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My heart flutters and it starts to race,Is this heart problems ? Chest pain, dizziness. Are this the symptoms of Heart attack or Stroke? Arrhythmia in WPW syndrome I get heart palpatations every day Is this a heart problem or asthma related ? under weight according to height.. What causes a low platelet count? My chest and shoulder veins accompanied by chest pains, what could this be ? Is diabetes going to be a curable disease ? I have been sleeping a lot and i feel sleepy all time Best cooking oil for blood cholesterol patient Can you work while on disability? Having surgery on her blocked artery, kindly help How does salt increase blood pressure ? pro lapsed mitral valve 10 years ago what are some of the signs to low calcium? I have been scheduled to have prostate biopsy done,should I worry about that ? What is the average pulse rate for an adult?? what is the best way for me to get pregnant? I am having premature ejeculation problem, kindly advise me Fighting lung congestion after a CABG, please give me your suggestions! Is it safe to take glucosamine , chondroiti while u have heart disease and kidney problems? i have been feeling depressed and losing my interest in life, please help I want to know about Premature ejaculation Varicose Veins and Blood Clots Why is my chest beating abnormally? What are the causes of low BP ? fasting before a hypertension blood test? What does an internal electric diffribulator do ? how does the doctor determine if you have congestive heart failure ? Diet during high blood pressure Protuded inner labia related questions What are propernol and atenolol ? Are they good in lowering tension ? I am really worried about my heart I have symptoms of blocked artery When do most heart attacks occur in women? How to lower blood pressure? My lower part of the anus is aching What is it when you get a shock feeling in your heart? My heart keeps skipping a beat and then i get a sudden thud. How do I lower my cholesterol ? Can the effects of artherosclerosis be reversed ? Can anxiety disorder increase a person's normal blood pressure? i suffer from menstrual disorder What is the general name for any substance that causes the heart to beat faster? What is congestive heart? Could I have high cholesterol ? I have a slight heart attack. wat can i do? Breathlessness and mild chest pain Which is mighter whether the beauty that appears outside or inside the heart in oneself ? Inject yourself with insulin when your not diabetic I checked my blood pressure after having sweets and it was 367.Is this OK? Does one get diabetes if one eats a lot of sweets ? Why salt is dangerous for the patient of high blood pressure? is smoking healthy? What else can lower my BP ? What factors contribute to cardiovascular disease? Does anyone take Lipitor for cholesterol? Tell me the best remedies to reduce my blood pressure ? How effective LIPITOR is to reduce cholesterol and to prevent heart attacks and strokes ? My mom has high BP, is there anything I can give her or do for her ? My BP is a bit high. What are some ways to make it go down ? Are these symptoms of heart attack or some disease ? 16 year old male with high blood pressure?? best method for contraception, please suggest What were the first signs you had that something was wrong with your heart ? Medication to thin blood What is aortic aneurism ? Tips for someone about to have general anaesthesia If you have 3 weeks left to live, what would you do ? Can too much fast food in one day cause chest pain ? Can I do a massage on someone with Chronic heart problems ? What can happen if your blood pressure gets too high? Is it Heart Problems or Acid Reflux or Black mold ? I Feels like my heart is beating weird I got a vary sharp chest pain and then my shoulder hurts Are stints placed in and around the heart dangerous ? Can a person die of a heart attack while sleeping withouht feeling any pain ? I got stomach pain Should you trust your gut instincts over your physicians diagnosis? Echo stress test After 3 heart attack how long can my friend live? He is 81 now How do you clean out your arteries ? Remove the plaque from How do you prevent congestive heart failure ? Am I having a stroke & now suddenly my legs are tingling I have extremely bad pain in my heart. I am only 15 can I feel heart beating? I had a leak in my heart valve, Can any Online doctor will help me now ? Is shortness of breath a sign of high blood pressure? What is myocardial infraction? My dad has a heart attack like symptoms. Had heart attack 2 yrs ago and is now 84 Pain in left chest while drinking water. What does it mean when you have sugar in your urine ? Could I possibly be diabetic? If a diabetic does not go to the doctor any more, what could happen ? Supplements to lower cholesterol without medication What is a heart murmur and what is the treatment? Anybody out there every suffer a heart attack ? Chest pain in the left side 8yr old 30 kg, Please suggest what to do ? How do you beat a lie detector test ? Can Lipitor help you lose weight? Stabbing pains in my chest/heart Can a 15 year old suffer from a stroke or heart attack? My cousin had been bleeding from her end what may be the reason for swelling in the heart? Can i change my BP medication myself? I have really bad anxiety, please suggest Will aspirin prevent a heart attack? BP 185/124 for 40 years old person. Is it normal? Is minimum alcohol consumption (like 30ml) is good for health esp heart ? bad spell of light-headedness, dizziness, naseau and heart-area discomfort Is there any way to stop this CHF leg edema ? Rapid heart beat 112 beats per minute, should I seek medical help ? Can a 15 year old have a Heart Attack? I have been feeling heart pain, what am i supposed to do? Are my symptoms leading to possible heart trouble ? Can vinegar help to unclog arteries ? Great pulse 150 in a minute means what type of problem is this ? My friends having a heart attack, what do I do ? Can you take an at home Cholesterol test or do you have to go to the doctor ? Control mechanism of a heart attack Flutter feeling in chest near heart. Want to know about heart problem Everytime I breath the air sort of gets caught in every second breath or so and causes me to make this loud noise My husbands BP is 129/51, What does this mean ? Anything Wrong With Slightly Elevated Pulse After Being Active?? I have been having