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How to treat migraine despite taking Imitex? What does low pulse rate after an ablation indicate? What does nausea, dizziness and tingling in arms indicate? Suggest treatment for anxiety along with heart palpitations? Suggest ways to manage pain in tooth What causes respiratory failure in adults? Suggest treatment for low blood sugar levels Suggest treatment for involuntary tremors in hands and heaviness in limbs What causes throbbing pain in ankle after an injury? What causes heaviness in arms after removing the lymph nodes? Suggest ways to prevent infection after injury to toe What causes swelling and discomfort in penis caused due to masturbation? What causes vertigo along with sweating and nausea? What causes rashes on inner arm? Suggest treatment for seborrheic dermatitis and red flaky lines Suggest treatment for severe rectal burning and pain during defecation What causes heavy periods along with severe cramping? What causes popping and crackling sound from body joints? What does my ECG test report indicate? Suggest treatment for malignant mixed mullerian tumor What causes high prolactin level? What causes fetal demise? What causes allergy to sulfa medications? What causes pain on side of chest after an EKG? Suggest treatment for trigeminal neuralgia What causes severe pain in forehead? Suggest better treatment for seizures and epilepsy Are over-active bladder and hair loss side effects of Vesicare? What causes swollen vein in ribs under left breast after partial mastectomy? What causes pain and discomfort in lower legs and knee? Suggest treatment for cough and a feeling of something stuck in throat Suggest remedy for weight loose after taking Metformin What causes blood in urine? What are the symptoms of pregnancy? What causes endometrial hyperplasia? Suggest treatment for chronic fatigue syndrome I was abstinent for a year and 7 months and Suggest treatment for difficulty in swallowing with feeling of obstruction in chest What causes severe pain under her arms Suggest treatment for increased loss of hearing What causes purplish discoloration on penile head while on dialysis? Suggest treatment for bump on head after injury Suggest treatment for swelling in right arm What causes moving lumps around the groin and thigh? Suggest treatment for sore under foot What causes hair loss during menopause? Suggest treatment for right-sided sharp pain in back Suggest treatment for blood in stool Why does one injure themselves when they get angry? Suggest exercises for weight loss when trying to conceive Suggest ways to bring down blood sugar levels What causes severe pain in stomach with gastric problems? Suggest pain medication for pain in left arm due to electric shock What causes sudden pain in upper abdomen post intake of food? What causes extreme fatigue, low appetite, mood swings and lightheadedness? Can Tramadol and Ibuprofen be taken instead of Naproxen and Co codamol for spondyiolythesis? What do slightly low WBC, low neutrophils and high monocytes in a child suggest? Is a fleshy circular mole on leg a cause for concern? Suggest remedy for sharp pain in knee, tingling toes and pain while walking Suggest treatment for throat irritation caused by inhalation of wall paint Could sharp pain in lower right abdomen increasing with pressure be hernia? Does Ovabless help to treat fibroids in submucosal, intramural and subserosal locations? i have chronic kidney disease 3rd stage. when i saw What causes vomiting in a baby? I keep getting cancor sores on my tongue and at I'm having trouble moving my right arm. When I walk, I have been on Methadone for chronic pain for 5 How to withdraw Paxil? I have a drug test in two weeks i haven't Can smoking weed and cigarettes cause puffiness under the eyes? How to handle anxiety in alcoholics? Is it abnormal for an adult to have an active Suggest home remedies for red round spot on gums Is it safe to take Olmezest and Starpress along with Rozavel to treat BP? I had ORIF of patella 6 weeks ago. Hardware becoming Suggest treatment for green color vaginal discharge How harmful is alcohol consumption while suffering from clogged artery? Suggest treatment for Meniere s disease How to reduce pain in nipple? YHANK YOU! Arriving home from Fla to Il. I have Is it safe to take Dicloxacillin for dry mouth and burning sensation in tongue? What could cause swelling of knees? My nearly 7 year old daughter woke up yesterday morning I am 18 years old and my temporal bones (both) What causes itchy bumps on vagina and anus? I am a 60 yr. old female with reccuring bladder/vaginal Is watery stool a side effect of Metformin? hi! I am learning about how to evaluate radical expressions What causes rapid rise in the heart rate? What causes soreness in back and joints along with pain in upper jaw? What does elevated CK and CKMB level in blood mean? How to reduce back pain above waist? Does pain on right side of body radiating towards back indicate appendicitis? I went to the ER and they found I had What causes swollen and red bump on inner thigh? What causes blood under the toenail? What causes shortness of breath after an injury to left side of rib? I have a five yr old male Dane who I What causes numbness in tongue while smoking weed? What causes white patches on penis shaft and head? Could delayed period after having protected sex indicate pregnancy? What causes brown vaginal spotting while on IUD mirena? What causes delayed period and brown vaginal discharge? What causes recurring pain in heel bone? Is purple leg and ankle normal while swollen? What causes pelvic pain and cramping before having periods? Is it possible to get pregnant despite having I pill within 24 hours of intercourse? I had an xray done on my rught hio due What causes fluid discharge from nostril after drinking? Hi Doctor my Grand father age is 73 .he is Hi Dr. Andrew- I was wondering what type of doctor What causes weakness and dizziness post knee replacement surgery? What causes loose stools in a person with hernia? The few months after getting upper dentures my bottom lip What causes presence of protein and RBC in urine? I was sick for a week and stayed home from What does positive UPT along with brownish vaginal discharge indicate? What causes anal bleeding during bowel movement or urination? What leads to headache,fatigue and dizziness inspite of undergoing sinus surgery? Can a rise in BP levels cause bloodshot eyes? I was eating gummy bears earlier and I was talking, What causes severe pain in armpit when i move arms? What causes spitting up of blood in the mornings? What causes frequent urination, tender breasts and lightheadedness after quitting alcohol? Suggest medication for hard stools in a premature baby Can we relate fussiness in head to intake of antidepressants? Suggest remedy for nail fungal infection What causes delay in period, stomach cramps and sleeplessness? Hello Doctor, I write to you today because as of What causes night sweats, sore joints and stiff legs while on