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Suggest treatment for scabies to be completely cured Does usage of Salbutamol inhaler help in treating breathing problem? Suggest remedy to stop spotting and watery discharge What cause pain and clicking and popping with movement in ribs? Suggest treatment for sore throat and swollen lymph nodes in the neck Suggest treatment for irregular periods Is Minoxidil advisable for facial hair growth? What is correct time to start taking Femilon? What does this sonography report signify? Is there a difference between Ondem 4 mg and Ondem MD-4? Suggest treatment for red spots near thighs and arms What causes muscles spasms in legs and hands post abortion? What causes severe itchiness in the groin area? Does Testosterone help in growth of facial hair? What causes acne on either side of nose and cheeks? What does this MRI report indicate?  What causes severe headache on left-sided temple area and nausea? What causes heavy bleeding and stomach cramps while on Depo-Provera shots? Suggest remedies for itching on the glans penis post intercourse What is the best medicine for diabetic neuropathy? What causes pain inside eyes after crying? What is the best medicine for diabetic neuropathy? Is pregnancy possible despite taking I-pill? What causes delayed periods despite taking Levonelle post unprotected intercourse? Suggest remedy for pain and swelling in ear What causes blood in stool after taking Advil? What does this semen analysis test result mean? What causes constant sleepiness with weight gain in a depression patient? What causes severe cough after alcohol consumption? What causes increase in heart rate upon slight exertion? What does this PA chest X-ray indicate?  Can carbonated drinks be consumed during pregnancy? What causes tingling sensation and numbness in hands when electric devices are touched? What causes pinkish red spotting followed by brown discharge during early pregnancy? What causes soreness in breasts? What causes impaired body balance? Suggest treatment for PCOD What is an itchy, round, red mark on leg suggestive of? Suggest diet chart for a lactose intolerant infant What is my kidney test result suggestive of? What causes recurring nasal bleeds, sinus pain and pain in ear? Suggest medication for recurring UTI Suggest remedies for red, big zits like pimples on face Suggest treatment for fits and violent behavior in a child What are the symptoms of schizophrenia? Do treatments for weight loss cause any side effects? Does Promensil of double the strength cause an upset stomach? What is my CT scan result suggestive of? Suggest homeopathic treatment for lower abdominal pain while having adenomyosis What causes irregular periods post medical abortion? What causes sperm discharge in urine? What causes frequent urination in a 24 years old female? Suggest medications to abort early pregnancy What causes numbness in hand with tingling sensation in fingers radiating to shoulders? What causes a painful lump on the head after an injury? What causes constant sleepiness with foggy mind and loss of memory? What causes recurring breathing problems, dizziness and palpitations? Is Lactogen safe for babies? What causes delayed periods after taking Duphaston? What does this uterine ultrasound result mean? Suggest treatment for severe leg pain What causes swollen itchy sores behind the ear? What causes constant dull ache in right hip? Is bleeding with clots sign of miscarriage? Are persistent watery green stools in an infant a cause for concern? How long does it take for fibula to calcify post double fracture? What causes clear discharge from ear causing sore like scabs on face? Suggest treatment to get rid of acne Is Orofer Fcm safe to be taken for low hemoglobin level? What causes severe constipation after gastric bypass surgery? What causes recurring IVF failures? Suggest remedies for itchy clitoris with a scab on inner part of clitoris What is diagnosis of atherosclerosis of aorta suggestive of? Does Valium help in detoxing from alcohol? Suggest remedies for stress and panic attacks caused by working night shifts Suggest treatment for itchiness all over the body and arm pit Do two doses of radioactive iodine cause long term problems? What causes recurring nose bleeds and break out of hives? What causes stomach pain and body pain despite having gastritis? Suggest treatment for severe knee pain after an injury What causes blocked vaginal opening? Suggest treatment for eye redness and swelling Is clear water discharge normal after taking enema? Is Duphaston advisable while having vaginal bleeding? Suggest treatment for anal warts Suggest treatment for painful lump behind the ear What causes groin pain while cycling and running? Is using Monistat for burning in vagina safe? What causes an itchy splotchy rash on the torso of a child? Suggest treatment for a red rash on the lower leg Suggest treatment for severe pain in the shoulder blades What causes pain between scrotum and butthole? Suggest treatment to stop self injuring behaviour Does taking Robutussin during preganancy cause drowsiness in fetus? How to calculate the exact day of conception? What are side effects of Erceflora? Is swelling in the breasts with pain a sign of pregnancy? Suggest treatment for extreme dizziness Does second hand smoking cause oral thrush? Suggest treatment for lower abdominal pain and gastritis What causes persistent vaginal bleeding post miscarriage? What causes persistent vomiting in a 6 year child? What does this urinalysis report indicate? What are symptoms of Metastatic Melanomawhen? Suggest treatment for sunburns with tingling sensation for a 17-year-old Suggest treatment for a bump where the pic line was What causes muscle cramps in the Legs and arms? Can sharp pain behind the ear be caused by ear infection? Suggest treatment for epigastric area caused by swallowing dime sized plastic Is an MRI necessary for knee pain? What causes dizziness for a hundred year old woman? What tests are required for discomfort in the chest? What causes pain in throat under the chin? What causes large dark red circles under the armpit? What causes elevation in the pulse rate after placing pacemaker? What causes intermittent nausea at night? What causes urinary and stool incontinence after feeling sudden unconsciousness? Can penile discharge be indicative of an STD? Suggest treatment for anxiety and ectopic heartbeat Is continuing Prednisone advisable for dry eyes? What causes constipation, headaches and abdominal bloating? What causes swelling in the right inner elbow despite taking Neuflo? What causes lower abdominal pain along with nausea and vaginal pain? What causes delay in periods after taking Deviry for fibroids? What causes pain during urination and blood while treating interstitial cystitis? What causes neuropathy in foot and leg despite taking Gabapentin? What causes irregular periods and back pain while on Nexplanon? What causes persistent pain in the right abdomen while treating umbilical hernia? Suggest tests to diagnose delay in conception What causes a bump and pain in the lower ear after a head injury? What does this X-ray test report for dizziness and ear pain indicate? What causes