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I am on Lamictal due to having a benign brain Hello Doctor,we are planning for pregnancy for past one and Can I conceive with the following Torch test results? How to get rid of swollen and burning vagina? Can I get pregnant with the following Torch test results? How to remove lump from bottom of penis? How to cure weakness after typhoid? How to get rid of cough after hysterectomy? What causes painless bump on vagina? What causes nausea, bloating and red mucous in stool? Can Ledum Palustre and Oleum Jecoris Aselli cure arthritis? Hi, every 2-3 month I am having throat infection, soar Suggest remedy for painful cut in vagina due to rough intercourse I am 21 years male and height is 5 feet What causes recurring headaches with dizziness and sharp pain behind the ear? Are there any side effects from intake of Sysron n tablets? What does black spots on vaginal lips post intercourse suggest? What does sharp pain in vaginal area during intercourse suggest? Can Herbalife be taken while on Risperidone and Pristiq? I had two incidents of Hematuria in the space of i have a tiny clear bump on my top waterline, What causes prolonged pain in wrist and fingers post treatment for staph infection? What do delayed periods, spotting and white clotty vaginal discharge mean? Can intake of Tramadol actavis cause lightheadedness and perspiration? What causes painful joints and fatigue post intake of reduced dose of Thyroxine? What causes peeling skin on penis and testicles? Suggest remedy for chronic constipation, gastric and extreme bloating Is Ferritin being 33 with intense depression a cause for concern? What precautions can be taken to avoid infections post unprotected sex? What causes strong odor in urine with thick white vaginal discharge while on Nuvaring? Can having sex on the day the follicle is supposed to rupture cause pregnancy? Suggest remedy for black and dark spots on groin and buttocks due to infection What could cramps in lower abdomen, bloating and sticky vaginal discharge post sex mean? Can intake of Myteka cause severe headaches? What does a red bump on foreskin of penis suggest? What causes breathing difficulty post intake of certain food items? Suggest remedy for long, itchy rashes on upper thigh and side of stomach What causes black liquidy diarrhea while having multiple health problems? What causes bleeding from clitoris? Suggest treatment for ovarian cysts What causes recurring redness in eyes, mild fever and soreness in neck? My brain contrast mri has done & result is--a nonenhancing I Took a prescription of Ketorolac AC Trometh 10 mg 18 year old female... Been experiencing painful hard unmovable lumps Hi. I missed my periods and took a home pregnancy What causes soreness and lump at the base of wrist? What causes strong headache inspite of taking Advil? What causes recurrent large lump on left side of neck? What causes semen leakage during urination? Hi Doctor , my name is XXXXX and I am How to diagnose food allergy due to swollen throat after eating? What causes abdominal pain inspite of taking Cytotec for delay in periods? What causes chest pain and breathlessness? What causes sleeplessness after Temazepam withdrawal? I was in the ER in 2012 with a very What causes small blisters on vaginal area? What causes left vaginal pain while suffering from PCOS? What causes frequent dizziness? What causes a blister on toe after removing toe nail? Hello, I need advice on wether to see a doctor What causes heart palpitations and arm pain while taking birth control pills? I have a bad rash mainly on the right side A month ago I slept with a hooker immeadetely after I had a lump on my back for 7 years. How to treat chest pain inspite of taking Panadol for pneumonia and pleurisy? What causes itchy red bumps on right ear, neck and left leg? What causes white fluid vaginal discharge inspite of taking Candid V3 during pregnancy? Thank you sir. My PCP and I dx. Type 2 I had heart attack and heart failer 3 weeks ago What causes pimple like bumps around mouth? What causes abdominal pain, nausea and mucus in diarrhea? What treatment is recommended for this CT scan for abdomen? What causes persistent pain under the chest and bloating on left abdomen? What causes cramps in leg and muscle spasms in abductor muscle after exercise? I take tab Tenormin (Atenolol) 25 mg in morning and Hi my girlfreind is 1 month pregnant She took misoprostol Can taking Tylenol along with Zopiclone be safe? What causes stinging sensation during urination and bumps in labia minora? What causes numbness and pain in left shoulder and arm while having disc disorder? What causes heat sensation on front side of left foot? hello well I my girlfriend has ibs and has gotten What causes tingling sensation in hands during urination? What causes visual hallucinations while suffering from cerebral infarction? What causes pain and burning sensation on right hand knuckles? What causes chronic wet cough and chest pain? What causes pain in eye socket and dizziness after head injury? What causes chronic pain in right ankle when with a history of surgery for broken ankle? Imy 23yrs old...I got my last periods on July 20th What causes pain and pressure on right side of abdomen post gall bladder removal? Hello, My friend says that for numbing pain during or What causes sudden crunching sound while swallowing with tender, painful Adam s apple? Is pregnancy possible if Deviry tablet is taken while having endometrial hyperplasia? Could frequent urination with burning and itching indicate UTI? Suggest medication other than Lansoprazole for acid reflux What could random recurring pain in knee indicate? Could a sensitive child hearing voices indicate hallucinations? Could nausea, sore breasts and white vaginal discharge indicate pregnancy? What could pain under the right arm radiating to breast, back and shoulder indicate? What does yellow vaginal discharge with pain below belly button suggest? Could high uric acid levels cause severe burning in stomach post food intake? What causes feeling of internal itching in head and face? Can turmeric help in reducing the risk of cardiac failure while having cardiomegaly? Suggest remedy for swollen and painful area after popping ingrown hair What could strong smell from under the ripped off and glued fingernail indicate? What causes recurring cramps from back of thighs? I went for eyebrow threading 4 days back and I What could sudden petechiae on arm and legs after scratching indicate? Is persistent raspy voice post treatment for pneumonia in lungs a cause for concern? Is it necessary to undergo a biopsy while PSA being 5.3? Does drinking hot water in a degraded plastic cup dangerous? Can dosage of Oxycodone be altered as per pain levels post hernia repair? Suggest remedy for pain in throat while uttering some syllables How long does Suboxone remain in the system? What does swollen and firm gland under the jaw post tongue piercing suggest? Do pale yellow stools after starting Octreotide injections suggest cancer? What causes frequent nosebleeds with recurring migraines? Are there any specific tests to confirm bipolar disorder? What could prolonged bleeding and bloating while on depo shot indicate? What causes tightness in chest and sharp pain in lungs post