Paxil? Suggest remedy for chronic fatigue and dizziness with vomiting What causes poor memory and tiredness in an elderly person? How long a person with brain stroke live normal life without any medical attention? What causes circular red rash on upper arm? What causes white vaginal discharge inspite of being on antibiotics? I was cutting metal with a drill bit and blew What causes itching sensation and discomfort on inside of vagina? What could fibroids in the uterus with large mast in the ovary suggest? How to remove weed out of the body? I have been on the birth control pill for almost Is Macrodantin the right medicine for bladder infection? Suggest remedy for erectile dysfunction Suggest treatment for dark pigmented dry skin What causes twitching in eyelids? What causes constant diarrhea, dizziness, fatigue and weight gain post gallbladder surgery? What causes tender spot on neck and shooting pain in temple area? What causes open red sores on arms after pulling out blackberry thorns? What causes terrible pain in ankle after wearing tight shoes? MY DAUGHTER IN LAW HAD 850ML OF FLUID TAKEN OFF What causes involuntary movements in abdomen when i relax? What causes pus filled pimple in the genitals? What causes painful bumps on penis and buttocks? What causes pain in jaw and neck radiating to chest and left arm? What causes itchy, swollen and stiff finger? What causes swelling in ankle behind ankle bone to achilles tendon? What causes pain on left side of chest along with cold sweats? Suggest treatment for chronic neuropathy pain Are sore nipples with yellow discharge a sign of menopause? What causes blisters on face spreading to other areas? What causes abscess on face,ears and genitals? What causes burning sensation on right side of face? What causes red itchy rashes all over body? What causes stomach bloating and constipation? How to reduce fat in ankles and legs? What causes weakness, nausea and muscle pain in an elderly heart patient? What causes feeling of having lump at the center of the back? My husband had brain cancer,lung cancer stage 4 ,lymphoma low How can i wean off Oxycontin and Percocet slowly without any side effects? Suggest medication for migraine headache in a 15 year old What causes increased floater and flash of white light in eye? Suggest treatment for blood clot in lungs How to improve egg quality to get pregnant? What do these TSH reading during pregnancy indicate? What causes brown itchy spots on lower buttocks? My doctor has prescribed Ovestin Cream for use before a What causes buzzing sounds in ear? What does this ECG test finding indicate? What causes worsening of eye sight despite wearing glasses? What causes feeling of something stuck inside throat at night? Suggest treatment for terrible pain in testicles What causes burning sensation with pain in right shoulder? What causes pain in knee when i stand up? Hello, I recently started a cycle of Anavar. I was What could a CT scan report with hernia and attenuation around the umbilicus indicate? What does this EKG test finding indicate? On March 11th I passed out at our church around What does light vaginal bleeding after taking Misoprostol during early pregnancy indicate? Suggest appropriate thyronorm dosage Hello. I have been worrying about a situation I am Suggest treatment for fatty liver What causes pain in lower abdomen post masturbation? Suggest treatment for headache and blurred vision Is small lump on neck post injury a cause for concern? Suggest treatment for a itchy bump on the hand What causes burning sensation on tongue and bottom lip? I What causes severe lower back pain during 39 weeks of pregnancy? What causes excessive sweating and coughing while sleeping? What could jerky sensations indicate? Can intake of antibiotics cause inflammation of the penis head? Is it safe to have Furosemide along with Loratadine? What causes high BP, intermittent heart palpitations and headache? I think my three year old toddler, swallowed some ibuprofen. i am taking braingis,s-methiwave200 half tablet,zedison-DSR in morning and clozet What causes delayed period and black vaginal discharge after having protected sex? Can Misoprostol cause mouth pain? Suggest treatment for headache and dizziness after eating cornflakes Suggest remedy for irregular menstruation Suggest treatment to get rid of oily hair Is it safe to undergo total hysterectomy for endometriosis despite having hypothyroidism? What causes nausea and belching sensation despite having acid reflux? How to treat blurred vision after being accidentally poked in eye? Suggest treatment for depression and sleep disorder What causes delay in periods inspite of having safe sex? Will Corticosteroid cream affect menstruation? Does dry eye condition lead to eye floaters? Suggest treatment for back pain and piles problem Suggest treatment for abdominal pain , fever , cough and sore throat What causes itchiness in body while taking Omnacortil for Nephrotic syndrome? Suggest treatment for severe headache and gastritis Suggest treatment for cluster headache Suggest remedy for swollen salivary gland below the tongue Does elevated liver enzyme in blood cause dull headache? What causes dizziness and headaches while on Synthroid? What causes involuntary muscle spasms in legs, chills and heart palpitations? Hi.. I m 28 years..having PCOS n High Prolactine its Suggest treatment for prolonged menstrual cycle Suggest treatment for a rash on the chest Would hair drug test show positive when taken two months after intake?  What are the chances of pregnancy after using Implanon implant? Suggest treatment for sinus infection and blurred vision Suggest treatment for autonomic dysreflexia What are the side effects of Zoloft 25 mg? Suggest treatment for loose motion and vomiting in a child Suggest treatment for severe stomach uneasiness and sinus headache Suggest treatment for pain in upper right chest area and left arm Can a pregnancy test be negative but I still miss my period? Is Levothyroxine Sodium same as Levothyroxine? Suggest treatment for abdominal abscesses and abdominal pain What causes severe pain under the rib cage? Suggest treatment to get rid of oily skin What causes sudden pressure on neck and black dots in vision? Suggest treatment for a dark brown scar on the nose Suggest treatment for small brown spots on the legs Suggest treatment for tonsillitis What causes severe cough after endoscopy? Suggest treatment for dust allergy and runny nose Suggest treatment for ovarian cyst What are the side effects of emergency contraceptive pills? Suggest treatment for sore throat , chest congestion and sinus infection  Suggest treatment for urinary incontinence What is the treatment for urinary tract infection? Suggest alternative medicine for Subutex in pain management Suggest treatment for severe abdominal pain Suggest treatment for a small bump on the lip Suggest treatment for dog bite Suggest treatment for severe pain under the rib cage Suggest treatment for dizziness , heart palpitations and vertigo Suggest treatment for