heart mild heart attacks can yo help me I have problems with my pancreaus sometimes. should i go to the hospital ? Can you tell high cholesterol by having an eye test ? What should I do if I have breathing problems with my heart ? Do all hearts sound a like ? Is it ok to not take medicine for diabetes and exercise a lot ? What are the health risks for a diabetic adult ? Is it good to give a diabetic with type 1 diabetes ? Heart beat through my shirt?? Is it safe to have sex immediately after her period Could my dad had a heart attack ? SMOKING , How bad is it ? What are the most important differences between arteries and veins ? My left kidney is hurting. What could this be ? I had an angina at rest a few days ago Blood pressure 110/70 of a 13 years old girl. Is it OK? My sons pulse rate was very low , its only 40 to 56 I have a pain in the left side of my upper chest, right where my heart is and i am obese Explain why high blood pressure is a health concern ? My heart is 75 percent blocked, will I die ? Can stress or separation from your spouse cause/mimic a heart condition ? What can cause rapid heartbeat ? How does caffiene affect your BP ? As blood moves away from the heart blood vessels get what ? What foods can help in recovery from open heart surgery? What are the signs of a blood clot ( In the leg )? I am suffering from Erectile Dysfunction after doing some exercise to enlarge my penis Kindly Pray for my father I have steady high BP, is it really something to be worried about? What could be the cause of My Sharp Chest Pains? Where does BP come from ? I am obsessed with my heart, Please help I have swelling around my eyes, please help me How long does it take to recover from open heart surgery? Over-the-Counter medications for cough and cold 66 year old male had complained of feeling full and nausious for about a month. what could be the reason for this? My cholesterol is really high, can I get help from Online doctor regarding this My 55yrs old father has 3 blocks in his heart, does he need bipass surgery ? home blood pressure monitors I am suffering from gums bleeding, please suggest remedy I have blood pressure, is it dangerous ? What is this scary pulsing on left side of my head ? Is it legal to place a magnet over a defibrillator to cause it to malfunction in order to cause death? Is a heart murmur fixable? whats the symptom of diabetes?? should i fast for a gllucose blood test? Advice me about re-pregnancy, how long would it take for a result ? Chest pain with arm tingle Why is BP measured from the upper arm ? Heart beat 68 per minute at the age of 21. Is it normal? Name of the machine which measures heart rate ? what will happen when you just stop taking medication for high BP ? After taking Coke/Meth my heart began to beat very fast, my left arm numbed, and my chest hardened?I just want my heart beat to slow down. is Circumsion leads to many a complication? How can I lower blood pressure fast ? Is it unChristian to pray for a heart attack to someone ? Why does blood pressure spike higher than usual when you wake up in the morning? Does vinegar really lower your blood pressure ? What is a stroke and is there any known way that helps prevent them ? What would be the normal blood pressure for a man of 75? What is the cause of dizziness? Taking blood pressure,why is it higher in one arm than another ? What should be the BP level for a 13 year old ? Tips for lowering high blood pressure through diet and excercise? Can congestive heart failure be mistaken for COPD ? Why does my heart hurt if i lean on it or if i miss one brethe? I get a small pain inside my chest. My heart starts to flutter repeatedly until I exhale. Is it true when we take yawn our heart stops? Is there any natural substance which i can take instead of high BP medicine? What is a good recipe for someone with heart disease ? What does it mean when your arm keeps falling asleep ? Does BP go up after drink ? What do these little aches near my heart mean ? What is a normal cholesterol score? Would the Blood Pressure rise or fall if a patient suffers an aortic aneurism?? Is there a devise that will monitor your heart rate and and send a signal to help if your heart rate slows or stop? Mild heart pain that comes and goes, Should I be worried ? Can Naproxen prescribed to me cause stomach bleeding? I have a severe headache, should I go to the ER ? Heart attack with out chest pain. Is it possible ? I have a problem of crazy heart beat Blood pressure of 195/100, I need help How quickly can high BP be lowered ? Im thirsty and urinate all the time. I would like to know if i have diabetes or not ? I am still on my period, I am worried, what should I do ? What does an EKG finding of A Fibrillation mean ? Sharp pains in your chest Can it be a serious problem ? is there any possibility to become pregnant?? After a mild stroke, does it occur again for the second time ? How to lower down Triglycerides and increase up HDLs ? Can someone advise me of a good type of technique to flush weed out of my system? Anyone ever heard of dieing of heart diesase and didnt know even you had it ? Heart surgery of a 4 years old baby. Is it risky? My eyes are bulging with pressure and i have dizziness and random heart beat When I am stand still my heart beats incredibly fast ? Why does the heart beat faster after a heavy meal ? What is a vegetative state ? I have a chest discomfort maybe a slight tightness for a couple of weeks Will i get light head as the side effect of BP medication? My heart starting pumping faster and faster, what is this heart problem ? How does high cholesterol affect the heart ? After dinner suddenly my heart beat was 130. Did I have a Heart Attack?? I had heart attack, how can I protect from another heart attack ? Would they have been able to detect angina ? Flat ecg. What does it mean? Does olive oil helps in penis enlargment? Would high blood pressure make the heart pace fast? AWhy my chest hurts after having triple bypass surgery ? My Dad has high BP, how to lower his BP level ? How can I increase my motility rate ? Is masturbation the reason of my headache? I have blood pressure of 140-160/80-90, is that high? My son has abrupt heart rate changes, why ? BP 89/58 at the age of 15. Is it low? Hello, can you guys please tell me about some of these deseases ? I suffer from palpatations and passing out, any ideas ? How can you unclog clogged arteries ? Please give me your suggestion for reduce my cholesterol ? When ever I lie down at night to sleep I feel a thumping in my chest Are in store BP machines accurate ? What things can raise blood pressure? Fast heart beat, shakiness and dizziness. I have been diagnosed pre-diabetic and I have a cholesterol problem, please suggest Before there was insulin how did they cure diabetes ? I cant stop the regular soft drinks what do I do ? The day after I stopped I started my period again, what do I do ? Which permanent method of contraception is good and less complication ? I am suffering from itching & dandruff on my head, please suggest me the remedy My blood pressure was 156 over 95 with a heart rate of 103.Is it normal? What is the technical name for this medical condition? Over time can the hard water build up in our bodies ? After heart attack I have been very depressed What is the top end of normal blood pressure? What is the border line for Systolic blood pressure? school project on heart disease what facts should I put in it? What should I do to fix low BP? heart start to flutter High pulse rate, today I felt like I was going to faint I feel like someone is grabbing my heart and twisting it. Is there something wrong with my heart ? Are these symptoms signs of a stroke? Question regarding to heart palpitations What do I do if my BP is 170/100 ? I seem to get chest pain right around my heart after eating large meals Is there any medical or surgical way to attain menopause for a neuroparalytic patient? How can you beat osteoporosis ? my BP is 167/98, Pulse 65 Why when I snezze or strech does my upper cheast hurt ? Why does my heart skip a beat ? I had angioplasty 3 years ago. How do you know it hasn't comeback? Short of breath, soreness in chest and back when I take deep breath How do guinea pigs have heart problems ? I have been having irregular heart beats. I have very mild tricuspid regurg. How to change the battery of pace maker? What are the chances of survival after a open bypass surgery? Can you use nicotine replacement therapy in myocardial infarction? How can you avoid high blood pressure? Can pure aluminium be used inside body? I have a dull pian in my left arm. Had high BP What happens when someone has a heart attack? What is the normal blood pressure reading for a woman at age of 50? facing overweight problem Chest pain? acid or somthing else? Had my cholesterol checked. My total was 297,but my HDL was 216 Today when my BP pressure was taken it was 156/83 why such a change ? Is it rude to take your insulin in public ? Is there any other medication other than insulin for a 10 years old diabetic patient? If you are diabetic and still crave for sweets, what should you do ? If someones BP is 185/110, what are the chances of him getting a cardiac arrest ? My heart it started beating faster and harder, then slowed, am I going to die ? What is wrong with my Heart, kindly help me Are irregular heart beats dangerous ? Is a BP of 154/98 normal for a young person ? Which is more important heart or brain ? Is it common for a young female to have a heart attack ? Swelling on the skin of my penis my body went numb and tingley and i started to breathe really heavily Does sea salt contain lower sodium than other salts Does my grandma have a good chance of living? She had heart failure I am having a very rapid heart rate and high blood pressure Electrical sensations across my chest when I cough I am having heart palpitations. Should i be concerned? Something my heart does when I breath.It gets stuck? After having something I need to go to loo after sometime high ? Is it dangerous to take Inderol ? Is this a bad BP to have ? My heart feels like its skipping a beat Is it possible that a heart murmer could be causing me to become out of breath quickly? Diet for lower cholesterol I had heart attack, and five way bypass How bad is smoking 10 cigarettes a day ? I have heart problem but doctor didn't recognize it Is my skipped heart beats normal ? Possibility of Heart Problems, Should I be concerned ? What happens if valves in heart stop working ? Did I have a heart attack? What does heart-related chest pain feel like ? Is there any home remedy we can do for this itiching and dry skin ? My cholesterol level is 264, is it fine ? Differance between a heart attack and a stroke How to avoid heart attack ? Sometimes I feel one big thump My fiances BP is 158/83 but his pulse rate is only 50 Does anyone use one of those home BP monitors ? Incurable severe edema congestive heart failure My BP is 280, is this bad ? what foods should be eaten by a person who has hypertension? How can a diabetic correct his waning libido? Is diabetes classed as a disability ? I have missed a period & also inflamed cervix Suffered from a ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm. Is my heart rate and BP within normal range ? What is a good home remedy for chest pains ? Atkins Diet for your heart Can drinking alot of water cause high BP ? BLOOD PRESSURE MEDICATION NO LONGER NEEDED Why do people check pulses in other places except the heart? What is the best thing to do for blood pressure? Why does I got dizziness and faint through overheating ? BP 135/105. Can it give me headache? I have had recently done systolic/Dystolic BP test, please suggest me Blood pressure 106/56 at 17 years old.Is this normal? Fundraising ideas for sick baby what can i eat not eat when havingg high cholesterol? im 16 and my doctor just told me i had tachycardia Which of the following would lower blood pressure rapidly? How do you cope with the death of a close person ? I get a weird heart beat I feel stress in my chest. My pulse rate 60-65. Is it OK? Strong random pains in my heart, please suggest me remedy for it Blood Pressure 145/90.Is this too high? How to lower cholesterol without drug? Does heart rate change when you exercise ? Which is more important BP or pulse rate ? Is wine safe for hypertension? What is Chostrochondritis ? please advise I am suffering from severe heart burn, diagnised as GERD my mum is hypertensive and recently developed diabetis and sleep apnea, please suggest I am having heart flutters. Should I be worried ? Could I be having conjestive-heart failure ? Are You Aware That Canola Oil Is TERRIBLE For You? Can congestive heart failure kill someone ? Why the right side of my head feels numb? Could this have been a heart attack? Can you get cancer