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Is it safe to take "Xtandi" with blood thinning medication? What could cause chronic pain in left knee, fingers and joints especially in the mornings? What causes dizziness and vomiting when suffering from fever? Suggest treatment for irregular heart beat What is the possibility of pregnancy with closed cervix? What could delayed periods, breast soreness and fatigue with an endometrial cyst and PCOS indicate? Is there any risk if there's a scar tissue built around a glass cut injury? Is it normal to have numbness on right thigh and tingling sensation post ovarian cystectomy? Could low blood sugar cause fatigue, poor focus, dizziness and queasiness on eating? What is the standard procedure to detect lung nodule? How to treat a collapsed bladder in an octogenarian without surgery? What causes glandular fever and mumps or infection in my child s blood test? What are the side effects of Acyclovir, Gabapentin and Zovira cream for shingles on a octogenarian? What causes numbness in feet,dizziness,loss of balance and dry mouth after cancer treatment? Can the working condition of the heart be improved without stents? What causes stinging and tingling feeling while dressing a wound of other person? What does a red rash around the nose that hurts, itches along with a growing white spot indicate? Is bursitis on my elbow and knee caused due to gout? Will I be infected with epiglottitis by sharing a liquor bottle? Pricked my finger with a needle used in an experiment for multiple sclerosis. What could it be if experiencing dizzy spells, tiredness, super thirsty, more urination, headaches? What could cause bleeding from mouth, ears, nose and breast nipples, unable to diagnose without the right tools? Does gum infection cause bad smell from my mouth? Should I be concerned about 9.0 hgb when i was released with 9.6 hgb? What could cause severe muscle tiredness of arms after undergoing a cyst removal? What could cause a crushing chest pain on right side below breast and armpit towards the sternum? Can consumption of fat burner and protein affect the natural look? Sudden bad odour discharge, missed period, spotting 2 yrs after putting mirena iud? Which age group is suitable for colon cancer screening? Can having Nasonex cause ulcers in mouth? What to do for a hurting hard bump on the back with a black dot in the middle in a 13 yr old girl? What causes numbness and tingling sensation in my hands? What kind of doctor do I need to see to get tests done for a body checkup and tests which a healthy man of 53 may need? What causes spotting after ovulation? Is there any medication to increase the size of penis and testis? Why am I losing weight when suffering from stomach pain? Lump at the base of rib cage in stomach which hurts on pressing and having breathing difficulty Bent ankle while playing with popped up vein near it along with pain and swelling. Exhaustion a week after sore muscles and spending time in a moldy hotel room. Diagnosed with enterococcus, addison disease, panhypopituitarism, celiac and kidney stones. Should I be concerned? Could the antibiotic taken for vaginal infection affect the contraceptive pill? What is the best remedy for rapidly spreading planus lichen and what is the mixture of econaderm & hydrocortisone creams used for? How long should I wear a splint for black discoloration in my hand? Whats the best pain remedy for reflex sympathetic dystrophy from a severe case of shingles? Are the brown specs in the urine of a two year old normal? What could be the cause for heart palpitations and balance problems with constant lower back pain? Having pregnancy symptoms of dizziness, dark nipples with yellow discharge but result negative. Is it due to hormonal imbalance? How can the urination at night be reduced in a 60year old? Having pimple under penis head with inflammation on popping. How will it heal? Can Dilantin cause significant bone loss, gingivitis, and nerve damage? What is the cure for fits and memory loss caused due to excessive intake of anti depression pills? Can having buscopan cause blood in urine? What could be the cause for heavy bleeding after sex? What is causing deep throbbing pain in right bicep without any injury? How to confirm the pregnancy and are HPT kits are reliable? What are the side effects of vasograin for migraine? What could it be if had tiny, moving, painful lump in hand? Unable to sleep, tingling in arms and legs with chest pain after stopping alcohol. Taking Alprox or zolfresh What can cause abnormal pap smear test? Why is the scrotum very tight around the testis and does not hang in a four year old? Would having i pill after sex affect the periods? Groin, scrotum and part of penis itchy with burning sensation due to dry skin. How to get relief? Reason for not having mensuration after taking nordette after having sex Is taking Amyril before breakfast,Loprin, Concor, Ramipace after breakfast and Rovista, Gempid, Tagipmet after dinner right treatment for diabetes, hypertension? Taking acetominiphin, valium for extracted tooth which is causing sinus infection. Are any of these antihistamine? Chances of pregnancy if the contraceptive pills are missed? Is breast itching at the nipple normal after taking Ovacare to increase sex libido and is it effective? How to cure constant pain in bladder as well as while passing urine? Should I see the doctor if having delayed periods, cramps, skin breakouts after being diagnosed with PCOS? What is the reason for weakness in legs, inadequate lung capacity after quad bypass and also having psoriatic arthritis? Tingly feeling in nose after having retina examination. Possibility of any nerve damage during examination? Can I continue taking Effexor after missing taking it in the last two days considering there are no withdrawal symptoms? Blisters all over shoulder and chest with tingling feeling due to sunburn. How will it heal? What is causing mania and not able to concentrate on one task? What is the dark purple indention in buttock with no change in shape or color? Taking mobic and plaquenil When will the dents on both legs get normal after falling from stairs? What causes bleeding on the alternate days of periods with green spots? Taking syntharoid for symptoms of hypothyroidism but thyroid test normal. What other tests to be taken? Could the soreness in breasts and irregular periods be pre menopausal symptoms? What is the treatment for Meningitis? What is the cause of chest pain and arm pain? What could be the reason for having left areola darker than the right one? What is the hanging piece of skin under the penis? How can I relieve from pain due to the follicles in ovaries? Pain while walking after hitting ankle on ice machine so is there any possibility of fracture? What causes pressure in head, extreme confusion and fogginess? What does moderate dense glandular tissue present with mild asymmetry in breast mean? Using hearing aids for blocked canal, stapendectomy didn t help. Why able to hear better while blowing nose? What is the treatment for multiple Myeloma having a history of autologous stem cell transplant? Had a cut with rusty blade while shaving scrotum. Tetanus shot taken and put hydrogen peroxide What causes Swashing sound at the back of the head? What is the cure for the headache and pain on the upper side of the ear? Hard lump formed after lower wisdom tooth extraction which reappeared after its removal once What is the best medication for Esophageal erosion? How to cure pimple like itchy cluster all over back, shoulders, chest? Could small rash around chest be a Lyme disease? How to treat pain next to top of pelvic bone? Could cough be related to lung infection? How to treat cut in knuckle? What are the physical signs of bipolar disorder? How to cure injured, swollen knee of child? Should i be concerned about a bright green colored bowel movement? What should i do for infant s purple dots on earlobe? What causes itchiness and soreness near the vagina? Could holding a tampon by hand cause infection? Can progesterone injection be taken only when pregnant? Could the Diuretic medications cause low potassium? Why is the child not gaining weight? Could the white watery cervical mucus discharge be the early sign of pregnancy? What causes pain in the lower left side and back? What causes tingling in fingers that is spreading towards the hand? What is the treatment for severe headaches? Can Mintop solution help in covering the patch of baldness? What are the foods that contain low Potassium? What is the procedure for Nuclear Medicine Brain Cerebral Perfusion Scan? What causes loss of sense of smell and taste? Does rashes caused due to hives aggravate in a chlorine pool? What causes blisters which are painful and itchy? What causes