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What is the ankle ligament sprain recovery time? What could on and off spotting during periods indicate? What causes light and brown vaginal bleeding? Suggest treatment for abdominal pain and recurring kidney infections Is frequent masturbation safe? Suggest remedy for puffiness around the eye due to increased pollen counts What causes tingling sensation in foot and toes after ankle injury? What could mildly painful knot in the elbow area indicate? Is contact with infant advisable while treating chigger bites with Hydrocortisone cream? What causes prolonged sinus like pressure on head with clogged ears? Is roseola contagious? Can HIV be contracted through protected sexual intercourse? What causes friction burn spot on knee with pain and numbness? Could spotting post unprotected sex indicate pregnancy? What causes burning sensation on wound site after applying Soframycin? What are the side effects from wisdom teeth extraction? What causes high fever, profuse sweating and difficulty in urination? What does minimal T2 signal abnormality suggesting small vessel ischemic change mean? What causes recurring tingling feeling in different parts of body? I live with my boyfriend and his father and the What causes sore throat, fever, pain and swelling in shoulder in children? Is bleeding post loop operation a cause for concern? How to increase breastmilk supply? What causes less forceful ejaculation after taking Avodart? Suggest remedy for abdominal pain, UTI and salty taste in mouth Suggest treatment for black spots on cheeks Suggest remedy for sore throat with swelling and redness causing phelgm in nose Suggest treatment for pain and swelling at the anal opening Suggest treatment for swelling on legs and ankles Can antibiotics be taken along with Primolut N? Is it safe to take Panadol every 4 hours for fever? What does a swollen area shown in ultrasound during pregnancy suggest? What do thick endometrium with multiple follicles in ovaries mean? hi my daughter is having dengue ns1 positive, her age What causes spotting while on Nexplanon implant? What causes blistering one day post liquid nitrogen application? What do the following medical result indicate? Can Novex-Ds be taken for uterine contraction? What does my sonography test report indicate? What causes hoarse voice in a child with sinus infection? What does this CT scan report indicate? Suggest treatment for itchy and inflamed rash at the base of hairline What does this pap smear report indicate? What does presence of mucus in stool of child indicate? What are the repercussions of missing multiple dosage of Amoxicillin? What does the following blood test report indicate? Suggest treatment for swelling on the ankles What causes black tongue in a child? Suggest treatment for severe coughs in a child Is resting heart rate of 80-85 a cause for concern? What causes confusion, hallucinations and aggressive behavior while on Sinemet? Suggest treatment for severe skin rashes after high fever Suggest treatment for febrile convulsion How to treat abdominal pain, weakness and fatigue when diagnosed with hepatomegaly? What does the following blood test report indicate? What causes heart rate fluctuations after weaning off of Atenolol? Suggest treatment for asthma after recovering from viral fever What causes pea-sized lump on the inside of tongue? Suggest treatment for weight gain and swelling on the body What does this ultrasound report indicate? What causes miscarriages when diagnosed with bulky anteverted uterus? Suggest treatment for acute bronchitis What causes watery stool with white floating tissue? Hi there, this morning I drove over a dead dog Suggest treatment for severe muscle pain Suggest treatment for cough and cold Hello po ask kolang po ah ng ka mens po Suggest treatment for painful boils on penis What causes hard small lump on the front of tibia bone? What does this sperm analysis report indicate? What causes severe itching on hands and feet? Does accidental smelling of cockroach hit spray fumes cause side effects during pregnancy? How long does Mucinex stay in the body? Suggest ayurvedic treatment for c5 c6 disk compression Suggest remedy for severe pain in hands and legs while suffering from anxiety What does a red lump on the back of the neck suggest? Can Decadron and Neurobion injections be given for stroke? I am 5 wks 5 days pregnant and I am What is the purpose of using Cansema as a medication? Suggest treatment to increase the skin complexion Is Susten or Duvadilan best for treating uterine fibroids during pregnancy? Is it possible to get pregnant by protected sex despite being on Nordette pill?  Suggest treatment for a hard lump on the labia majora Suggest treatment for severe joint pain Suggest treatment for pain in lower back and knee joint What causes hearing loss post ear surgery? Hi, I have had Fibromyalgia for the last 20 years What causes blood in stool while suffering from amoebiasis? What does this urinalysis report indicate? What causes stinging pain during urination and soreness in penis? Suggest treatment for frequent nose bleeds in a 14 year old boy What is the purpose of Meprate? Hi doctor i am 26 years and hiv+ i have What does this semen analysis report indicate? Suggest treatment for a sore bump on the throat A few weeks ago i went to doctors and they What do the following test reports indicate? What causes heavy snoring in a child with fever? Suggest treatment for severe hair loss What causes numbness, tingling sensation in back and blurred vision after a fall? Suggest treatment for severe headache and vomiting Suggest treatment for swollen hands Hi the other day I kept feeling like there was 17th July I had my last period and then on What causes occasional vaginal spotting and dull headache post abortion? I am 47 years ond. My bloodcounts are as below. What does this semen analysis test result mean? What causes lower back pain and leg numbness while suffering from disc bulge? What does this blood report indicate? Suggest treatment for swelling and pain on the ankles What causes vaginal bleeding with blood clots during 9weeks pregnancy? Suggest treatment for severe pain in the penis and testicle What causes bleeding and itchiness in ear with headache? Is SGPT level of 157 a cause for concern? What does this MRI scan result mean? I'm newly married Penis inserted into my wife vagina I have thorasic outlet syndrome from getting electrocuted by high What causes intense contractions in uterus during 6 weeks of pregnancy? What does this blood report indicate? 