in the part of your aorta? Is it true if you have diabetes you lose weight/bodymass? What is type 1 diabetes and how do you get it? Does people gets diabetes at old age ? My blood pressure is 151/ 98. Is this high? I have Pulmonary Tricuspid Artresia What do they usually do for enlarged heart ? What is the nature of coronary heart disease ? please suggest why the face turns blue/black after death due to heart attack ? What is the best way to lower cholesterol without the use of western medicine? Is a heart rate of 49 beats per minute healthy for a 20 year old ? Should I be worried ? Is this sign of a stroke ? Is much sweat a indicator of a bad heart? What does it mean if you have burning in your stomach and its reach heart? Whats wrong with my heart ? What vitamin helps blood clot normally ? Is it possible to recognize heart blockage without ECG? Is putting defibrillator on heart same as general anesthesia? How can you stop your heart for a few second ? Why do we use salt and sugar knowing they can cause heart problems, kidney failure and diabetes? Will stents inserted in your arteries last a lifetime? I experience a irregular mild heart pain that comes and goes Pain in vagina. Is it due to lack of lubricant in the vagina? Is it true that general anaesthesia can cause can cause memory gap? I am getting an echo, Is that heart Murmur ? Paralysis in the left side of her body which went off except left hand Is it possible to have a heart attack in teen age ? My mom had a heart attack and didnt even know it, is this common ? My friend has a heart murmur and wants to try Ecstasy, Is this is serious problem should i be deeply concerned ? Why do people dead of massive heart attacks ? Is WPW syndrome considered to be a type of heart disease ? My moms is very tired, please help I have sharp pain in my chest when i laugh, cough, sneeze etc I\'ve been feeling warm all the time How Dangerous are heart palpitations ? Anybody diagnosed with PVC (premature ventrical contractions)? What is causing my palpitations and what can I d o? What symthoms would you get if you were having a heart attack ? Is it true that avocado can cause heart blockage ? I am having trouble in my lungs and heart area. It hurts to breath in should i be worried about a blood pressure spike? What if I am twenty years old and my BP is running 144/75 should I be concerned ? How dangerous is blood sugar of 400 ? 19 year-old would develop diabetes? Does my dad have diabetes ? Does smoking make your BP go up ? Symtoms of heart attack but does not want to go to emergency, please help What is the proper diet for gaining weight? What is the good BP level for a 58 years old female ? symptoms to having high blood pressure If 40mg lipitor doesn't reduce cholesterol any more than 20mg -should I go back to 20mg? What does it mean when the blood pressure is 119/94 ? I have 5 balloon and stent. Do you know why they are swollen ? is it true that I shouldn't eat dark green vegetables while taking plavix? Trade name of warfarin Is there any link between anxiety disorders and heart disease? I take atenolol 25mg and I have been experiencing body tingling Quadruple bypass surgery How can i control masturbation?? How much money does a cardiovascular surgeons make ? I am having irregular periods, what could be the reason for it ? What do u eat if u get high BP ? Can i have heart palpitation due to contraceptive pill or iron pill ? Is salt still bad for me even though I have normal BP ? About Warfarin- the anticoagulation therapy drug I was so scared I might have heart attack. It was kinda hard to breath right at that moment when it jumped. What causes the Heart to keep beating, and eventually to stop? Low cost medication after heart attack How can I get an open heart surgery scar to disappear ? My heart only beats 47 times per minute, should I be worried? My BP was too high & my heart beat was fast too, what should I do ? I was under BP medication, but now my bp has been totally fine, should I keep taking them ? What not to eat for high cholesterol limit(ldl 300)? I had a hart pain. Could I have a heart attack? Stress test or echcocardiogram diseases associated with blood group o+ What is the best way to lower the cholesterol level ? What kind of excersice could you do if you dont run ? Why did my father die of heart failure in Kaiser's care? My Daughter is 16 and she said she had a headache, please suggest remedy for her Why are most old people on cholesterol medications ? Is this a heart attack symptom or just a chest pain ? I am very upset and tired Is there a way to prevent diabetes ? Will I get a diabetes ? I Hurt Myself Falling on my Hip or Tailbone.please suggest me soon Can cholesterol stay on your arteries? What does it feel like if you have high blood pressure ? Where do you think most heart attacks take place? Whenever I am in crowd my heart beat increases and hands shiver ,please advise me Ex heart by-pass patient with swelling legs, kindly suggest Is it true you can have a massive and be gone instantly? Is this serious, what should I do ? My BP is 155/102, is it serious ? If u got told you have 3 weeks left to live, what will you do ? In high blood pressure what we can eat? My boyfriend is worried of dying a premature death form heart, please help him Does stress can course heart attack ? Why my BP is high ? My blood pressure is 105 over 66. Is it normal? Experiencing Numbness and tingling in hands and feet. Why? Who posses knowledge in medical terminology ? I have abnormal heart beats. Is it only because of anxiety or something else? Could I have a serious heart problem ? Is it normal to feel like your heart stopped pumping ? what non-medication methods have you Methods of lowering BP without medication My BP is 130/90. And i am 24. Is it OK? Will my heart beat a bit fast as before ? What causes low BP ? What type of race or ethnic group is heart disease found in? What I have to do to lower my cholesterol except of proper diet and medication? Whats wrong when I cant get my BP regulated ? What is the effect of wine on High BP? Is it safe to have ECG and BP tests in a same day ? What should I expect having an ECG done? lumbar spondylosis with calcification of the D12-L1 What causes the heart to enlarge ? My son had a heart attack, please suggest I am suffering from heart palpitation. I just had my 3rd baby and i am 30 Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease Why does my heart always get strikes in it? Is it bad to experience heart palpitations ? Random heart beat, blackout, low BP at the age of 18 Am I diabetic based on this symptoms? I am a little paranoid. Ants gather around my urine...Am i diabetic? What drugs show up in the drugs test ? What can you take for your heart except aspirin? If you punch someone in the heart can he/she will die ? Can an overdose of Coumadin and Lovenox leads to death? My sister has a problem of vaginal discharge.Very weak and tired and feel pain in legs after walking some distance. Is it really possible to die of a broken heart? Seems like a circulation problem but why would it affect just my left hand ? Can a person under 20 get a heart attack ? I drank 3 cups of margaritas last night, my resting heart rate was 120 Natural remedies for high BP Could you suggest me the cause of high BP reading ? Extreme high BP. Please Help ? I feel my blood going fast and my head is disy why ? My friend Robert has high BP of 160/90. other related problem is nerves pain at back of the neck. What does it feel like to die ? Why is high BP such a health concern ? How to control high BP without medication? How would I know if I have cholesterol ? How and why did she have a heart attack ? what is hypertension? and what are the symptoms of its? What are the best medication available to clean clogged arteries ? Should I check my cholesterol levels, please suggest me I am feeling very low how to get out of the feeling ? Sex after an heart attack What is the difference between TIA & CVA? Some time my heart beats slow and sometime fast. Is it normal? Is 150/80 a good BP reading ? What should I do to avoid having nosebleed again ? Can i take warfarin and asprin both at a time? what is the minimum heart beats a minute and the maximum?? After Polio doctor recommended the new vaccine ROTARIX,Is it compulsory?? I have suffered from severe anxiety disorder My heart rate while resting is around 95-110, all reports are normal. My boyfriend has a severe heart pain, He was born with a hole in his heart. He is just 17 What is wrong with my heart ? Rapid heart rate and low blood pressure with shakes Is walking bad for blood pressure ? What is meant by low BP ? Is the reading of 107/66 consider low ? Is 86 blood pressure bad How can I prevent myself from getting diabetes? I was diabetic, how can I change my eating habits ? Can anyone bring out positives in being a diabetic? My wife has 90/60 Blood pressure. Is it considered low ? What is the name of the blood vessels which carry blood to heart? If i was at a risk of a heart attack would the doctor told me by now ? Died of a sudden heart attack What steps should you take if somebody is having a heart attack ? Drugt test How does hypertention, hyperlipidemia, and smoking, participate in the pathophysiology of atherosclerosis ? Is it dangerous to drink alcohol and take plavix and asprin? Does statin drugs reduce carotid artery blockage ? My blood pressure reading shows high, why it is so ? Do they make you feel breathless and enable you to do exercise ? I keep having chest pains and what could these pains be as ive had an ECG and it showed up clear ? I am extremely scared of my BP 138-121 Is weight training bad if you have been diagnosed with high blood pressure? Diet during diabetes I have heart stomach pain. I was a smoker and drinker I have borderline high cholesterol and blood pressure Should I worry about heart enlargement ? Blood pressure is 114 over 68 My chest has been hurting, normal heart rate of 15, My heart hurts, help me please High Cholesterol at 16, am I gonna die early now ? My heart was going very fast, please help Does aspirin help to prevent heart attack? 130 over 90 blood pressure. Is it normal? How to lower my cholesterol? Does congestive heart failure its edema ? What are the risks involved in uneven heart beats ? Is low blood pressure a good thing? My son has a leaky aortic valve. Does he need a surgery? What do you mean by low sodium diets? how much the drug will lower my cholesterol ? The heart consists of three chambers, what are the names of the three ? My grandma had a heart attack and the amount of stress on her heart got higher My heart fluttered, what does this mean ? Why does my heart beat fast? What does a heart attack sound like ? I am really tired and light headed.My blood pressure is a 100 systolic Why am I having mild chest pains ? What is the term for a racing heart? I have Mitral Valve Prolapse Blood sugar 474, is that high ? What happens in diabetes? Is there a treatment for diabetes 1?? What is the fastest way to quit smoking ? Is 189/122 BP level good or bad ? My IQ is 146 is that high or low ? My heart is acting up and donot know what it is? Does emotional affect your heart beats? How is my BP level ,is this BAD or what ? How can you know if someone has had a heart attack ? What should be the reason for fast beating of heart? why sometimes my heart beats so fast as though it is going to fall out? what could make an ekg go from normal to abnormal in two weeks? Do I have a heart condition ? What makes a person have an heart attack ? How to relieve pain from Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator Surgery? Is it normal to have a fast heart beat ? How excersicing prevents a heart attack ? Can a persons heart stop without reason ? How i get rid of whooshing & heart-beat sound in one ear ? Have high blood and am on medicine Sometimes my heart beats strangely, what may be thee reason ? Problem of irregular menustreal cycle, please suggest me Male penis turns into black at certain age, pls tell me any home remedies for this problem! What would a dangerous BP reading be in women ? Teeth Extraction Hereditary high BP, Can it be lowered without medicine ? I have broken heart, please advice I have heart pains at the age of 20. I am not fat and not a smoker How is possible to live with angina pectoris ? I am wearing a halter heart monitor, when my heart is racing I have a bad pain all in my chest when i am too much stressed. Is it the sign of heart attack? Abnormal EKG Doctor says Every thing is Fine Is seafood the prime source of iodine? Sudden high blood pressure My 70 years old mother has a fast heart beat I am suffering from chest pains. Now its starting to keep me awake at night. My BP is 127 over 99, is this normal ? Treatment for tachy cardia Side effects of coumadin When i wake