breathlessness and chest pain Suggest treatment for severe back pain and sleeplessness Suggest treatment for chronic pancreatitis Suggest treatment for severe chronic fever What causes double vision and nausea after using Depakote 500 mg? Suggest treatment for severe leg and thigh pain Suggest treatment for anal fissures Suggest treatment for brownish moles on the skin Suggest treatment for severe chest pain Suggest treatment for a white bump on the upper waterline Is it possible to get pregnant despite having Postinor 2 post unprotected sex? Suggest treatment for belly button infection What causes pressure in head,nausea and chest tightness? What causes nausea , fatigue and stomach pain after gall bladder removal surgery? I'm looking at the following protocol but not sure if Is it safe to give Pedicloryl drops for cough and fever in an infant? What causes pain in right upper arm,shoulder and back of head? What causes frequent urination and tingling sensation after alcohol consumption? What causes persistent pain in left side of back? What causes a small white bump on gum? What causes pain at back of head? Suggest medication for chronic pain in a person with history of lower back surgery Does dropped BP post taking Morphine suggest being allergic to it? What could fever, congestion and mild nausea while on birth control indicate? Is blotchy, purplish skin with itchy bumps on body post being in the sun normal? Suggest remedy for severe reflux, stomach pain and burning rectum post polyp removal What causes stinging sensation on right side of thoracic area? What is the size of normal vaginal tear? Suggest remedy for swollen and bruised tricep, forearm and elbow post a fall What are the complications after surgical removal of enlarged thyroid? Should cortisone cream be applied on burning clitoris while having UTI? Suggest treatment for chronic prolonged intestinal and stomach issues What causes a person to pass stools in sleep? Suggest remedy for elevated BP, shortness of breath and severe pain in shoulders What causes extreme fatigue while having low vitamin D levels and positive ANA? Could large, swollen bruise on cheek with hard lump post injury be fracture? Suggest alternate medication to Dianette for acne on face What does short episode of dizziness and blurred vision suggest? Is weaning off Clozaril after using for 25 yrs due to high blood count a good idea? Suggest remedy for on and off sharp pain in foot What causes spotting after periods while on Triphasil? What does constant throbbing pain in ear suggest? Is it safe to give Flucloxacillin to treat swelling of left clavicle? What causes clumpy discharge of diarrhea in infants? What leads to vomiting,dizziness and black tongue? What causes high kidney function levels and foul odour during urination? What causes sudden dizziness and nausea with history of having low BP? What causes small hard white bump in the inner corner of eye? What leads to vomiting and rise in body temperature after eating? What causes elevated BP with recurring dizziness? Suggest remedy for chip bone fracture in leg Suggest remedy for chronic headache and abdominal pain with fever What causes elevated albumin and urea creatinine levels in urine? What causes right sided body pain with numbness and tingling sensation? What causes elevated levels of Protein and Calcium in blood? What causes groin pain and abdominal swelling with history of ovarian cyst? How to treat white and black heads on the chin? What causes dizziness after eating out? What does this result of x-ray for hip pain indicate? What causes tingling in testicle and pain in pelvic area? I was prescribed the medication Phenergan Suppository today by my Can idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy be cured completely? I am on Dr. Shoemaker's protocol for mold poisoning. It Suggest remedy for injured back muscle running from hip to right side Could delayed periods with cramps and pain in stomach indicate pregnancy? What could recurring dull pain on right side of head near the ear indicate? Is it normal to have less flow during periods while on Duphaston? Can intake of Utovlan Norethisterone tablets postpone the periods? Are there any medications to decrease the sex drive? What causes numbness in right leg, ankle and foot? Suggest the type of specialist to consult for parasitic worm infestation What do large, red, itchy bumps on body, sneezing and stabbing pain in stomach suggest? Suggest remedy for painful throat, dry blood in nose with hot and cold flashes What could dizziness while stretching the arms post having stroke during chemo indicate? What causes sweet smelling sweat with sore throat? Can using diabetes medication along with Depakote increase the tremor in body? Does intake of Spasmo proxyvon during periods cause sudden body jolts? Is a small bump on forehead of an infant post banging the head a cause for concern? What causes sore and tender spot on head when pressure is applied? Can Centrism silver help in reducing constipation? Is bleeding between periods while having blocked tubes a cause for concern? What does hetrogeneously dense and nodular breasts obscuring small masses mean? What causes strange behaviour of flopping and head banging in a child? Are there any ways to reduce withdrawal symptoms of Cymbalta? What does this CT scan for abdomen indicate? How to postpone the periods? What causes menstrual cramping along with painful and swollen breast? How to treat burning sensation during urination along with vaginal dryness? What causes red dry scaly patches on foot spreading to toes? What causes watery eyes after balloon compression for trigeminal neuralgia? What causes soreness in both the nostrils? How to treat heat rashes and bumps on arms? Could severe pain in ribs post coughing spells be fractured rib? Suggest treatment for discolored skin due to tinea versicolor What causes orange and brown spots on knuckle with numb finger? Suggest treatment for itchy anus with red bumps around it Suggest treatment for hard and tender hematoma on rib cage Suggest natural remedies for diverticulitis, fibroids and high BP Is removing the ovaries right treatment for fibroids and cysts with bulky uterus? Can pollution cause chronic prolonged cough and fever? Is severe pain in neck post stretching the neck followed by crack sound a cause for concern? Is the diagnosis of fibromyalgia while having pain and tenderness in joints correct? How long post weil osteotomy can one resume normal routine? What causes shaking and pain in leg muscles while running? Can intake of Postinor 2 cause delayed periods? Does intake of Lipozene cause elevated absolute eosinophils count? What does occult blood showing trace and flagged as abnormal in urinalysis mean? Is a small, hard blockage in scrotum post treatment for epididmytis a cause for concern? Does intake of Celexa affect the result of pregnancy test? Suggest treatment for recurring stones in kidney Can intake of multiple Searle pills cause termination of pregnancy? What could feeling of