurologists? Phlegm and mucus, plugged nose. getting over sinus infection. Taking antibiotics. Will nasal decongestant help? White vaginal discharge, 8 days late periods. Negative beta tests. Opinion? Slight tingling sensation in penis after urination. History of having unprotected sex and taking azithromycin. Possible std? Taking cold syrup with cod, tripol, ppseudo hcl as ingredients. Is it safe to drink alcohol on this medication? Diarrhea, rash on trunk. Prescribed flagyl, probiotics. Doed flagyl react with atenolol or aspirin. Suggestions? Does Ritalin harm the liver? Taking Methylphenidate for elevated liver enzymes Child had stomach pain. Pediatrician gave ezlax. Sonography is normal. On Meftal spas. Advised USG. Digestion problem? Pain due to plantar fascitis. Done ultrasound treatment, stretching, iontophoresis. Should it always be taped? Feeling tired and cold, hair loss, weight gain. Abnormal TSH result. What to do? Had my wisdom tooth extraction. Swelling stopped. Stitches dissolved. Feel a bone protruding. Bit inflamed. Normal? Dizzy after hard hit near left ear, ringing sound, took antibiotics. Advised middle ear exploration to check loss. Necessary ? Diagnosed with atherosclerosis of abdominal aorta, pain in stomach, back and ribs. Any further tests to confirm ? Red under eyes and eyelids, sore, itchy. Started after washing face with organic soap, applied brevoxyl cream. Advice? Slight shaking in legs and hands. Taking Depakote, Celaxa, Synthroid. Any correlation ? Chest pain, tingling in legs and arms, dizziness. Taking nitroglycerin, no improvement. Suggestions? Small raised papule with dark center on hand, slight itching. Another on foot cleared with red mark. What is it ? Chest x ray done. What does the findings mean? Had kidney stone, bleeding and burning while urging to push, hives all over the body. Reason ? Swollen pea sized lumps on right side of pelvic area, mild discharge. Diagnosed as BV. Recommendations? Condom broke while having intercourse, was fertile. Taken step pill. Will the pill work? Zipped penis up accidentally,black and bruised at the end of major blood vessel. Should be concerned ? Red, scaly, flaky skin, itching for years. Consulted many doctors, no improvement. Advice? Burning sensation while drinking or having food, choking, sore glands in neck. Taking antibiotics for tonsillitis. Opinion? Scan done. What does the findings mean? Suggestions? Bloating, acidity, back pain, tiredness. Taking clomiphene for first time. Should i stop taking medicine? Side effects of medicines for fever, cold, cough such as Calpol, Imol, Ibugesic plus? Semi soft lipomas around elbow, sore elbow, painful in elbow movement. What could be this? Increasing weight, doing workouts. What could be done to lose weight and maintain it? 3 year old kid, cough and congestion on chest when exposed to ac. Had pneumonia at 3 months. Suggestions? Red, itchy vagina after unprotected sex, pap like smear while washing. Had protected sex with another girl. Any ideas? Lump on thigh for 2 years, tightens during sprinting, limping. What could be this? Blood tests shows high level of glucose. Prescribed glucophage for 3 months. Should i start medication immediately? Lumps around opening of vaginal tract, irritating skin. Started after vaginally removing uterus. Remedy? Balanitis which is treated by oral antibiotic. inner fore skin remains adherent to glans. Remedy? Hair loss, scalp getting thinner, visible crown area. Treatment? Missed periods, mild milky white discharge, pressure in lower abdomen. Pregnant ? Difficulty in opening mouth. Stopped chewing tobacco after 8 years of chewing. Taking treatment, no results. Remedy? Child addicted to internet, just speaks all imaginary things to get away from hostel. How to tackle this problem ? Have tinea infection on thighs and buttocks. Used griseofulvin and Cortaz cream. Better options? Had partially protected sex. Pregnancy chances? Ear pain, ear swelling, no ear discharge. Chills and fever after treatment. Reason? Taking amoxicillin and ciprodex for ear infection. Sneezing now. Reason? Pregnant, burning sensation in pubic region, no redness or itching. What is it? Have dandruff, hair loss. Used Regaine and Renocia. Have rashes on face and neck. Side effects? Pain under armpit, soreness in arm, bruise on bicep Swollen thyroid. Taking Synthroid and kelp pills History of appendix removal and typhoid. Recurrent stomach troubles. Can she conceive? Taking Amlodipine, Triamterene and Diovan for BP. Coughing, difficulty sleeping. What to do? Suffering from hair loss fro 3 years. Prescribed amexidil, majitrich, renocia shampoo. Does these medicines have side effects? Bleeding after having sex for the first time. Blood in urine. What to do? Had unprotected sex. Have watery discharge, missed period, negative pregnancy test, stressed Prescribed Suboxone after stopping heroin addiction. How to take medicine? Have brusitis on shoulder, pain, hurts to breathe or cough. Taking Panadine and Brifon. What to do? Taking Human Mixtard Insulin, Tribet, Glucored for diabetes. Equivalent of Tribet? Have gas, belching, chest stiffness. Taking Happy D, sucralfate, astrozyme, Evion. Need relief Lost sensation in penis after heavy exercise. Related symptoms? History of tooth removal. X-ray shows black area. Concerned about missing black spot Weight gain after taking fertility medicines. Want chubby cheeks Done total knee replacement. Done physiotherapy. Have fibro in DPA. Help Bleeding after fingering. Is it okay to use tampon? Bitten lip during oral sex. Redness, soreness. Should I be worried? Mood swings, anger issues. Help Have hernia. Scan shows mild fatty infiltration liver, no free fluid Used Lamisil for nail fungus. Does Fluconazole or tea tree oil work? Need gastroenterologist to treat fissure Boils, discharge, swollen. What is it? Had unprotected sex. Taking Pidotimod for genital bumps. Have red rash on penis, itchy. What can it be? Had partially protected sex. Taken Levonorgestrel. Pregnancy possible? Have congestive heart failure, leaking mitral valve, enlarged heart, irregular heartbeats. Taking water pill Have ulcerative proctitis. Natural remedies or medication? Headache, pain in face, ear, neck, arm. Burning fingers. Had gallbladder removed X-ray shows grade 2 ankle sprain. Purple bruise, painful, itching. Any thoughts? History of blood in urine. CT scan shows free fluid in pelvic area. Still have blood in urine. Concerned Cut on eyebrow, done butterfly stitches. Will this leave a scar? Had unprotected sex. Brown spotting, cramps. Taken birth control. What could this be? Abdominal pain after workouts. Any insights? Used public bathroom. Worried about HIV infection Dry rash on upper arms, legs. Applied hydrocortisone, muprirocin. Related to diabetes? Blister on lower leg, looks like burn injury. Applied Neosporin. Insect bite or cactus needle? History of stent implantation in leg. Now have leg pain. Suggestion? Pain in sternum. Have fibromyalgia, inflammation, hip and leg pain. Any suggestions? Child has orange dots in urine. Taking iron tablets. What might this be? Lump near ear, tender. Family history of cancer. Have movable lumps in neck, painful to touch Brown spots on cheeks. Used Depiwhite. Suggestion? Pain in upper right arm and shoulder, clicking sound while raising arm. What could be this? Spotting, black paste like mucus, cramping, 5 days late periods. Negative HPT. Implantation bleeding or what? Frequent periods. Ultrasound normal. Taken progesterone. Reason? Have water retention due to Diane. If I take Spiro, will I be able to stop Diane without side effects? Have implanon. Had unprotected sex, sore breasts, nausea, bloating. Negative pregnancy test. What is wrong? Had ROP stage 3, hypoparathyroidism. Taking estrogen, progesterone for menopause. Have muscle, joint and GI pain Safe to breastfeed when taking Lorcet and Ibuprofen? Passed kidney stone, slurred speech. Taken Diclofenac, Lortab, Toradol. Reaction to medicine? Have IBS, sleep apnea, depression, anxiety. Have panic attacks, suicidal thoughts, social phobia. Need help Had partially protected sex. Taking Ciprofloxacin. Late period. Reason? Headache, nausea after exercise. Ultrasound showed thinning cortex of kidney. Blood work positive for ANA. Explanation? Pain in back, knees, elbows. Have brain lesions. Fatigue. Need answers Have hematoma in face. Taking Ibuprofen, applied cold compress. What to do? Swollen, red, itchy legs. Applied cream without relief. Worried Have recurrent fever, upset stomach, protein and bilirubin in urine, thyroid trouble, sore liver Child has redness between thighs, reddish penis and testicles, swollen penis, painful. Diaper rash? Taking Nistaten for thrush. Have swollen gland in front of ear. Had nostril wort removed. Reason? Bloating, pain, constipation. Taking Magnesium. Dangerous to take pure lax long-term? Have HSV1 infection and cold sores. Taken L-Lysine. Risk of getting argyria by taking colloidal silver? Vaginal bleeding, lighter than periods, earlier had breast tenderness. Miscarriage? Have genital herpes. Can it be passed through oral sex? Unexpected chest pain, cold sensation Have hypokalemia, taking potassium substitute. Have cramps in legs, hands, chest. Worried Have belly pain. Ultrasound shows fibroid. Causing discomfort? Red, burning, itchy bumps on ankles and lower legs Recurrent pneumonia, clogged veins in leg, fluid in lungs. Want medicine without side effects Red rash on buttocks, swollen inguinal lymph nodes, tiredness. What could it be? Have large stomach. Ultrasound normal. Suggestions to get rid of it? Having bursitis, tendinitis after shoulder injury. Prescribed cortisone, 3 months after fall. Should i take this medicine? Diarrhea, fatigue, nausea, pain in ovaries. Done partial hysterectomy, hernia surgery. Suggestions? Have dizziness, upset stomach. Prescribed Amlodipine. Reason for vertigo? Have low thyroid levels, low sodium levels. Taking thyroid medicine. Had thyroid removed due to throat tumor Feeling pressure on head, feels like fainting, tightness in throat. Taking lisinopril, hydrochrothiazide. Remedy? Trans vaginal ultrasound done. What does the result suggest? Having lucid dreams, manipulating events while dreaming. How could this be stopped? Pain in right side at bottom of stomach, headaches, chest pains, constipation after delivery. Normal? Constipation. Taking a drink, condition better and worsened. Will drinking olive oil help? Nausea, dizziness, pain in temple. Got hit by football. Treatment? 