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Suggest treatment for loose motion and high fever in a kid What causes burning sensation and swelling in the arm of a kid? Suggest treatment for acne What is the recovery time for compression fracture of D12 vertebrae? Suggest treatment for acne What causes brown colored mucous discharge from the nose? What are the ways of HIV being contracted? Can HCG diet affect pituitary macroadenoma? Suggest medication to get period when pregnancy is negative Could the problem in throat be due to scleroderma or throat cancer? What to do for spinal cord tumor? Suggest treatment for pain in the knees while standing up from sitting position Suggest me about diabetes medicine doasage What causes blocked nose after consuming alcohol? What is the best medication for diabetes? Can ovarian cysts prevent pregnancy? Suggest remedy for penis problem What are the symptoms of snake bite? What causes soreness and black spots on nipple? What to do for frequent headache? Suggest diet plan for lactose intolerance patient Suggest treatment for inability to walk What causes numb sensation in the nose and cheek? Could headache be the symptom of pregnancy? Can drinking alcohol before blood tests affect the results? Is there any connection between juvenile rheumatoid arthritis and fragile x in child? Suggest remedy for getting pregnant Does steroids causes mood swings? How to investigate parasitic infection causing diarrhea? Suggest treatment for leg pain, swelling and difficulty in walking Are dry, rough patches of skin around mouth side effects of Ginet-84? What is the reason for electrical pulse feeling in the head? How to check for tuberculous endometritis? Any permanent cure to remove boils from legs? Treatment for retinopathy and deteriorated vision Is it to be concerned about the cut in the child s gum due to a fall? Suggest medicine for lump on the mouth caused due to bony projection of maxilla Is black bowel movement fine during pregnancy? Suggest remedy to treat painful fibroadenoma What causes rashes on the penis? What causes irregularity in periods with prolactin level of 117? What is the pain in testes in spite of a surgery? Suggest remedy to get rid of holes in between teeth Suggest treatment to regain the hair or female baldness How to overcome depression in a woman? How long can person with recurring pancreatic cancer survive? What causes irritation in the food pipe? What causes pain in left side of chest causing breathing difficulty? What is the problem in getting pregnant? Suggest treatment for autoimmune hemolytic anemia What causes delay in periods after having unprotected sex? What causes a lump on the neck? What causes pain in lower right stomach after chlamydia? Could headache and mild dyspnea be due to stress? Is it to be concerned about the block vertebrae? How to treat fussy eating habits of a 2 year old? What is Regula plus medicine used for? What is the treatment period for hyperthyroidism? What causes a bad odor from the body while sleeping? Does ayurvedic medicines help in treating gastritis? What are the side effects of duphaston? Suggest remedy to get rid of painful lump on hand What causes bad odor through the nose? Suggest treatment for fever and loss of appetite Is placentrex injection effective in helping to conceive? What causes red bumps around the scrotum after an intercourse? Suggest remedy to relive itching between the legs What causes blood in urine with burning? Is vitiligo best treated by a pulsed dye laser? Is it safe to take i-pill frequently? What causes stabbing pain in the middle of the chest? Could the missed periods be due to polycystic ovaries? Suggest chances of conception with 50% sperm motility Can tuberculomas or NCC or medication for it cause Diplopia? What if intake of second dose of contraceptive pill is delayed upto 8hours? What causes pain in tail bone of a 3 year old? What is the use of using LS dew soap? Suggest treatment to increase skin tone in child What causes abortion of fetus? What to do for metal depression? What causes severe calf pain in a 6 year old? Can chromosomal problem occur in second pregnancy after abortion? What causes pain and contraction of calf muscle upon walking? What causes burning sensation while urinating? Suggest treatment for heaviness and burning in head after injury What causes bulging of disc at L4 and L5? What causes black stool with blood after taking Deviry? Suggest diet and medication for hypothyroidism during pregnancy Suggest treatment for swelling of knee after a surgery. What are the chances of pregnancy with high motility rate of sperms? Is pus cell count of 15-18 hpf normal in urine test? Can non penetrative sex cause pregnancy? How to overcome the habit of masturbation in 18 year old? What causes late periods with poly cysts in ovaries? Do Androil testo cap and Penegra treat loss of libido? What causes appearance of red spots all over the body? What causes severe hair fall since 5 years? What causes headache, eye pain and vomiting after Sigmoidoscopy? What causes strong stinking odor from ears? What causes pain in groin and testicles while passing stools? Suggest treatment for seminal leakage when bladder is full Suggest remedy for constipation in 8 months old What causes critical maxillary sinusitis? Suggest treatment for acne. What are the effects of HIV on foetus during pregnancy? What causes menstrual odor? What causes increased frequency to urinate? Suggest treatment for sharp stomach and abdominal pain with cold What causes folliculitis in head and face with dandruff? Suggest medication for bloating of stomach and watery stool What causes rotten smell from ear and head? What causes sudden swelling of knuckles after painting? Does Oxyelite interferes with the working of contraceptive pill? Are cough, indigestion and burning side effects of Lisinopril? Is dry cough and tightness in larynges sign of viral infection? Suggest remedy to relieve pain due to lump under armpit What causes severe bleeding with large clots when on implanon? Is it possible to get pregnant with PCOD? What causes itching in the vagina with high WBC count in urine? What causes delay in periods, fatigue, headaches and sore breasts? Can Aleve cause dizziness,fainting and