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Suggest treatment for vaginal thrush and fissures Is it safe to give budecort and asthalin repsules? Suggest treatment for infertility problem Is it safe to stop mini pill and instead take morning after pill? What causes painful lumps on stretch marks around groin area? Suggest treatment for uncomfortable feeling in my arms and legs What causes microcephaly in a new born? What is the recovery period for hardware removal in wrist? Can postinor 2 cause early period? Suggest treatment for sore throat What causes pain in the testicles with premature ejaculation? What causes itchy feeling inside penis with fluid leak? What is the thick sack-like vaginal discharge I had? Suggest remedy for abortion at home Can severe cold with yellow phlegm cause any problem to fertility? What causes recurrent miscarriages? Is the severe back pain after a C- section normal? What causes missing periods, white discharge and cramps? Suggest treatment for enlarged tonsils What reduces the suffocation feeling during the healing process of pneumonia? What causes dizziness when reversing car or running around? Suggest treatment for whirring noise on my ear What is the treatment for extreme panic attacks and delusions? Suggest treatment for Urinary Tract Infection during pregnancy Does taking Fibator interfere with Acitrom effectiveness? What causes feeling of fluttering in the stomach? What does the ultrasound scan result indicate? Suggest treatment for cough and runny nose in a child Suggest treatment for leaking blood clots inside endometrium cavity What causes a squeezing sensation in the chest? How can a perforated ear drum causing pain be treated? Is it safe to take thyronorm during pregnancy? Suggest treatment for chest pain and cough Suggest treatment for pelvic pain due to bulky uterus What causes the missing of right vertebral artery? Suggest treatment for dark circles under eyes Suggest treatment for fever and pain in shoulder Suggest treatment for PCOS Is the cataract by birth curable? Suggest remedy for detecting HIV infection What causes giddiness after waking up in the morning? Suggest treatment for bleeding after sex What is the treatment for diabetic retinopathy? Does Udiliv tablets help in reducing gallstones? Suggest treatment for tumour on adrenal gland What causes fatigue and dizziness in a 31 year old? What can be done for ingrown hair in eyebrow? Suggest treatment to conceive with PCOS What causes headache after stopping 'ecosprin'? Suggest treatment for dark spots on leg Suggest treatment for the curve in my neck Can HCG diet cause fibrous dysplasia of bone? Suggest treatment for spine fracture What is the remedy for the bruise on the forehead in a 7 year old? What causes a burning sensation during ejaculation? What causes difficulty in breathing after cortisone shot? Suggest treatment for sore throat and drowsy feeling Suggest treatment for hypothyroid problem What are the side effects of pulmonary tuberculosis treatment? What is the cheaper alternative to antihypertensive for treating ischemia? What causes delayed periods after coming off from contraceptive pills? Is weight gain and swollen breast sign of pregnancy? What are the signs and symptoms of psychomotor agitation? Suggest remedy for pain in center of lower back How can disorder symptoms be confirmed? Suggest treatment for the red bump on my scrotum What are the possible ways of tuberculosis transmission? Is nausea and delayed period sign of pregnancy? What causes losing of sexual stamina upon using Mirtaz and Censpram? What is the treatment for chest pain and weakness? How can skinny feet be improved? What does the problematic motility types mean based on the sperm report? Could the high ESR level be due to low blood count? Suggest remedy for sore throat in pregnancy What are the itchy ,stinging colourless bumps on my lips? Suggest treatment for knee pain while walking What is the treatment for mitral valve regurgitation? What causes painful motions in a child? Suggest treatment for constipation problem Could the missed periods be due to high prolactin and low progesterone levels? What causes headaches during this pregnancy? What causes rashes in chest , ears and neck? What causes the mild lateral dilatation of the ventricles? What causes vaginal discomfort with itching and swelling? Why am I having pain after taking cerrazette? Suggest treatment for TB in uterus What could be the ideal weight during pregnancy? What is the treatment for hypertension and diabetes? What causes persistent cough with night sweats? Is tuberculosis lymphadenitis a curable disease? Suggest treatment for the growth in my nose Suggest treatment for long lasting fever and cough What causes chest pains with pins and needles in left shoulder with shortness of breath? What are the possibilities of HIV transmission? What causes abdomen pain and diarrhea? Suggest treatment for iron deficiency What is the best treatment for insomnia problems? What causes sensitivity to light and heavy headedness on using optical? How to prevent pinworms of intestine? How to treat bloated and rumbling abdomen? What causes my serious headaches which radiates to the left eye? Suggest treatment for PCOS What causes delayed periods even after taking I pill? Suggest treatment for infertility problem Suggest treatment and frequent urination and stomach pain Suggest treatment for the burn mark on my face Suggest treatment for pain in my vein At what rate does the follicles release? Can nail fungi infection affect liver and kidney ? Suggest treatment for frequent urination sensation and weight loss Suggest treatment for miscarriage Suggest treatment for pimple sized bumps on my back Suggest treatment for low testosterone levels leading to impotency Is brevinor an alternative to dianette? Is there a way to detox Tetanus shot from my body when the muscle fasciculation in my legs is spreading? Suggest treatment for frequent bowel movements and flatulence How long do withdrawal symptoms of smoking take to diminish? Suggest treatment for red, dry and