6 months pregnant and suddenly woke up to pain and Suggest treatment for burning sensation and pain in the breast What does presence of RBC in urine of a child indicate? What causes loose stools during menstruation after having anti-nausea tablet? Is pregnancy is possible through non-penetrative sexual activity? Suggest treatment for severe nausea How to terminate pregnancy? Suggest treatment for pimple like bumps on the arm Is Valance 500 mg the right medicine for severe headache? Suggest treatment for fever Suggest treatment for high blood pressure What causes sneezing, fever, headache and severe cough? Can a pregnancy test be negative but I still miss my period? Suggest treatment for ADHD impulse control disorder Suggest treatment for itchy bumps on mons pubis What causes pain on the top of hip bone radiating towards buttock? Suggest treatment for severe pain in hip joint, legs and feet Is it safe to take Becadexamin to increase strength of the body? What causes sudden onset of unconsciousness? My husband is addicted to Marijuana/Weed smoking.Recently, we are blessed What causes severe loose stools in a child after taking Clarithromycin? Hello, not sure who is best DR to go to How to terminate pregnancy? How to treat depression and tiredness? What causes recurring rash? After I ran out my bp pills I can't get does a menstrual cycle of just 19 days indicate that What causes pain and tingling sensation on leg post arizona bark scorpion bite? Hello, I am 32 yr old lady, last period commenced Your information is wrong. You are confusing Nexavir, an antiviral Suggest treatment for insomnia and anxiety What causes fluttering sensation in the lower abdominal region? Suggest remedy for knee pain and difficulty to walk Hi! My son has been running a little fever along What does this HVS test result mean? Suggest alternative treatment for PCOS What causes breathlessness while sleeping when diagnosed with pleurisy? Doc my father diagnose for TB , he start taking What causes an unusual odor on body? Suggest treatment for short term memory loss Hi I had sex with my boyfriend a week and my son's epsinophil is 52. normal range is 0-8. it's I hope I have Fibro and I've been on Lyrica, What does this MRI scan result mean? Suggest treatment for severe stomach pain , diarrhea , sore throat and headache Doctor.. I m married for 2 and half years. I I take two 500mg Metformin (extended release) per day. I Hi I used my left arm to push myself up Suggest alternative medication for dandruff I started 37.5 Effexor this morning and it's now 12 How to treat rashes on wrists, hands, arms and neck? Suggest treatment for fungal infection after surgery for phimosis What causes light blood after urination? Suggest treatment for severe scalp allergy and hairloss Suggest treatment for painful second degree burn blister on thumb Suggest treatment for mild bilateral renal parenchymal disease I took cytotec,I am 4wks pregnant,just one tablet broken into Suggest treatment for severe pain in the forehead What causes severe pain and yellow discharge during intercourse after a surgical abortion? Suggest treatment for chest discomfort and tension headaches Suggest treatment for chest pain , acid reflux and severe cough Suggest treatment for severe constipation in a child What causes excessive yawning with inner ear and throat pressure? Could catla fish increase cholesterol? Suggest treatment for a painful lump on the armpit and breast Suggest treatment for severe anxiety disorder Suggest treatment to improve the skin complexion Today is my 19 day of periods n i went Is Primolut n the right medicine to postpone menstruation? hi, i am from India. For past many months i Suggest treatment for weakness in legs and numbness in thighs I currently take the following prescribed medications for depression and What does delayed period along with back pain and sore breasts indicate?  Is radiotherapy necessary post total parotidectomy? Suggest treatment to get rid of severe night sweats Hello Doctor, I am Anurag Kyshap and I am 31. Dear sir, My wife is now 9 weeks pregnant.Dr. advised Do laxatives prevent pregnancy? Suggest treatment for endometrial TB Suggest treatment for lower back pain and burning sensation in the stomach Hi Dr. Rynne, My TSH was normalized by taking 100mg Suggest treatment for rapid heart rate , shortness of breath and pressure in the chest What causes blue colored veins in hand? What does this ultrasonographic exam report mean? On the 50-year-old woman and I've had a partial hysterectomy. doctr i did sex some days ago .....without condom ...but What causes itchy and clear bubble on upper waistline? Suggest treatment for severe itchiness on the neck Hi my son is 4 months now and has a I am mdr pasient regular no treatatment govt.hostpial i am What causes chronic fatigue and nausea? What are the merits and demerits of taking Ovacare and B-long F? Suggest remedy for infected boil on the underarms with foul discharge Of late I have the constant urge to stretch my Is withdrawal from Citalopram advisable? Will medicinal Marijuana alter how the body metabolize dextromorphan or What causes recurring palpitations with left sided shoulder pain? Doctor... When you read up the subject of my query, Could tender breasts along with abdominal cramps and vaginal bleeding be pregnancy? My boyfriend and i were having oral sex via rubbing What causes delayed menstruation with pain in the ovary? What causes pain in left rib area and stomach? What causes persistent discomfort in the chest? I have taken an ecg on a paediatric patient (16 What causes unusual discomfort in body after taking Acitrom? What causes extreme vaginal discharge with sore bumps on vagina? Suggest remedy for nausea,bloating and burning sensation in stomach post food intake Can prolonged rickets damage the kidneys? What are the adverse effects of discontinuing Abilify cold turkey? Are Minoz BPO gel, Acnemoist and Melalite right medications for break out on face? What could pregnancy symptoms with negative result in HPT indicate? Suggest medication for soreness, pain and reddness on buttocks Are stuffy nose, painful forehead and swollen nose post a hit a cause for concern? What causes bitter taste in mouth post intake of antibiotics? What does mild cortical atrophy post clipping surgery for aneurysm suggest? What could missed periods post treatment for UTI and unprotected sex indicate? Can intake of Wysolone, HCQs and Azothioprine during pregnancy harm the baby? What causes heavy vaginal bleeding after having unsafe sex? Is a fall causing swelling in back of neck post a brain bleed a cause for concern? I was taking the .inigynon 30 but I Dont take What causes irregular heartbeat, fatigue, chest pain and fluctuating BP? What causes cramps and popping in body with sharp pain in lower abdomen? What does this blood test report indicate? What are the symptoms of OCD? What does a white piece of skin protruding from urethra suggest? I WAS IN A CAR ACCEDENT THREE WEEKS AGO AND Does masturbation cause mental or physical harm? I have been using women laxative for the past 7 What could light brown spots between the fingers indicate? Suggest remedy for extreme hairfall while on Synthroid and Wellbutrin What does my lab test report indicate? What could recurring painful bump on tailbone indicate? Hello , Actually i am an ENT doctor , my Is it safe to take protein powder by a sportsperson on regular basis? What could severe nosebleed with lightheadedness and numb lip indicate? What does X ray showing bronchitic changes mean? Suggest