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What causes tiredness when on computers for long hours? What causes frequent bowels with green colored stools? What causes fullness and tenderness in the breast while feeding? What are the chances of pregnancy having irregular periods? What cause a bruise like swelling that burst open in 20 minutes? would Keflex cephalexin capsules help in treating red spots on the face? What is the life expectancy in an ischemic cardiomyopathy patient? What causes bad odor to the body? How to avoid too much of talking? Could the fleshy clots in the bleeding with prolonged periods a matter of concern? Suggest remedy for swelling & bruises in ankle What causes a lump above the collar bone? How to do a paternity test? How can vomiting with acid reflux be treated? Suggest treatment for penis enlargement Does breast feeding at an older age offer any benefits? How to cure hair fall problem? What causes blood clots in the throat? What causes pain radiating from lower back to the back of legs? What does a lump on forehead indicate? What causes stomach infection after eating sausage pizza? What causes persistent headaches? What causes vomiting of blood with severe nausea during pregnancy? What is the cause and treatment for blocked nose? What does a spongy lump above the temple indicate? What causes soreness in vagina? Suggest treatment for nocturnal emissions Suggest a remedy for the swelling and soreness in the toe What causes pain in low back,testicles and stomach? What causes pain in ribs with stomach bloating? Suggest treatment for painful menstruation Why am I having pain on the stitching line on sternum? Are braces sufficient for the fractured tibula? What causes irregularity in periods after taking Loestrin? What causes low white blood cell count? What causes pain near tail bone? Is removal of blood clots after abortion normal? Suggest medication for severe abdominal pain What causes puffy nipples? What does the sonography report indicate? Do misaligned teeth cause biting of inner cheeks? What causes tickling sensation in chest and excessive sweating? What is the treatment for lupus and vacuities in the thighs? What cause irregular periods with dizzy spells? What are the pregnancy chances after missing period? What causes pain and tightness in ribs? What causes pulsations on upper arm? Suggest alternative of Ceralac for an infant What causes swollen hair follicles from knee to legs? What causes a persistent brown spot on finger after an injury? What causes lump on neck with difficulty in swallowing? What causes swollen and painful lymph nodes behind the ears? Suggest treatment for pain in jaw and face numbness after a root canal treatment What does a lump on wrist indicate? Suggest treatment to skin tan Suggest treatment for pressure on nose due to wearing spectacles How long does pain and swelling in fractured toe take to heal? What causes red bumps on face and neck? Suggest treatment for gallstones How to treat bleeding esophageal varcies? Suggest treatment for vaginal infection What causes red bumps in middle of the buttock? What causes pain in bartholin cyst with pimples in vagina? Is the pregnancy test positive or negative? Is severe back pain curable? How to cure Khaini addiction? What causes chest pain radiating to back and limbs? For what purpose is Ofloxacin and Ornidazole tablets used? What causes persistent mild fever with headaches when suffering from TB? What causes swelling around the knee cap after accidentally twisting the knee? What causes eye strain? Suggest treatment to remove skin pigmentation on lower legs Suggest treatment for sore throat with swollen gums How to confirm success of a medical abortion? What causes painful swelling in neck? Does injecting Menogon without Decapeptyle affect IVF treatment? Suggest treatment for anklosing spondylitis Suggest treatment for pigmentation around vagina and the thighs What causes severe leg pain after an injury? What is the cause of worsening exhaustion with elevations of liver enzymes? What causes bladder pressure after urination? What causes pink streak in cervical mucous discharge? What causes buttock and leg pain after a aortic bifemoral bypass surgery? What causes stomach pain in a child? Suggest treatment for constipation Suggest treatment for diabetes How long should Xyzal be taken to cure allergies? Suggest treatment for weakness caused due to masturbation Suggest diet to reduce stomach bloating after kidney removal What causes excessive belching? Suggest treatment for bacterial vaginosis What causes pain,weakness,tingling and numbness on back? What does a white growth near vaginal opening indicate? Does kissing lead to asthma? Suggest treatment for depression What causes heaviness on right side of head and muscle twitching? Suggest treatment to get pregnant What causes white lump on pallet of an infant? What causes blood in urine during pregnancy? What causes numbness and tingling on lips during pregnancy? What is the cause and symptoms of premature ejaculation? What causes a tingling feeling in left arm? Suggest treatment for lower back pain What do knots in ear lob on back side indicate? What does this MRI report of spine indicate? What causes inflammation and swelling above eyebrow after a mosquito bite? What causes a hard lump underneath incision of a knee surgery? What causes persistent coughing with burning sensation in throat? Suggest remedy to recover person from coma What causes stomach distention with cramps and belching? What causes cramping and bleeding after insertion of Mirena ? Suggest treatment for fatigue and depression caused due to hypothyroidism What are the side affects of plates inserted in face? Suggest treatment for itching and pain due to genital herpes What does "Cervical fusion spanning C5-C7, C4-5 disc osteophyte" mean? Suggest treatment for ear pain caused after an injury How to cure burning and pain due to coughing and sneezing? What causes flaky stool? Does chemotherapy cause infertility? What causes recurring strep infections? Why is bone marrow aspiration suggested for nose bleeding? What causes fatigue,tender breasts,light headedness and nausea? What does a small round bruise near armpit indicate? What causes pain from groin to knee after an injury? What causes lumps on neck? What causes