sweating? What causes the presence of yeast and epithelial cells? Could the severe pain in back be due to slipped disc? What is the best time for sex when trying for getting pregnant? What causes pain at the back while urinating? What causes sudden rashes all over body? Is it advisable to wear abdomen belt after a C-section? Can CLAMP antibiotics cause any side effects? Can taking antidepressants cause weight gain and itchiness in body? What causes swelling of ankles and feet overnight? How to determine the baby's gender from an ultrasound? What causes cough and cold during 8th week of pregnancy? What causes rumbling in abdomen with formation of hard stools? What causes pain in right nostril and swelling of nasal septum? What causes tender breasts,nausea and dizziness while on Depot Lupron? How to treat zit like appearance on skin after taking meth? What causes frequent urination after 2 hours of workout? What causes enlarged taste buds and popping of lymph nodes in neck? Suggest medication for itchy bumps on labia Minora. What causes brown discharge with cramping after a embryo transfer? Can Hydroquinone be used along with Kojic acid soap for pimples? What causes pounding in the heart with sinking feeling in chest? Will bus journey with pain-killer worsen the neck sprain? How long after getting chicken pox is it safe to conceive? What causes a lump on the head along with dizziness and nausea? What causes recurring herpes on lips? What causes frequent shaking of hands? What causes pain in chest with a normal report? Suggest treatment for a cyst in testicular sac What causes early menstruation after taking I pill? Is Nitrest effective in curing sleep disorders? What are the chances of pregnancy while on contraceptive pills? What causes a tearing sound in armpit area while working out? Does bacterial meningitis affect the immune system? What could itchy stings on feet, hands and joints suggest? What causes constant ringing ears, tingling and numbness of hand? What causes red spot on the rectum? How to give Geeth powder to a child? Is bleeding after taking I pill related to period or pregnancy? What causes swollen lymph node in neck of a 4 year old? What causes pungent smell from skin at back after diagnosing sinus? What causes red, watery eye with increased light sensitivity? Suggest treatment for blocked nose in a child Suggest treatment for persistent cough after treated fever How long does it take for hair to grow after taking Hairgro tablets? Is a does of MT pill 600mg advisable in case of medical abortion? Does having fits problem cause trouble in conceiving? What causes a rash around the buttock with bad odor to stools in a 2 year old? Is itching of face and head sign of eczema in new born? What causes tiny, red spots under the eye of an infant? What causes lump on the back of the neck? What does presence of candida species in urine test suggest? How to avoid weight loss? Suggest treatment for short temperament What causes recurring rashes on the abdomen? Suggest remedy for stomach ailment and vaginal discharge Suggest treatment for nausea What are the chances of pregnancy with follicle size of 12? Can L montus and Becosules cause any problem if take together? What are risks involved during pregnancy in person having cauda equina syndrome? What causes stomach pain during night time in a child? Can Ucerax syrup be used in 10 month old child with eczema? Suggest natural supplement to increase stamina How long should one use crutches after a mild fracture in tibia plateau? What causes a white,crescent shaped spot on the cervix of uterus? Could frequent urination with itching be due to UTI? What are the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome? Suggest treatment for hand pain after injury What causes frequent bumps in groin area with itching? Suggest treatment for fever and runny nose in a child Suggest remedy for problems in pregnancy What causes severe itching on both legs? What causes pulsating pain in the abdomen? Suggest remedy to soften stool and relieve pain during bowel movements Suggest treatment for headache How to treat foul smelling urine? What causes a dark spot in the sperm? What are the early signs of pregnancy? Is Cortisone injection or Colchicine safer for renal impairment? What causes bleeding in the left eye? What causes rashes under eyes in a baby? What causes pain and clicking sound in shoulder joint while rotating it? Is missed periods a sign of pregnancy? What causes soreness and itching on the scrotum? Is it to be concerned about the lymphoma spreading to the brain? Suggest first aid to follow after being bitten by snake Can skoal affect bowel movement? What causes tingling feeling under the breast? Suggest remedy for right shoulder bicep tendon tears Suggest treatment for stomach cramps during a menstrual period What causes pain around the occipital region while exercising? Suggest treatment for fever and coughing What causes itching in the head of a child? What can be the reason for weak nails? What causes tingling sensation in arm with itching and bumps? Is it necessary to give calcium supplement to a kid? Suggest treatment for enlarged labia majora What causes a black spot on the lower lip? What causes bad vaginal odor? How many days in advance of holiday Doxycycline stopped? What causes high BP with throat infection? What causes rashes all over the body after taking penicillin shot? Suggest treatment for difficulty in retracting foreskin of penis Can chronic leukemia be inherited? What causes stomach pain after having food? What causes a black spot at the corner of the eye? Can fracture of distal phalanx be treated at home? What causes sleeping disorder? Suggest precautions during pregnancy after miscarriages How to treat knee injury after a fall? Suggest remedy to relieve pain in calf when kneeling down What causes a lump between the hip and spine? What is the recovery time for hair line fracture of skull? Suggest remedy to get matured follicles Suggest treatment for stuffy ears with metal taste in mouth How to treat Colostomy ? Does having sex regularly delay menopause? What to do for dog bite? Is it safe to bend over after cervical cauterization? What causes recurrence of pimples on face? Suggest treatment for pain