abdominal cramps, constipation and gastritis? What causes vaginal bleeding during intercourse while using Mirena? What causes recurrent red papules on the upper thorax area? What causes pricking sensation on the back despite taking Ibuprofen? What causes abdominal pain post food intake? What causes increased light sensitivity and stinging sensation in left eye? What causes sudden excessive sweating and dizziness? Suggest medication for peeling and itchy skin on body during summer What are effects of low oxygen sat level? What causes excessive hiccups while on Diazepam and Hydrocodine for Bipolar disorder? What causes migraine while on Amlong and Telma? What causes impaired body balance with severe sinus problem? What causes a lump on the right clavicle and night sweats? Suggest remedies for painful and bleeding fingernail post injury Can suppository be given to an infant to pass stools? Does taking Thyroxine during pregnancy cause a blighted ovum? Is genetic testing for Lynch syndrome necessary? What causes sexual arousal while watching people being killed? What causes hot sensation between right buttock and top of leg? Suggest treatment for chest infection after starting antibiotics What are recurring dizziness, heaviness in sternum and acidic feeling suggestive of? What causes severe vaginal pain post intercourse? What are itchy body, burning and tingling sensation in shin and hands suggestive of? Suggest treatment for chronic pain in muscles and nerves What is a large knot on lower back post injury suggestive of? What causes tender, red inflammation on head around a mole? What causes delayed periods with recurring abdominal pain? What are diagnosis of cirrhosis and hypertension suggestive of? Does intake of hydrocodone for severe pain in back and head a cause for concern? What causes swelling and tenderness on a lymph node above the thyroid? What causes delay in periods despite having negative UPT? Suggest remedies for persistent cold and fever in a toddler What are pregnancy symptoms post tubal ligation suggestive of? Is it safe to consume alcohol while on medication for BP? What should be frequency of sex while on Clomid? What causes recurrent fever despite taking Meftagesic and Relent? I am desperate for advice on how to regain control What causes recurrent facial acne despite using Fusidic acid? What causes pain and lump inside the vagina while using tampon? Is it advisable to eat food before taking Tylenol and Acetaminophen? What causes swelling and discoloration in the legs after an injury? Is paternity test advisable during pregnancy? What causes irregular vaginal bleeding despite taking contraceptives after sex? What causes blurred vision and blind spot in the left eye long after a laser surgery? What causes loss of facial hair while on Sysron-N for PCOD? What causes groin pain while treating hernia on either sides of the abdomen? What causes persistent mild pain under the left rib area and breathlessness? What causes swelling and left sided pain in the the roof of the mouth? Suggest treatment for posttherpetic neuralgia in the elderly What causes dizziness, weight loss and fatigue while treating high BP? What causes red rashes in the inner thigh and dizziness? What causes persistent chest pain, breathlessness and heart palpitations? Is Duphaston advisable during the second trimester of pregnancy? What causes a small yellowish bump inside the labia? How long after a fractured fibula is the healing period? Does spinal cord stimulation treatment reduce the pain and numbness? Suggest treatment for bruise on the left ankle Suggest treatment for brown discharge and irregular menstrual cycle What is positive result in pregnancy test post surgical abortion suggestive of? What causes impaired balance and thoughts with ringing ear and migraines? What is stinging sensation in mouth suggestive of? What causes elevated BP, headache, itchy palm and pressure in chest? What causes persistent squeezing pain in rib cage below the breasts? What causes pain in shoulders post torn rotator cuff correction surgery? What causes pain and hotness in left leg post hip replacement? What are bilateral inverted feet and asymmetrical face in a newborn suggestive of? What are spreading rashes on upper thighs and arms suggestive of? Suggest treatment for anal abscess Does Maxzide cause cramps in leg muscles with recurring restless leg syndrome? Suggest remedies for blister on toe causing purple discoloration and irritation Suggest medication for persistent clitoral itch How long does pain due to incision on abdomen last? What are cramps, loose stools and pain in the bottom of ribcage suggestive of? Is walking on treadmill safe while having multiple stents? When should be Risperdone administered along with other medications for dementia? What causes severe pain in soles and heels? What are effects of not taking seizure medications? What causes recurring blotchy rashes on inner left leg? What causes extreme fluctuations in BP levels while on Atenolol? Does UTI cause swollen lymph node under left armpit? Does taking Duphaston, Folic acid and Mycyst help in conceiving? What is a flesh colored, hard bump beside the anal opening suggestive of? What causes abdominal pain and blood in urine post colonoscopy? What causes erectile dysfunction? What causes dizziness and constipation while on Risperidone? What causes pink eye with high fever? Is cramping and soreness normal during 27th week of pregnancy? What causes scrawling sensation on the penis and scrotum? What causes sharp stinging sensation during urination along with nausea? Suggest treatment for floaters in vision What causes persistent pelvic pain? Suggest pain medications for spinal arthritis What causes severe tiredness while on blood pressure medications? Can fissures be cured by following healthy food habits? Suggest treatment for hepatitis C What causes excessive burping along with persistent nausea? Can elevations in BP be controlled by natural remedies? How long should MX3 be taken for colloid adenomatous goiter? Suggest treatment for osteoarthritis causing cracking sound in knees What causes recurring soreness and pain in body, welts on buttocks and breathlessness? What causes recurring pain in lower abdomen, penis and testicles? What causes painfully swollen ear with severe itching? Does alcohol consumption hinder brain development? Is persistent cough related to Lisinopril intake? What is a hot, irritated spot in lower abdomen with burning sensation suggestive of? What causes abdominal pain along with farting and bowel incontinence? Suggest remedies for severe pain in buttock with a bruise and discoloration post an injury What causes lack of libido in a person with peyronie disease? How long does Vivitrol stay in the system? Suggest remedies for extremely dry penis What causes pain around the kidney while coughing and sneezing? Suggest treatment for positive sentinel nodes What causes diarrhea and gas post treatment for pneumonia? Suggest remedies for itchy bruise on thigh with red dots around it What causes sudden blurred vision and dizziness along with headache? Are headaches and sensitive eyes post head injury a cause for concern? What causes dark coloured stools with