blocked throat with hairy spots on tongue indicate? IDC Her fish 3, ER 90% PR 20% , surgery Suggest medication for prolonged ADD and ADHD What does parenchymal ecotexture of liver is minimally course mean? My mother has CHF. Often has edema in leges and What causes missed pleasure while having intercourse? What does a painful lump under the skin post tumescent lipo on stomach suggest? How long after taking the first dose of Misoprostol should the second dose be taken? Could swollen lymph nodes behind ears followed by red spots on body indicate HIV? Suggest treatment for bleeding scabs on head post a cut on head Does intake of Lisinopril for hypertension have any side effects? Is there any treatment to cure a heart which works only 10%? Suggest treatment for chronic, prolonged cough Suggest treatment for osteoarthritis What causes chills, nausea, fatigue and hot flashes post menopause? Suggest alternate medications for Arimidex and Fremara My adult daughter had brain surgery in fall, which removed Is Metformin right medication to lower blood sugar levels? Suggest treatment for lupus Suggest treatment for severe headache post treatment for massive brain hemorrhage What do pus cells 5-8 and red cells 3-5 shown in urine test mean? Is bleeding between periods a cause for concern? What causes warm sensation around the abdomen and back before periods? How long after decreased HCG levels will it start bleeding? Could dull pain in chest with palpitation and vertigo indicate hypocalcaemia? What could recurring lump between testicles and buttocks indicate? Suggest treatment for itchy, smelly pimple like marks on testicles What does mild form of epidural lipomatosis mean? Suggest treatment for chronic pain in neck, shoulder and wrist Suggest remedy for recurring lightheadedness What causes pregnancy symptoms with clear discharge post Mirena removal? What could painful, hard lump below the left knee indicate? Is there any side effect from taking Primolut N at the wrong hour? What causes sudden hot flashes, dizziness and sweating while having sex? What do very low appetite, throwing up yellow bile and weight loss suggest? What do ear ache and pain while swallowing suggest? Will adding Clomid post tubal reversal increase the chances of conceiving? Suggest alternate medication to Penderm plus for dull complexion and facial hair What causes periodic pain in chest? What causes bruising on inner feet and ankle? Could prolonged vaginal bleeding with abdominal cramps be due to miscarriage? What causes severe abdominal pain in a toddler? What causes auditory hallucinations, social anxiety and mood swings? What causes sharp pain in chest radiating to underarm? What causes red and blotchy chest while in one particular room? What causes severe pain in sacro-iliac joint? What causes sudden rise in body temperature? What causes fat emulsion within the intraspinal space? What causes terrible mood swings and behavioral changes in children? Could blood in urine be the symptom of Mono? What causes severe pain in ribs along with high body temperature? Suggest treatment for back pain caused due to scoliosis and degenerative disc What causes dizzy spells along with nausea? What causes sinus tachycardia along with elevated blood pressure? What causes small lumps behind the ear? Why is Lopressor prescribed for a person with aortic stenosis and COPD? Can shrinkage in spine be corrected? Could Levothyroxine and Trazadone be the cause for weight gain? What causes swelling in little finger along with bruising? What causes high blood sugar levels in a child along with headaches? What causes the CAT scan to determine the bowels as constipation? What causes abdominal cramps along with frequent urination post menstruation? Is surgery advisable for pituitary adenoma? What causes irregular periods post removal of Mirena coil? What causes liquid drainage at the surgical scar post hysterectomy? Is it safe to lift an infant high up into the air repeatedly? What causes heavy headedness along with dizzy spells? Is Marinol advisable for irritable bowel syndrome? What causes anaemia along with low WBC and platelet count? What causes rise in blood sugar levels post liver biopsy? What causes pain in arms when lifted over head? What causes swelling on the side of neck? Is it advisable to slightly increase the dosage of Klanazepan? Suggest treatment for stiff arms along with inability to crawl in an infant What are the causes for gross haematuria? What does this MRI report specify? Could abscess on lower abdomen be due to bursting of appendicitis? What causes vaginal bleeding post menstruation? What causes oozing of pus from the wound on leg? Suggest treatment for status epilepticus What causes numbness and tingling sensation in arm? What causes frequent sinus infections along with dizziness and headaches? What causes swelling and bleeding from brown mole on face? Do Misoprostol and Oxytocin reduce the endometrial thickness? What causes severe pain and gastritis despite taking antacid? Could persistent fever in an infant be due to viral infection? What causes pressure in head and chest along with dizziness? Why is Clonazepam not detected in urine test? What causes swelling and tenderness in toe? Are there any tests to diagnose for domestic violence? What causes pain in joints along with PVCs and light headedness? What causes red itchy rashes on underside of arm? What causes dizzy spells along with bad breath and sensitivity to taste? What causes discomfort on left side of ribcage? What causes eye floaters along with headaches and imbalance of body? Does enlarged prostrate shrink by itself without any treatment? What causes pain on back and abdomen post recovery from shingles? Suggest treatment for anxiety Does Amoxicillin help in treatment of boils on buttocks? What causes severe depression along with suicidal tendency? What causes pain and stiffness in knee? What causes delay in periods and abdominal cramps? What causes brown spot on heel? What causes fever,vomiting and diarrhea inspite of giving Ibuprofen? What causes fluctuating BP levels,fever and cough? What does this test result of ultrasound during pregnancy indicate? What causes burning sensation in forehead despite having prolactinoma? What causes abdominal pain,severe bloating and diarrhea? What causes feel of pulse in left ear despite taking Dyazide for BP? What causes soreness and discomfort in throat post endoscopy? How to treat sore throat leading to swelling? What causes bleeding from anus despite having IBS? What causes swollen knot and white deposits on foreskin? What causes clogging of ear despite clearing ear wax? What causes bruised and painful arm? How does smoking marijuana affect colonoscopy? What causes abdomen pain and slight bleeding after taking Mifepristone during pregnancy? What causes itchiness and bumps in the opening of vaginal walls? Suggest treatment for mental illness Is it safe to take Prednisone to treat tendonitis in hand? Could abdominal cramps during pregnancy be due to dilatation? Could