swollen penis and flu Is HPV infection cancerous in nature? Suggest remedy for bump in the abdomen What causes itchy and painful rashes and swelling of ankles? Does Evion help in treatment of stretch marks on stomach? What causes strange warm sensation at the top right side of my back (shoulder area)? Can blows on head cause seizures? What causes a lump behind gland and throat infection? What causes a sharp pain in the palm? What causes pain in the arm and shoulder ? What can cause pain in foot after injury? Could high SGOT and SGPT be due to alcohol intake? Can nervousness affect pill check result? Is a test for syphilis included when doing tests to confirm vasculitis? When will Mebendazole relieve me from itching and discomfort? Suggest treatment for sore throat and fever What causes difficulty in breathing and itching on lungs? Is it normal to have large stomach and head size in foetus? What causes abdominal burning sensations with uneasiness? Can change in the room temperature cause allergies? How to treat asymptomatic gross hematuria? Does vertigo and nausea due to injury need medical attention? How to prevent liver damage after paracetamol overdose? Suggest remedy to relieve pain in knee due to arthritis When will i get a period after discontinuing nuvaring? What causes lower abdominal pain with weight gain? What causes blood in urine and nose bleeding? Can magnesium citrate effective for cramps during afib? What causes heart palpitations and elevated BP? Suggest treatment for premature ejaculation of semen Suggest treatment for itching on neck and ears Suggest treatment for cramps in my groin area Can radiation pass through semen and cause problems during pregnancy? Can being a teetotaller keep the remaining portion of the liver healthy? What causes ear odor? What does this ultrasound report during pregnancy indicate? Suggest treatment for mucus and sneezing while being in cold for some time What causes burning sensation on left testicle? What causes loss of sensation in the legs? Do eye drops Systane Ultra cure eyelid swelling? What causes prominent vein on left side of stomach? When should i take a pregnancy test after missing a period? Suggest treatment for alopecia areata What can cause gelly formation on penis? What causes headache and tooth ache? Suggest a remedy for premature ejaculation Suggest treatment for pain and hurting in my foot What causes mild pressure in the upper middle abdomen? What causes irregular periods? What causes burp and dis comfort after having food? Suggest remedy for rashes on arms with belly and legs What causes abnormal bowel movement after taking Metrnidazole and Ciproflaxin? When should I take an HIV test after being pricked with a needle? How to improve sperm count in semen? What causes high thyroid levels? Can i get pregnant while suffering from fibroadenoma of breast? What causes headache and painful neck? What causes sore nipples, lower back pain and cramps? Suggest medication for conception Could frequent urge for urination be due to UTI? Are there pregnancy chances with non penetrative sex? How can hair fall and dandruff be treated? Suggest treatment for small bowel erosions leading to anemia What causes knee pain? Suggest treatment for sun burn Should zantac and prilosec be taken for GERD/dyspepsia? Suggest treatment for bruise around basilic vein What is the limitation of a person with a 77 IQ? Is there an alternative to caliper use in polio? Suggest treatment to increase penis sensitivity What causes vaginal itching and burning sensation? Suggest treatment for removing ovarian cyst What causes blood stained slimy jelly like discharge from vagina? Can i apply 'betnovate' on face to avoid any side effects of waxing? What causes severe tingling in left arm and shoulder? What causes back pain after stopping birth control pills? What causes choking during sleep in an infant? What causes itching on scalp and rashes on back? Can discontinuation of warfrin advisable for extensive dvt? Suggest treatment for cold body, sore throat and painful lymps What causes stomach pain with facial swelling and thyroid enlargement? What causes white spots on arms after getting a sun burn in pregnancy? Suggest treatment for decreased movements of foetus during pregnancy What are the possible side effects of Verorab? Suggest treatment for rapid heart rate after smoking marijuana Could high BP be due to computer usage? What causes cramps in lower abdomen while bending down? Suggest remedy for pain in right calf and hamstring What causes watery and tired eyes? What causes dizziness and pain on sides of ribs? Will hot yoga help me in getting my voice back? Will taking roxithromycin reduce sperm count? What causes abdominal cramps and spotting during pregnancy? How can inguinal hernia with constipation and flatulence be treated? Is perforated bowel and intestinal adhesion sign of cancer? What causes missing periods, nausea and weight gain? What causes headaches and epistaxis along with pharyngitis? What causes white vaginal discharge mixed with blood? What causes recurring lump above belly button? Is tuberculosis the diagnosis here or not? What causes an unusual smell with bleeding when missing a pill? What does this TMT test report indicate? Is betnesol safe for mouth ulcers while sensitive to antibiotics? What causes weak muscles and difficulty in walking? Suggest treatment for ear aches, head aches and neck pain What causes elevated liver enzymes and vomiting sensation? What causes prolonged bleeding? Does eritel help effectively in controlling the BP? Suggest treatment for Precordial Catch Syndrome How to increase the sperm level? Are hormonal injections best for enhancing uterus growth? Suggest treatment for severe hair fall What does "many gram positive cocci" in pap smear suggest? How to get rid of the menstrual problems? Suggest treatment to remove dermoid ovarian cyst Can I use norethistorone for delaying periods? What could the "something" on the cervix be? Suggest treatment for a sore area and knots on rib cage What causes ulcer like lumps on the throat and tongue? How