in belly and back Suggest treatment for hair loss What causes twitching in the involuntary muscles? What causes shortness of breath and dizziness? When should HIV confirmation test be taken after unsafe sex? Suggest treatment for mitochondrial disease in a 30 year old What causes sudden tightening of the chest? Will Clarithromycin treat tooth pain caused by an erupted nerve? Is itch guard safe during pregnancy? What causes prolonged periods at the age of 25? Suggest treatment for Acetimenophen overdose Suggest treatment for sinus problem with headache Are delay in periods and white, non-smelling discharge signs of pregnancy? What causes hypersomnia? Will i be able to get pregnant after removal of uterine polyp? What is the life expectancy for stage III esophageal cancer? What causes knots in the arc of the feet? What causes throat to be stained yellow? What causes green penile discharge? What causes hives on the skin? Is masturbation good to satisfy sexual urge? Does using Betnesol nose drops cause severe headaches? Is it necessary to wear Medical Alert Bracelet all time during school hours also? What causes heart to make squelching sound? Suggest possible birth control measures after unsafe sex. Is it possible to conceive with non-penetrative sex? Suggest treatment for pigmentation problem What causes red spots on penis? How to treat light spotting during pregnancy? What causes pain in arm which has metal plate in it? What is the condition called with abnormal blood vessel in heart? What nutritional plan followed during pregnancy? How to treat pain in pelvic area close to sacrum and back? What causes the feeling of tickling when tired? What to do for preventing heart problems? Suggest treatment for menstrual cramps,back pain, nausea and diarrhea. Is Dostinex safe for high prolactin levels? What are the chances of pregnancy after intercourse? What causes cold,violent shivers,headaches,fever and nausea? What is the painful lump just below my breast? What does Extensive cystic changes are seen related to the left sub lingual gland indicate? Can oral sex cause STD or other infections? What causes flaky dry skin on the scalp and hair-fall? How to cure swollen and droopy eyelids? What is the time required for sore in back area to heal? What causes peeling of testicles in a baby? What causes pain in head that goes down to the eye? What causes delayed periods with dark discharge? What causes changing mood? What causes mole behind eye? What causes spots on the inside of cheek in the mouth? How to help a depressed partner? Does lead poisoning cause black tongue? What causes bitter phlegm? Suggest treatment for imbalance in the stomach What are the symptoms of post scabies? Is leptospira affecting the serum bilirubin and other values? What causes a feel of heat outside left labia? What causes blood in stools during pregnancy? What causes lump that is coming out of anus? What causes high readings of tumor marker? What causes white ring with little redness around the mouth? Suggest treatment for prolonged periods with heavy bleeding What causes dizziness and sweating in palms and feet? Suggest treatment for lesion on arm Suggest treatment for constant back pain. What causes vaginal bleeding? What causes itching after having sex? What causes painful, red sores on penis head? Suggest treatment for the pain in the wisdom teeth Suggest effects of UTI drugs on pregnancy Can dehydration cause dizziness, weakness and hot flashes? What causes pain in the chest while breathing deeply? Suggest treatment for weakness and vomiting during pregnancy? What can be the cause for sudden disability in walking? What could dizziness and swelling of feet with bruises suggest post c-section? What causes headache and blurry vision in children? What is the treatment for Prostate cancer? Suggest treatment for cerebral thrombosis Will restoring the vertical dimension of the teeth cause pain? What causes neck pain? What can be the cause for sudden fever and throwing up? What causes chancres on arms? What causes shortness of breath,tiredness,dizziness and discomfort on left side of upper breast? Is it safe to go for chiari surgery while having COPD? What causes lump above the breast? How to treat low blood sodium level of 130? Does birthmark cause any medical issues? What causes dryness of vagina? What can be the cause for the discomfort in the abdomen? What can be the reason for getting boils often? Suggest treatment for abdominal pain after colectomy/resection What causes the throat to close and have chocking sensation? Suggest treatment for coughing up dark green phlem Does taking Estrogen Mtest Amn cause weight gain? What causes red, itchy blotches on knees? Is it to be concerned about the dark spots in the skin? Are THC levels analysed in Hep B test? What causes tender feeling and white, sticky discharge from nipple? What causes rash on the neck and stomach? What causes greenish mucus discharge from the vagina after delivery? What causes severe chest pain and finger pain? What causes filling up of lungs even after draining? What to do for throat and rashes? What causes painful white spot at the site of tonsils removal? How safe is to eat food from freeze sealed from Automotive Goop? Suggest treatment for painful, itchy cystic acne What causes infection after a hydrocele surgery? What causes leg pain and increasing platelet count? What could pain and numbness in hand and fingers suggest? Is there by any chance a way to increase the length of the penis? Will abstinence from alcohol treat liver disease? How to treat heart cancer? What does normal spleen with hypoechoic mottling of parenchyma indicate in ultrasound report? Suggest treatment for premature ejacuation Is it to be concerned about the lashes growing in the eye? What is the normal range of sgot? Suggest treatment for skin reaction due to deodorant Suggest treatment for pain in right index finger What to do for intestinal pain, bloating and diarrhea? What causes bleeding from the skin rash? Suggest remedy for soreness in back What can be the reason for rectal pain? How to determine the father of a child? What does this MRI report of spine indicate? What causes delay in the menstruation cycle? What causes burning pain in stomach with nausea post