heavy rectal bleeding? What causes persistent watery stools in an infant? Suggest remedies for discomfort near diaphragm and lower back post an injury What causes vaginal bleeding after intercourse along with nausea? What causes persistent swelling in ankles and feet while having diabetes? Is surgery advisable for abdominal aortic aneurysm causing peripheral neuropathy? Suggest remedies for headache, fever, cold sweats, vomiting and diarrhea Is Rapaflo advisable for urinary incontinence? What does this ultrasound report signify? Is excessive mucus in throat normal post a tonsillectomy? What causes severe hip and pelvic pain post self injury? Is dizziness normal post recovery from fever? Is systolic pressure of over 150 normal? What causes missed periods? Suggest treatment for painful, swollen and red uvula What are red, raised rash on neck spreading to ears and shoulders suggestive of? What causes sudden disorientation while walking? What causes persistent symptoms of UTI while on Cipro? Suggest treatment for tiredness and left sided headache How long does Valium stay in the system? What is my transvaginal ultrasound report suggestive of? Is surgery necessary for carpel tunnel syndrome? Does intake of medication for heart cause excessive saliva with mucus? Suggest remedies for redness and watery eyes post an injury What could be mass in breast? Does smoking marijuana until 27 weeks of pregnancy affect the baby? Suggest remedies for red ring like spots on body What cause pain above the eyebrow and base of neck? What are the diagnostic symptoms for prostate gland cancer? Is sperm transmission possible through inanimate objects? What causes running nose with green clustering post a medial maxillectomy? What causes constant abdominal bloating and discomfort? What causes fluid filled red lumps on random parts of the body? What causes constant nausea while on Lexapro and Quetiapine? What causes delayed and slurred speech while recovering from high fever? What causes chronic thigh and buttock pain? How long does the swollen eye take to become normal in a child? Does a laxative help to reduce the HCT levels? What causes rapid heart rate along with heart flutters? Suggest treatment for an infected pilonidal cyst What could cause fatigue and loss of appetite in a liver cancer patient? Are Azithromycin 500 and Wikoryl advisable for cough and sore throat? What causes vomiting post intake of excessive alcohol? What causes infertility in a woman with dysmenorrhea and epigastric pain? What causes painful joints along with tiredness? What causes dizziness while on Lisinopril and Megafit for malaria? What precautionary measures should be taken for a person with syncope? What causes chronic cough along with difficulty in swallowing? What could cause numbness and pain in muscles? What causes pain and sensitivity in the wrist? How to treat severely decayed tooth? What causes prolonged vaginal bleeding after having intercourse? What causes elevation in the liver enzymes while on Protonix for acid reflux? What causes sudden loss of weight? Suggest treatment to develop breasts for transvestite What causes breathlessness? I use an oxygen concentrator with a water bubbler in Is releasing of tendons recommend to treat trigger finger? Suggest a remedy for sleeping disorder Is nose bleeding a symptom of post-concussion syndrome? What causes delayed period? What causes stomach ache, cramps, headache and tiredness for 22-year-old women? Suggest treatment for liver pain without any side effects What causes bitter taste in my mouth? When is surgery recommended to correct webbed toes for a 2-month-old? Is Codeine advisable for leg pain in a polio affected person? What does this CT scan test result for gallbladder indicate? Can the medication of Aspirin be continued for pain in the hip bone? Are potassium supplements advisable for potassium deficiency? What causes white tissue peeling out at the site of extracted tooth? Suggest treatment for PAD for a 90-year-old Is it safe to conceive while treating ovarian cyst? What does this urinalysis test result indicate? how long does it take FOR a stool softener to work? What causes bumpy rashes on ankles, hands and thighs of a toddler? Which tests are advisable for the diagnosis of dorsal scapular nerve entrapment? Are fever and sore throat signs of rabies? Can Robitussin or Mucinex be taken for enlarged prostate and congestion? What causes high blood count? What causes severe cough after taking Levaquin for sinus infection? Suggest treatment for serratia liquefaciens and weakness What causes tingling and numbness in the neck after taking Adderall? Suggest treatment for swollen and painful big toe What does the following MRI result indicate?  What causes severe pain in vagina post hysterectomy? What causes severe pain in lower abdomen? Can Benadryl be taken for allergy symptoms? Suggest treatment for blood in urine Suggest treatment for severe shoulder blade pain What causes seizure,fatigue and numbness on the face? What causes pain and tightness in the chest after taking SR 2 x tablets? Is pregnancy possible through pre-ejaculatory fluid? What causes anosmia and taste disorders after a brain surgery? What causes sinus pain and droopy eyes after root canal? Suggest remedy for throat pain after swallowing large food portion What causes dizziness and diplopia despite having high blood pressure? Is Infasoy formula the cause for excessive weight gain in an infant? What causes vaginal blisters post menstrual cycle? Does frequent usage of poppers cause seizure? What causes upper abdominal pain and tenderness in the breast? What causes rib cage pain despite having UTI? Suggest treatment for dog scratch What causes white vaginal discharge post intake of Morning after pill? Is pregnancy possible through pre-ejaculatory fluid? When should Clomid be taken to increase one's chances of conceiving? What causes ear ache,tooth pain,sore throat and heartburn? How long does bleeding last after taking Unwanted Kit? Can chlamydia infection be transmitted through kissing? Suggest treatment for frenulum breve Suggest treatment for stomach cramps,loose stools and green color vomiting What causes chronic pain in the leg and groin area after hip labral tear repair surgery? Suggest a remedy for swelling on the knee post surgery What causes red rash on the penis after masturbation? What causes headache and acid reflux despite having Parkinson s disease? Suggest treatment for swollen and painful elbow Suggest treatment for low blood pressure and chest discomfort Suggest treatment for chronic diarrhea, weight loss and anemia What are chances of getting Shingles after getting vaccinated? What are the signs and symptoms of prostrate cancer? How does Reese s Pinworm medicine work? What is normal level of Vitamin B12? Suggest treatment for biliary dyskinesia What cause popping and tingling in ankles? Does taking antipsychotics stop hallucination of hearing voices? What causes severe gastritis despite having Parkinson s disease? What causes severe pain in the left side of the abdomen? Suggest treatment for hair loss, Lyme disease, and bipolar disorder What are effects of using PGF2alpha to increase skeletal muscle protein? Suggest