5 month baby, swelling between eyebrows, acting normal, got hit while rolling. Anything to worry? Abdominal pain. Stool test shows H. pylori infection. Gastroscopy shows hiatus hernia and stomach inflammation Done liver transplant. Have delirium, anger issues. Side effects of steroids? Numbness in limbs, confusion, disorientation. What do symptoms suggest? Pain in thumb, started suddenly, swelling, bruise, shortness of breath. Any ideas? Diagnosed with jaundice. Diabetic with ulcerate stomach, drinks excessively. Herbal remedies? Vomiting, diarrhea, violent in nature. Normal CAT scans. Is this due to parasites? Uncomfortable feeling in penis tip and rectum. What could be this? Lower back pain on left side. Had hysterectomy, infections after that. Cause of pain? 15 year old taken 3 ativian tablets, citalopram after drinking. Anything to worry? Pain in waist and leg after taking injection for back pain. Taking Motrin, Aleve. Need treatment Bleeding during sex, breast pain, back pain, nausea. Should I be concerned? Stomach pain, loss of appetite, bloating, hard to swallow solid foods. Normal chest x ray. Any ideas? Hives throughout body, swelling in lips, knee and ankle pain. Taking prednisolone, benadryl. Suggestions? History of thyroidectomy. Have anxiety, depression, weight gain, panic attacks. Taking Synthroid Spotting, blood stained flesh like pieces coming out, itching and red labia. Taking diane pills. Remedy? Fatty liver, anxious feeling around naval area. Taking diazepam. Suggestions? Curved spine, fused si joint, painful. Taking injections, tablets. What could be done? Slightly darkened and dry patches on collarbone area, dry looking. Cause and solution? Extremely bad itching near genital area . Taking quadriderm, no improvement, applied powder, got red. Remedy? Suffering from viral meningitis. What type of a specialist should i see? 4 weeks pregnant. Prescribed searle 2 in vagina and 2 in mouth, vagina pill falling down. Suggestions? Urinating in bed while sleeping. Started after removing kidney in surgery. Have mild dementia. Advice? Burning pain in upper back. Taking levaqui, had similar pain taking levaquin after surgery. Can i take tylenol? Itching in penis, lips chapped with blisters. Had oral sex. Treatment? Suffering from insomnia and seizures. Taken ambien tablet for insomnia after years. Suggestions? Tiredness, feels like falling while was walking. Started after taking marijuana. Is this panic disorder? White discharge, vomiting, back pain. Expecting periods. Had unprotected sex. Suggestions? Pain, swelling during menopause. Need for concern? Pain after surgery to remove broken screws. Had foot reconstruction and posterior tribal repair. Recommendations? Sore knees, paining. Having fibromyalgia. Undergone bilateral tkr. Suggestions to alleviate pain? Scabbing on front top of scalp, bump behind right ear, headaches. Back after vacation. Lymph node of fungus? Sharp pain in left hip while standing. Doing workout in gym. Cause of pain? Tender and shrank testicles, retracted into groin, painful. Started after having mumps. Remedy? Unhappy, not acting normally. Diagnosed with ADHD. Taking guanfacine. Side effect of medicine? 4 month baby, not reacting to clapping, eyes not focusing. Born at 34 weeks. Symptoms of cerebral palsy? Swollen cheek, pushing eye upward. MRI showed tumor mass, waiting fo r biopsy results. Chances to be benign? Vomiting, nausea, exacerbated while lying down after boostrix immunization. Anything to worry? Redness of eye, red vessels can be seen, started a week ago. Any ideas? Spot pain in right shoulder, pain under jaw, dull pain in throat, feels like pulling in sternum. Suggestions? Have schizophrenia affective. Delusions, deteriorating relationships. Treatment? Pressure in neck on right side. Lump in thyroid, Done biopsy, diagnosed as bengn. Recommendations? Lightheaded, dizziness, constant headaches, bowel problems. Cure for symptoms? Suffering from protein malnutrition. Stomach remove for bleeding ulcer. What should be done to gain 20 pounds weight? Tailbone pain, lump on top of butt, getting bigger in size. Muscle strain? Pressure in pelvis, foul smell in urine, left side back pain. Having poly cystic kidney, cyst in liver. Suggestions? History of vasospastic angina episodes. Taking Zebata for SVT and PAC. Due to alcohol? Tiredness, numbness in hands and fingers, muscle and joint pain. Having fibromyalgia. Suggestions? Torn rotator cuff, lump on neck, fever. Is fever and lump due to torn rotator cuff? Red itchy spots on panty lines and bra straps. What could be this? Swollen lymph node in neck. Got Mononucleosis. How do we deal with it? Infant's milk consumption is insufficient. How can milk be fed? Brown discharge in urine. Taken aspirin. PTT levels undetermined. What does this mean? Severe bruise on leg, swelling, lump formation. Why does it hurt to jump? Fingers injury, swelling and pain. What can help them? Sensitive to light and sun, headaches, blurry sight, irritation. Had trabeculectomy. Why is there extreme pain? Flu and body pain with stomach ache. Ritalin LA. Suggestion Experienced wave like vision on eye, numbness in body. What is the cause? Have rheumatoid arthritis and erosive osteoarthritis, forgetfulness, loss of sleep. On folic acid and cymbalta. Will I feel better? Have mass protruding above clavicle, neck and shoulder injuries, compressed vertebrae, painful and lightness. What is the meaning? Suffered with neck pain and stiffness. Given Ibuprofen and flexeril, On tramadol and orphenadrine. Suggest? Child has constipation. Given Livoluk without relief. Safe to give medicine long-term? Constipated child. Using miralax. Given apple juice and prune. Anything else? Discolored spot on knee. Prostate cancer. Nodules on back. Treated with angioplasty and oxycodone. What can I take? Jock itch, itchy ear. Used lotions. Why is the itching so intense? Tingling of tongue, lips, roof of mouth, sweaty, tiredness. Blood tests normal. What is wrong? Have fungus on feet. Severe muscle atrophy. Trying to regain strength. Used cortisone shot. Will I be okay? Type 2 diabetes. Taking Glyburide, metformin and lisinopril. Is it safe? Numbness in hand, headache in left side of head. Calcified granuloma. Done CT scan. Medication? Having severe headaches, blurred vision, numbness in tongue and hands. On medication. What can help? Toes, feet, skin feels heavy, joint pain. Have hypothyroidism. Taking thyronorm. Applying ointments. What can we expect? Burning sensation in skin, lung tightness, prostate pain. Taken CT scan of lungs. On lisinopril. Is it Sjogrens syndrome? Sever back pain, painful breathing, cough, tightness in chest. Taking aleve. What else can help? Pregnant with cough, congestion, sneezing, yellow phlegm and tiredness. On keflex. What is wrong? Had cystitis. Took cephalexin. Why is urine stream thin? Dark rashes on face. Given melaglow melacare. Why aren't they leaving? Have had constipation, fever, cramps in abdomen, leg pain, dizziness. Taking laxatives. What can help? Missed period. Had sex, withdrew. Taken Ipill. How long should we wait? Have dizziness, painful heart, tingling in fingers. Done Myomectomy. Is something wrong? Suffering from endometriosis. Endometrial thickness varied. Scheduled for transvaginal US. When can sonography test be done? Dry mouth, difficulty swallowing, stomach pain, blisters, red rashes. Blood test done. What does cytoplasmic antibody mean? Hemorrhoids in rectum. Prescribed cream. When will pain subside? Mosquito repellant swallowed by child, released through urine. What could the side effects be? Labiaplasty. Excess fat, not overweight. Is that a good option? Have had miscarriages. Taking cyclogest and folic acids. Is this normal? No indication of ovulation. Done semen analysis test, prolactin tests, LH test. What is going on? TB ,Sugar and cholesterol. On novolet, insulin and alorva. Done X Ray and CT scan. What is the outcome? Ulcer in tongue, inner cheek. Leukoplakia. Given B complex. Is it cancer? Zit filled with liquid, pores on skin, bump on forehead, shelled skin. What is wrong? Anxiety, dizziness, lightheadedness, tremors in hand, chest pain, abdominal pain, asthma. On fostair. What is wrong? Done lipid profile test, blood test. Showed serum creatinine, cholesterol levels, triglycerides. What does it mean? Refracted ear, hearing loss. Taken sinarest, ebasil and nasonex. What is going on? PCO, hormonal imbalance, immature follicles, bulky ovaries. Cause of blockage in fallopian tubes? Diagnosed with Hepatitis B. Prescribed livolin and lamivudine. Can I get pregnant while I take them? Trying to conceive. Have light