delayed periods be due to Oxytetracycline? What causes irregular periods along with severe abdominal cramps? What are the precautions to be taken after bitten by a dog? What causes constant sinus drainage along with productive cough? How to treat history of undergoing emotional abuse? When should the HCG levels be tested post transfer of embryo? Is it safe to continue with Coreg for this EF result? Will there be constant growth in liver? What causes skin sensitivity and cold sensation in hips and abdomen? What causes irritable bowel syndrome along with diverticulitis? What causes burning sensation on top of head along with frequent headaches? What causes soreness and swelling in vagina post intercourse? What causes dryness along with itching in anus? What causes veiny look on body,runny nose and fever in infants? What causes abdominal pain and frequent urge to urinate? What causes fast daydreams along with headaches? What causes pain in legs along with pain above the ankles? What causes pain in abdomen on intake of food? What causes swelling along the jaw line extending down to neck area? What causes severe pain in tail bone? What causes severe pain and red blisters on right hip? Suggest treatment for sore throat Is it safe to take Methotrexate for rheumatoid and osteoarthritis? How to treat ear infection and discomfort in movement of head,arms and legs? What causes severe pain and cracking sensation in neck? What does this scan result for conception indicate? What causes muscle weakness,urine and stool incontinence? What causes weight gain along with change in hair post intake of Biotin? What causes itching on face on withdrawal from Betnovate cream? Suggest treatment for tricompartmental chondromalacia What causes fatigue along with shortness of breath and distended abdomen? What causes nausea and shivering along with headaches? How to determine the exact day of conception? What causes numbness in fingers? What causes severe pain below the knee cap? What causes sudden gain in weight along with abdominal bloating? Why is Hydrocodone without Tylenol prescribed? What causes ulcers on leg and ankle of a diabetic? What causes severe pain in neck and collar bone? What causes enlarged tonsils in a child? Could delayed periods be due to Duphaston? Suggest treatment for shingles around the legs What causes severe cramps in legs and hands along with migraine headaches? Could dizzy spells and headaches be due to low blood pressure? What causes itchy flesh coloured bumps in vagina along with dizziness? Could vomiting and dizzy spells be due to food poisoning? What is the cause and treatment for phimosis? What causes nausea along with excessive sweating and diarrhea? Could red blotches on face be due to fungal infection? What causes running nose along with itching in eyes? How to treat itching at clitoris? What causes ringing sound in ears? What causes dizziness and lightheadedness with the history of PRK laser eye surgery? What causes pain in buttocks radiating down the leg to knee? What causes light period and abdominal cramping while on birth control shot? Suggest treatment for endometriosis What causes itchy rashes on back radiating to the hip? What causes chest pain? What causes sore throat along with stuffy nose? What causes excessive vaginal discharge? What is the cause and treatment for clogged ear? How to lower libido? Do Advil or Nyquil intake cause false positive on drug test? What causes irregular heart beats along with shortness of breath? What are the side effects of Ayprogestrin? What causes itchy rash on abdomen after walking on treadmill? Is abrupt stopping of Olimelt intake safe? What causes stomach pain along with excessive bloating? What causes difficulty taking deep breaths? What causes rashes on hip radiating to knee post hip replacement surgery? How long does it take to recover after a whipple procedure? What causes cold hands and legs in an infant after fever? What causes severe pain in ribcage radiating to pelvic region of a child? What causes small lump on the shaft of penis? Is using Dermaroller with Mintop forte effective for hair loss treatment? What causes bloody pus discharge from a wound on finger? What causes nausea and vomiting during IVF treatment? What causes pain in elbow and arm? What causes a mass in knee after total knee replacement? Suggest treatment for tenderness in hip after an injury What causes raised rashes all over the body of a child? What causes itchy rashes on back? What causes painful urination and intercourse? What causes irritation and pain in eye? Can anti inflammatory medicines be taken while on blood pressure medication? Suggest treatment for allergic skin reaction What causes liquid drainage from ears along with pain in inner ear? What causes severe leg ache? What does a lump on temple indicate? What causes swelling in ankle along with bruising on toes? What causes pain and tenderness in finger joints? What causes acid reflux along with pain in joints and lower back? Suggest treatment for painful bowel movements in a toddler What causes pain in ribs after breast surgery to remove fibroadenoma? What causes heart palpitations when suffering from Hashimoto s thyroiditis? What do blisters on tongue indicate? What causes vaginal bleeding after sexual intercourse? Suggest treatment for constipation What causes severe leg pain? What causes pain behind knees after a leg injury? Suggest treatment for post acne scars on face What causes abesence of periods? Is prolonged intake of Sizodon safe? What causes constant phlegm stuck in throat? What causes indentation at the back of ankle? What causes chest pain between ribs and above stomach? How to treat wasp sting at home? What causes abdominal and lower back pain? Is cholecystectomy advisable for gall stones? My husband has liver drains for infectious fluids ,all stems What causes bluish lumps on arms? What causes persistent lump in mouth? What causes rumbling sound in eardrum while swallowing? What causes sudden elevation in blood pressure? What causes swelling in lymph nodes of neck and abdomen of child? What causes accumulation of fluid along with pain in open cut? What does a small lump on lower abdomen indicate? What causes persistent hard lump on head? What causes delayed periods despite taking I pill post unprotected sex? What do itchy red bumps on forearms indicate? What causes palpitations of heart along with burning sensation in chest? What causes abdominal pain above the navel? What causes shortness of breath along with pain in arm and shoulder? Is prolonged application of Skin Lite cream safe? What causes pain in upper arm? Suggest non surgical treatment for pain in hip What causes lower abdominal pain while going through menopause? What causes change in nail texture when recovering from prostate cancer? What causes pain in ribs post experiencing upper body trauma? Suggest treatment for bacterial vaginitis causing watery yellow vaginal discharge Does Oxycodone contain Acetaminophen? What causes choking along with acid reflux? What