stomach pain and vomiting? What does a small bump on pubic bone indicate? Can Ketofan be taken with brufen and panadol for severe toothache? How to check for pregnancy? How can I confirm if I am pregnant? What causes blister-like bump near the buttocks after a long walk? What causes elevated SGOT levels? Is diarrhea with back and abdominal pain in pregnancy a matter of concern? What does a painful lump under the nipple indicate? How long does spice drug stay in the system? Is my semen analysis report results,normal? What causes excessive vaginal discharge? What causes lower abdominal pain near ovaries? Can Cipralex and Methamphetamine be taken together? What is the life expectancy of a patient with congestive heart failure? Suggest treatment for itching and swelling on finger caused by a bee sting Suggest remedy for vomiting when suffering from metastatic cancer stage 4 How frequently can i pill be used? Suggest remedy for right abdominal pain Suggest remedy for mental health problem Suggest remedy for throbbing in the area of tonsils followed by ache leading down to chest What causes headache,fever and pain in eyes? What causes popping sound in head? Suggest remedy for pain in right buttock and thigh Suggest remedy for stomach ache What causes low body temperature,cold sweats and aching in back,joints and muscles? Suggest remedy for persistent chronic cough Is it ok for breastfeeding mothers to drink red wine? What causes brown color discharge and weight gain removing implanon after ? Suggest remedy for ear problem What causes dark green,runny,sticky stools? Suggest remedy to detect HIV after unprotected sexual encounter Suggest remedy for severe sunburn Suggest remedy for pain to the left of right rib cage in pregnancy Suggest remedy for fever Suggest remedy for cluster headaches and high bp Suggest remedy for penis problem Suggest remedy for sore throat and trouble in breathing Suggest treatment for regular headaches and palpitations Will masturbation cause problems in sexual life? Suggest remedy for throat& jaw pain How to treat the condition of severe aggression? How to cure Gerd? Why is my fetal pole measuring only 6 weeks? Suggest remedy for burning sensation on the arms What causes pain during sex after delivery? Any alternative milk supplement for infants to gain weight? Suggest treatment for bronchial asthma and sinus Suggest remedy for unprotected sex How to lose belly fat? Suggest prognosis for health conditions Suggest remedy for problem in bowel movement Suggest remedy for bumps and scars near vagina Suggest remedy for stiffness and shooting pain in leg What causes shaking of hands and problem in focusing mentally? Suggest remedy for severe hair loss problem Suggest remedy for skin attachment after vasectomy What causes dizziness and chest pains? Suggest treatment for warts on fingers How to cure yeast infection with blood indicating phosphorus? What causes early and light periods? What causes itchy bumps on hand? How to treat a crack in head after an injury? What do the semen analysis results indicate? Does chlorine treated water aggravate tinea Versicolor and seborrheic dermatitis conditions? Suggest remedy for heart ailments What causes soreness in pelvic,hips and breast? Are these symptoms of HIV? Can IUD be placed if having uterus didelphys? How to treat a foot drop after cutting the nerves? Suggest remedy for pain and swelling in hips What causes recurring sense of tightness in the chest? What causes chest pain and sore calves? Suggest remedy for extreme cramping in right upper abdomen Suggest remedy to stop habit of chewing multani mitti What causes severe pain in stomach and large lumps on back? Suggest treatment for color change in vagina What causes reoccurring headaches? What causes flu like symptoms in my child? How to wean a person from an addition? Why am I having high temperature on the left side of face? Which OTC medicine can be used to cure ground itch on foot? Could flying cause problem to bruise in ankle due to cellulitis? What causes rashes in lower legs? Is it right to go for combined modality treatment for initial breast cancer? What causes chest pain? What are the chances of pregnancy after brownish discharge? Will cyst on the ligament cause issues in pregnancy? Suggest cure for persistent cough What does protein in urine test report indicate? Suggest remedy for bone growth on the left side of right foot What causes bump on penis? I have had severe headache, balance and cognitive defects What causes unexplained bruising on the left side of body? What should i do to gain weight? Why my 12 years old is getting stool on his underwear? What causes vaginal itching? Suggest remedy for soreness in penis foreskin What causes dark discharge after unprotected sex? What are the open pores with a hole in the middle kind bumps I am having? What causes stomach pain? Do ejections affect muscular strength? Is it more difficult to lose weight while on metoprolol? What could cause a knot in stomach right next to belly? Suggest remedy for soreness in knee while bending What causes excess heart rate? What causes fatigue,shortness of breath,headaches and sweating episodes? Suggest treatment for Cystitis Is it normal for knees of children to crack? What causes soft lump on neck? What causes painful lump on ear? Why did I have clear jelly like discharge? What causes itching in the posterior anal region? How to treat the dry semi hardened skin on my chest? What causes ear pain when i swallow? Is this erectile dysfunction? Suggest cure for enhancing lungs capacity How to get rid of the pain of my bow leg? Is Cipralax safe to take for bladder infection? What causes prolonged periods? Why am I having large boils on my back? Suggest remedy for shortness of breath and rapid heart beat What causes excess sweating? Why my 10 years old is feeling burn while urinating? What causes nose bleeds and chest pains? What is causing my extreme back pain? Why my period is delayed? What causes vaginal discharge during exercise? What is causing my TSH level to be high? Why am still feeling light headed? Suggest remedy for smelly white discharge from vagina What causes excessive sweating,itching and elevated blood pressure? What causes faint like feeling with shaky hands, heat and fast heart beats? Suggest remedy for pain in groin