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Does damaged kidney contribute to the development of Alzheimer's ? What is the cause and treatment for recurring sore throat? What causes sudden paleness of skin and sweating? What does 'four precordial and four preventricular contractions' indicate in a heart monitor? Suggest right dosage of "Oxycodone" for knee pain What is the treatment for vomiting when suffering from melanoma cancer? Suggest remedy to get rid of smell that is stuck in nose Why am I unable to bend my stomach due to weight gain? What is the treatment for titanium allergy? Suggest treatment for enlarged left atrium and thickening of the left ventricular What causes dizziness and blurry vision when suffering from small seizures? How to confirm blood cancer by laborotory tests? Suggest treatment for vaginal infection What is the treatment for vomiting and blood in stool along with constipation? What causes swelling between the breast and armpit? What causes watery stools and gas when on Neocate? Can I discontinue atorvastatin for gas, bloating and sticky stools? What does "EPITH-UA result 11-20 #/HPF noted high" indicate? Suggest treatment for pain in shoulders due to Cervical Herniated Disc What are the chances of contracting HIV after kissing a person with mouth sore? What is the alternative medication for Cyclacur? What does yellow blisters with white thread discharge indicate? What are the findings from the chest X ray? What is the treatment for radiating pain in the back of my knee? What causes restlessness while taking medication for angina and high blood pressure? What causes pain in my right arm pit after a large bruise and small hematoma above right wrist? What causes recurrent pain after inguinal hernia repair surgery? What are the findings from the semen analysis report? What does white crust like formation on penis foreskin indicate? What causes vertigo and dizziness? Does nephrotic syndrome and polycystic kidney cause tooth decay in children? Suggest treatment for callused,thickened skin which splits and bleeds? What causes intermittent stabbing pain in my left foot? What is the treatment for lower abdominal cramping? What causes delayed periods after copper T IUD removal? How to get rid of vaginal odor? What causes high PH levels with breathing trouble,palpitations,chest pain and dizziness? How to reduce my weight while taking Metformin and Glimepiride? What causes blood in mouth when waking up in mornings? What is the treatment for recurrent vaginal discharge? What causes tilting of head one side and rolling up of eyes to head? What causes stabbing pain on the left side of my head and what are the findings from the MRI? What causes swelling,pain and discoloration in lower leg? Can lack of nutrients cause asthma and allergy in children? What causes abdominal pain? Is it normal to have cramps and bleeding with copper coil? Does low vitamin B12 lead to blating and stomach pain? What causes loose stools and dry mouth when suffering from stomach ache? What causes pressure in my ears and dizziness with a salivary gland stone under my tongue? What are the side effects when missed taking cymbalta? Need a prescription for Dextroamphetamine What is the remedy for air pressure in my ear? What is the treatment for burning sensation near my elbow bone? Is it advisable to continue pregnancy when having thin uterus wall? Can cramping and bleeding be signs of pregnancy? What is the treatment for spreading acne when suffering from eczema? What causes nausea and vomiting with history of absence seizures and cluster headaches? Need information regarding knee replacements What causes appetiet loss due to depression? What causes growling sound in my stomach while taking gout medication? What causes a feeling like something stuck in throat? What does pain radiating through shoulders indicate? Is color change in stool caused due to Piriton, Merbentyl and Propranolol medication? Is it advisable to go for Co2 dot laser for Hypopigmentation? Can diet change help in curing colon cancer spreading to liver? Is it safe to take Lozartan when suffering from diabetes and and high BP? What causes swelling around my anus when suffering from difficulty in bowel movements? What causes persistent high fever? How to increase calcium intake in my diet? Is there treatment for Hashimoto's Thyroiditis? What is the cure for diabetic nerve pain in my feet? Will a chiropractor help in pain and numbess of left arm? How to overcome vertigo problems like sore neck and vomiting? What are the other uses of clonidone patch towards successful withdrawal of oxycodone? What is the treatment for painful red mass on the left side of my scrotum? What is the treatment for diarrhea when suffering from GERD, diabetes and bipolar disease? What causes swelling under my left breast? Does constant sitting cause problem to baby during pregnancy? Which is the best medicine for weight loss? What is the remedy for clogged ears? What could be the cause for sudden spikes in blood pressure? What kind of diet should I take when suffering from epilepsy and thyroid problems? What is the treatment for headache and numbness on left side of my face when suffering from seizure disorder? Is it possible to remove 3 wisdom teeth along with the lower 28? Does citrate of magnesium cause severe colon cramping, headache and ear ringing? What does the result sinus rhythm, repolarization disturbance indicate? Are body chills,dry cough,sore throat with fever symtomps of HIV? Does emphysema improves if I quit smoking? What causes sharp pain in left shoulder and chest? Suggest treatment for sore throat with headache Is burning sensation in neck caused due to pulled trapezius? What causes deep pain in the nipples? What causes bright red bleeding within 2 weeks of periods after delivery? Can Xanax be taken just at the moments of high anxiety without getting addicted ? What causes lump on neck? What causes delay in periods after stopping Ecosprin medication? What causes vaginal itching? Does Percoset cause kidney or liver complications ? Suggest treatment for constipation with chronic back pain and abdominal pain Is there any new treatment for aorgasmia? Can I give meftal to child having high fever, shivering, cold palms? Will clomid help in conception? What causes dip in body temprature? What does paucity of white matter tracts in the posterior paraventricular white matter indicate? Cause for the severe upper back pain? What causes flare ups on scalp, neck, torso when suffering from hives? What causes excessive sleepiness? Have blotches which is itchy and raised How to control masturbation? What causes tingling in the right side of the head and hot sensation in ears? Is it safe to use leo fucidin h cream on penis? What causes frequent thirsty, hunger and unable to sleep? How to cure bad throat, pain in right upper side of neck? What causes brown blood discharge with cramping and nausea? What is the risk of managing IBS without consulting a gastroenterologist? What kind of a doctor should I consult for kidney stone? Is is safe to take Duphaston while pregnant and traveling ? What is the treatment for mild degenerative changes in spine? What causes bump on head near the left temple with severe pains? Any suggestion for blood test showing high amylase in gallbladder? What causes tingling all over body when suffering from fibromyalgia and IBS? Is yeast infection contagious? What causes swollen glands and pink stuff sticking on back of tongue? What causes Hashimoto s Thyroiditis? What is Cytra -2 prescribed for? What is Xerythromycin ointment prescribe for? How to cure gastritis that causes depression, gas, vomiting with stomach pain? What causes heart palpitations while sleeping? How to increase my sperm count and quality? What causes head rush, heart races, constipation with back and chest pain? What could be the reason for having a throbbing head? What causes sinus infection, cold, pain in chest and abdomen, head sore? What causes bleeding and pain when suffering from constipation? Is amrolite S syrup,dazocort,AZEE and levolin safe to take for alllergy? Can any online doctor help me with the Ultrasound results? What to do for lump above left side teeth? What is the cure for constipation in children? Which doctor should i consult for my nerve pain that occurs on all over my body? Can OCD be completely cured? Can misoprostol take care of a PID? What causes bumps near scrotum? Which is the best sunscreen lotion for removing light marks on face? Is it possible to diagnose/rule out endometriosis without a pelvic exam? Is light periods