can acne on the body which oozes be treated? What causes vaginal itching? What does this semen analysis report indicate? Can hot weather cause vomitting? What causes semen to be brown colored? Why the blood pressure drops during the day? Does uriclam tablets cause yellow urine colour? Is head scan important after a head injury? What does this CT scan report indicate? Suggest treatment for blood clots on my eye What causes missing periods and negative pregnancy tests? What causes feelings of depression in a child? How to treat an infected wound and stop the watery blood like fluid from it? Suggest treatment for swollen lymph node What can cause fatigue and headaches? What causes watery and itchy eyes? What causes delay in menstruation? What causes recurring bloating and weight gain? How to overcome from the sore throat and white pus? What causes black color stool in an infant? What type of travelling activities should be avoided in early pregnancy? What causes frequent urination, more thirst and tiredness? Suggest remedy for infection on penis and loss of elasticity of foreskin Suggest treatment for cervical problem Is homeopathy treatment will be effective for ankylosing spondylitis? How to treat bump on injured forehead? What causes pale red and hard bump on the gums? Is flying safe with femur fracture? How to get rid of hypertension? How to cure low IQ in kids? What causes redness and swelling in the neck due to TB? What causes vaginal dryness with buttock and bowel movement pain? Suggest treatment for current sensation in the chest What causes frequent coughing after treatment for low heart pumping rate? What does ESR is 36 mm AEFH indicate? Should a pregnant partner avoid intercourse in view of herpes? Can I have knee pain because of abnormal thyroid level? What causes rectal bleeding with dried blood? Will there be severe chest and stomach pain due to hole in the heart? Suggest treatment for fever, rashes on limbs and chest pain Could lump in neck be cancerous? Is antiemetics the ideal treatment for motion sickness? Is laser treatment effective for diabetic retinopathy? What does GGT is 133 U/L ALT is 21 U/L, AST is 23 U/L and ALP is 88 u/l indicate? Is it safe to fly after concussion and headaches? Suggest natural remedies for treatment after analyzing blood test report What is the life span of a blood pressure and diabetic patient who is 64 years old? Suggest treatment for penis irritation Is testosterone level of 1.36 nmol/l normal? What causes movable lump under penis skin? How effective is aortic valve replacement for severe aortic stenosis? Suggest treatment for needle prick pain in upper arm Suggest remedy for polynomial cyst What causes chest pain on the left side under the breast? Suggest treatment for typhoid What causes bad stink after alcohol consumption? Is muscle pain on left area of chest related to cardiac problems? What causes spotting? What causes difficulty in taking solid food? What causes dizziness, headaches and migraines? What are the side effects of Cortisone injection in the shoulder to break scar tissue? Is severe fatigue and rashes sign of lupus? What causes persentent pain in the upper right quadrant? What causes white discharge during pregnancy? What causes sharp pain in chest at night? How can elbow pain and swelling with bicep tightening be treated? What are the side effects of stopping I-pill? Is it dangerous to have lump on throat? Can ruptured spleen cause radiating pain in shoulder to abdomen? Suggest treatment to regularize the periods and get pregnancy Why am i still having high TSH even after taking eltroxin for long? What causes ringing sound in ears? What is the brownish line going straight down starting on the gum line between the teeth? What causes constipation, green stool and lower back pain? What causes excessive thirst, frequent urination and weight loss? What causes faint vibration like spams in the penis? What does this MRI report of spine indicate? How long can numbness after biopsy stay on lip? What causes more appetite during 9th month of pregnancy? Can lisinoril and HCTZ cause ankle swelling? Will a leaking valve in heart lead to a heart failure? What are the uses and side effects of sleeping training for baby? What causes wrist swelling after getting radius surgery with metal implant? What causes shaking after being head first? Will there be any developmental abnormalities during pregnancy? What causes headache, nausea and loss of appetite? What causes bulge on wrist on 3 year old? What causes sore throat and ear pain? What causes unusual tiredness and bed wetting? What causes headache and bump on forehead? Will an anxiety attack elevate troponin level in the blood? Suggest treatment for low iron levels due to post partum bleeding What causes penis cracks after masturbation? Suggest treatment for pain in left spine How can blood clots, strokes, blockages or heart attacks be avoided? Is IBS associated with mucus in throat with intestinal cramps? Can unani medication help in treating hypertension? What causes swelling on ankles? What causes spotting with no menstruation after intercourse? What causes itchy and reddish bumps on the penis? What causes breathing difficulty and snoring? Suggest treatment for recurring ear wax buildup Suggest treatment for small pimples all over the body How can acute compartment syndrome with weight gain be treated? Can hemorrhoids cause dark bowel movements? Suggest treatment for fever, sinus problems and cold What could abdominal pain below the pelvic bone be? Suggest treatment for memory loss and mood swing with anxiety What causes severe joint pains? Suggest treatment for abscess in the back tooth during pregnancy What causes prolonged periods? Can i stop the medication with continued weight loss and follow the improved health food plan? Is undergoing abortion safe? What causes abdominal obesity and tiredness after food consumption? Suggest treatment for polyps in fingers What tests to be done to identify sexually transmitted disease? What causes random nosebleeds with blood while spitting? What are the symptoms