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Hello. I have felt very weird the last few months. What are the side effects of eating uncooked sea food? What causes a compartment syndrome while suffering from hematoma? What causes fullness feeling and pain in uterus area? Can birth control help regulate periods? What causes delayed period after taking Postinor 2? What causes vomiting after chemo and lymph node treatment? What are the symptoms of supraumbilical hernia? Should i get rabies vaccination again in 6 months? How can I get back to normal as i mixed meth with Methylprednisolone? What causes lower abdomen, back and testicles pain when attracted to someone? What causes fatigue, easy bruising, lightheadedness and headaches? What causes sudden onset of swollen itchy spots all over body? What causes severe pain in left hand and wrist while lying down? Suggest treatment for bleeding from capillaries while treating Ehlers-Danlos syndrome Suggest treatment for muscle stiffness, severe bruising on thighs, arms and hands What causes radiating pain from hip to back through genitals? What causes discolored patches on skin and dandruff? What causes sticky skin on neck? What causes red burn like mark on the side of the finger? Why did i get diarrhea again after stopping Prednisone? What causes blood in semen? What causes swollen feet along with tingling and burning sensation? What causes fever, radiating pain throughout stomach, hot flashes and chills? Suggest treatment for red boil like lump on penis head What causes pain and redness in eyes while recovering from chest pain? What causes persistent pain in testicle? Suggest treatment for difficulty in conceiving Suggest pain management treatment for severe pulmonary fibrosis and gastric reflux Suggest treatment for coccyx pain, prolapse discomfort, dyspareunia and incomplete defecation feeling Suggest treatment for abdominal pain due to ovarian cyst What causes swelling in legs in elderly? What does my lab test report indicate? Suggest ways to lose weight after child birth What causes heart palpitations after exercise? What causes sudden tingling redness in face, head, neck, arms and chest? Suggest treatment for left-sided pain in ribs Suggest treatment for violent tremors What causes high blood pressure? What causes fever after cortisone injection? Suggest treatment for pain in lower abdomen area What causes knee and leg pain after a fall? Are red bumps at the throat a symptom of STD? Suggest home remedies for pain in lower buttocks What causes breathing difficulty, heart palpitations and dizziness after carbon dioxide poisoning? Are vaginal spotting and cramps an early sign of pregnancy? What causes tingling numbness in left arm, nausea and hot flashes? Suggest treatment for right-sided pain in head, high BP and sinus issues What causes pain in the right side of the head? What causes bleeding after intercourse and contractions like pain? What causes inflammation of the hair follicles? Suggest ways to lose weight What causes burning sensation on tongue and sore throat? What causes sudden severe dizziness? What causes dizziness and high BP? What causes intense tingling sensation in penis and burning sensation during urination? Suggest treatment for sore throat, tiredness, swollen tonsils and cough What causes Serotonin syndrome? Suggest treatment for headache and nausea What causes popping sensation and discomfort in knee? What causes severe pain after knee surgery and fluttering feeling in upper legs? What are the chances of pregnancy through pre-ejaculatory fluid? Suggest treatment for relapse of extreme pain and fatigue while treating fibromyalgia What causes white layer of dirt on sensitive foreskin with foul smell? Suggest treatment for throat irritation What causes sensitivity of teeth after using new bite guard? Suggest treatment for upper right abdominal pain with nausea What causes dizziness and weakness in arms after Implanon insertion? What does this pelvic ultrasound report indicate? What does this MRI report indicate? What causes lower back pain in a patient with horseshoe kidney? Suggest treatment for severe toothache Should i take the abortion medication if HCG levels are rising? What causes pain and cold sensation in left arm? Hello. I took two to three puffs of mj 3 What causes a fluttering sensation in lower abdomen? What causes foot pain with swelling on top of foot? What causes hard bumps on palms and calves of legs? Suggest treatment for leakage post bowel movement Is it safe to take Midodrine and Azor for low BP while taking Eligard? How to get rid of infections on penis shaft? How to induce periods? What leads to cracking sound at back and pain after lifting heavy object? How to treat skin rash spreading all over the body? I recently developed insomnia. Melatonin does not help, 20 mg. What causes vomiting, nausea, diarrhea and abdominal cramping? What causes constipation in a baby? How to treat open sore between vulva and anus? How to reduce burning pain in knee and hip while standing? I have taken 450 mg of Bubpropion W839 for years What causes delayed period, nausea and lower abdominal pain after having non-penetrative sex? How to treat throbbing eye pain and nausea? What causes swollen tongue during pregnancy? What causes malaise and anxiety? Ive developed a rash with at first glance looks like What causes testicular pain during sex? I was in a car accident and was rear-ended; I Does eating cashew cause white colored stool? i was told i have TSH,3RD GENERATION 8.67 T4 FREE Do these CT scan and biopsy reports indicate pulmonary fibrosis? What causes pink mucus from vagina, cold and flu symptoms during menopause? How to differentiate between blood flow after delivery and normal menstrual blood? What causes painful and swollen anus after having anal sex? What causes spasms in thigh with the history of hip replacement? Is pregnancy possible while having yeast infection? Can sore throat be caused by lyme disease? How to treat clogged and muffled ear? What causes painful bump on side of torso beneath the armpit? What causes fatigue, muscle weakness, anxiety and light sensitivity? What causes frequent heartburn and black color vomiting during pregnancy? How to treat recurring fever in a baby? How to calculate ovulation date? My left upper back teeth are hurting as well as How to reduce pain in neck and shoulder? What causes fainting during urination? What is the healing period to start excercise post umbilical hernia surgery? I have been getting my hair bleached for 10+ years hi , I am checking to see how I can Does excessive use of Polysporin cause eye floaters? What causes coughing, sweating, tiredness and joint aches with history of pneumonia? What causes bruises on leg and arm along with pain in buttocks? What causes burning sensation while urinating along with white string in urine? What causes taste of blood in throat along with