treatment for asthma? What causes painful ankle in spite of wearing compression knee high stockings? Can Taxim be taken for persistent cough and cold? What do wave like sensations in head causing confusion suggest? What could sudden cramps with pins and needles in hand with chest pain indicate? What causes a bump on back of the ear? What could recurring lumps on head after being hit against metal indicate? What could itchy red bite marks with white pus bumps on ankles indicate? What is the earliest time to test for pregnancy post unprotected sex? Suggest remedy for recurring vaginal discharge while having bacterial vaginosis What do delayed periods with slight spotting suggest? Is Coscopin syrup advisable over Macberry for productive cough in a child? Suggest remedy for nausea and watery stools post food intake What does fibrohazed density in right upper lung mean? I had a sonogram done and multiple fibroids were seen... How long do the cuts on the labia minora take to heal? Could sore throat along with yellow spots be symptoms of viral pharyngitis? How early should rabies injection be taken post dog s bite? I was hit in the chest area on tractor by My wife inhaled some smoke and it seemed to have I had a lap band procedure in 2009 and have Hi. I have recently had sex for the second time I started taking biotin a few weeks ago and now What causes constipation along with pulsating feeling in the ribcage? What causes persistent diarrhoea along with rumbling sound in abdomen? What causes severe nausea along with discomfort behind the navel? What causes sharp pain in knee even while resting? What causes red dry itchy rashes on the inner thigh? Suggest diet and vitamin supplements for a person with COPD and cervical spondylitis Can treatment for a person with dilated ventricle and shortness of breath be delayed? Can Metaxalone, Topomax and Meloxicam be taken together during nights? What causes large mass of lump above the buttocks? What causes the left testicle to hang low with intermittent pain? What causes persistent pain in ear? Is long term usage of Clonazepam prescribed for RLS advisable? What does low concentration of bilirubin in urine indicate? Should the accumulated phlegm in chest be evacuated? What causes pain during urination along with shooting pain in clitoris? Is painful swelling in toe radiating to shin a cause for concern? Is it safe to take Belara contraceptive instead of Yasmin? My father is taking lactobacillus for a stress ulcer. After What causes nose bleed after suffering from cold and cough? What diet plan is recommended for person suffering from Proctitis? What causes a rash on right inner thigh? What causes small red bumps on opening of penis after having unsafe oral sex? What causes low ESR level during periods? What causes burning sensation and red bumps in lower pelvic area? What causes intense pain and swelling in right wrist? What causes excess swelling in back and slurred speech post back surgery? What causes tinnitus when with a history of head injury? I have a history of SVT and have been on What causes severe stomach pain and constipation in an alcoholic? Is there an alternate medication to Lotensin? What symptoms suggest having PMDD? What causes bumps and itching sensation on skin after having tattooed? What causes blood in stool and abdominal discomfort? What causes pressure and numbness on left inner knee? What causes leg pain after long distance drive? I am a thyroid cancer patient with removal of 90 Dear Dr. I've been having lower rt sided intermittent severe Suggest remedy for severe cold and cough with history of asthma I'm having trouble eating. In the beginning I fine then What causes fluttering sensation in heart and dizziness? What does this chest CT scan result indicate? What causes dark liquid discharge from breasts? Hi. My last menses ended 18th September (early in the Suggest remedy for bruised and swollen knuckle with painful red patch Can Macrobid for UTI be taken along with Cipralex and Lorazepam? Suggest remedy for flaky, dry and itchy spot above the knee I am desperately trying to determine the cause of my Could flu like symptoms indicate blood clots in legs? Could detection of opiates in infant s stool indicate mother being on it during pregnancy? What causes recurring headaches with nausea and dizziness? hi, i just did a pregnancy test and im getting Could on and off weight gain be related to missed periods? What could sore lump above the ear with swelling in face and breathing difficulty mean? What causes itchy body with spotty bruises on thighs? What causes recurring migraines with stomach cramps, nausea and diarrhea? What does feeling of pulsating stomach while lying down suggest? I take Primidone , Glimiprirde, PAxil and a anti heartburn Hi my name is Jennifer. I am going to be Could recurring painful lumps under the armpit indicate cancer? Are 3.2cm adenoma on left adrenal gland and cortisol level of 25.1 a cause for concern? What does the following spondylosis MRI result mean? Does regular oxygen supplementation help a vascular dementia patient? What could body ache, fatigue and swollen lymph node in neck indicate? Suggest remedy for ringing ears with bloody discharge while having water behind eardrum What causes acid reflux while taking Duromine for obesity? i was having dry sex and things got intense and What causes intense pain on shoulders? What causes recurrent dizziness with this BP level? What causes persistent fatigue and dizziness while having low WBC count? What causes symptoms of Alzheimers disease while taking Halcion? Is X-ray advisable for persistent pain on top of foot? What causes irregular menstrual bleeding while on copper IUD? Could sneezing and running nose be due to combination of medicines? What do these uterus ultrasound test results indicate? I have been diagnosed with a hiatal hernia. For about Could lower back swelling and pain be due to pulled muscle? What causes persistent pain and swollen lump on top of hand? Suggest precautions to be taken for a person diagnosed with pre- diabetes What causes chest pain on left side, fatigue and joint pain? Is testosterone replacement therapy recommended for erectile dysfunction and low sex drive? What causes excruciating stinging pain radiating through the arm? I am on board vessel! I am a seaman. I Suggest treatment for graves disease and enlarged thyroid with nodules What causes low sex drive in women? What causes frequent fluctuation in THC level? Could black eye be a cause for concern? What causes back cramps during bowel movement in a Parkinson s sufferer? What causes swelling in testicle and scrotum post vasectomy? What causes drainage of blood clots during urination along with abdominal pain? What causes appearance of shadow on an abdominal X-ray? Is echocardiogram advisable for an infant with heart murmur? What causes a large painful bump on forehead? What causes intense headache and neck pain while coughing? What causes constant tiredness along with insomnia on change of location? Suggest tests to diagnose pregnancy due to delay in periods Suggest medication for vomiting in an elderly person with COPD and Afib Yes, when my 10 year old niece left the house What causes stiffness in knees and shoulders along with swollen hands? What causes blood in urine and