area What causes the lymph nodes to swell in arms? Suggest an alternate to a smear test Can Mirena effect billirubin levels? What causes extreme pain in left back, buttock and leg? Why my father is unable to control stools? Suggest remedy for head injury Suggest treatment for swelling and pain in ankles and left calf What causes lump on lower part of tongue? How to remove rice stock in the windpipe? What causes stomach cramps and headache? What has caused a small itchy cut on my clitoris? Why did I have pinkish spotting with strong odour from my vagina? What causes bump on tongue? What are the symptoms of a heart attack? Suggest remedy for stomach problem after alcohol consumption Is there any effective treatment to find sperms in the testicle for IVF or ICSI? How can I conceive fast? What causes heart rate excessively high? What causes a neon green residue on my underwear? Can pre ejaculatory fluid cause pregnancy? Is it safe to fly after undergoing a triple bypass surgery? Why am I having itchy vagina with watery white liquid discharge? What causes light headedness,dizziness,shortness of breath and pounding of heart? How to regularize my menses? What causes the soreness of the veins? Suggest treatment for Pityriasis rosea What does this pelvic ultrasound report indicate? When can I start smoking after slight case of pneumonia? What are the symptoms of going into labour? Is coffee-like grainy blood normal in the first few weeks of pregnancy? Suggest cure for pain and swelling in ear Treatment for migraine and red bumps on nose Can low haemoglobin cause numbness in fingers? Suggest medication for facial and body hair growth Can Chlorine intolerance cause seizures? What causes frequent urination in a child? Suggest remedy for hole in ear Can fluid in pouch of douglas be misunderstood as a fetus? Can depo povera shots cause eye infections? Suggest medicine for loose skin at the top of scortum What are the painful pea sized cysts on my leg? Suggest remedy for highly elevated alkaline phosphates Will I put on weight after stopping the work outs? What causes breathing difficulty, pain in arm and back? What causes soft painless lump on testicle? How to get rid of skin irritation? Could food poisoning have caused fever, vomiting and sweating? What is the pain in my ankle? How to treat excessive precum after taking androgel? Suggest remedy for pain in back and testicles What causes circular indentation below both of my knees in a hot bath? Suggest remedy for ear problem What are the puss filled abscess my 8 years old is getting on her face? Is 5.7 level in sugar test normal for a 2 year old? What causes tragus pain while sleeping on that side? Why causes dry skin on the side of the vagina? Is it safe to have unprotected intercourse while on yasmine pill? What is causing the cramp like pain in my ovary area? What causes fever,muscle pains and headache? What causes movement under rib cage? Possibility of false negative ELISA few month after exposure Suggest remedy for pain in head with dizziness and lightheadedness How to get rid of the tickling feeling after urination?? What are the risks of double para umbilical hernia operation? Suggest an alternate to dronis 20 What is the pimple like thing in my throat? What are the symptoms of eating disorder? What to do as I have puss filled scratches on my vagina? What causes inflammation of toe making it red and painful? What causes severe chest pains under left breast? Could delay in periods and abdominal pain indicate pregnancy? How to get rid of a swollen lymph node in my right armpit? What is the treatment for lichen planus disease of a 9 years old? What has caused a brownish red colored bruise on my hand? What causes lumps in neck area? What causes lower back and thigh pain? What has caused bright red colored boils in my vagina? Suggest remedy for bad body odor What causes small bumps on my crotch, scrotum and penis? Why can not I ejaculate? Suggest remedy for missed periods and rapid weight loss Why am I not able to ejaculate? What causes random erections? Why my 13 years old is still wetting the bed? What causes pressure in abdomen and bright red stool? What causes pain,burning and thin white discharge during urination? Why are the gland under my arms swollen? What is the red mark on the outer corner of my 5 months old s eye? Suggest remedy for pain and splaying between second and third toe bone Why do I face intense pain in head and neck after standing up? Suggest remedy for lump inside mouth close to throat What causes draining of fluid and blood from ear? How to cure a pus filled open sore i my vaginal area? Suggest remedy for getting pregnant What are the bruises under the skin of my penis? Suggest method to have orgasm after complete hysterectomy Suggest remedy for stomach upset Why the blood sugar level lowered after having iron tablets? Can sperm in urine effects the ovulation test? Suggest remedy for mental health problem What is causing the pain in my calf? What causes big hard red sore lump at the injection spot? What causes pain and bloated feeling in stomach after having a meal? Suggest remedy for stomach problems What causes shooting pain in my lower back on bending? How to treat chronic coryza? What causes burning and sweating during night time? Is itchy, sore and swollen scalp are side effects of Vyvanse? Are disc bulges with no degenerative change a serious medical condition? Suggest treatment for allergies and asthma What causes pain and abdominal bloating? What causes core pink welt on the right side of breast? Suggest remedy for dental health problem What causes pain in the hip after removal of a node from groin? Suggest treatment for difficulty in conceiving What causes c shape indents on the top upper part of my leg? What causes choking on saliva and neck pain after thyroid removal? What causes a longstanding bleeding blister on lower lip? Can holding urine cause severe pain in abdomen? What causes tiredness and weight gain after undergoing total thyroidectomy? What causes redness,bulging of veins and excess sweating in hands? Suggest treatment for ringing in ears Suggest remedy for severe back pain and headaches What causes headache and earache? What causes severe muscle spasms in ribs? What causes leg pain and numbness in toes? Suggest remedy for nasal congestion