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What causes breathlessness and anxiety after taking Amoxicillin for lump on gum? Suggest medicine to cure discoloration of skin Hi, I just found out about this and I think Is it safe to switch from Plavix to Brilinta? What causes vertigo, fluctuating BP with nausea? What causes heat feeling in the ankle? What causes difficulty concentration? What causes recurring pain in Achilles tendon? Suggest treatment for pimples and sores on the arms and wrist What causes nausea,weakness and fever? What causes abdominal discomfort post intercourse? Can I take a Claritin D for hay fever? What are the adverse effects of contrast used in CT scan? Suggest treatment for atrial fibrillation and heart failure What causes numbness and tingling in arms and legs despite taking medications? What do these test results from GFR and Creatine indicate? What causes repeated menstrual cycle? What causes itchy bumps behind the ear What causes shooting pain in the feet? What causes diarrhea and stomach pain inspite of giving Enterogermina in infants? What causes spasms on the lower left hip? Suggest treatment for inner and outer ear infection How soon can I take HPT to detect pregnancy? Suggest treatment for dizziness,frequent urination,pelvic and lower back pain What are the side effects of Lupron treatment? How to treat fluid build up in feet while suffering from fibromyalgia? Suggest treatment for hiccup Does Cipro increases size of the breast? What causes soreness and cracking sensation in the knee when bending? Is liver function test recommended for febrile convulsions in an asthmatic child? What causes severe chest pain under the breast? Is Valtrex the most effective medicine for shingles? What does the following platelets level indicate? What causes pressure feeling on the nasal bridge? What does pressure and pain in chest after exercising indicate? Suggest treatment for stiffness and pain in the back Suggest treatment for marks on the breast Suggest remedy for tiredness, headaches and blurry vision when having hypothyroidism Suggest treatment for sore throat What does the following CT scan result mean? Suggest treatment for syncope What causes swelling in the legs? What causes bloating,cramping and pain in the stomach? What causes pain in the chest when bending? What causes swelling in the tongue? Suggest treatment for severe shivering Suggest treatment for severe cough What does a hard lump on head after injury indicate? Suggest treatment for diarrhea ans redness in the eye Is it safe to give Meftal P for a long period? Suggest ways to regularise periods after stopping birth control pills Suggest treatment for swelling in the optic nerve What are the chances of pregnancy after tubal ligation? Suggest remedy for severe pain in chest and back What causes dark brown stringy menstruation? Can i take contraceptive pills to avoid pregnancy? What does light pinkish vaginal bleeding indicate? Suggest remedy for numbness and pain in arms and sholders What causes increased size of the labia? Can Xanax, Adderall and Seroquel show false positive for THC? What causes rashes on the hands,stomach and thighs? Is pelvic pain and numbness normal when diagnosed with Adenomyosis? Is it safe to take Lariam to treat malaria? Suggest tests to confirm pregnancy after having unsafe sex What causes black spots and lumps after taking Heparin shots? Suggest treatment for irregular menstrual cycle What is the dosage of Meftal P for a 4.5 years old? Suggest treatment for throat pain Suggest treatment for itching caused after insect bite How to know if the bladder is extended? What causes severe hip and back pain along with blood in stool? Suggest treatment for learning disability What causes muscle stiffness,cold and headache after taking Simvastatin? Is it safe to take Ovigyn and FertisureF for conception? Suggest treatment for large bruise on the elbow with itching and burning sensation What causes itchy rashes on the thighs and calf? Suggest treatment for fungal infection in the genital area What causes repeated menstrual cycle? What causes pleural effusions and inflammation during periods? Suggest treatment for patchy and tanned skin What causes numbness in the hands? Is it safe to take Paracetamol to treat chronic epididymitis? What causes pain in left side of the abdomen while coughing? What causes prolonged menstrual cycle? How to treat chlamydia after having unsafe sex? What causes pain in labia and fluid discharge inspite of suffering from vaginitis? What causes bloated stomach and extreme fatigue? Suggest treatment for burning sensation in the eyes and horrible headache Does taking Adipex cause delay in periods? Suggest treatment for severe backache Suggest treatment for dry mouth,nausea and burning pain in my stomach What causes decreased menstrual cycle length? What causes headache and stomach pain while on Arip for autism? What causes drop in carbon dioxide levels after placing shoulder block? What does the following ultrasound report indicate?  How to test for mild loss of hearing after listening to a loud noise? What causes brown spotting and white discharge instead of regular periods? What does the following chest X-ray indicate?  What does this MRI test result for back pain indicate? What does this test result for RA while suffering from osteo arthritis and fibromyalgia indicate? Suggest treatment for stiffness in the back Suggest treatment for syncope and confusion What causes feces leak when walking? Suggest treatment for enlarged prostate Suggest treatment for high blood sugar levels What causes enlarged spleen and pressure while breathing during pregnancy? What causes a bruised spot close to spine? What causes waxy taste in the mouth? Is it safe to take Aspirin and Prilosec for numbness and pain in legs? What causes white spots on throat while suffering from tonsillitis? What causes a small tan coloured mark on top of small toe? Is it safe to use Ranitidine and Hydroxyzine for rashes? What causes gurgling sound in chest and burps? Suggest treatment for high BP, high cholesterol and right hip fracture How long does an ablation normally last? What causes chronic sense of obstruction in throat? Suggest treatment for rashes in the groin area What causes blood discharge from the mouth? My parson's Jack Russell has various health problem and is Why is a colonoscopy required after an emergency appendectomy? Can radiation therapy for throat cancer cause a lump on the neck? What are the chances of pregnancy without penetration? Suggest remedy for severe shoulder pain due to prolapsed disc Suggest treatment for soreness in the hand after a electric shock Is Primolut taken during pregnancy harmful to fetus? What causes child to talk about committing suicide? What causes sudden drop in the sugar levels? Suggest treatment for pain and numbness in the feet after injury Suggest treatment for dark pigmentation on the elbow What does this ultrasonography finding indicate? Suggest treatment for nausea and sweating What causes prolonged