throbbing headaches and eyes sensitive towards light? Can mowing grass in garden cause allergy? Why are the periods delayed since five months? Does feeling of tiredness, sleepiness and vomiting mean Pregnancy? How to treat pain in lower abdomen? How long does it take to recover from epididymitis? How to get rid of acne and oily skin problem? What can be done for sore and painful throat? Can hip pain be just a muscle strain? Diagnosed with adenomyosis of uterus. Is there any side effect of danigen and dexorange? Can any online doctor help me in reading eye result? Is there anything can be done for torn meniscus in the knee and ligament strain? What could be cause of breast skin looking like drawn inside? What is causing liquid stools with bloated stomach and enlarged liver? Is Famynor safe to take for heavy bleeding? What causes dryness and itching in the vagina? Is diabetes hereditary? Can diet control and exercise control LDL levels? Should abortion be done if no growth of fetus is seen? What is the cause of excessive sweating, dizziness, difficulty walking and nausea? What cream can be used to lighten black marks due to scratching? What is the cause of bump on tooth and change in smell of breath? What is the treatment for hearing loss? What are the most fertile days during one s monthly cycle? What is the treatment for hard, immovable, painless lump under neck? How to treat fever with vision dimness,low hemoglobin and sugar(89) in a 68 years old female? What could a small hole located on bottom left side of mouth signify? Is conception possible even after egg rupture? What is the treatment for red and itchy rash on penis? How to treat solid lump with head on child's back? Can high WBC count, low HGB be result of interstitial cystitis in pregnancy? How dangerous is minocycline? How to cure sharp pain in neck and ribs? Should i be concerned about the high GGT level? Will reducing weight decrease GGT level? Is it safe to take regestrone for irregular periods? Is there any side effect of meftal-spas tablet in pregnancy? What care and precautions be taken in pregnancy so it could not lead to miscarriage? Is it serious if one feels stomach, throat hallow while breathing? Can shakiness and general weakness be due to dehydration? What do X-ray results of suspicious reticular lesions mean? How to heal injury mediated pain in upper left chest to diaphragm with breathing difficulty? How can I treat hair loss and prolonged menstrual flow? What is treatment for Fibromyalgia, chronic migraines and seizures? How can child s anxiety and panic issues be treated? How to treat whole body itch without any rash? What is the cause and treatment for Lyme's disease? How to treat diarrhea with nausea? What is the black line on the nose from left to right? How to treat detethering post surgery associated urine passing problem in a child with spina bifada Oculta? What causes swelling, itching and redness around the head of the penis? What is the cause of headache and swelling in head? What causes white vaginal discharge without odour or irritation? How to heal frequent tonsil related issues with swollen gland? Why have I been told to undergo lung xray in another view if I don't smoke, not exposed to radiation and don't cough? What could it mean if saliva has tendency to smell like vinegar? Could magnesium intake be beneficial in hyperhidrosis? What could a white spots on back after swimming be? What could be cause of burning sensation during ejaculation in penis head after sex? What could be cause of swollen and sore pubic bone? Is it normal to have heavy and longer periods while on tamoxifen? What is treatment for hypertrophic cardiomyopathy? How to confirm that hardness between toes is ingrown extra bone? Is it normal to have yellowish clear discharge after losing virginity? Should i be worried if heartbeat is not seen in ultrasound. Could i have miscarried it or is it early to see heart? What causes whiteness and numbness in the lips? Could it be a false positive for pregnancy if HCG showed weak positive and my LMP was 16 days ago? why is the burning sensation in breasts while vomiting? What is the cure for skin blisters with pus formation and bad odour? What are the chances of pregnancy if had unprotected sex using withdrawal method and sperm dripped on to the vagina lips? What could cause a depressed hemoglobin level(4.8) in 78 years old female? Is Valcyte safe to take for post kidney transplant? What could red dots on penis after sex signify? Is bending at the waist causing stooped posture caused by Dementia with lewy bodies? What causes pain in the left rib while coughing? What can be done for high blood pressure and swollen legs? Is it normal to have brown discharge, abdominal cramp while on medroxyprogesterone? Can magnesium lead to dizziness and sickness in stomach? Can chemotherapy be taken through pills? How to treat panic disorder? Why is the cavity filled tooth causing pain from the temple to the chin? Could light, brief regular period be result of breast surgery? What can be done for sore throat, fever, body ache? What could the reason be if having recurring hives after having an anaphylactic shock? What is the treatment for stretch marks at an early age? What causes red inflamed spot with pus on the base of penis? What could blood shot,watery and irritating eye coating be in a 36 years male with gray vision? What could cause very sweaty vinegar smelling hair in a 3 years old child? What causes swelling and redness in the area of sutures? Is it safe to take Hucog5000 for thyroid problems while pregnant? How to heal severe sun burn with skin roughness? What could be the reason if vomiting frequently after eating in an 89 yr old? Should I have tubes untied if I want a baby? What could D&C mediated irregular period cycle be along with minimized menstrual bleed? What could have indentation in skull at the top of the head and is it serious? Which specialist should be consulted for vascular correlated foot swelling and pain? Are metabolic changes and arachnoiditis related as I had gastric bypass a year after back surgery? Is it normal to experience fatigue, shortness of breath on taking lisinopril-hctz 20/12.5 & simvastatin? What is the best medicine for osteoporosis? How to cure lump on back of lower leg? Is increased dosage of thyronorm essential during pregnancy? Could nausea, headache, longer period be side effect of ginette 35? What is the life expectancy of a 82 year old who had massive heart attack? What could be cause of variation in HPT results? Can any online doctor help in reading test results? Is this common to gain weight while on synthetic hormones after full hysterectomy? What does few scattered diverticula from the signmoid colon found out during tests indicate? What causes sore breasts, mood swings and nausea with brownish discharge? Chances of STD through the saliva? What does a probable benign small lymph node which appears morphologically unremarkable that was detected during ultrasound indicate considering family history of breast cancer? How to control limotrigine mediated excessive fatigue? What causes stomach pain with bloating and Diarrhea? What causes problem while emptying the bladder and itching on penis? How should I treat spotting between periods? What could it be if having pain below ribs in the right side and have something on the interior of my left lower back? How can I treat dizziness due to carrying heavy objects? Are shaky hands,nausea,fatigue,dizziness,sharp lower back and abdominal pain pregnancy correlated symptoms? How can I regulate my bowel movements after colonoscopy? How to treat streptococcus infection with fever and blood associated vomit? What causes white colour mole on the inner thigh to turn red? What could be the reason for testicle looking slightly blue and aching? What could the reason be if there is tingling in legs and feet fall asleep and the shin bones remain pressed for a longer time when pressed? Will the middle of left pinky finger heal properly if broken and never been looked at by a doctor? Why is the erection in penis not hard enough? What could be the reason for head spinning, lightheadedness which lasted 10 seconds while driving? What causes pain in the left side of the body and pain in right eye? How to treat a vaginal small pimple with painful urination in a 2 years old child? Does Mellaril cause irritation and confusion in a four year old? How to cure minimal ptb with fibroid densities on the right apex? When should Zentel suspension be given to children i.e., before or after food? What could be the reason for soreness in calf after suffering from an avulsion fracture of ankle? What are the precautions to be taken after having an operation? What to do for lower back pain and liver with fatty change? What is