up in the morning my right arm and hand is completely useless. Is it sign of having stroke? Will yoga or medication cures heart attack ? I have severe dizziness and swelling legs, what is this a sign of ? High Blood Pressure At Young Age, Help Pelase Can parkinsons suffers drive a car ? How high can your blood sugar level be ? Eating crabs in diabetes. Is it OK? Are cpr and first aid the same thing ? Do GPs Lie and Why ? Congest heart failure symptoms Heart pains at young age how to reduce blood cholesterol How to get out of depressions? How to cure high blood pressure? How many times can one have heart break? How can I lower my Blood Pressure without Medication My 8 year old has a rapid heartbeat, please help Is caffeine good for the heart and brain? How do I lower my BP ? Weird heart rate, should we go to the ER ? I get a high cholesterol level but i maintain a proper diet I want to reduce my weight. Give me suggestion What is it mean when your heart has palpitations at random times ? I am 24 having high BP I have high cholesterol, its genetics? What causes irregular heartbeat ? Is a pulse rate of between 40 and 45 normal? my mother has severe chest pain due to high BP, please help I have been having chest pain for the past few weeks. What could this be ? Why does my heart beat too fast when I smoke? Can cholesterol be controllable ? I feel a fast beating in the side of my throat Sometimes I get numbness in the left shoulder blade, please suggest me I get anger very soon for no reason. Suggest me a remedy I am planning to have a Gastric Bypass Operation Can hypertension lead to heart attack ? What is a safe and natural way to lower cholesterol ? My heart started beating really fast after i smoke weed one day All blood count came back normal & I am still feeling sick. Symptom of arteriosclerosis Hoe to lower cholesterol and clear arteries without medicine? MY sons glucose is 290, do I keep him home w/t fluids ? I have symptoms of Type 1 Diabetes like rapid weight loss, more thirsty than usual, recurrent thrush. I am 17.Suggest me a remedy Is there any risk for having baby from diabetic patient? Apart from drugs, what can you do to help a hypertensive person from getting stroke? Are there any disadvantages of having sprouts ? complains about vomitting feeling Is 21 too young for breathing / heart problems? BP 170/100. How do i control? I get heart pain when I put pressure on this area. What could be the reason? My blood pressure is at 200 over 120. Is it normal? DO U THINK THAT ITS MAKING ME WORSE BY THINKING IM ABOUT TO HAVE A HEART ATTACK ? is there any homeopathic medicine to reduce cholesterol? Is there a treatment for artery blocking a heart ? Is Consumption of alcohol, cause of increasing HDL cholesterol ? Is lifting weights a high risk with atrial fibrillation ? Why was my heart beating so fast?? How do I find out how to apply for Disability Living ? Severe pain in the upper right hand side of the chest, please suggest me the remedy Pain in my chest right below my left breast? What do you think? I have been having heart palpitations for 3 months, is this something serious,that I might need to go see a cardiologist ? Difference between a heart stroke and a heart attack Is high blood pressure dangerous? hole in my heart,need information, please suggest me At what age I can be a vegetarian to prevent heart diseases? My BP is normal but why my heart is beating faster than normal ? What would cause heart attack symptoms? hypertention vs. heart rate confution Had heart attack 9 months ago and cant seem to be able to regain any energy, please help Is it normal to have a low BP but high pulse rate ? How to prevent heart attack? I have noticed that I get short breath. My heart rate is 79-85 per minute when relaxing is it normal ? How does Aspirin help during a heart attack ? What is the difference between a massive heart attack a heart attack? enlarged heart What does this mean? How to Lower BP without pills ? I have done a glucose home check today and my blood glucose seems to be 8mmol/l What should a type 1 diabetic with a sugar addiction do? Can type 2 diabetes be reversed ? how do you know if your having a palpitation ? Is erectyle dysfunction or impotence curable ? Is my heart normal ? My dad has just had a stroke, is this a normal short term thing ? 130 beats per minute a fast heart rate. Is struggling to get a full lung of breath a bad sign ? What are the effects of Primolut-N on pregnancy? How to manage high blood pressure without medication ? Repetitive chest pains, what could the cause be(In heart vicinity) ? My heart keeps palpitating, feels like its going to burst How long does your BP have to be 179/140 before you have a stroke ? I think i am gonna throw up my heart Whether the steroids will affect the sex life , please guide him Can anyone tell me anything about atrial fibrillation of the heart? Having pain in my penis,Could you please advise on what can be done to cure this ? I started getting sharp heart pains, please help What is a heart murmur ? Faulty heart valve. A relative has been diagnosed with a faulty Female with high blood pressure How do I get him to understand he is going to give me a heart attack ? BP 110/60. Is it normal? what is the causes heart palpitations ? My pulse rate is 112/min. Having a severe cold My heart rate is around 85-90, is this normal ? My 2 years daughter has a systolic murmur. Is anything serious? At what point is High Blood Pressure too high? Does he have loss of concentration ? Heart transplant What does it mean when you feel shakier and your heart ? I faint down recently and i cannot remember anything about the incident I have been trying to conceive from past 2month What causes weight gain while you are on Lexapro ? Heart rate 80. Is it Ok? My HDL is 5, what can I do to increase the number ? Is pulse rates the same as your heart beat ? I really need to get my blood pressure down in order to return to work When your BP is taken, what does it mean ? Problem of premature ejaculation Is 206 beats per minute high when exercising? Is masturbation and sexual intercourse reason for loosing my weight ? How to get high without doing drugs ? What factors contributes to heart attack and how to prevent this ? What laxitive would be least suitable for use by a diabetic ? High diabetis and sugar Loss of breath and rapid heart beat Blood pressure reading: 152/93 and pulse: 87.I am