treatment for extreme constipation causing bleeding during bowel movement What causes severe nosebleeds in children? What causes twitching sensation in limbs after taking Delsym? What causes persistent numbness in left arm? What does this WBC level in blood sample indicate? Suggest treatment for gastritis , lower back pain and stomach pain What causes itchy rashes on the inside of thigh? Suggest treatment for excessive sweating and burning sensation in the vagina Suggest treatment for lower abdominal cramps , stomach bloating and nausea What causes watery stools and indigestion? Suggest itchy dry patches on the face and stomach Suggest itchy spreading rashes on the arms What causes lump on the back of earlobe? My 2 year old son MIGHT have ingested some massage/bath HI, have hashamotos and low cortisol level at 11 in Hi there. I'm on Alyensa 28. I have sex frequently I am a 36 yr old woman. I have 4 My stitches only hurt if I obviously keep touching them, hello doctor good morning. my son age 1 year and Suggest remedy for irregular menstruation What causes right sided numbness in head post injury? I took the wrong week of birth contr pills. I I had spinal surgery in may, i had a fracture What causes a painless soft lump between hip and groin? i have a scab on my hip that i got {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252 {\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset0 ArialMT;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;\red102\green102\blue102;\red255\green255\blue255;} \deftab720 \pard\pardeftab720\partightenfactor0 \f0\fs28 \cf2 \cb3 \expnd0\expndtw0\kerning0 What causes muffled hearing and discharge from right ear? What causes acne,frequent urination and lower back pain? What causes headache in the bottom back of head? So I've forgotten to wear my retainer for a bit My 11 yr old son appears to have a hidden What does delayed period along with stomach pain indicates? What causes hair loss and hormonal changes in body after a miscarriage? What causes recurring heat boils in a diabetic person? What causes popping sound inside body and numbness while suffering from high BP? What causes cough and dizziness? What causes popping sound and vaginal bleeding after having sex? What causes and vomiting after eating? What causes itching sensation and bruise on body? How to treat swelling in brain caused due to a massive stroke? Is keloid an autoimmune disease? What does this urine culture test result indicate? What does this urinalysis test result indicate? What causes persistent breakthrough bleeding while on Jolessa? What causes delay in periods and nausea despite having negative UPT? How to treat eczema inspite of using Hydrocortisone cream? What causes a painful lump on left side of groin? Can stress lead to changes in sperm count and mobility? What causes pain in left collar bone radiating into left arm? How to treat severe joints pain after Meth intake? What causes double vision,headaches and tremors in hands? Suggest treatment for irritable bladder, gastritis and insomnia Sir I live in Tamil Nadu and my age is What causes swelling and burning sensation of lower legs? Suggest remedy for popped dark purple bump on labia Is it safe to use Propysalic ointment for fugal infection? What causes tiredness with ESR of 40? Could bump on leg after injury be a blood clot? What are the side effects of taking Targin? What causes low thyroid level? Can upper back pain, headache and thick phlegm be due to flu? What causes lump below pelvis? Suggest remedy for nagging cough What causes severe hair loss while on testosterone shots? Suggest remedy for abdominal pain and cramping after Mirena insertion What causes pain under knee cap while walking? What causes brown watery discharge with odor? What causes diarrhea,constipation and chest pain? What does this Kidney ultrasound scan result indicate? What causes painful large bump at back of head? What causes prolonged periods and stomach bloating? What causes pain in right flank radiating into waist post colonoscopy? What causes nasal bleeding inspite of taking Mucinex for sinus congestion? What causes excessive hair loss while on Lipitor, Armour Thyroid and Cytomel? Could dark shadow behind wisdom tooth be cancer? What causes swollen left leg and rashes on body after taking Accel clarithromycin? What causes bleeding after taking Duphaston during pregnancy? Suggest remedy for severe earache due to inner infection What causes persistent nausea and vomiting in a patient on peritoneal dialysis? My 35 year old nephew had his first seizure last How to treat sore throat,cough and fever? What causes pain and swelling in salivary glands on left side? Can i apply Flutivate on reddish ring around the inflamed acne area? Suggest non surgical treatments to remove callus Hi, I was on a doctor-guided HCG 500-calorie/day diet for What causes numbness in right leg? Suggest remedy for red itchy blotches along with burning sensation Can twitching of leg muscles be due to Lyrica medicine? What causes little white flat bumps inside right nostril? I recently lost 30 pounds in the last few months What causes bruise and swelling on shin due to hitting? Should i continue taking Deviry as i have stomach pain and gas? What causes painful pus filled recurring cysts on chin, thigh and breast? What causes sore throat, cold and swollen upper lips? What do uterine fibroid and minimal free left adnexal fluid mean? Hi, I saw a urologist two weeks ago who did What causes sharp pain on right side of abdomen,leg and feet? What causes enlarged cyst on shoulder? Suggest remedy for pain and twisted ankle What causes joints pain in hip, knee and ankle? What causes large cyst on tonsil and swollen taste buds? What causes swelling on left side of clitoris? What causes muscle pain in left leg and fatigue while suffering from lupus? Are cholesterol of 305 and average blood pressure of 180/110 normal? What causes cuts on foreskin and red bumps on tip of penis after having intercourse? What causes delay in conception despite having regular menstrual cycle? Suggest permanent remedy for acute constipation Suggest remedy for withdrawal symptoms of Paroxetine What causes vomiting and bowel movement immediately after consuming milk? What causes white blotchy spots on skin? What causes painful lumps around the anus? Is it safe to give Taxim syrup to children suffering from diarrhea? Are these Beta HCG levels normal for a pregnant woman? Is prominent vein on the testis normal? What causes appearance of streaks of light in eye? Can i exceed the dosage of Gravol as i can t bear the vomiting? What causes dull stabbing pain in between the shoulder blades along with muscle cramps? What causes bleeding even after menstruation? Suggest ways to wean off Tylenol What causes irregular periods along with prolonged vaginal spotting? Can Aloe Vera cream be used along with Fluorouracil cream for mild itching on face? What causes pressure in solarplex area, bloating, acid reflux and dizziness? Can Prednisone be used in the treatment of scabies? What causes