fluttering feeling in chest? Why am I getting numbness around the ear and blurred vision after magnetic resonance angiography? Does Tramadol increase concentration? How to improve sperm count? How to treat testicle pain and water discharge from penis during erection? How to treat muscle cramping post hip fracture surgery? What causes abdominal pain and fever in a kid? What does this blood test report mean? What causes iron deficiency anemia? How to treat hydrocele? What is the recommended treatment for this MRI result? What causes delayed period, tiredness, heartburn and nausea while HPT is negative? What causes prolonged vaginal bleeding while on Depo shot? Is it safe to have sex during pregnancy? What causes burning sensation in lower back along with muscle tightening in abdomen? What causes blisters on feet when diagnosed with mycosis fungoides? What causes dry fingers and frequent urination while on Paxil for anxiety? What causes swollen and painful ankle with history of surgery on leg fibula? What causes constipation when diagnosed with hernia in belly? I seem to have chronic constipation. My doctor prescribed Amitiza Does kidney problem elevate blood pressure? What causes headaches, tiredness and felling of having swollen rib cage? What causes lack of energy and lower back pain? What causes stomach pain and dizziness? What causes water passing from vagina post surgical abortion? What causes pain in pelvic and thigh joints while having fibroid tumors? What causes greenish brown color stools? What causes red itchy sores on inner thighs, wrist and bicep? I recently had a hernia repair using mesh!! According to I ate cornchips last night around 1030 pm. Woke at What causes hard testicle and lower back pain after an injury? How to speed up hair growth? What leads to stomach cramps in men? What causes itching sensation and inflammation on left top of foot? I have a brain tumor that we just been watching Does Plan-B delay the second period? I had a septoplasty on May 28th. Went for the How can one cure intracranial aneurysm? How to get rid of dry crusty white patch on knee? What causes brown blood clots from vagina after having non-penetrative sex? What causes pain in upper middle of stomach and loose stools? How to treat kid passing stools frequently? I had clamps put on my tubes after havin my What causes small white lump on gums after pre molar tooth extraction? How to treat headache while on medication for rheumatoid arthritis? What causes headaches, lack of energy and pulsating pain above navel? What causes burning sensation in vagina after having protected sex? I have a late teen who has been struggling with What causes gush of blood from vagina after taking Plan-B? How to reduce soreness inside the nostrils? What causes stomach sickness and loose stools? What causes sudden disorientation of mind along with fatigue? Hi, My son is 29 years old, heterosexual and as Under a lot of stress got high blood pressure feeling What causes headaches, bump on side of head and pain in neck? Is it normal for 19-week fetus to have both CPCs and EIFs? Hello, I am a 43 year old healthy female. I What causes pain in and above elbow? What causes pain above belly button? How to treat painful and swollen hands and wrists? What does this ultrasound report indicate? What causes body pain and heavy-headedness after taking Thyronorm for hypothyroidism? How to treat fever in a kid? What causes fever along with soreness and white dots on throat? Suggest treatment for severe anxiety in a person What causes numbness all over the body? How to treat sore throat? What causes hard lump inside the penis while having human papillomavirus? Bad stomach/ funny stool? I had gastric flu 2 weeks Hi, my son recently passed away and I was told How to treat pain in feet inspite of using Chymoral and Salicylic acid for infection? Suggest treatment for severe leg cramps and pain What causes green and gray color diarrhea? Suggest treatment for fatigue, palpitations and weight loss How to treat sore throat and dry coughing? What causes strong odor from the back of throat? Is venous angioma dangerous? I need a doctor who specializes in scleroderma only. my How to treat lung infection in a COPD patient having pacemaker? What causes heavy, painful and swollen leg while bending the knee? What causes headache, stiff neck and sensitive scalp? How to control SGPT level in blood? i had sex with my girlfriend on 11 jun 15. What causes excessive sweating, tiredness and flu symptoms? What causes swelling in leg? Is Ovabless tablet helpful to conceive? Suggest remedy for stomach gurgling with diarrhea and abdominal infection What causes wet skin excretion from vagina? What causes severe pain while urinating with bleeding? What causes itching and mild pain with swelling in breast? I had rk surgery years ago, around 15 years ago What causes extreme fatigue in 68 years old? What causes heaviness in head and rotating feeling? Suggest treatment for pressure sensation on chest Suggest remedy for bed-wetting in 30 year old What causes lower right side stomach pain? What causes swelling in one side of neck? Suggest remedy for lips dryness and cracks after tooth extraction What causes sharp painful bump at shoulder after injury? What causes dizziness and blurred vision with BP 133/88? Is cramping normal after intercourse? Suggest remedy to remove candy from lungs Suggest medication for pain relief after sinus surgery What causes weird bubbling in chest? What causes cracking, color changes and dryness under nails? What causes yellow puss discharge from jaw area near to stitch? Suggest treatment for pimples and pigmentation on face What causes cramping before periods? What causes pain and bruise in tail bone due to falling? Suggest remedy for depression I have been using this med. for a long period Suggest treatment for less sperm count in men Is Regestrone effective for abortion? Can putting strain on the neck cause pain behind the ear? What causes recurring pneumonia in cancer patient? Suggest treatment for re-occurring diarrhea What causes black/ dark brown bowel movement? I just had a perirectal abscess drained 2 days ago. Suggest remedy for swelling,numbness and tingling in hand Suggest remedy to avoid pregnancy after unprotected sex Suggest treatment for red swollen area on arm after bitten by a bug Can smoking marijuana two days prior to drug test cause a positive result? What causes swelling and pus at the site of BCG vaccination shot? What causes red areas on wrists and rash with bumps at elbow? 