spotting, lower back pain, stomach pain, delayed period. Am I Pregnant? Cyst in hip socket, painful groin, throbbing pain, degenerative disc disease, weakness in leg. What can help? Foreskin on penis wet frequently. What is the reason? Liver enzymes abnormal. On medication. How can I reduce them? Headache. Had it for years. What is the reason? Diagnosed PCO. Irregular period. Brown discharge from vagina, spotting. Done scan. What does it show? Taking Augmentin for typhoid fever. Had unprotected sex. Worried about effectiveness of Rigevidon Have acute demographic urticaria, itching. Taken fexofenadine. Is it good enough? Clots of blood while urinating. Suffering from PCOS. Usually regular periods, delay in this month. Any ideas? Suffering from diabetics and parkinsons. Frequent falling, bed wetting. Taking syndapa. Remedy? Bump causing pain, located below tail bone, liquid oozing while squeezing. What could be this? 9 weeks pregnant. Severe constipation. Taking dubagest, fopymin. Can these medicines cause constipation? Swelling, hardness, pain in buttocks after fall. Tried hot water fomentation, ointment Taking Ayurvedic medicine for abnormal periods. Have PCOD. Chances of infection? Itching in eye, watery, redness, skin folding. Common? Taking Janumet and Glimipiride for blood sugar. Feeling tired, cold. Can diet and exercise help? Breast ultrasound showed focal cystic or solid mass lesions in glandular tissue. Meaning? Nausea. Taken Labesfal tablet. Dosage and whether I need to take empty stomach? Disc dessication at s1. On bed rest. Shooting pain in hips and sitting for a while is difficult. When will I recover? Sharp pains in upper left quadrant that taking breath away. History of Hysterectomy, ITP and Lupus. Pain when I move? Sinus problem, white clear discharge from the ear which turned yellow. X-ray results given. Problem? Missed period, no chances of Pregnancy. No medicines taken and no health issues. Reason? Large blotches all over the body. Colonoscopy and Blood tests normal. Feet normal. Suggestion? Pimple below belly button, painful. Ingrown hair? Abdominal pain for 2.5 months. Ultrasound shows enteritis, endoscopy shows linear erosion. Suggestions? Taking treatment for infertility problems. What are the chances of getting pregnant if i am not enjoying sex? Dark burn spot under eyes, scar on face after using caustic soda and soda lime. Guidance? 7 seizures since april. Normal ekg results. What could be the reason? Tired, long dreams, sleepwalking, unexplained bruises, numb hands. No anemia or diabetes Blister inside mouth on lower lip, reoccurring, pus with blood oozing out. Should i meet a dentist or doctor? Migraine headaches. MRI showed Brain spasms. Bad vision. Concern? Difficulty in understanding things, memory problems. Any ideas? Taken antibiotics for gall bladder inflammation. Have C diff infection. History of heart surgery Prostrate tests done. What does findings suggest? Have lung cancer stage III, postobstructive pneumonia. Does gram positive cocci represent mycoplasma? Trying to conceive. Right tube blocked, both tubes beaded. What are the chances of pregnancy with beaded tubes? Numbness in the ball of the right foot, Athletes foot for left leg. Prescribed Ketoconazole . Muscle pain exists. Suggestion? Tired, High BP. Fibroids. Exercise. Pressure elevates. Alternate way? Spotting and breakthrough bleeding after missing Levlen. Have unprotected sex. Pregnant? Pregnant. Heartbeat not detected in ultrasound. What should be done? Involuntary toe movement. Taking Requip. Quivering fingers, off balance, pain in feet and hands. Cause? Back pain, horseshoe kidney, blockage, stent placed. Suggestions? Taken Arimidex and Ememestane for joint and muscle pain. History of breast cancer. Options? Surgery done for breast cancer. Recommended tamoxifen. Is it safe to use vaginal estrogen cream? Bruises on forearms, slightly sore. Worried? Canker sore of my bottom lip and swollen lymph node on left ide of the neck. Taking Coumadin. Concern? Pins and needles around the left knee and pain in left groin. Remedy? Left side of the face is drooping, Has nasal polyps, Diabetic and High Bp. Serious Problem? Trauma to abdomen bruising the ovaries due to accident. Laceration to lower abdomen. Concerns with fertility? MRI of lumbar spine done. What does findings suggest? Cycle ended abruptly and again started bleeding. Consult doctor? Birth control Camilla and the first here months did not get period. Used condom during sex. Spotting. Is this implanting bleeding? Hernia surgery done. Hernia still exists. Need another surgery. Is it right? Hysterectomy done. Pain on left side, swollen inside, shooting pains. Cause? Asthma and COPD. Feeling tired, muscle tightness. Taking Symbicort and Spiriva. Advice? Liver test count is high. Taking Tylenol. Side effect? GERD, Diarrhea, mild cramps and nausea. Taken contraceptive pill. Is there any concerns for the recurrence? Masturbate on video call. Trouble getting erection. Solution? Put on weight, enlarged breasts, hypothyroidism. Using Mirena. Suggestion? Mucus at the back of the throat. Taken antibiotics. Remedy? Taking Ayurvedic medicine for foot and hand pain. History of breast pain. What to do? History of benign calcification in breasts. Now have pain in foot and hand. Taking Ayurvedic medicine. What to do? Used sex toy only for few minutes. Chances of getting infected with HIV? Have fever, back pain, shaking. Alternative to aspirin or Ibuprofen? Taking Amlodipine for high BP. Have dizziness, feeling sick. Other medicine? Have abdominal pain. History of ovary removal Child has recurrent fever, vomiting. Concerned Withdrawal symptoms when stopping Yaz tablet? Abdominal discomfort after meals. Have hiatal hernia, appetite loss. Acid reflux? Back pain, urine frequency. Taking Aleve. Have diabetes Lump on arm, blood underneath skin, itching. History of shingles Have involuntary regurgitation. Endoscopy shows stomach mucus. Cause? Brown spotting, clots instead of periods. Negative pregnancy test. Suggestions? Trying to get pregnant. Taking Fertibella. Does Kamasutra balm prolong gel affect conception? Child has cold, running nose, wheezing, vomiting. Done nebulization, given Livolin. What to do? Child has fluid-filled blister, redness, pus formation after applying peroxide. Suggestions? Drug testing and rehab. Should consult doctor weekly? Recurring headache, fever, lower back pain, frequent urination, acidity. What could be this? Bleeding due to cut in soft palate, painful. What should I do? Blisters on penis foreskin internally, tight skin, cant roll back during erection. Advice? Taken Augmentin and Biaxin for sore throat. Have lump in throat, ear pain. Help Losing control of bowel and bladder movements. Suffering from primary progressive MS. Medication? Period with cramps with lots of clots. Doctor said no signs of miscarriage. Past two months the period is light. Is this normal? Bright yellow urine, bad odor, lighter in color after drinking lots of water. Diabetic. Recommendations? Contractual pain in bladder area. Had hysterectomy 6 weeks back. Taking antibiotics. Cause of pain? Sharp stabbing pain in lower abdomen. Diagnosed as cysts in liver. Family history of hemochromatosis. Hereditary? Taken pill after unprotected sex. Pain during urination, blood in urine. Treatment to lower pain? Rapid weight loss, diarrhea, calcium deficiency, loss of appetite. Type 2 diabetic, under medication. Advice? MRI done. What does the findings show? Suggestions? Pain around right side of rib cage, started after sneezing, paining while sleeping on right side. Bruised muscle? Diagnosed with alpha streptococcus. How dangerous situation is this? Anything to worry? Usually painful periods. No pain during this month periods. Normal? Positive for amphetamines, Sinus infection. Taking Allegra and vitamin tablets. Drug screening causes false reading? Kid, having difficulty in bowel movement. Started giving diluted juices. Suggest diet? High cholesterol, SGOT, SGPT. Started going to gym, lost weight. Is the increase in levels due to exercise? Light bleeding after intercourse, blood clot after fingering. Anything to worry? Unprotected sex, bleeding gums, vomiting, constipation and tender nipples. Pregnancy? 