What causes peeling of skin on penis? Suggest cure for swelling and sprain in ankle What does dark patches on tongue mean? Could taking dexamethazone 8mg be safe for pulmonary embolism? Can cervical biopsy be performed without prior apo-misoprostol insertion in vagina? What shots are given for bronchitis? What causes growth of pubic hair in a child? Suggest remedy for burning sensation and pain in elbow What causes constipation and mucus in stools? Suggest treatment for parasite as flagyl and sepro didn't work What causes blood spot in eye? Suggest treatment for swollen lymph node at the bottom of lip Can i get rabies infection through a cut on finger? Suggest remedy for red rash behind ears and back of neck after trimming hairs What causes bloating of stomach? Is there any medicine to induce periods? Suggest treatment for lumps under the armpits Suggest cure for red bumps in eyebrow area after threading What cause uterine myomas and left infra umbilical mass indicate? Suggest medication to prepone a menstrual period Suggest treatment for severe eye pain with watering What causes painful lump under the tongue? What causes swelling and bruising on labia minora after an injury? What causes blood in urine,stomach pain and nausea? Does having mono cause dizziness and breathing difficulty? Suggest remedy for infection in ear What are the reasons for weight gain in breasts? Can increased prolactin levels in blood cause joint pain and fatigue? Suggest treatment for enlarged heart and sac of fluid in lung Suggest treatment for vomiting and poor weight gain in a child Suggest treatment for concussion and headaches after head trauma What causes pulsing pinpoint headache on head? Suggest treatment for blood in urine after undergoing TURP Suggest treatment for burning in vagina What causes excessive white discharge? Suggest treatment for leg pain in a lymphoma patient Suggest treatment for dysentery problem with weight loss and weakness What causes brown vaginal discharge before and during periods? What causes back pain and change in behaviour after a head injury? What causes lymph node swelling on arm and neck? Suggest treatment for fever and skin rashes in a child Suggest treatment for sore throat Suggest remedy for severe abdominal pain What causes brown colored ear discharge? Can drinking excess alcohol cause coughing? Suggest treatment for heat seizures in infant What causes dizziness,headache and vomiting? What causes headache,facial pain,teeth pain and fever? Suggest remedy for abdominal pain and green color stool Suggest treatment for swallowing difficulty with normal X ray What causes vaginal bleeding with passage of fatty tissue in it? What causes white spot on iris after cataract operation? What causes burning urination and blood in urine? Can carrying heavy baggage cause numbness in arm and headaches? What causes yellow spots on the legs and buttocks? Suggest remedy for blockage in carotid artery What causes bleeding and burning sensation while urinating? Suggest treatment for nausea and chills in pool after sun exposure Suggest treatment for pain due to anal fistula What causes bleeding from penis while urinating? What causes swelling and itching in legs? What causes a lump and bloody discharge from c-section scar? Suggest remedy for problem during penetration Can high cholesterol level and family history of heart attack lead to heart problems? Suggest remedy for nose bleeds with lumps on mouth palate What causes bumps on ankles? Suggest treatment for itchy rashes on the genital area What does "hemoglobin-11.7 and hematocrit-34.7" suggest? Can vitiligo be cured with pigment grafting? Suggest remedy for persistent lower abdominal pain Suggest treatment for itchy pimple scars after acne facial treatment Can blood test give false results for lyme disease? How can I gain concentration in studies? Is ovofar effective in helping to conceive? How long would there be pain and bleeding after septate process? Suggest remedy to get rid of moles on face What causes high TSH value in new borns? Suggest treatment for chest pain and cough in case of lung collapse Suggest remedy for dental health problem What causes weight loss and dark circles under eyes? Is it safe to fly with potential concussion? What causes spotting with no periods after c-section? What does suggestive adenomatous (coloid)nodule with cystic/hemorrhagic degeneration mean in ultrasound? What causes leg weakness and bilateral ptosis? Is it dangerous to change the birth control pill intake schedule? Suggest treatment for lump in breast Suggest treatment for tailbone pain due to an injury Are there any side effects of taking adderall and oxy elite pro? What causes pain and bloating after abortion? Suggest treatment for stabbing pain in temple region radiating to shoulder Suggest treatment for lump like bruise on ankle What causes stomach fullness and vomiting after meals? What causes prolonged periods with heavy bleeding followed by light bleeding? Suggest remedy for short breath,acid in throat and stiffness in back Is it possible to get fever without showing on the thermometer? Can eating sushi cause any problem during pregnancy? What causes headache,nausea and body tremors? What causes hemoglobin level to be high? Suggest remedy to relieve pain in back due to wrong implantation Can a moderate nevus on lower back be melanoma? What causes fever after teething? What causes moving lump on back? What causes a lump in the scalp of a child having ringworm infection? Can gastritis cause fast heartbeat? Suggest remedy to relieve pain, itching and swelling in vagina What causes sudden heart palpitations with lung pain and fever? What causes white spots on penis? Suggest treatment for heavy and painful menstrual periods What causes appearance of lumps on legs while running? Suggest treatment for pain and stiffness in feet with negative ANA Suggest remedy for pain in left rear into thigh and calf Suggest treatment for stomach cramps and mucus in stools Suggest treatment for cold feet with warmer rest of the body Suggest remedy for cough and cold What causes a rash with brown scabs on the back? Why i am getting vaginal discharge? What causes pain in jaw and ears and swollen lymph nodes during pregnancy? Is sore mouth normal after root canal treatment? Suggest treatment for irregular