constipation? What causes yellow vaginal discharge along with bad odour? Could mood swings be due to increased dosage of Lamotrigine? Hello, I received round 1 of the Twinrix vaccination on I took a plan b pill 10 days ago after What causes severe pain in left side of back radiating towards chest? What causes swelling and redness in hand inspite of taking Rocephin shot? What does this MRI test result for brain indicate? What causes unpleasant odour and right chest pain while coughing? I cant get any physician to prescribe D.C. dose doxycycline What causes recurrent nasal congestion and allergy? What does this uterus ultrasound test result for irregular periods and abdominal bloating? What causes vaginal dryness, fatigue and breathlessness while taking Letrozole? What causes small lump on left side of mastoid process? What causes burning sensation in body, tremors and mild diarrhea? What causes prolonged menstrual bleeding and dizziness during perimenopause? What causes sudden sharp pain in body? What does this brain MRI test result indicate? What causes multiple itchy bumps on clitoris? What causes blood in urine despite having negative UTI results? What causes development of brown crusts around navel? What causes sudden rise in heart rate and breathlessness? What causes visual hallucinations? Hello. Question is: Can an 11-yr-old become symptomatic from having What causes delay in periods and vomiting sensation after having unsafe sex? What causes sudden swelling in feet and ankle? What causes heavy menstrual bleeding while on contraceptive pill? Suggest remedy for pain in ribs while taking deep breath and sneezing Is Telista h the right medication for extremely elevated BP? What could pain above the patella in knee indicate? Could slight rash on front part of legs indicate vasculitis? What could spotting followed by bright watery bleeding indicate? How many tests are needed to diagnose sleep apnea? What causes sticky urine with tingly hands and feet while on fenofibrate? My baby daughter has like a rush with little bumps What causes persistent bloating and abdominal discomfort? Suggest remedy for extremely foul smelling gas while on stool softners What could pain in stomach and back with recurring history of kidney stones mean? Soliosis walk in clinic dr mailed me a letter telling Can Livlean formula be used to lose body weight? What kind of medications will show positive result for meth, oxy and THC in urine test? What is the risk of contracting HIV post unprotected sex? Are dizziness, headaches and nausea post a hit on head the symptoms of concussion? What does light bleeding with tender breasts and back during pregnancy suggest? Can dosage of Losartan be increased to control extreme elevation in BP? What dosage of Biotin should be taken to aid fingernail growth? Is it safe to have hip replacement surgery while on Betaseron for MS? Suggest remedy for prolonged back pain post a fall What do missed periods with negative result in HPT suggest? What could swollen lump on buttocks oozing yellow chalky pus indicate? What causes recurring stiffness and extreme pain in neck? What could missed periods post unprotected sex followed by pill intake mean? Could painful knee after being hit causing a bruise indicate chipped bone? Does heavy smoking cause frequent urination? What could persistent throbbing pain in right knee indicate? What could protruding right clavicle with stiffness in neck and shoulder indicate? Can having unprotected sex while on birth control pills cause pregnancy? Is loss of smell in spite of nasal polyps removal surgery a cause for concern? Could hollow feeling in chest, skipped heartbeat and fatigue suggest acid reflux? What causes stomach pain post food intake radiating to back with recurring headaches? What could severe vaginal itching, soreness and swelling post childbirth mean? Are there any side effects from taking Biotene long term? What could persistent pain under the ribs indicate? I am 53 years old and was diagnosed with Behcets Is Feniver cream the right medication for herpes? Are antibiotics and paracetamol right medication for fever and cough in an infant? How to get rid of a hard bump on face due to a fall? Is recurring flushed redness on face while on BP medication a cause for concern? Suggest remedy for pain in foot and ankle post an injury to heel What could pink eyes with mild fever while on Biaxin for ear infection indicate? Suggest remedy for painful and sore tip of pointer finger What causes dizziness, lack of balance with pulsing sound in ear while on BP medications? Hi I am a 51 years old male post op Is high protein level in urine a cause for concern? Salam. I was suffering from asthma for 3years. But now I recently switched obgn drs. I decided to change after What do spongy feeling under the ribs with painful breathing suggest? Dear Doctor , my grandmother is 83 yrs old and What does a painful, red lump on buttock oozing yellow pus suggest? Is it safe to take expired dosage of Indomethacin for gout in knee? Suggest remedy for a crack on top of tongue Could black spots on throat with persistent sore throat indicate cancer? MY MOM HAD A TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURY AND HAS BEEN Suggest remedy for extreme mood swings while on Wellbutrin What does prolonged bloating and gassiness post miscarriage suggest? Suggest remedy for persistent dizzy spells and hearing loss due to respiratory virus What does pink spotting post sex mean? At first , I had what I thought was a My urine is uncharacteristically dark. I have been drinking lots 13 month old baby with very acidic poop causing severe How to treat exophthalmos in left eye? Suggest alternate medication to Canasa to treat inflammation of colon Suggest diet plan for diabetic patient What causes dark skin discoloration, swelling and pain in leg after injury? What causes delay in periods and abdominal cramps despite having negative UPT? Suggest treatments to reshape nose My question is 2 years ago my ANA was 1:80, What causes persistent tenderness in right knee and groin after right foot injury? What causes rashes and dry patches after having tattooed? What causes anxiety and itchy rashes on hands, back and chest? What causes pain in rib cage after removal of tumor from chest area? What causes headache and throat irritation while smoking Medical marijuana? What causes severe pain in lower abdomen and back when with a history of kidney stones? Bjork AreAre there any such thing of home remedies natural I'm currently in the hospital. 