the treatment for abdominal pain, vomiting, fatigue, diarrhea and headache? Why am I not getting periods even after taking glyciphage 500mg and meprate? What makes me burp all day and causes headaches? What is the treatment for diagnosed multiple paramesentric lymphnodes in a child? How to treat watery stools in a 5 year old boy? What does moderate amorphous urates crystals in urine indicate? Will ice pack relieve me from knee pain and swelling after 7 days of injury? Is it normal to not have periods while taking Provera and Metformin? How can Dilantin levels be reduced in the bloodstream? Could diagnosed epididymitis be due to shooting up meth? Could I have been infected with STDs if I had protected sex with a prostitute? Could you please suggest remedies for hairloss and grey hair? How to treat hair fall? Will I be cured of arthritis completely if it is initial stages? What could be the reason for itching all over body except limbs and face? Could greyish skin with dark and rough skin on knuckle, elbows and knees in a teenager be due lack of vitamins? What are the chances of ovulating when breastfeeding considering digital ovulation test showed positive? Are frequent visits to the toilet a side effect of taking Orcerin? Should I go to the emergency if had pressure in forehead, temple after being hit by the car bumper door? What could be the reason for discomfort in left testicle which is felt more while sitting? Are constant cramping with headaches and loss of appetite normal when birth control pills are stopped ? What is the reason for itching from testicles to penis which increases when having intercourse? What to do if had bleeding after stopping mini pill Norimin mid cycle? Is herpes contagious with sexual intercourse? Is fever normal after getting tattoo done? What could be the reason for diarrhoea, period like cramps, slight bleeding after having unprotected sex? How to heal post delivery associated back pain in between bottom portion of spine and buttock top portion at the tip? How to heal pole hit mediated leg injury with a huge dark purple bruise and a knot about the size of a softball? What could swollen painful leg be with a big callus on big toe and a blister? How to overcome extreme pain in anus while I am taking Valtrex for GH outbreak ? How to combat obesity? Why the left testicle is swollen and sensitivity in penis head is lost ? What could cause ankle fluid retention post S/P TLIF at L4-5? Is there a chance of pregnancy when Ipill is taken after 72 hours ? Which exercise is recommended for arm rebuild in a patient of erb's palsy with corrective surgery? Is there a relation between left side abdominal pain and blurred vision ? What is the treatment for red painful spot on thigh? Why does it hurt to open my eyes ? How can chest pain, shortness of breath, tingling arm and weakness be prevented? Any home treatments to treat UTI and frequent urination problem ? Is it normal for child going through puberty to have involuntary thoughts? What could a small hard spot on my left forearm under wrist be? Will Ural completely cure all the symptoms of a urine infection ? Does dark spot on big toe be related to liver problems? What is the cause of vomiting in the morning, chest itching and headaches? What to do for small white pimple like circle directly on the knuckle ? What is the cause of red itchy rash on body and arms? Any medications for burning on the scalp and left side forehead ? Is victoza linked to cancer? What are the natural alternatives for clonazepam to avoid side effects of withdrawal? Can pain in belly button due to green discharge be stopped? What could heavy bleed with blood clots and low BP signify after sex? Can precum cause pregnancy? Is pregnancy possible if pill is taken after 12 hours of unprotected sex? Are my test results a matter of concern? Can unconsciousness occur due to vomiting? What can it be if having large cysts on ovaries and right leg, abdomen, pelvic area is swollen? Will side effects of bulging eyes, swollen face, weight gain reduce after discontinued use? What is the treatment for red itchy lumps under skin on legs, arms, and stomach? Is it possible to have anxiety or panic attacks while sleeping? What do ultrasound results mean in the light of missed periods? What could be the reason for the child having swelling, redness in feet, swelling in eyes and frequently visiting the toilet? Does child need vaccination after playing with dog s water container? Did Methadone cause death or the combination of many health problems? How to treat high heart rate with breathing difficulty while having history of lupus,fibromyalgia,secondary adrenal insufficiency,addison's disease,hepatitis C and coronary arterial disease? What is the cause of swollen ankles after taking penicillin for strep throat? Is child at risk after developing side effects of Rabipur vaccine? Is it normal to have horrible time dealing with summer heat after complete hysterectomy? Can AIDS / HIV be transmited from sucking vagina ? Is abdominal pain after menstrual cycle completion due to fibroids? Does tightness in hand after dog bite indicate tendon damage or wound healing? Is it safe to have total knee replacement in both knees after suffering from degenerative arthritis at 76 yrs of age? Should we be concerned if child is spitting excessively and has odorous stools? Will wrist pain reduce if splint is worn throughout the day? What to do if having painful blind pimples on chin since taking thyroid medication? How should finger injury due to hedge trimmer be treated? Why do I have body itching, no rash but heaviness in body after sex? What can be done for non-healing incisions after breast surgeries? Is it normal to have left flank pain post stone and urethral stent removal? How can I get rid of hair on ears after long term usage of Melacare? Is endometriosis hereditary? What does no periods during PCOS and ovulation induction process mean ? What is the cause of bloating, cough, pain below back and blocked nose? Can you please suggest a medication for fungal infection of skin? Does diarrhea change the effectiveness of birth control pills? What is the solution for waking up with an extremely heavy heart beat, racing pulse, dizziness? What is the treatment for lower abdominal cramps, bloating, nausea, blood and mucus in stools? How to heal bone marrow biopsy mediated injury? Is it safe to use penis straightening devices like Sizgenetics? Could Hydrocortisone or thyroid medicine cause significant bone and joint aches ? What could cause severe right rib pain post ejaculation and application of severe urethral pressure to pass urine? Is it serious to have a pea sized lump under the skin of the penis and if penis is curving to the left? Is there an alternative medication if child is suffering from asthma, hayfever and having itching, rash after taking Loratadine? What could vaginal white discharge and itching sensation be after sex? Is pregnancy possible with shorter than normal period like bleeding? What to do if inner thighs are turning pink on both sides of the testicles and there are yellow spots in the area? What is the treatment for weakness and gas despite taking Amlikacin? What could a purple bite on face be with sore throat? What does TLC in 1000 after getting typhoid cured mean ? What could be the cause and cure for lumps on both eyes, pulsating pain and sleepiness after swelling becomes heavy? What is the risk of high ggt levels (127) and how to reduce it to normal? Is constant tingling and numbness in right arm and hand after quadruple open heart surgery common ? What are Apap/codeine, Enalapril, Amlodipine, Prochlorper, Polyethglycpow3350nf prescribed for? What could a itching sensation be a little lump like swelling in right cheek for a smoker? Will Ibuprofen and Hydrocodin help when throat is super red causing hot shivers ? Will inflamed tonsils cause bleeding? Ho to get rid of strep throat followed by leg weakness and white spots on the back of mouth ? What are the chances of pregnancy after having unprotected sex and taking ipill? What could cause two pus filled painful lumps on inner right thigh? Reason for itchy rash all over the body face ? What are the chances of pregnancy if diagnosed with PCOS and follicular study shows right ovary 1.4 x 1.2 cms, endometrial thickness 6.4mm and MSF in left ovary? How to heal red,burning,painful scrotum while no relief with topical micronazole and allergic to doxycycline? Is it a matter of concern if had spots on penis after having sex during wife's periods? How to treat UTI during last trimester of pregnancy? What to do if not able to stop bleeding by taking Duphaston? What could be the complications if groin hernia is ignored and there is swelling in genitals? What could anal boil be with history of