a sign of pregnancy? How to treat a headache caused by meth intake? What causes popping/tingling sensation in mouth, hotness, sore throat with dysphagia? What causes untreatable chronic constipation? What could cause a light blue greenish color in hurt place? How to reduce weight when suffering from venous ulcer and antithrombin 3 deficiency? Is it safe to take humira for psoriatic arthritis? What causes heaviness in heart and pressure in head? What causes cramps and stomach pain while taking birth control pills? What causes rashes on legs and irregular heartbeat? What causes weight loss,flatuence,hard stool and vomitings when on lactogen? How to treat burning soles? What could be the cause for positive stress test result? What causes cramps after an intercourse? What causes watery diarrhea, abdominal pain, stomach sickness and nausea after eating? What causes intense itching when suffering from polymyalgia rheumatica? What causes vomiting while taking thyronorm, pantodac and neksium for neurology problems? What causes round spots on tongue especially with acidic food? Is travelling advisable after a laparoscopic appendix removal? What causes severe pain in right groin and right leg? What causes rashes on penis glands and blisters below penis? What do you suggest for the bumps on my labia minora? Any suggestion for having extensive longitudinal split tear of peroneus brevis? Does depression cause changes in skin color? What do you suggest for the pain in clitoris with dry skin on my nipple? What causes abdominal pain when suffering from PCOD? Does inferlity treatment have any side effects in the baby? What causes pain in gallbladder area after had therapy for strained lumbar? What causes pain in head when suffering from teeth pain? What do you suggest for a painful nipple with a sore on it? Is aching in abdomen caused due to ovarian cyst? What is the cause for excessive gas and bloating? What si the cause for headache after taking xanax? What causes infrequent bouts of arrhythmia? What causes awful smell from vagina? What causes brown discharge and irritation in vagina after an abortion? What does "US cells- 2-5/HPF; bacteria- moderate; RBC-2-4;" mean? Is cold sore on lips a sign of herpes? What do you suggest for red itchy rashes with vomiting and high temperature? What causes bilateral pitting edema in feet and nkles and bilateral edema in hands? What causes dizziness when on Losartan? Who should do knee cap replacement? What causes hugh fever with racing heart beat and shaking of the body? Suggest treatment for grey and dry hair with dandruff What causes yellow and green loose motions? What is the cause for mucus secretion in throat while taking Flonase nasal spray, Famotidine and antacids? What tests should I do for intermittent bursts of heat outside the left breasts 14 yrs after breast implant? What caused pain in the legs and groin moving to chest in an overweight person with edema and kidney problem? How to treat itchy bumps on the testicles? How to treat painful arms when stretched above the head due to typing? What's causing legs and feet swollen with water in a type 1 diabetes male after starting insulin? How long does increased dosage of linsopril take to show its effect on BP? Cause for the bumps on the roof of the mouth? What causes peeling of labia after a colposcopy with a biopsy? What causes abnormal ANA when suffering from joint pain and headache? Does blocked nose, lot of yellow mucus & lumps, foggy feeling in the head after operated sinus mean sinus infection again? Best suggestion for 100% heart blockage with roughened smaller veins, damaged arteries Suggest treatment for recurring lymph node infection How to treat sudden aching stomach, vomiting and headache? Why could the right side of skull feel swollen in comparison to the left ? Is human papillomas virus and vaginal discharge (no odor/itching) related? Small black painless bump at lower lip corner for 8 yrs and now another in the middle of inside lower lip. Is there a limit for RT given to stop bleeding in a mouth cancer female? Does a vivid purple bruise on the shaft happen due to rough oral sex ? How serious is it for a 3 yr old to get pneumonia and flu? Any advice for treating OCD in a 22 yr old female? Lumbar region vertebra impinging upon thecal sac, moderate spinal stenosis, degenerative disease, L/2 vertebral body hemangioma. Cause for the pain in the back of the leg? Can frequent urination, tingling and pain in breasts symptom of pregnancy? Child have pain in the back, vomiting, headache and fever What is the normal average time of closing of fontanels and its effect on the child? Have redness, itching, swelling and pain in the vagina Suggest treatment for severe acid reflux attacks Experiencing dizziness and drastic drop in heart beat Does coughing out mucus from smoking weed mean infection or something else and what are the long term effects? Cause for the migraines and the problem with the eye? How to cure white patches on arms? Cause for the urine to leak from the bladder? How to strengthen the heart of a 84 yr old male with enlarged left ventricle, 23 % ejection fraction and 3 hear attacks? What could cause pink and brown spotting ? Have protein and sugar in the urine along with frequent urination Cause for abdominal area being very cold? Is cirrhosis curable? How to treat nosebleed ? What could cause delay in periods? Suggest medication for molliscum Which is the better substitute for Benicar HCT ? Reason for burning/numbness under the tongue with inflamed and sore plica fimbriata ? Can vascular calcification on the left kidney be the reason for cloudy urine most of the time ? What does cervical area measuring 1.1 cm mean ? Is Lithium a safe drug for a 12 year old suffering with Bipolar ? Does elevated Bilirubin cause extreme gut pain below rib cage on both side with chronic headaches ? Is frequent choking with cold and cough for 6 months old baby show symptoms of pneumonia ? Will nitrous pills effective for circumflex type of heart attack? Any suggestions for sore bump immediately after hitting head along with neck pain ? How to treat a constipation problem when bowel movement happens only after drinking liquids? Noticed a small lump on the head.Suggest medication Does slight bleeding followed by brown discharge after unprotected sex mean anything ? Reasons for worsening pain at thyroid area with spontaneous arthritis in hands Does using meth during pregnancy will cause the baby to be tested positive ? Does Progesterone help in correcting ovulation issues to avoid miscarriage ? Suggest medication for asthma Can another bottle of Magnesium Citrate help to remove stools due to impacted bowel ? What could cause excess of white discharge? What to do for pain in the knee without swelling or bruising but sudden burning ? What treatment is suggested for foot pain ? Why there is a small clear bump under the skin due to pulled dog hair stuck in the big toe ? What could cause being emotional/ feeling anxious after taking DHEA for breast tenderness and reducing the dose of divigel to half? How to cure pain due to lump in mouth? Should we start Zenflox for the 8 month old with diarrhea watery and bright stools as Bifilac didn't work ? Can I get pregnant after very light periods since tubal ligation ? What treatment is suggested for eye irritation,fatigue and diarrhea? Does taking lexapro for depression causes stomach problems ? What's the cause & cure for clusters of red splotchy lumps on arms, neck and itchy nose? Apart from high fibre diet, hot to treat very frequent diarrhea like BM daily after colon removal? How effective is taking Cymbalta for Anxiety? Can venlafaxine withdrawal cause vomiting and stomach upset? What treatment is suggested for bilateral pneoumonia ? Should I be concerned about persistent pain at the top of the head, neck, red under the eyes after hitting the head with stone? Can Garcinia Cambogia be taken while taking methotrexate once weekly & prednisolone 7mg daily for Takayasu Arteritis? Bruised lower back, pain on moving/ twisting after falling flat on the back? How to cure sudden redness on the butts, lower back and inner thighs which are not itchy? Any suggestions for hcg level higher than 6000,cramps, menstrual bleeding after scurgery for ectopic pregnancy? How long can the body of an alcoholic survive with low platelet count? What could cause spot on the skin under the scrotum ? How to cure keloid scar on gall bladder? What are the possible treatments for duptrines ? How to manage back pain without taking any medicine? Suggest treatment for breast cancer What