seizures after taking bee pollen for terrible allergies? What causes rashes throughout body 36 days post aortic valve replacement and CABG? Suggest treatment for persistent bruises while on blood thinners Suggest treatment for soreness and pain on gums What causes lump like discharge along with pus from bump near vagina? Suggest treatment for neck stiffness and pain in arm after injury What does burning sensation during urination suggest? What does heavy vaginal bleeding during 24 weeks of pregnancy suggest? What does an endometrial thickness of 37 mm indicate? What does pain in left abdominal area of an elderly person indicate? What causes jaw pain, body tremors, vomiting and and cloudy urine? What causes intermittent sharp pain in back along with blood stains in mucous? Suggest treatment for severe lower back pain and headaches How long does a person take to walk post surgical repair of protruding tibia? Suggest treatment for extreme pain in knee after injury What does an itching sensation on arm without any rashes suggest? Suggest treatment for constant fatigue in eyes, fever and swollen lymph node What causes itching sensation on hands and wrists post knee replacement surgery? What causes hard lump near jaw after extracting wisdom teeth? How to determine ovulation days for easy conception while on Progesterone? Suggest treatment for high BP in an elderly person What causes brown coloured tongue in a HIV positive person? Could outbreak of rashes along with fever in a toddler be due to Amoxicillin? Is Plan-B necessary to avoid pregnancy while on the patch? What causes fluctuations in the blood sugar levels? Suggest treatment for severe diabetes in an elderly person What causes irregular menstruation, breast pain and PMS symptoms? Could innocent heart murmur in a child be due to weight faltering during pregnancy? Suggest treatment for high fever Can HIV be contracted through oral sex? Could abdominal pain along with burps and nausea be due to salmonella infection? Is bleeding in ear be normal post removal of wax? What causes the urine stream to go sideways post penile implant surgery? Could drainage of pus from the surgical scab be due to infection? What causes bleeding in ears and nose before demise of a person? Will dehydration cause high reading in Liver function test report? What causes heart palpitations and anxiety after drinking alcohol? What causes severe sweating along with hot flushes? What causes pain under lower left rib, flatulence and phlegm in throat? Could dark coloured stools be normal post mucosal resection procedure? Suggest treatment for hard lump inside vaginal opening Does Zoloft cause loose stool? Suggest treatment for bruising and swelling on eye and face after injury Suggest treatment for recurrent hot flashes Suggest treatment for boil on gums near molar teeth Suggest treatment for persistent stomach pain in a child What causes pain and swelling in gums near upper molar teeth? Suggest treatment for scratches in the shin area Suggest treatment for irritation and dryness in eyes after accidentally spraying Dettol Suggest treatment for frequent bouts of A-fib What causes constant bloating, intermittent cramps and foul smelling discharge after intercourse? Suggest medication to pre-pone periods Is pregnancy possible despite taking Plan-B? What causes painful swelling in gland on areola under the nipple? What causes severe pain in arm along with restricted movement? Can Suboxone be taken instead of Hydrocodone while on Pyridostigmine? What causes tightness in upper chest while taking Prilosec for acid reflux? Suggest treatment for severe pain causing sleeplessness Suggest treatment for red spots all over breasts What causes stinging sensation under the penis head along with inflammation? What causes light pink discharge after removing Mirena? Could delayed periods post unprotected sex be sign of pregnancy? What causes persistent pain in lower back? What causes outbreak of rash in pelvic region spreading to chest and back? What do these ultrasound test results specify? What causes swelling on the sides of mouth after eating? What causes sleeplessness? What causes vaginal burning, itching and blood discharge? Suggest treatment for accidental consumption of Ibuprofen by children Two years in a row multiple broken ribs last year Suggest treatment for recurrent UTI Suggest treatment for red swollen rash on arms and bruises all over body What causes painful intercourse and abdominal pain post medical abortion? I'm really worried about having caught chlamydia from a partner. Is random blood sugar value of 145 a cause for concern? Hello I am potential living kidney donor, and I am What does this urinalysis report indicate? Suggest treatment for halitosis What causes bleeding after getting a birth control shot? 2 1/2 weeks ago I hurt my lower leg above What causes intermittent throbbing, dull pain in left outer thigh? What causes numbness in feet and sore back while lying down? What causes delayed menstruation? Suggest treatment for cold, cough and fever in child What causes extreme sensitive behavior when blood sugar is low? What causes foamy urine in men? Can Meftal P be given for fever in a child? What causes atrial fibrillation and high heart rate after leg surgery? What causes extreme bloating and pain below chest after inhaling vaporizer fumes? What causes metallic taste, right-sided sharp abdominal pain, constipation and exhaustion? I am looking for an AACE certified endocroligist located in What causes painful boils on stomach with nausea and fatigue? What causes light headedness, swallowing difficulty with head, arms and hand tremors? What causes vaginal odour? Are diarrhea, vomiting, body aches, chills, and headache symptoms of food poisoning? Can Keytruda help battle recurrent melanoma and tumors on neck? What causes loose stools and stomach ache? Suggest treatment for trichomonas and urinary incontinence Help me please , I had anal with my boyfriend Suggest treatment for sudden swollen vein with severe pain in wrist What causes problems with bowels, abdominal bloating, nausea, dizziness and dry heaving? Suggest treatment for severe eczema and allergy to several foods Suggest treatment for welt at the base of neck Suggest treatment for constipation What causes swollen ankles and cracking sound around feet, knees and arms? I live in Melville sask and would like to know Is pregnancy possible while sexually active during a week after menstruation? What causes sudden swollen, itchy raised rashes in armpits and groin? What causes burning sensation in middle of back, stomach upset and headache? What causes dizziness throughout the day? What causes painful swelling and tightness after a total knee replacement surgery? Suggest treatment for itchy rashes on buttocks and upper thigh What causes missed periods while HPT is negative? What causes itching burning spot on left side of head? What causes swelling on the left side of face with tingling sensation? What causes blurred vision and eye pain while suffering from stomach virus? What causes lump