12 year old, thin clear discharge daily for months, slight itching. What could be this? FNA suggests follicular neoplasm, lump growing in size, difficulty breathing. Sister had thyroid removed for malignancy. Suggestions? Hard bump inside right nostril, little sore. Should i meet a doctor? Pimple inside nose, swelling after popping. Used neosporin, swelling in face. Remedy? Yeast infection on body on folds in skin, tiny granules of sand coming out. Type 2 diabetic. Suggestions? Weakness in arms, legs. Having hypothyroid, fibromyalgia. Lower spine and hip degeneration in family. Should i meet a chiropractor? Fordyce spots on penis, popped with needle. Diagnosed as infection. Will this cause scar? 8 year old kid, vomiting. Cloudy urine, high ph, ketones. Diagnosed as dehydration. Prescribed zofran, polythene glycol. Suggestions? Water leaking from nose. History of stroke. Taking medication for BP, diabetes, cholesterol, blood circulation. Recommendations? Lump in arm pit area, getting bigger. Gynecologists suggest stored fat. Should i conduct any tests? Low BP after removing gall bladder. Was taking medicine for high BP for years. Any connection with gall bladder? Took Tylenol for cold and passed out. EKG was done with no specific results. Consult Neurologist? Inserted Mirena loop. Period prolonged for seven days. Taken Progynevo tablet. Should I continue? Headache, occurs in same area for several times. Should i meet a doctor? Loose bowel motion for months. Taking metamucil. Going for vacation, any immediate problem solving medicine? Feeling need to sleep during day, tiredness. Occurring from teenage. Advice? Severe pain and stiffness in both knees. Change of medicine from neurontin to aleve. Recommendations? Have brain lesions. Slurring words, memory loss, twitching hands, dizziness, headache, nausea, vomiting. Your opinion? Have fibroids, taken depo shot. Bleeding continuously. What to do? Bunch of tiny little spots on lower lip, looks like blood spots. Anything to worry? Neck and shoulder pain, eye pain, headaches, numbness in toes, tingling, painful. Any ideas? Severe cough, blurred vision, dizziness, broken ribs. Taking medicines for depression and High Bp. Diagnosis? Periods are light and short and the cycle is for 25 days. How can the cycle be normal? Tumors on each of the kidneys. Advised for a stress test. Suggestion? Diagnosed for Alopecia, stress. Blood in urine. Reason? Infection from post surgery ICD implant. Taking Vancomycin. can the pharmaceuticals supply the medicine? Spells of disorientation, tiredness, confusing bouts of emotion. Is it physical order or psychological? Knot behind ear s midway, headache, sore, shooting pains while applying pressure. Should i meet a doctor? Vomiting and diarrhea, have only one meal daily. Had pork chops, steamed brocolli. Eating disorder? Spot on adrenal, gaining weight, pain in coccyx, arthritis. Had several injections on spine. Had low dose dexamethasone blood test. Suggestions? High BP, low heart rate. Taking lisinospril. Does high BP cause low heart rate? Pain at a point towards right side of navel, pregnant. Normal ultrasound. Should i go for MRI? Broken pelvic bone. Have high blood pressure, diabetes. Had stroke, partial paralysis. Help Efudix on face. Using Betacorten and Fucicort. Can use these medicines simultaneously? 44 years old, having weight loss, no change in diet. Is this age related? Open sore in shaft of penis, red and swollen, itchy, mild discomfort while urinating. Not sexually active. Any ideas? Diagnosed irregular prostrate from colonoscopy. Can prostate be seen in colonoscopy? Pain in stomach and nausea due to intake of prescribed metoprolol and hydrochlorothiazide. History of allergy for penicillin. Will Metoprolol work without the other? Developed toxemia and fluid retention after delivery, Fibromyalgia. Treatment for upper spine. Suggestion? Delayed periods. History of intake of plan b and getting early periods, irregular periods after childbirth. Opinion? Amputee diabetic, skips dialysis. Had a seizure. Advice? Deep pain with spasms on left side when bending sideways, pain in lower back, hips, tight stomach, bloating, numbness and swelling in feet and toes. Suggest Lump and severe pain in bottom tooth, gland area, unable to open mouth fully. Wisom tooth coming through. Suggest remedy Fullness in stomach like water balloon, shortness of breath. Recommended banding of veins in esophagus, nothing told about getting off fluid. Help Mild headache, sore throat, pain in scrotum. History of unprotected sexual act without penetration. Sexual partner tested negative for STD. Infection? History of transvaginal mesh surgery. Can removal surgery be done? Slowly growing slightly dry, leathery white patch on and under penis. No pain, irritation. Opinion? Irregular periods, overweight, irregular medicine intake for PCOD. TTC. Suggest 8 year kid, loss of appetite, tiredness, warm and dry nose. Went near azalea bush. Remedy? Burning sensation in back, abdomen increased with standing, bulging out muscle below right rib. Reason? On and off sensitivity around buttocks and vagina, burning in edge of urethra while urinating. Have spinal stenosis in back, dilated kidney. Any ideas? On and off itchy, red bite marks on stomach, legs and arms. Guide Painful pulled muscle at the back mid section of calf while exercising. Better when walked on ball of foot. On ibuprofen. Advice Breathlessness with little exertion. ECG shows p wave flutter. On GTN sorbitrate, metocard, acitrom, crestor. Any risk factor for heart attack? Gas, bloating, cramps in stomach, severe constipation, dark greenish stool with blood. Help Irregular periods. History of pcod, cured. On glyciphage to control insulin levels. Advised Krimson 35. Will this cause weight gain? Back pain, dizziness, painful urination. Possible UTI with kidney infection. Remedy? Child taken Clindamycin for staph infection in neck. Is it dangerous to take after having EM minor? Scar tissue in tongue, unable to move tongue fully, painful while bending the tongue. History of giving cunilingus. Recommend Vaginal discharge, itching for 8 months. Taking medication, no improvement. History of UTI infections. Advice? Spreading little white bumps on skin. No itching. History of having a tattoo on arm. Suggest medication for curing Child. Reapperaring, fading and darkening bruise like spot on nose. No injury, no nose bleeds. On medication for allergies. Advice Teenager. Urine retention and missed periods for 3 years. History of cyst and cleaning the blood inside. On flomax. Advice Chest pain, shortness of breath, dizziness, palpitations, on and off blurred vision. Detected sinus tachycardia. Fatigue after taking diltiazem. Help Persistent severe dry cough. No problem found by any doctors. Any ideas? Constant ear aches, right ear stronger than left. History of ear surgery for hearing in stereo. Detected nerve damage. No help from medications for infections. Suggest Fatigue, tingling in legs while sitting, BP 95/67, pulse 65. Overweight, inactive and smoker. On BP and cholesterol medicines. Concerning? Tiny brown clusters of dots on dry skin which grows after peeling on palm. Have brain lesions and auto immune disease. Connections? Blood tests done. What does findings suggest? Seizures and headaches. Taking Epilex chrono and now Dicorate. History of juvaline myoclonic epilepsy problem. Reason? Uric acid level elavated to 9.3 after stopping medication. History of multiple gout attacks. Advice diet plan for lowering uric acid Detected HIV test negative. History of having unprotected sex. After how many days of unprotected sex can HIV test be done for right diagnosis? Reappeared periods with light bleeding. History of not remembering removal of last tampon was done or not. No other symptoms. Advice Have ulcer on nasal septum. High ESR. Taken skin TB treatment. Suggestions? On sensa diet. Weight loss, eating less, intake of more water. Any success stories? Pain in chest with deep breathing, elavated BP. History of working out for an hour. Opinion? X ray showed small amount of fibrotic densities, diagnosed fibrotic ptb. Histroy of having ptb and treated for it. No symptoms of ptb. Suggest In need of increase in weight. Intake of healthy diet. Any medications without side effects to put on weight? Periods, intake of 8 pills of dolo 650 at once. Any precautions to be taken to avoid problem? Decreased sexual energy, erectile dysfunction, difficulty getting erection. History of excessive masturbation. Healthy diet and lifestyle. Advice Slightly painful, hard, elongating, ready to pop lump between anus and testicles, oozing pimple like puss. Opinion? Irregular periods, black blood discahrge, heavy periods. On sandoz. History of hypothyroidism, now under control. TTC. Suggestions? Itching in foot, swelling, tight skin, warm. History of swollen, itchy, numb lips and knees. Detected possible allergy, prescribed steroids. Help Recurred burning infection while urinating. History of e-coli infection, took amicacin injection with doxycyteleen tablets. Advised hospitalisation. Suggest Blocked mind with more noise, fear, constant thinking. On Oleanz tablet from long time for constipation. Side effects? Ringing in ears, hearing loss. History of intake of amoxicillin for perforated ear drum, drainage in ear, partial hearing loss, ringing. Opinion? Pain in right side like appendix pain, poor digestion, bloating, loose motions. History of appendix removal surgery. Have GERD. Will probiotics help? Severe acne problem, hair loss, dandruff prone scalp, oily skin. No help from Minoxidil. On isotroin for acne. Advice Diagnosed with Ollier's disease. MRI showed multiple tumors in right foot and toe, severe pain. Any treatment other than amputation of foot? Sonography shows narrowing of PU junction, hydronephrosis, reduction in renal parenchymal thickness. Recommendations? Pimple, bubbles and uneven skin tone on face. Prescribed aziclass, nimotil, rezin etc. History of using betnovate n on face. Advice Frequent urination. History of shingles around vagina, anus, swollen glands. No burning sensation. Herpes? Vision loss, headache,, missing days of life due to memory loss. History of fall from balcony landing on head followed by blackout and nose bleed. Help Teenager. Light, brownish periods with mucus, lower abdominal pain, fatigue, mood swings. History of having unprotected sex. HPT negative. Possible pregnancy? History of drug abuse. Numbness in toe. Cause? Urine test revealed acidic and white pus cell/ HPF 8-10. Detected infection. Have mild hepatomegaly with fatty infiltration. Explain Taken Azithromycin for sinus infection. Taking Reclipsen. Efficiency reduced? History of back injury. MRI shows lumbar disc disease with disc bulge. Have constant pain. Want second opinion History of bone fracture. Now CT scan shows bleeding in brain. Mood swings, low testosterone. How to help? Child has nosebleed after injury, swelling, discoloration. Applied ice, taken Ibuprofen. Need for doctor? Anxiety problem. History of regular smoking of marijuana. Normal BP and cholesterol. Possiblitiy of heart attack? Swelling, painful gum at the bottom on right side. History of 4 teeth getting extracted for braces. Any ideas? Have tremors, sore muscles, numbness in thigh, shaking hands, twitching fingers. Help History of heart attack and surgery. Taking Metropropol and Plavix. Weight loss. Second opinion? 