63 F, about 5'7 160lbs. Vitals taken laying down; BP: What are the risk factors for pregnancy after my tumor surgery? Will tobacco usage cause any problem to brain or mind? What causes shimmering in vision? What causes pressure or fullness in abdominal area? What causes pain in testicles after hitting? Suggest remedy for lump in armpit Suggest medication to increase the height What causes sharp pain in chest? What causes fluid on the side of knee? had unprotected sex on 11th of April as par my What causes white/purple lump in throat with enlarged gland? Suggest remedy for welts along the side of nose Suggest remedy for pain in neck with muscle tightness Could heart problem in new born be an effect of mother s dog bite? Suggest remedy for weight loss in 19 months old What causes painful pinch while urinating in the morning? What causes delayed periods after abortion? What causes severe chills, shaking and lower back pain? What causes pain after urination? Is Lupi-FSH 150 injection helpful to conceive? Suggest suitable medication for acne on face Suggest foods of low calorie to loss weight Can i use ensure powder to gain weight? Suggest medication for erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation when i breath i get crackly sound in my chest What causes dark brown urine with strong odor? Is it good to take HCG injections during pregnancy? What causes shortness of breath while talking? Is the masturbation harmful as i have back pain? Is it possible to increase height after the age of 23? What causes burning sensation while urination after intercourse? Is the brown color discharge due to pregnancy? Hi... I have hyperadrenergic POTS and now my 35 yr Suggest remedy for red and itchy anus area I have a girl in my special ed program that What does this ultrasound report indicate? What causes hand pain with painful boils? Hi, Doctor I am 52 year old well built ,5'8 Should i worry about the pregnancy as i have delayed periods with cramping? What causes rash around mouth of my daughter? Suggest treatment for paralysis MY BROTHER IN LAW SUFFERED A MILD STROKE ON 6TH What do these below lab reports indicate? What causes redness in the eyes in a patient with Type 2 diabetes? What causes accidental ingestion of Candid-V1 by toddlers? Does having unprotected anal sex automatically lead to HIV? What are the side effects of Vitamin D drops for infants? Hello doctor I am sumi Last building date April 5 What does this MRI report indicate? What causes weight gain after taking Betacap TR 40, Nexito and Clonafit? What causes hip pain after running? What causes constant dizziness and ringing in ears? Suggest exact dosage of Candid V-6 pills Suggest treatment for high fever in infants Suggest treatment for sinus infection Hi my name is Eve, I am 45 years old, What causes a hard lump on tailbone? What causes dryness and tickling in the throat with constant clearing throat? Can medications help to improve cardiac ejection fraction? What causes sudden visible veins all over body? Suggest treatment for erectile dysfunction Can Postinor prevent pregnancy? Suggest treatment for hair fall What causes itchy red bumps while recovering from scabies? Suggest treatment for Cipralex induced insomnia What causes excessively bruised and itchy legs? If a girl have sex with a boy for the What are the symptoms of chickenpox? I don't know what to do anymore because I'm constantly What causes swollen clitoris after masturbation? What causes excessive blood clotting? Suggest treatment for pain in chest and leg What causes a metallic taste in the mouth after taking Clindamycin? Hi dr. I was 5.6 in height and 103 kg I had a hip replacement about 8 weeks ago. I What causes delayed period after having sex? When can I try for pregnancy after a medical abortion? its almost 9 days now that i received a blow Does Eltroxin cause weight loss? Hello, i take rigevidon as my contraceptive pill.i finished my What causes lumps near to anus and vagina? Suggest treatment to repair shrinked food pipe What causes swollen and painful labia along with painful sex? I took a rapid HIV test yesterday and it determined Suggest remedy for pain and red color in upper palate after teeth removal I am writing you about my health issue I have What causes wound on leg due to itching? Will my bleeding stop if i stop taking Duphaston? What causes dizziness, focusing difficulty and chest tightening? Suggest remedy for decreasing sexual desire Suggest remedy for a fair skin Is the intestine TB curable? What causes itchy dry rash after flight journey? Suggest permanent treatment for Golfer s Elbow How long will the abortion pill stay in body? What causes itchy sensation on testicles and penis after using KY jelly lubricant? Good day .. My name is Michelle aged 45, mother What causes delayed periods with negative pregnancy test result? Why does pregnancy test result show positive even after taking abortion kit? What is the success rate of pregnancy for IUI? What does this ultrasound report mean? What causes painful urination and urge to urinate from clitoris? What causes pain in calf area while having lumbar problems and lipoma? How to treat red and sore throat? How to treat uneven skin tone and dark patch on forehead? What causes red rash on penis head after taking antibiotics for tooth abscess? What causes itchy and dry rash on upper leg and back? How to treat headache and tiredness while addicted to manikchand? Hello, I am a 23 almost 24 year old female, My 2 and a half year old has just chewed How can I induce regular periods and a proper menstruation cycle when I am experiencing delayed and irregular menstruation? Do dizziness and nausea indicate anemia? Does having high temperature affect fertility? Suggest medicine and dosage for vertigo Does Q gold increase sperm count? What causes tightness behind the head with losing balance? Can a sertraline Tablet still be lodged in my windpipe Does Liv-52 reduce bilirubin level? What causes early periods along with clotting? What causes traces of blood while cleaning tongue? Hi, I have always had very tight foreskin and used What causes lump at the end of back? What does this urinalysis report mean? What causes heart pain and palpitations while exercising? hii i have a question i smoked pot almost my How to treat constipation? How to prevent cancer in a smoker? What does this widal test report indicate? Suggest medication for green color diarrhea Hi 46 year old female. Teaches Zumba 5x week, walking How to treat painful and itchy rashes on skin? What causes painful and swollen neck after having upper respiratory infection? What causes shivering in left leg with hand pain? What causes sore throat and black string on the bottom of throat? What causes snoring while sleeping after taking medication for walking pneumonia? What causes urge to pass bowels after urinating? What causes nausea and smelly stool when diagnosed with Proctalgia fugax? Suggest remedy to control the increase of blood test parameters What causes lower back pain and tender breasts while on Duphaston? What causes delayed period, yellowish vaginal discharge and vaginal spotting after having sex? What causes delayed periods even after taking Susten? I am a 29yr old female a single mother of What does this HPT test result indicate? Suggest