consumption of coffee or wine? Is it to be concerned about the spotting after mirena being fitted? Could the panic attack be the symptom of pregnancy? Suggest remedy for dental problem What causes blackheads like bumps on chest and back? What causes throbbing pain on lower right side of navel? What causes vaginal bleeding after masturbation? Suggest remedy for itchy rashes on hands, arms and thigh What cases swelling of face and eyelids? What causes severe knee pain? Why is my baby spitting food after hours? Suggest treatment for gynecomastia Suggest medication for diarrhea. What are the side effects of using emergency contraceptive pills? What is the best treatment to get pregnant? Can MRI scan determine what kind of cyst is present? What causes heart palpitations and heart racing? Suggest treatment for gynecomastia Should I be concerned about the blood on Q tip of a baby? What causes fleshy lump below labia minora? What causes stomach pain and blotches in area of pain? What causes mild stroke in the stem of the pons? Do Ixprim, Lyrica and Stilnoct affect the libido? What causes rashes on eye lids and itching under eyes? What are the side effects of laser hair removal? How to prevent my daily asthma attack? Suggest remedy for bruises in hands and legs Suggest treatment for cough and sore throat after breathing acid fumes What causes swollen eyelids and itch on thighs? What causes burning sensation in the ovary and bloatedness? Does ants on disposed sanitary pads suggest presence of diabetes? What causes black dot on back for months? What is the permanent solution in case of rheumatic arthritis? How to cure yeast infection? What is the treatment for aging eyes and headaches? What causes twitching feeling on the left side of the head? What causes missing periods, dizziness and hot flashes? Suggest treatment for kidney stones and uti What to do for the discomfort in swallowing? What causes delay in periods and conception? What causes intense abdominal cramping pain in the intestinal area below navel? For how long does Sesinque has its effect? Suggest treatment for "keretosis pillaris" What is the treatment for shortness of breath? What is causing yellow drainage from my 4 years old s ear? Will one be able to sit in comfort after a hip surgery? What causes tired looking eyes in evening? What causes pimples on vagina after intercourse? What causes upset stomach, sore throat and fever? What is life expectancy of elderly with 20% of heart functioning? What causes pink discharge? Suggest treatment for a lump appearing on the bottom of the foot Suggest treatment for dizziness and sensitivity in the eyes Suggest medication for severe palpitations What are the side effects of flagyl and doxycycline? Suggest precautions to take while coming off medications for convulsions What causes red splotches and spots on genital area? Why am I having diarrhoea after fever? What to do to overcome masturbation? Suggest remedy for a skin rash appearing on the face How to treat vitiligo? What to do for the pain after the periods? Are there any side effects of taking Coversyl to lower BP? What is lipomatosis neurofibromatosis disease? What causes bloating in stomach and pain on ribs and hips? Suggest treatment for mdrtb What causes high sex drive at a particular time? Does Susten200 or SuatenVT 200 or Duphastan or Folinine-D cause constipation? What causes persistent cold with watering in eyes? What to do for the discomfort and allergic to people around? What causes drowsiness & giddiness? Suggest treatment for hole in heart What are the side effects of oxetol? What causes pimple in the anus? Is it possible to regain the hearing ability? How to treat swelling and pain in knee? What to do for the discomfort in the chest? What are the risks with high TSH levels during pregnancy? What causes lightheadedness? What causes bleeding after intercourse? Suggest treatment for dizziness,vertigo and muscle weakness Is frozen food safe during pregnancy? How to treat bloating of stomach and constipation? What can be the reason for continuous diarrhea? Can letrosol and calcium tablets cause blue discolouration around lips? Suggest remedy for difficulty in urinating How to treat broad based disc bulge in C5 and C6? Suggest methods to prevent hair fall Suggest dosage for Azax 500mg - Azithromycin Is it to be concerned about the bulky uterus? Suggest treatment for irregular menstrual cycle Suggest dosage of Oxetol and Clobazam What causes black colored stool during pregnancy? What to do for losing weight? Can diabetes be also controlled only planned diet ? Suggest treatment for allergy problems What causes pain in penis after having sex? What causes recurring UTI? Suggest medication for a skin infection What are the symptoms of hiv? Suggest treatment for grey hair Suggest treatment to relieve chronic headaches and sinusitis What caused my severe period cramps? What causes irregular appearance of yolk sack in ultrasound report? What causes shoulder pain and back pain with breathing? Suggest treatment for sore and swollen throat What causes scrotal, penis, thigh and buttock itching and burning sensations? What are the side effects of Ciplactin and Decdan tablets? Is it to be concerned about the viscosity in the sperm test? Is high level of bilirubin an indication of cancer? Suggest treatment for lower back pain and feeling of fatigue How to regularize periods? Is tuberculosis curable? Suggest duration of monocefo 200 and wysolone drugs Treatment for social fobia disorder What can be the reason for delay in periods? Does cortisone injection prevent pregnancy? What causes severe abdominal pain, weight and appetite loss? Is swallowing sperm dangerous? What causes positive and negative pregnancy test results? What causes the tongue to get dry? Suggest treatment for chocolate cyst Is it advisable for a child to go out swimming when having a cold? How to treat fever and diarrhea? What is the success rate of cochlear implant? Is it possible to enlarge the anus by exercising? What to do for low blood pressure and weakness? What are the normal liver function test analysis? What causes recurring throat pain, ear pain and red spot in mouth? Does Ramipril helps to loose weight? What causes hot flushes from nose daily? What