period What causes rapid heart beat? What does "TSH-1.80,T3-131 and T4-7.38" in thyroid profile suggest? What should I do to gain weight? Suggest medication for dry skin and itchiness Suggest treatment for fever,frequent urination and nausea What causes sores around vagina and anus? Suggest remedy for delayed periods What causes large welt on the back of leg? Should a non cancerous lump in the liver of an infant be operated? Does having diabetes cause pain and weakness in legs? Suggest treatment for pain in upper stomach and back What does my test report suggest? Is gynae cvp safe and effective? Suggest treatment for nausea and tingling in arms after drug abuse Suggest remedy for celiac disease Can ovulation tablets be taken if trying to get pregnant? Suggest remedy for starting period soon What are the symptoms of HIV? Suggest remedy for headache and dizziness Suggest medication for severe sinusitis and joint pains Suggest healthy diet to promote weight gain in a child Why am I having trouble recalling words and slow brain function? Suggest remedy for varicose veins What does a cystic mass in the ovary mean? Does stopping intake in thyronorm cause weight gain? Suggest cause and remedy for frequent urination at night Suggest treatment for swelling on thumb and hand after dog bite What causes pain in the right shoulder? How can i save my relationship and live happily? Suggest remedy for persistent back pain Treatment for painful elbow after a hit Why am I experiencing hollow sound in ear? Can Ofloxacin Oral Solution be given to a 7 month old infant? How safe is taking Lybrel over Jolivette? What causes insomnia? How treat an annal fissure without surgery? What causes my anti microsomal test results shows high value? Can taking fertility drug for pregnancy give the exact age of sac? Suggest remedy for pain in left thigh and abdomen Suggest treatment for pain in hip and thighs in case of polio in legs Is it safe to take Wysolone for weight gain and loss of hair? What causes white spots on the tip of the penis? Suggest remedy to get clear skin Is my blood report normal? What causes urine odor, dizziness with syncope and vomiting? What causes hyper acidity with history of angioplasty? Would any unwanted hair go naturally and permanently? Suggest cause and remedy for severe pain shooting down the leg Can pregnancy happen with intercourse performed during a period? What chances of pregnancy with normal sperm count and treated PCOS? Need advice on gender change from female to male Can penicillin be taken for VDRL during pregnancy? How to treat bradycardia? What causes headaches and lump on neck? Suggest treatment for chronic throat infection and body ache Is it safe to take metrogyl for tooth ache? What causes continuous coughing accompanied with phlegm? Suggest diet plan to reduce weight Can bath salts cause organ failure after accident? Can platelets be read via a meter? What causes pain under the feet? Is surgery necessary for child with eye fistula? Suggest treatment for anal skin tag and blood in stools Suggest treatment to get rid of bitter taste after taking vaccomycin Can i plan for pregnancy after taking treatment for CMV? What causes urinary difficulty with hematuria? Why my body sweat in cold weather with strong odor and not in hot weather? Could fever, sore legs, loss of appetite and tiredness of a 3 year old be due to virus infection? What is the remedy for back pain with a painful lump on my spine? How to determine the date of conception? What is the remedy for cramping and back pain with nausea? Can extreme panic disorder cause vomitings? How to treat low eye pressure causing foggy vision and double lines? What causes itchy white fleshy spots around vagina? Will the bump formed on nose after hitting head will go away naturally? Could Marvelon helps to avoid getting pregnant? What are the side effects of Kalms for long term usage? What causes a delayed period after having sexual intercourse? How can vaginal lip itching and burning be treated? What causes pain during intercourse and irregular bleeding? How can anal fissure pain in a diabetic be treated? Suggest treatment for missed periods,tender breasts and abdominal distension How to cure red rashes and excess odour under the feet? Suggest treatment to cure bone TB with high SGOT and SGPT Can the breast gland extension be removed via surgery? What is the reason for seizures? What does a CRP level of 5.9 suggest in a child having mastoiditis? Suggest treatment for blockage in the veins Suggest treatment for growth in the throat with blood and phlegm Can the x-ray radiation affect the fetus? Suggest treatment for allergic rhinitis What causes blood in stool and lower back pain during asthma medication? Is a normal delivery possible without any complications? Suggest treatment for pain and phlegm in throat After having depo shot, can a roller coaster, spinning ride start period? What causes a lump in the lower left side of the chin? What could stringy stools with loss of weight & cramps suggest? What causes sudden stop of bottle milk and food stuck only to breast feed? Suggest treatment for burning sensation on foreskin What causes light headed,cramps and brown discharge during periods? Is it possible to conceive with hypoplastic uterus condition? Can canker sores on vagina suggest herpes infection? Suggest treatment for erectile dysfunction Is light bleeding and cramping related to implantation bleeding? What causes cotton allergy? For which ailment is contiflo tablet prescribed? What causes spotting and cramping before periods? Is conception possible given the history? How long will it take Eltroxin and cabgolin to increase the sperm motility? Suggest remedy for abdominal bloating What causes recurring infected bumps on vagina? Suggest treatment for extra growth in nostril causing breathing problems and chest congestion Suggest medication for abdominal pain,nausea and vomiting during pregnancy Suggest treatment for facial blisters and peeling patches Suggest treatment for tb in urine with painful urination What is the option for embryo potential? Suggest treatment for severe asthma and shortness of breath Does sleeping under ceiling fan cause headache? Can delaying a pill make one prone to pregnancy? Is depo medrol injections safe during pregnancy? What are the advantages