medication to terminate pregnancy Suggest remedy for chronic itching of testicles Are smell in nose and blood in stool related? What does this pap smear finding indicate? Recently I underwent Health check. My blood Lipid Test: Cholesterol What causes a painless hard lump on the foot? What causes delayed period while urine and blood test is negative for pregnancy? What causes ache and numb sensation in left leg radiating towards right leg? What causes headache, sore cheekbones, dizziness and blurred vision? How to treat itchiness all over the body after using epilator? Suggest remedy for constipation and hard motion due to IBS How to treat vomiting, sickness, coughing and headache? How to reduce swelling in foot? Hi, i have a prolactinoma. I suffered an apoplexy a What causes swelling in ankle upon walking post injury? How to increase height? What causes pain in shoulder radiating towards arm and collarbone? What causes fluttering and popping in legs and arms along with heartburn? What causes constant swelling and burning in tongue while suffering from halitosis? Suggest ways to prevent pregnancy after sex When my period start date is near, I have to Suggest treatment for elevated creatinine level What precautions needs to be taken when recovering from typhoid fever? What causes swollen and itchy vein along the crease of buttocks? What causes heat inside body? What causes white vaginal discharge with blood streaks a week after taking an emergency contraceptive? What causes heavy bleeding while on birth control pills and not on the placebo pills? Suggest treatment for sores on labia minora What causes painful jaw? Suggest remedy for swelling on cheek post injury Suggest remedy to get a fair glowing skin without side effects How to use medley clear kit? What causes lower abdominal pain and reddish orange vaginal discharge after having sex? What causes sore throat, swollen glands and painful tongue? How to increase weight without any side effect? Sir, I having gaath near my ear and my side Suggest treatment for extreme odour from feet What does this MRI report mean? What causes tingling and burning sensation in penis after having unprotected sex? Is delaying period for a month safe post pilonidal sinus surgery? What causes black colored stools while on chemotherapy and iron tablets? I am 67 years old male and is having no Suggest remedy for pain in neck and lower abdomen when suffering from food poisoning Does Clonate lotion help to regain hair? Could the bump with pain on foot be due to fracture? hi Doctor I am Debraj.plz tell me Momate skin cream How to treat upper abdominal pain, headache and memory loss? Hi I'm 21 I went to the doctor bout a Hi, on June 1st (2015) i had blood drawn for What causes pain in rib cage and chest after waking up? How to stop habit of eating slate pencil? What causes lump on the labia in a virgin? Suggest permanent treatment for white pigmentation on lip corners What causes lump in armpit? What causes rash all over the body, chest tightness and dry cough? My boyfriend and I were fooling around and his penis I am 1 month post op L4 L5 Discectomy/Laminotomy, would What causes vaginal bleeding along with passing blood clot during pregnancy? Can Lisinopril and Statin cause low testosterone level? Does stomach cramping after having sex indicate sign of pregnancy? How to confirm pregnancy? Hello mam, I have history of two miscarriages. Now I What causes frequent vomiting in a kid? Hello, I have a mass on left scapula since Feb'15. What causes nausea and sickness after having HIDA scan? What causes delayed period post miscarriage while HPT is negative? Can Oilatum Lotion be replaced by Moyzen lotion for dry skin? What causes sickness, headaches, cough, nausea and dizziness? Suggest remedy for infertility due to PCOS and hyperthyroidism What causes feeling of having bubbles in heart while on Beta blocker? My mum had a pleuradesis with talc a year ago What causes itchy red rash in shoulder? Suggest treatment to combat drug addiction How to reduce bilirubin level in blood while suffering from jaundice? What causes delayed growth in breasts post puberty? Dear Doctor, I vaccinated my son (3 years old) with What causes blood filled lump under armpit? What causes stomach pain while on Monocef injection for typhoid? I am currently classified as morbidly obese, I currently take What causes prolonged menstrual bleeding after taking Levonelle? Hi, I need some answers, the month of May I What causes fluid filled blisters under armpit? Hi Dr Andrew, My friend had a upper wisdom tooth Can the lower back pain be cured by medicines or exercises? How to get rid of dark skin and scars on forehead? What causes heat inside the body along with burning sensation in hands? What causes stomach pain followed by excessive saliva from mouth? My boyfriend got scabies from his miniature pet pig and What do traces of protein in urine indicate? What causes intermittent dizziness? What causes swollen tonsils and fever after having unprotected oral sex? Actually, i have a lot of back pain,due to a What causes painless lumps inside the anus and under foreskin? I've been a smoker for 30 years and approx 4 What are the precautions to be taken when married to blood relative? My 22-year old son has had a swollen lymph node Does non-penetrative sex cause pregnancy? Ok I have been sick with my nodes in my I have a friend from work who has had the How to control serum creatinine while suffering from kidney disease? Do Chrominac-A and Cycloreg help to get pregnant when diagnosed with PCOD? How to treat painful defaecation with blood and mucus? How to regulate parathyroid hormone and calcium levels in a kid? What causes bloating with nausea and shortness of breath? Hi Doctor, i had my last period on May 6th What causes tingling sensation and blister on penis? What causes red rash on the bottom of feet? What causes missed period while on Ovabless and Duphaston? What does this biopsy report indicate? Suggest treatment for fever and cough Sir,i am a primary amnorrhea patient...i am 28years old and hello doctor i am 22 years old male my concern Is Co-aleva effective for painful joints? Hi i went to the doctor to get the results I had C 4,5 +6 replaced March 16, 2015. I Is it safe to take Cipcal-500 daily? Hi my K is 5.9 it was 5.4 for the My husband had a ruptured disk L4 L5 three years What causes sticky and loose stools in a kid? What causes pain beneath the lower left breast? When can I expect periods after taking Primolut-N? I am a 66 year old female with chronic diarrhea What causes cough, fever, runny nose, stomach upset and dizziness? What does this colonoscopy result mean? What causes pain and redness around penis? male/43/185 lbs/active lifestyle/; I have had an external hemorrhoid for How to reduce anal irritation with the history of anal fistula? What causes dry cough, watery eyes, runny nose and tickling in