causes pain in the hands and legs? Suggest medicine to lose weight What causes tiredness in the body? What to do for the fracture at old age? What causes water infections? What should be the diet for rheumatoid arthritis? Suggest treatment to cure hypo-pigmented patch in the infra orbital region What causes shaking in body while sleeping and having dilated cardiomyopathy? What is the constant fever onset during summer? Will use of Postinor 2 have any effect on the fetus? How to get rid of pain caused after removing cyst? Suggest treatment for spinal cord problem What causes shortness of breath after exertion? Suggest remedy for blood disorder Suggest treatment to remove scar on forehead What causes fluid in ears with knot under the jaw? What is the reason for taking a dpt shot? Suggest treatment for recurrent lung infections What are the side effects of ibeuprofin pm 1200/38mgs? What causes lump on thigh? What can be the reason for fast heart beat? Can I get pregnant after experiencing menopause immediately after childbirth? What causes complex regional pain syndrome in knee? Suggest treatment for loss of appetite, anxiety and fatigue What are the chances of pregnancy through protected sex? What causes dizziness, tiredness and urge to vomit? Suggest medication for a red mark left by acne Suggest treatment needed for splenomegaly and gastric disorder What causes distress breathing before vomiting? What causes cramps in the vagina? What causes prolonged and persistent coughing? Is it safe to fly with Pericarditis? Can i see the pictures Masdoitis? What casues ice cold feet during workouts? What precautions needs to be taken post ectopic pregnancy? What is the pain in my leg previously fitted with screws? Can taking Klor Con with Amlodepine and Atenelol cause swelling in legs? Can cervical degenerative disc disease cause tinnitus? What are chances of getting pregnant after taking pills? How to confirm pregnancy using home pregnancy test? What causes pain in left calf when inactive? What causes burning in eyes and severe headache? Can Musli power xtra be taken when suffering from BP? What causes fever, loss of appetite, stomach bloating and pale stools? What does disc protrusion with narrowing of canal in MRI report suggest? Suggest remedy for relationship issues What is the reason for bleeding and yellow discharge from anus? What is the swollen area behind collar,cough and shortness of breath? Suggest treatment for swollen gum What causes white,sticky mucous in urine? Suggest treatment for Chondromalacia Suggest treatment for breathing problems & suffocation How can constipation with stool odor and intestinal swelling be treated? What causes bad odor between the breast? What causes pain and burning sensation in vagina after insertion of a tampon? How can neck pain due to disc degeneration be treated? What causes increasing blood count, vomiting on eating and rashes all over body? What causes pain in left lower jaw of mouth towards the back? What does it mean by Normal Morph 68%, Motility 410 in a semen analysis? What is the severe pain in leg with hypo intensity in inter vertebral discs? Could masturbation at early age cause pain in penis with weakness? What are the causes for lactation other than pregnancy? What causes frequent nightmares? Does coffee intake cause bloating in stomach? What causes contractions in the upper abdomen area? Can Calcirol be taken along with Elmes powder? What is the clicking noise in my knee? Suggest treatment for scorpion sting What causes premature ejaculation? What does turbid and puss cells in urine culture report suggest? Suggest treatment for cold,cough and severe headache Suggest alternative medicine for pseudoephedrine and triproldine Can cancer affect the eyes? What causes stabbing pain in vagina? What causes lump in throat while on hashimoto's thyroiditis treatment? What causes bleeding through penis while having sex? What causes the breast to become sore & tender? What causes abdominal pain with metallic taste in mouth? What does blood pressure of 20/55 indicate? What are the side effects of Biotin? How safe is taking Folvite for conception? What causes brown vaginal bleeding during pregnancy? Suggest treatment for lumps on testicles Suggest remedy for floppy limbs in 2 week old baby Suggest treatment for severe abdominal pain and discomfort What causes swelling behind chin and pain in right shoulder? Should i be concerned about the rise in blood pressure up to 198/63? Is Zevit intake safe for treatment of hair fall? How to treat skin lupus? Suggest remedy for behavioral problem in 10 year old child What is the cause and treatment for erectile dysfunction? Suggest treatment for small holes on nose suggest treatment for problem in elbow What causes loose stool and fever? Suggest treatment for varicocele on left testicle What causes itchy rashes on upper back and shoulder? What causes involuntary bowel moments and bile vomiting after gall bladder removal? What causes abdominal pain,back pain and heart burn? Could pressing of neck and chest during sex harmful? What causes pain under breasts causing shortness of breath? What causes elbow weakness and muscle cramping with nausea and pain? What are the symptoms in case of using a per-used syringe? How to treat varicose veins in leg? Suggest treatment for an infection in the chest What does test result anisocytosis indicate? Suggest treatment to relieve pain and swelling in knee Can Thyroxine be taken when trying to conceive? Is it safe to operate heart blokage in diabetes? How is chlamydia caused? Do emergency contraceptives cause scanty periods? What causes left sided chest pain with pleural effusion? Suggest medications for ear pain Could PCOS cause excessive sweating and body pain? What causes severe pain in fingers? How to gain weight? How to get rid of burning in the vagina causes due to hair removing cream? Is brown mucousy discharge normal during pregnancy? What causes high WBC in an infant? Suggest treatment for unilateral headache Are back pain and missed periods symptoms of ectopic pregnancy? How to treat gerd? What causes vomiting of brown chunk? What causes plaque in aorta with COPD? Why does the hands become hot with sudden increase in the heart rate? What causes