treatment is suggested for swollen testicles? How to get rid of PSA levels over 1.6 and 1.9 after prostrate removal? What is the cure for heavy periods? What is the cause for shortness of breath and panic attack? Will flagyl reduce colon swelling and bladder spasms? Does breathing and visions problems occur after gall bladder removal? Any suggestions for hallucinations, disorientation to time, place, date, sleepiness in a person with Hashimoto's disease & migraines? Is delay in periods normal if medicine is taken? Is having thrush possible if breasts pump exclusively and itching? Nocturnal diarrhea, vomiting after drinking old protein shakes. How to know if a disc is pressing the bladder? How to get over the knee pain due to twist with history of early osteoarthritis and chondromalacia patella ? Could I be pregnant if breasts are tender, nipples sore and leaked blood even while on Mirena ? Does hurting lungs, dizziness and headache after inhaling fumes from acid and bleach a symptom of chloride gas? What's the substitute for norco which can relieve the lower back pain in a 45 yr old female with sciatica, degerative disc disease? What could be the reasons for having dark colored penis and darker ring around penis head for a person wearing diapers? What am i having itching in vagina after having unprotected sex? What causes sudden purpling of the finger excluding the tip? Is it serious to have Ecoli and bacterial vaginosis after having endometrial ablation? Can breast tenderness be caused by stopping heavy antibiotic dose? Any ideas for severe abdominal & pelvic pain and the need of shunt in draining spinal fluid from head to the abdomen? How to cure spreading tingling sensation on the face, shortness of breath, shoulder pain and dizziness and whats the cure? Noticed a small bruise at the right groin area . What it could be? What's causing dropping hb in a person diagnosed with SLE and what's your opinion regarding geraldine? Should i go to ER if a 5 yr old male with high fever, belly bloating, tarry diarrhea with history of intestinal surgeries? What are the treatments for pain in left side of neck, dry sinus, headache and runny nose? How safe is nitrofurantoin for diverticulitis ? Are there medications to clear restricted blood flow to the heart or stent, the only option? Liver parenchyma with mild portal lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate grade 2. Why is my upper tooth hurting even after root canal treatment? What treatment do you suggest for torn meniscus ? What could cause string of lumps from hip bone to pelvic bone? What are the findings from the brain MRI report? Suggest treatment for persistent cough Should i be worried of the chest pain in one spot while having family history of high BP and heart attacks? What causes infertility? What causes deleayed periods? Can soreness in the male nipples and hardness behind them mean gynecomastia or something else and does it get worse? Need remedy to reduce redness on scalp due to dye application Whats the cause and cure for pain in right leg starting in gluteus maximus upto the front with inability to walk in a 79 yr old female? Suggest treatment for back pain and cramps Experiencing salt like taste, roughness and irritation of toungue How to cure high fever ? How to treat 2 wks of diarrhea, tiredness and stomach pain preceded by 5 months of bloating? Which type of treatment is suggested for Slipped disc ? How to relieve pain in the right head and neck after waking to puffiness in the region? What causes dizziness, insomnia with nightmares and high irritability after discontinuing effexor? Suggest treatments for anxiety and panic attacks Noticed a bruise on the leg which is swollen Can stopping estrostep cause dysmenorrhea to return? How to control blood pressure ? Can leakage around mechanical valve 9 yrs after aortic valve and root replacement cause insomnia? What treatment is suggested for fractured distal fibula? Can little white balls leaking thin white liquid in vagina a week after unprotected sex mean std/ infection/ ovulation? Suggest medication for congestion What does fatty liver condition mean ? What could cause sharp pain at the lower abdomen? How effective is ablation for prolifative endometrium ? Suffering from pain on the big toe due to an injury How safe is taking Imodium AD ? Suggest medication for infertility ? Suggest medication for symptoms of hematuria What are the possible treatments for headache on forehead? How to cure Cymbalta withdrawal symptoms? Is it safe for a pregnanct woman to eat turkey microwaved in a plastic covered dish? How to treat herpes of the eye ? Will exercising be safe for angioplasty patient with 5 stents? Will plantar fasciitis causes pain in the heels ? Need medication for severe anxiety and depression Is a doctor visit required for lump below the calf muscle and shin splits while training on football? How effective is urispas for bladder issues ? Can 2 drinks be taken at night while taking Bupropion? Experiencing pressure in head Is blurred vision mainly in the centre of right eye worsening with the day progressing alarming? Is it normal to have wrinkles in fingers after shower? How to remove corn on the inside of the little toe? Grinding noise from the neck, pain while turning head and pain in the left shoulder upto the arms and headaches. What causes vaginal brown discharge after depo shots? Reason for sharp shooting pain in the left side of chest that went down the arm What is the treatment for abdominal hernia? What caused a swelling near the temple after strained bowel movement which doesn't seem to subside? Can recurring rashes on the penis be psoriasis in a person suffering from psoriasis on nails and scalp? Can citalopram cause nervous stomach anxiety and what time it should be taken? What are the possible treatments for bronchitis ? How to treat bartholin abcess cyst? What could cause frequent pain after having an safe sex? Does frequent migraines result in sinus infection? What could cause sore breasts,cramping and acne ? Suggest treatment for chronic insomnia What does mass at right lumbar region mean ? What could cause a small lump under the tongue? Noticed sudden bleeding at the mid line of the tongue How many rounds of epidural is necessary for back pain? Is taking IBD safe ? Suggest medication for Gout How to cure boils under armpit and thighs ? Suggest medication for sinusitis Suggest safe birth control pill Suggest medication for bump that is caused due to burning How to cure sores on the scalp? Suggest medication to reduce red patches around eyelid due to threading What does choleastoma mean ? Will micro-calcification in mammogram indicate risks of cancer ? When is the right time to get ultrasound during pregnancy? What could cause severe pain on the left rib and waist ? Does stones in the kidney causes bulkiness? Is taking Insulin on regular basis causes passing out? Does drinking has any effect on cough? What treatment is suggested for shooting pain at the pelvic area? What medication is suggested for palpitation ? Noticed pain on the right thumb due to an injury How to cure pimples ? Are there chances of pregnancy after taking misoprostol pills after unprotected sex? Should I be concerned about pale stools, blood only once , loss of apetite and unusual fatigue inspite of fibre rich diet? How to cure sickle cell anemia? Suggest medication to enhance sex How effective is synthroid for hyperthyroidism ? What it takes to reduce the lymph node ? What treatment is suggested for Siatica ? Suggest treatment for nose deviation Does taking Remicade causes depression ? How effective is Candid B for skin rashes ? What are the possible treatments for incontinence ? How to improve appetite in children ? How to cure pain caused due to removal to wisdom tooth? What treatment is suggested for influenza? Suggest medication and exercise for weight gain What treatment is advised for Neuropathy in feet and upper legs ? How to treat incarcerated people for diabetes ? Will rubbing vagina externally break hymen? How effective is taking duphoston to conceive ? How to heal bee stung mediated itchy swollen foot with purple bruise while on steroid cream and phernergyn? Suggest treatment for chest pain caused due to weight lifting Experiencing pain during intercourse How to treat cataract for a diabetic male ? Suggest medication for difficulty in breathing How safe is using mifeprin for abortion ? Suggest treatment for upper respiratory tractinfection with fever What does pink bleeding after protected sex indicate? What does a puss and blood filled skin cloured bump