throat? My son age 44 says he can't get a deep How to reduce swelling and discoloration around index finger joint? What does this ultrasound report indicate? I had my physical last week and asked for a Hi, My son,3.6 Yrs , last night had fever 49.0, What are the side effects of changing formula from NAN PRO to NAN? hi. i have a 5 yr old poodle mix dog. Suggest remedy for penetration problem due to hymen What causes frequent urge to urinate in a kid? hello,my mother is 53 by age,has thyroid and primery level I suffer from severe hidradenitis suppurativa that has led to How to clear pot from the body during pregnancy? What causes bruised stomach, bruised liver, numb legs and dizziness after an injury? Can I be pregnant even if there was no intercourse? How to remove stone present in the urethra? What causes lump with itching in anus? Is the low blood count due to the side effect of Valproate? What causes white clots with blood clots at the end of period cycle? Suggest remedy for gastric issues after taking Thyronorm and during fasting How to treat skin redness and rashes? Suggest remedy for sore throat with white patches on tonsil What causes pain in right jaw radiating into neck? What causes dry white spot on the upper lip? What causes edema like body swelling post radical nephrectomy? What causes painful dent with clear bubble in gums after wisdom tooth removal? What causes positive UPT despite of vaginal bleeding after taking Mifepristone? What causes severe testicle pain? Does taking E P Forte lead to stomach pain and headache during abortion? What causes light brown color circles under breast? Could the pain and tiredness in legs be due to PAD? What causes high heartbeat rate and heavy breathing? What does this hysterosalpingosonography report mean? What causes stabbing pain in left knee? Suggest remedy for the rash with burning sensation near to anal area Could elevated liver enzymes be due to fatty liver? What causes pain in wrist with scab on that area? What leads to sleeplessness and hallucinations after taking Ambien? What causes chronic pain in back of head, neck and spine? Suggest remedy for pain and bruise in fractured ankle What causes painless small lumps on both labia? Can the progesterone level really detect pregnancy? What cause sleeplessness with heat sensation from top of head to body? Suggest remedy for dark color in face and neck What causes pain in lower back after a popping sound? What are the side effects of taking Primolut during conception? What causes pain in stomach and back with diarrhea? What causes erectile dysfunction and headache after taking Force 50 mg? What causes painful spasms under right breast and burning sensation in upper back? Can Pediasure cause abdominal cramps? What causes lightheadedness and chest pain with the history of anorexia? Hi. It has been 3 days that i took a What causes stiff neck with cracking sound upon rotating? Is traveling to low oxygen level area restricted post Trabeculectomy ? What causes soreness and bleeding on gums after having braces inserted? How to induce periods? I missed four days of my birth control I have I have a question about my blood pressure. I'm 46, How to treat fever in a kid? What does this CT report mean? Suggest medication for throat pain I have had an ovary removed tube and cyst removed. How to get rid of white facial hair, beard and mustache? What causes swelling of lips? What causes chronic lower abdominal pain? How to stop prolonged menstrual bleeding? Hello so I noticed when i was laughing that it I am a 20-year-old college softball player and I had How to remove fluid in feet and legs while having diabetes and BP? What causes drowsiness and low sugar level after taking Normaxin for diarrhea? How to treat severe stomach pain and fatigue while suffering from hernia? What causes itching all over the body? What causes spotting during pregnancy post intercourse? My husband and I have been having sex problems. I What causes bruised leg and swollen bone above ankle? How to reduce pain and swelling in arm and center of back? What causes redness of legs after doing physical activity? What causes left sided shoulder and chest pain post implantation of cardic pacemaker? What causes black specks in urine along with lower abdominal pain? What causes pain under chest, breast and ribs after an injury? Hi, I was wondering a few days ago I had How to induce periods? What causes numbness in feet along with muscle tear sensation in thigh? What causes brownish vaginal discharge and abdominal cramping while on birth control? What causes nausea, nipple pain, vaginal pain and abdominal pressure? How to treat swollen and throbbing bump on the top of mouth? How to prepone periods? Hi, i am currently on antihistamines for ultucaria which i What causes bruises on thighs, sleeping difficulty, fatigue, dizziness and nausea? Does antihistamines interact with Naproxen? Is Benadryl intake safe post a mild concussion? AP, oblique, lateral view of the right foot demonstratesDJD the How to regularise delayed menstrual cycle? How to regrow hair? What causes vaginal spotting and abdominal cramping during early pregnancy? What causes painful lump on shin after an injury? What causes burping a beer taste post gallbladder removal? Is chemotherapy recommended post surgery for complete removal of cancerous ployps? What causes dizziness, fullness in ear and twitching in eye after an injury? Hi, am pregnant 24w7d, yesterday I had scan to check How to treat abnormal Iron and B12 levels in body? i feel upset all the time. fever at night. legs What causes increased libido after taking Adderall? HI..I am 25 yrs old n I have dissociative disorder What causes pain on right side of the body? Does Cannabis oil affect the platelet count of a brain cancer patient? Hi, I am 30 yr old, married. I was on Suggest remedy for chronic rectal itching What causes recurring blurring of vision in one eye? What causes chronic headache with teeth sensitivity? Suggest remedy for elevated blood pressure Suggest remedy for a blister on penis What causes runny nose and soreness with big blisters in nose? Does Shatavari himalaya help to regularize periods when diagnosed with PCOD? What causes hard lump at the upper thigh and pelvis crease? Dear Doctor Keerthl, What is the best position for maxillary I have pneumonia and type 2 diabetes. I saw my What causes frequent urination, weight gain and fatigue while on Atacand? Dicyclomine10 MG Chlord/Clidi5-2.5m I take both medications 2x daily and I had strep throat a few weeks ago that went Hello I wanted to know if it is possibly for How long does Levofloxacin stay in the system? Could frequent urination be related to h.pylori? I have a several enlarged lymph nodes in my neck Hi, I have had pain on my left side (kidney) Hello, I have a specific question regarding my fingernails. I Hi, my spouse was 30 years old and she started Hi, I've had three