of hemiarthroplasty for fracture in femur? What causes double vision and earache? How to know if i am a virgin? What causes gurgling sound in stomach and dizziness after bonfire? Suggest medication for diarrhea during pregnancy What causes persistent dull ache in the chest and high BP? What causes ringing noise in ear? What causes itchy bumps on under arm and spreading towards chest? Suggest treatment for shortness of breath and dizziness after smoking meth Suggest treatment for itchy blisters on skin What causes abnormally late occurrence of menses? Is it safe to take Allopurinol while taking meloxicam? How can someone with glue ear fly safely? What causes pain and swelling of lymph nodes while eating? What could be the cause of discolouration around lips? Suggest treatment for scar from insect bite How safe is taking Zaptol Cr 200/300 for epilepsy? What causes delay in periods after having Novasure? How to treat esophageal cancer? What could be the reason for swollen, stiff knee even after medication? Is a delayed period with vomiting a sign of pregnancy? Which day of the menstrual cycle is right time to do the pregnancy test? What could burning moles on vulva suggest? Suggest remedy for itching and sore spot the vagina Suggest treatment for nerve degeneration What causes severe abdominal and back pain with stomach bloating? What could the lump on my foreskin be? Suggest treatment for rheumatoid arthritis Could erection problems be due to masturbation? What is the right time of day to take the BP reading? What causes numbness on the back of my head when i sleep and awake? Suggest treatment for stiff neck because of parkinsons What can the red blotchy rash on the torso be? What causes pain in the upper chest area above the left breast? What causes recurrent cough in a 3year old? What is the recovery time for herpes zoster? What causes rectal bleeding and pain on bowel movement? Suggest treatment for bug in the ear Can periods be regulated without tablets? What is the success rate of IUI in PCOS? How to control EP which has increased to 25% after child birth? Suggest treatment for penis problems Suggest treatment for conception What causes lumps on the tonsils? How to cure spotting and bleeding during pregnancy? What does irregularhypoechonic leison mean in breast ultrasound report? What causes persistent stomach ache? How safe is having a surgery while taking Cipralex? How to treat anuresym in head causing shortness of breath? What should be the thickness of endometrium before undergoing IUI? Is it risky to get pregnant while on Acitrom, Predmet, Rantac D and Zerodol S? What causes bleeding with severe pain in the ovary apart from periods? Suggest treatment for filariasis What to do as I have taken 22 pills at a row? Suggest dosage of calcirol granules How to cure pain in chest,arm.lower back pain and excess burping? Can excessive masturbation cause erectile dysfunction? Suggest treatment for severe headache What causes weakness along with brownish vaginal discharge? Can tonsillitis cause throat dysphagia with acute pain? Does under active thyroid cause numbness in body? Will rock salt compensate for salt less diet at early pregnancy? What causes abdominal pain before menstruation? Right vision-0.5 cylindrical axis 165 and left eye - 0.5 sherical What causes cherry hematomas? Suggest treatment for cough due to post nasal drip in children How to cure red blotches on either side of armpits which causes itchiness? What causes a watery discharge after total abdominal hysterectomy? What causes fainting,nausea while passing urine at night after consuming wine? Is Storvas safe to take for high blood pressure? Suggest treatment for borderline thyroid and elevated liver enzymes Does peripheral neuropathy have any effective medications? Is ozone injection advisable in posterior bulge? How can a painless lump be treated? Does Cerazette cause light spotting and reappear on intercourse? Why does my nose blocks after swimming? What causes soreness in my left arm? How to treat thyroid naturally? Does the hard and sore areola need removal by surgery? Suggest remedy for itching,burning and crusting in lower part of vagina How can Parkinson's disease be treated? Is there a cure for stammering? S0uggest remedy for red,painful lump due to insect bite What causes a dot lenticular opacity in left eye? Is laser treatment recommended for keloid removal? Can Bactrim cause abdominal pains? Suggest remedy for small sized penis,sparse pubic and underarm hair and less sperm on ejaculation What does WBC-6.9,RBC-3.71 and hemoglobin test level-106 g/dL? Suggest cure for pulled muscles in left calf How can hair growth be stimulated? Suggest remedy for pain in bones of chest Can tonsils cause fever, throat pains with dysphagia and headaches? Suggest remedy for problem in testicles What causes sudden rise in bp? How can body vitiligo be treated and controlled? Suggest remedy for pain in ear after piercing What causes back pain, shortness in breath and pain while breathing? How to cure pain,heaviness and stiffness around wrist and hand due to fracture? What causes one butt cheek to be bigger that the other? Can stomach bloating, tenesmus with bloody stool be related to alcohol withdrawal? What causes a movable lump on the right breast? Suggest treatment to overcome infertility Suggest remedy for frequent odorless green stools Suggest remedy for dental problem Suggest possible ways for birth control Is spinal tuberculosis transferable from one generation to other? Are vomiting, weakness and fainting signs of pregnancy? How can ankle swelling with bruising be treated? What causes white crust on nipples while breastfeeding? How to cure the condition of gonococal infection? Suggest remedy for loose motions in 1 month old baby Suggest medication for headache after the intake of coccaine Suggest treatment for viral tonsillitis Suggest remedy for penis problem Suggest remedy for dizziness ,rolling of eyes and back pain How to treat hydrocele on the right testicle? Suggest remedy for skin problem on lips What causes weakness and pain around the arm,elbow and wrist area? What causes pain during periods and nausea? What causes severe trembling of hands? What causes a red rash on the chest? Suggest treatment for stomach pain and diarrhea during pregnancy Are there any