causes rapid heart rate along with fatigue and reduced oxygen levels? i believe that i have been misdiagnosed, given the wrong What causes elevated blood pressure and heart rate? What causes swollen lymph nodes in arm along with fatigue and joint pains? What causes short period and brown vaginal discharge after taking Plan B? Is it safe to use fungal creams for swelling in eyes? Suggest treatment for swelling on face caused by an injury What causes hypoasthetic patch on sole of feet after smoking weed? What causes prominent growth on the tip of nose? What causes light periods with brown vaginal discharge after taking Plan-B? What causes tenderness and pain in ankles? What does a recurrent painful rash on arm indicate? What causes headache along with numbness and tingling in lips? Are Amoxilin and Pantoprazole effective in treatment of H pylori? Is it normal to have accumulated fluid in abdomen post ventral hernia surgery? What does this ultrasound report specify? What causes severe pain and burning sensation in ring finger? What causes frequent urination along with blood in urine? What causes severe pain in groin radiating to the knee? What causes nausea, diarrhea and fever post vaginal septum removal? My doctor told me today that I needed Rios? to Suggest treatment for chronic coated tongue Suggest remedy for chronic acid reflux and regurgitation Suggest remedy for chronic dry cough What causes tiredness along with low appetite and extreme abdominal pain? What causes chronic right sided abdominal pain? What causes recurring radiating pain from breast to arm? What causes chronic fatigue, dry skin and brittle hair? What causes pain and tingling on one side of body after getting electrocuted? What causes stomach cramps after unprotected intercourse? What do bumps in vagina indicate? What causes irregular menstruation with severe abdominal cramps? How long does Zithromax take to show its effect? Is alcohol consumption safe when bilirubin levels are high? What causes small bump on the finger with burning sensation in entire finger? What causes tingling and numbness in leg? What causes rashes and cracks between knee and ankle post physiotherapy? What causes sore throat along with lump at the back of throat? Do long term usage of Methadone and Oxycodone cause adverse side effects? What causes persistent lump on finger post treatment for staph infection? What causes heart palpitations post treatment for pseudo aneurysm? How long does the sprain in ankle take to alleviate? Could chills and rashes on thighs be due to Acetaminophen? What type of foods should be avoided to control high ferritin level? What causes agitation and imbalance of body in a child? What causes sore throat along with difficulty in swallowing? Suggest treatment for itchy rashes on head and sternum What causes low sodium and high creatinine levels? What causes muscle spasms in calves? What causes painful lump in armpit? What causes premature ejaculation? What causes severe leg cramps? What causes red spots in stool? What does the following urine test report indicate? What causes migraines and cluster type headaches while on Lamotrigine? What causes crunching sound from knees? What do brown particles in urine of a child indicate? What causes watery eyes? What causes pain between buttocks? What causes swelling in legs when suffering from congestive heart failure? What does a pink lump between buttocks indicate? What do a raised red rashes on body indicate? What causes dizziness and vomiting after consuming alcohol? Suggest treatment for soft tissue abscess in the perineum What causes dizzy spells along with hot flushes post salpingectomy? What causes inability to empty the bladder completely? What causes hard lump on shin after an injury? What could very light periods and spotting with negative result in HPT indicate? What causes bleeding between periods? How long will it take to heal post rhinoplasty procedure? Can Effexor xr cause mood swings? Suggest remedy for severe pain in left side of stomach and back post food intake What causes numb white fingers? What could vaginal bleeding with US showing black spots at 57th year indicate? Suggest treatment for irregular periods Suggest remedy to clear black and brown patches on face What does the urine analysis report indicate? What causes degenerative back disease? What could delayed periods and cramps after taking Nordette post sex indicate? What causes endometrium polyps? Suggest treatment for urinary obstruction Can problem in kidney cause severe itching on back and face? What causes body aches after taking Phentermine? What causes redness and pain in left testicle after hernia surgery? Suggest healthy ways to gain weight and muscle What causes elevated liver enzymes? Suggest treatment for knee pain Suggest treatment for severe chest pain What causes nerve pain while suffering from paralysis? What causes red palms? Suggest treatment for frequent urination Suggest better medications for concerta headaches Suggest treatment for painful bump on arm Suggest treatment to increase height What are the side effects of Amoxicilline? What causes hard lump under left nipple? Suggest treatment for nerve damage in foot along with numbness Hi Doctor, Good Afternoon. My name is Rickie and I Suggest treatment for arthritis What could a small lump on vagina wall causing pain during sex indicate? Can having protected sex followed by intake of i pill cause pregnancy? Now,I'm pregnant for about 10 weeks. The first day of What causes severe pain in abdomen along with acid reflux and chronic diarrhoea? What causes increased depression and mind racing after starting Amitriptyline and Ambien? What does cramps without any menstrual bleeding indicate? What does hypoechoic solid tissue mass in left adnexal region of uterine fundus suggest? What are the side effects of Doxycycline and Flagyl? Suggest treatment for fibroid in the breasts What causes vaginal bleeding while having sexual intercourse? What causes swelling in ankle and walking difficulties? Suggest treatment for bronchitis and upper respiratory infection Does Roliflo prescribed for urinary incontinence have adverse side effects? I just had my third jaw surgery for TMJ. This My daughter dx at 29 with dilated cardiomyoapathy. She would Suggest treatment for erectile dysfunction Is taking amoxicillin before piercing with history of having open heart surgery safe? What causes persistent fever and abdominal pain in a child? Suggest treatment for painful sharp pain behind the ears What causes swelling on foot top and ankles? Suggest treatment for irregular periods Is Levroxa advisable while planning for a pregnancy? Suggest treatment for hard pimple on the bridge of nose Suggest treatment for severe strep throat Could brown and red stains at the area of testicles on underwear be due to poor hygiene? Could high WBC post treatment for diarrhea indicate appendix problem? Could throbbing pain in lower back be due to kidney infection? Suggest treatment for bleeding keloid on the ears Could taking