in neck? What causes sharp pain under right shoulder blade while stretching with hands? What causes itching in upper part of mouth, blocked nose and cough? Suggest alternative medication for Avamys Suggest treatment for inflamed swollen colon, constant diarrhea and blood in stool Suggest treatment for post-nasal drip, runny nose, lightheadedness and mild sinus headaches What causes slight vaginal bleeding and breast tenderness? What causes persistent itchy bumps on skin despite taking medication? Is varying hemoglobin levels during recovery after treating lesions near stomach normal? What causes illness after taking Lisinopril HCTZ? What causes delayed periods postpartum? What causes short temper, constant agitated behavior and prolonged heavy menstruation? How can stomach pain, nausea and diarrhea be treated? What causes bumps in stretch marks after taking birth control pills? what does an infected sweat gland look like by a Hi, I just went to the doctor for a infection Suggest treatment for wrist pain Suggest treatment for bruised swollen eye Suggest treatment for pain in vagina, back and legs What causes severe pain over gallbladder region? What causes increasing varicose veins in body? What causes high blood pressure after reducing the dosage of Benicar? Suggest treatment for stinging pain in navel while urinating What causes blood in mouth every morning, sharp pain in mouth and gums? Suggest treatment for severe abdominal pain What causes light vaginal bleeding during menstruation? Do laxatives flush THC out of the system? Suggest treatment for upper right abdominal pain Suggest treatment for recurrent ear infection, pain in and behind ears What causes excessive pre-ejaculation? What causes oily fluid discharge from breast? What causes grey pigmentation around groin area and low libido? What causes headache and dizziness after taking Sertraline? Suggest treatment for viral throat infection Suggest treatment for gastric ulcers What causes blocked ears with occasional popping sensation? What causes slight bleeding and abdominal discomfort after non-penetrative sexual activity? Suggest treatment for the inability to shut eyes at night Suggest treatment for multiple lipomas and umbilical hernia What causes bruise on calf? Hi my question is concerning my great granddaughter who is What do red blotches between the eyes indicate? Suggest treatment for swollen and painful toes What causes heaviness and bloated feeling in lower abdomen? Suggest ways to increase one s height we have a stray catcome tolive withusbut she or he What do these MRI results of neck indicate? Suggest treatment for penile desensitization I just had an surgical abrasion don with a perialnoplasty What causes pain and clicking sound in knee during physical activity? Hello Saturday I had unprotected sex, he said he didn't Suggest treatment for uneven skin tone on face Suggest treatment for stomach pain and diarrhea Can Fertomid cause delayed periods? What causes pain on the left side of the back? Suggest treatment for TB, runny nose and cough Suggest treatment for exhaustion and blood in urine What does this ultrasound report indicate? What causes severe heartburn, headache, abdominal bloating, flatulence and burping? Suggest treatment for swelling in one leg, pain in lower back and legs hi i am currently on clomid it is my 3rd Suggest treatment for itchy red rash on neck What causes elevated GGT level in blood? What causes acute sense of smell in relation to soaps and cleaning products? Suggest treatment for cold, cough and fever Suggest treatment for 4 cm lump in right breast Suggest treatment for persistent swelling of the legs I had a lower GI done a few years ago. Is pregnancy possible despite taking Postinor-2 after intercourse? What causes itchy rash on stomach after taking Clexane? Yes fount out I was pregnant about a mth and Could degenerative back disc disease be a symptom of prostate cancer? my mum had a fall x5 weeks ago, and on Suggest treatment for erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation What causes weight gain with hot flashes, profuse sweating, tiredness and joint pain? What does sensitivity on the chest area after surfing suggest? What causes ear congestion with dizzy spells? Suggest lens power for correction of the astigmatism Suggest treatment for radiating pain from hip to ankle due to arthritis What causes extreme fatigue and frequent headaches? Suggest treatment for painful and swollen tonsils What causes gradually increasing pain in shins and calves after hip replacement? Suggest treatment for cough, shortness of breath and nausea What causes rib cage pain after gall stones removal? Suggest remedy for pain on the calf Suggest medication for dandruff along with red and itchy scalp I am 2 years epilepsy patient first my dr suggested Suggest treatment for heart burn, chest discomfort and shoulder pain What causes pain in the testicle and pelvic area? What causes left arm pain, chest pain and spasms? What causes delayed periods with headache, vaginal spotting and fever? What causes hot and cold flashes, profuse sweating, tremors and headache? What does re-pigmentation at site of surgery after mole removal indicate? Suggest alternative medication for dry cough Suggest treatment for rashes on the body What causes intercostal neuralgia after taking Imuran? What does the following test report suggest? What do white spots on the face of a child suggest? Is Ofloxacin safe during conception? Suggest treatment for stiffness in lower back with headaches Suggest alternative medication for ear perforation What causes pain and discomfort in the upper arm? What do fluctuation in BP despite being on medication indicate? What causes sore nipples with clear liquid discharge and nausea at night? why is my 7 year grandchild so hung up on What does stinging sensation in throat after eating food indicate? Suggest remedy for persistent abdominal pain after kidney stone removal What causes shoulder pain while undergoing therapy for torn ACL in knee? What causes painful menstrual bleeding after a c-section? Suggest treatment for throat lump Will urine test be positive for Marijuana 2 days post smoking? Suggest remedy for intermittent nausea and abdominal pain What does this heart scan report indicate? What do these chest X ray reports indicate? What causes thick and chunky vaginal discharge? What causes mild blood discharge and frequent urination after circumcision surgery? What causes low platelet count in blood? Suggest treatment for incarcerated hernia with bowel obstruction What causes lump right above clitoral hood? What causes sharp pain on the lower back side of head? Suggest treatment for itchy rash on thigh along with difficulty swallowing What causes intermittent sensation of head rush? What does brown colored vaginal discharge during intercourse indicate? Suggest remedy for tingling sensation in head after injury What are the causes of bedwetting in older children? What causes swelling of feet during the daytime? My grandson is eleven months old. He is a quite