93 years. Severe diverticulitis, possibly spread to bladder. History of draining abscessed fluid from bladder. No help from antibiotics. Surgery recommended? Inability to get erection. History of being sexually active, stressed out. Advice Have hammer toe. Should surgery be done? Done radiotherapy for verrucous carcinoma. How long to wait before MRI scan to avoid false positive findings? Delayed periods even after taking gynaecosid pills. History of having unprotected sex. Possible injury to baby in case of pregnancy? Pain in upper back muscles, arms and base of skull. CT scan shows osteophyte complex at c5/6. Treatment? Sharp pain in armpit and down the side. History of having chest infection. Urine test shows leuocytes, blood sugar. Medications? Have bipolar disorder. Mood swings, anger issues. Concerned about safety Knots in upper thigh, sore, stomach fills fast while having food. What could be this? Swollen, tender gland in groin after treating swelling and itching in the area caused by shaving. Suggested treatment? Wound on leg, painful. Taken antibiotics for staph infection. Swelling, yellow liquid discharge. Healing? Taking heptovir for 9 months. Detected pregnant. Continue medication? Ct scan reports got. Is surgery required? Suggestions? Severe cramps and spasms in abdomen. History of IBS. Detected possible bladder infection. No help from antibiotics and suppositories. Suggest Bothered by bright lights and glare after cataract surgery with severe burn and tear in eyes. No help from eye drops. Suggest Whitish yellow scab on scraped knee. On cephalexin and mupirocin. Advice Sore, painful, red, hard, swollen cyst in scrotum with little oozing. History of having cysts before. Opinion? Sudden, severe headache on one side followed with weakness in that side, verigo. No help from neurologists. On aspirin, deplatt, vertin 16. Advice Internal hemorrhoids, watery stools, having flares. Does internal hemorrhoids cause watery stools? Born with hydrocephalus. Have migraines, cold chills, feeling faint, nauseous. What is wrong? Pain in back while laughing loudly. Ct scan suggests brain cyst in back side. Anything to worry? Suggest good diet? Red bump on upper left side of belly, swelling, tingling sensation. What could be this? Ingrown hair in public area, got infected. Foul smell with dead skin after squeezing, small hole left behind. Advice? Pain in hands, wrist pain, jaw pain. Taking painkillers. What could be this? History of Bulimia. Taking Depo Provera. Have weight gain, no appetite, back problems, depression Trying to conceive, following calendar method to match ovulation, sharp pains after ovulation day. Should i wait days after calender method shows? Biopsy suggested for anomaly on vaginal cuff. Any insight? 7 months baby, twisted body part, difficulty in walking, fell down from cot. CT scan done. Suggestions? Whelpy and rashy skin after threading. Using benadryl cream, having advil. Any immediate recovery medication? Knee pain, numb thighs, gummy feeling in lower back. Undergone knee replacement. Cure for symptoms? Suffering from whole body tingling, under stress. Having fibromyalgia. Taking anti depressants, BP and cholesterol medicines. Advice? Rash on neck, bumps on arms and upper lips, swollen. Taking pills. What could be this? Fluttering in upper right side of chest, dull pain in back. History of bowel obstructions. Ultrasound shows thick walls in gall bladder. Suggestions? Numbness in feet, jolting pain like electric shock. Had cellulitis in legs months back. Diabetic. Taking norco. Suggestions? Done DPT vaccination at 4 months. Is it safe to take BCG a week later? Cough, headache. Having chest infection. Taking antibiotics. Is headache and cough related to chest infection? Irritated vagina, burning sensation while urinating. Had hysterectomy, bacterial infection since that. Taken antibiotics. Advice? Throbbing pain, mild bleeding after glass fell on toe. Did i broke a bone? Have fatty liver, high SGPT level, high cholesterol. Prescribed Ursofalk and Pravaz. Can Pravaz be stopped for a while? Had replacement pacemaker put in. Pain in chest and arm. Safe to have root canal removed? Stabbing pain in left upper abdomen area, pinching pain in left chest area. Results show healthy heart. Suggestions? Excessive mucus in throat. Diagnosed with silent reflux, have mucus retention cyst. Taking dexilant. Recommendations? Problems with digestion. Had grilled steak, vegetables. Remedy? 3.5 year old kid, suffering from throat infection. Taking antibiotics. Blood tests done. Suggestions? Painful intercourse, loss of weight. Prescribed premarin. Is it safe for short term? Had unprotected intercourse. Girl had ovarian cancer. Contagious? Hematoma on left hip, tripled after falling down. Should i meet a doctor for checking infection or blood clots? Skin rash in sensitive area. Having fungus infection, taking medication. Cream to remove skin rash? Cold, fluid in nose, blocked nose. Using nasal spray. Remedy? Have diabetes, non alcoholic liver disease, hypothyroidism. Had bone density test. What should i eat? Taken antibiotics for infected implant. Nausea, weakness. Urine test shows high bilirubin. Infection? Pain and numbness in left hip. Broken back t4 20 years back. Riding bike daily. Treatment? Taking Lipitor for high cholesterol. Have back pain, hip pain, leg tingling. Taken Cortisone Freezing from inside of body, nausea, body pain, difficulty in walking. What could be this? Surgery for fractured leg. Have blood clots in leg and lungs. Have diabetes, high BP and cholesterol Taken overdose of Metformin and Glimepiride by mistake. Worried Scab with yellow spots on knee, scraped knee on dirty hiking trail. Knee infection? Weight gain, peeling finger and toenails, irritable, memory loss. Other tests? Suffering from mild rectal bleeding, losing weight. What could be the reason? Sore nipples. Off birth control. Negative pregnancy tests. Any ideas? Done hip recall operation. Damaged hip flexer, cannot bend leg. Taken inflammatory pills. How to speed recovery? Lymph nodes swollen. Given Benadryl. Advice? Pain in pelvic bone, breast pain, pain under arms, hot flashes, desire for sweets. Any clue? Blood in urine after having intercourse. Extra object in scrotum sac. What could be this? What are difference between fertyl 50 gm and fertyl 100 gm? Scan done. 4 weeks pregnant. What does findings suggest? R side flank and back pain, cough, osteoporosis, urine clear. Using hot packs and regular Panadol. Remedy? Blister on toe, swelling, painful. Taking antibiotics. How long before improvement? Have left quadrant discomfort, constipation, pain. ER visit required? Drug test positive for THC. Taking Prilosec, Ibuprofen, Naproxen. Medicine giving false positive result? Girl friend Pregnant, Chlamydia in urine. Itchy bumps on penis, burning while urinating. Chances of ISD or STD? Lump on leg above right knee. Normal ultrasounds and CT scan. Advice? Infection in tonsils, painful pop in solarplex area behind bone in middle of chest. Taking amoxicillin. Should i take chest x ray? Had unprotected sex. Using birth control pills. Pregnancy possible? Abdominal pain, shoulder pain. Taken Naproxen. Related symptoms? Taking Omeprazole for gastritis. Have stomach discomfort. Can antacid be taken? High blood pressure, shin pain, abnormal abdominal artery. Due to sciatica problem? Taking Topamax for trigeminal neuralgia. Have chronic cough, bronchitis. Due to medicine? Have sarcoidosis and heart palpitations. Prescribed Prednisone. Safe to take? Intermittent pain in head. Reason? Have menstrual migraines. Taking Propanolol. Have numbness in hand and lips. Worried Have asthma, red rashes, shortness of breath. Will allergy worsen? Child has frothy, green stool with sour odor. Stool test shows occult blood. Worried about no weight gain History of septoplasty. Have sharp bone in nose sticking out. Extra cartilage? Taking Propranolol for migraine. Taking Sumatriptipan for headache. Have low BP, tingling legs, dizziness. Suggestions? Bleeding after broken thumbnail. Prescribed antibiotics. Nail required to be removed? Testicle inflammation, itchiness. What should I use? Frequent tonsillitis, swelling, redness. Worried Armpit pain, tingling and numb fingers, chest pain, difficulty sleeping. Should I be worried? History of knee infection. Now taking IV antibiotics for knee replacement infection. Why is it happening? Taking Qunipril. Have dizziness after running. Due to medicine? Done angioplasty, implanted stents. Heaviness in chest, positive TMT. ECG and Echo normal. Anything wrong? Sound in ear, sweating, high body temperature, nausea. Cause? Itching in neck and face. Been to beach. Applying cosmetics, hair lotions. Suggestions? History of thyroid removal. Taken Actos for diabetes. Feeling tired, moody. Any ideas? Have dent on forehead, no known cause. Reason? Surgery to remove melanoma, biopsy for sentinel nodes, tube to drain liquid. Fluid have returned. IS drain tube necessary? Stabbing pain in abdomen while coughing, difficulty in breather. Started after delivery 8 