Vyvanse post gallbladder removal cause weight loss? What causes pain and discomfort in sinus along with loss of hearing? Suggest treatment for coughs, vomiting and high BP Are Depiwhite and hhilite cream right medications for acne and dark spots on face? Suggest treatment for itching on the nipples and dry skin patch Is Nattokinase advisable for the treatment of deep vein thrombosis? Suggest remedy for enlarged tonsil, on and off tonsil stones and difficulty in swallowing What causes thick tissue drainage from nose while on antibiotics? Suggest treatment for heavy menstrual bleeding What causes pain in upper back post lumbar laminectomy surgery? What causes delayed periods after taking Plan B? What causes prolonged painful lump in ear? Suggest treatment for sore throat, constipation and chest pain Can Adderall cause greasy hair? Suggest better medications for chronic anal fissure Suggest treatment for pain and swelling on the hand What causes prolonged vaginal bleeding along with blood clots during menstruation? my friend has pneumonoccal meningistis he was induced into a What causes frequent ear pain in children? Is Instaflex safe for breast cancer with metastasis to bones? Does Ecosprin help to increase amniotic fluid during pregnancy? Which type of cancer happens in a swollen submental lymph node? Suggest treatment for fluctuating BP What causes nausea and fatigue on getting up from sleep? What causes sharp pain in abdomen along with nausea? Does Viibryd have adverse side effects compared to Cymbalta? Suggest medicine to postpone periods What causes abnormal bleeding after a natural miscarriage? What causes a burning sensation in the navel area? Does HCTZ medication have adverse side effects? Suggest treatment for severe pain in knee and thumb Can Plan-B cause menstrual irregularities? What causes sudden bleeding from penis during intercourse? What does aggravated depression mean? Suggest treatment for partial hair loss and diffused hair pattern Does Betnovate cream help in treatment of acne and black spots on face? Suggest treatment for diabetes, BP and burning sensation during urination What does pain after removal of enlarged lymph node in groin area indicate? Is it safe to inject testosterone into shoulders? Suggest treatment for burns near vulva and bumps near anus What does nausea, bloating and clot discharge during urination indicate? What causes wrinkles and lumps on the vaginal lips? Suggest treatment for sore throat and cough with runny nose What is the cause and treatment for vaginal infection? What causes pain from nose radiating to head? Suggest treatment for pain on the wrist Suggest remedy for discomfort in vagina caused due to left out tampon What causes a racy heart rate after taking single dose of hydrocodone? What causes swelling in wrist of an infant? Does Methadone cause confusion, forgetfulness and hand tremors? Suggest treatment for excessive pain during periods Suggest treatment for severe hair loss Suggest treatment for small swelling on penis after intercourse What does distended abdomen and delayed periods indicate? Suggest treatment for tear near labia after falling What causes constant stomach pain? What causes a burning and warm sensation on side of neck? Is diarrhoea normal in a toddler post recovery from stomach flu? What does the following blood test result indicate? Suggest treatment for rash on penis tip and balanitis What causes painful urination? Suggest precautions to be taken for having a healthy baby Suggest treatment for pain around lower ribs Suggest treatment for high blood sugar levels What causes numbness on toe after wearing shoes? What are the common side effects of Hydrocodone? What causes severe constipation in an infant? Do auditory hallucinations indicate schizophrenia? What causes pain on upper arm while lifting objects? Suggest treatment for itchy red bump like spots on skin What causes protruding pain in tailbone? What causes pain on right side of body while sleeping? Is pregnancy possible through intercourse during menstruation? What are the symptoms of hernia? Suggest treatment for fever, aches and pains What does the CT scan report indicate? What causes blood filled lump by the side of uvula? What does a change in size of skull of baby suggestive of? Suggest treatment for delusions, bi-polar disorder and psychotic depression Could there be any problems associated with re-implantation of tooth? What does excessive crying on a formula fed baby indicate? What does this PET scan specify for a person with stomach cancer? What causes red bumps in penis urethra? What causes weight gain inspite of being on Estrace? Suggest remedy for chest pain and breathing difficulty Suggest treatment for recurrent vomiting and diarrhea What causes testicular pain and frequent urination while having borderline onset diabetes? Suggest treatment for reddish bump on biceps I brought tennis shoes from Avia, for walking, says warning What are the symptoms of narrow angle glaucoma? What is the shelf life of Cephalexin? Suggest treatment for radiating pain on arm, neck and back What causes itching sensation in scalp and pubic area? What causes stabbing pain in left lower abdomen? What causes bad taste in throat while swallowing? What causes dark red spots on arms? How to reduce fat on face? What does blood discharge from the penis suggest? What causes constant urge to defecate? Is it normal to feel the pulsation below the sternum? What are the withdrawal symptoms for Xanax? Suggest treatment for irregular periods along with weight gain Suggest treatment for abdominal pain followed by diarrhea and constipation What causes persistent lump above the eyebrow? Suggest treatment for anal leakage What causes a recurrent, itchy, raised facial rash? What are the symptoms for portal hypertension? Suggest treatment for clogged nostril and ear pain Suggest treatment to recover from masturbation addiction What causes pain in abdomen and weight loss? What is the normal size of follicle when it ruptures? Suggest treatment for excruciating pain in hip and knee Suggest treatment for recurring rashes on buttocks Suggest treatment for hematoma on the side of body What causes sharp abdominal pain after taking Doxycycline? What causes irregular periods along with weight gain? Suggest treatment for white patches on face of child What causes burning and pressure feeling in testicles and near anus? Does uterine fibroids restrict the chances of pregnancy? What causes tailbone pain? Suggest treatment for viral infection and rash What causes rapid heart beat after having caffeinated drinks? Suggest treatment for IBS and painful attacks What causes purple discoloration of palm and cold fingers? What causes dizziness when i lay down? Suggest treatment for constipation and painful bowel movement in infant What causes stomach cramps, nausea and mood swings during periods? Are paracetamol and Ciplox the right medication for typhoid fever and diarrhea? What causes high blood pressure after taking Arginine for erectile