outer anal and perineum swelling? When will the discoloration of urine after taking Uricalm come to normal? What causes sneezing after coughing the pill back of the nose? What causes stiffening of leg muscles causing difficulty in walking Why am I not able to conceive with irregular period? What are the symptoms of cancer? What causes bruises on thigh? Suggest treatment for acne and skin redness What is leukopenia called now? How to get rid of lump in the buttocks? What causes red, scaly splotches on body? What causes pimple like bump on the edge of areola? What causes heavy bleeding during menstruation? What cause burning and swelling in the clitoris? What causes white substances under foreskin? What causes red spots with redness all over the face? Suggest remedy for gender change Suggest treatment for bump inside nose Suggest remedy for rashes with dry skin on abdomen Is jaw pain normal when diagnosed with Bell's palsy? What causes white spots on torso, face and scalp of a child? What causes irregularities in menstruation? How can paranoia of getting schizophrenia be managed? What are the side effects of Aviane birth control pills? Does the use of amphetamine cause health problems? What causes vaginal itching? What does breast pain, headache and burning eyes suggest? What causes persistent elevated blood pressure? How can severe leg and knee pain with a lump be treated? What cause vaginal itching? Suggest treatment for sleeplessness during night time Is it normal for period to be heavier after pregnancy? What does prominent nasopharyngeal soft tissue mean? Suggest treatment for blisters appearing on the penile shaft How can chest tightness with breathing difficulties be treated? What causes discoloured circular area on the top of vagina? What causes runny nose and sore throat? Is uterus removal needed due to large cyst on Fallopian Tubes? Suggest treatment for irregular bowel movement What cause frequent mood swings, weight and hair loss and blurred vision? What causes abdominal pain and constipation? What causes painful, hard, red knot on areola? When should Clomid be taken to ovulate at the correct time? What causes frequent urination,sore breasts and increase in appetite? What causes sharp abdomen pain during 3 months of pregnancy? Does penicillin cause delay in periods with light spotting? What causes joint pain after embryo transfer? What causes brown spots on neck? Is it safe to take duphaston during pregnancy? What causes bright red rashes on inner arms and legs? What causes lump on knee? Suggest treatment for a lump appearing on the leg What causes blood during ejaculation? Does consumption of alcohol cause dry and itchy throat? Treatment for undescended testicle What causes pain and swelling in elbow? What causes left chest palpitations with soreness? How can foreskin lumps with discharge odor be treated? What is the constant stabbing pain in my breasts along with fever? What causes pink growth on upper and lower eye lids? What causes sudden light headedness and upset stomach? What does this MRI report of spine indicate? Can miralax be given to a child for abdominal pain? Suggest remedy to relieve pain after having tooth filling What causes itching soreness and bumps on the labia? What causes pain in upper eyebrow region? What causes painless white lump on leg? What causes bleeding during 6 weeks of pregnancy? Can hair transplant surgery cures male baldness pattern? How can i reduce weight faster? Should the burnt hand be soaked in cold water? What causes back pain? What causes variation in heart beat and back pain? What causes red bump on back? What is a chest sinus infection? What causes inconsistencies in bowel movements? What causes pulsating sensation in stomach, chest pain and diarrhoea? What causes stomach pain and cramping with discharge during intercourse? What causes severe knee pain after an adventure trip? Suggest tonic to improve appetite in children What could troponin 4.8 and high rbc levels with heartburn indicate? Suggest treatment for memory loss What causes abdominal bloating? Suggest treatment for extreme dizziness and shortness of breath. Suggest remedy for vision problem Suggest remedy for red marks and bruises Is keflex safe for cough after tonsils removal? How can a penis shaft pimple with fluid build up be treated? What causes dry cough with phlegm, stuffy nose and headache? Recommend supplements that reduce cholesterol levels How to get relief from breast pain? What is the greenish growth and fluid behind ear drum causing hearing loss? Suggest treatment for cyst in pubic area What is the painful knot on the anus? What are the precautions to be taken during pregnancy? Suggest remedy for swelling of testicles Suggest remedy for black spots appearing on the ankle How can one conceive after an abortion 5 months ago? What causes severe bleeding with clots in the bladder? Suggest permanent treatment for cough in an infant Suggest treatment for acute condition of eczema Suggest treatment for fever and breathing problem with history of CLL. Can grinding teeth cause cheek swelling and sore throat? Suggest treatment for constant diarrhea and diaper rash What is the cough along with shortness of breath? Is neosporin sufficient to help heal infection due to belly button piercing? Can hyperinflated lungs be normal? How to get relief from knee pain after twisting? What causes entamoeba histolytica in a 9 month old? Does delay in periods indicate pregnancy? What causes pain at the tip of penis while urinating? Does taking concerta lead to nausea and rapid heart rate? What causes ear pain, blocked ear and yellowish green discharge? Suggest remedy for stomach ailments What causes pain in the abdomen & blood in stools? What does this semen analysis report indicate? What causes persistent foul smell in the nostrils? What are the side effects of Phenytoin sodium and Clonazepam? What causes pain under the shoulder blade? How can bacterial vaginosis causing discharges with bleeding be treated? What are the symptoms of hormonal fluctuations when suffering from pcos? How can lower lung pain be treated? How to get rid of dark neck? What causes brownish discharge after menstrual cycle? What are the symptoms of anxiety? What causes pain while opening jaw