Suggest alternative medication for scaly skin on legs I have myasthenia gravis and currently on 15 mg of Suggest treatment for uterine fibroids and cyst Suggest treatment for constipation and bloating I WAS HAVING PAIN IN LEFT SIDE TRAVEL FROM BOTTOM What causes light green discharge form surgical site post umbilical hernia surgery? What does this ultrasound report indicate? My child got into a toilet tank that my husband Suggest remedy for heavy and cloudy feeling Suggest treatment for hot flashes, shortness of breath and extreme dry mouth Suggest treatment for severe diarrhea I have a son 5 years that has downs syndrome. Suggest treatment for severe back pain in an elderly patient What causes tiny blisters between fingers and toes? What do body aches, nausea and dry heaving episodes indicate? What are the withdrawals symptoms of Diphenhydramine? Suggest treatment for diarrhea and acid reflux What does a spike in BP after child birth indicate? I am being seen by an ENT again today for Suggest treatment for hernia and stomach pain in child after an accident What do headaches during physical activity suggest? Suggest ways to tighten loose skin and regain erectile function after robotic prostatectomy Is hair transplant treatment safe for hair loss? Can excessive crying cause tonsillitis? What causes pain in back and arms with BP of 158/98? Suggest treatment for severe joint pain, nausea, lower back pain and high BP Can congestion and post nasal drip cause vomiting in a child? What causes persistent popping sensation in ear of a child? Do antibiotics for UTI delay menstruation? What causes headaches, watery eyes, pain in ears and eyes? What causes green bowel movement after eating? Suggest treatment for severe cough and chest congestion What do pain on right side of abdomen indicate? Had my chest xray twice revealed left base pnuemonia, sputum What causes unusual white discharge and lack of release during masturbation? What does my semen analysis test report indicate? Suggest treatment for intermittent muscle spasms in rib area after injury What causes lower left-sided abdominal pain, flatulence, belches and discomfort? Suggest remedy for swelling and burning sensation due to chemical exposure What do headaches and nausea while on birth control pills suggest? Suggest treatment for umbilical hernia Suggest dosage for Gynera Should Lumigan be continued after cataract surgery? What causes strange off balance feeling with tingling sensation in hands and feet? What causes constant pain in scapulae, back and right side of stomach? Suggest remedy for scalp sensitivity and hair fall What causes cyst in uterine cervix? What causes crust formation on eardrum after myringotomy? What does negative pregnancy test and missed period indicate? Suggest treatment for recurrent episodes of abdominal pain What causes boils on back, hand, thigh, chest and stomach? What causes pain in heel and above buttock while on Thyroxine? What does delayed period after taking emergency contraceptives indicate? How to improve hemoglobin levels when blood sugar and BP are high? Are red itchy rashes all over body suggestive of shingles? What does a CRP reading of 20 during pregnancy suggest? What causes dry, burning and chapped lips before and during menstruation? What causes swelling, redness and brown scab on foreskin of penis? Which surgery helps remove stone in ureter by lasering it? Suggest treatment for chest pain while walking Suggest remedy for headaches and bump on head post injury Suggest treatment for sensitivity to heat Suggest treatment for fungal infection on hands and fingers What causes persistent vaginal itching and burning despite taking medication? What causes irritation of the genital area after applying Neosporin? Are 12 Paracetamol and 12 Fluoxetine following wine and gin an overdose? Suggest ways to stop breakthrough bleeding while on Karissa Suggest treatment for facial numbness, muscle twitching and burning sensation in eye What does this CT scan report of the paranasal sinuses indicate? Suggest remedy for stomach pain in an infant after taking external milk Suggest remedy for rashes on the forehead What causes prolonged bleeding while on birth control pills to regulate menstruation? What does this sperm analysis report indicate What causes persistent vulvovaginitis despite taking medication? What causes onset of hepatitis-B symptoms after stopping Liv 52? Suggest treatment for lump at the bottom left side of rib cage What causes cough, breathlessness and difficulty breathing in children? What causes water blisters on hands? What causes sudden abdominal pain and sweating while having juice? Is physical growth hampered in girls after attaining puberty? What causes pins and needles sensations in the right testicle? Is flight travel safe during 7 months of pregnancy? Suggest treatment for liver issues and impeded physical growth What does absence of periods after stopping Nur-isterate contraceptive injection indicate? I have been on depo for 6 years. I stopped Suggest treatment for scalp infection, bump like painful itchy pimples causing dandruff What causes sharp pain in scapulae and hernia in groin area? Suggest treatment for yeast infection and oral thrush Suggest treatment for cold and cough in child Suggest the ideal dosage of Misoprostol and Mifepristone How to withdraw Propranolol? I went to visit my boyfriend on the 25th of Suggest remedy for swelling on the eye Suggest remedy for severe chest pain after eating food Suggest remedy for low potassium levels in blood Suggest treatment for running nose, excessive belching and salivation Suggest treatment for pimples and dark under eye circles hello i am 23 years old but my erect penis Does presence of clots along with blood suggest early miscarriage? How to get rid of dry hair and hair fall? Suggest remedy for high fever and presence of blood in urine Why is the Hucog 5000iu injection prescribed during pregnancy? What does this CT scan report indicate? Does masturbation cause water sperm? Can Prilosec be taken for rectal bleeding? How to confirm pregnancy? Suggest treatment for irregular menstrual pattern I have recently saved a toy poodle, he has been How long does Postinor 2 remain effective? Suggest alternative medication for scabies Suggest remedy for pain in tip of penis due to over masturbation Suggest treatment for black stool while on contraceptives What are the side effects of Attentrol? What does this semen analysis report indicate? Is fluctuating platelet count when diagnosed with dengue a cause for concern? What causes delay of periods after taking Ikaclomin? Suggest remedy for pain and pressure in groin with blood in urine What causes soreness and bumps around vaginal lips after shaving? Suggest treatment for laryngitis during pregnancy Suggest remedy for tight lungs and stuffy nose post exposure to building materials What causes persistent bladder neck obstruction despite taking medication? What does this mammography report indicate? Suggest remedy for black spots on the arms Can anxiety or depression cause