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I am having varicose veins on my left leg Sex during pregnancy. What may be the reason for getting depressed while pregnancy? How come cholesterol can be good ? Can I do skipping again ? Should I use mouth rinses daily as a routine along with brushing ? My 2 month old child is having rashes over his diaper area Problem of urinating on bed Vision improvement after laser surgery for Vitreous hemorrhage ,is this a long time to develop more complications ? I am suffering from psorasis arthritis I have a problem with penis erection, please suggest me Auditory hallucinations! Non-surgical Alternative to Circumcision ? Weight Gain tips I am having severe cold, chest pain, ear infection for about 3 weeks. Is it pneumonia? What could be the reason for last lower teeth coming up in the age 24 years Teeth loss in child, Does his teeth grows back ? What are the bad effects of masturbation? White patches on face Medications in Asthma, should I go for steroids ? I want to know about dialysis Post heart attack caring Drugs causing staining of teeth,please quit this habbit Is I-pill safe to take ? twitching of eye. What are the symptoms of hypothyroid state? Burning sensation of eye due to dry eye Back pain after delivery Wild mouse blood exposure What are the steroids for body building? Problem in erection Can people with RBBB lead a normal life? My dad suffered an mild heart attack and underwent angioplasty, please give your suggestion Will eating egg causes typhoid ? Reactive arthritis-knee pain in typhoid fever How to control severe hair fall? Please suggest me the Diet chat for hypertension patient Which religion to follow for my child ? Child hood asthama recurring in adolescents. please suggest me the remedy Which one is effective jogging on thread mill or jogging on ground? My father has black tongue, Why this change in color is happening ? I have had Carpal tunnel syndrome, please suggest me Use of banned Medicines How to know that,I am pregnant or mot ? Is it tennis elbow ? I have head-ache for the past one month I have a problem in my left shoulder, please suggest me the remedy What can be done for pimples ? Bad breath. What should be the diet in typhoid fever? Permanent cured from pericarditis, can I continue playing sports ? Can i become pregnant again having 1 year old son? Can Aspirin worsen wheezing and asthma ? How to control the watering of the eye in a kid? I am having tooth pain My 3 year old son is having asthma from one year Excessive crying of baby How to change the behavior of my child ? MT pills medicine for bleeding Unable to pull down the skin on penis. Why would a urine pregnancy test be negative if your 3 months pregnant? My breast had been irritating me, What might be wrong ? What are the side effects of sunscreen lotion & does it help us from UV rays ? How many days it take for conjunctivitis to reduce? Can a man determine if he is the father of a pregnant womans baby ? What is meditation means ? What is this headache due to. Is it quite serious ? What exactly are night terrors, what causes them, and how can I help him ? My grandmother is in Coma, will she become normal ? Is it possible to store this blood till my child becomes big ? what should i do to get cured from epileptic? What are the effects of AC gym and non AC gym? early morning vs evening gym. Difficulty in concentration. what can be done for this ? What to do incase you have pigmentation ? Tanning of skin. Any solution? Abdominal breathing Exercises for menopausal women Fertility period in women Habit of eating paper,chalk pieces. What are these injections? Is there any permanent cure for cervical cancer? I have extreme pain in my left ear, how to get rid of it ? enquiry about typhoid How to prevent greying of hairs? I have a freckle, please help what you mean by Gum bleeding while brushing teeth? Why my baby is not getting teeth ? Cleft lip, is it can be repaired ? Can I find what is the sex of my baby through scan? My ECG showing Right Atrial Abnormality Why my face becoming dark? Does jogging reduce weight more faster than cycling? What is Dental night guards ? Is it useful ? What are the treatments available for stroke ? Is there any simple medicine that can cure flat foot ? Do I have ovarian cancer or polysystic ovaries ? I am having squint eyes,please suggest me the treatment for this How to increase weight of children? My 6 months old daughter is vomiting ,Is ther anything i can give for her to stop the vomiting ? I want to know how radiation therapy in cancer performed and is there any side effects for it ? 