treatment for eye pain and headache after treating a sinus infection What causes severe nausea and diarrhea in an elderly person? Suggest treatment for sore throat, chest pain and dry cough Is anesthesia safe for a cocaine user? Is taking Zentel during pregnancy harmful? Suggest treatment for burning sensation in the anus caused by haemorrhoids Is Cerelac advisable for infants? Is increased sleep normal while on Remeron? Can Meprate and Evaserve tablets be taken for irregular menstrual periods? Can Duphaston and Susten be taken together to support pregnancy? What causes missed periods after taking birth control pills? Does Lidocaine patch relieve lower lumbar pain? Is Trexall safe for treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis? What causes electrifying sensation in the head and body? Will HCG of 200 lead to miscarriage? Suggest treatment for constipation and rectal pain Suggest treatment for very light period with thick dark blood Is taking Lezra in first day of periods safe? How long should one take Flucloxacillin to treat bartholin cyst? Suggest remedy to relieve pain in lower spine When can normal eating be resumed after GERD treatment? Are body ache, thirst and drowsiness symptoms of diabetes? Are sore throat and white spots on throat sign of strep infection? What is normal dosage of Colchicine for Gout attack? What causes fever and fatigue after dialysis in the elderly? What are symptoms of parasitic infection? What is normal TSH 4 level? What causes nausea, dizziness and labored breathing? Suggest treatment for breathlessness Is Allergex tablet the right medicine for itchy rashes in a child? Is bleeding everytime during and after sex normal? What are symptoms of paranoia, Bipolar disorder and OCD? Suggest treatment for supraventricular tachycardia What causes increase in the sexual desire while on Mucinex? What causes thigh pain and inability to walk? Suggest an alternative medication for Chlotrimeton for asthma and allergy Suggest treatment for testicle soreness What causes hand to freeze suddenly? What causes sore throat with a white spot on the area? Suggest remedies for multiple bumps on forehead with pimples and dark spots on cheeks Suggest ways to wean off masturbation habit What is stool exam result of my baby suggestive of? What are the findings shown in the following ultrasound report? Are there any side effects from the tablets for reducing excessive milk production? What does my spinal examination result suggestive of? What is my ultrasound result suggestive of? What is a tumor on neck while on treatment for TB in lung suggestive of? Is taking Docosahexaenoic Acid, Methyl Folate during pregnancy needed? What are painful masses around the anus suggestive of? What causes painful swelling and redness in mouth with tightness in throat? What causes vaginal bleeding with abdominal pain post periods? Does intake of emergency contraceptive pill cause delayed periods? What causes weaker erections with curved penis? What causes right leg pain despite taking Tylenol and Motrin? What does this pancreatic ultrasound result mean? What causes delayed periods post withdrawal method of intercourse? What do my lab test results indicate? What does this urine test result mean? What causes severe skin rashes despite having stomach infection? What causes severe back pain along with numbness on the tongue? Is pregnancy possible despite taking emergency contraceptive pill? What causes light and short periods post a D&C procedure? What causes pain and itchiness in the throat? Suggest treatment for chickenpox in a 7 year old child What causes hand to freeze suddenly? Is Sugar Free powder advisable while on Glyciphage? Is pregnancy possible despite taking emergency contraceptive pill? What causes pain on the side and bottom of heel? What are side effects of Ecosprin Gold 20? How can severe allergic cough be treated? Is Carbimazole the right medicine for thyrotoxicosis? What causes gastritis and abdominal pain after taking Disprin? Is chest pain and discomfort caused due to DVT? Suggest treatment for social anxiety disorder Suggest treatment for yeast infection Suggest treatment for abdominal pain,dizziness and diarrhea How can facial scars be treated? Suggest treatment for positive VDRL What does the following angiography result indicate? Suggest treatment for increasing psoriasis What does the following angiography result indicate?  Suggest remedies for stretch mark on back due to a big sore on the nape Suggest treatment for swimmer s ear What does this pelvic ultrasound result mean? What causes swelling in the leg after hysterectomy? Do repetitive sonography tests affect the foetus? Can irregular menstruation be a sign of menopause? What does this pelvic ultrasound test result indicate? What causes shortness of breath despite having pulmonary edema? What causes swollen legs, ringing ears, headache and fluctuating BP? What causes lower back and sciatica pain with brown vaginal discharge? What causes burning sensation during ejaculation? What are sharp pain in head and lower back with impaired vision suggestive of? Do medications for PCOS impact conception? What causes soreness and pain in the nipple? What does the following test result mean? Suggest medication to cure dry skin, hair loss and dandruff What causes bleeding in penis during intercourse? Is taking Bactrim and Clindamycin advisable to treat an infected boil? Why are Umom and Torchnil capsules advised for a woman with PCOS? Suggest remedies for growing ridge in back molar with swollen gums Suggest remedies for persistent fever, cough, cold and tightness in chest Can taking Levodopa/Carbidopa help treat candida infection? Does intake of Selace forte everyday prevent tobacco related diseases in future? Will surgery for lump removal from neck cause scars? What are pounding chest, pulsing stomach and nausea suggestive of? Suggest treatment for hyper sexual arousal disorder post opiate withdrawal What causes diarrhea and mouth sores post unprotected intercourse? What causes chest pain radiating towards sternum? What are delayed periods with spotting and gas problems suggestive of? What causes menstrual irregularities? What causes burning sensation in the vagina after taking Metronidazole? Does masturbation cause pain in testicle with discolored vein on it? What does this CT scan report of lumbar spine signify? What does the following echocardiogram result indicate?  