nervous feeling and lip trembling? Suggest treatment for red, itchy and bleeding spot on the calf Are there any side effects from masturbation and nightfall? What could sharp stabbing pain in groin after swimming in high waves indicate? Suggest treatment for IBS Suggest medicine to induce periods Suggest remedy for constipation in a toddler What causes delay in periods after taking contraceptive pill? What could white discharge from penis of a child indicate? What could white patches on cheeks indicate? Does Sertraline taken with Cerazette cause irregular bleeding? Are tetanus and rabies injections the right treatments for dog bite? sir! if a child 6 yr old came to a What causes spasm like sharp pain on lower back? Hello! My fiance and I are currently ttc, and I'm Suggest treatment for recurring acne and acne scars on face Can Lezra be taken for infertility in male? Are there any side effects from intake of Monticope tablets long term? hi, doctor, one of my cousin is bitten by dog Suggest ways to relieve the restlessness post Suboxone withdrawal Suggest treatment for stomach cramps and lower back pain Suggest treatment for painful bump on the crease of elbow What causes neck swelling, heart palpitation, throat discomfort and tiredness? Suggest treatment for high BP while on medication Does delayed period suggest pregnancy? Suggest remedy for flatulence after complete abdominal hysterectomy Hi. I am 20 years of age and i have Can Mondeslor be taken for allergy? Suggest remedy for sneezing, shortness of breath and cough Hi I'm Laura 27 I'm having stomach pain but it's Hi Doctor, I will be going on a beach vacation Started out with psoriasis on one knee 30years ago one Suggest treatment for acne due to hormonal issues Suggest remedy for blurred vision while suffering from conjunctivitis What does this angiography report indicate? What causes heart palpitation and arm stiffness after playing video game? During a routine checkup I found my BP to be Suggest treatment for stiff neck and sores on the scalp Is pregnancy possible through withdrawal method? What causes persistent cough, nasal drip and white coating on the tongue? Does Keraglo tablets prevent hair loss? Suggest treatment for heart burn and diarrhea Hi my name is Doug Smith and I've been chewing Suggest treatment for hepatitis B Could Deviry cause excessive sweating and drowsiness? Suggest treatment for eczema on face in a child Hi I Was taking norethistrone tablets to delay my period What causes burning sensation of the tongue after starting vitamin D? Why do babies sometimes refuse to breastfeed? What causes pain and severe swelling in the tail bone area? Hello Sir, Good afternoon. Sir I am a 47 years hi im 35 yrs old and have 22 frozen embryos Are vomiting after taking I pill normal? Hi doctors I wonder if you could help me, for I underwent angioplasty three years back in September 2012. I Suggest medication for severe pigmentation around mouth Hello Doctor, am 32 yr.old mother with my first baby My blood sugar level 140 (fasting) and 177 (2 hrs hi, I am 27 years old. taking progynova 2mg, 2 Suggest treatment for irregular bowel movements in young adult Suggest treatment for severe hair fall Suggest remedy for constipation during pregnancy Is pregnancy possible after taking I pill? Suggest alternative medication for high fever in children What does this ultrasound report indicate? What causes reddish eyes? What causes swelling on the back? Hi my boyfriend got scratched by a rat is he How to abort pregnancy? What quantity of Docusate is safe as a pain killer while suffering from constipation? What causes lumps on forehead and lips? hello sir.. my dad is 63 years old. He is Suggest medication for itchiness on eyes Suggest treatment for persistent fever What causes numbness in the fingers and arms? Is it safe to have sex while suffering from cerebral arteriovenous malformation? How to confirm if abortion is successful? Hello my daughter is 7 years old and has a I am a 70 year old female. have hypertrophic cardiomyopathy Suggest alternative medication for severe ear infection What are the chances of pregnancy after unprotected intercourse? What causes missed period while HPT is negative? Suggest remedy for itching and burning sensation in vagina Suggest treatment for stomach pain, semi watery stool and back pain What does this transvaginal ultrasound report indicate? Suggest treatment for heart palpitations, shortness of breath and mental fog Is squeezing sensation from belly button to lower abdomen indicate real contraction? this really related to a plan for robotic surgery for hello doctor...i missed my periods so i advised to take Hello- I had unprotected sex the third day of my Suggest treatment for IBS Suggest treatment for chronic back pain due to inflamation Suggest healthy way of gaining weight Suggest remedy for painful, itchy bumps on the vagina Suggest remedy for upper abdominal bloating and severe acid reflux What does high HCG level after using abortion pills indicate? I was taking microgestrin 1.5/30 and I asked to be Suggest remedy for female pattern baldness Suggest remedy for fatigue, cough and chest pain after a bout of flu What are the side effects of taking Betnesol during pregnancy? Suggest treatment for facial hair What causes disorderly proliferative-endometrium? Suggest treatment for fractured collar bone Can Cytotec affect the fetus? Is recurrent itchy blister on lower buttocks indicative of STD? OK this is a very awkward question. But when my Suggest treatment for ovarian cyst and irregular period What causes pain in the breast prior to and during menstruation? Hi Doc. I'm 36yrs old, 1.7m tall & 89kg. My about a week ago my chest looked like I had Suggest treatment for skin tear on toe Suggest a diet plan while suffering from diabetes and lack of strength Can Duvadilan Retard tablet cause diarrhea during pregnancy? Suggest ways to lose weight What causes abdominal pain, chronic diarrhea, unusual heart beat and hypertension? What causes brown specs in semen? Suggest treatment for severe fever and frequent urination in a child I am 30 years old and started tanning in a What does this urine and blood test result mean? Suggest remedy for persistent fever with soft stool Suggest treatment for severe hip arthritis and knee arthritis Suggest remedy for itchy bumps in the vagina What does this pelvic ultrasound report indicate? I was woundering.... I donate plasma and I have the What causes stomach sickness, constipation and headache? My son is 1 year and 7 months old. His Suggest treatment for a painful hard lump on the toe How to prepone periods? So I have recently been taking Lolo birth control pills, Suggest treatment for hashimoto s thyroiditis and COPD What causes white open sores on penis? What causes purple bruising and swelling in ankle joint after injury? Suggest treatment for severe stomach pain and nausea What causes sharp pain in lower left abdomen when diagnosed with endometriosis? Suggest treatment for sharp pain under the breast and middle back pain hi i am 27 year old man