sleeve gastrectomy 19 days ago and diarrhea? Is the stool hard normal after appendectomy ? What could the large red bumpy rash which is oozing liquid between butt cheeks be? Can medicines cause recurring cough medicines ? Is fever, diarrhea, abdominal and lower back pain, sore throat with history of colectomy and hysterectomy serious? What does calcification on both ovaries when going through menopause mean? What is the cause of very less urination ? How to treat hemochromatosis,factor v leiden,f.p.o.and multi T.I.A s? Is there any chance of me having trichonomas without symptoms but partner having symptoms? Reason for a big lump on shoulder that couldn't be popped and has yellow pus ? What is the solution for high BP, headache every afternoon and waist size increasing? What could cause white spots on ankles and top of the feet? What are the treatments for trich? What could it be if having recurring rash on the bottom of forearm which increases if scratched? How to heal severe tooth pain on a temporary basis? What to do if had sciatica and having constant pain after falling down from stairs? What dosage of norethisterone is suitable for 18 years old female? What to do for swelling and soreness in shin after being kicked while playing football? Would taking Protos cause side effects ? What is the purpose of the blood pump rate during dialysis? Could sores below the waist be staph sores and can they be treated with OTC drugs? Is a 1 blood thickness good? What to do if having sensation of extra pressure in the glans and painful ejaculation after masturbating? Suggest Pain killers Is quinidine an effective medication for brugada syndrome and what implication does it have on future health? How to treat stomach flu with flared up vertigo right ear with fullness in that ear? What are the ways of birth control for a woman without any side effects? What is the solution for the child having red, swollen tonsils? Is sore to touch lump inside the ear, oozing blood when popped concerning? What could cause pain in upper left quadrant and arm pit? How to heal severe knee pain caused by fall mediated injury? What could mouth and hand twitching on a single side signify? Can hydrocodone/acetaminophens 5-500 cause allergic reaction with a sick feeling? How to treat bruise caused by flu on left side below ribs? How fast does advanced deep white matter microvascular ischemic changes degenerate and is dementia expected in future? Sharp pain noticed in throat What could uniform rash on back be with history of pancreatitis? Is there any risks of taking Manerix and Adderall together? How to heal injury mediated urinary problem,severe leg pain and headache? Could estradiol gel and progesterone cause severe abdominal cramps and sharp pain in lower back? Can intake of Citrapram and climavile cause extreme sensitivity in the sun? What is the remedy for bloated face and stomach due to intake of cortizone for COPD and cardio myopathy? What is the remedy for itchy penis, frequent urge to urinate without help from clotrimazole cream and antibiotics? How to cure white patches in the head of the penis caused due to intercourse? Reasons for numbness and tingling on left hand and pinky finger ? Could sore throat, dry mouth and white lesions back of the htroat be oral thrush ? Suggest medication to postpone menstrual cycle? How to confirm pregnancy after positive HPT? Why is Hydroco/Acetamin not helping the severe ear and ear cartilage infection ? How safe is using benzac gel for pimples? What could cause small brownish dots between the toes ? Reason for hip and leg pain. Disk pressing on nerve and Type 2 diabetic with toe nail coming off Can increased SGOT and SGPT levels cause acne ? How is it possible that the teeth can decay from inside ? Is Dr. Ayurveda's Step Up formula good for increasing the height ? What are the possible treatment needed for 8 weeks of pregnancy? Will irregular periods problem cause stomach pain and vomiting sensation ? Meaning of LAD -type III Mixed plaque causing discrete critical stenosis at ostium in CT coronary angiography Best solution to get rid of continuous motions due to a capsule of fat burner Any possibility of conceiving after 2 successive MR and a missed abortion ? What are the different methods to gain weight? How can a hammer toe be fused if there was no broken bone? Diabetic, coughing extensively after having Glykind M, Tonact and Valent. Is it due to side effect of medicines? Why there is right side abdominal pain that radiates to groin towards vaginal area with cramps ? Will Fenalo and Morr Forte lotion really help cure hair loss ? No antibiotics taken after mild bout of mycoplasma but cough persist. How long will it continue? Solution to cure and avoid severe itching problem near private parts ? Can Clomifine citrate be taken along with Dronis 20 to cure infertility ? What could cause nausea and breathlessness while mowing and weed eating the yard? Had spotting and little bleeding after taking i pill after unprotected sex but no periods. Am I pregnant? Does the bleeding from an abortion go on for months with lots of blood clots and hurting ovaries ? Is Nova sure procedure safe or the Hysterectomy? What could be the reason for vaginal bleeding with mucus and clots at old age? What is the treatment for 1.3 cm stone in right kidney & 9mm stone at the end of the urinary tract? What does diverticulitis and lesion on pancreas mean a month after removal of 14 inches of bowl? Diabetic having pain in left shoulder and arms with sticky cough Is it normal to have calf pain on putting leg down after putting weights on the leg 3.5 weeks after broken tibia? No improvement after physiotherapy and having pain pills for pulled hamstring. How long will it last? What is the Prognosis for the fluid drained from abdomen and legs with edema? Whats the cause and cure for white stringy inside the lips and gums even after regular brushing and flossing? Can I give OFM for a 9 month old suffering from fever followed by watery loose motions with acidity ? What could cause rash under the armpit and stretch mark like appearance there? Could the hard lump on the vagina be a cyst? Is vaginal spotting and lower abdominal pain be related to umbilical hernia ? What causes sniffles, high headedness and blood in mucus? What could be the cause for one pupil dilated more than the other ? Is it normal to get periods again if I take unwanted 72 even if it has just completed ? Less clarity in the sight from the right eye especially in the dark. What causes itchy , soreness on hard lump present on left side of head? Can medicines for Bell's Palsy cause vaginal bleeding after sex or could it be cervical changes? What should be done for pain in the urethra while urinating in a person diagnosed with pinkeye? Had sex before ovulation and had light spotting with cramps after that. Could I be pregnant? What is the cure for the cut on the vagina which bleeds? How soon can I drink alcohol after finishing the the course of Doxycycline ? Culture suggests heavy mixed respitory flora for white patches behind the tonsils. What causes raised dry red blisters on the nose? Why is the top of the foot swollen with a pus bump on the foot by the ankle ? Why the menstrual bleeding for 21 days now has no signs of stopping ? How to get rid of painless pimple like two small bumps on both sides of the lip? What causes stomach pain, diarrhea, yellowish soft tools after diagnosed with h.pylori? What does ECG with anterior infarct and borderline abnormalities mean ? What are the symptoms of alzheimer's disease? Any pills to ovulate more to get pregnancy? Is it possible to always feel fine except for being tired after diagnosis with sjogrens syndrom & systemic lupus? Will reconstructive hip surgery help reduce the extreme pain from the hardware inserted for broken hip ? What is the relief for chronic pains? Is it safe to put a nuvaring on 5th day of period? Black spots with redness after co2 laser on face for molluscum. Is it safe to use fultibact? IS estratest a controlled substance? What causes swelling and stiffness at the wrist? Reason for numbness in left side from head to leg with flu like symptoms and low energy What to do for aching restless legs? Child suffering from fluctuating fever and pale white feet. Took calpol and luke warm water bath. Anything serious? What is the treatment for Epilepsy and memory loss? What is the meaning of the pregnancy scan? Any suggestion for tingling in big toe that didn't cure even after having surgery? What to do for stomach upset, vomiting, chronic diarrhea, skin peeling with history of colon cancer? Having very tight muscles in body with pain in neck and back. Massage not helping How to control weight gain while on carbimizole for hyperthyroidism? What to do for viral fever that