menstrual cycle? There was a surgery which removed the ribs of my What does this CT scan result for foul smelling stools indicate? What causes persistent headache,cough and nasal congestion inspite of taking Ibuprofen? How to treat labyrinthitis inspite of taking Betahistine? What causes dull pain on right side of clitoris? Is it safe to use Betnovate to treat pimples and scars? What is the dosage of Xanax recommended to treat anxiety? What causes a large lump in the breast? How to treat weakness of memory inspite of suffering from ADHD and anxiety? What does this urine analysis result for pain during urination indicate? Should i get infected from HIV after drying penis with a towel? What causes delay in periods despite having negative UPT? Is Plan B recommended after irregular intake of contraceptives? What causes erectile dysfunction? Suggest treatment for delay in periods How to safely clear fish bone stuck into the throat? What causes delay in periods inspite of taking Unwanted 72? What leads to irregular menstrual bleeding and abdominal pain? What causes persistent heavy bleeding during periods? What does this CT scan result for abdominal pain indicate? Is it safe to take contraceptives twice in a month? Suggest treatment for wrist pain caused due to injury What causes upper abdominal pain and burning sensation inspite of taking Sompraz? What causes recurring chest pain and irregular heartbeat? How to treat pain in forearm radiating towards shoulder caused due to injury? Is it safe to give Entrogimina oral syrup for diarrhea in infants? What causes palms always hotter when compared to body temperature? How to start periods early? What are the symptoms of having menopause? How to treat sharp abdominal pain inspite of taking Lansoprazole for acid reflux? Suggest treatment for irregular periods What causes mild sore throat and unusual taste at back of throat? Do taking these medicines for hair fall cause any side effect? What causes cysts in ovary and heavy periods? What causes swelling and pain in feet and ankle? Suggest remedy for premature graying of beard hair with bald patch on head Suggest medication for body pain and memory problems due to masturbation Suggest medication for painful, white blisters and cuts on inside the mouth Does intake of Siocare regularise periods? Suggest remedy for heavy periods with red clots and watery blood What causes low appetite and vomiting sensation post food intake? What do total isolation from people with extreme weight loss suggest? What causes on and off chest pain followed by fainting spells? What causes loss of lumber lordosis and osteo-arthritis in knees? Suggest medication to improve skin complexion What do cystic follicle in ovary with sonologic features in uterus suggest? Could persistent bleeding post positive pregnancy result indicate miscarriage? Is it possible to conceive by cutting the bent edge of fallopian tube? What causes pus filled pimples on back area? Suggest treatment for severe, recurring pain in tendon What causes extreme anxiety and mood swings while on treatment for depression? Suggest ways to correct relationship issues Does intake of Postinor 2 cause delayed periods? Is it safe to take 10mg Valium by a teenager for sensitive gag reflex? Could painful ankle, knee and hip indicate arthritis? What causes persistent high blood sugar levels with loose motions and kidney stones? Suggest remedy for pressure and green liquid oozing from left ear Suggest ways to stop addiction to masturbation Is pain and numbness in chest and arms after lifting heavy weights a cause for concern? Is it possible to have HIV infection post protected intercourse? What causes profuse sweating, loss of fine motor skills with elevated sugar levels? Suggest remedy for chronic back pain What causes prolonged gastric problem increasing post intercourse? Suggest medication for extreme nervousness and panic attacks Is it safe to conceive while having high sugar levels and PCOD? Suggest remedy for discomfort post food intake, heartburn and vomiting sensation What does 8-9 pus cells/hpf shown in urine analysis of a toddler suggest? What causes persistent dull pain in lung, coughing up blood with brown stuff and dizziness? What do burning urination and tingling penile head post intercourse suggest? What causes red and hot body, extreme anxiety and twitching while on Vyvanse? Suggest treatment for left-sided hemiplegia, dysphasia when dfiagnosed with CVA Is painful vaccination more effective than painless vaccination? Are there any side effects from intake of Ciplar for depression and anxiety? What could sore, itchy, fluid oozing bumps on chin indicate? Do dull pain in vagina and lower abdomen, tingling thighs and nausea suggest onset of labor? Suggest medication for recurring pimples on face Is Progyluton the right medication to regularise periods? Is it safe to give Ondem to a toddler for prolonged vomiting? Suggest remedy for sleeplessness, headache and fatigue post smoking withdrawal Suggest treatment for inability to conceive while having PCOD and high prolactin levels Does intake of Prograf cause pain and swelling in feet? What causes palpitations and discomfort in upper arm? What causes chest pain and vomiting of blood after an abortion? What does this ultrasound scan finding indicate? Hi. I'm a 23 yr old female I've seen so What causes chronic white flaky discharge from ears? Does sharp stabbing pain in chest with dizziness suggest recurring pneumonia? How long does the effectivness of Femillon last as contraceptive? Does masturbation cause premature ejaculation during intercourse? What could rectal bleeding indicate? What does ESR result being 70 in a teenager suggest? What causes painful swelling on left side of lower skull with bump on back of neck? Is nerve pain through finger radiating to whole body post cycad plant prick a cause for concern? Are back pain and stomach cramps in the 5th week of pregnancy a cause for concern? Does having intercourse at long intervals affect fertility? Are Glucosamine HCI with Boswellia and Ipriflavone safe to take for pain in joints? What causes delayed periods with HPT result being negative? Suggest remedy for severe itching and skin discoloration in inner thighs Suggest treatment for irregular periods How to reduce the weight gain caused by intake of Carbimazole for Graves disease? Suggest remedy for constipation Are there any side effects from masturbation? Suggest remedy for hair loss post typhoid attack What causes dark reddish patch on the back of knees? Suggest treatment for pain in hip, thigh and leg due to arachnoiditis What causes swelling and acne on testicle? Suggest remedy to ease difficulty in swallowing Can Gynera tablet be used as morning after pill? Suggest treatment for vesicles with puss on scrotum Suggest treatment for rashes due to itching on penis and lower legs What causes cramps in stomach? What causes red bumps on tongue with cough and sore throat? Can i get pregnant? Should i take Regesterone to prepone periods and what are the side effects? What are