Does having unprotected sex post periods cause pregnancy? Suggest treatment for chronic dizziness What causes swelling and discomfort in the vagina after losing virginity? What is my USG report during pregnancy suggestive of? What causes mild fever along with headaches and tiredness? Does IUD placement cause recurring sharp pain in ovary radiating to back and hip? What causes pain and stiffness in the legs with RQ abdominal pain? What causes discoloration in head of penis with small bumps around? What causes recurring elevated levels of bilirubin despite taking treatment? What causes pain and burning sensation in the belly button? Should Daphne pill be started on the first day of menstrual cycle? What causes motor imbalance while on Clonazepam? What causes a sore lump on the neck and difficulty while swallowing? Suggest tests to diagnose pregnancy while experiencing periods delay What causes blurred vision after a root canal procedure? Suggest treatment for small bumps on the vagina What causes spinal stiffness despite taking oral steroids? What causes sharp upper abdominal pain and diarrhea after gastric bypass? What does this stool test result for frequent diarrhea indicate? What does this MRI test result for left knee indicate? How good are my chances of getting pregnant with one fallopian tube? What is a tender, swollen, red spot on right breast suggestive of? Suggest remedies for sore breasts post an injury What causes extreme sinus pressure in maxillary cavity post treatment for ear infection? Suggest pain medication for severe pain in femur post an injury What is a painful red streak running down from inner leg to ankle suggestive of? What causes persistent tightness in chest? What are multiple bite marks on body with a red center suggestive of? Suggest remedies for recurring sharp pain in ear and head Can OTC antihistamine be taken for allergic reaction for Ibuprofen? What causes episodes of hot and cold flashes, stuffed sinus and impaired balance? What causes lack of ejaculation during intercourse? What does the ECG report of a 56 year old woman indicate? Suggest treatment for excessive perspiration and goosebumps Suggest the right medication for TSH Can I take noraco and fentanyl patches to sober up Does a spider bite need immediate medical attention? Suggest treatment for itchy skin and loss of appetite What does my stomach X-ray indicate? Suggest treatment for nasal congestion, wheezing and cough What causes difficulty in urinating? Suggest an alternative medication for cramps I got a script for 15mg of add It is What causes swollen muscles on my right arm? What causes fatigue, weight gain and constipation while treating hypothyroidism? What does my PFT result indicate? Cab pressure hives cause itchy welts on hands, shoulders and legs? What does the blood test report of a 44 year old woman indicate? Is vertigo related to thyroid? Is conception possible despite taking Unwanted 72? Suggest alternative treatments to psoriasis instead of homeopathy What causes pain near the navel that radiates to the right side of my ovaries? I have an open book on the inside of my What causes chest pain and pounding of heart while on Motrin? What causes sudden dizziness in an elderly person? What does this blood test result for EBV indicate? Is Medrol advisable while treating TB? What causes mood swings, excessive hunger and headache? Suggest a diet for an individual having ulcer in the rectum What causes head waves, convulsion and neck pain? What causes a raised area on the penis? What causes delay in periods despite having negative UPT? Suggest an alternative medication for chronic pain in my back and legs What causes sudden fatigue and elevation in the heart rate? What causes black and white hairy look alike discharge around navel? What causes severe headache behind ear? What causes pain in the right knee? Suggest medication to cure headache and burping Is severe pain in left foot with swelling and discoloration suggestive of stress fracture? Can Norco cause any side effects? What causes brown mucus discharge during periods after having sex? What does mass in the pelvis and tissue in the cervix mean? Suggest the right time to take Rebamipide 100 mg tablet Suggest treatment for nasal congestion, sore throat and nausea What causes clogged ears after taking Neomycin and Hydrocortisone to clear earwax? Suggest the course of medication of Amitiza 24 mg for diarrhea Are having mild fever, sore throat and fatigue symptoms of flu? Suggest remedies for recurring anxiety attacks Suggest treatment for infertility for women married 4 years ago What causes feelings of paranoia and anxiety? Why did I miss my periods this time? Suggest treatment for vomiting for a 6-year-old boy What causes a lump on both sides of breast bone? Is yellowish semen related to chemotherapy? Suggest an alternative medication for dry cough Suggest treatment for Hodgkin s Lymphoma What causes pain during urination? Can medication of Gabapentin, Oxycodone, Hydrocodone and Acetominophen cause side effects? What causes fatigue and weight gain for a 59-year-old? Suggest medication to cure sore throat Suggest treatment for warm tingling sensation in the toes What causes lower fecal elastase, diarrhea, constipation and nausea? What causes high fever and blister at the corner of the mouth for a 9-month-old? What causes sickness, nausea and uneasiness for an 11-year-old? What causes irritation in my urethra? Suggest treatment for pain in the hair roots when the hair is moved Is Colonoscopy safe after a past episode of diverticulitis? Suggest treatment for headache and neck pain Is running safe while on oral antibiotics for a 12 year old girl? What causes red dots on my body and sun burn on my chest? What causes tightness in throat? I got a rope burn Tues 14, located on the Is Gtube operation safe for a 43-year-old? What causes itchiness in my clit and opening to the vagina? Suggest treatment for pain in the ribs and back, and weakness in the legs Can an on-going cough be indicative of flu? How can severe hair loss while on a weight loss regime be treated? How can scalp tenderness and sensitivity be treated? Can irritation in the vagina after intercourse be indicative of an STD? Is flying safe post craniotomy & subdural hematoma removal operation? Suggest treatment for liver and bile duct cancer Does intake of antidepressants cause low sex drive? Suggest treatment for recurring sore throat and white patches on throat What does the ERY test report of a 72-year-old indicate? Hello, I have Hep C for maybe the last twenty Can Pap smear detect mono and confuse it as HSV1? What causes a small bump on my vagina? What causes mouth sores and cracked lips? Suggest treatment for fever and nasal congestion. What are numbness and tingling sensation with bruises in hands, feet and ankle? How can indigestion be treated? Can Hashimoto s and lupus affect a patient simultaneously? Do shoulder pain and stiffness in neck require medical attention? What causes fatigue and palpitations? What do my lab test results indicate? I took Anastrazole for 3-1/2 months and had severe double What causes pain in the RUQ post a laparoscopic hysterectomy? Does poison ivy on the groin require immediate medical attention? Suggest remedies for painful ear and nausea due to pushing the q tip too far in ear Suggest treatment for big bumps in the arm pit What are difficulty in swallowing, reflux and vomiting suggestive of? Does a reddish bump at the buttock mean a blood blister? Do painless bumps on the palate require medical attention? Can crainiotomy grow despite a past surgical removal? Is the medication of Mucolite advisable for cold and cough for a 2.3-month-old? What causes a fluttering sensation at the top right side of my head? Suggest treatment for fever, cough, dizziness and weakness How can RVF be treated? Should bipolar disorder and thyroid medication be discontinued while trying to conceive? Is a UTI a cause for concern if a catheter is placed? What causes irregular