side effects of taking hydrocodone? How to treat pain during masturbation? Suggest medication for blockage and pain in ears Does the blood profile indicate a fatty liver disease? Suggest remedy for problem in swallowing Suggest remedy for puss in urine in 5 month old baby What does rubella IgG positive from torch test suggest? What causes lump in the throat? How can back skin peeling caused by sun burn be treated? Is the cyst outside left eye needs to be removed? Suggest treatment for cold and throat infection What problems can arise in case of ganja addiction? Suggest treatment for UTI infections with painful urination Can Clomid be continued despite a light period? Suggest remedy for ear problem Suggest suitable diet for 10 month old baby Is there any difference between folinine & folinine DHA? Urine test: SG-1.010,leucocyte esterase: positive and pus cells-5 to 7 What causes mild pain during urination after treatment for UTI? Suggest treatment for vaginal discharge and irregular periods Suggest treatment to increase the size of the penis Suggest remedy for fungal inflammation in skin What causes diarrhea with undigested food in stool? Suggest treatment for swelling and itching on tip of penis Suggest treatment for swollen neck lymph nodes in a child Is the Lupride injection given intramuscular or intravenously? Suggest treatment for difficulty in conceiving What are the symptoms of peritonitis? What causes urinary urgency with excessive thirst? What causes polyscythemia? Are heart palpitations being caused by asthma or exercise? When can i take a pregnancy test after missing a period? What are the symptoms of pityriasis rosea? What causes vomitting after food consumption in kids? Does nose inclination require surgical correction? How to treat a big knot and a bruise on head due to an injury? What causes pain in penis while urination in a child? What is the prognosis after a massive stroke? Is pregnancy recommended given the previous history? Suggest treatment for the removal of birth mark Recommend safe quantity of peanuts to be consumed daily What causes pain in knees while bending them? What could cause retinal tear? Suggest treatment for vitiligo spots on face Suggest remedy for reducing density of hair When will my follicle rupture and how soon can I undergo IUI? How is death ascertained clinically? Suggest treatment for stomach pain and loose stools with red specks Suggest treatment for painless rashes inside thighs What are the side effects of masturbation? Suggest remedy for sores in foot Suggest treatment for sputum culture with moderate fungal growth Suggest treatment for pain in back and hip Does HPV cause skin peeling and discoloration of nails on foot? What causes needle pricking sensation in the head? Suggest treatment for a large ovarian cyst Suggest treatment for Petechiae in legs Suggest treatment for sore throat and sinus pain and frontal headache What could sinus infections with neck sores suggest? What causes blood on q-tip after cleaning ear? Can rabbies be contracted from cat bite? Suggest treatment for flat head syndrome in baby What causes swelling in the eye lid? Does running for long time cause appendix to burst? What are the normal semen analysis result? Suggest treatment for bronchitis infection Suggest remedy for hair fall How to get rid of hypertension? Suggest treatment for typhoid and high BP Suggest treatment for tissue associated urine What causes fever,nausea and headache? Suggest treatment for yellow phlegm and loose stool Suggest treatment for nausea and bilious vomiting How to regulate menstrual cycle? What causes dizziness and pressure to back of neck and head? What causes severe knee pain? Suggest treatment for rashes on face What causes dizziness and sweating? Has ultrasound been taken too early at 6weeks of pregnancy ? How can an enlarged tongue in a child be treated? Is bidanzin forte good for reducing inflammation due to sarcoidosis? What are the symptoms of herpes? Suggest treatment for repeated dengue attack What causes recurring cough with dry itchy throat? What causes severe hip pain in a 16 year old boy? Will medication for low sperm count help in treating infertility? What causes stomach cramps on consumption of cold water? Is Bifascicular block life threatening? What does "no spillage of contrast on right side" on HSG suggest? Does the symptoms indicate pneumonia infection? What causes pus filled blisters on the tonsils? How to get rid of masturbate addiction? How much gap should be left after having miscarriage to conceive again? What causes tingling, numbness of hands, fingers in a smoker? What causes tender breasts and abdominal distension while having a menstrual period? Does the test result state that I am still infected with typhoid? Suggest treatment for balantitis What causes rash on the skin in infants after treatment for viral fever? Will zocef help in treating wound on foot of a child? What could cause swollen hands? Suggest treatment for discharge caused after tympanoplasty Suggest treatment for constipation in a 1 month old child What is the treatment for yeast infection and vaginal itching? Suggest treatment for burning sensation in vagina along with foul odor How to get rid of lump behind my ear? Suggest treatment for severe leg pain and sore throat Other than STD what causes foul discharge from vagina? Suggest remedy for retaining memory Suggest treatment for large, bruised bump on forehead What causes numbness in my right side of both lower and hind limb? What causes burning sensation and itching on lips? How can candidiasis yeast infection with ichthyosis vulgaris be treated? What causes soreness in penis? What causes pain on the lower back side of my left knee? Suggest treatment for recurring itchy underarms and rashes in kids Suggest remedy for coversyl medication side effects What could be the piece of flesh on my left eye? Suggest remedy for higher levels in liver function test What causes white circle around the moles after having a tanning session? What causes lack of sexual feelings towards own wife? How can swollen legs, lung scars and breathlessness be treated? Suggest permanent cure for jock hitch Suggest treatment for fever What causes a swollen uvula? How to overcome habit of masturbation? What causes sore throat and blood after blowing nose? What