taking BenicarHCT40 mg daily Could you be having a heart attack and not even know it ? Is it alright to get rid of your pacemaker once you feel better with your heart beat? I have chest pain. I m 18 and was born 2 months premature and a twin What are the bad effects of low blood pressure 87/57? BP 158/88. Should i be worried? my blood pressure is 91/41. is it normal? Can light smokers also catch sum kind off heart disease ? I have a pain in my Heart when I am tired, what could them make ? What is fh(FAMILIAL HYPERLIPIDAEMIA)? Can I still drink alcohol with a heart murmur ? Are stints placed above or below the heart ? My heart stops beating for about 2 minutes. What is this? No sinus infection or brain tumour symptoms, I have runny nose My grandpa is breathing really hard, What do I do ? Why would someone have a massive heart attack after a long flight? My heart is racing very fast at the age of 17. Is it OK? How to control high bood pressure without taking madicine? Early heart attack symptom How short is my life looking ? I need information about open heart surgery I started getrting a lot of pain all over my body Is it possible to vary blood pressure in a day of a same person? How long til their blood pressure goes down ? Can I have sex during Pregnancy ? Does anybody know if high BP medicine can decrease your sex drive ? My blood pressure rises and I get dizzy and paranoid Heart discomfort Is congestive heart failure a symptom or a disease itself ? Does hard palpitations in heart is caused due to asthma? I am frequently getting strokes in the left side of my neck Should i do the blood test for HIV after having an intercourse with an unknown person? How do you know if someone has had a stroke ? My heart is skipping beat dialating my pupils Could I have heart disease ? Why do doctors ask about calf pain when I have a heart problem ? Sperms come out of mouth directly Did I have a heart attack ? please suggest How do you prevent future diabetes ? How do you no if you are diabetic? Is excessive thirst a symptom of diabetes ? Difficulty in breathing and heart beating faster and harder than normal Heart Murmurs, What exactly are they and are they herditary ? Please answer does drinking of diet soda causes heart disease or heart problems ? What happens if a person has a Heart Rate of 200 beats/ min ? nose bleeds continuously. Why do not more people get strokes and heart attacks? Is it serious when you experience yourself fainting more than three times? Irregular Heartbeat at night and no pain I get mini heart attacks, what could I do to stop those ? My blood pressure is 112 over 75 and my pulse is 98. Is it normal? Strange problem of fear of death Is this OK for moving my mom just after 7 days to nursing home, after a stroke? My mom has a heartburn. She smokes and she is overweight Medical term for Low Blood Pressure Does coffee hurts our organism ? What are good things to put in a care package for heart surgery patient ? My dad has high triglycerides and he is diabetic What are the systems of elevated BP & its effects ? What is some of the ways to lower your blood pressure without medicine? I have a tingling feeling in my left arm.What is it? How to Perform CPR? I keep having heart attacks, kindly help My BP is 150/90. How it is? Can anyone get heart attack by this? I have had a chest pain on my left side, please help Will BP effect your eyes ? Heart beat 174 at the age of 28. Is it OK? yoga for heart desises Is there any relation between anxiety and cholesterol? How to minimize LDL (cholesterol)? Pre-Hypertension, should I be concerned about it ? Is there something wrong with me or am I just stress in ? is it possible too have a heart attack at young age ? My heart keeps skipping beats in every two minutes My doctor told me i should be euthanized.What does that mean? my right foot started hurting and swellin for no reason I need a heart image My heart flutters up at least 5 times per day. But i have no pain BP 235/100 at the age of 16. What could be the reason for this? What are the chances my child will be diabetic ? Is the food industry responsible for obesity problems in America? Is it possible to have a blood sugar level of over 500 ? What is a normal blood pressure for a healthy woman? Effects of aerobic exercises over heart What should I do if I am experiencing early signs of a heart attack ? I have Been told my cholesterol is 9.5 Why would thicker blood cause a heart attack? Is 42 heart beats per minute normal for someone who use to sit in front of computer for long? What is the effects of quitting smoking? How can I make my boyfriend stop worrying about my heart ? Can you hear your heart beat ? My mother is having palpitations. Is this heart rate too high ? Can someone cause a persons stroke? What medicine do you take when your heart stops ? My heart was pounding for 30 minutes,should i be worried ? What is the difference between a Heart Attack and a Stroke? Can doctors repair carotid arteries which is 100% blocked ? How can I donate my eyes and heart after death? How can I reduce my cholesterol level ? Implantable heart defibrillator Why would life expectancy be so low ? How does this make sense. How to understand the difference in diagnosis ? is warfarin the only oral anticoagulant approved ? I am noticing consecutive and multiple irregular heartbeats. Am I worried ? Why does my chest hurt? what is the difference between Angina Pectoris and Myocardial Infarction ? Is 140/90 blood preassure is ok for a 50 year old? If I get a implantable heart defibrillator will I still be able to drive ? Which one is worse to have, high BP or high cholesterol ? Can an infection of the teeth will travel directly to the heart valves ? I have high pulse rate. What do you think of this opinion, should I relax and just listen to him ? I felt sick and took my blood pressure. It was 200/102..Is it ok? What happens if you are diabetic but never get it diagnosed ? Can diabetics go into university ? Insulin injections or oral medication. Which one is better? What is the relation between diabetes and alcohol ? Effects of using of mobile on health Is there anything I can do to reduce my risk of heart attack ? Greasy and milky material coming out of her secrecy with very bad smell My heart rate increases then stops suddenly. Should I get this checked ? I want to know about the surgery for the new valve Do people really get heart attacks