the side effects of masturbation? What causes clogged ear? Should i take Zoryl M instead of M1? What causes headache in 10 years old as the tests were normal? What causes on and off throbbing pain inside lower leg? How many days of hospitalization required for pancreatitis?? Suggest laxative for constipation in 1 year old What does change of A1C from 5.9 to 5.6 mean? Will Femilon be effective for the rest 21 days from today? What causes loss of sense of taste and smell? Can i use Thycobal and Movex for cervical spondylosis? What causes nosebleeds,persistent headaches and fatigue? Is Nebilet 5mg good for hypertension? How to treat chronic depression inspite of taking Dulane and Nexito? What causes dizziness and nasal pain after hitting nose? What causes persistent cough and pain at back of tongue? How can i improve my sperm count and quality? Is it safe to take NorfloxTZ to treat stomach discomfort and diarrhea? What causes pain behind tongue and neck in children? What causes cold liquid flow like feeling in head with pressure? Is it safe to take Foltanx while taking Neurontin for peripheral neuropathy? What does this test result for liver indicate? What causes dark spotting after taking morning-after pill? Suggest treatment for posterior disc bulging and indentation What causes recurring tonsil infection with gum infection? Suggest remedy for lower back pain What causes Bradycardia along with insomnia and anxiety? Hi I am 19 years old and currently 30 weeks Hi, I've been married 35yrs this yr. Got married at What causes numbness in feet? Will my regained hair be permanently curly after chemotherapy? What causes thick white vaginal discharge and abdominal pain after having sex? What does this MRI test result for spine indicate? What causes erectile dysfunction during intercourse? Suggest treatment for hemorrhoids How to treat gynecomastia? What causes severe itching sensation in the vaginal area? Can a spinal headache cause a brain injury? What does this X-ray test report for lung indicate? How to treat pain in breast caused due to injury? What causes body pain while taking Eltroxin to control TSH level? What does this test result for sperm analysis indicate? What causes fluid discharge from breasts after having unsafe sex? Suggest treatment for delusional disorder in an elderly person What causes intermittent rise in body temperature,dizziness and nausea? What causes throat pain with history of having sore throat? What causes fungal infection in uterus leading to swelling and yellowish urination? What causes stinging sensation in vagina during urination after having sex? What causes hemorrhoid and swollen clitoris lately after childbirth? What causes severe shoulder pain radiating towards hands and fingers? What causes cramps in left leg and redness behind leg? How to identify if abortion is complete after taking Misoprostol? Does taking Sandomigran for migraine cause weight loss and body pain? Is it safe to take Vasograin for migraine? What causes nausea,frequent urination and breast tenderness inspite of taking Plan B? What could on and off tingling on the back of neck with verigo indicate? Suggest treatment for severe psoriatic arthropathy affecting feet and buttocks What causes dark brown spotting while on Jolessa? What does this result from home strip test for UTI while suffering from yeast infection? Suggest medication to reduce TPPA count of 1:25000 Do medications for high BP cause fatigue and excessive sleep? Suggest treatment for accidental consumption of Ibuprofen by a 3 year old Suggest treatment for severe gout in toe Suggest treatment to avoid blockage in stomach What causes excessive blood flushing to face with constant burning? Suggest family planning methods to delay conceiving Suggest treatment for recurring trichotillomania What causes recurring pain in chest with all tests being normal? Suggest remedy for excessive hair fall What does a raised ridge on scalp along center of forehead suggest? Can iron rod be safely used to treat broken left ankle? What does waxy vaginal discharge with burning sensation in vagina suggest? Suggest treatment for fractures throughout pelvis and femur when diagnosed with Osgood-Schlatter disease Suggest treatment for persistent lower back pain What causes low sex drive and depression after withdrawal from Cymbalta? What are the effects of overdose Duromine pills? What are the chances of pregnancy after malfunctioning of condom? Suggest treatment for burning sensation in gut during coughs Suggest remedy for excessive lethargy and weight gain Suggest treatment for painful pimple near the anus How long does the Ovagrace sache take to be effective? Is it normal to have extreme mood swings and depression before periods? Does ketorolac, morphine or Tamsulosin cause sulfer burps ? What do denial, lying, stealing and lack of social life in a teenager suggest? What causes elevated blood sugar levels post recovery from flu? Suggest ways to abort pregnancy What do brown spots on body along with nausea when on Clindamycin indicate? Suggest remedy for pimples on palm of hands Suggest treatment for sore throat and body pains Do delayed periods suggest pregnancy? What does abdominal pain along with brown discharge during pregnancy indicate? Suggest treatment for cold and numbness on feet of a diabetic person Does dizziness after eating cucumber indicate allergy? Suggest remedy for lack of bladder control What do lower abdominal pain and spotting during pregnancy indicate? Suggest remedy for pain and swelling on knee after picking up weight Suggest remedy for bumps on the ear and pain on foot Suggest remedy to deal with earaches during air travel Suggest treatment for pain in neck and lower back Suggest treatment for severe leg spasms due to restless leg syndrome Suggest treatment for itching on legs Suggest treatment for phimosis What does shortness of breath and chest pain indicate? Is air travel advised after suffering a brain bleed? Suggest remedy for tick bite Suggest treatment for depression and worsening black outs Suggest remedy for muscle fatigue and exhaustion Suggest remedy for wound in rectum while suffering from piles What do breast tenderness after injection for body pains suggest? Suggest remedy for swelling on legs after insect bite Suggest remedy for high prolactin levels Suggest treatment for strep throat and flu Suggest remedy for lack of sensation during intercourse What causes painful infected blisters on labia? What causes delay in periods inspite of having negative UPT? Is it safe to take MX3 capsules after breast surgery for cysts? What causes upper chest pain inspite of taking Ibuprofen? What causes painful bulging disc in neck with dizziness and blood in stools? Can ALS progress if B 12 shots are not taken regularly? What causes little bump in between stitches in fingers? Could tightness and swelling in feet, legs and stomach indicate congestive heart failure? Suggest remedy for painful swelling in ankles with continued bleeding post miscarriage Suggest remedy for persistent nose bleeds