of colic? Is radiating pain from abdomen to testicle sign of nutcracker syndrome? What causes blood in urine and vaginal burning? What causes green gooey substance in ear of an infant? Suggest treatment for morphea linear What causes light pinkish discharge during periods? Suggest cause and remedy for bruising on the buttocks Can food poisoning cause diarrhea, nausea and dry heaving? What causes bloating and black stool? What is the expectancy of patient with liver tumor of 9.3cm. What causes visualization of shadows in light while on digoxin? How to treat a sunken bruised cheek bone? Suggest treatment for high blood pressure Can faceclin gel enhance acne problem? How can premature ejaculation be treated? Suggest treatment for palpitation and eyesight refocus Will diabetes during pregnancy harm baby? What causes pain in knee with a nerve damage? Suggest treatment for bad sexual life and poor quality semen What causes low grade fever after taking birth control pills? What causes itchy whitish-red bumps in patches on the top of the foot? What causes recurring reddish and itchy lips? What causes headaches with a nose bleed? Can medication for anxiety cause fertility problems? How to control acne rash? Suggest treatment for premature ejaculation and erection problems What causes croaky voice? Suggest remedy for delay in periods Suggest treatment for mucus discharge from rectum after bowel movement How to cure ringworms on neck and armpits ? When it start bleeding after taking apo-misoprostol? Can lobazom and oxetol cause difficulty in getting pregnant? Is MRI scan necessary after knee injury? What causes frequent panicking and startling suddenly? What causes loose bowel movements with odor? Can ejaculating in sleep and erectile dysfunction be treated completely? What are the long term side effects of Depo? What causes swelling in the labia minora? Can irregular eating cause severe headache? Suggest treatment for cerebral palsy with quadriplegia What causes e.coli infection in urine? What are the chances of pregnancy without ejaculation? Should the Duphaston tablet be continued? What causes tenderness under right rib cage? What causes welps on body and swollen neck and muscles? What causes an elevated eosinophil count? What causes bump after bitten by buffalo gnats? What causes fibroids in the uterus? How to heal pain in testis What causes chest infection , loose motion and nose bleed? Suggest treatment for nightfall What causes urinary frequency just after urination? What causes left sided body pain with pinprick sensation in the hand? Why is it cramping during periods? Is the lumpy feeling in the abdomen due to an enlarged ovary? Suggest treatment for erection problems What causes tingling sensation while passing urine? Suggest medications for senddons syndrome What are the early signs and symptoms of pregnancy? What causes penis pain? Suggest treatment for PAC and hearth rhythm changes What are the side effects of provera? What is the treatment for mouth ulcer? Suggest treatment for a corn on the ball of the foot How can a painful ear lump be treated? What causes vaginal discharge during 34 weeks of pregnancy? What causes pain during urination? Suggest treatment for infertility problem What causes difficulty in swallowing food? Suggest treatment for sore throat and ear ache Does getting Nova Sure procedure done affect sex life? What causes recurring UTI? Why am i unable to conceive inspite of all tests being normal? Suggest treatment for welt on foot and heel Can a head injury cause legs and arms tingling? Suggest treatment for enlarged liver & dizziness in alcoholics How to cure the dent in the skin? Suggest remedy for reactive arthritis Is Crisanta effective in treatment of abnormal periods? Suggest treatment for red dots under skin on scrotum What causes tiredness during pregnancy? Suggest remedy for burning scalp with hair loss What causes dizziness and hearing loss? Does taking primolut n during early pregnancy cause any harm? Could lightheadedness, lighter periods and discharge be due to pregnancy? Suggest treatment for hair knots on scalp Could spotting be due to pregnancy? What causes pain in vagina and abdomen after putting a tampon? How to get pregnant? What causes headaches,dizziness and fatigue after eating fruits with yogurt? What causes lump on the testicles? How to get rid of hard lump in between her rib cage and thigh? What does this kidney scan report indicate? What causes dark spots all over body? Is it possible to be hyperglycaemic and not be diabetic? Suggest remedy for pain in the ankle How can face redness and blotchiness caused by vomiting be cured? Can one of the consequences of gallbladder removal be insomnia? Does a lump in the cervix cause pain during and after intercourse? What does this MRI report of spine indicate? Could the tonsils blockage be due to tonsillitis? Suggest treatment for headache and fatigue What causes high fever? What causes dizziness after taking nicotine gum? What causes pain in hip and calf muscles? Will abdominoplasty also resolve the umbilicus bulge? What causes extreme fatigue,diarrhea and nausea? What causes bumps on right arm? How to treat zit on my left leg? What causes missing periods? Why the menstrual periods are late? Suggest treatment for non stop vomiting What causes a baby's stomach to be small? How to persuade a cardiac patient to go for the medical tests? What causes abdominal cramps and 'fluid in endometrial cavity' on an ultrasound? How the hair transplantation is done and how much will it cost? Suggest remedy for lumps chin What causes anal itching in a child? What causes blood tinged loose stools? How to get pregnant with deranged prolactin levels? What causes pain in penis after bending of it while erected? Suggest treatment for SPINAL MENINGITIS What is the treatment for premature ejaculation? Why is my ear feeling full after taking atenolol? Suggest treatment for pain in the rib cage after car accident Suggest treatment for bloating of stomach and burping Suggest treatment for vitiligo in vagina Should I be worried for my