44 Male, Diabetic, high blood What causes severe chest congestion, cough and frequent headache? Can taking Bunavail be safe instead of Suboxone film? What causes severe itching and burning sensation in palms? What causes skin discolouration on neck and chest when with a history of parvovirus? Hi, my name is Jen. I'm on citalipram 10mg to What causes dizziness and headache after severe cough? What causes severe eye watering after suffering from high BP? What causes prolonged light vaginal bleeding and breast pain post abortion? What causes pain in posterior and interior of knee and foot after injury? What causes pus pimples on vagina inspite of taking Amoxicillin? How to treat heavy bleeding caused after prolonged delay in periods? Suggest tests to diagnose internal injuries in head caused after injury What causes itching sensation on upper lip inspite of taking Primosa for atopic dermititis? What causes painful pimple like bumps on roof of mouth? What causes itchy red rash on collarbone? What causes blood during urination in 9 year old? How to treat pimples and acne scars? What causes blood in stool after a injury on forehead? What causes frequent diarrhea when with a history of having hysterectomy? What causes pain in upper abdomen and dark vomit after umbilical hernia repair? What causes irregular vaginal bleeding after having miscarriage? What causes sharp chest pain while inhaling deep? What causes prolonged nasal congestion, rashes and pale skin in 8 month old? What causes persistent burning sensation and stiffness on bottom of foot? My 83 year old father has been using a CPAP Can taking MacoxZH and Combutol be safe for tuberculosis lymphadenitis in children? What causes hard painful lump in front of ear and headache? What causes dizziness after inhaling fumes from paint? I have a 15 week old daughter and at a What causes swelling and redness in feet while taking Cymbalta? What causes mild pain on right side of abdomen? Can taking Diflucan be safe for severe vaginal itching caused due to yeast infection? Does smoking hookah cause delay in conception? Hi am 23 yrs old girl n have bf n What causes white patches around lips along with brown spots on arms and legs? What causes chronic fatigue and lack of appetite while suffering from fibromyalgia? What are the side effects of eating slate pencil? I have been told that my liver is not function Is it possible to increase height after 23? Can taking this quantity of Clonazepam and Valium be safe? What causes dry cough, wheezing and vomiting in 6 year old? What causes pain during bowel movement and burning sensation in buttocks? Hello. I had unprotected sex on October 12, I then Suggest tests to confirm father of child What causes abdominal bloating and palpitations while taking Nexium? What causes lump and pain in breast? What causes excess salivation? What causes head noise, sleeplessness and headache? What causes prolonged heavy periods and blood clots? What causes pain and discomfort in throat along with mild chest pain? Can taking this quantity of Epilex be safe for seizures in infants? What causes eye twitching and tingling sensation on left side of face and arm? How to diagnose wrist pain caused due to muscle sprain? What causes nausea and bloating in stomach after caffeine intake? What causes muffled hearing? What does this ultrasound test result during pregnancy indicate? What causes a lump on left side of head, sore throat and severe fatigue? What causes painful lump on left side of armpit? What causes persistent bloating in stomach, back pain and fatigue? What does this blood test result during menopause indicate? I'm being treated for cellulitis and am on two antibiotics--keflex HI, I am Jhice I just want to ask if I always have like a tooth ache pain on my I just got a refill on a prescription that I Jack runs a company and is constantly under pressure. When What causes recurrent pain on lower left side of hip? What causes pain and discomfort in testicle? Suggest treatment for acne scars What causes severe itching sensation leading to sores all over body? What causes bowel sounds and abdominal pain after gall bladder removal? What causes lack of focus and mood swings after giving Vyvanse for bipolar disorder? What causes diarrhea, constipation and stomach pain? My ALT is 103 and my SGT is 56 both Suggest treatment for lyme disease while having low BP What causes diarrhea and abdominal pain during pregnancy? What do these EKG test results indicate? What causes itchy red blisters on back of right calf and fluttering sensation in heart? What causes unpleasant odour in nasal cavity when with a history of sinus infection? Can taking Lorazepam along with Oxycodone be safe? What causes small red pimple like rashes on face and chest? What causes breathless while suffering from powassan virus due to tick bite? What causes hair thinning while taking Cortisone shots? I was woken up 2 nights ago with a bitter What causes pain and discomfort in right abdomen? What causes severe chest pain, nausea and belching in stomach? What causes sudden irregularity in periods? What causes developing lump on breast? Can taking Dulcolax along with Golytely be safe during colonoscopy? What do these EKG test results for headache, chest pain and breathlessness indicate? Can being a passive smoker of Meth cause sore throat, dizziness and wheezing? What causes breathlessness after switching to MS Contin from Oxycodone? What causes sharp pain in right hip post lumbar laminectomy? I have microhematuria and a small renal cortical calcification in Hello Doc. I had an accident 2weeks ago and my What causes uneasiness in body while taking Metformin, Lisinopril and Prozac? How to treat nasal congestion, cough and sore throat? What causes night sweats and low grade fever while suffering from COPD? What treatment is recommended for stomach ulcers? Hi Doctor, I am shehzad. I am 26years old male. I wiped my vagina like I normally do going to hi doctor. I have few questions. Hope you can clear Suggest treatment for severe vomiting Can adenoid problems affect speech? Hi my husband age 37 recently had fever one month Hi my husband age 37 recently had fever one month What causes lump on back near spine? Suggest treatment for sore lymph nodes in throat Can ViBact be given for loose motion in a child? I WORK IN A SERVICE RELATED COMPANY WHERE I WILL I delivered through cesarean 3 months and 1 week ago, It started 11 days ago, started to come down with Hi dr. Am gayathri . feb 2,2015 my marriage. now I have had a MTP on 12th Sept .. Bleeding Are Dolonex DT, Ibuprofen, Combiflam effective for lower back pain? Is positive rubella IgG test result during pregnancy a cause for concern? What does this follicular study report indicate? I was knocked off my motorcycle in December I was hi sir, i am married since 2 years & we Suggest treatment for elevated ALT levels while trying to conceive Suggest treatment for lower back and left-side abdominal pain Suggest alternative treatment for bacterial vaginosis Hi I am a 49 year old woman. I had What causes arm numbness while on Adderall and Vyvanse? Sir my self Amit. Sir i have a problem of Suggest treatment for flank pain Hi, I have interstitial cystitis and I am on pyridium What causes bowel incontinence in elderly? Is it normal for semen to turn yellow? What does this bone marrow biopsy report indicate? What causes blurred vision while weaning off Prednisone? I woke and my mouth is aching and I have What causes poor weight gain in infants? Suggest treatment for acne on face I have been using meth for 6 months now and How soon Rabies vaccine should be taken after an animal bite? What causes severe abdominal cramping during pregnancy? Hi Doc, I am 35 years old and have been What causes painful lump at the base of earlobe? Suggest treatment for severe leg pain What do these X-ray findings indicate? hi , I have no flu like symptoms or cold What does this ultrasound report indicate? Suggest treatment for erectile dysfunction Suggest remedy for heart palpitations and persistent neck pain