on stomach indicate? How to heal fall mediated hematoma about a golf ball size? What causes stomach upset and bloating after taking endura mass? How to heal knee twisting with bad pins and needles in right leg from top to bottom and very sharp pain? Is Amlovas-5 and/or S-Numlo-5 a safe drug? How to treat frequent severe headache? How to treat constant mucus build up in throat along with white pockets and hoarse voice? How to treat fall injury mediated golf ball sized lump on back of head in a 6 year old child? How to treat back pain with cracking noise with history of prostate cancer remission in a 80 years old male? Can a swollen lymph node in right groin cause digestive problem like constipation and appetite loss? Is rectovaginal fistula possible from the trauma of having sex with a tampon lost inside? Suggest treatment for stenosis of the spine How to treat high cholesterol? How can increased TSH level during pregnancy be reduced? What is the reason for painful and itching in buttocks crack despite using hydrocortisone? What should I do about pus-filled, painful pimple on back of ear? What's causing low hb, iron deficiency, blood & protein traces in urine, more urination & weakness all the time in a 18 yr old female? What could cause severe pain during penetration (creams offered no relief), have history of rectovaginal fistula removal? What could cause severe pain in back and abdomen, awaiting ultrasound report? Any suggestions for post nasal drip before and after hyperthyroidism diagnosis even after taking tapazole? What could severe fatigue and discharge of a huge, black mucus like clot with pain in pelvic area indicate? Why would a strict vegan x 4 years have very thick feces for the last few months? Hair thinning all over, weight gain, constipation in a 43 yr old female whose tsh is 0.64 and ferrotin level is 73? What effects does fetus has with TSH level 6 mother? Can idiothrombocytopenia purpurin in a 5 yr old girl cause sore tummy after meal which gets relieved by passing stool? Is hot flushes linked to breathing trouble? What is the treatment for alternating constipation and diarrhea? What can be done for abnormal behavior after taking Xanax? Can breast tenderness, no periods inspite of taking tabs in a pcod patient indicate pregnancy? What is the treatment for pain in lower back, shoulders, and hips after accident? What is the treatment for abdominal noise, cramping, loose watery stools and nausea? What's causing headache on standing up, sore throat, nausea, sudden chillness and bruised body? How to induce periods even when depo-provera 150mg and norethisterone ip 5mg are not helping? Can white patches in the mouth developed due to tobacco chewing and smoking be permanently cured? What other than laser surgery can cure severe burning in a spinal stenosis patient? Is it normal to have traces of blood in the urine accompanied with severe pain in the left side? Unable to lift arms past 90 degree after fracturing humerous and disocating the shoulder 5 mnths back? Does light spotting a week after taking unwanted 72 mean pregnancy and if not, what should be done? Will exposure to dioxins cause hypothyroidism ? What is the cause of hard lumps on lower back that cause discomfort? What is the prognosis for dialysis done on child? What is the cause of pain and discharge at belly button after bowel resection? What is the treatment for feeling of food stuck in body? What is the cause of itching skin while using heating pad for ESRD? What could cause spot which is dark and itchy? How to cure pain and swelling in perineum due to stitches? Very brief period 2 wks after due date, nausea, pressure in the lower abdomen with negative hpt? What's the FDA unapproved medicine which is effective in treating osteoarthritis easily available in latin american countries? How to relieve numbness in the right lower jaw and lip due to a cracked tooth? What are the chances of being pregnant due to bloating of stomach and back pain after having unprotected sex? Should I take another treatment for red and painful cyst? What is the reason for undiagnosed muscle pain? What is the cause of itching neck and chin when suffering from bronchial illness? What is the reason for shakiness and lightheadedness? Is it possible to get arthritis attack on ribs? What could be the reason for having swollen lymph nodes on my neck and underarms? Does refissa tretinoin cream initiates skin rash and irritation? How to heal sex mediated vaginal bleed with tiny skin pieces on vaginal opening? How to overcome the stiffness on my entire body? What is the reason for hard, red lump under skin on mons pubis? Should i consult a doctor immediately as i am having a seizure like episode? Any ideas about chronic low back pain, headache, neck pain, and neck swelling? What is the cause of blue veins on chest, nipple pain and clear liquid discharge? Can a menopausal woman stick with Elemis detox program forever? Could the redness in mouth, runny nose, throat pain while swallowing and red tongue indicate the symptoms of flu? How to heal severe viral vertigo with no depth perception,dizziness and heavy headed while on cerc medication with no help? Is it normal to have a brown and soil like discharge after the use of Albothyl? What diet regime should be followed for colitis with type 2 diabetes? How to heal painful and swollen sac next to gum line with darkened tongue? What could be the reason for having a purple bruise on my cheek? How to regain balance and walking gait with history of heart attack associated paralysis? Should I have a second surgery to treat pain in knee? What could large hard mass behind knee signify with history of arthritis and aortic aneurysm? What could be the sore and itchy red lumps on my vagina indicate? What could pain below breast and belly button with bloating,nausea and vomit signify? What could be the reason for having unbearable pain and swelling in my vein after the circumcision? How to get rid of little itchy bumps on arms and legs? How to treat G6PD ? What is the treatment for cough, high blood pressure and red spots on neck? What is the treatment for cramps and bleeding after medical abortion? Is it correct to increase dosage of medicine for dementia? Should I be concerned about arm pain when breathing deeply? What is the cause of spot on forearm that is itchy and red? What is the treatment for vomiting and diarrhea? What is the treatment for pain in knees and muscles? What is the reason for abnormally light period, nipple pain and back pain? Why has Mensovit plus tablets been prescribed and why have periods not started? What is the treatment for arm discomfort, migraine, tiredness, and tingling in cheek? What is the reason for continuing Effient beyond 15 months after heart attack? Is grinding teeth and swollen tongue a sign of disease? What is the treatment for hemorrhoids that are unresponsive to laser? How can prescribed pregastar plus help in nueralgic pain with history of using thyroid supplements? What are the options to limit/stop the seizures after removal of right-temporal lobe & the seizures spreading to other brain areas? What is the medication for diagnosed piles with blood in stools followed by stomach pain in a child? What can be done for stomach pain and clot discharge? What is mild scattered periventricular an dsubcortical T2 intense white matter foci? Is surgery required to remove gall stones? Will wearing retainers cause teeth to buck once again? What advice is given for loss of taste after having mini strokes? Why is Armour dosage being reduced despite having hypothyroid issues? Why is flesh hanging from spot where adult tooth is supposed to emerge? What is the cause of spot on leg that is warm to touch and feels like it is burning? Any ideas about discomfort during urination after unprotected sex? Can i recover from castle man pomes disease? How to heal injury mediated large lump of under the skin,along the anterior/medial aspect of tibia? Can skinlite daily cause side effects like smear vision,giddiness and headache? Why do I have pain after cervical fusion surgery despite taking Medrol and Norco? What is the treatment for yellow-green phlegm, back pain, swollen lymph nodes and tiredness? What could a red itchy and painful bump on vaginal be? How to treat a little pea sized bump on tonsil gland? What is the cure for bulky, retroverted uterus, and fibroids? What is the treatment for getting pregnant while having PCOS? Can neulasta be given within 24 hours of chemotherapy? What is the best time to try to conceive? What is the treatment for painful rash on child's