infant having a squint? Suggest treatment for grey vision What causes frequent headache? Does penicillin cause pain in hands and swelling in vaginal area? Why is chest x-ray ordered in case of stage 4 colon cancer? What are the symptoms of sti? How to get rid of vaginal stinging during sex? Does pain in wisdom tooth require its extraction? Can clomid & letrozole intake affect fetus health? What causes tingling feeling in my legs? Suggest treatment for headache and swelling of temple area What causes fatigue and tiredness with an elevated ESR? Suggest treatment for infertility problem even after cabgolin and amycordial syrup usage Suggest treatment for a painful white spot in the throat Suggest treatment for sperm motility How long does hair transplant suture take to dissolve in skin? What does "anteverted uterus with fibroids and polycystic ovaries" suggest? What causes nausea due to food smells with tiredness? What is the treatment for the discoloration of crohn's disease? What is the treatment for sharp pain in collar bone and neck? Why do i persistently have smell of vomit? Is a missed period with tiredness and leg aches due to pregnancy? Can 'cortisone' reactivate hepatitis-C virus? What causes white spots inside cheeks? How to get rid of gout? Suggest treatment for severe migraine What are the symptoms and treatment for rheumatoid arthritis? Suggest remedy for blisters Is taking oxyelite pro safe for weight loss? Can coronary artery blockage be caused by injury to the artery walls? What causes abdominal pain after child birth? Is light spotting during a pregnancy normal? Will coughing during pregnancy harm baby? What are the effects of 'pseudoephedrine hydrochloride' taken during pregnancy? What causes swelling in eyes? Suggest chances of pregnancy post fallopian tube wash Suggest treatment for underweight What are the side effects of krimson-35 tablet? What causes rashes around eyes? Suggest methods to loss weight How to confirm hepatitis B? Could genital herpes cause abdominal pain and bloating? Suggest remedy for soreness in ears and feeling of off balance What causes dizziness and weakness during night time? Reason for slight pain in upper chest above the breasts What causes dry and itchy skin in case of pityriasis rosea? What causes pain in body and muscles get loose after masturbation? What causes lots of vaginal discharge? What causes frequent itching in my palms? What causes itchy red bumps above eyebrow? What causes sharp abdominal muscle pain? What causes sudden rise in heart rate? Is the BP and the pulse rate normal? Suggest contraception that can be taken after childbirth How to stop heavy period bleeding? What causes pin prick like rashes on chest and face? What causes burning throat,fatigue,coughing and headache? What causes swelling and pain in joints from hands to the ankle? What causes difficult in breathing in people with Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy? How can leg and neck pain with degenerative disc disease be treated? What causes watery stools during pregnancy? Why i am feeling pulse in my hands and legs? Suggest remedy for high fever and loose motions What does this MRI report of spine indicate? How to treat pain and swelling of the testicle after being hit? Suggest better treatment for irregular periods What causes hard lump below knee? What can cause lumps and pain in legs? What causes red bump on leg? What causes blisters on penis head with itching on testicles? Does pain & pop in elbow & ar suggest sprain? What is causing vomiting, green stools,body ache and headache? Would heavy bleeding with large clots be due to vaginal injury? What causes tiredness and sick feeling during day time? Suggest treatment for stomach pain and vomiting How can a mole like lump on the arm be treated? How to control low blood pressure? What causes a leg cramp after sustaining ankle fracture? Suggest treatment for anxiety Suggest treatment for strep infection What causes stomach fluttering and heart burning while on mirena? Suggest treatment for recurring kidney infection Could polyp cause infertility? How to treat cyst on the right ovary? What is the large lump above my collar bone? Could frequent urination, spotting and cramps be due to pregnancy? Suggest treatment for a bump in the tongue and lesions around the mouth Suggest medicine for fever with flatulence Suggest treatment for brown discoloration around the chest What causes reddish discoloration on the hand? What causes pain and cramping in stomach near pelvic area? Suggest treatment for halitosis What causes back pain with UTI infections? Suggest treatment for persistent rash on neck Suggest treatment for premature ejaculation What causes chest pain and arm pain? Can death occur from HIV? How can i increase my potassium level? Can I have abnormal thyroid despite a normal TSH? What causes swollen lymph node, itchy scalp and dizziness? Is it safe to take mf and progesterone tablets? Suggest remedy for sudden deafness with disorentation What are the possible ways for chlamydia infection transmission? Could stomach pain and nausea be the side effects of clarithomycin? What causes pulsatile tinnitus and feeling of pressure in head? What causes two white sores in the anus? Suggest treatment for keloid on hand Suggest treatment for headache and tiredness What causes dry cough with feeling of fullness in chest? What causes extreme nausea? Suggest remedy for shakes and twitches in the hand Should I take femulen contraceptive pill having missed period? Are stitches needed for bleeding after removing implanon? Suggest remedy for vaginal lumps What are he side effects of andropenis? What causes severe headache and chest pain? Is there any danger to drink while on Doxycycline? What causes light bleeding from rectum during bowel movement? What causes "pins and needles" sensation in the back? What does this blood test report indicate? Is a blood sugar of 168 high? What causes heart palpitations with either exercise or rest? What are the symptoms of anal fissure? What is the remedy for vaginal itching? Suggest treatment for