gets controlled until effect of meftal and calpol is there? Can changing from pozac to 5htp be better as the latter is causing hot flashes, sweating and itching? How to treat IBS along with bloating,belching,dyspepsia,fullness of stomach and back pain? Suffering from Congestive Heart Failure along with renal failure. Can we put emergency cath until port is healed? What other than laryngitis cause high fever chills, loss of appetite and sore throat without any coughing? How to treat excessive saliva secretion? What other than acid reflux cause lump in the throat, pressure in the ears, stiffness in the jaw, back of the neck? What are the chances of pregnancy after having unprotected sex? How to remove a round tender lump after a sting on left thigh? What does this peripheral blood film report signify:cells are adequate in number with severe microcytic hypochromic cells, severe anisopoikilocytosis and mild polychromasia? Can I give ibugesic plus syrup with crocin syrup for kid suffering from fever? Growling stomach, fart and nausea inspite of taking domperidone? Is flixatide a better option than seretide for patients with thyroid problem? What should a dark pregnant woman feed upon to have a fair child? Can sore throat, no energy. sneezing & head cold indicate tonsillitis in a 70 yr old? How to develop small birth organs in toddler? Could i be pregnant after sex considering i have not got my period yet? Is physiotherapy only solution for toddler unable to stand and walk on own with 1400 cpk levels? Reason for sudden onset of abdominal cramps, hot and cold flushes, breast tender with painful period Is it ok to use foljee-9(for 1 month) & dubagest-200 for vaginal use for 1 month pregnant woman? Any suggestions &precautions for 1 cyst in the right kidney and 3 cysts in the left kidney and can it be adpkd? Any suggestion for small blood clot on clitoris caused when masturbating with sharp tool? Is low pressure while passing urine and constipation are side effects of having Rantac and normaxine for gastritis? What does lighter and brown discharge during periods mean? What could have caused temporary blindness in the right eye in a 8 yr old girl? Is it normal to have lump of mass in scrotum after having surgery to repair torn oblique muscle? How long lutera birth control pill will take to show its effect? On and off tightness in neck and throat in a scoliosis patient with a strange feeling in the upper body? Any treatment to increase height of 23 year old without any side effect? Any ideas for huge dark spot from mid to lower back and numerous light spots on the stomach? What dosages of Atorvastatin, Aspirin and Metoprolo be taken? What causes watery diarrhea? Any suggestions for pain below the left shoulder blade and upper left abdomen, reduced appetite, nausea? Are the pains at the side and bottom of the stomch normal during pregnancy? Can Augmentin or keflex cause heartburn in some people? What causes stomach pain and terrible diarrhea after changing cymbalta 30mg to 60mg for fibromyalgia? What could cause light pink discharge and my partner feeling something sharp during sex in a woman on 2nd implant? What causes pain in lower abdomen and genital area and rashes around the pelvis? Can Matifen patches 100 microgramms result in lost appetite? How to treat fungus that has caused itching bumps on arms and legs? What other than cold compress can be used on a swollen and bruised eye caused due to fall? What gives relief from severe pains? What does micrometer crystallography test show? What causes sore throat, headache, stomach ache, lack of appetite and fatigue with high eosinophils? What causes scaly and peeling rashes on the butt and has been diagnosed for strep throat? Have bloating in stomach, sinus and pressure in head Does heartburn after having surgery to remove endometriosis indicates sign of pregnancy? Could the laceration on head cause the swelling in eyes? What is the cause for pain in all the joints of my body after being treated for an infection? Does Apirda cause nerve pain deep in both arms and legs? Are there any side effects of taking astralean? What specialist and treatment needed for high cholestrol, exhaustion who is on epstein barr, mono and abt for uti? What could a round painful lump be just above the belly button? What to do for having feeling as something is biting? What to do for sharp pains after gallbladder removal? What is the remedy to decrease the inflammation in my knuckle due to a volleyball injury? How to prevent chest congestion with infection and cough? What to do for itchy and crusty sores with history of skin cancer? Is there an alternative to execdrin and caffeine that does not have aspirin? What causes painful bump on eyebrow bone that was better with motrin? Should I be concerned for having bump on penis after disappeared after erection? How to protect skin and hair from chlorine during swimming? How to get rid of cutting feeling in vagina that pains during intercourse? Which tablets to be taken for benign paroxysmal positional vertigo? What is the cause for headache when on oxetoln and trioptal for seizures? Which milk has to be given to toddler who is lactose intolerant? Can i take my other injectable medications on the same side of my stomach that the combipatch is on? Does having lower pain, slimy discharge with missed period indicates pregnancy? Have dry throat, left shoulder pain, vomiting and fever Any natural way to cure stomach infection? Is it safe to take hormonal pills to balance hormones even if i have a breast cyst? Does missed period after taking strone 100 capsules indicate sign of pregnancy? Do i need to give multivitamin tablet to my son when on omnacortil for nephrotic stndrome with less height? Is it safe to use utrogestan during pregnancy? Any suggestion for loose motion in toddler which didn't reduce with nutriline, enterogermina, zinconia, gramogyl and econorm? What does chronic abdominal pain after sex signify? What to do for noticing veins on leg, feet and hands with history of varicose on leg? What is the cause for swollen legs when on norvac? What causes painless spots on sides and under penis that are brown, grey in color? What is the cause and remedy for heaviness in food pipe and chest area when on elteoxin? Does sudden stabbing pain on outside of left upper lip signify any heart problem? What causes tenderness on raised vein near bottom of right armpit? What to do for child suffering from soreness in tummy, armpits, back and head with fever and cough? What is the cause for a bubble underneath the skin of my naval after getting it pierced? How to heal IV injection attempt mediated swollen and painful hand? How to control sugar levels other than taking glykind-m and glycomet? What is the remedy for irregular periods? Is the effect of tylenol, codeine and hydrocodone same? How to treat irregular periods while on cycloreg with no effect? What is the cause for liver enzymes to go from 34 to 133? What to do for having extra renal pelvis on right side that was shown in ultrasound? What could cause bruised upper arm devoid of any injury? What does polymorphous population of lymphocytes with scattered macrophages indicate? What would be the black spot found inside the ears during hearing test? How to get rid of excessive dark pigmentation on skin? What causes big, red, swollen, itchy, painful patch on arms that is hot to touch? Is it normal to have a uvula that does not hang down in the throat? How to heal bite mediated bruised itchy huge red bumps? Will dark circles around eyes caused by using neosporin reduces? Have a hip dysplasia along with fuzzy area Can metformin initiate stomach problem? Cause for dry skin under the skin and chin What to do for bad anxiety that increases with high BP? Could feeling tightness, pain in legs during night be due to diagnosed fibromyalgia? Is a small cloudy spot in the scelra of the eyes (visible only when i look up) dangerous? How to treat fever with appetite loss,vomiting and severe cough in a 2 years old child? What to do for tingling pain and red lumps on skin under armpit, sickness with fever? How to make my 2 year old German Shepherd eat his food so that he can have Doxycycline medicine Can patient having ehlers-danlos syndrome have tubal implant or any other sterilization? Should I be worried for having period only for one day every month with history of kidney problem? How to treat Hepatitis C while having history of HIV positive? Could pre-cum slide out of condom? Should am man of 53 yrs of age be worried about vtac? What causes severe heart palpitations, shaking, hotness, craving for sugar, tiredness with raw feeling in tongue? Have a bump on the back of the shoulders What to do for con-jested ears? Is there any side effects of fer-In-Sol taking with metformin