stomach, under arms and legs? How to treat a painless lump under the wrist skin? Is it normal to have nausea and heartburn after taking norg-ethin Estra? How to heal stomach flu related gas,stomach pain,diarrhea and bloating? What could dark red and pus like vaginal discharge be along with brown discharge all day while on paraguard IUD? Is tramadol recommended while having history of seizures? What could MRI report as shadowing or abnormal uptake signify with history of seizures? What could nose bleed with taste of blood in mouth be while having becrs and migraines? Can norco or xanax cause chest pain? How to treat vomiting and diarrhea in a 2 years old child? How to treat over secretion of gastrin/ hormone levels,enlarged spleen and swollen stomach inner lining while on nexium? Does metoprolo tarta 50 mg causes side effects like blurred vision,breathe shortness and irregular heart rate? What could red spot be on various parts of skin? Is there a problem if I have swallowed a piece of plastic? How can periods be delayed for a week? Is it normal to have sore, red tonsil after cavity filling? What are the causes of enzyme lipase levels being high? How to heal fall mediated left arm injury with severe pain and a big lump on shoulder? What is the cause of itchy, red lumps that recur despite taking antibiotics? Should metal from the incision line of microvascular decompression surgery be removed? How to treat accidental nail glue swallowing? Any ideas about low grade fever and joint pain after pneumonia and pleurisy? Am I pregnant if I have bloated stomach, dark areolas, sore legs and tingling nipples? How to heal chronic bladder infection? What is the problem if I have diarrhea, bloating, gas, painful bowel movements, stomach aches? How many days does it take for a Bartholin's cyst to reduce in size? How can a dark line over the bridge of nose be removed? Any thoughts about bruise on top of foot and hand without trauma? Are ab workouts the treatment for back pain due to degeneration of spine? Will Enbrel and Prednisone harm the fetus? What is your opinion on painless lump on neck that does not cause discomfort? What can I do for burning sensation in lower calves and ankles and feet? What is the cause of testicle pain and pain when coughing or repositioning legs? How to treat multiple cysts in organs with the largest one located in posterior aspect of left kidney? What could be the adverse impact on health for working in night shifts? What is the cause of toothache and swollen cheek despite taking Ibuprofen? What could cause chronic pain in inner upper thigh in a 33 years old female? Is pregnancy possible with no uterine sac found and hcg level 28? Is it normal to have hair growing on breasts? Can Nexium affect sleeping patterns? What is the cause of dry mouth, excessive thirst, and difficulty taking deep breaths? What is the treatment for leg pain, foot pain and tingling hand after C5 fusion? What is the sore at the back of tooth? What is the cause of abdominal pain after previous liver lesions and hiatal surgery? What is the treatment for dizziness, lightheadedness, blurred vision and loose bowels? Is it good to take Spiriva along with Symbicort and Pro-air inhalers? Should I worry about elevated liver test results? Will drinking a mixture of seven up, dettol, and acid cause harm? Is it okay to take Ibuprofen for ear pain due to infected ears? Should I see a doctor for tenderness behind knee and kink in back after fall? How to heal a boil on inner part of right thigh with oozing green pus? How can high levels of AST and ALT liver enzymes be reduced? Is severe pain and bruising in low back below the surgery site normal post 6 days of opL4-5 laminectomy? What is the reason for pain in breast and arm? How to heal sore throat,itchy ear and a sensation of dry sticky lump in throat? What is the cause of swelling, redness, and pain in foot and side of toe? How to treat depressed level of MPV and neutrophil count with Li Fraumeni Syndrome? Should I be worried about child's prolonged fever? How to heal white headed,slightly painful vaginal bump? Is scratching nose, mild nose bleed with running nose and feeling of something stuck in nose concerning? Are wounds on head with peeling skin due to scratching, oozing yellow liquid due to lack of hygeine? Could masturbating and stopping just before orgasm cause thick, painful vein bulge on surface of penis? What does constant urge to urinate and bloating without any pain indicate? How to differentiate between insect bite swelling and a cold sore? What is the measure to be taken to terminate possible pregnancy due to having unprotected sex followed by delayed periods? How to heal shooting pain on right side of upper leg in a 74 years old female? Should I be worried about future stent placement for coronary artery disease? Are dropped oxygen levels, irregular heart with stable BP after heart surgery serious? how to treat stiffness,dizzy,headache,sniffles,nausea,fatigue with light temperature? Can ibuprofen be taken instead of oxycodone to control pain after medial patellofemoral ligament reconstruction? How to treat severe dysphagia? Is getting front back tooth first normal in a six weeks old child? How to treat chest pain with headache,stomach ache,arm pain and scarred jaw in a 16 years old female? Can accidental trauma or hydrocodone during pregnancy responsible for gastroschisis in a new born child? Is there any link between mirena coil implant and shingles? Could pressured pain in chest, underarm and neck be pulled muscle or heart issues? Could low iron and vitamin D levels cause random fevers, headache and nausea? What is the treatment for fatigue and muscle pain due to encephalitis meningitis? What is the treatment for muscle pain and cracking in neck after fall? What is the cause of pain in body after hysterectomy and bladder repair? Suggest remedy for red, peeling skin after waxing the eyebrows with lump under it Could reappearing and migrating confluent macular rash on body be viral infection? Should endocrinologist be consulted for excessive hair loss after thyroid removal? Can intake of Cozar 50mg instead of micardis 80mg cause any damage to the kidney? Could fever during pregnancy with episodes of spotting while being on dupahaston with folic acid cause harm to fetus? Could inflammed, red knuckle of index finger with itching be due to insect bite? What could cause sudden fatigue, low appetite, low sex drive, rumbling stomach with thyroid numbers being little low? Is severe headache and dizziness after fall and hit on head followed by cut and little bleeding serious? How to treat degenerative joint and disc disease in a 62 years old female? Can I undergo a biopsy for an Anechoic bi-lobed cyst soon after a stent procedure, taking Plavix and Aspirin? Are sore breasts a normal symptom of hypothyroidism? What is the reason for pain in neck and jaw due to infection? Why did I have orange colored discharge while using thrush cream? Is sudden elbow pain the outcome of a broken elbow? What is the cause of pain in hand when bending and swollen thumb? What is the treatment for swollen, painful, pus-filled lump on thigh? What is the cause of electric shock feeling in shoulder, neck, and breast? What is the treatment for pain in teeth? Is surgery the best option for lump in breast? Does Coversyl cause headache, nausea and increased urge to urinate? What medicine to take for eye discharge, redness and swelling? What is the treatment for pain in arms and breast when sneezing? What is the reason for blood in stools after colitis attack? Should I be concerned about high levels of total bilirubin? What is the treatment for foul-smelling urine, back pain, and headaches? Should anti-histamine medicine be given for a month for child with atopic dermatitis? What is the cause of stomach ache and thick white phlegm? What is the cause of lump below rib cage of child? What is the treatment for red and watery eyes and fever in child? Should I stop taking pain medication for spinal stenosis? Any thoughts about sore, red and inflamed penis tip? Is it normal to have fever after deep cleaning of teeth? What is the cause of stomach pain and bloating after meals? Should ice packs be continued for swollen eye after injury? How can a recurring pus-filled pimple on nose be treated? Should I take Morphine instead of Dilaudid for broken discs? What is the cause of light period, cramps, bloating, and headache? What is the cause of fishy odor, itching, fever and eye discomfort after unprotected sex? What is the treatment for missed period, cramps, and rib pain? What is the