open and sore pores in arm pit What causes itchy, rashes under eye? Suggest treatment for green stools with blood stains Is it normal to jerk the head after water infection in babies? How to get rid of tiny red dots on the clitoris? What causes light vaginal bleeding with abdominal swelling? Why do I have severe stomach cramps? What should the diet be for the first month of pregnancy? How to avoid bed bug infestation? What causes a delayed period,itchy clitoris and nausea? Suggest treatment for loose motion in an infant How to get rid of migraine? Suggest treatment for back pain What causes blisters on head in an infant? Suggest remedy for dizziness with nausea and vomiting Is intercourse generally painful to the penis or foreskin? What causes visible blood in urine? What causes dark and smelly urine? Suggest treatment for sinus infection What causes delayed periods? What are the chances of miscarriage after mirena removal? Suggest remedy for blisters on legs What causes white spot on left side of tongue? What causes puss filled lumps in pubic area? What caused the demise after CABG surgery? What is the remedy for weight gain? Is masturbation harmful? What causes a dark wrinkled area in between the breasts? How to treat acid reflux and colic in an infant? What is the cause of discoloration of penis? What causes red bumps on upper arm? Suggest remedy for pimple on the right buttock Suggest treatment for dysmenorrhoea What causes a bulging and sore vein on the elbow? Can a spider bite cause nausea and swelling? Can gum infection cause chest pain and difficulty breathing? What causes hard bowel movements? What causes blister on penis shaft? What causes black pock marks under skin flaps? What causes a dry and itchy patch on areola of the breast? What causes spotting and cramps? Can HIV be transmitted through a surface scratch? What causes enlarged and hard vein below the head of penis? What causes delayed periods and negative pregnancy test? What causes blood in urine? What are the symptoms of perimenopause? How to reduce anxiety? What causes severe bleeding during periods? What causes symptoms of flu and body itching while having Cronic Lymphositic Leukimia? Suggest treatment for itchy, red and swollen white spot on vagina What causes anal itching? Suggest remedy for burning stomach with pain in ribs What causes coughing and difficulty in swallowing? Is it safe to transplant kidney from dead person? What causes elevated CRP level,dizziness and tachycardia? How to get rid of emphysema? What causes mucus in my throat? Suggest remedy for pain in the side of the body Suggest remedy for delay in periods What causes heart palpitations and varying BP? Suggest treatment for diarrhea with orange stools and stomach cramps Suggest safe method to terminate 8 weeks pregnancy Suggest remedy for diarrhoea Can one ride a roller coaster with heart surgery history? Is large nipples area sign of gynecomastia? What causes itchiness in the pubic area and scrotum? What are the side effects of medicines amlodipine and simvastatin? Suggest treatment for frothy urine and presence of protein in urinalysis Could hair loss be due to implanon? How can itchy rashes on the penis shaft be treated? What will happen if I have swallowed two stud earrings? What causes pimples in the penis? What causes premature ejaculation? How long does a fracture on foot take to heal? What causes wheezing and dizziness after workout? What causes continuous brown vaginal discharge? Does post coital bleeding with headaches indicate a pregnancy? Suggest risk with bloody mucus What is the treatment for throat infection? Why do blood and urine tests show negative result after having IVF? Suggest treatment for diaper rash What causes a lump on inner lip close to the gum? What causes frequent headache in kids? What causes headache and nausea? Suggest remedy for varicose veins What causes painful urination and trances of blood in urine? Can Ketamine cause erectile dysfunction? Suggest treatment fir cystic lesions Suggest remedy for bumps on toe Can a banana cause stomach cramping with nausea and vomiting? Is Mirena causing pressure in lower abdomen? Can tonsillitis cause Stomach and Intestinal problems? Suggest remedy for panic attacks Suggest treatment for bowel movement problems What does cluster of dark/black spots in pelvic area indicate? Could the miscarriage remnants have completely emptied? What causes light bleeding and frequent urination? What causes elevated levels of bilirubin,ALT and glucose in blood tests? Can high sugar levels cause headaches? What causes more thirst and frequent urination? Why does my 5 year old son s hands get curled up and mouth goes crooked? Suggest diet if suffering from painful swallowing due to epiglottis lesion What causes migraines, vision problems and dizziness? How to reduce headache and sore throat? What causes constipation in a 3 year old? Suggest treatment for enlarged liver with brain tumors What causes yellow fingers and hand? What could brown discharge with sore breasts suggest? Can a burning sensation in the calf be due to shingles? What causes pain and cramps in lower abdomen? What causes bruising in inner thigh and calves? Suggest treatment for bergers and Gilberts disease Suggest treatment for swelling and numbness on finger due to cut on knuckle Suggest treatment for chronic coughing with bronchitis Can typha virus affect again and again? How to cure heavy bleeding during periods? Does taking metformin help cure high BP? What causes purple color foreskin? What to do if expired ultrafen suppository is given to a child? Suggest treatment for discomfort in my lower back Can consuming expired medicine cause any problem in kids? What causes excessive sleep patterns in children? Suggest remedy for sore swollen vagina post primolut intake What could air in skull suggest? What causes knee pain after surgery? What causes nausea with oblique pain? What causes pain during pap smear? Suggest treatment for recurring worm infection in the stomach What causes bloody stools in a child who is on flagyl ? Suggest remedy for