years ago. Any ideas? Nodule in axilla, sensitive, not raised. No history of breast cancer. What do you think? Pus-filled boil on buttocks, white vaginal discharge, abdominal pain, back pain, pregnant. Advice? Looking at faint lights or different colored lights get a blind spot, shadow of vision for short periods, headaches. Taking Ibrufen. Suggestion? Lower back pain. MRI done. Suggestions? Rash on chest, back, shoulders during pregnancy. No itching. Taken Benadryl and Cortisone Right nasal mass maxillary involvement, nasal septum is deviated towards left. What is CT PNS and a surgery-free solution? Born with wet lung. In the Head-box. Is this normal? Bladder infection,Lower back right side pain, Blood on the tissue. Given Ciprolet tab. Worsens. Reason and Serious? Lumbar pain, Hemangioma, uncontrollable urine problem. X-ray, MRI ad PET-Scan done. History of Breast cancer. Advice? Fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, arthritis. Using Z-Pac and Azithromycin. Suggestion? Eyeballs feel sensation of cold and argue to blink. CT scan of head and eyes with no issues. Remedy? Difficulty in swallowing and breathing, lump and bleeding, Hernia. Suggestion? Fractured Hip and Bed rest. Advised to take Acetaminophen for pain relief. What type of Acetaminophen should be taken? Total right replacement. Using pain killers and Fentanyl patches. Scans for infection. Advice? RA positive and ESR high, intake of sugar is more, suffering from left knee and right elbow pain. Is knee surgery essential? Gums sore and bleeding, front tooth sore. Remedy? Fluid in nose while blowing, yellowish gel like substance, discomfort in throat and back. Anything serious? Child has elevated ALT and AST. High CPK level. Reason? Have chronic dacrayocystitis. Taken Azax, Levofloxacin, Tobramycin. Pus and fluid discharge. Further treatment? Horrible taste in mouth. Taking moxicillian, clarithrmycin, omeprazone. Side effects? Have muscle weakness, sorness in legs and arms. Taking coenzyme and atoravstatin. Suggestion? Have dominant follicle cyst in ovary. Stomach pain, diarrhea, constipation. What do I have? Taken hydrocodone by accident. Fever, body chills. Should sulfamethoxazole be continued? 34 year old, 4'9, trying to conceive. Husband 6'1. Any risk with this age pregnancy? Any health concerns for baby? Gastritis, cramping, BM contains mucous. Stopped taking PPI. Biopsy and endoscopy done. Diagnosis? Sores on penis. Partners tested negative for STD. Herpes? Cramps, late periods. Had protected sex. Did having sex result in late periods? Cyst on the cheek, blood oozing , bad odor. Suggested Animal feed antibiotic OTC. Is this right? Can medical marijuana treat pemphegus vulgari? Prescribed Duphaston, Susten after conceiving. Safe to take together with Folomega? Gaining weight, bloating in stomach, late periods, lump in arm pit. What could be this? Black pigmentation on ankle, difficulty urinating, leg pain, feet retaining fluid, stomach distended Inflamed plica fimbriata. Treatment? Healing period? Weight loss, feeling weak. Pacemaker placed. Taking medication for high cholesterol. Side effect of medicine? 3 year kid, holding bowel movements for days, in fear of passing motion. Suggestions? Bruising in knee, unbearable pain after removing bandage due to knee operation. Could my bakers cyst have burst? Itching and redness all around mouth and skin, hot flashes. Has hysterectomy 2 years back. Recommendations? Dizziness, low BP, vomiting. Suffering from intestinal TB. Recommended akt4 kit. Normal with intestinal TB? Feeling heat inside, sweating after post menopause. Taking medication, no improvement. Any ideas? Rashes on nose and neck. Have paraplegia. Associated with paralysis and neuralgia? Delay in periods, having hypothyroidism, throat infection, irritation in ovary. Taken norflox for urinary infection. Sugegstions? Headache, dizziness, feeling weak, shoulder pain. can i take donolex dt? Taken Primolut during pregnancy. Can it harm the fetus? Lower back pain, pain in hips. MRI done. What does this suggest? Can i take gloxi height enhancer for increasing height? Any side effects for this? Itching in labia, wiping too hard. Not sexually active. Advice? Enlarged prostate, poor urine flow, dribbling urine, difficulty urinating. Taking Afdura. Due for surgery? Pain from the groin to the knee and lower right leg. Stopped exercising. Broke hip years back. Suggestion? Severe chest tightness, high BP, tiredness. Changed BP medicines month back. Recommendations? Had unprotected sex. Do I need to take emergency contraceptive pill? History of ovarian cancer. Have kidney stone, elevated CA 125 level. Reason? R&D for hair, dry, rough, scaly and itchy scalp, male pattern baldness. Precaution while formulating hair oil? Trying to conceive. Irregular periods, tender breasts, variable pregnancy test results, spotting. Pregnant? Taking Exffexor for depression. Had stress and anxiety. Do I have bipolar disorder? Sensation of heart squeezed, hypertension, enlarged heart and arrhythmia. Problem? Hair loss after using hair color. Itching, pimples on scalp, white powdery residue Choking feeling after drinking water, occasional headache cured only with nimulid. Detected acidity. No help from prescribed Kyrab D. Suggest Upset stomach, sleepy, blood in stools. History of intake of colon cleaners. Advice Trying to conceive. Light periods. Done follicular studies. Right treatment? Hair fall. Advised to take Minoxidil Topical solution. Suggest about the precautions to be taken. Have diabetes, done blood test. Prescribed Glycomat, Tezlock. Correct medicine? Soreness and lumps near vagina, painful urination, difficulty walking. Due to having sex? Prescribed Dubagest during pregnancy. Suggested cerclage. Safe? Clitoris sensitive after shaving, white stuff under hood, weird smell, frequent urination. How to cure? Taking Metformin and Asmita for PCOS. Have nausea, diarrhea, stomach cramps, fainting, coughing. Advice? WBC and RBC levels are high, Blood flow during urination, no pain. Advise? Gastric problems after eating. Vomiting, weakness, tiredness. Permanent solution? Knots on neck, lump on back of head. Family history of cancer. Need for concern? Child has amoebiasis. Is there an effective medicine? Shadow of the bruise persists long after being hurt. Will his eventually go away? Breastfed child is vomiting, not gaining weight. Advice? Have back pain when trying to stand up. Paracetamol suggested. Can you help? Hyperthyroidism, insomnia, restless legs, anxiety, sever diarrhea, weight loss. Chances of recovery? Consult doctor? Trying to conceive. Biopsy showed mycoendobacterium TB. Taken HMG injection, done cautery. Done follicular study Scalp itchy, feel something crawling. What could it be? Any home remedy for removing lice? Child complaining eye stickiness due to which enlarging the eyes. Advice? Cough syncope episodes, mild blurred vision, warm flush on face and limbs, near loss of consciousness. Problem? Used azifast tablets to reduce acne spots. Will this reduce the Chicken pox rashes also? Spotting during periods. Using Apcod pill. Duration of medicine? Binocular double vision. Brain and MRI scans normal. Eye examinations normal. Family history of Glaucoma. Advice? Black callus on the side of toe, Diabetic, left foot painful, corns on top of toes. Remedy? Have stomach problem and migraine. Taking Hexapo, nexpro. Got loose motion. Side effect? Bump on buttocks, pain, bleeding, pus discharge, redness Prescribed Phentermine to lose weight. Also taking Simvastatin and Hydroxyzine. Safe? Spinal fusion done. Taking diotroxin, Aspavor, Ecotrin, Femigel and Cymbal. Weight gain suggestion? Unsecured sex, complained of sharp pain and back hurting. Given next choice tab. Problem? Pain on one side during pre and post periods. Taking pain killer injection, vomiting due to gastritis. Taking Homeopathy medicine. Suggestion? Infant recovering from rosella and red rash on the groin and inner thighs. Using antifungal cream. Problem? Vaginal boils almost everyday. Applied creams. Remedy? How to increase the weight of a Child? Have severe white heads on forehead and cheeks. Taking AZIFAST GEL, FACECLIN and ciplox-tz. Suggestion? Child with severe constipation. Medication taken is laxopeg. Help? Have a bladder stent placed. Pain in the knee. Taken panadeine. Suggestion? Have thyroid problem. Done with thyroid test. Taking electroxin. Can any online doctor help me? Hip damage due to accident. Should I go for surgery or medication? Tooth fractured, going for extraction. Advice? Pregnant. Bleeding . Ultrasound report says talipses right foot. Abortion? Child with fever. Prescribed ColdMan syrup, Azithrol, zircold and Meftal. Given Meftal and ColdMan at the same time. Side effects? Throat pain, vomiting, tired and restless, planning for pregnancy. Suggestion? Child with physiological jaundice and respiratory problem. Worried? Unprotected sex, itchy, burning vagina, white fluid discharge. Advice? Blisters on penis. Swab test negative. Taking antibiotic. Reverting back, Suggestion? Child with painless big lump on the right side of neck. Bug bites above the lump. Suggestion? Pregnant, High Bp. Impression of presence of diastolic notch in right uterine artery and increased PI and RI of both uterine arteries. Suggestion? Swelling in pubic area. Sexually active. Problem? Using Lutera tablet for safe sex. One day delay in taking tablet. Pregnancy? Ultrasound of thyroid showed complex solid cystic lesion with dystrophic calcification. Meaning? Have firbomyalgia, pherial neruropthay , sciatic, osterproses, stenosis. Positive for ANA test. Reason? Have nausea, lost weight. Medical tests found nothing. Drink lots of soft drinks. Related? Painful small lump under the skin between anus and testicles. Recommendation? Serious heart problems with swollen scortum. Was in ICU on catherater. Any suggestion? Missed period, sexually active. Can I take meprate to get my period? Reoccurring bump on arm pit with leaking yellow puss and blood. Should I be worried about that? Having chest pain, increases while lifting heavy stuff. Related to heart blockage? Fever, weakness, muscles ache, headache, no appetite, joints ache. Negative for lyme disease. Viral infection? Suffering from GERD. Tried Zintac, omeprezol, home remedies. Surgery required? On antibiotic for strep throat. Having diarrhoea, pain in nipples. Had a tubal ligation. Suggestion? Diabetic, developed welts on fore head. Taking metformin. Can tiredness be a side effect? Feeling week, body aches, head aches dizziness and elevated blood pressure. MRI normal. Prescribed with sumatriptan and venlafaxine No periods post pregnancy. Normal menstrual cramps, clear discharge. Ultra sound required? Severe pain in my hips, legs and hands with dislocation. Symptoms of Chiari Malformation? 