day before yesterday my right hand was paining i thought Hi, just come back from a 5th visit to hospital What does this LFT report indicate? What causes hydrops fetalis? Suggest remedy for irregular menstruation What causes severe rectal pain during bowel movement? Suggest remedy for pain in navel What causes severe cough and bronchitis while on Montair LC? I had my tubes clamped 21 years ago and I HI.. this is surya from india. I have IBD problem. Suggest remedy for delayed menstruation after taking Meprate For the past week, I've had what seems to be What causes swollen neck and muffled hearing while on Lagundi capsule? Hi Doctor....tonight I took my Simvistatin at 6pm like usual I am not sure whether i had sex or not Suggest medication for frequent urination Friday morning Igot the flu shot, Fridaynight i went to I am taking requip for restless legs syndrome and hair I am a meth addict and have been clean for So I was showering, and when I cleaned my area Does Neopeptine help to improve appetite in infants? Hey, I'm 5 months out and happily now out of What does this biopsy report indicate? I have left arm pain from the shoulder to the What causes fatigue, increased sensitivity to cold and chest tightness? Suggest remedy for vaginal burning and itching Suggest medication for hypertension Suggest treatment for anal fissure and constipation Hi, currently I'm using femilon contraceptive pill for about one On Aug 8, I had an unprotected sex with my Hi I've been having a little burning on my Virgina Good morning, I'm 28, height: 1,65m, weight: 60 kg. I've Hi,I need help,my sister in law work as ofw in What does this chest X-ray report indicate? Hello doctor, my 8 months old son is having cough Suggest remedy for irregular menstruation What does this blood report indicate? Are Diclofenac and Dorofen effective for knee osteoarthritis? Can Duonase be used in place of Otrivin? Does intercourse delay menstruation? Does using metal hair clip cause headaches? What does this thyroid test result indicate? Does Methocarbamol contain Guaifenesin or Turmeric? Hi, I had sex with my girlfriend on 10/10 (unprotected). So I'm always tried can sleep 15 to 18 hours Hello , Good Morning. I am Daniel. My wife delivered Hi doc I got twice period on August frstwk and Is ESR level of 28 a cause for concern? hi, my friend has completed the course of primolut-n tablet( Suggest medication for hypertension Suggest remedy for neck stiffness Suggest remedy for body ache Suggest treatment for hair loss on the temple area Doctor B NGangadharr I am having a problem with my Suggest treatment for yellow cyst on tonsil Hi, I have headiness since 2 days. I am hypertensive me and my boyfriend engaged in genital rubbing twice within Hello, my mother is 39 hears old and she had Hi my son in law hurt his back 2 rupture What causes intermittent feeling of heaviness in throat and chest? Hi Dr, I have not seen my periods for almost My butthole really itches. It's been itching for a few i masturbated once time daily. now i have problem pus hi i need a help, one of my friend suggest hey doctor im kurt 19years old i have a problem I've had 10 ring worm in the last 10 months. Suggest medication to have early menstrual bleeding we had sex on the 4th day of my menstruation What causes pimple-like bumps on anus? Hello I have a few question for you! 1. Me Hi last my periods cam on 27aug.i visited a dermatologist Me and my boyfriend were naked and we were rubbing Hi, my head has been throbbing everyday for the past What causes headache upon waking? Hello Doctor. I am 24yrs, facing abdomen pain from 6months. I just shot up heroin for the first time and What does this ultrasound scan report indicate? Suggest remedy for acne Suggest treatment for fever, vomiting and diarrhea in a child Suggest remedy for burning sensation in mouth What causes blood in stool? Suggest remedy for nail infection in a child my mother got her spine operated 12 yrs back. now Hi, I have not been feeling well for about a Is sudden severe lower abdominal pain suggestive of kidney stone? I have no disk in my neck, recently i woke Suggest treatment for loss of libido I am a 36 year old female, when I was What causes lower back pain after a lumbar puncture? Hi, I have a burning sensation that comes and goes Hello Doctor, i have hypothyroidism for which i was prescribed Are there exercises to relieve the pain of Grade 1 hi, my right hand wrist is paining for a past Suggest remedy for erectile dysfunction What do these lab reports indicate? I have little painful swelling under my tongue, for about Hi, I am also taking becosule tablets & using mucopain Sir myself shahir am a anxious patient with OCD and My gum behind my back moler, split open and I Hi my name is Abby. I've been experiencing pain inside IS A TESTIMONY I NEVER BELIEVE THAT THERE IS HERPES I need a cardiovascular surgeon's exam and assessment a.s.a.p. I Hi! I gave birth last May 1, 2015 then I Suggest treatment for enlarged liver What causes persistent dry mouth upon waking? My mother is suffering from fever for the last 3 Our 3 yr old son has hand foot and mouth I have had two major surgeries to fuse my L4-L5 Hi I have a dent in the top center of I have a white cottage cheese like stuff on the Sir.i am 28 yrs male.i used mx5,adgain tb,finpecia1precnt,kz lotion for My daughter,s age 2 years 5 months. For the last Hello, I am a 59 year old female with a Sir,my name is *******.Last 4 days back i visited one What causes headache and high fever when diagnosed with concussion? Suggest remedy for persistent migraine Suggest remedy for heavy menstruation bleeding with back pain and headache From what i have heard sperm cannot go through clothing Sometimes the muscles in my leg randomly tense up causing My daughter has a very sensitive skin n any minor about 12 hours ago, there suddenly appeared in my left Hi, my son is circumcised, but on the inner foreskin, What causes dark brown vaginal discharge during menstruation? I had a biopsy done on my back six months I dont know what i have, but i fell on I started my period, bled for 3 days then stopped Hi I had sex at the end of my period Hi doctor, I was diagnosed with vaginal infection. Symptoms include I have taken two white progyluton for delaying my periods. On the right side of my ribs i noticed that I've been having pretty severe back pain. I went to HI I'm a 27 year old male rather healthy and Good evening doctor , I m Satyam from Sikkim, I Good evening doctor , I m Satyam from Sikkim, I I was in a car wreck dec last year in I am 18 years old and sexually active. I am My neck is stiff and doc said my ears are hi, I got my periods for did month on 3rd Last week i was in the ER - when they Suggest treatment for erectile dysfunction I have a bump on my monis pubis I was Had car accident in July thereafter complained if severe back My 11 year old granddaughter came home from a sleepover What causes of foul-smelling diarrhea with severe abdominal cramps? How to rule out vitiligo? What are the chances of pregnancy while having menstrual bleeding? My doctor has suggested 5 ml levolin 100 mg syrup Suggest remedy for severe pain in ribs I have guttate psoriasis and have been using clobetasol and Which is a better antibiotic to be given in 8 I have a sensation on my right