and crestor? Is high levels of liver parameters caused by taking Simvastatin? Cause for sharp pain in the eyebrow bone? How much could be the medical evaluation for disability retirement in US? What causes itchy bumps behind the neck area? Does diarrhea, nausea, frequent urination with back pain indicates pregnancy? What to do for high blood sugar level? What causes pain and soreness on foot between toes and ankles? What is your opinion about having mesh augmentation for vaginal prolapse repair? What is the cause for my son s low temperature with sweats? What causes loss of pigmentation (pink) around the genital area? Could burning underneath breasts be due to a pulled muscle or something else? Should I be worried for pain in shin every night? What is the cause for itchiness in the area which has a paper cut just above the clitoris after shaving? What to do for having fluid sack like clear bump in eyes around white area? Child have coughing along with running nose Will horehound hard candy help keep nose from draining while doing massage? What causes pain and difficulty in raising arms above shoulder for a weight lifter? What causes a lump under my eye lashes? Could it be cancer if chest xray showed shadow on lung? What causes pain in left side of head when touched? What is the cause for itchy spots on my forehead? What causes itchy liquid filled spots all over the body? Should I be concerned for swollen and numb thumb after stitched 7 days ago? What is the cause for irregular period? What causes spreading white patches on skin of arms? Should i be concerned about a darker area of pigmentation between my inner and outer labia? Can you suffest home remedies for cyst on eye apart from applying hot wet rags? Is the follicle size, found during the follicular study, apt for attaining conception? What s the cause of bleeding hemorrhoids even when colonoscopy shows everything normal and BM are good? Does a gluten-free diet reduce the amount of glutamine produced in the body? What are the side effects of vasograine and does it cure migraine permanantly? Does udiliv helps to dilute gallbladder stone? How to cure allergic rhinitis? What i the remedy for anxiety and panic attacks? Is itchy skin, dry scalp, hair loss and rashes on face after morning tea/coffee due to hormonal imbalance or allergy to caffeine? What is the treatment for child suffering from fever, vomiting yellow fluid with yellow fluid from nose? What is the cause for red spot in eye, swelling in inner corner of bottom lid, pain and itching? For how long should i give ciprocin to my baby for dysentery? How to prevent throat infection in a kid? Reason for constipation in a child? What's the cause and cure for tiny white pumps (at times itchy) on lips? Will i be able to conceive with the issue in size that has not changed after my follicular study? What is the solution for continuous sneezing, throat itching, nasal block, ear itching, eye itching? What is on a guy's mind when he gets very possessive about me? What could it be if having high temperature but I'm freezing cold, whole body trembles, diarrhoea, excruciating headache? What is a hard grape-sized lump on the tricep which hurts on being pushed? What is the cause for the pain around my breast and a fluttering sensation in the left side of my chest? Can thryoid problem, H.pilory with hietus, deodontis, gastritis ;ead to weakness while on ulcer kit and pantocid? Are herbal supplements NF cure and shilajit appropriate to cure PME caused due to over masturbation? Cure for swelling, burn and redness in a short time? What is the cause for a bad cough and vomiting after food when on crocin and relent? Have red spots like a rash on the hand, sore throat and headache Could i be pregnant with the feeling of wanting to throw up after sex when on depo privera shot? Can i take diphenhydramine when on medications for thyroid? Could there be a scar in the lungs that can be seen by x-rays after a primary complex? Could i be pregnant after sex? What is the remedy for a swollen bump with puss and blood near my butt crack after applying cortisone on it? Why my gums are inflamed, red and painful post tooth extraction? What is the best treatment for pcos? What is the remedy for a painful lump on my cheekbone? What is the cause for chest pains after taking 4 sizures with a history of few heart attacks? What is the remedy for serium uric acid level increase? Can birth control medicine nexplolon cause bleeding? Are bouts of dizziness and throat infection related? What is the cause for the burning sensation all over my body? Is there a treatment for a fracture of the sternum or the rib? What kind of illness does a child will be affected bathing in dirty water? Cause for the scabies which looks like bug bites? What do you suggest for knee cap being dislocated twice? What is the cause for black spots on the head of my penis when in ocean water? Can sulfa medicine cause yeast infection? What is the remedy for the pain and a lump on my right side of my pelvic area? What medication is suggested for wasp sting ? Reason for delay in periods? Is bleeding a symptom of pregnancy? Cause for discomfort in chest and breathlessness? Have sharp pain in the stomach, ear feeling full and anxiety What causes pinching sensation bladder and delayed urination? Why did my post partum check up show AST 62 and ALT 92? Are coumadin, plavix and aspirin too many medicines of an anemic lung cancer patient with low WBC count? Have itchying pain, dryness in the scalp Is my husband suffering from kidney cancer or does he have a septa? What are the symptoms of kidney failure? How to treat skin rash on elbow? Have lumps on the breast and discharge from nipples Why do i have pain around my kidneys, groin, testicles and abdomen, with stinging urination? Have soreness due to slipping which is very painful Why am I bleeding after few days of ovulation? Should I be concerned of anemia or anything else if my iron binding capacity is high (437)? How to treat fatty liver and diet disorder mediated elevated liver enzymes and bilirubin? Have a layer of skin off the leg, ankle which is red Should I be concerned about a lump in breast near the armpit with yellow discharge from nipple? What could cause bump around penis with pus? How long will the soreness in the calf last? How to treat bloating with unclear bowel and extreme burning sensation afterwards? Can remission after chemotherapy lead to pain in tailbone? Have soreness, burning and itching in the nostril Reason for bleeding even after periods? What causes spontaneous bleeding from roof of mouth? Can aphthasol treat canker sores? Side effects of taking apo-meloxicam and gabapentin? Why are my breast tighter and have a watery discharge? How to remove a scar medically? What does my MRI report mean? How to treat a bug bite that is swollen, hard and painful? How to treat diarrhea with abdominal pain and discomfort? Why do I have a strange taste in my mouth? Have bad spams during sleep What are the best treatments for vertigo and meniere s disease? What could cause breathing difficulty after a fall despite no broken ribs in x-ray, only muscle injury? Can nausea and emotional spells be related to premenstrual syndrome? What has caused large, red splotches on my lower legs? When should I take my pregnancy test? What does swollen inferior arterioles of eye mean? Why do I keep spotting every 2 weeks since my miscarriage? How to lower triglycerides? What does my report mean? How to heal UTI and fever in a 4 months old child while on mefkind forte and alkarate syrup with no relief? What is the cure for the stinging on the foreskin? Why are my son's feet dangerously swollen and have bloodless splotches on them? What causes stiffness in neck? Is glutathione pills safe to take to improve skin color? What causes sharp stabbing pain in urethra and prescribed Bacterium for severe UTI? Can delayed periods lead to hip pain and mood swings? Why do I have burning sensation in my pelvic area after a month of lithotripsy? Does Simvastatin taken for long duration cause slight case of Dysplasia? Can I be pregnant after having unprotected sex on sixth day of pill? What is the treatment for the swollen gums and the discharge with pungent smell? Can Prendisone drops, given for an eye affected by shingles, cause depression? What causes mild stroke, headache, nerve pain in face with dizziness? Does a lip cut need stitches after falling from the chair? Does look brite cream has any side effects? How to treat irregular periods while on crisanta? Why do I suffer from bad pelvic pain, bloating, lower back pain and soreness in vagina? Are delayed periods indicative of pregnancy? Does Oosure plus and Clomipure help in getting pregnant? If my beta HCG is 0.10, could I be pregnant? What could