49 years old with missed period. Pregnancy test came negative. Menopause? Black scab on ankle with swollen feet. Could it be gangrene? Suffering from severe cough. Report shows clear lungs, pleural thickening. What does rest of report mean? Have puss cell and protein in urine. Got one kidney removed. Diabetic. Recommendation? Strange feeling in ovary with menstrual problem. Family history of pancreatic cancer and skin cancer. Concerned? Vulva itching and raised areas. Prescribed Clindamycin with no result. Suggestion? Had glandular fever, experiencing neurological problems, diagnosed post infectious polyneropathy, getting tremors. Will loose motor function? Continuous stomach cramping, shivering, had few food allergies. Reason for above symptoms and its cure? Throbbing pain, swelling, bruise after hitting hard on shin. Pain during movement. Will it heal itself? Period lasted a day, had sex during fertile period, pink discharge after period stopped, cramping, back pain. Reason? Have sleep apnea, snore loud, advised machine to treat BP problem. Can it be corrected with surgery? Have migraine and seizure disorder. Taking Sumatriptan and Fiorcet. Permanent relief? Chest x-ray shows PTC. Apicolordotic exam shows fibrohazed densities. Meaning? Stomach cramps, diarrhea after eating out. What is the problem? Dizziness, heart palpitations. Taking Lisinopril for blood pressure and Prevastatin for cholesterol Have constipation. Upset stomach after taking laxative, bloating Pain under belly button after lifting heavy objects. Muscle tear without hernia? Taking Prednisone for poison ivy. Have itchy rash. What is going on? Shoulder and upper back pain. X-ray shows loss of cervical lordosis and paraspinal muscle spasm. How to get rid of it? Have mass above belly button, tender to touch, movable. History of hiatal hernia. Have sacidosis. New problem? Sore fingers, painful, lifting weight. How can i relieve the pain? Have increased bilirubin, microalbuminuria, traces of ketones. How to rectify them? Stomach pain under left rib and in middle of stomach under rib, oily stools, bad smell, blurred eyes. Any ideas? Inflamed gums, headaches, dizziness. Family history of HHT. What should be done? Infections on regular basis, loose vagina, not sexually active. Advice? Feel flat on back, suspect breaking tailbone, taking tramodol. Spotting with clots. Should I be worried? Uncomfortable feeling in hands and feet, getting worse. What could be this? Severe pain in right wrist, right foot, toe, heel. Working in computers. Normal x ray, MRI. Suggestions? Pea sized red lump on surface of scalp, growing. Located where hat rests. Should is see a dermatologist? Infection in throat, no relief with antibiotics, white mucus like substance, burning sensation at back of throat.Cure? Burning vagina after having sex, bumps. Negative HSV test. What do you think? Spider bite like bites, itching. No spiders found i sheets. What could be this? Lump above jawline near parotid gland. Was treated for triple negative BC stage 1 grade 3. Anything to worry? Have pain in left arm. MRI shows diffuse bulge. Reason for having paraesthesias? Constipation, stomach pain, vomiting. Should i meet a doctor? Diabetic, diagnosed with fibromyaligia, ear, sinus infection, severe bronchitis. On heavy antibiotics. Time taken to get cured? Feeling more sleepy. Done laminectomy. Same experience years ago after taking gall bladder. Anything to worry? Sore mouth, sore tongue. Had diarrhea 6 weeks ago. Taking lozenges, no improvement. Advice? Large clots while bleeding, bright red blood. Have implant, sexually active. Normal? Miscarriage? Have lower back pain.Blood work showed elevated creatine level. Medication? Sharp pain in left leg, burning sensation in fingers, blood vessel broke. Taken bayer primalut fro first time. Suggestions? Taking aspirin, tenormin, tritace, insulin for long time. Can i stop now as my health is fine? Infection in eyes. Taking amox clave, reappearing after finishing pill. Remedy? 8 weeks pregnant, spotting while wiping, floating pieces during urination. Had hematoma at 5 weeks. What could be this? Numbness on right side of the body. X-ray show edema in disk. Which doctor to consult? Shaking sensation in head, worse while lying down, tight neck muscles. History of migraines. Recommendations? Stenchy smell from vagina, brown discharge. Stopped taking birth control pills, was sexually active. Help? Blood tests done. What does findings mean? High levels of co2 in blood stream. No smoking. What could be the cause? Defib installed. Devise gone off on different emotions. Remedy? Lump in left scrotum sac, moving. Strained hard to lift weight. Anything to worry? Severe pain in knee. Diagnosed rheumatoid arthritis, suggested knee replacement. On medication for sleep at night. Advice Episodes of passing out, pain in arms, heavy chest, confused. Have diabetes, not controlled from diet and insulin. Help Swollen lymph nodes. No ear or throat infection. Extreme fatigue, sweating, itching after intake of prescribed steroids. Solution? On and off stabbing pain in leg and back muscles. History of knee replacement, numerous surgeries on left ankle. Help in back pain by pain shots. Advice Constant pinching pain under rib cage, nausea, no appetite. History of gallbladder removal. Diagnosed inflmmatory bowel. Suggest Taste in mouth turned salty from metallic. History of easy removal of wisdom teeth. Suggested MRI for head. What to expect? Painful stool discharge, mucus and occasional blood in stool, no appetite, feeling of fullness, fatigue. What is wrong? On and off tachycardia, on medication for asthma, heart disease. Prescribed phenazopyridine hydrochloride after test. Safe to take? On and off mucus in bowels, constipation, loose stools after using suppository. Tested negative for c-dif. Suggest Have CFS/ME. On low dose Nortrip for sleeping assistance, regular B12 injections. Can taking Duromine and Melatonin safe medication? Constant fatigue, sleepiness increased after eating, no energy, overweight. History of cancer. Recommend High level of bilirubin. What should be done to reduce this? Round, red rashes on legs, arms, buttocks lasting for long time. Using flucionide which avoids spreading. Reason for rashes? Delayed periods along with severe cramps, aching legs, mild headaches and pain in abdomen. Not on contraception. Possible pregnancy? Pregnant from IVF treatment. Discharge of three large blood clots after having sex. No bleeding or pain. Tender breast, nausea. Possible miscarriage? Huge under eye swelling, red patches appeared in inner corner of eyes, skin irritation. Due to allergy? Refill medicines for anxiety over, Doctor changed location. Tab Alprazolam. Suggestion? Severe lower back pain radiating to pelvic area. Detected cysts in ovary. No kidney stones. On pain medication. Help Pain in legs, constant dull ache in shoulder, abdomen, numbness in left side of neck and jaw, sharp pain in chest. Enzymes check for pancreas normal. Reason? Pain in lower abdomen moving towards left groin when bent. History of complete hysterectomy, DVT. No urge to pass stools, no constipation. Suggest Piercing pain under and back of rib cage, bloating and pain in stomach and lower back, fatigue. History of diverticulitis, breast cancer. Possible cancer? Can adding a couple of drops of betadine for water help in increasing iodine levels? Severe headache behind or above the ears, towards forehead. Have partial complex seizures, confusion, memory loss, mood swings. On topamax, elavil. Help Stopped tablets and passing urine frequently. Headache, cramps and constipation. Chances of Pregnancy? Extremely red and painful lips, no swelling. History of CVID, on subcutaneous infusion of Hizentra. Connections? Post surgery period for hand injury. Index finger removed and thumb reattached. Taking Gabapentin tab. Side effects. Stop the medicine? Painful breasts, brown nipples, cramping, light flow during periods. History of tubal ligation. Any idea? Child born with herb palsy. Recurred nausea, unable to eat and hold down liquids. Help Infant. Green, frequent stools with mucus and undigested food. History of starting with whole milk. Signs of milk allergy? Diarrhea with stomach cramps after eating, dizziness, poor appetite, sore stomach, painful bones in body. All tests clear. Advice Raw, burning, and