black dots spreading across the skin What causes black spots along the waistline of a child? What are the options to regain mobility in wrist? What causes pain in legs after smoking marijuana? Are fainting and clear discharge from nipple a symptom of pregnancy? Can HIV be transmitted here? Suggest treatment for Gutate psoriasis Suggest treatment for swollen testicles Why is my toddlers legs in deep purple color with red blotches all over the top? What causes redness and tenderness in labia minora during intercourse? Can urine HCG levels be too low to be detected? What causes feeling of food stuck in throat? How to treat recurrent MRSA? Suggest treatment for bladder infection What causes a lump in neck after twisting it? Suggest treatment for fever while having urinary tract infection What are the symptoms of std? Suggest treatment for swollen ear and face in kid How harmful is dog bite for a diabetic? Could Coumadin cause Erectile dysfunction? Suggest treatment for pressure in head with eyes throbing What could sudden chest pain suggest? What causes knot on right side of neck? What causes swelling in feet and ankles? Suggest treatment for vaginal itching and odor while on a menstrual period What causes gas in the stomach after treatment for viral fever? Will stroke accelerate Alzheimer? Suggest treatment for breathing problem Suggest treatment for joint effusions in leg What causes puffy eyes and cold in kid? What causes pain in hips and legs and fever in kid? Suggest treatment for bumps and itching on penis Suggest medication for constipation How can a stomach virus with fever be treated? Suggest treatment for sore and knots inside the mouth Suggest cause and remedy for tumor on the upper thighs Suggest treatment for painful and swollen armpit What causes tightness in chest and fast heart rate after running? How long do hashimoto's disease take to heal? Is metoprolol succinate er 25mg safe for high blood pressure? What is brain fever? What causes itchy red rashes on the skin? How to cure a lump in the left arm? What causes fever and headache in a toddler? What causes dark purple mark on tongue of an infant? What causes foamy vaginal discharge after having sexual intercourse? Suggest management of mental health symptoms of fear and sleep disorder What causes pain while urinating? What causes blackening of vaginal lip during pregnancy? What causes goosebumps in thigh? What causes bleeding from penis? What caused the paralysis in arms and legs? Suggest treatment for constipation and bloating with crohn's What causes to see dark shadow in dim lights and dark places? What causes sever pain while standing and folding legs? Hi, My age is 27, height 5'1, weight 62Kg. From What causes burning sensation on shoulder and upper arm? Suggest treatment for rashes on chest, neck and arms What causes mettalic odor in breath? What could be the white thing on the shaft of penis? Suggest treatment for tightness in my ankle What causes stomach bloating and back pain with negative pregnancy test? What should the normal Igg level be? How can a vaginal overgrowth be treated? Is a pus filled bump in the mouth of an infant dangerous? How can swollen legs with wasting arms be treated? What causes feeling of bugs crawling in body and nausea? Does very low haemoglobin cause severe acne? Is pregnancy possible while had sex before ovulation? What causes spotting, cramps and white discharge from breast? What causes left testicle to hurt after working out? Can intake of wellbutrin cause positive for meth in drug test? For what is dermadue lotions used? What causes dizziness, lightheadedness and nausea? Suggest remedy for nausea with headaches and dizziness What causes electrical zaps in the head ? What causes soreness and redness in the throat with difficulty in swallowing? What causes chest pain occasionally while having neurocardiogenic syncope? Can i get pregnant with broken trojan condom and precum? Recommend treatment for stress What causes black freckle on the inner thigh? What causes itching bumps on scalp? What causes bruising and low appetite in a 5 year old? What causes sudden weakness with lightheadedness and sweating? What could scabs like lumps on breast suggest What causes a muffling sound in the plugged ear? Suggest remedy for high fever with runny nose Suggest remedy for severe pain in lower stomach Suggest remedy for puss filled black heads Are muscle twitches common during pregnancy? How to get rid of itching after recovering from staph infection? Is having large clots and dull ache normal for the first period after delivery? How to recover from tourette syndrome? When should the Mirena be inserted? Suggest remedy for lump in the left armpit Could cigars cause all of this? How to get pregnant? What causes irregular periods? Suggest treatment for irratation in my pubic area How to get pregnant? What does pain near the temple & ear suggest? How to avoid hair falling while shampooing? How to get rid of edema in legs,feet and ankles? What causes hard bump on butt cheek? Should anemia also be on my medical bracelet? Suggest treatment for acne scars and itching Suggest side effects of reactine Suggest treatment for herpes simplex 1 Suggest treatment for pain in lower stomach What causes neck pains, heart palpitations and head shock wave sensations? What causes recurring headaches? What causes chest pain and palpitations? How much should the fetus develop at 6 weeks? How can irregular periods with increase in weight be treated? What causes stomach pain, nausea and acidity? Suggest treatment for shortness of breath after lifting heavy objects Why am i feeling short of breath when doing exercise? What causes light brown colored urine? What causes itchiness and strong urine odor after having sex? What causes a lump on the scalp? Suggest remedy for lumps What causes short term memory problems? Suggest treatment for black heads on nose and acne scars How can a neck vein lump be treated? Suggest remedy for numbness in eye What causes swelling of chest? What causes coughing while sleeping? What causes early and lighter periods? Suggest remedy for bumps in vaginal & thigh Suggest medicine for abortion What causes fainting vision and tiredness? What causes lumps in the vaginal region? Can I take blue pill while on diabetes and high bp medicine? What causes recurring fever? What causes no fetal movement after the 21st week? How to treat constipation? What causes itchy, red and painful lump on knee cap? 