cause of numbness and pain in forearm, and neck pain? Is my ankle broken if it is swollen and painful after twisting? What is the treatment for delayed period, pale nipples, swelling, bloating and watery discharge? What is the treatment for itchy rash in groin and inner thigh? Did I stretch a muscle if I have shoulder pain, burning sensation in shoulder and tingling fingers? Is arm and leg flailing a side effect of taking Depakote, Prednisone and Tegretol? How to treat post traumatic syringomyelia in t7 to t12 with burning pain in neck and shoulder? What is the treatment for testicle pain and feet pain after masturbation? What is the reason for change in bowel movements of child? Any ideas about pimples on leg after getting tattoo? What is the meaning of hypoechoic mass in right adnexa in vaginal ultrasound? What could be the chances of healthy pregnancy while having a history of miscarriage recently? How to treat uterine fibroid mediated heavy menstrual bleed while on norethisterone? What is the reason for ear pain and ringing in ear? Is pain around belly button after resection of endometriosis due to scar tissue? How can SGPT and SGOT levels be reduced by diet control? How to treat elevated blood sugar level between 180 and 245 with history of heart attack? What is the treatment for cystitis, headache, loin pain, feverish, and nausea? What could a swollen postauricular lymph node behing ear signify? Does zicam rapidmelts initiate abdominal pain? How to treat uncontrolled loose motion while on metamucil, with history of blood pressure,thyroid and depression? Is there any alternative medication chronic anxiety/panic disorder with sweating,chest tightness,lump in throat and speech stuttering? How to treat abdominal pain,bloating and nausea with history of diverticulitis with perforation of small bowel and resection? What food can be taken to protect liver while taking Itraconazole? What could sexual intercourse mediate small blister or sore on penis be? Should i be concerned as my leg is swollen after a heart cath? How to treat light headed,throwing up,diarrhea,stomach swelling and enlarge left ventricle while on clartin and zantac ? Should i be concerned as i am having back pain? How to treat depressed thyroid level while having gout and heart murmur tendonitist in left ankle? Is there a cream to reverse sun damage to scrotum? What could be the reason for having a white clear and slimy discharge during my pregnancy period? Is knee replacement surgery possible with history of cardiomyopathy and enlarged heart? Is it normal to have pain after colonoscopy? How to overcome this? Is pregnancy possible with periods irregularity and negative test result? Any thoughts for diminished hearing after ear damage with q-tip? Should I be concerned about thick white discharge, swollen vagina and pain during sex? What could be the reason for having numbness in my left thigh? How to treat multiple Lupus-like masses proximal to the spine? Could the use of beta blockers cause impotence? What does this breast scan report signify: bilateral diffuse altered echotexture-fibroadenosis with no dilacted duct system noted,no mass,no cyst or abscess,no enlarged lymph nodes in axilla What to do when ct scan shows leftward septal deviation along with turbinate hypertrophy, and right middle turbinate concha bullosa? Can vaginal brown discharge with headache,heartburn and bloating be connected to a recent miscarriage? Should I be concerned about episodes of rapid heartbeats? What does clot associated discharge instead of vaginal menstrual bleed signify while sexually active? How to heal broken blood vessel mediated vaginal bleed and constant cough in a 60 years old female with history of cancer? Can any online doctor help me with my MRI results? How to overcome my constipation problem? How to heal spreading large itchy pimples on armpit? How to overcome the bruises on my stomach? Can flared asthma result in elevated blood pressure? What could be the reason for having dry skin on my penis and cuts around the head of penis? How to overcome this? How to control excessive hunger for food? What could work out related wheezing signify in a patient with 4th heart stent? Can I recover from tremors in hand, difficulty with balance due to meningioma? What could be the reason for having itching and inflammation followed by a yellow clumpy discharge? How to treat an increasing bartholin cyst? What could be the reason for having a lot of thirst? What are the possible treatments for Raoultella Platicola infection? How to treat facial lines and disappearing lips,some sagging in jowel around mouth and deep crease between brows? Any ideas about pressure in sternum and associated nausea? Your advice about increasing diabetes while taking Gemer? How to treat bronchitis with swollen hands and arm,consistent foam from mouth in a 94 years old female with vascular dementia? How to treat chronic clotter and leg swelling with poor blood circulation? Should i be concerned as i am feeling little sedated after the usage of valtrex? What should be done after bleeding after taking Cytolog? How to treat severe hearing loss in both ears? What is the treatment for blurred vision, dizziness and confusion? If someone speaks, i feel that they are talking about me. What could be the reason for this behavior? What treatment is suggested for Submucous cleft palate? Is vomiting correlated to injury after 36 hours in a child? Could the purple color below my waist indicate a poor circulation? What could be the reason for having lower back pain? Is pain and swelling despite knee scopes due to PVNS in knee? How to control excessive weight gain while diagnosed with low t4 marking 10.7 and on eltroxin 25 mg? Should i consult a doctor as my daughter is having a rash on both of her inner thighs? What could sudden numbness in left arm be along with neck and shoulder pain and light headed? How to treat depression while on viibryd,zoloft and prozac? After leaving my masturbation habit, i used to get frequent night emissions. How to overcome this? How to check extreme hair loss and what are the hair transplant options in India? How to treat passing out of smelly gas with dizziness? How to treat dry skin along with pimples? How to prevent spreading up of patch stage mycosis fungoides in organs? What could orange oily like fluid rectal discharge be? Is conceiving possible with PCOD? Does food poisoning initiates bad rib and cheat pains? Is pregnancy possible with negative test result? Is low dose of lisinopril or some form of blood pressure medication a better option than ibuprofen? Can head injury cause discomfort in right eye? How to get back smelling sensation while on imigran nasal spray for migraine? Can head injury cause discomfort in eye? What could pain within breast movement be along with breathing difficulty while having history of hear attack with 90% blocked coronary artery and angioplasty? Is saridon safe during first trimester of pregnancy? Will adderall interact with anesthesia? What is the reason for large, red scar on buttocks crack? What is the cause of cramps, diarrhea and bleeding after sex? How to treat enlarged and heavy right breast? What could random,very dull ache in lower right abdomen be with a fullness feeling? How to treat vomiting while on Akt-2 for Tuberculosis Mycobactrium infection? Can cervical problem be connected with pain in knee and right shoulder? How to get rid of medication related extreme constipation? How to control elevated PP level blood sugar in type 2 diabetes while on amarylm2,cilacart,nitrofix sr30,golstatsf and galvus? How to control obesity with excessive hunger? How to heal cortisone mediated side impacts like extremely hyper,elevated heart rate,tingly limb and ear roaring? Can krimson cause severe constipation? Can Ecosprin 75 be continued for 3 months? How to increase hcg level (901)during 6th week of pregnancy in a 44 years old female? How to heal hit mediated wound with tiny red spot and pain? How to get rid of fordyce spots on internal foreskin of penis? Are fatigue,frequent urination and lower abdominal cramp a pregnancy associated symptom? Can diabetic patient use silverex cream to heal burned skin? How to heal long time standing mediated rash in between buttocks? How to treat periods irregularity with white watery discharge and rarely brown spotting? How to control excessive hair loss with iron ferriton as 5? What are the adverse effect of having excessive sexual intercourse? How to control high BP while temporary relief with 12.5mg metroplol and 2.5mg asomex? Is pregnancy possible while on pill