menstruation, abdominal pain and positive pregnancy result? Do Dilaudid shots cause an increase in liver enzymes? What causes partial foot pain post excessive walking? Suggest the best way to wean off 80 mg Latuda What causes dizziness while passing the stools? Does a dog bite require medical attention despite the animal being vaccinated? Suggest treatment for pain in the heel How can headache and dried nose blood be treated post an injury? Suggest treatment for fatigue, dizziness and skin dryness while on Percocet How can recurrent seizure attacks be treated? What causes sore throat, sneezing and chills? What is my CT scan result suggestive of? Are Gaviscon and Omeprazole the right medication for gastritis? What do my thyroid test results indicate? Is one omeprazole a day a sufficient dosage? What does my urine test result mean? Is excessive urination caused due to quitting smoking? What causes persistent vomiting in a toddler? Suggest treatment for severe abdominal pain while having abdominal adhesions What causes itchiness and redness on the foot? Is discomfort caused due to acid reflux? How can lump and soreness on the ear be treated? Suggest OTC medication for fungal infection at the base of left toe Suggest remedies for swelling and pain in right foot What could cause swollen lymph node in neck besides cancer? My TSH w/reflex to FT4 results came back as 3.10 Suggest remedies for sleep disorder, slurred speech and weak extremities Suggest treatment for diverticulitis Suggest treatment for multiple phobias in a child Are irregular menstrual periods caused due to PCOS? What is a painful spot in the leg suggestive of? What causes recurring sore throat with burning sensations? What causes swelling in feet and ankles with extreme fatigue? What are cramps and pinkish discharge during urination suggestive of? Does gallbladder removal cause fat accumulation around the abdomen? Suggest remedies for severe pain in left eardrum and numbness in right hand Suggest remedies for swelling and pain in leg post sunburn Does having unprotected sex while on Diane cause pregnancy? Does non penetrative sex cause STD? What is my X ray report suggestive of? Does intake of plan B pill along with coke impact its effectiveness? What causes itching in vagina post intercourse? Suggest remedies for red, swollen and pus filled area on the stitches post mole removal What causes severe pain in lower left abdomen after a laparoscopic surgery? Suggest homeopathic treatment for leg infection post an injury Are stomach cramps, vomiting, diarrhea and chills suggestive of food poisoning? Suggest remedies for dry cough with thick and yellow nasal discharge What causes persistent pain in lower abdomen? Is recurring pain in lower back and legs suggestive of osteoarthritis? How can bladder cancer be treated? Suggest remedies for erectile dysfunction What causes pain in lower back radiating to buttocks and legs? Suggest medication for urinary incontinence Does using Alprazolam before pregnancy impact the baby during pregnancy? What are red, itchy rashes around the abdomen suggestive of? What causes severe chest pain after a left ventricular failure? What causes pain in the lower back and left sided abdominal pain? Suggest treatment for yeast infection during early pregnancy What causes splits on the toe skin causing severe pain? What causes strange movement on the left side of the back? Is Meclizine advisable for motion sickness? Can antibiotics have any effect on menstruation? Is the medication of Levonorgestrel and IDOZ 72 advisable? What causes increase in the creatinine level while having hypertension? What causes itchiness and red marks on the penis after having intercourse? What causes nasal congestion, fatigue and body tremors? What causes chronic cough and hives on the arms and legs? What causes persistent heel pain in both foot? Is this dosage of Haloperidol advisable for restlessness in a stroke patient? What causes extreme tiredness after thyroid replacement therapy? Suggest treatment for intense body pain while treating fibromyalgia What causes tingling sensation in hands and legs? What causes swollen feet and headache after menstruation? What causes delay in periods despite having negative HPT results? How to treat severe jaw infection caused after a dental implant? What causes recurrent diarrhea and a lump above the navel? What is the normal blood sugar level in a type 2 diabetic patient? What causes swelling in the legs and feet while treating arthritis? What causes severe hair loss while taking Neomercazole for Graves disease? Can one get positive test results for HSV after having oral sex? What causes intense pain around the knee while standing? Suggest treatment for pituitary tumor while taking thyroid medication What causes severe muscle spasms in the right hamstring? What causes irregular periods while taking contraceptive pills? What causes recurrent symptoms of high BP despite taking Stamlo? How to treat hypothyroidism while treating high BP in the elderly? What causes sleeplessness and extreme fatigue after lexapro withdrawal? What causes intense pain in the right arm? What causes swelling in the jaw after a root canal treatment? What causes a painful bump on the left leg? What causes rectal pain and bleeding after treating anal fissure and hemorrhoid? What causes sharp chest pain long after a hysterectomy? What causes recurrent headaches? Is Fertomid advisable to treat delay in conception? What causes bite look alike marks on ankles and calves in a TBI patient? What causes excessive fatigue while taking Hydrocodone? What causes sharp pain in the thumb and wrist area? What causes weight loss after Cypon withdrawal? Is milk thistle with blood thinner advisable to a diabetic patient? Can Misoprostol result in malformation of fetus? Suggest treatment for swelling in the penis that is painful What does this MRI test result for loss of balance, stress and loss of memory indicate? What causes crawling sensations around the forearm? Does shingles cause extreme fatigue? Does having intercourse during periods cause pregnancy? What causes episodes of dizziness, lightheadedness with cold and hot flashes? What causes eye floaters while on Amlodipine and Metoprolol for high BP? What causes menstrual migraines during menopause? What causes small lumps with indentation all over the face and the body? What causes pressure, urge to urinate and vaginal swelling after sex? Is Uricalm advisable for symptoms of UTI during pregnancy? What does this pelvic ultrasound test result indicate? What causes cramping sensation in stomach followed by caving in? What causes impaired balance? What causes burning sensation during urination after having intercourse? What causes irregular periods, especially after delivering a baby? Can metronidazole and Doxycycline cause any side effects? Suggest alternative medication for ringworm infection How to treat dark discoloration on the right thigh after an injury? What causes behavioral changes after increasing Clenil dosage in a child? How to cope with loss and grief? Can Tylenol cause any side effects? Suggest treatment for fever, headache and cough Suggest tests to diagnose symptoms of anemia Is the medication