itchy skin due to rubbing of inner thighs as weight gain result. Little help from cortizone and anti itch creams. Suggest Had meningioma removed from spinal chord, got infected, done surgery to remove infection. Same pain occurring now. Infection? Chest pain over 2 years, irregular beating, burping. Suggested as anxiety, tried medication. Advice? Back pain from left leg, abdominal pain, body selling. X-ray shows loss of normal lordosis and muscular spasm. Taking medicines. Complications? Enlarged thyroid with nodules, cyst in ovaries and back. Any blood disorder to cause cysts? Pain in right knee worsened while moving and climbing stairs. Allegic to ibuprofen. Would spray or cream help? Shaking right hand, problem in right eye, foggy and pain in head. History of sickness and weight loss. Concerning? Cramps in stomach, tightness in chest, angina pain. History of heart problem. On amiodarone, bisopralol, candesarten, lipitor, aspirin. Suggest Coughing with green phelgm. No help after finishing a course of penicillin. X-ray report clear. Any other tests? Teenager. Shortness of breath, feeling of something blocking air passage, worsened with smoking. Suggest Diarrhea, stomach ache, migraine, nausea, no appetite. Problem? Endoscopy shows damage in stomach on left side. Met accident while skiing, had fractures. Is operation required in stomach? Constant nausea, depression. Colonoscopy showed recurred hiatal hernia and IBS. On medication for anxiety disorder. No help from zofran. Advice Reduced time of erection during sexual act, size of penis getting small, head of penis turned black. Solution? Pins and needles in neck, spreading to shoulders, arm. X ray shows wear and tear, arthritis. Recommendations? Vision loss, dizziness, stomach pain, cramps, loss of sleep. Taking antibiotics, painkillers for tooth extraction. Remedy? Stomach pain around navel area for 7 years, 4 bowel movements daily. Ovarian cyst operated. Stool analysis shows pus, tissues. Cause of pain? Diagnosed with LBBB. Family history of heart problems. Anything to worry? Treated for sinus infection, burning and watery eyes and inner ears are painful. Symptoms recurring. Relief? Shortness of breath, dizziness, tingling all over the body. Remedy? Have gastroparesis. Having fibre diet. EGD shows food blockage. How to clean it? Eye test shows white spot on back of eye. Suggested not to use lens for a week. Recommendations? Diagnosed with tendinitis. Taking cocodomol, diclafenic, ibuleve ointment, still painful. Slipped down at workplace. Did this make pain worse? Swelling and pain in labia majora. No redness, discharge, smell or pain when urinating Taking homeopathy medicine for male pattern hair loss. Is mesotherapy useful? Child has fever, rash on feet, burst blister. Given Colpol How can I get rid of the habit of masturbation? Pain in ear and temple. Knot in neck muscle. What is happening? Clear semen discharge from penis. Reason? Dark lips. Tried different balms, no improvement. Suggested kojimed cream. Will this help? Abdominal cramp while bending. Taking insulin for diabetes. Cause? Pain under rib cage and in shoulder blade Water like liquid after masturbation, bad smell, waist getting broad because of bone, tiredness. Recommendations? Taking depo, have pregnancy symptoms. Am I pregnant? Have kidney problem, abnormal creatine level. USG KUB with doppler of venal arteries suggested. Meaning? Done endometriotic surgery. Taken Lupride injection. How to get pregnant? Have foreign body irritation of eye. Prescribed Eubri eye drops. Further inputs? Prescribed Terbinafine for fungal nail infection. Concerned about taking higher dose of birth control pills Painful sores on scalp, clear liquid drainage, lump behind ear. Help Frothy urine, weakness in legs and hands after urination. No indigestion. What is it? Eyes not symmetrical, eye lids not moving like normal persons eyelid. Having congenital ptosis. Suggestions? Have autoimmune hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, diabetes, fatty liver, enlarged spleen. Bruising, pigmentation on arms White substance on penis head after unprotected sex. Infected with HIV? Itching in inner thighs, odor, no painful urination. Help Have piles. Blood in stool. Used ice. Can honey be used as a cure? Weakness and pain in knee, swelling. Problem? Abdominal pain. Normal blood test, urine test, and ultrasound. What is going on? Have more weight but do not look overweight. How to lose weight? Child has enlarged occipital lymph node, redness behind ear. Want second opinion Sudden profuse sweating, high body temperature. History of heart attack and pituitary tumor. Thyroid problem? Light periods, usually heavy with bad cramps, hot flashes, moody. Had sex using pull out method. Causes ? Regular sperm leakage even after quitting masturbation, penile nerve weak, erections not strong. What to do ? Infant. Sucking hand after feeding followed by vomiting. Suggest semi solid food plan Dark brown, thick discharge with minute clots. History flu, intake of medications. On microgynon ocp, presently on 7 day break. Opinion? Hyperpigmented area left behind after plucking the hair between eyebrows. No help from momate F, Papulex, lomela plus creams. Suggest Brain MRI shows lacunar infarcts, ischemic changes in white matter, cerebral atrophy. Meaning? Want to lose weight from stomach. Need effective medicine Positive result in TB gold test. History of problem in joints, fever. Prescribed insuline. Explain Constant kidney cramping and pain, history of stones. Low RBC, G1,G3 are dysmorphic. Should be concerned ? Injury during hysterectomy. Have depression Lower back pain , pain in right leg and hips, stretching in right leg nerves. MRI showed protrusion in L5 disc. On painkillers. Permanent solution? Child. Rhinitis, cough, wheezing. Prescribed duonil and budecort nebulizer with other medicines, followed by budecort puff for a month. Safe to use with monticope syrup? Problems with pooing, very frequent, looks thin. How to stop this problem ? Scar on faces due to injuries from accident not fading away, pigmentation seen. Suggestions ? Pain in arms and fingers, better with movement. History of pain in fingers during IV for open colonectomy due to diverticulitis. Concerning? History of taking a shot of anti rabies vaccine, vaxirab N, Tt vaccine and ARS shot. Is Vaxirab N better than Rabipur vaccine? Safe to drink alcohol after vaccine? Pregnant. In need of termination of pregnancy. Advised MTP kit with tablets to be taken orally. Informed administration vaginally. Suggest Disc dessication with disc bulge, joint arthropathy, canal stenosis. Help Short periods followed by severe pain in lower abdomen. USG report showed endometriotic cyst. Prescribed ovrall OCP. Serious? On and off severe shooting pain in ear, tiredness. Little help from painkillers. History of attending pilates class. Advice Unable to breathe, swallow, pain in neck. History of cavity in tooth with nerve damage. Connected? Poor circulation, numbness, cold on tips of fingers, recovering from stroke. Whom to consult? Teenager. Feeling of not being hungry at all, sick feeling thinking about food, losing weight, mood swings. Help Fatty tissue on lower hip for years, now growing and painful fatigue, nausea. Suggestions? 71 years. Severe pain in chestbone, sore and tender sternum when pushed, high BP. History of mitral valve replacement. On medication and paradax. Advice Redness, itching, cuts in groin area, reoccurring. Applying zimig cream, keto b cream. Advice? Ear ache, stiff neck, jaw pain. Applying neomiacin drops, no improvement. Remedy? On and off pain in right side of chest, shoulder, shortness of breath. History of restarting exercising. Suggest Stuck face in water while swimming, developed cough, runny nose. Given Tylenol. Should I worry ? Surgery done for endometriosis. Pain in right side, unable to eat, dark urine Dizziness like dropping pebble in pond creating ripples, followed by weakness, sweat. History of diarrhea, family tragedy. Suggest Nausea, dizziness, spotting, mood swings, lower abdominal pain, irregular periods. What could be this? Skin rash, started on right lower arm, getting larger, spreading. Treatment? Braces sticking out, cut on tongue. What to do? Have Grave's disease. Taking Tapazole and Propanolol. Can overactivity cause hormonal surge? Rash on body, reappearing, sometimes itching, welts. What could be this? Severe bruising on left leg, front and back and spreading, wound on knee bleeding. On Blood thinners. Should be concerned ? Large penis for husband, painful intercourse. Tried multiple positions, still painful. Suggestions? Taking Apo-Cephalex for cut on thumb. Will the swelling reduce? Chosen the nocturnal hemodialysis treatment, using Ambien. Developed tolerance, can't fall asleep much. Suggestions ? Recurrent shingles, pain. Due to overexercise? Want to test for pregnancy with Preganews. When should test be done? Landed on steel fireplace on left cheek, swollen, bruised, indent in cheek. How to fix it? Lower tongue sore, veins appear dark blue, did salt water rinse. Sign of infection? Took cytolog tablet unknowingly about pregnancy. Will it affect fetus? Suffer from spondylolis, thecal sac compression. Bladder seems full, urinate on own after lying down at night. How to fix it ? Itchy blisters after injections, removing band aids from knee. Swabbed with alcohol, feels like poison ivy. Cause? Constant penile discharge, all tests clear. Groin swollen, milky sticky semen comes on ejaculating. Reason?
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