after hitting head? What causes hardened substances inside the nostril? What causes diarrhea while on Althea pills? What causes ear tinnitus with eardrum discoloration? Does open heart surgery have risks of stroke and other complications? How to treat dandruff and itchiness of scalp? What are the blood scratches found under skin? What causes wrist and hand pain when gripping? What does this angiogram report indicate? What causes deep muscle pains for neck to toe? Suggest treatment for gastric rigours problem Can marijuana cause hair loss? Natural remedy to control diabetes, BP and headache What do pus cells in semen suggest? What causes recurring urinary tract infections? Suggest chances of pregnancy with bicornuate uterus and endometriosis Suggest remedies to lose weight Cab using aloe vera moisturizer help scars on face? Suggest treatment for severe back pain with kidney disease Is surgery essential for chiari malformation? What causes pain in the penis when pulling back the foreskin? What causes bumps in vagina? Can neck, shoulder and leg pains due to spasmodic torticollis be treated? What causes earlier period and huge blood clot? Suggest treatment for hypertension and insomnia? What causes blood clot above the eyeball? What are the ways to lose weight? What causes stinging pain in ribs? Is Singulair paediatric tablet prescribed for moderately enlarged adenoids? Is a surgery required for aortobifemoral bypass? What causes vaginal spotting along with nausea and weakness after the periods? What causes pain in ears while swallowing? What causes fast heartbeat? Should I be concerned for fever, nausea and vomiting after a head injury? Suggest treatment for child suffering from beta thalassemia major What causes fever, headache and loss of appetite? Suggest precautions for pregnancy in RA patients What causes sore throat and dry cough? What causes pain in the esophagus whenever the head is turned? What causes dark brown spotting during pregnancy? What causes swelling, itching and discomfort in skin? What does ESR - 1st hour 60 and 2nd hour 115 indicate? What causes delayed periods at the age of 17? What are the side effects of marijuana? How to recover from Dexpoten syrup addiction? Is brain tuberculoma communicable? What causes one breast growing bigger than other? How can chronic pain be treated? Suggest remedy for stomach ailments How can the headache due to injury be treated? Worried for migraine, pins and needles in hand from yasmin contraceptive pill Could the infertility be due to patent fallopian tubes? What causes burning sensation and indigestion after eating? Is it safe to take Levipil during pregnancy? Will there be burning sensation in testicle even after chlamydia has been cured? What causes pain and cloudy fluid discharge from the vagina? Could the short menstruation cycles be due to low iron content? What causes pain during bowel movement and knee pain? What causes the semen to turn transparent after masturbating over 4-6 times? What causes fluctuating Blood pressure,stomach uneasiness and back pain? Suggest treatment for sleeplessness How to get rid of ache? What causes fever and loose motion in a 3 year old? Why am I not able to reach orgasm during intercourse? What causes constant fever in kid? What causes a sore lump on the scrotum? What causes fatty tissue in wrist? What causes lump on the head? What causes knee and hip pain? What causes pain in neck and back after recovering form opiate addiction? What causes the knee to pop? Suggest treatment for pain and numbness in arm Suggest treatment for recurring dark patches on the face What causes nephrotic syndrome in 2 year old? What causes lump in head causing headaches? What causes constipation and shrinkage in penis size? What causes tingling and burning sensation at the tip of the penis? What causes marks on the shin? What causes no bleeding after taking Duphaston? Suggest treatment for constant hand shivering and anxiety issues Suggest remedy for penis foreskin problems What causes lethargy in woman with uterine fibroids? How to treat sore throat? Suggest treatment for severe cramps and swelling of legs. What are the itchy open sores on the labia majora? What causes feet to get cold during winter and in air-conditioned rooms? What causes acute cough with chest pain? How can a shoulder, arm and elbow pain be treated? Suggest medication for pain in upper back and neck. What are the effects of excessive salt intake? Is the rise in the liver enzyme level and vomiting a cause of concern? Does the pain in buttock due to a fall heal as time goes? What causes blood clot in gums? Suggest treatments for Schizophrenia Is pain in abdomen, groin and vagina due to ectopic pregnancy? How to get rid of lump in the arm muscle? Does polyp on cervix indicate cervical cancer? Suggest remedy for pain and itching in buttocks after shaving hair What will be the effect of taking regestrone after pregnancy confirmed What causes swelling and dark mark on vaginal lip? What cause hair fall? What causes spotting in between periods, sore breasts and headaches? What are the symptoms of pregnancy? What is the intermittent chest pain on the right side? What causes pain in arms? Worried for lump on chest and clavicle area How to treat dog bite in childrens? What causes frequent heart flutters, fatigue and dizziness? Suggest treatment for pain in pelvic area where i had abscess How can one motivate a child to eat well? What causes sagging in the face and trouble in swallowing and slurred speech? Suggest treatment for hair fall. What does MRI report - diffuse hypo intense bone marrow signal indicate What causes burning sensation and swelling on eye after waxing? How to treat cut on the leg in diabetes? Suggest remedy to overcome insecurity, panic, anxiety and increased sex drive What is the shaking in hand with dry hair? What causes migraines, dizziness, mood swings with nausea and blurred vision? What causes pain in neck while on treatment for upper respiratory infection? What causes sensitivity in my scalp? Could eating raw rice affect sexual health? What causes bleeding from nose and blood in stools? How to get rid of bruises on legs? Should tanning be avoided while on birth control pills? Is it harmful to walk on the leg with