of Flexon advisable for hamstring muscle pain? Can pain in the bladder area be caused by kidney stone? What causes discomfort in lower abdomen and constipation? What causes intermittent RUQ pain, despite normal colonoscopy and endoscopy results? What are the consequences of stage 2 kidney failure and anemia? What causes consistent headache? Suggest treatment for pain under my right eye near the nose Suggest alternative medication for IBS What causes swelling in the ankles and shortness of breath? How long will it take for Propranolol and Coreg to be effective? Is shingles contagious and what are the consequences of rash near vagina? Suggest an appropriate diet plan while weaning off Prednisone How to remove HBsAG from the body? What causes facial pain and swelling despite taking Clindamycin after using fillers? What causes red marks on face after crying? Suggest treatment for vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain What causes a lump around the under arm towards my spine? What causes persistent pain in the neck, back and arm despite taking Prednisone? Suggest treatment for a feeling of pressure in the ear Do Lipitor and Lisinopril have any side effects? Is giving liquid silver advisable for intermittent fever in infants? What causes facial sensations, fluid-like feelling in the ear and tooth-sensitivity? Suggest a medicine for acidity during pregnancy What does my WBC test report indicate? What causes pain in the back and left side of the lumbar and rib? Is O2 advisable for diarrhea while on ORS and Cyclopam? What causes slight spotting on the 19th day of taking I-Pill? Suggest treatment for placenta previa during pregnancy What causes vomiting, nausea, bloating and discomfort in the stomach? What causes frequent elevation in the BP level despite taking BP medication? What can a lump on the rig cage for a 1.5-year-old indicate? Suggest an alternative medication for excessive sweating Suggest treatment for pain in the back of the knee for an 18-year-old What causes swelling and pain after stepping onto a thorn? What causes left sided chest and arm pain in a regular smoker? What does this blood test report for respiratory illness in an infant indicate? What does the X-ray of my foot indicate? How can severe anxiety disorder be treated? Suggest treatment for adrenaline rushes for a 42-year-old Suggest treatment for spots and pigmentation in the skin for a 20-year-old Suggest treatment for pain in my left foot Can a tender bruise on the right knee after injury be treated? What causes chest pain after using Omeprazole? How long does Losartan Potassium need to take effect? How to cure skin diseases? What causes a pus filled lump under the armpit after a laser treatment? Can breathing problems be indicative of respiratory tract infection? Is the medication of Dicaris 100 mg safe for nephrotic syndrome? What causes pressure near the sternum for a teenage boy? Suggest alternative medication for persistent fever in my 4-month-old daughter Suggest the frequency of Isovent 200 to be taken vaginally What causes bleeding with cramps during menstruation? Suggest treatment for sperm-like fluid release from the anal and penis Suggest alternative medication for jaundice Suggest treatment for allergy to dust and heat in the car What causes difficulty in breathing while asleep and pain in the stomach ? What causes stomach pain, bloating and dizziness? Can black spots and dryness in the lips after oral sex indicate STD? Is surgery risky for men having aortic stenosis with 30% heart efficiency? Can a spot above my left elbow indicate an ingrown hair? What does my blood test report indicate? Will Roscillin and Paraxin affect pregnancy? Is kerosene treatment the right method of treating liver cancer? What does my chest X-ray report indicate? Is a knot under a small mole a concern while having BCC? What causes low blood and potassium count in the body? Suggest alternative medication for cold, runny nose and sneezing for a 15-year-old Suggest treatment for dark circles for a 20-year-old What causes severe stomach cramps during 7 months of pregnancy? Suggest treatment for stomach cramps for a 60 year old woman Suggest treatment to stop hair fall What does the following X-ray result indicate?  What does the stool test report of a 5-month-old indicate? What causes swelling between the nose and corner of my right eye? How to treat a facial scar caused after an incision? Suggest treatment to get rid of pimples What causes brownish discharge and lower back pain during menstruation? What is the expected life-expectancy for an 85-year-old with congestive heart failure? Suggest treatment for high troponin levels for a married man Does Retino AC gel have any side effects? What causes peeling of skin in my palm every 60 days? Are Folic acid pills effective? Suggest treatment for recurring loose stools What causes rashes on the body after injecting Iron Sorbitex and Folic acid? What causes delay in periods while on Duphaston? Suggest treatment for severe body pain What does the following ESR result indicate?  What causes lower abdominal pain and severe bleeding after taking Amoxicillin? How accurate are dating scans. My lmp was 31st March. What causes swollen lymph node under my left ear? Is pregnancy possible despite taking Postinor 2 pill? Suggest treatment to remove a lump on the breast Does prolonged use of Nitrocontin cause any side effects? Suggest treatment for swollen and bruised foot Suggest treatment for sharp pain in the big toe What causes abdominal discomfort despite taking Clonazepam and Dulcolax? What does my cholesterol test report indicate? Is Utoclan advisable shortly after having menstruation to delay further bleeding? Are Tricyclic antidepressants effective in reducing depression? Are powergesic and Ocid qrs the right medication for lower back pain? Suggest treatment for severe sunburn on the shoulder and back What does this chest x-ray test report indicate? Is Himalaya hair zone advisable for hair growth? What does delayed period along with stomach cramps and sore breasts indicate?  What causes drainage of pus from the infected ear? What causes swelling at the surgical site post removal of lymph nodes? Will Sporlac Powder help stop loose stools? What causes sharp groin pain despite having endometriosis lump? Suggest medication to stop early menstruation Are hot flashes side effects of Thyronorm 50? What does this urinalysis test result indicate? Suggest treatment for constipation in a 10 month old child Is it advisable to take Telma without prescription? What causes chronic abdominal pain along with night sweats? Can Postinor-2 help prevent pregnancy? What causes bleeding for a pregnant woman? What causes LLQ abdominal pain with brown coloured stools? Suggest treatment for constipation and gastritis Can drugs and injections help alleviate knee joint pain? What causes pus oozing sores behind the ears? What does this fertility study result mean? Suggest treatment for a scar on the chin What causes sudden episodes of loss of vision and hearing? What causes pain and numbness on the right side of the body? Can missed period be indicative of pregnancy? Suggest treatment for bleeding from penis Is SGPT value of 63 a cause for concern? Is Ampicillin an alternative for Penicillin? What causes stomach bloating despite having antral gastritis? Suggest a remedy for jaw-split that happened after a jaw surgery Suggest treatment for itchy rashes all over the body What causes weakness in legs and right hand? What causes painful vagina and blood in stools post sex? Suggest treatment for swollen and bruised finger What does this pelvic ultrasound test result indicate? Suggest treatment for severe hair fall Does intake of Unwanted pills cause bleeding between periods? Is the medication of Calcimax & Uprise D3 safe for a 2-month-old son? What does the following CT scan result indicate?  