What causes recurring abscess formation in armpit? Is it safe to take Paxil and Lipitor for leg cramps at night? Can having unprotected sex followed by intake of I pill within 50 hours avoid pregnancy? Suggest remedy for severe pain in the area of gallbladder Suggest treatment for black dot on iris with red and irritated eye Suggest medications for blisters on leg of an infant post hot water spill Are vomiting, fatigue, faster heartbeat and tingling feet normal during pregnancy? What causes irritating discolored bump near anal area? Does intake of Primolut N followed by unprotected sex delay periods? What do abdominal pain, white stools with fluctuating bilirubin levels suggest? Can Sysron n tablets cause fetal harm? Can medication for acid reflux cause changed voice, dry mouth and irritated throat? What could diarrhea, loss of appetite and painful abdominal cramps indicate? How to get rid of a sty on lower eyelid? What could severe pain in stomach, nausea and vomiting post hysterectomy indicate? What causes scanty blood discharge during periods? What causes pain in chest and arm with extreme fatigue in a teenager? Suggest treatment for uncomfortable feeling, anxiety and weight loss with acid reflux What causes delayed menstruation after discontinuing birth control pills? I'm 18 years old and I have only recently been What causes TSH level of 3.33? What causes abdominal discomfort with numbness in jaw and inner ear? What is Fertisure injection prescribed for? What causes chills,fever and nose congestion? Suggest treatment for persistent cough Suggest cure for swelling and soreness at the back of tongue Hello, sorry to bother you, but I've been trying to Suggest remedy for severe pain due to fibromyalgia How can I stop having periods after weaning off from Sottopelle HRT? What causes severe bone pain? Suggest treatment for persistent cough What causes sudden difficulty in walking and hand movement? What can cause hard lump on the side of jaw? What causes vertigo on the right side of brain? What causes sever pain in lower abdomen? Suggest remedy for skin rash below the waist line What does this blood analysis finding indicate? What causes chronic fatigue with muscular pain with history of lupus? Suggest remedy for chest pain Suggest remedy for bleeding and soreness in penis What causes sudden pain in knee? What are the repercussions of taking Benicar despite having low BP? What causes redness and soreness in mouth inspite of taking antibiotics for strep throat? What causes sore throat and mild cough after having unsafe sex? What causes formation of tiny particles on tongue and back of throat? Suggest treatment for a dent on forehead Suggest treatment for left side abdominal pain and vomiting What causes low grade fever and ice cold feet in infants? What causes a small pea size painful lump on knee cap? What causes abnormal cell growth in vagina and bleeding in an elderly person? What causes nausea,headache and sudden vision black out? What causes passing of blood white tissue in urine in men? Does Daphne birth control pills help to avoid pregnancy? What causes abdominal discomfort and sensitive pelvic area? What causes high blood pressure, fatigue and frequent irregular heartbeats? Suggest treatment for irregular periods What causes a small, marble sized lump in vaginal area? Suggest remedy for lowering high triglyceride levels What causes dark brown vaginal discharge after sex? Suggest precautions to be taken post paralysis What causes persistent headaches and dizziness? What is causing swelling in my legs? What causes recurring temporary loss of eye sight? What causes pain and heaviness in upper legs? What causes swollen face, hands and legs in a patient with cirrhosis? Suggest remedy for nausea and lightheadedness post Xolair injection How can I calculate my due date? What causes lower abdominal cramps and bleeding in 37 weeks pregnancy? What causes headache, heart palpitations after an head injury? What causes milky discharge and soreness in wound on leg? What causes lump with discharge at the site of infection? What causes a sudden onset of chest pain? What are the symptoms of pregnancy? Does masturbating decrease the memory of brain? Does cervical dystonia cause bleeding? What causes chronic joint pains with body tremors and facial paralysis? What causes muscle spasms on left side of abdomen? What causes sharp pain in the ribs post injury? Can feeling uncomfortable in chest and nose be caused by poisoning from Clorox? Suggest remedy for blood blister on my stretch mark What causes episodes of dizziness and fainting? What causes a hard lump at the base of the skull? Suggest treatment for severe headache and visual disturbances Is it advisable to take Losartan while on Benicar? Suggest natural ways to manage gastritis What is the name of the condition when Lymes experience after taking antibiotics? Hello, I have a lumbar-sacral injury causing severe sciatica on Suggest remedy for accidental spraying of bee venom into the eyes Should i be worried about the congested throat? What causes unusual stomach movement with history of undergoing abdominal hernia? Hi doc. Last dec 2013, i had my hba1c with What causes tingling and numbness in the middle finger of right hand? Suggest treatment for asthma What causes testicular shrinkage? Suggest treatment for a severe abdominal pain What causes ridges and brittleness of nails? What causes persistent vomiting and diarrhea while detoxing from opiates? Suggest remedy for swelling in right ear What causes vomiting thick mucus during pregnancy? Does Tamszapam taken while on Effexor cause drug interaction? What causes constant light headed feeling while lying down or standing? Hope you are into proper nutrition I am..........Soy products are What causes recurring bruises on my lower left leg? What causes fever and small bumps on body? What is the dosage of Acyclovir for Shingles? How long should one wait to test for pregnancy after smoking Marijuana? What causes bruising in ankle? How to treat partial hearing loss in left ear caused due to injury? Are there any strengthening exercises to realign protruding bones in shoulder? Suggest remedy for swelling and burning sensation of eyelids post usage of eyelash glue What causes blurred vision with glare post eye surgery? Suggest remedy for fever and sore throat Suggest remedy for itchy rashes on body Suggest remedy for severe pain due to constipation What causes dryness in vagina during intercourse? Suggest remedy for loose motions in 2 month old baby What causes frequent urination, constipation, stiffness and pain in feet? What causes high blood sugar levels? Suggest remedy for yellow vaginal discharge What causes pain under and around my ribs? Suggest remedy for difficulty in breathing while sleeping Suggest remedy for intense pain and swelling in right foot after a fall Could swollen bruise on arm post a fall while on Coumadin be internal bleed? Suggest treatment for prolonged indigestion, bloating and pain in lower back Suggest treatment for cough, breathing