dysfunction? What causes gradual reduction in weight? Suggest treatment for bruising and pain in upper leg caused after an injury What do the following blood and urine test reports indicate? What causes stiffness in leg when suffering from flu? Suggest treatment for persistent migraine pain Suggest treatment for severe insomnia What does a burning sensation around the collarbone indicate? Is pregnancy possible despite taking i-pill? What causes delay in menstruation after discontinuing Diane-35? What causes low hanging testicles? What causes constant headaches along with ringing in ears? Suggest treatment for excessive hairfall What causes stomach cramps and constipation after stopping Sprintec pills? What causes burning sensation on vaginal area post rough intercourse? What causes weird sensation in head along with tunnel vision? How early can pregnancy be confirmed? What causes calcium oxalate monohydrate stones? Suggest treatment for severe cough along with shortness of breath Could brown vaginal discharge be due to Nuvaring? Is pregnancy possible by having unprotected sex during periods? Does Methadone causes forgetfulness? What causes recurrent sciatica pain even after rhizottomy? Suggest treatment for lump at anal opening What causes fever along with intermittent headaches and body pains? Suggest treatment for infection in gums What causes intermittent sharp radiating chest pain? How long one should continue Essentiale for liver disorder? Suggest treatment for recurrent stye on the eye Could dizzy spells be due to over dosage of blood pressure medications? Suggest treatment for bipolar disorder in a person who is sensitive to loud noises What causes vaginal bleeding post intercourse? What causes itchy rashes in the crease of vagina during pregnancy? I am a school nurse and have an ADHD child What causes tingling sensation in upper lip? Could heart palpitations be related to placenta previa? Suggest treatment for painful knot in lower hamstring and back of knee What causes pain in lower portion of umbilicus? What causes light headedness along with buzzing sound in ears? What causes severe headaches along with dizziness during pregnancy? What causes pain in shoulder after removing stitches from plate insertion surgery? Suggest treatment for muscle weakness, fatigue and hallucinations What causes delayed menstruation, abdominal pain, nausea and really sore breasts? Suggest treatment for burning and irritation on the vagina What causes depression along with lack of energy and motivation? What causes dryness and darkening of fingers and knuckles What causes dryness in mouth and vagina post intake of antibiotics? What causes constipation, sleeplessness, cold and thinning of hair? Is it possible to have allergy from CT scan dye? Suggest treatment for gas, flatulence and burning sensation in the abdomen Suggest treatment for macular degeneration and Parkinson s disease What causes pain in ankles post fusion surgery for poliomyelitis? What causes indolent flexor tenosynovitis? What causes recurring yeast infection along with bad odour? Suggest treatment for bloating, abdominal distension, stomach ache and reflux Suggest remedy for persistent vomiting What causes extremely cloudy urine along with frequent and urgent urination? What causes rashes on back and neck post intake of Buprenorphine? Suggest treatment for sinus infection and UTI Suggest treatment for renal cyst, fatty liver and thickened endrometrium Suggest treatment for broken femur bone in left leg What causes drainage of blood from head of penis during intercourse? What causes recurring painful lumps on legs and back? Suggest treatment for erythema multiforma Suggest treatment for premature ejaculation during masturbation Suggest treatment for spotting during menopause Suggest treatment for sinus mucus drainage issue What causes red spots on penis? What causes painful cough after chest injury? What causes vaginal discharge and abdominal pain after c-section? My last period was on 2/17. I had unprotected sex Could Remicade and Humira be the last option in treating rheumatoid arthritis? How uncommon is a nerve bending to the side intertwining another? What causes constant dryness in mouth? What causes vomiting and fever in an infant? What causes pain in the back near the shoulder blades? Could abdominal ulcers be the cause for miscarriage? Suggest remedy for pain in lower back and legs after lifting heavy object Suggest treatment for severe pain caused due to rotator cuff tear I HAD A TOTAL THYROIDECTOMY 2 YEARS AGO. I AM What causes heavy menstrual cycle and cramps? What causes clear vaginal discharge and abdominal cramps post intercourse? What causes sensitivity to taste and smell? What are the chances of pregnancy after partial hysterectomy? What causes scratchy throat? What is the cause for abdominal pain based on this CT scan report? What does high pulse rate when suffering from mitral valve prolapse signify? Hi, I started a prescription for Atenolol this past Tues. What are the risks involved in tram flap surgery? What causes of headaches with nausea and dizziness? What does inter menstrual bleeding signify? What causes excessive sweating after kidney transplant surgery? Does consumption of bleach cause loss of voice? What causes pain under right rib cage? Suggest treatment for ovarian cyst What causes excessive sweating from head? What treatment is advisable after testing positive for TB infection? What does a cyst below the penis indicate? What causes foul mouth taste, stomach pain one month after head injury? What causes dark brown patches, cracks and bleeding on lips and nose? What are the symptoms of kidney stone? What causes dry mouth along with thick, greenish mucus? What causes delay in periods after taking Postinor-2? What causes abdominal pain after partial hysterectomy? What are the symptoms of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma? Suggest treatment for scab near ankle Suggest treatment for chronic pain in the legs What can be done for a protruding chest bone muscle? Suggest treatment for erectile dysfunction and small penis Is it advisable to stop Micronor when bleeding? Suggest treatment for migraine headache Suggest treatment for swollen and itching skin in abdomen area Will normal ovulation happen when on Ortho-tricyclin Lo? Is excessive sleeping in child a cause of concern? Suggest treatment for difficulty in breathing, runny nose, sneezing and cough What causes low testosterone level? What causes black dots on foreskin and red dots on penis tip? What causes pain in elbow, tingling in hand after ulnar nerve decompression surgery? What causes cramping and vaginal discharge after subtotal hysterectomy? Suggest treatment for lump above wound on shin Suggest treatment for bloating, light headache, heartburn, cramps and enlarged breasts Suggest treatment for cold, cough, chest congestion and sneezing What causes headache,dizzy spells and blurred vision? Suggest treatment for MRSA on chin
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