within 24 hrs of sex? How to heal swollen big toe with stinging burns along the lower edge of nail with no pus? Can pregnancy be planned with vaginal infection and recent fall mediated abdominal hurt? How to treat recurring sores on stomach breasts and underarm with oozing pus associated blood on squeezing? Are low grade fever,fatigue and chills TB associated symptom? How to prevent recurrence of graves disease with hyperthyroidism? What should be the treatment and diet for hepatitis C? How to heal acne mediated facial scars? How to improve a child's immunity who frequently falls ill, has skin peeling and sweating issue in limbs? What could the blood report findings suggest, also have pimple like wounds on back? Could dark red spots on penis that slowly turned to softer colour indicate an STD? How to treat non pitted edema on legs with elevated creatinine and glucose level while having IV medications for lyme,bartonella, and babesiosis? How to manage pregnancy induced diabetes through diet without insulin intake? Is flu vaccine the only way to prevent the infection? How to heal cold allergy with low immunity in 11 years old child? What could cause watery stool and vomiting in an infant after feed, medicines have no effect? What could be a lump at the junction of head and neck in a one year old child? Is it normal to have constipation followed by severe vomiting after undergoing hysterectomy? Is laser surgery possible to heal lower back disc and cervical injury while on methadone for 35 years? What could hard ball like lump be in between testes and anus? How to treat haitus hernia with breathing problem,appetite loss and insomania? What do the findings in a trans-vaginal sonography suggest, have history of polycystic ovary? Can a women conceive when not ovulating? And is conception possible if semen enters only partially? Is there any pill which is good for hypertension and is not diuretic? How to treat vaginal burning and pain with urge of urination while having frothy urine? Can paracetamol,decongestant and cough syrup be taken for cold while having kidney stone? What abnormality and future consequences could be expected from a new born child with hypoxia,convolutions,metabolism(glucose 17),sepsis and lesion mediated brain damage? How to treat insomnia while temporary relief with pain medication? Is there any chance of conceiving with having enometrioma and partner having asthenoteratospermia and on treatment? Could dizziness, nausea, ringing ears, night sweats be due to not taking regular dose of pristiq? What could vomiting after eating with pain in both kidneys indicate? What could growing, red, extremely painful lump above anus be? What is the right endometrial thickness for an ovule to be released? What could painful bump under skin in right nostril indicate? Could constant vaginal itch and thick brown discharge without help from diflucan and monistat cream indicate STD? What could recurring, slightly painful bump in groin area oozing out pus when squeezed indicate? Advise remedy for pain while eating going to back, waist, ribs and neck due to food pipe ulcer Is elevated muscle pain and headache related to progressive nature of dystonia? Could having sex before taking in the first depo shot on the same day result in pregnancy? What could vaginal brown discharge be post depo shot pause for 6 months? Does brown spotting,cramp and nausea signify pregnancy? How to treat CVID,chronic cough andwith biopsy report: elevated cellular inflammation and high lipid macrophages? What is the remedy for frequent bowel movement after intake of Rabicap and ibscim for diagnosed infection in small intestine? Suggest diet plan for diagnosed H pylori antibodies, severe stomach pain after eating and bloated stomach Can intake of zoloft for 15 years be stopped for causing short term memory loss and reduced sexual ability Chest x-ray showed dense calcific nodule at the right paracardiac region, suspected granuloma representing old TB. Explain What could cause rashes and nausea after taking Crisanta for acne, no improvement in acne either? What is the medication for decreasing urea level in blood with hsitory of diagnosed cresentric glumonephritis? How to treat benzo withdrawal mediated right cheek tingling? How to control hair fall while on minoxidil gel 5% and minscalp gel 5% with no relief? Should Humog and Siphene injection be taken to conceive? Does sharp pain in left ovary,excessive discharge and high,soft cervix signify pregnancy? Is frequent urination urge along with crazy pulsing and weird uncomfortable painless feeling a STD related symptom? Is it fine to stop encorate syrup 200mg if there is no more incidence of epilepsy for a year? How to get rid of severe bad breathe? How to treat severe depression while on zoloft 50 mg with no relief? Does pus cell 0-1/hpf cause stomach pain in a 11 years old child? Is it essential to continue with prednisone course while having flu and fever? How to treat a stroke patient with clot in hte middle? How to treat anxiety and panic attacks with stomach and chest pain,weak leg and frequent bowel movement? Is it normal to have no menstrual bleed while on 3rd white (sugar pill)? How to treat colon polyps with history of colon carcinoma and resection in a 75 years old female? How to treat hair root pain soreness and sensitivity while diagnosed with fibromyalgia? Will doxycycline help me get pregnant? Is blood in mouth due to sinuses and teeth pain? What is the medicine for nerve pain in hand after shoulder surgery? What is the problem if I have lower abdominal pain without apparent cause? What is the cause of lower abdominal pain and urgency to urinate? Can Mildronate be taken to enhance performance? Does menangioma cause memory loss? What is the treatment for tiredness, plantar fascitis and recurring infections? Can macular degeneration of eye be treated? Is it normal to have stomach pain after taking Unwanted 72? How to treat macular degeneration in a 83 years od female with history of severe stroke? How to heal Chloroxylenol (dettol) mediated scrotal coldness,pain,flaky,rough and dry? What could abdominal pressure,bloating and discomfort post unprotected sex signify? What treatment is suggested for Parkinson disease ? Suggest medication for pain in clitoris after sex What could cause sharp pain around abdomen ? Does taking Cymbalta causes sores inside the nose? How to overcome menopause ? What could cause sudden heat and pain in the body ? What is the treatment for diarrhea, bloating, stomach pain and mood swings? What is the cause of shoulder pain without trauma? Will Depakote and Abilify treat bipolar manic episodes? What can be done for chest tightness, pain, and headache after flu? Does metoprolol effect on heart palpitations last throughout the night? What is the treatment for pain in arms, shoulders and back? What can be done for dizziness, tiredness, tingling and numbness in lower extremities? What does period irregularity with spotting,passing large clots and cramp signify? Have severe pain in the upper abdomen Have severe pain, itching and soreness in the throat Is pregnancy possible with light menstrual bleed? What is the treatment for painful breast due to dilated duct with internal debris? How to get rid of zoloft mediated side effects like night mare? How to treat severe periods irregularity? Can hydromorph and bupivacaine cause feet rash and swelling? How can scars on legs due to erythema nodosum be treated? Is itching and bruises due to urticaria? What is the treatment for clotting menstrual blood? What are the problems due to broken bones in wrist? What is the reason for involuntary blinking of eyes of child? Any suggestions for swollen arm due to saline injection? Suggest medication for gastritis How effective is taking ibuprofen for pain caused due to shoveling snow? Will taking lumbar puncture reduces drowsiness due to diabetes? Experiencing pain on the left lower side of the sternum What does intraventricular conduction delay mean? How to cure intense lower back pain? How to treat hand numbness along with pins and needle and severe pain? Does driving and shower jeopardize the healing process in otitis media? What could cause dry throat,shivering and headache? Is there any alternative medication of metformin for type 2 diabetes? Should fertility injections and IUI be attempted with blocked fallopian tube? What is the reason for tendonitis when trying to walk for exercise? How to treat pus culture and ovarian cyst mediated chronic abdominal pain? How to treat sugar pill skip mediated periods irregularity? Have pain and bruise along