2years kid having problem in walking, please let me conform whether he have cerbral palsy or not Flaky dry skin that is very painful My penis go down before ejaculation Oily skin How to build up muscle ? White patches on my tongue Having dark circles around eyes. Medicine or new treatment for huntigton chorea Run, Jog and do whatever exercise to get rid of the back pain LOW BLOOD CELLS. pregnancy and multinodular goiter causing hypethiroidism Why My 7 year old son got UTI infection ? Hepatitis C & RNA Test are confusing me How to control pain in Avascular necrosis of the bone I am getting frequent headache Can I continue Smoking during pregnancy ? I am pregnant, I am feeling disgusted, please suggest me Suggest the ways of loosing weight. Which tooth paste can i use for children ? Do you know what it is a Computer related Injury (CRI)? Side effect of pregency pills Problem of delayed menses bump on my inner thigh, what it could b ? Do I have an Sexually Transmitted diseases? I suffer from depression, please explain what is going on ? Trying to get pregnant after abortion I am confused to have sex ,Please give your suggestion Symptoms of Swine flu during pregnancy My mother is suffering with paralysis on right side of face, please advise Pain During Monthly Periods. I am feeling sudden pain and swelling in lower leg,please tell me the reason & its solution I have severe hearing loss due to Meniries disease i had protected sex with my girlfriend Suffering from premature ejaculation during sex. Is there anyways I can improve facial hairs ? I usually have left abdominal pain severely, why it is happening so ? Headache to serious brain injuries I have recently been having head and eye pain,I was told that it may be hypertension, please tell me what is it exactly ! Tiny white bumps in the back of mouth Allergic from dust. Which hospital is good for infertility problem and maternity in bangalore Need your Advice about Non allergic rhinitis What to do to gain weight? I have Nits, how can I take it out permanent ? pregnancy, or miscarriage, family drama!could I still be pregnant with that happening? please help! Suffering from Shoulder pain? When should I do pregnancy test ? how accurate is it ? My body temperature is not constant, what is this going on with me ? Is this a sign of Swine Flu ? Is there anyways I can improve my body growth ? What are the precautions should be taken after surgery of slip disc? White patches on skin. I stopped taking my birth control pills, what should I do ? Boils or pimples on Vaginal area with discharge I have constantly increasing power in my left eye. what should I do now ? White patches on skin Underage taking Asperin How to quit smoking? Is the sunblock I am using good ? A 8 years old child has 3 cm circular white spot on his chest, please suggest me how to cure this ? Fever and pink spots on leg Heart valves are not completely closed My dad is having sugar and BP, please suggest him My father is having some problems with his vision, please suggest him How to loose weight? Could this be some sort of brain damage ? Is the skin care Roc as Sun protection good for a 19 yrs old girl ? I am addictive to tea I have a tumour developed in the inner ear, kindly help me out I missed my period, what should I do ? I have some patches on my skin near the eye Could it be swine flu ? what is the precaution for thumb distal phalanx fracture? Soaking infected toe Salt and SALSA cures sore thoat & stops cold from developing I have pimple on the bottom of my tongue MISCARRIAGE - IS IT LIKELY ? Is there any side effects of cipla ipill? I worried about Missing period Is tight scrotum normal? Male health Suffering from anal fissure with sentinel pile Diet for Reflux Oesophagitis, please advice After taking a scan the baby stopped growing .Can anyone suggest me the reason for this ? Rules and other protocols for starting a dialysis unit Irregular menstrual bleeding & expiriencing severe pain What physical therpy exercise streches the good limb to bad limb experiences of others with Retro peritoneal Sarcoma I am suffering from juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, is it curable ? Hole in