stents and a drug eluding balloon Is Amoxicillin along with Tamsulosin advisable for a person with heart disease? How to reduce fluid in legs and stomach while suffering from congestive heart failure? Is swollen eye a side effect of Neomycin or Acyclovir? I have had episodes of sleep paralysis for about 40+ How to treat nausea, stomach pain, vomiting and fluctuating white blood count? What causes light periods and positive HPT? Hello doctor i had zen retard 200 tablet for 2 What causes yellow vaginal discharge and pelvic pressure during pregnancy? What causes vaginal bleeding every time while masturbating? My son is a type 1 diabetic and now has How to induce and regularize periods? Hello. I have been on my period for 8 days Hi I have these attacks where there are stabbing pains What type of treatment is recommended for this MRI result during pregnancy? I was typing on my computer at work and suddenly What are the effects of take Dolo during early pregnancy? What causes heat in legs and numbness in foot? Suggest treatment for exhaustion, weakness and hot flashes What causes yellowish diarrhea and lower back pain after recovering from diverticulitis? What causes painful bump on buttocks? Hi, I had dengue 2 years from the VI. Never The tendons are slipping over the knuckles on both hands How to have safe abortion while suffering from anxiety and constipation? I slipped & fell backwards, hit the back of my I had dengue from VI 2 years ago. I have i have recently just had a blood test and my Is catheter and valve surgery advisable for aortic stenosis? What causes dizziness, stomach upset, fatigue and lower back pain? How to reduce pain and swelling in knee? What causes redness on cheeks after undergoing cataract surgery? What causes severe pain in lower back radiating to the shin and foot? What causes petechiae all over ankle after undergoing ankle surgery? What causes pain in perineum area in men? Is it safe to take Dulera for sore throat and blisters on tongue? What causes black eye and bruising in forehead in a diabetic? What causes kaleiscopic vision in peripheral vision? What causes left sided abdominal and back pain post food intake? What causes raised blisters on upper arm? Could severe pain in lower ribs and back be due to spasms in pancreas? Suggest treatment for recurring liver abscesses What causes cramping around uterus after having unprotected sex? What causes fainting, dark circles under eyes and back pain? Suggest treatment for bronchitis and hearing loss Suggest treatment for chlamydia during pregnancy What causes red lumps at the back of throat along with severe pain? How to get rid of white hair on chest, hand and leg? What causes rapid gain in weight along with slow digestion process? What causes recurring bumps on neck, back, chest and face? I have these episodes that I stand up and it What causes the feeling of discomfort in ear while swallowing food? What does this OCT test result indicate? Suggest treatment for pain in lower abdomen and constipation Is it safe to take Prednisone for intense rashes all over body? What causes red mark on the bridge of nose? What causes tiredness, muscle weakness and painful thigh? What causes recurring rash on arms, legs and buttocks? What causes sharp pain on the ball of foot along with formation of callus? What causes frequent dizziness while taking Hydrocodone? Suggest treatment for light headedness and lethargy Suggest treatment for stabbing pain in throat What causes grayish color clot during periods? Hi, I am am having frequent urges to urinate but How to treat black discoloration under nail along with numbness at tip? What causes swollen tonsils along with white spots? What causes bowel irritation after undergoing colonoscopy? How to treat reddish area near the top of toenail bed? Could two pills of Omeprazole delayed release per day advisable? What causes constant pain in larynx area of throat? Suggest treatment for high fever after vaginal hysterectomy What causes heart arrhythmia during masturbation? What causes vomiting, nausea, headache, fever and sore throat? How to reduce itching sensation on penis? What causes blurred vision, painful ears and constant headaches? Does unprotected intercourse during menstruation prevent one from getting pregnant? What causes swollen tonsils along with red marks on it? Is Kenalog injection right treatment for allergic reaction for Gabapentin? How long does tetrahydrocannabinol stay in the placenta? What does this ultrasound report indicate? What causes nose bleeds on sneezing in a person with heart disease? What causes irregular periods,nausea and excess sleep? Suggest treatment for UTI leading to burning sensation in vagina How to determine pregnancy length? Suggest treatment for diarrhea and frequent bowel movement in infant Suggest treatment for red insect bitten area on groin What causes severe left underarm pain, tightened shoulder blade and gas reflux? What causes headache, abdominal pain and palpitations? What causes passing of black specks in stool? What causes unusual stomach cramps, headaches, dizziness and lightheadedness? What causes abdominal pain and bloating with history of liver enlargement? What does a painless twitching sensation on the chest indicate? Suggest treatment for persistent diarrhea and lower abdominal pain Suggest treatment for dull pain on the hips Suggest treatment for itching stinging sunburn on arms What causes heart palpitations and tiredness? Suggest remedy for a sore bump on head after injury What causes stiffness in hand and feet along with frequent urination after taking Plan B? What causes spotting when on Trinessa birth control pills? Suggest treatment for severe ear pain and high sensitivity to noise What causes irregular periods after having unsafe sex? How to treat diverticulitis in colon while suffering from pyloric stenosis? What causes fatigue while taking Atenolol along with Pravachol and Mucinex? Could extreme fatigue with delayed periods indicate pregnancy? Suggest treatment for pain in ear and surrounding areas What causes swollen forehead and nose bridge, sunburns on scalp and hairline? What causes upper left abdominal pain extending to back? What causes watery eyes and runny nose whenever one enters water? What causes large red spots on legs along with sore throat? Suggest treatment for several insect bites on arms and legs What causes vertigo, lump on right eye and black eye after falling? Suggest treatment for fever, heart rate of 168 and sore throat What causes swelling in forehead and nose post exposure to sun? Suggest remedy for pain and swelling after partial hysterectomy What causes foul smelling navel after a laparoscopy? Could severe pain in abdomen be due to hernia around the navel? Suggest remedy for burning eyes and insomnia What causes itchy inflamed scalp and rapid hair loss? Suggest ways to wean off Wellbutrin and Citalopram Suggest remedy for