difficulty and wheezing in a toddler What could recurring uncontrollable itching in the body indicate? Can one have healthy sexual life with curved penis? What do prolonged bleeding and pregnancy symptoms while on Petogen suggest? Suggest treatment for yeast infection with itchy, swollen and sore vagina What does on and off feeling of popping inside the head suggest? Suggest ways to abort a possible pregnancy Suggest ways to reduce breast size while having neck and back pain What causes sore throat, swollen tonsils and difficulty in swallowing? Suggest remedy for muscle spasms and difficulty in breathing while having MS What causes extremely itchy bumps on inner thighs and vagina? Does using Vaseline on hands and feet while on Xeloda cause redness in heel? Suggest medication for extremely itchy red bumps around the scar of breast implants Suggest remedy for painful neck and upper back, throbbing headache and dizziness post a fall What causes delayed periods with negative result in HPT post unprotected sex? What causes dizziness after taking Elidel for postural hypotension? How likely am I to contract chicken pox after being vaccinated? Suggest treatment for red bump on breast Suggest remedy for pain after total knee replacement What causes numbness and shock in lip after accidental biting? What can cause lump below the skin under left ear? Suggest treatment for severe bloating Suggest remedy for soreness and stiffness in fingers post surgery Suggest remedy for diarrhea and nappy rash Suggest treatment for pain in right side of chest How to treat epilepsy and seizures in children? Suggest remedy for brownish,dry and flaky patch of skin between my breasts Suggest treatment for accidental intake of Reactine allergy 10 mg pill by 3 year old child What can cause pain around elbow after injecting meth? What causes persistent nausea and diarrhea after having restaurant food? Suggest treatment for bulge and constant pain behind my right knee What can cause black patch on my bottom lip? Suggest remedy for soreness,redness and swelling in wound Suggest treatment for discomfort and feeling of something stuck in chest area Suggest remedy for sharp pain down my thigh area post hip replacement surgery What causes sharp pain in chest? Is it necessary to take contraceptive pill despite having protected sex? What causes dizziness,stomach burning and weakness post brain surgery? What causes pain in buttock after taking Ibuprofen for inflammation in knee? Suggest remedy for swelling and pain in knee What causes pain in nipple and delay in period? Suggest treatment for persistent cough Suggest remedy for premature ejaculation What are the side effects of taking Metformin? Can taking Synthroid cause rapid weight gain? What causes decrease in heart rate after taking Metoprolol? Suggest remedy for severe pain in left leg Suggest treatment for severe pain in left side of the body due to shingles What causes crease at the base of penis when it erects? Suggest remedy for depression in 8 year old What causes pain under left breast while coughing or sneezing? What causes attention deviation, anxiety and anger? Should take i pill like medicine to prevent pregnancy? Suggest remedy for chronic elevated BP What causes chronic lethargy with upper palate discoloration? What causes left sided sharp pain in the groin and lower back? Suggest treatment for paralysis in 70 year old Suggest remedy for recurring bouts of itching all over the body What causes chronic abdominal bloating? What causes recurring bouts of dizziness and blurred vision? What causes knot and pain in and around IV area? What will happen with low ejection fraction of heart? What causes streaks of blood in stool? Suggest remedy for itching due to cellulitis What causes a painful bump above the rectum? What does this thyroid hormone test finding indicate? Suggest remedy for the bacterial infection in gum and toothache Suggest treatment for acute bronchitis What causes recurring bouts of dizziness and blurred vision? What causes temporary loss of vision from the periphery? What causes cramps and burning sensation in stomach after taking cough syrup? Suggest effective ways to increase height Should he refill medicine for staphylococcus infection? Hello. I have a five year old who has had Suggest treatment for recurring yeast infection Suggest remedy for chest congestion and wheezing post bout of sinus infection What causes difficulty in eating post hernia surgery? Suggest remedy for swelling and itching on hands and scalp What causes blood after wiping for the past few weeks? What causes brownish color bleeding with an odor? What causes recurring sharp pain in the upper arm? Suggest medication for pain and infection in throat What causes fever, cough and burning sensation in eyes? Suggest remedy for severe pain in muscle and joints Is it normal to experience dizziness after stopping Paxil? Suggest medication for hip and groin pain Suggest treatment for growth in back of head with low white cell count What causes lump on the shaft of penis? Suggest remedy for ear pain and pressure post flying What causes delayed period? Suggest remedy for pain during urination with blood in urine What causes a sense of obstruction in the throat with discomfort? What causes sharp pain in the back post heavy lifting? What causes abnormal vaginal discharge and nausea post delivery? What causes trouble sleeping at night? What causes itchy rash with burning sensation near vagina? Why my breast is not sore during pregnancy with vaginal bleeding? What causes a painless lump near vagina? What causes lump on penis shaft during erection? Suggest remedy for irregular menstruation What causes severe sweating under the buttocks? What causes chronic vaginal discharge with white specs? What causes chronic dry itchy cough? Suggest remedy for blood in stools with pain during bowel movement What causes recurring bouts of elevated BP,shortness of breath and nausea? What causes vaginal bleeding post intercourse and urination? What causes a blood filled boil near the eye? Suggest treatment for allergic reaction to Amoxicillin/Clavulanic acid on buttocks What causes bacterial infection near anal area in a homosexual male? What does red blotchy patch on cheeks of a toddler indicate? What causes cramps before a bowel movement and lower right abdominal pain? Are memory loss, blurred vision and dizziness symptoms of a concussion? What causes numbness at the site of intramuscular injection? What causes tender small bumps near vaginal opening? Is it alright to take Cipro without testing for Proteus mirabilis? What causes chronic diarrhea with pain during bowel movements? What causes whooshing sound in ear with dizziness? Suggest remedy for pinworms What causes visible vein on calf area in a type 2 diabetic patient? What causes abnormal menstruation post discontinuing birth control pills? What causes itching bloodied red sores on arms? How to treat eye damage caused by cataract surgery failure? What causes abnormal menstrual bleeding and piles post child birth? Suggest