bone realignment? What causes watery stool with mucus in it? What causes high heart beat of up to 250 in babies? Suggest treatment for itchiness in genital area. What are the side effects of Tylenol? What causes severe migraine with changes in pupil size? What causes irregular periods with spotting after marriage? Does VDRL and TPHA level come to normal with medication? What causes severe headache and vomiting? What causes breast pain and burning sensation in vagina after intercourse? What causes lump near the ribs? What causes pressure in lower right abdomen? Could constant breathing of formaldehyde cause liver damage? What causes trouble breathing with severe cough? What causes increased heart beat? What causes continuous watering of eyes? What causes pain in testicles? What do dark spots on bone marrow suggest? What causes itching around clitoris, vagina and labia during pregnancy? Suggest remedies for swelling in eye and nose due to a pimple What causes severe bloating and indigestion problems? Suggest remedy for burning infections in the genital area Can type 1 HSV blisters on penis is consistent with warts? Suggest remedy for unusual spots appearing on the hand Is it okay to start medication 3 days late with TSH 62? Suggest diet during pregnmancy What causes enlarged circumvallate papillae taste buds? What causes neuropathic pain in ribs, abdomen and chest? Suggest methods to increase the size of penis What is the big lump underarm? Suggest treatment for muscle cramp in the calf What causes swelling in legs of a diabetic? What causes high protein level in blood? What causes goose bumps and rash on the arms and forehead? What is the recurrent itching around the vagina? Suggest treatment for pre mature ejaculation What causes dribbling of urine in a 8 year old? What is the smelly rash all over the face of a baby? What causes bleeding after masturbation? Suggest treatment for sore, reddened area under left breast with lump Can eating a large portion of prawn cause headache? What causes pain in vagina while wiping? What causes fluctuating body temperature with low appetite? Suggest remedy for loose bowel movements What causes sore breasts with milky discharge? What causes dark grey/dark purple after labiaplasty? What causes pain in rib cage when I cough? What causes bumps under the breasts? Is it safe to exercise with inguinal hernia? What is the clear gel like substance in urine? Is persistent lethargy and impaired sense of touch normal after smoking marijuana? What is the dryness and hardness on the upper part of hand? Suggest tips to increase the weight of a 27 year old Suggest tests to confirm pregnancy What causes sharp pain in leg? How to get relief from neck pain after bilateral cortisone shot? Is it normal for a 13 year old to have orgasm? What is the itching in my fingers,especially in my right hand? What are the chances of pregnancy after condom tear? Suggest treatment for weak heart What causes watery eyes? Could the birth control delay my periods? What causes pain in ribcage while breathing? Suggest remedies for depression Suggest treatment for broken front teeth What diet should be avoided for pyloric ulcer and fundal ulcer? How can leg ache and discomfort with indentation be treated? What causes recurrent swelling and pain in upper lip? What causes the fluctuation in pregnancy test results? Could erection problems be due to masturbation? What causes pulsating sensation on back of knee? What causes pain in labia after an intercourse? Is it safe to cauterize montgomery glands? Does chlamydia affect conceiving? What causes swelling in legs of a diabetic? What causes darkening of labia minora? What causes blood in stools while jogging for long periods? Suggest remedy for sore breasts What causes infant to jerk head and pull ear continuously? What causes swelling and bruise in eye? What causes severe cramping and vomiting? What causes abdominal aortic aneurysm? Suggest treatments for piles What is the pain in my vulva starting from labia to anus? Should I be concerned for headache, tiredness and pain in arm? How to get rid of pain in thigh and groin area? What causes severe pain in back when diagnosed with diverticulitis? Is it safe to mix Accutane with OxyELITE Pro? Suggest treatment for diabetes What could osteoporosis, low wbc count and severe stomachache indicate? What causes twitching in the upper lip area? How can head heaviness with dizziness and pain be treated? What are the symptoms of strep What causes blood discharge in the urine? Suggest treatment for nose pain caused by hitting Can infection of ears be due to ear piercing? How to get rid of swelling and pain in legs? Suggest remedy for halitosis What are the hazards after a infant consumes the coating of Keppra 1000mg? Is there a pill to start periods? What causes stomach upset with blood in stools? Suggest remedies for herniated problem causing choking on food and vomiting Suggest treatment for headache in back of head and neck What causes bleeding after taking I pill? What causes numbness in arms and legs? What causes penis to grow downwards? What is the cause of a TPHA blood test? Is it safe to take protonix after taking doxycyline? What causes irregular periods and low libido? Suggest treatment for toothache What causes headache, smelly urine and light feeling in chest? What causes loose watery stools in a baby? Suggest treatment for ear infection in a child What causes frequent urination with burning sensation? Suggest treatment for pain in stomach during pregnancy Worried for black spot under the skin on the bottom of heel Suggest remedy for sores on leg and face Suggest ways to stop menstrual cycle Suggest treatment for swollen painful knees What causes severe abdominal pain? What causes sharp chest pains with dizziness? Does unprotected sex right after periods lead to pregnancy? What causes bump beside iris of eye? What causes late periods, spotting and cramps? Suggest remedy for eye problem Suggest remedy for sore darkened spot on my sternum Suggest remedy for acid reflux or gas problems in infants Suggest time duration for evion 400 tablets? What causes brown patch in neck after shaving? What causes irritation in the vulva area?
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