side. It is Is rheumatoid factor of 107 a cause for concern? Suggest remedy for severe hair loss I've been having frequent random nosebleeds for over a year I accidently stepped on a dog last monday and i Looking for a non-drowsy decongestant for teenager. Prefer recommendation for Sir I want to become pregnent.but last tme my gynacalogyst I am on medication for hpothyroid and I just took I have needed to take phenergan with codeine for an I am currently taking Lexapro, but the generic Escitalopram. Have I had my back go out for the first time i have been taking tegretol 200mgs in the morning & What causes sharp pain in abdomen? I am 32 yrs old. I have thyroid. but it Suggest dosage for Zaptra Off and on in this past year I will get Suggest remedy for vaginal dryness and irritation my mother had severe drumstick allergy 40 years ago. she Sir, my wife's pletlets count is 1.33 lacs now. Few What does my MRI scan report indicate? I DO NOT HAVE INSURANCE I AM A HOMELESS PERSON, Suggest treatment for ringworm infection during pregnancy What causes unpleasant body odour while suffering from anosmia? I DO NOT HAVE INSURANCE I AM A HOMELESS PERSON, My 4 year old son, about 22kg weight, was suffering I hope so I have a 7 year old with What causes bright red vaginal discharge with positive UPT result? Suggest treatment for pain in neck and back while having herniated disc near neck Suggest treatment for shoulder pain caused after injury What causes pain and red patches on right leg calf area in a diabetic? Does intake of Metformin and Lisinopril cause delay in periods? What causes large white spot leading to intermittent pain on the bottom of foot? What causes white chunk in vomit and stomach pain in a 2 year old? What causes anal bleeding after taking Plan B? What causes dizziness, tiredness and breathlessness? What causes dizziness and fluctuations in pulse rate? How to control TSH level while suffering from AFib? Is taking Clonazepam instead of Diazepam for essential tremor safe? What causes throbbing headache on right side of the head? What causes chest pain under pectoral muscles and tingling sensation in arms? I am disabled due to chronic pain. I am being What causes skin peeling and dryness on hands and bumps on feet? Suggest treatment for anxiety and depression What causes red rashes and swelling at the corners of lips? What causes clear fluid nasal drainage while having chronic rhinosinusitis? I live in a hi rise building in NJ that What causes tinnitus, mild headache and intermittent headache? What causes severe pricking sensation and black discolouration in toes? What causes c shaped itchy rashes around chin despite using Clotrimazole? What causes itchy rashes on thighs and underside of arms? What causes weight gain post Diltiazem withdrawal? How to treat stone in bladder naturally? What causes numbness in left arm and elbow along with dizziness? What causes sudden loss of memory and tiredness in an elderly person? What causes severe pain and bruise in leg after injury? How to diagnose a person with symptoms of hypothyroidism? What causes prolonged heavy vaginal bleeding with clots? I had cancer in my neck last year it was What causes dents on either side of skull? How to treat swollen eyes despite taking Triroid? What causes bruise and swelling in knee after injury? What causes intermittent pain behind right jawbone while suffering from anxiety disorder? What causes irregular periods and brown vaginal discharge? What causes brown vaginal discharge after having intercourse? What causes red bumps on the bottom of feet in a diabetic? What causes laryngitis, sinus congestion and mild headache despite taking Mucinex? What causes persistent unpleasant odour in urine? This was my second IUI which did on 28 Sep What causes red blotchy patches on penis? How to treat extreme dryness on penis leading to pain and skin peeling? What causes rashes and swelling around vagina after suffering from kidney infection? What causes swollen ankles while suffering from COPD? What causes pain in lower right shoulder radiating towards chest? What causes itching sensation and bleeding from ears? What causes skin dryness and small pimples on face? What does this ultrasonogram test result during pregnancy indicate? What causes dizziness, fainting and pressure behind forehead and eyes? What causes body fatigue while waking up and dark discoloration under eyes? What causes severe joints pain, muscle weakness and weight loss in an elderly person? What causes cough and sudden pain in left side of breast long after double mastectomy? What causes delay in periods inspite of having safe sex? What causes delay in periods inspite of taking Ipill after having sex? I zipped my pee hole while putting on pants 2 What causes body tremors post Losartan withdrawal for high BP? What causes unpleasant odour and brown discharge in vagina? Why is my semen translucent in colour? What causes throbbing sensation back of head while taking Metoprolol for tinnitus? What causes neck pain radiating towards shoulder along with numbness in hands? What causes severe cough and chest pain long after treating pneumonia? My son (born 2003) had twinrix junior. First two doses What causes pain in right pelvic area while taking Amoxycillin? Filled a prescription for Pantoprazole. The pill was lavender in Found days ago I had a dark spot in my What causes dizziness, blurred vision and nausea while taking Synthroid? What causes abdominal discomfort and severe fatigue post miscarriage? My teen daughter is psychotic and has been hospitalized many What causes skin sensitivity leading to itching sensation all over body? Does frequent masturbation cause side effects? Brother-in-law was just put on diuretic for lower leg dependent I work on ships at sea and bromine is used Hai Doctor My Daughter is 5 years old she is What causes itching sensation in penis despite taking Ciprofloxacin for UTI in men? Does intake of Prevacid and Macrobid cause burning sensation in mouth and stomach? Is using Podowart lotion safe for anal wart? Does smoking Marijuana lead to positive hair follicle test results? What causes brown spotting and cramps despite taking Plan B after having sex? What causes anxiety and fear while suffering from AFib? What causes persistent sharp pain and muscle spasms in right arm? What causes persistent light vaginal bleeding after taking Plan B? All summer I have been getting bv and UTI. Well What causes diarrhea, abdominal bloating and headache? How to treat reactive VDRL test result despite taking Penicillin? What causes nausea soon after eating in a sexually active person? What causes sharp abdominal pain while suffering from menopause? What causes mild pain and discomfort in chest post bronchoscopy? My wife all of a sudden started tripping and stumbling What causes blood in saliva while having throat congestion? What causes rashes, dizziness and profuse sweating while taking Cymbalta? How to treat skin ulcers while suffering from sickle cell anemia? What causes vaginal pain and white chunk with blood discharge post mesh removal surgery? What causes tingling and throbbing sensation on left side of face? My husband has a stroke from a brain bleed, which Hello. , all the sound I'm hearing is muffled , Hi It's been going on for a few weeks