my triglycerides is hi,doctors i am 23yrs,i got disvirgin on 15th of august How to confirm a successful abortion? Suggest treatment for severe weakness and typhoid fever Are there any long term side effects of Amtas-AT (5+25) on heart? What are the chances of pregnancy through pre-ejaculatory fluid? Hello... Few days ago I inserted my penis. It was What causes heavy vaginal bleeding and extreme tiredness after taking Depo shot? What are the side effects of oral contraceptive pill? Yesterday I fell and scratched my knee. I cleaned the How to treat erectile dysfunction? Could helix piercing cause lump on the side of neck? I am from Sri Lanka.My 4 years baby is suffering What causes hair loss mostly from the crown of the head? What causes heavy vaginal bleeding after embryo transfer? Suggest treatment for blood in semen and pain after urination Suggest treatment for red itchy bumps on the sides of foot Suggest treatment for severe abdominal pain and frequent bowel movements For several years I had 3 rotted teeth with exposed Hi I took mdma 2grams at a 3day festival, it's What causes redness and swelling on lower leg? What are the chances of pregnancy after taking emergency contraceptive pills? Does excessive masturbation causes shrinkage in testicles and reduced girth of penis? What causes orange discharge during bowel movement and stomach pain? What does clear liquid oozing knot on inner thigh suggest? Hi, I am breastfeeding and am having 36 day cycles. Could a white bloody pus from a hard area be insect bite? What causes bruising, swelling and lump on arm after arm injury? Are there any side effects from intake of Martifur tablets for UTI? What causes excess burps after eating? Is Evion the right medication for enlarged, fatty liver? Are low iron, RBC and vitamin D in blood a cause for concern? Suggest treatment for diabetes and dizziness What do loss of peripheral vision, headache and raised painful spot on shoulder suggest? Can non penetrative sex while on birth control pills cause pregnancy? Is it safe to take Ceftum tablet during pregnancy? How to postpone periods after having vaginal spotting? What does this BP level indicate? What does this MRI scan result mean? What causes sharp numbing pain at the bottom of bicep post workouts? What causes continuous vaginal bleeding after Copper T IUD insertion? What causes persistent acne on hydrocele? Is Uprise d3 1000 iu the right medicine for acne and oily skin? What do small rubbery nodes on neck, jaw and around the ear suggest? Suggest treatment for swollen and painful clitoris Suggest home remedy for soreness and redness on arm post intravenous cocaine usage I am a 76 year old man with Ongoing BHP What do sore throat, fever, congested nose and coughing spells suggest? Hi so my story is kinda long, I work at Hi , Due to the delay in period doctor suggested i missed my period LMP IS 31-07-2015 still not get What does this MRI test result for right axillary indicate? What causes difficulty in falling asleep with tremors in body? Suggest remedy for bruised fibula with painful and sore ankles due to fall What causes sudden black outs with headaches and fatigue? What causes acute tiredness and confusion after taking Synthroid? Suggest treatment for throat infection, pneumonia and rapid breathing in a child Suggest treatment for elevated B6 and B12 levels when diagnosed with ulcerative colitis What causes swelling in ankles long after ankle injury? Suggest treatment for extreme hair fall What causes blood in urine in spite of being on antibiotics? What causes pain in lower back and abdomen post treatment for UTI? Suggest remedy for irregular periods after taking Depo provera shot What causes severe chest pain despite following healthy diet and exercise? Suggest treatment for chronic bronchitis in a child My son has had a bad upper respiratory cold. He How to stop thinking about running away and combat depression? What causes recurring fever inspite of taking Ibuprofen in children? Suggest treatment for chest pain and upper back pain while breathing Hi, I am so baffled and would love some insight. Suggest treatment for diabetes , sharp stomach pain , headache and stomach bloating What causes severe itchiness all over the body after taking Oxymorphone 30 mg? What causes abdominal twitching after eating? I woke up this morning and the whites of my What causes persistent UTI symptoms despite taking medication? I had gastric bypass in 2009. Haven't had any complications What level of vitamin k will be acceptable to keep INR level within range? Suggest treatment for a painful lump in the testicle Does discomfort in abdomen and lower back suggest gallstone attack? Hello, I am a 37 year old female, overweight but Suggest treatment for red , swollen and itchiness in the scrotum What causes muscle spasms in legs while sleeping? Suggest treatment for ulcer, high BP, high blood sugar and uric acid My husband has 20 percent heart function...had a angioplasty end Suggest treatment for small itchy bumps on the labia majora What causes nipple discharge after taking medication to treat Vitamin D deficiency? What causes severe burning sensation in the throat , chest and upper stomach? Suggest treatment for headache , stomach ache and sore throat Suggest treatment for severe stomach pain and vomiting Suggest treatment for varicose vein on lower lip Suggest treatment for a large painful lump on the nose How long after having late periods can I take a pregnancy test? Good day Dr. I just want to know what does Today, due to pain and I have a very high Suggest treatment for headache , depression and acid reflux I'm taking Lipitor and Plavix. My Dr. gave me another Can thyroid imbalance cause hair loss? Suggest treatment for chest congestion , nasal congestion and shortness of breath What causes itching sensation on shoulders while on Methotrexate for RA? Suggest treatment for global cerebral dysfunction disease Suggest treatment for chronic tinnitus What does the following abdominal scan result mean in a child? How to treat neurocardiogenic syncope during pregnancy? What causes body tremors, increased heart rate and sleeplessness? Hello. I have an extensive immediate family history of RA, Hi, I have been having pain in my left kidney Suggest alternative medication for Clindamycin i have two children after birth of my sone before Suggest treatment for convulsive seizure in a fourteen year old girl A few days ago my jaw felt as if it What causes severe cramps in feet and calves? What are the side effects of Zeptol? What causes persistent hiccups? What does this spinal MRI test result mean? My daughter is 14 and 4 days ago she was Suggest treatment for severe pain in the lower abdominal pain and groin area Could the pain and swelling in leg be due to clot? Hi, I was looking up amitriptyline and I was reading How is kidney pain manifested? What does delayed period along with gastritis and sore breasts indicate?  What does delayed period along with stomach bloating and dizziness indicate? 
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