can cause a missed period? Suggest better remedy for depression,anxiety What causes sharp pain in ears while blowing nose? Does very small tumor in the brain cause headache and irritation? How can jaw aches with headaches due to anxiety be treated? Suggest treatment for bruise on right side of lower stomach Suggest remedy for insect bite How can inflamed flaccid skin in the mouth be treated? What are the side effects of undergoing marsupialization procedure? Does low WBC and triglycerides count in blood cause delayed menstruation? Is further investigation required for varying blood pressure? Suggest treatment for hip pain How to cure increased heart beats without medicines? What causes pain in the upper right leg? Suggest treatment for itchy skin Can visine eye drops be given to a child having puffy eyes? What could cause red spot on thigh? Suggest treatment for MDD How to get rid of dark circles? How to cure bell's palsy? Suggest treatment for body rashes, stomach pain and diarrhea What causes cough, fever and stomach pain? Suggest treatment for lack of sex drive and emotions How can rotation of the heel be achieved? Suggest treatment for pain after urethral cyst drainage What causes warts in the genital area? Suggest remedy for painful rashes in private parts after having unprotected sex Is it alright to take befolvit and duphaston during pregnancy? Suggest treatment for hair loss How to get rid of rashes on face and legs? What causes difficulty in wrist movement? What causes bruise on penis head? Can stress raise my AST level? What causes severe upper left quadrant abdominal pain? What causes constant headache? Suggest treatment for stomach pain What causes heavy periods with clots? How long should one wait to shave after chicken pox? How to get rid of brown spots on my lower leg? What causes a shadow in the lung on chest x-ray? Suggest treatment for discolored patches on the skin? How safe is taking Ultrogestan during pregnancy? What causes stomach and chest pains with body twitching? What cause pain and heaviness on chest? What causes light red chunks with white discharge, mild cramps, headaches? What causes burning sensation on calf muscles? What causes heavy brown bleeding after taking clomid and provera? What causes heart burn and burning sensation in throat? What causes constipation and heartburn after swallowing a molar? What causes diaper rashes after introducing whole milk to baby? Why do I have light bleeding in early pregnancy? What causes burning sensation on the back of the hand after chemo therapy? When will i get my menstrual period after taking i-pill? Suggest treatment for removing mass on ovary Suggest cause of red ears with blister on one What causes tinnitus? Suggest medication for URI (upper respiratory infection) What causes a soft lump on upper chest below collar bone? Suggest medication for sharp pain around heart after physical activity Is portal hepatopathy curable ? Suggest treatment for hi pain Does bump on penis needs attention? What causes red dots on ribs after applying tattoo? What to do as hip replacement resulted in a severe curve in spine? What causes reddish pin holes on the gums? What does this MRI report of spine indicate? Why is there no gestational sac visible after one month of LMP? What could be the gap between molar tooth and gum? What are the chances of pregnancy after using emergency contraceptive pills? What causes swelling in my left testicle? What causes stomach pain and pain during bowel movement? Suggest treatment for lymphangioma in neck other than surgery What causes red patch on side of penis head? What causes prominent veins on the legs? What causes headache around left eyebrow during pregnancy? What could severe pain under the breast, for a bronchitis patient indicate? Suggest treatment for inflamed and paining lymph node in groin area What causes bumps with white heads on abdomen of a child? What causes pain in outer thigh and groin area? What causes blocked nose and decongestion after sinus surgery? What causes chest pain after stopping Oxy Elite Pro? What causes red and tender urethra in kid? Suggest remedy for bad cough Does low estrogen cause pins and needles on the back and thigh? How to stop bedwetting in men? Suggest treatment for quick weight loss What causes left ear pain? What causes beet-colored stools? Does lactose intolerance cause stomach cramps and clay coloured stools? How to build self-confidence? What causes red brown discharge and stomach cramps? Will follihair capsules,flutivate cream, help in regrowth of lost hair? How can sexual urges in a boy be harnessed? What causes constant vaginal bleeding? Suggest treatment for red bumps due to bug bite How to treat nerve damage and heaviness in my body? What causes blistering on skin after laser hair removal? What causes spotting after having HCG drops? Suggest treatment for excessive salivation while sleeping Suggest remedy for back and abdominal pain after abortion What causes fluid filled bumps and swelling on thumb? Is a painless skin abrasion caused by an insect bite dangarous in kids? Why does drinking alcohol cause dehydration? What causes pain in rib cage when i bend? What causes foul smelling ear discharge? How can heat stroke exhaustion or brain damage be tested? What causes white hard balls in my mouth under the tongue? Does stress and high BP cause blurring of vision in one eye? Suggest treatment for swelling and pain in knee How is dementia treated? Does headache, fatigue with acnes suggest STD? How to treat Astigmatism (eye problem)? How to get rid of red bump on the butt cheek? What causes cough with bloody phlegm? How to heal the side of the thumb as it nipped with clippers? What causes bumps on arms and shoulders? Is anesthesia safe in cough? Suggest treatment for painless lumps under the testicles Suggest treatment for variocele infection with painful penis Suggest treatment for an abscess on lower cheek What is the hair like in my infants poop? Suggest remedy for headache How can a premature baby survive for 41 minutes? Is itching and frequent bowel movements normal after stapled haemorrhoidectomy procedure? Is thyrocheck effective for headache? What causes pain and soreness in tailbone? Suggest treatment for shingles with rashes
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