What causes vaginal pain during urination after having intercourse? What does the following urine test report mean? What does my visual field test report indicate? Suggest treatment for klebsiella pneumoniae bacterial infection How long after stopping regesterone will periods resume? Suggest remedies for mouth ulcers and loss of appetite in a TB patient Suggest treatment for a pea sized lump on the anus What causes weight gain after taking Primolut-N to delay periods? Are irregular periods normal in a teenager? Does having sex while on medication for PCOD cause pregnancy? Suggest treatment for tonsillitis What causes gastritis and spinal cramps while on Cervifert and Endothik? Suggest treatment to cure severe headache What causes premature ejaculation and nocturnal emission? Suggest medications for nodules on throat causing hoarseness in voice Suggest treatment for restless legs syndrome What causes cold and tingling sensation all over the body? What causes dizziness and lightheadedness while being diabetic? Suggest remedies for extreme hair fall and weakness due to excessive masturbation What are missed periods while having the tubes tied suggestive of? What does the following CT scan result indicate?  What can be expected from an X-ray report done for persistent cough after a hydatid cyst removal surgery?  What is my torch test result suggestive of? Is bleach and CLR inhalation during pregnancy a cause for concern? Suggest remedies for persistent soreness in throat What causes a recurring painful cyst oozing blood and oily substance on back? What causes a sudden drop in blood level after a myomectomy? What causes irregular bleeding during periods? What causes recurring mild pain in chest with discomfort in left arm? What causes sharp throbbing pain in the neck? Suggest a remedy to lessen bleeding without removing Nexplanon Is surgery for multiple hernias post colon tumor removal surgery dangerous? Suggest medication to induce periods What is brown spotting post unprotected sex suggestive of? Suggest treatment for diarrhea,stomach bloating and nausea What causes severe insomnia after switching from Doxepin to Restoril? What is a bite mark on back causing sharp pain suggestive of? What does this abdominal ultrasound test result during pregnancy indicate? What does this blood test result mean? What causes delay in periods despite having negative UPT? Suggest remedies for recurring cramps in legs What causes a small brown spot on the labia majora? What causes melasma despite using Cutilite and Melaglow cream? Suggest treatment for headache,body pain and fever Is pregnancy possible through non-penetrative sexual activity? What causes itchy rashes on leg of a child? What causes difficulty in passing urine despite taking Alfoo tablet? What causes numbness in the hands and migraine headache? Suggest treatment for persistent acne and pimples on face What does the following transvaginal ultrasound result indicate?  What does this blood test result mean? Suggest treatment for recurring migraines, sleep disorder and uterine fibroids Suggest treatment for laryngitis during pregnancy What is brown vaginal discharge post unprotected sex suggestive of? What causes UTI in an elderly person? What are small rashes on the body of a toddler suggestive of? What causes persistent sensation of water flowing from head to face? Does Clopidogrel cause reduction in bone density? What causes redness and swelling around the ear piercing site? What causes allergic reaction in the eyes along with sore throat and fever? What causes back pain along with blood in urine? What causes burning sensation in the vagina after inserting Canesten? What does a lump on the back of the head indicate? How to reduce back pain caused by masturbation? What causes a large reddish yellow mark on the scalp? What causes a large swollen rash around the bug bite? Suggest treatment for swelling and pain in the vagina after having intercourse What causes numbness and soreness in upper arms? Suggest an alternative medication for sleeplessness for an 83-year-old What causes abdominal spasms throughout the day? Suggest treatment for pain in the leg and stiffness in the knee What causes persistent itching sensation between vagina and thigh area? What causes prolonged vaginal bleeding and abdominal pain despite taking contraceptives? What causes menstrual cramps like sensation while taking Clarithromycin? What causes pain and bruise in the bottom of the foot? What causes lethargy, low appetite and pressure sores post brain surgery? Can the medication Vaniqa help in reducing facial hair growth? What causes a small perforation at the incision site after a laparoscopy for endometriosis? Suggest remedies for dizziness and headache post exposure to spray paints What is my transvaginal ultrasound result suggestive of? What causes appetite loss and memory loss after taking Rcifax? What are dizziness, impaired balance and pressure in head suggestive of? Are green stools in an infant a cause for concern? Is bowel movement after every meal a cause for concern? Suggest remedy for persistent loose stools with grumbling noise in stomach What is periodic heavy sweating and burning sensation suggestive of? What are spreading rashes on abdomen, elbows and back of hands suggestive of? What causes extremely watery stools? What causes swollen and hard lymph nodes in armpits with sharp abdominal pain? What is a painful lump in the crease of upper thigh suggestive of? Is a bleeding wound due to human bite a cause for concern? Suggest remedies for constant burping, bloating and vomiting sensation What causes recurring red, itchy splotches and spots on abdomen and back? Suggest treatment for impaired balance and breakout of bruises on body Suggest diet to be followed to cure jaundice in a diabetic patient What causes elevation in pulse rate? Does lymphoma cause tumor in frontal lobe? What causes facial swelling while on amoxicillin? What causes lactose and gluten intolerance while treating Celiac disease? What causes loss of consciousness? What is a hard, movable, marble sized lump in cheek suggestive of? What are elevated BP levels, panic attacks and fatigue suggestive of? My WBC count has been going between 21-24 and my I have been on a birth control for menstration issues What causes itchy skin with bumps on face? Suggest treatment for persistent sore throat, hoarse voice and pressure in ears What causes grayish semen discharge while on Ibuprofen for cough and allergy?
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