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Can sudden strenuous exercise cause difficulty in breathing? What causes blank feeling and forgetting things fast? Suggest treatment for fever and yellow discharge from eyes Any remedy for skin infection behind both ears that is spreading on elbow also ? What causes pain under rib cage during periods? What causes bleeding after masturbating? Suggest home remedies for white scales on scalp Can a swollen and bruised knuckle after punching indicate dislocation? What cause strong fishy odor from rectum? What causes missing periods and negative pregnancy tests? Suggest treatment for canker sores on lip and molars Suggest treatment for sore bumps on lips What causes my kid to loose her voice? What causes delay in period? What causes vaginal discomfort and pain during insertion of tampon? Suggest remedy for infection in the inside of the buttock What causes difficulty in conceiving when periods is delayed? What does this follicular study report indicate? What causes itchy red rashes on penis? Will a bump travelling down to bridge of nose disappear by itself? What causes severe pain on right knee? Can bleeding with a large clot discharge be due to miscarriage? What causes feeling of lump while breathing? Suggest treatment for allergic rhinitis What causes sore penis? What causes nipples to have dark crust build up? What causes boil on chin and swelling on lips? Is elevated liver enzyme level a cause for concern? Suggest treatment for chest pain and difficulty in breathing Suggest treatment for ventricular septal defect and pulmonary hypertension Can implantation bleeding with pregnancy symptoms be a positive? What is the interpretation of my blood reports? What causes a lump in my armpit? Is there any chance for pregnancy if i had sex one day before periods? Suggest treatment for persistent abdominal pain due to inflammed stomach lining Is it normal to have cysts in the endometrium? How urgently should 70-80% heart blockage usually treated? Will oxyelite pills causes spotting between periods? Need help with understanding the effect of Glutathione on headaches How can acute coccyx pain be treated? Is OTC medications safe for throat itching? What causes red bumps on vagina after shaving? What causes bleeding and abdominal pain? How can liver cancer be treated? What causes weakness and cramping and swelling of legs with thyroid medications? What causes vaginal itching? What causes irregular period on contraceptive pills? What causes pain while emptying bowel? How can dry and rough hair be treated? What causes chronic vaginal discharge? What would a malodorous discharging hard bump on underside of penis be? What causes thrush after every period? What is the role of HCG level in determining pregnancy? Suggest remedy for boils on the face What causes delayed periods with negative pregnancy test? Suggest remedy for pain with reddish skin and swelling What causes a blister to appear when closing eyes for long periods? Suggest remedy for chest pain with back pain Suggest remedy for pain in back with neck and mild fever What would cause a bump inside vaginal lip and burning while urinating? Suggest treatment for pain while lifting arm Suggest treatment for major convergent strabismus Can rest relieve the sharp soreness in forearm? Suggest suitable remedy for colic problem Can a one-off session of hookah cause serious health issues? What causes tongue pain with bruising at the back side? Is the crossing of eyes a symptom to stroke? What causes irregularities in menstruation? What are the do's and don'ts for a Marijuana smoker before blood donation How can anal pain with a hard spot be treated? What causes stretch marks in lower back, hips and breasts? Suggest treatment for throbbing pain in left ear What causes an increase in the wbc count when you are pregnant? What causes tremors in body and legs? How does Ovacare help with pregnancy? Suggest suitable therapy for bipolar disorder What dos this pelvic scan report indicate? What causes a decline in the hemoglobin? Which medical speciality deals with infectious pain in shoulder and wrists? What causes itching at night and dizziness? What is the remedy for acne due to testosterone depot? What causes redness on face all the time? How can weight gain caused by thyroid problems be addressed? Suggest treatment for acne scars and oily skin Suggest treatment for cough and thick white sputum What causes yellowish/blackish stool while on treatment for breast cancer? Suggest treatment for a cut on the labia minora How to avoid unwanted pregnancy after having sex? What should i do if the caneten pessary is not melted after insertion? Will ferttin level affect the color of the baby? Is regular masturbation harmful? What causes chronic coughing that is aggravated more in summer ? What causes bloating, headache and hot and cold flashes? How to increase energy levels in a diabetic person? What causes pain on the sides and nausea when you are pregnant? Suggest alternate medicine for Omnacortil What causes body rashes and itching? Suggest remedy for heart burn What causes semen leakage? Is it normal to get sharp stabbing pain and cramping during period? Suggest treatment for swelling and rashes around eyes caused by poison ivy What causes feeling of vibrations in the chest? Suggest treatment for keloids on chest and back What causes weight loss, fatigue and high BP? Does taking Electral daily for backache have any side effects? Suggest treatment for random bruising on body Suggest treatment for pimple scars on forehead How to stop hair fall? Suggest remedy for itchy skin in thigh & calf post a skin graft
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