with a lump near the rib cage Have bleeding after problem with bowel movement Have pain in the head after traumatic brain injury Have a muscular ache on the chest due to a fall Have a module in the lower lobe due to smoking Have a feeling of penis being shrunk suddenly What could it be if had pain in stomach, ovarian cysts, mass near pancreas, seeing lights all the time? Should I be worried about chest tightness after using Chlorhexidine? Could home pregnancy tests show false positive because of high HCG levels produced by the body? What could it be if had a lump in the cheek which is tender to touch after being punched? What to do if arm is heavy, itchy, bumpy, bruised in the area where Implanon was inserted? What to do if right tonsil is swollen, white chunks are coming out and bleeding excessively? Is there a permanent cure for pain in Crus of Helix which gets crusty and sometimes bleeds and is very painful? Is there a remedy for arthritis all over body which is creating great difficulty in mobility? What could it be if having lump in throat, passing black stools after having diarrhoea, vomiting? Have sore throat which started with cough, congestion and irritated eye Have semi hard lump on top of the clavical bone Have stomach pain along with very frequent urination Have muscle spams in the shoulder and arm after surgery for tumor Have a weird feeling after smoking weed for a long time Could bruise in shin caused while playing softball have in turn caused bruising in ankle? Should I see a doctor if the left side of back on the lower rib cage hurts after dancing? What could it be if having stabbing pain in right side when I take a deep breaths or burp, cough, sneeze afterfalling off a ladder? How much does it take to overdose on codeine? What could cause stabbing pain on abdomen and shoulder? How to treat symptoms of lacrimal caruncle ? Can citalopram and nucynta be taken together? What are the chances of getting pregnant after getting fingered with precum on hands? Can hormonal dis balance cause depression,anxiety,extreme emotions,extreme mood swings,fatigue and constant sinus inflammation? What is the solution for stabbing pain, burning, red blisters, itching, swelling in vagina? Is cough and discomfort after meal related? Have severe pain in stomach Does steroids cause problem? Is there bleeding during pregnancy? Child have been diagnosed with hernia Have a lot of medical problem after vaccination? Have a dent in the tooth due to a hit Way to reduce the dizziness and headaches? Have a protruding R collar bone in front by center of the neck What could be the reason for pain, inflammation in whole body after doctor suspected Rheumatoid arthritis? Can liver failure lead to many problems? How to heal vomiting with black diarrhea along with throat tickle and sharp pain between the bottom of rib cage and hip bone? Is pregnancy possible while on depo shot with brown spotting? Reason for loosing the belly button during surgery? Can HIV contract even though that person is healthy? How to treat puffiness with history of neuropathy and meniscus replacement? What could work out mediated pressure build up in head be along with dizziness and nausea? What does tight pain between legs and buttocks with tingling, burning legs and tingling soles indicate? Is there any connection between dripping urine after urination and premature ejaculation? Suggest treatment for severe vomiting, chills and belching without relief from anti nausea tablets Can intake of minocycline for acne also treat other viral infections? Suggest medication for severe sore throat What could sudden dark red clump discharge after a week of clinical abortion indicate? Suggest remedy for rash on body with extreme dry skin and oval spots after taking shots on back for pain Is sudden feeling of hit on chest with heavy thump, sweaty body while sleeping concerning? Should antibiotics be taken to cure swollen, sore throat, hoarse voice, bloody phelgm with cough? Could dizziness after stopping pravastatin with glucose level being 76 concerning? Could dark brown spotting, cramps with history of having unprotected sex and intake of prenatal vitamins indicate pregnancy? What could cause sudden, uncontrollable bowel movements? What is the best way to wean off intake of suboxone? Can new prescription of Ativan for anxiety and constant panic attack be written by urgent care? What could low pulse rate on left wrist with strong one on right wrist during pregnancy diagnosed by an acupuncturist mean? Reason for sudden periods? What could cause sudden foul odor from the sides of the body towards the abdomen? What could cause swollen, painful bubble, oozing pus around wisdom tooth which has barely broken out? Are pain in joints, knee, ball of foot, toes, elbow and shoulders concerning? Is diagnosed bacterial morganella morganii with kidney infections having bed sores for long time contagious? Is there any way to get the calcified barium out from the lungs? How to control high blood sugar level while no relief with glycomet GP-1 once a day? Could chest tightness, swollen lymph nodes in lungs with bad chest x-ray and pulmonary functions be due to inhalation of epoxy glue leak? How to treat inhalation mediated mid chest pain? How to heal a feeling of throat stuck with food? Could painful, pinkish tongue with crack like scars while being on medication for diabetes indicate vitamin deficiency? What to do for swelling of eyelids? What can be done for itching patches on arms after ECG? Why is face flushing when drinking alcohol? What is the cause of lump on child's back and fatigue? What is the treatment for pain in buttocks due to high blood pressure? How can resting pulse rate change dramatically? What is the treatment for fluttering sensation under rib cage? How can I get rid of pityriasis rosea? What is the reason for lower stomach ache, headache, and mood swings after unprotected sex? How to improve in studies while being tired,fearful and frustrated? How to treat panic disorder with elevated heart rate,shaky and swety legs? How to check hair loss in specific itchy,tender area in scalp? How to treat chronic migraine with dizziness and nausea? How to heal anxiety/panic attacks while on celexa 20 mg and adivant with no relief? How to treat excruciating pain in leg,foot and toe in a 3 years old child? How to treat movement related severe pain in right flank? Does dementia patient suffer from sound hallucination? How to treat fatigue,excessive hunger with lower back and abdominal pain and lumps in lower abdominal/lymphoid area? Can amoeba cause liver abscess and what could be the treatment? What are the possible treatment for sprain on wrist ? How to get rid of excessive masturbate addiction? How to take care of a breast cancer patient with double mastectomy? Does dye guided steroid injection on shoulder joint generates squelchy crunchy noise? Suggest treatments for scarlet fever or glandular fever Will a new pack of Rigevidon pills make me prone to pregnancy? How to cure heart burn due to gastritis? What could cause a pain in right hip? What is the cause of tingling warm cheeks and clear phlegm after taking antibiotics? Any suggestions for treatment of bipolar disorder? Should I be worried if child is vomiting and has enlarged stomach? Should I be worried about heavy bleeding after weaning child? How can excess skin on penis be treated? Any suggestions for abdominal pain while lifting heavy objects? Why do I have pain under ribs after gall bladder removal? Should I get immediate treatment for ankylosing spondylitis? How can I get rid of painless bump on upper lip? Is there any alternative medication for spine degeneration? Why there is a bad odour caused in nappies ? How to heal peeling off scaly skin during and after shower? Is pregnancy possible with brown spotting? Suggest treatment for swollen bruise on thighs How to heal injury mediated severe wrist pain while on ibuprofen? Is it safe to take Duphaston and Susten together during pregnancy? Suggest medication for depression How to heal hypertension drug mediated bad and lengthy cough with right foot and leg swelling? How to get rid of blurry vision and frequent urination,type 2 diabetes while on lantus solostar 100ml and metformin with no relief? How safe is taking metoprolol ? How to treat strep throat with cough and congestion while no relief with amoxicillin? What is the normal level of ultrasound is suppose to be ? Will the wisdom teeth cause sinus ? What could cause crackling sounds from joint? Suggest diet plans for low energy
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