treatment for horrible migraine along with neck pain and tiredness Suggest treatment for nausea, diarrhea and chest pain Is hysterectomy advisable when suffering from headaches and cold? Suggest treatment for urinary and fecal incontinence What causes swollen lymph nodes in neck while suffering from stomach flu? What causes pain in foot and numbness in toes? How many times a paracentesis procedure can be done in a month? What causes lower back pain and nausea post tubal ligation? How long do discolored psoriasis bumps take to resolve? Suggest remedy for depressed skin after cortisone injections for cystic acne What causes continuous bleeding for seven days? What causes chronic pain in the throat? What causes missed period along with fatigue, breast tenderness and mood swings? Is tab Duphaston advisable when planning for pregnancy? What causes poor balance, heaviness in head and fluid in ears? What causes a lump on right side of neck with mild pain? What causes staying too long in the sun? Suggest treatment for recurrent nausea and fatigue What causes brown vaginal discharge before periods? Suggest treatment for recurrent itching around vulva and rectum Suggest treatment for uncontrollable diarrhea What causes fever blisters inside right nostril? Suggest remedy for pain in ball of foot Does Metronidazole help to treat sore throat and chest infection? Suggest antibiotics for UTI that can be injected intravenously Suggest pain medication for neuropathy in left leg HI, MY NAME IS MIKE. I AM 56 AND IN What causes intermittent sharp pains in rib cage? What causes delay in periods despite having negative UPT? What are the side effects of Flixotide? What causes burning feeling while taking Cephalexin-500mg for frequent urge to urinate? What causes vomiting at night by child? What causes severe itching sensation in genital area? What causes small red pimples on the areolar glands while breast feeding? Is it safe to take Celebrex and Tylenol prior to ankle surgery? Are there any negative interactions between Adipex and Wellbutrin? What causes low blood pressure with dizziness and weakness? What causes intermittent diarrhea, weight loss while treating hypothyroidism? What causes dry and peeling skin on hands when diagnosed with viral flu infection? Suggest method of usage of Cytotec 200mcg abortion pills What causes persistent severe nose bleeds? Suggest treatment for non retraction of penis during erection What causes numbness in both arms? What causes double vision and tiredness in eyes? What causes chest pain? Suggest remedy for loose motion in 5 months old What causes indentation on lower back? What causes severe pain in feet while walking post Crystal meth intake? What causes persistent headache,nausea and constipation? What causes flesh colored bump on lip? What causes acne post tonsillectomy? Can HIV contracted through unprotected sexual intercourse? What causes vaginal bleeding post intercourse despite having normal pap smear test? What are the chances of HIV transmission through non penetrative sex? What causes tender breasts and morning sickness along with delayed period? What causes white spots on skin while suffering from Hepatitis C infection? Can Sofderm remove dark spots from face? How to treat low testosterone levels? Are Duphaston and Choriomon the right medicines for PCOS? Can masturbation cause back pain? Could ear piercing cause recurring hives and fever in a child? Suggest natural remedy for low levels of testosterone and vitamin D Suggest treatment for black specks in urine along with mild hot flashes Suggest remedy for constipation post medical abortion Suggest treatment for dizziness, numb hands, lightheadedness and hot flashes What causes pain and discharge of puss from eyes? How long will it take to recover post surgery for broken tip of pinky finger? Suggest treatment for recurrent angina Suggest treatment for severe pain in leg and thigh What do elevated levels of dsDNA and presence of amorphous sediment in blood and urinalysis suggest? What causes fever, heart palpitations, exhaustion and drowsiness? Suggest treatment for acid reflux in a person with gall bladder removal Suggest treatment for a tender tubular lump inside tongue What causes pink vaginal discharge while treating PCOS? Suggest treatment for anal fistula Is sprained, tingling ankle with history of having fracture in foot a cause for concern? What causes light bleeding, cramps, weight loss, fever and nausea? What causes itchy small round bump on foot? What causes severe pain in lower back, hip and abdominal discomfort? What causes small lump on left side of labia majora? What causes bleeding after intercourse with an IUD? What causes fluid filled lump behind knee in children? Suggest remedy for severe pain and bruising on knee and thighs Suggest remedy for bow legged feet What causes irregular vaginal spotting post medical abortion? What causes cracked, blistered and swollen skin appeared after sun burn? What causes poor balance in a person with severe allergy? What do brown spots around the knee post exposure to sun suggest? Suggest treatment for bell s palsy in a toddler What causes cramps and nausea after having intercourse? What causes dizziness and tiredness after having Medrol and Prednisone? Are triglycerides of 576mg/dl and cholesterol/HDL ratio 11 a cause for concern? Can gallbladder attacks be recurrent? What causes painful joints and muscles while suffering from sinus infection? Suggest remedy for itching and blood in urine during pregnancy Could sore buttocks post anal intercourse indicate STD? How to choose the size of Insulin syringe? What causes black dots in vision with history of having vision floaters? What could recurring sore, white rings on tongue indicate? Is it safe to take Vitamin D3 together with Glucosamine? Suggest treatment for recurring severe cramps in left knee and thigh What causes pain in left testicle and groin area? Is it safe for a woman in 40s to take BP medications along with birth control? Suggest ways to conceive while having inactive thyroid and type 2 diabetes What causes belching and nausea after having food? What causes severe pain in knee post knee surgery? Could burning, itchy vagina with tiny bumps on inner labia indicate yeast infection? Suggest treatment for sharp and intermittent leg pain Suggest treatment for lower back pain along with difficulty laying down on back Suggest remedy for stinging microscopic bugs under fingernails and toenails Suggest treatment for stomach pain, diarrhea and exhaustion Can pain and anxiety medications cause positive result for Oxymorphone in urine test? Suggest treatment for red circular pimple sized sores on legs What causes redness, swelling, pain on nose and cheek? What causes breast pain when on Provera? Are swelling and water retention on body side effects of Alka Seltzers? What causes low BP with persistent swelling in feet and ankles? What could recurring, hard, sore, growing lump on the inside of thigh indicate? What causes mood swings, headache, hot flashes after insertion