from being scared ? How can a person have low good chelostorl? Is this a normal blood pressure ? There s this uncomfortable beat I wake up to and when I fall asleep My son has been diagnosed with a 5-7 mm hole in the heart. Shuld he be operated upon at this age ? my age 28 and i have high bp with 150/104 pls. Can i have chocolate in high cholesterol? Is my mom very frail ? What exactly is a heart attack & iits cause ? Is it ok to have many extra heartbeats on a daily basis ? What is a inlarged heart ? Why is tobacco legal but you cant smoke a joint comfortably ? Chest pain in 18 year old Discomfort and mild pain around scar What are normal heart sounds caused by? Low blood pressure,108 over 70 Can you have a heart attack and not be aware of it? Can you lower your cholesterol level without medication ? What is cholesterol ? Can you never participate in hard sports if your on coumadin? I am very lazy & depressed in my life. what to do ? how do you know if you are having a heart attack? Anybody know anything about BP or angina pain ? Can we know whether there is any blockage in artery in heart at home without ECG ? Is a heart attack and angina the same thing ? When My wife BP level will come to normal ? Wound on his leg after an angioplasty What is the difference between CORONARY and CONGENITAL heart disease? Suitable gift for the heart attacked patient Please suggest me suitable medication for abortion I have high blood pressure at age 19 What is the another terms for heart failure? Is chest pain accompanied with all heart diseases? Can a person with heart problems take sleeping pills ? What is the chances to get an another heart attack after 2 attacks? My heartbeat gets over to 120-123. What shall i do? How do you know when your blood sugar is too high? Is glucose a natural sugar ? Vasal Vagal Syncope What can I do to lower BP without meds ? Did i just kill a person ? My husband get infected whenever we have intercourse What can I do to make it remain low my BP ? Can i do dumbbell exercises in ischemic heart condition? Can drinking too much beer cause Cardiac arrest/Arrhythmia ? What is heart murmur? My heart hurt when I smoked marijuana how long arteries have to be blocked due to an unhealthy diet result as a heart attack ? What tissue divides the two sides of the human heart? How old can you be to have your frist heart attack? My mom had a heart attack and other artery is 65% blockage, is she OK ? What is the best natural cure once you have an onset clogging in your heart arteries? I am suffering from chest pain. Is it only because of anxiety or some heart disease? This is not ER worthy is it ? Is drinking soda injurious to health? Are there any symptoms of extremely high BP ? My heart thumps harder, and I feel weaker after I eat a meal Current blood pressure: 170/105. Do I need to go to the ER ? What are natural methods to increase blood pressure ? Is it normal to have low BP ? What is the correct procedure for dealing with a suspected heart attack? How do I lower my cholesterol naturally ? Do we need to wash our genitals before and after sexual intercourse? Is it true that you can stop a heart attack by coughing ? What is considered too high for your blood pressure? What are some things to help out a high BP ? what causes heart attacks? We are planning for a baby now What fruit lowers BP ? Is there any alternate way of avoiding gum problems can bulimia lead to irregular heartbeats? My BP was 153 ,is that right ? If you have aortic valve stenosis, can you ride the roller ? What may be the reason for bad smell of urine? Prognosis for someone with a left ventrical ejection My mother has a chest pain and her face is sort of reddish. heart disease is it hereditary? I am always thirsty and really tired at night but can never sleep. How could I help a friend with diabetes ? I am 29 years old and I have type 2 diabetes, please help What are the symptoms of a heart attack for women ? What is the care a person with heart attack ? How does one get rid of a heart murmur ? When BP is high what do you do to bring it down ? Recurrent Chest Sensation/Pain How to avoid pregnancy ? My blood pressure is bad, but not sure what to do I am having chest pains. What could be the reason for this? how serious are blood clots in your legs? Heart operation in age 16 Chest pain above the left breast My dad is having heart surgery, How risky a procedure is this ? is there any way to beat sea sick? Is a person working as an intern in a hospital considered a DR ? What is the diet to lower cholesterol ? slightly enlarged heart with blood pressure My blood pressure is 128/73 and my pulse/min is 95 I feel like my heart just did a flip flop or a cartwheel What would I classify my condition as ? If i smoke and not eat properly, what is the chances to get heart attack? i am 15 My mom has high BP and dizziness, please help Is exercise truly important for a bad heart? Will an Umbilical Hernia get worse with light abs work ? My 5.5 years old nephew has cataract. Is it to early to operate? Deficiency of haemogoblin in blood Is there any physical harm of masturbation? Is it possible to have a cholesterol level of 5000 ? What are the limits cholesterol can be ? How can you tell if you are experiencing heart palpitation? Does pain in the right arm a sign of a heart attack? Does eating a meal raise blood pressure? I have a weird heartbeat, what should i do ? I get like a prominent heart beat that lasts about 1-3 seconds What is a stroke? High BP medicines What is the medical term for high blood pressure? can a teen have a heart attack? Please find out what could be this ? If me & my fiance both have 0+ blood, Will this affect us having children ? Why am I not lossing weight ? Periods get postponed by 2-3 days Where can i get a free blood pressure test professionally? What is a quick way to lower BP ? Mediation for blood pressure Test for coronary artery disease Is it OK to have coffee when you have high blood pressure? Has anyone had a QUIN heart by pass Are french fries a weapon of mass damage, that is to heart and arteries ? Short breatheing, heart pounding very strong is surgery can cure my hearing loss Could heartrate of 220 be normal How to manage renal calculi? May be I am suffering from a minor heart attack My dad had a heart attack, will he be okay ? I was getting Chest pain while walking, Please help
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