the heart.what should we do? please advise. Diet for liver disease Will I have a normal pregnancy in future ? What can i do for hair groth & becoming fat ? My total cholesterol is 253 at 27years of age is it OK ? Wanted clarification on Thyroid function test results. Guillain-Barre syndrome. I am suffering with l5 disk bulge problem and using I.L.Traction for pain Horizontal testicle. Possible Gynecomastia? please give me some tips for helping me get rid of them I am suffering from vertigo,imbalance on walking,and hypothyroidism I have had some really lower bad pains and middle back pains Bumps on penis, became red and its bleeding. What should i do now? I have poly cystic ovarian syndrome Pimples black spots on my forehead Cure for Icthyosis Vulgaris disease? Off the depo for 3 months and still no normal period just spotting Fatigue, bigger cravings for fast foods, frequent urination.What is going on? Am i pregnant? Having High Uric acid, High Cholesterol, High Blood Pressure Having grey hair on my beard Birth Control (the patch) and Emergency Contraception (Plan B) ? Is pain during sex caused by his penis size or dryness ? Medicine is making me feel really hot,even I dont have a fever Bartholin Gland Cyst with pain I am facing sinus problem,please give me your treatment suggestion My baby having little bit cold and getting cough sometime. doubt about swine flue in my baby My child is Hyperactive MY SON HAS LACHRYMAL GLAND INFANTS PROBLEM,PLEASE HELP HIM My liver enzymes were 65 is that considered high? What is the problem behind pus cells in Sperm ? pregnancy without intercourse. My father went in for a routine colonoscopy and ended up having emergency surgery Suffering from vaginal candida infection. Having circular dry patch on my upper thigh. I am suffering with measles , please help Is there a possibility that it could be herpes ? Drainage from my navel, do i have fibromyalgia ? What else can i do for esophagus ? Eye colour Changes often yellowidh and redish I seem to have twitches when im trying to get to sleep, how can i stop it? I have been talking in my sleep, how can I stop it ? I was constantly leaking amniotic fluid, what the risks are ? I was diagnosed with IBS, but my anxiety causes me too fear Am i infected by HIV or not ? Precaution on Hepatitis B I am having moderate placenta previa, need your help Having Pain in lower right Abdominal Is there any treatment for my Snoring problem ? Could it be Swine ? Now i am having little bit of cold. Please let me know what should i do ? I have been having these pregnancy-like issues since i started the loestrin birth control. Can I be pregnant ? I have had extremely painful abdomen pains, is it an ectopic pregnancy ? Deficiency of Antithrombin III What is the cure for allergic asthma? Suffering from anal fissure , will it be cured by ointment or surgery ? Is it more common for you to get pregnant after you gave birth ? Am I pregnant or something else ? Specialist doctor or clinic for Vitiligo? How to get rid of white stuff/dirt on penis head? I have Lumbar puncture with spinal leakage. Could it be an inflammation or a temporary nerve irritation or any idea ? I do not seem to be falling pregnant Please suggest me some medication for Post pregnancy weight loss What to do to gain weight? I want treatment suggestion about my ulna nerve pain why do I get genital rash ? How to loose fats from some particular area ? Brain tumor report How to get cured from Dysmenorrhea and become pregnant? I mostly have stuffed nose How to enlarge the size of the breast? What should be the LDL and HDL Cholesterol Ratio? Can you take your IUD out yourself ? What are the effects of masterbation?? Vibration of hand. What can I do to overcome this situation ? Testicles have a small pimple. Does cashew nut reduce cholesterol ? Does early periods affect pregnancy? What is the treatment for veins? Is it something related to eye problem or should I meet a GP ? What will happen if I eat temi-flu even if i dont have swine flu ? What are the reason for the frequent mouth ulcers? Fitness and Diet Query I am pregnant. Who is more likely to be the father? Getting pregnant after Mirena ? I have 2-3 scars around my right ankle, please suggest me the remedy for it I wanted the reason behind Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome and its solution. My 17 years old friend has Holes in her Heart,is that