now. My 94 year old mother has a poor memory and Hello, I'd like to know if there is a chance What causes lack of bowel movement inspite of taking Laxatives and Magnesium citrate? What causes inverted nipples, mild pain and swelling? What does my brain MRI test result indicate? What causes heart palpitations and breathlessness while having low BP rate? What causes elevated body temperature, swollen neck glands and breathlessness? How to calculate gestational age based on last menstrual period? What causes a large lump under the navel? What causes sudden drop in BP level leading to fainting? What causes light vaginal discharge after having unsafe sex? What causes pain in left abdomen radiating towards back while taking Suboxone? What does my cervical MRI test result indicate? What causes body pain inspite of taking Oxycodone and Ibuprofen for spondylolisthesis? What causes severe bloating and pain in stomach post colonoscopy? What causes pain and cold sensation in lower leg in calf area? What are the possibilities of having normal delivery with cord around fetal neck? What causes dark menstrual bleeding and unpleasant odour after having sex? What causes rashes and itching sensation in body after withdrawal of birth control pill? What causes ringing in ears while suffering from COPD and aortic valve stenosis? What causes swelling in thumb and dizziness after bee sting? What causes severe body discomfort while reducing Prednisone intake? What causes persistent pain and itching sensation on testicular skin area? What causes swelling and burning sensation in labia? Suggest treatment for stomach ulcer and gastritis What causes persistent pain in left abdomen, bloating and stool incontinence? How to treat a large lump in upper labia majora during pregnancy? Is hysterectomy recommended for endometriosis? What causes severe back pain and nausea after having a lumbar puncture? What causes persistent vaginal discomfort after using tampon? What causes headache and neck soreness after injury around eyebrow? What does my X-ray report for breathlessness and bronchitis indicate? Why are Doctors not provide medicines which help migraines? nubain, Hi. I take my pill at the same time everyday. What causes chest discomfort from center radiating towards right side? What causes night sweats and joints pain in knees and hip while taking Lisinopril? How to diagnose pneumothorax while suffering from severe anxiety? Suggest treatment for body chills and fever What causes sudden pricking sensation on the bottom of right thigh? What causes pain in navel area, lack of appetite and diarrhea? What causes short term memory loss while taking Lyrica? What causes prolonged pain in lower back, chest and indigestion? What causes delay in period despite having negative UPT? My lastperiod date is 22sep I have regular periods no How to treat choking sensation in throat after eating? What causes soreness and swollen lump on gluteal fold? How to improve cognitive skills in a vegetative state person caused after a stroke? What causes a hard painful lump on lower right side of skull? Hello, So this is kind of awkward for me but Is taking Prolia safe for bone loss in jaw while suffering from osteopenia? What causes swelling of salivary gland after eating sea food? My son went into the ER yesterday for a kidney What causes muscle spasm while taking Medrol for sciatica? What causes foam like diarrhea and stomach pain after heavy alcohol intake? Is homeopathic treatment safe for recurrent pleomorphic adenoma? What causes irregular vaginal spotting while suffering from PCOS? Does seizure lead to brain swelling after a head injury? What does my CT scan test result for right upper quadrant pain indicate? What causes rectal bleeding and swelling post colonoscopy? What causes heart murmur on having foods with high fat content? Suggest doctor to be consulted for neck pain What causes tingling and throbbing sensation in arm and chest? Is HIV transmission possible through inanimate objects? What causes decreased appetite along with stiff neck while on Doxycycline? What causes vibrating sensation on the side of foot? What causes swelling and burning sensation at the opening of penis? Aloha - a few months ago I noticed a small What causes chronic diarrhea after taking Magnesium citrate? I have a strong disdain.... for people that I thought What causes fatigue post placement of Medtronic monitor in chest? What causes persistent pain in abdomen along with nausea? Hi I lost most of my vision in my right Is black eye normal on hurting different part of head? What causes rapid and irregular heart beat? What causes red inflamed lump around the nipple? Could persistent pressure in bladder be a symptom of UTI? Are soya supplements harmful for person suffering with thyroid disorder? What causes intermittent fever along with vomiting and constipation? Suggest treatment for acute back pain causing insomnia What causes pressure in hips followed by muscle spasms? Could lip smacking be due to long term usage of anxiety medications? What causes discoloration of foot and ankle along with swelling? What causes intermittent bloating of stomach and constipation? Could swollen tongue and neck pain be symptoms of heart stroke? What causes itchy sores on legs? What causes abdominal cramps along with vaginal spotting while on birth control? What causes vaginal bleeding during masturbation in a virgin? Could severe tiredness and frequent urination be symptoms of diabetes? What causes severe abdominal discomfort along with elevated Vitamin D levels? What causes dizzy spells along with headaches and shoulder pain? What causes mild pain in left leg long after placing stent in main artery? How to treat yeast infection causing cloudy urine post TURP surgery? What causes bleeding in vagina, rectum and nipple discharge after having intercourse? Is taking Dextromethorphan and Guaifenesin along with Amitriptyline be safe? What causes nausea, back pain and urinary incontinence after having intercourse? Is taking Tyrptophan be safe for sleeplessness? What causes crust like sores on face and body? What causes sores turned into scabs with pus discharge on right ankle? What causes sudden pulsating sensation on right chest area? What causes breathlessness inspite of taking Cipro and Prednisone for cough? What does my resting heart rate while experiencing chest pain indicate? How to identify symptoms indicating presence of herpetic gingivostomatitis? Are emphysema, wheezing and burning sensation in eyes suggestive of mold poisoning? What causes nausea, vomiting and dilated pupils? What causes chronic depression and anxiety inspite of taking Wellbutrin? My Aunt's eye have been looking strings fir the last Suggest tests to diagnose STD's after having unsafe sex How to treat skin rashes after having used Hydrocortisone? What causes elevation in my PSA level while taking Clomid? What causes sudden tingling sensation in hands after exercise? What causes a hard lump in throat while suffering from acute parotitis? What causes lower right abdominal pain, bloating and diarrhea? What causes persistent heartburn and diarrhea? Please I was sent to a pain doctor and had I restarted depo-testosterone 100 mg monthly after total testosterone lab regarding the possible use of naltrexone for the