of contraceptive implant? Suggest home remedy for red spots and pimple scars on face Suggest treatment for soft tissue injury in lower back on right side Could pain in neck and upper jaw indicate osteoarthritis? Hi, I suffer from severe GAD. Going back years ago, What causes burning sensation sensation while urinating after intercourse? What does blood platelet count close to zero indicate? What causes dry and sticky feeling of inner lining of the cheeks? What causes light bleeding, extreme tiredness and itching on breasts? What does pain in chest when undergoing depression suggest? Does Evion help in treating deranged liver enzymes? What causes indentation on left buttock? What causes sore throat, cough, head and chest congestion? What dose the HSG report indicate? Suggest remedy for pain on knuckles after injury How to diagnose HIV? What causes wrist pain after falling down? Suggest treatment for infected toenail with pus What causes pain and swelling in foot with normal x-ray? Suggest treatment for back pain while coughing How long does the healing take after suffering from broken legs? Is Sertraline manufactured by Northstar and Camber the same? What causes pale stool in child? Hi. I have been to 3 dermatogist in the last What causes reddish loose stool and abdominal pain after taking some probiotics? Suggest treatment for sciatic pain tends to radiate more down the leg How to increase growth of height and weight loss? What does this semen analysis indicate? What causes painful lumps in breasts? What causes dizzy spells, black outs, loss of balance and numb fingers? What causes skin rash and neck pain after using Penicillin? Suggest treatment for severe pain in right knee Suggest treatment for extremely itchy red bumps on ankles and neck area post sun exposure What causes a popping sensation on leg with sharp pain? What does my MRI scan report indicate? What causes consistent headaches and epileptic attacks while sleeping? What causes a mild swollen tumor on right shin? Suggest pain medication for coccydynia What causes hot flashes with severe migraine? Last September I did a tough Mudder which is a What do episodes of extreme shaking in a person with multiple myeloma indicate? What causes swelling and pain in the finger joint post injury? Suggest treatment for severe lower back pain Suggest treatment for constant stabbing head pain What causes low grade fever and cough while being on Levofloxacin for kidney infection? What do loose stools after falling down the stairs suggestive of? What are the side effects of taking I pills? Suggest treatment for bleeding after removing polyps What causes severe abdominal cramps and heavy menstrual bleeding post tubal ligation? Is it possible to increase the height after 19 years of age? Suggest treatment for candida infection on inner thighs and breast Would Adderall work for me? Can alcohol be consumed while on medication after placing stent? Why am i seeing a bright light in front of eyes? Suggest treatment for itchy rashes after injurying forearm Suggest treatment for reddish lump on breast What do my lab test reports indicate? What causes pain while removing the stitch after anal fissure correction procedure? What causes prolonged period after missing a pill of Minigynon? What causes a painless swelling below the collar bone? How long will the yeast infection take to get better? What causes right sided pain in lower back post CT scan? What causes dizzy spells in a person with bowel cancer? What causes rashes on upper chest, lower left stomach and below knee? What cause prickly problems on fingers? Can continued intake of Mycrogynon cause delayed periods? What does persistent pain in the back of the head suggest? What causes severe cough and exhaustion post upper endoscopy? Will she get pregnant? Suggest ways to avoid miscarriage during pregnancy Suggest treatment for difficulty swallowing and heaviness in the eyelids What causes a metallic taste in mouth, tongue and lip numbness? Suggest treatment for painful bump on the navel area What causes constant irritating discomfort under breastbone? Suggest remedy for bruising on the shin after injury What does growth on the testis suggest? Is it safe to have Duphaston and Loprin during 5 weeks of pregnancy? Suggest treatment for persistent cough and shortness of breath Am i pregnant as i had only brown discharge for two days? What causes runny nose, cough and chest tightness? What causes swollen glands, difficulty in swallowing and sore throat? What causes sharp pain in pelvis in a patient with ovarian cyst? What causes pain upon pressure on red spot on foot? Suggest medication to soften mucus to reduce coughing episodes What causes reddish skin after use of skin lite face cream? What causes lower abdominal pain, frequent urination and mild constipation? Is it necessary to take Previfem at the same time everyday? Is it normal to experience aggression after starting Methylin? What causes nausea, dizziness, pelvic pain, hot flashes and constant headache? What does pinkish color in urine indicate? What causes mild spotting on 12th-15th day after periods? What causes persistent inflamed and irritated meatus after prostate surgery? Is an HIV test result 9 years after exposure conclusive? What causes unusual menstruation and nausea? Is it normal of monitoring blood pressure by resting on bed? Suggest remedy for blackness on face and forehead along with wet cough What causes green stool, fatigue, runny nose and low grade fever? Suggest treatment for fragile X syndrome in children Suggest treatment for infection on the testicles Suggest treatment for slight pain in calf, nausea and tremors What causes anaphylactic reaction after having Deplin and Cyanocobalamin? Suggest treatment for erectile dysfunction Suggest treatment to manage anxiety, depression and OCD Suggest treatment for fatigue, nausea and heavy menstrual bleeding What causes dryness of vulva area post IUD insertion? How long prolonged vaginal bleeding post medical abortion take to stop? Suggest treatment for yeast infection and hemorrhoids Will a kidney stone cause low sperm count? What does light brown patches on the groin skin suggest? Suggest treatment for low Testosterone levels Suggest treatment for pain in foot and numbness in toe What causes upper abdominal pain, loose motions, cramping after gall bladder surgery? What causes dark brown menstrual bleeding? Suggest treatment for stinging pain during urination after scratching labia minora Suggest some diet to avoid for gastric problems What causes headache, body pain and white penile discharge? Is nausea a side effects of using Risperdal? What causes pain in neck radiating to ear and shoulder blade? Suggest treatment for muscle cramps, numbness in arms and hands Suggest treatment for hair loss What does the semen analysis report indicate? Can HIV be contracted through infected barber s blade? What does rust colored stains on the fingertips of a child indicate? Does Marvelon work effective as emergency contraceptive? Suggest treatment for