anemia during pregnancy What causes low heart beat post implantation of stent? Suggest treatment for pain behind the eye and back pains Suggest treatment for pain in upper abdominal area What causes numbness in a toe post ankle injury? Suggest remedy for swelling in lower leg post exposure to sun Suggest ways to wean off antihistamines while dealing with severe allergic reactions Suggest treatment for lump and severe bruising and swelling on leg after injury Can intake of Levonelle post unprotected sex prevent pregnancy? Can a damaged Implanon implant be still effective? Suggest remedy for testicular lumps Suggest treatment for ventricular tachycardia when on BP medication What causes bald spot with bump on scalp? Suggest medication for on and off stomachaches What causes dizziness, imbalance, watery eyes and puffiness under eyes? What causes recurrent withdrawal bleeding and brown discharge after discontinuing Nexplanon? What does this stress echo test finding indicate? Suggest treatment for throat, ear and sinus infection including terrible headaches Why am not able to focus on real-life far away objects? Are there any side effects for Testosterone cream? Suggest remedy for chronic neck pain and lump on sternum What are the side effects of taking Synthesis by mistake? Suggest treatment for throat infection, headache and clear yellow fluid from nose What causes pain and pressure in lower back extending towards groin and thighs? What causes light pink patches under my eyes? What causes severe pain behind head while coughing? Suggest treatment for dryness on tongue when taking Wellbutrin Suggest treatment for swelling and pain in arms Suggest ways to cut down on Amitriptyline and Tramadol What causes chronic fatigue, frequent urination and nausea? Suggest treatment for mosquito bite turned blisters on feet and legs What leads to shortness of breath while suffering from leukemia? What causes soft bulge and reddish bruise on ankle after workout? What causes tiredness, breathlessness and weight loss? Can mild hernia of groin cause recurring abdominal pains? What causes raw irritated patches on gums, palate and frenulum of tongue? Suggest treatment for swelling on the legs post recovery from chikungunya Suggest remedy for prolonged dizziness while on medication for racing heart and high BP Suggest remedy for persistent nose block What causes inexplicable weight gain in child? Suggest treatment for dent on forehead post injury Suggest treatment for joint pain and swelling on feet What causes left-sided rib cage pain, chills, night sweats and weight loss? Should i be concerned about the bloody mucus from rectum? Suggest treatment for lower back and buttocks pain when suffering from UTI What causes severe hair loss after child birth? I have been recently told by my Physicians Assistant that Suggest treatment for itchy throat and severe cough Suggest treatment for POTS in child What causes tingling on face and itchy feet? What causes consistent productive cough and burning feeling in stomach? What causes gradual loss of voice in infant? Suggest treatment for candida yeast infection, redness dryness and sores What causes an infant to refuse solid food? Is chest pain a symptom of panic attacks? What causes warm feeling and discomfort in chest? So a while back I was hiking and a prickly Suggest treatment for fever and diarrhea in child Suggest treatment for depression and anxiety How do I stimulate my clitoris to make myself orgasm? What causes ear pain, dizziness, blurry right eye and a bump above it? Suggest treatment for painful swollen elbow after injury Suggest remedy for vomiting and severe diarrhea after taking laxatives Is pregnancy possible through intercourse a week after getting Depo-Provera shot? What causes a lump inside vaginal wall? Does a missed period after unprotected sex always mean pregnancy? Suggest treatment for a wet cough What does this CAT scan report indicate? What causes severely itchy rashes on lower legs, underarms, breasts and shoulders? Is kidney disease possible when on antibiotics for Prostatitis? Suggest treatment for sore hernia above navel and diarrhea Suggest treatment for joints pain and swelling after mosquito bite What causes weight gain and mood swings after switching to Levest from Microgynon? Is a persistent bruise on buttocks a cause for concern? How to treat hydrocephalus? What does the following lipid profile result indicate? What causes discomfort and pain in right knee? What could small bubbles and flesh growth in incision area of C section indicate? Suggest treatment for fatty liver, high BP and excess sleep How to reduce itching and burning sensation in vagina? What causes lump underneath the skin of labia majora? Is pregnancy possible through intercourse on second day of menstruation? Does the stent in ureter enlarge on intake of Tamsulosin and Cefixime tablets? What causes bruised feeling in throat along with pain in abdomen and chest? Suggest treatment for pain in the testicles What does this blood report indicate? What causes sharp sudden pain around diaphragm area? Suggest treatment for numbness on buttocks post accident What causes intermittent itching around urethra and burning sensation during urination? What are the chances of pregnancy after taking Morning-after-pill followed by sex? How to treat epilepsy without medicines? What causes sudden and drastic weight gain? Suggest treatment for itchiness between the vagina and anus What causes missed period after withdrawal of Lo loestrin fe? What does my ultrasound scan test report indicate? What are the chances of pregnancy through pre-ejaculatory fluid? What does tissue discharge during 6 weeks of pregnancy suggest? What could dizziness, sore throat and swollen eye with sensitivity to light indicate? What causes tightness in chest, heart palpitations and lightheadedness? How to reduce pain in wrist after an injury? What causes throat pain while swallowing? What causes nausea, pink spotting and bleeding? While in the hospital for about a week, my mother Suggest treatment for C.diff infection, short term memory loss and weight loss What causes recurring itching in nipple? What causes lower abdominal cramping and weight gain after having protected sex? What do these lab reports indicate? What causes delayed period along with pinkish vaginal discharge during urination? What causes recurring fever, chills, stomachaches and vomiting? Suggest treatment for severe pain and bleeding after taking abortion pill What does this ultrasound report indicate? Is tubal ligation reversible? What causes persistent constipation despite taking medications? Suggest antibiotic for sinus infection when diagnosed with IgG2 deficiency and GERD Suggest treatment for dry flaky skin on face Is travel advisable for an infant with floppy larynx? How to treat diarrhea in a kid? How to calculate conception date? What causes slight redness and