is this common for teens ? Prostate enlargement problem,is it curable With out surgery ? I have a problem with my sack. Male Sack. What are problems due to masturbation? What are the prevention and treatment of swine flu? Swine-Flu Precautions for Children. Orange colored period blood What do i do about this issue? Bad fever, do I seek medical help ? What are the tests and most importantly symptoms of tendonitis ? Bad odour comming from private part, should I be worried Red spots popping up on my body What are the symptoms which causes cervical cancer ? Symptoms of swine flu. How is that knowingly we take a fag and say once more inspite of no more ? Unable to Concentrate and Sleep. What is Epilepsy ? What is corporate Healthcare and why companies do it for their employees ? I have problem of neck and back pain,please suggest me to get rid of these! I feel wheezing and problem in breathing. Should I call it asthma ? Treatment about Milk Protein Allergy or Lactose intolerance for Babies Contraception and anti biotic I have a pain in my back that is centered on the right side Whatever I eat, become a vomiting Is there a chance of her pregnancy ? Does wart causes cancer or piles ? How can I know if I am pregnant? How to know if I am pregnant ? Which supplements will work to increase my weight ? Can cucumber cause gas problem to babies ? Foreskin does not go backward. Suffering from sleep apnea and iron deficiency anemia. I get pain around my top abs.I am using medicine Rabekind-DSR, it gives me relax from pain Suffering from yeast infection. How to recover from short sight? have been getting weak erection Black Circles under eyes. I am alergic to pollen and sulfer. Help for disc prolapse Sudden awakening extreme pain in my calf. what are the health insurance available in medical field for senior citizens Knee Pain, gives burning sensation I had h-pylori confirmed +ve . Can u suggest some names & contact of reputed doctors in delhi for colonoscopy ? How to regrow the hair? Suffering from sleeping problem and erectile dysfunction. I have some stretch marks and loose skin Burning inflamation sensation in right shoulder. Having white patches on tongue. Having dark Circles under eyes I have had a lump in my neck for about 2 years Alternative of Viagra Strange problem - looking for medical answer What is inhomogeneous opacity? How to know when my wife will get pregnant? Is there any Tablet/ Capsule available for Insulin? I seem to be having problems with my Dissolving stitches. Can circumcision and frenuloplasty be done together or separately or does circumcision include frenuloplasty? General query about surgery How CRM relates to healthcare ? What is the minimum requirement for the Folic Acid in pregnancy ? Facing hearing problem. Having bend penis Does DNS cause throat problems ? Fever in childrens What is Bells palsy? What is aphrodisiacs? Dental caries. What is the features of Morning sickness during pregnancy ? Protein rich diets help lose weight. Suffering from hair fall. Magneto Therapy. Yoga therapy helps migraine sufferers Drugs used in gout, infections, epilepsy, blood pressure, pain relief, etc may raise blood urea. A \'sweeter\' alternative to tobacco. I have Low Blood Pressure Bed wetting. What is IVF? Irregular periods in menstrual Want to loose Weight. What are the causes of baldness? GERD (Heartburn)- What contributes to a heartburn? Which foods are the most common causes of allergic reactions? Is it safe to have sex during pregnancy ? Causes of UTI What are the symptoms Influenza? Treatment of a human bite How effective is nostril surgery and what would be the cost? Blindness due to Cataract in India What are the steps should i follow to care my childs teeth? Cigarette is dangerous for Health Which is more painful physical or mental? What is hypoglycemia? We are loosing out of traditional medicine What are the potential uses of human stem cells? What are the health risks associated with obesity ? The most common cause of cataract What is Migraine ? Suufering from fever. Appendicitis relates to blockage of the inside of the appendix What are the home remedy for asthma? It is quite difficult to get the joint functioning again. Is it Paralysis ? spasticity - What should be the Ayurvedic Treatment of Hypertension? How ayurveda helps in child development? Are there really vitamins available for hair loss ? Vitamin for hair