frequent urination and foul vaginal odor Suggest treatment for fluctuating BP and fluttering feeling in heart What does an abrupt weight loss while maintaining regular diet indicate? What causes delayed periods with dizziness, nausea and stomach cramps? Does masturbation have an effect on the growth and height of a person? Suggest remedy for fever and tonsillitis after unprotected sex What causes pain in chest radiating to left breast and shoulder? Suggest treatment for pain in lower right abdomen and left testicle Suggest treatment for graves disease and irregular thyroid reports Suggest treatment for itching rash on the arm What do delayed periods after taking I pills indicate? Suggest treatment for pain in left side waist area What are the risks of MRSA transmission one week after infection? Can too much sex cause low sperm count? How effective is Oxetol in treatment of epilepsy? Suggest treatment for acidity and chest pain Suggest treatment for pain and discomfort in the clitoris Suggest remedy to get pregnant as i have irregular periods Suggest treatment for severe itching of the feet Suggest treatment for concussion and pain in sternum after accident Suggest treatment when having SGPT level of 63 What does testicle discomfort after unprotected sex indicate? 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Suggest treatment for fever, numbness and tingling in feet and arms What causes frequent head rushing and restricted movement in head? Is it safe to switch from Numlo-S to Olmesmart for high BP? Suggest remedy for bleeding in ears 3 months after piercing How to lose weight while suffering from fibromyalgia? Should i take six monthly injection for osteoporosis? Suggest treatment for stomach ache and nausea Suggest remedy for side effects after overdose of Armour 150 What does red patches on the chest suggest? What causes a canker sore in mouth with a white center? Can AIDS be contracted through non-penetrative sexual activity? Suggest treatment for white spots on the arm What causes vomiting after every meal and nausea while eating? What does bleeding from roof of mouth indicate? Suggest treatment for pain in the upper back Suggest treatment for chronic headache What causes tiny zit like bump on lip? What causes a lump in the middle of left buttocks? Is it safe to take abortion pills? What do my TSH levels indicate? Suggest remedy for fever when suffering from tonsillitis What causes small rashes on scrotum and bumps on penis? Is it necessary to wear construction stockings all the time? Suggest treatment for dog bite Can androgen deprivation therapy cause low hemoglobin count? Suggest foods to lower the high prolactin level What is the effect of high sugar levels during pregnancy? What are the side effects of Lamitcal? Suggest treatment for psoriasis What causes persistent hot flashes? What causes small lump under left breast post injury? Hi, my son is going to Nashville for an unlimited Suggest treatment for knee pain and runner s knee What causes redness with swelling in lower leg? Suggest remedy for pain after draining cyst What causes right-sided abdominal discomfort and bloating? What does low pulse rate when on thyroid medicines indicate? What causes constant urge to urinate and pressure feeling on bladder? What causes itchy hives on thigh and swollen feet? Suggest treatment for dry cough and fever Suggest treatment for inflammation of cornea Suggest ways to manage the side effects after infusion of aclasta What does nose bleeds, hot flashes and weakness when on Prednisone suggest? What causes itchy rash on upper body of a diabetic patient? Suggest treatment for constant back pain What causes severe pain and cramps in right knee? Why am i not able to walk by holding balance? What causes swelling and purple color on ankle and shin with pain? Suggest treatment for painful bump on the head Suggest treatment for intermittent shin bone pain while resting Suggest treatment for stomach pain and blood in stool of child Can cough be caused by CPAP? Will the waiting for stroke treatment cause any risks? What does clot discharge during 6 weeks of pregnancy suggest? How long does your first outbreak of herpes last? Suggest remedy for achy eye after pupil dilation for test Can HIV be contracted through withdrawal method of intercourse? What causes severe edema, breathlessness and chest discomfort after kidney stone removal? What causes continuous bleeding after hysterectomy? What causes severe cough during pregnancy? Suggest treatment for pus filled wound on elbow Suggest treatment for chronic cough when on Gabappentin What does brown water discharge during urination indicate? Suggest treatment for diarrhea, vomiting and dehydration in infant What causes random scabs appearing on legs, arms and buttocks? Suggest alternative for pain medications after shoulder surgery Suggest treatment for sleeplessness, depression and headaches Suggest treatment for burning sensation and rash on fingers What does a nose bleed after smoking Methamphetamine indicate? Suggest treatment for pain in upper gums Suggest treatment for severe pain, constipation and nausea What causes severe ear pain lasting for a couple of week? What causes chest pain when taking a deep breath? Suggest treatment for acute bronchitis Suggest treatment for skin rash and pimples on the body Why am i not getting pregnant? Suggest treatment for muscle cramps on shoulders and neck Suggest treatment for constipation and difficulty in bowel movement due to large stool What causes red bumps that began to scab up? What do growing lines on the thigh indicate? Will my period be back in normal after finishing the pill? Suggest remedy for red bump at injection site What causes irregular menstruation, spotting and hair loss? Suggest treatment for pain in upper abdominal area What causes rings around the eyes? Suggest treatment for pain in lower back What causes delayed menstruation after shifting one s home? Suggest remedy for persistent cough with mucus Suggest treatment for pain on legs around hamstrings What causes severe concussion, headaches, body numbness and nose bleeds after injury? Suggest treatment for pain and blister in the eye What causes unusual menstruation, nausea and severe gas? Suggest remedy for severe cramps after missing periods What causes frequent urination, nausea, fatigue, back pain and spotting? Suggest treatment for high BP, severe muscle pain and vomiting When should I expect the pain due to biopsy to subside? What does twitching on the side of mouth indicate? What causes a runny nose and terrible cough after nose piercing? What causes mild spotting and fatigue before periods? What causes pain and swelling in foot after an injury? Suggest treatment for fatigue and small red blood cells Is it normal to experience open wound after injecting alcohol in vein? Suggest treatment for debilitating withdrawals after discontinuing Pristiq Suggest treatment for itchy skin in an elderly person What does an HSV-2 report of 5 indicate?
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