irritation around clitoris? Hi! I am a 31 year old female, 120 weight Suggest treatment for sore inside lower lip What causes erectile dysfunction? What causes sore and sensitive nipple while HPT is negative? What do drop in PSA levels when suffering from tumor suggest? What causes dark brown vaginal spotting while HPT is negative? What does this CT scan report indicate? I am currently going through norco withdrawals on my own What causes a blister on back of tongue post tonsillectomy? Suggest remedy for bloating and burning sensation in stomach after splenectomy How to treat rosacea? What causes fatigue, blood in urine and frequent urination? Could early menstrual bleeding be implantation or breakthrough bleeding? Suggest treatment for umbilical hernia when diagnosed with psoriasis in injection location Could I be pregnant and when can I take a home test? Does a long gap in intercourse affect menstrual cycle? How to reduce breast pain before having periods? Suggest remedy for stomach ache after colonoscopy What causes chest discomfort and Parkinson s disease with history of strokes and seizures? How to reduce white discoloration and burning sensation in penis shaft? What causes nausea and excessive sweating at night? What causes pain in ankle during bowel movement? What causes migratory joint pain, jaw swelling, muscle and neck stiffness? What causes vaginal spotting before period? Why does urine split into two streams? Suggest treatment for loose stool, headaches and lethargy What causes cold fingers and stiff neck post gallbladder removal surgery? Are DNA changes possible during first trimester of pregnancy? Is it safe to eat the food from melted plastic bowl? Suggest remedy for cough with white discharge and taste of paint in mouth Is prolonged use of Budamate Transhaler advisable? Suggest treatment for numb left arm, anxiety and health anxiety disorder Is unprotected sex after few hours of infusion of Depo shot safe? Suggest treatment for severe hip pain Suggest treatment for rash on the lower back of a child How long menstrual cycle take to regularize post withdrawal from contraceptive shots? What causes bruise in arm from elbow to shoulder? What causes vaginal bleeding while HPT is positive? Suggest treatment for bumps on tongue, swollen tonsils, fingers, calves and ankles What causes pain while passing stools in a patient with anal fissure? What are the effects of taking Norethisterone during early pregnancy? What causes vascular incident diminishing eyesight in Alzheimer s patient? What causes the absence of gestational sac? What causes low energy after treating 100% blockage at back of heart? What causes rash with fever? Suggest treatment for swollen nodule near the jaws Is mild frontal lobe atrophy normal at the age of 51? Suggest remedy for accidental ingestion of cream by a toddler What causes progressive increase in PSA levels? My mom is 84 yrs old was in the hospital What causes pressure and dull pain in chest with breathing difficulty? Suggest treatment for chest pain, headaches and anemia What could frequent floroscent colored urination post intake of dietery supplement indicate? What causes stomach pain after eating and constipation during pregnancy? What causes pain in the inside arch of foot? A couple of days ago I recognized a section in Is it safe to take Neurabol to build muscles? What causes missed period and pregnancy symptoms while HPT is negative? What are the long term side effects of Acupat eye drop? Suggest treatment for diagnosed OCD, unwanted thoughts and mood swings Am i pregnant as there is a slight pregnancy line in test? What type of diet and exercise is recommended for a person with paralysis? Suggest treatment for cyst on the lower buttocks Suggest treatment for throat pain and burning sensation What causes painful cramps and heavy bleeding during menstruation in older adults? What causes fever, dizziness, night sweats, nausea and headaches? Hello. My husband is 49 years old. complaining of extreme How to determine the paternity of the fetus? Why is the Oviduct NC medicine prescribed? What causes pain in the lower abdomen with history of kidney infection? What is the life expectancy in a person suffering with pancreatic cancer? What causes hair loss from eyelashes? What causes rise in heart rate and sleeplessness while suffering from anemia? Does a non-healing, itchy, pus-filled bump on forearm indicate staph infection? Suggest treatment for fever and blisters on lips and mouth of a child What could swollen, stinging lips with itchy bumps around them indicate? Can HIV be contracted through contact with menstrual bleeding? Are Neosporin ointment and Ibugestic plus right medicines for a child post a fall? What causes pain in leg, pelvic joints and stiff calf muscles while walking? Suggest treatment for accidental inhalation of paint fumes Suggest treatment for mucocele in lower lip What causes stabbing pain in upper right side of chest? What causes severe pain in shoulder along with reduced mobility? What causes abdominal pain and painful urination? How to reduce lower back pain? Can intake of Trileptal control increased appetite and weightgain? i have small pimple like red spots - they itch What causes hard lump on face and yellowness in mouth post extraction of tooth? Suggest treatment for swelling on ankle post injury i have varicose vains and since 6 month near to Is flying safe post appendix removal? What causes pain and sensitiveness in testicle? Am i pregnant as two out of three tests were negative? I got all 4 of my wisdom teeth removed 6 What causes negative HPT after a positive HPT? mari shadi ko 3 years ho gae hain or abi What are the side effects of liposuction surgery? How to regularize periods while having nabothian cyst and PCOD? Is Ehlers–Danlos syndrome dangerous? What do bruises and spot son the vagina indicate? Is it safe to take Valtrex for disorinetation of penis? What causes vaginal spotting and back pain during menstrual cycle? Suggest remedy for chronic pimples on face What causes missed period? Suggest remedy for strained muscle How to treat hypothyroidism inspite of taking Thyronorm? Is HIV infection possible through contact with urine of infected person? Does Nutrilite help to increase height and weight in a kid? Suggest remedy for premature grey hairs What causes swelling on left side of jaw along with difficulty in swallowing? What causes severe pain in back and limbs while suffering from lumbar spondylosis? What does this chest x-ray report indicate? Suggest remedy for hard lump in the arm pit post treatment for cellulitis What are the side effects of Postinor 2? What causes pain in jaw and ear while eating? Is pregnancy possible through intercourse during ovulation? How to control hair loss permanently? What are the withdrawal effects of Caltrate? What does an altered sense of smell suggest?
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