loss - will it work? what is Heart Burns? How to Stop Heartburn Poisoning : First aid Gastroenteritis: First aid Gastroenteritis Electrical burns : First aid What is sinusitis? Type-2 Diabetes and Pregnancy Considering that we like to abort child. Please suggest what we should do ? Do alcohol and drugs make sex better ? Top 10 common dreams and their meanings. Symptoms of chlamydia What is genital HPV infection ? What is PID? How To Increase Semen Volume Naturally? Increased Vaginal Sweating. Hourglass figure not always healthy. OPTIONS TO CHOOSE BREAST AUGMENTATION General information about Cataracts What are indication of Pregnancy? Vaccines during Pregnancy Immunization schedule for children. I need information regarding yellow fever Fertility Myths. Myths and reality of AIDS. What shall i do for Folliculitis ? Gas Problem and pain in stomach Bulge seen on wrist. Is it serious ? Premartial check-up How to regain my shape again after child birth? What are risks and benefits of using contact lens as compared to normal glasses? What are the symptoms of HIV? What is the best way to loose weight? How long it take to get relief from typhoid fever? What is the ideal diet while pregnancy? What could be the ideal diet and exercise for diabetic patient? What is the cure for asthma? What is the treatment for kidney failure? What causes kidney failure? What is computer eye syndrome? My appetite decreased. What to do? Soap allergy. Problem of stomach burning on the upper left under my chest Who can donate eyes? How to control blood pressure? How to prevent kidney stones ? Ulcer Problem. suffering from depression. Asthmatic and has allergy from Pollution and Dust What are the reasons of Appendicitis ? Health care system and Hospital Experiences How to know if a person have diabetes? Do I have to undergo blood tests to buy a health insurance ? What are the effects of Eczema? What is the cure for psoriasis? Having Skin problems. Is it necessary to take De-worming? My child has asthma.. Which is the best multivitamin to give a child? Which are the best food for 2 year old child? Need help as i always get angry very soon. I feel like I have gone mad at times and I am losing my temper,what should I do? Problem in sleeping at night. psychiatry problem What is the best vitamin to take for healthy hair? What is the treatment for thick and long hair ? What is the best medicine for hair fall? What are the symptoms of tonsillitis? What is tonsillitis? What is Cataract surgery? What`s the treatment available for cataract? what is the reason for cataract? Does Cats also cause rabies ? What are the vaccines for rabies? Can I get Rabies from Birds? What is Rabies? What are the signs and symptoms? Any permanent solution for diabetes? What are the most common symptoms of Blood Sugar ? Im type 2 diabetic 44 years of age what all fruits I can take which are low on sugar content ? Please suggest me! How to reduce my sugar? What to do with acne? What is the treatment for Eruptions on back and chest? How to get rid of scars on my face ? Need OCP Information Could you suggest me all the available contraception methods ? Is there any interrelationship between penis size and premature ejaculation? Related? Having huge pain in my ear Is Eating Chicken safe from bird flu now ? Is there any Vaccination for AIDS? Homeopathy v/s Allopathy. Ayurvedic Alternate to Liv-52? Kerala ayurvedic massage. What are the problem occured by working on computer? Can anyone guide me in buying a decent BP measuring machine ? HAving menstruation cycle probelm New Medicine for Diabetes. Having extra skin over penis Suffering from fever. My hairs are getting thin and its also getting white What is IVF ? Few things about infertility ? What is the cure for premature ejaculation? Condom Problem. Suffering from pain in teeth. What are advantages of using the oral contraceptive pills? How to manage health in diabetes? What are the side effects of OCP? How to gain weight without working-out? Using ocp contraception. Suggest some long term devices that could be use for contraception What should do With indigestion problem? What causes tonsillitis? What stroke means? Diagnosed with PCOD, could anyone tell me about it. Grey Hair Probem How to cure Acne Problem? What does Cataract mean? Having high BP problem. I have backache problem please help
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