cause pain during penetration? What is causing pain in left shoulder and left upper chest? What causes depression, mood swings and weight gain? Why do I have chicken pox like bumps on shoulders, face, neck, back and knee? How many days should I avoid oil, non-veg, spicy food after diagnosed from jaundice, hepatitis E virus? Does Eltroxin and Folic acid help in conceiving twins? How to cure problem caused due to penetration? Will betnovate c and melacare cream make me fair? What could be the medcation and awareness about sexual diseases and problems Will any cream helps to remove prominent marks caused by fingernail scratches? What restricts the movement of the finger and why the skin peels at the joint? What causes inflammation in vagina? How can I postpone my period with yaz? What causes sharp pain on the left side intermittently during pregnancy? What causes red dots on penis foreskin and knob after having unprotected sex? Can a soft ball hit in the chest be dangerous? What causes pain on the right side of navel, right rib cage and lower abdomen? How to subside severe tooth pain on a temporary basis? Is it normal to faint while coughing? What are the cahances of pregnancy wth pcod problem when on ovaa shield with duphaston? Is it due to Gout there is body pain due to intake of non-veg? Is the burning sensation in urine due to the pus cells? Any suggestion for having dry itchy skin on corners of mouth? How to reduce dark pigmentation on face ? What causes itchy painful bump on labia majora every time when about to have periods? What causes soreness and swelling in labia minora? What causes perspiration while taking certain foods mainly on the scalp? Does masturbation reduce glow in face and cause sickness? Can Naproxen be taken for the lower back pain? Suggest medication for headache Should I be concerned for child suffering from vomiting and blisters on all the fingers? Does the pain , swelling in joints and stiffness comes with age? What are the possible treatments for bruise that is swelling in the shin ? What causes gastritis and watery stools with blood? What is the cure for the hardness on the area of sutures? What are the side effects of taking Nortel 1/35 ? Suggest medication for infection of tongue caused due to piercing How to treat saliva build up at the back of throat along with excessive spit and sore throat? Could missed period after sex be due to pregnancy? Does drinking vodka and advil causes miscarriage? Will driving be safer for a 3 month old pregnant? What causes multiple dizzy spells, fever with nasal congestion and chest congestion? How to treat insomnia ? Will I experience anxiety or depression after stopping testosterone replacement therapy? What could cause a pink and watery period ? What causes delay in periods, stomach pain and black diarrhea? Will tasting dishwash soap accidently harm pregnancy ? Is general anaesthesia safe or heavy sedation for the Hysteroscopy? What is the cause for lower spine to lock up and not being able to move while i stand straight up? What could red, sticky, fleshy substance in urine with burning at the tip of the penis indicate? What can be done to fix crack between toenail and cuticle with discolored nail? Does steroid causes continuous regurgitating kind of action? Is gum irritation,swollen throat and white spots on mouth roof correlated to recently undergone RCT? How to treat extreme abdominal and pelvic area pain with urination difficulty? What causes spins, dizzy or shakes in hands, tingling in lips after taking Inderal LA for anxiety disorders? What are the side effects of accidental intake of plastic? What causes growing hard lumps under the skin right above liver on right side? Will blister causes thickening of skin? What could be the chances of conception right after taking out implant? Suggest medication for swollen and red patches on ankles? What to do for stomach cramps, pain and swelling around belly button area, sweating with nausea? How to treat low BP with temperature 37.3 along with headache post sex and negative pregnancy test result? What could short duration and light period along with some fluttering in stomach indicate? What treatment is suggested for sweating while eating due ti down syndrome? Any suggestion for throbbing pain in left temple area with negative temporal arteritis test? Does cytotec mediated vaginal bleed for a day with thick clot signify successful abortion? Any help for sclera seen outside the eye lid? Any suggestion for huge bump on head, painful spot near throat with blood in phlegm? Can my husband safely put off the heart cath for 2 weeks? What could negative pregnancy but delayed periods, sore breasts, back ache and frequent urination indicate? What are the side effects of yeast infection? Does soreness and tenderness in nipples, bumps around it and noticeable veins in breast indicates pregnancy? Is soreness,numbness and pain are part of a normal healing process? How to treat bad chills with diarrhea,vomit and elevated heart rate? Chances of pregnancy having taken Unwanted 72? How to continue the dosage of duphaston 10mg while missing the morning dosage? How to control severe hair fall with frequent urination and dizziness? Any medicine for stiffness in body and tingling after took homeopathy treatment for paralysis? Is asthavent, mucospect and linctospect suitable for a 3 years old child with asthma and bronchitis? Should i be concerned for finding a blood clot while bleeding? Notice and see waviness during sunlight Will the POC be cleared in the next menstrual cycle? What is the cause for not getting my period after taking deniry tablets? Does Cipralex for anxiety interferes with the contraceptive pills? How to get rid of over weight for a 11 years old child? Is taking cycloreg helpful for delayed periods? Is pregnancy possible with unprotected sex? Suggest medication for constipation and muscle strain in stomach How to heal vaginal soreness and UTI post laproscopic assisted vaginal hysterectomy? What could be the reason for pain in abdomen with missed periods after taking primolut N for abnormal bleeding? What is the remedy for red, itchy and burning rash below ankle without help from cotizone cream? What are the chances of getting pregnant with missing period when on marvelon? Could delayed periods, breast tenderness, fatigue, frequent urination and spotting indicate pregnancy? Is it safe to use Monocyclen, for Opioid withdrawal, along with aspirin and magnesium tablets? What is the way of working out without muscle pain to lose weight with history of having fibromyalgia? What could stingy sensation in wrist be with bruise? What is the way to improve appetite in a child? Is cortisone injection a better option than knee replacement surgery? Are ovunal hp and proluton depot injections for spotting during pregnancy with history of miscarriage safe for fetus? Is pregnancy possible while having condom mediated protected sex? What could burning and pain during urination that subsided after AZO intake but persistent back pain indicate? What could itchy, white, spreading spots around penis indicate? Whether latuda or adhd 40 mg is responsible for waking up with zombie like state? What could be the expected survival period for stage 4 hep c with 76% lever hardening and rectal bleed? What is the treatment for sleep walking in a teenager? Could sudden swollen, sore throat with serious cough and mucus be due to intake of Bactrim ds for sinus infection? How to treat food poisoning with diarrhea,chills and uneasiness? Are dizziness, sore breasts and constipation, light period be signs of pregnancy? What could be yellowish ball like hard substance on stool? Is MRI with contrast possible when having only one kidney? How to cure painful, burning yeast or fungus infection under breasts? What is the treatment for Parkinson s disease? How long the side effects of robotic surgery continues ? How to get rid off gas, fever? What could be cause of brown discharge when on birth control? Is four-on-one a new procedure? Is it a safe and reasonable alternative to individual posts and crowns? What treatment should be preferred for dizziness, heart palpitations and chest pains What is the remedy for the congested nose and cough with Phlegm? Is it necessary to take rabies injection after been scratched by a dog? Should i be see a doctor for bleeding on and off, old aged? What can be done for reoccurring lightheaded ness and nausea? What could be cause of right testicle swelling and getting larger? What can be done for feeling like something is constantly caught in throat? What should i do for red pimple looking itchy, painful bump under right breast on ribs? Should i be on thinners permanently to prevent clot after having p.e.'s in the past? What could be cause of feeling of shocking