treatment of Suggest treatment for a person suffering with OCD and severe stress Why is Diclofenac prescribed for a COPD and heart patient? What causes swollen hard lump on the thigh? Could bloated abdomen and under eye blackness be due to excessive masturbation? What causes persistent pelvic pain despite taking antibiotics? What causes severe hair loss on the upper half of scalp? I have been having nausea off and on, heart burn, What causes severe pain and tenderness in back? What causes persistent yeast infection along with bad odour and vaginal discharge? My wife has severe pain down in her lower back, Could recurring high fever in an infant be due to teething? Is it safe to move and lift heavy objects during pregnancy? What causes white spots on clitoris along with inflammation in vagina? Suggest safest alternative for lip protection from sun What causes stiffness in collar bone while having elevated ESR level? Suggest treatment for spider bite causing open sore with severe itching So, having had 3 cans of beer today--12 oz cans, What causes burning sensation in the food pipe post intake of Ibuprofen? Suggest treatment for pinched nerve in neck with pain radiating down the arm What causes persistent lump in armpit despite draining the abscess? What causes light menstrual bleeding with clots? What dosage of Linctus codeine is advisable for an elderly person? Could fever along with abdominal pain and diarrhoea be symptoms of diverticulitis? What causes yellow sores on tongue along with white sores on throat? Could accidental intake of plastic during pregnancy be harmful? What causes white burning patches on arms and face? What causes severe abdominal cramps along with diarrhoea and vomiting? What causes sharp pain in shoulder blade with difficulty during breathing? Could black stools and lower back pain be symptoms of mesenteric lymphadenitis? my daughter has a feeding that was put in last Is Botox injection advisable for an elderly person with pace maker? What causes blisters all over the body on application of Permethrin cream? How to remove cotton swab stuck in the ear? What causes delayed periods with light vaginal bleeding? Should grade 2 benign bilateral fibroadenosis in breast be removed? What causes drainage of bad odour white substance from ear and nose? What causes lump above the wrist along with shooting pain? What causes irregular menstruation with prolonged vaginal bleeding? What causes nose bleeds in a person with intracerebral haemorrhage? What causes recurring white flakes inside the ears? What causes persistent nausea along with vomiting and diarrhoea? What causes lump in groin draining yellow sticky substance? How long does the swelling in vulva take to alleviate? What causes sore lumps under the skin of arms? Could pus filled blisters on upper abdomen be symptom of pemphigus? What causes swelling in knee with fluid retention and pain? What causes belching on quick intake of food? What causes vomiting up of blood clots? What gives odour of carbon dioxide to body? Could Tranexamic acid tablets be the cause for bruising on knees? Is deworming advisable for a toddler suffering with canker sores on tongue? Do absence of pregnancy symptoms during first trimester indicate miscarriage? Is Levolin syrup advisable for a toddler suffering with severe cough? Is hysterectomy advisable based on this CT scan report? Could persistent severe pain in navel be due to appendicitis? What causes persistent fever in an infant despite administering antibiotics? What causes heart palpitations and shivering in a toddler? Does frequent change in pain medication affect the condition of body? Could adenoma on parathyroid gland be the cause for edema in body? What causes paralysed voice post surgery for herniated disk? Is Prednisone advisable for an elderly person with scoliosis and osteoporosis? What causes pus filled itchy lumps on the vagina? Could soreness and bruising above knee be a cause for concern? Could there be withdrawal symptoms for Citalopram? What causes pain and tenderness in muscles despite taking Prednisone? Hi, today when I went to clean myself after going Could severe pain in muscle joints be due to Lantus insulin? Suggest treatment for persistent lump on the buttock What causes irregular menstruation along with drainage of vaginal blood clots? What causes lack of energy and tiredness on recovering from UTI? Is root canal treatment advisable for intermittent pain in teeth? Suggest treatment for myopathy in children What dosage of Terazosin advisable for a person with mild hypertension? What is the life expectancy in a woman with weak heart condition? Suggest topical treatment for rash on the buttocks Could burping and pain in neck be symptoms of heart stroke? What causes rashes on thighs along with sore throat and dizzy spells? What causes delayed periods while on Norethisterone? Could twitching in hands and legs be withdrawal symptoms of Fentanyl patch? Should Folic acid tablets be taken along with Humira for Reiter s syndrome? Is Azithromycin advisable for a child with ear infection? Hello! On October 2nd, 3rd, and 4th I missed 3 What causes swelling with redness and throbbing around the cuticle of nail? What does this stool analysis report indicate? Hello, I have been suffering from chronic swelling all my Can vaccination be administered when treated for Hydrea in a patient with Polycythemia vera? My boyfriend and I didn't have sexual intercourse, but I Can pain medicines prescribed for knee replacement delay periods? hi, doc... i have developed dark patch on both side I am a 35 year old female. I'm 5'2 and Hello ,so i had a hysterctomy in March and in How can an infected swollen injury on thumb be treated? I have been taking 100mg Wellbutrin for the last few Is it safe to use condoms containing Benzocaine? Can Amoxicillin be taken once a day for tooth pain? My son, 23 years old, was diagnosed with medullary cystic What causes abdominal pain and blood in urine after protected intercourse? My 5 year old grand daughter started diarrhea Friday during Hi. I've been having headaches when I wake up, or Hi, I am 5 months pregnant and just got was Suggest treatment for dizziness? What causes weird tightness around both the breasts? Suggest remedy for lump on scalp Could persistent Tennis elbow be a cause for concern? Is Duloxetine during bedtime advisable? Should an Urologist be consulted for bleeding in urine? What causes irregular menstruation and abdominal cramps? What causes rash on the arms spreading to chest, back and neck? Suggest dosage for Amlodipine Could sore throat and fever be the side effects of Carbamazepine? I have discomfort between my shoulder blades which runs up What are the chances of pregnancy in delayed periods? Suggest remedy for severe concussion What causes persistent pain and drainage from ears? Can Prednisone help cure anxiety? Suggest treatment for dark brown acne marks on the face? What causes delayed periods while on Previfem contraceptive pills? Could squishy lump on the head be a cause for concern? Hello. My period was due on October 15th, and I Hey, So for about 2 years or so now I What causes difficulty in breathing along with continuous yawning? My son is 11 and on Thursday we was accidentally
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