in hands, painful, veins on hands get big? What could be the possible cause of feeling like leg is always wet? Is it common to have feeling of holes when rolling back tongue to back? What causes the burning of the small lump behind the ear? What could unusual pain in lower abdomen signify with nausea after unprotected sex? Is vomiting a symptom of a Nissan fundoplication failing? What causes red pin prick looking rashes spreading all over the body? What is the cause to vomit aftee speaking loudly and eating when on herbal medicine? Can the BP fluctuate from low to high suddenly in a day? can taking femara for three weeks cause intense hip ,groin Does fremara have any side effects? What type of Urticarial itches all through the day? Could i be pregnant with the heaviness in my breast? Could i be pregnant if blood comes out after sex? How to control cry of infants after bcg injection? What can i do for widespread muscle twitching, paresthesia and globus? How to get rid off infections on face, earlobe and head? What might be the cause of sudden bleeding after marvelon pills, had unprotected sex? What could be pinching burning on right leg? What to do for bloated stomach, nausea? What might be cause of bleeding randomly usually after sex? How to cure sore penis skin, peels off, itches? How long will it take to get rid off swelling and rash all over face after highlighting hair in which bleach was used? Is the heavy loss of blood after the first time in sex normal? What causes dizziness and palpitations? What is the cause for continuous spotting? Do i need to worry about taking CLOPIDOGREL medicine as experiencing yellowish skin, anemia? How to treat broken blood vessels on the undersides of wrists? Can Famynor pills help in heavy bleeding? Can any online doctor help in suggestion for multiple health issues? Can heart problems be avoided by taking aspirin? What is the cause and treatment od Schizophrenic? What can be done for the problem of muscle tightening? What does negative in the 2nd cycle procedure indicate? What can be done for pimples on face? Could IBD stopping me from getting pregnant? What is the remedy for loose motions and rashes on the buttocks? How to treat severe joint and bone pain with big bruising on hips with red dots? What is the remedy for jaundice when on aspelone and propranolo? Chances of pregnancy if the condom had leakage? What causes severe constipation in a 3 year old? How to get rid off masturbation addiction? Can any online doctor help in reading ultrasound report? What could be cause of severe pain in head and eyes? Which medicine could be preferred for thumb joint pain in pregnancy? What could be the best medicine for ms pain? How to treat severe ear pain of child? Can sinus lead to voice loss? Could it be something else? Should i be worried if ultrasound result shows bigger tummy of fetus? What medicine can be taken for irregular periods? What can be done for white dry spots on foot? What could be cause of experiencing pins and needles all over body, itchiness, lightheaded ness? What can be done for lesion on ear? Is it normal to feel tenderness after laparoscopy, removed left ovary, both fallopian tubes? Could itchy red vagina with brown discharge be yeast infection? Can any online doctor help in reading ultrasound impression? Can gabapin help for premature ejaculation problem? What might be moderate severe pain in right forearm, from the inside of elbow but deep within arm every day? Which medicine could be taken for pre poning periods? What remedy could be taken to cure child suffering from flat foot and nerve problem? What is the permanent solution for corn in foot? Could fatigue, dizziness, nausea with missed periods and being on antiandrogen therapy mean pregnancy? What causes spotting in the mid of the month? Could my girlfriend be pregnant after taking an i-pill with her missing period? What is the treatment for gastritis and loss of appetite in a 70years old? Does handpumping affect my married life? What causes soreness and congestion in throat? What is the cause for lack of energy,clammy skin and stomach cramps with the urge to go to the bathroom? How to heal severe ear pain while getting no relief with antibiotic? What relieves the pain in the jaw due to which neck movement is painful? How to cure small tiny dots evenly spaced on skin of front right side of collar bone of child? What should i do for constant stomach pain, loss of appetite with lots of gas, constipation, bloating, on Depo? Is high creatinine normal for diabetics? Are chest pain, breathing problem can be side effect of any cough medicine? Can experiencing shortness of breath be cause of copd? Is calpol, monocef enough for curing mild fever of child. Do i need to visit doctor? What is the permanent treatment for collapsed artery? What could be cause of missed periods with variation in test result? What can be done for tingling and numbness on right side of face? What could be wrong in experiencing harsh gripping pains in chest by left breast? Are there any contradictions if celexa and pacemaker used at same time? Is it possible to get sick on having late night chicken next morning? What will be the drawbacks of eardrum damage because of cold? What could be cause of having clear discharge from bottom of child? What are the chances of being pregnant if taken pill after sex? What should i do for missed period after unprotected sex, no pregnancy symptoms? How to get rid off identical skin rash on both feet under the ankle bone from back of foot? How to get rid off bloody mucus and bloody noses after doing cocaine? How to get rid off bad headaches and sharp eye pain? Can i use natural vitamin supplements for diabetes? How to get rid off reoccurring red, hard, painful bumps in arm pits? Took the pill after unprotected sex, stopped the pills after period, having abdominal pain in lower area. Could this be an ectopic pregnancy? Does i pill delays period? How can i know if pregnant? What is the best treatment to get rid of haemorrhoids? Can neuropathy affect feet, blood pressure and digestive system? Is there any evidence of grapefruit juice interacting with atripla? What could be cause of brown sticky vaginal discharge with negative swab result? What is the permanent solution for rib pain? How to relieve chest pain after quitting smoking? Can itchy sores on belly, feet, back affect baby in pregnancy? Should i be worried about occasional green blue spotting from urinary tract? What should i do for cramps in abdomen? How to cure as having trouble in swallowing? What might be bump size dime under left breast? Having trouble going up steep inclines, lifting trailing. Could it be groin or muscle wastage? What could be cause of mild dull ache in lower abdomen. heavy back pain? Could headaches, muscle pain be skull tumor side effects? How to treat knot inside ear oozing yellow pus? What causes pain in the neck shoulders that radiates down the arms into fingers? Would viagra help my penis look bigger? What relieves the soreness in proximal Phalange? What could be cause of popping sensation in ear towards the jaw line? Can any online doctor help for multiple health issues? Would it be advisable to go on neurontin for bad RLS? How to get rid off sunburn on chest? How to get rid off belly rash from weight gain and belts? How to treat bee stung under left arm on side of breast? What could be the cause of heartburn while trying to get pregnant? Should i worry about red, swollen lump on foot? Can feeling to sneeze always be an infection? Should i worried about lump at back of throat near tonsil in child? How to get rid off visible scar near eye? Should i go for plastic surgery? What could be the reason for sudden weightgain at the age of 50? How to cure red spots on feet and swollen legs? Could metformin, Lisinopril and Simvastatin result in swelling, pain in calf? What is the treatment for short term memory loss? How to terminate seven weeks pregnancy? How to treat stomach problem as mucus comes with toilet? Diabetic. Can i take Dazit for long term for curing back, thighs itchiness? How to get rid off bumps on penis and lower abdomen? How to get rid off addiction of gutka and alcohol? Should i be worried about heart racing, dizziness when diagnosed with HBP? Can any online doctor help me for queries about gallbladder stone? How to treat no e/o of cardiac activity during 5 weeks of pregnancy while on All9 D,duphaston and sifasi HP? How to treat constant itching at the tip of penis? Can unwanted 72 be taken after sexual intercourse, aborted before? Is it harmful not being able to get the bleach smell out of my nose? Diabetic patient suffering from urinary tract infection, on stopping antibiotic get fever. What should i do?
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